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03x04 - Invisibly Yours, George

Posted: 04/06/22 11:14
by bunniefuu
Randy, we've got a problem.
I said to call me.

Oh, I thought you
said call for me.

My whole family
is still at home.

Mrs. Jetson, uh, may
I see you for a minute?

I recognize Mrs. J alright.

Uh, but I don't know the name
of the handsome young fellow.

Unless it's hanky panky.

That's Mr. Orbit.

The superintendent
and resident busy body.

- 'Mom. Oh, mom.'
- And that's Elroy.

The super intelligence
and resident big ears.

I better get
my jacket for school.

Not today, dear.

You always tell me
to take my jacket.

- Do you always listen to me?
- No.

Then why start now?



- What do you need, dear?
- My arm and my topcoat.

- It's not cold today, dear.
- Then I'll just take my arm.

And, uh, whoever's
at the other end of it.

Oh, there you are.
You were in the wrong room.

The washer dryer's
in the kitchen.

Jane, what's wrong
with the washer dryer?

Haven't you noticed

It's been losing
your buttons lately.

See how loose they are.

I think you're losing
your marbles, Jane.

I gotta change
this shirt now.

I didn't call
for a service man.

The washer dryer is
in better shape than I am.


Not anymore.

Randy, oh-oh,
I mean, Mr. Serviceman.

You better not..

Jane, I'm all out..

...never mind.


Yyyes, sir.

'What do you stalling for,
you lazy almost ex-employee?'

'I want you here
and I want you now!'

'You'd better kiss
your wife goodbye'

''cause you won't
be seeing her'

'till the wee hours
of the morning.'

Yes, sir.


'Anybody seen Jetson yet?'

(male #1)
'Jetson is here, atlast.'

'And better take this, George.
You're gonna need it.'

'Jetson, get to
the lab at once.'

Uh, which one, sir?

Oh-oh. This one.

You're not only late,
you're a mess, Jetson.

But a good head start
for experiment, Uncle Cosmo.

Right, right.
You remember my nephew.

He's comin' up with
a brilliant new invention.

You want to explain it, Orwell
or, uh, should I?

Why don't we just
demonstrate it, sir?

First, a Martian minestrone.

Let me, let me.

The Saturnian spaghetti.


Maybe just a little
too much oregano.

- Now for the best part.
- Thanks just the same.

But I couldn't
eat another thing.

The Spacely's Spot Remover.

'Guaranteed to make all kinds
of dirt and grime disappear.'

That's funny,
I don't feel clean.

That's because you're not
and it's not funny.

Well, I guess it's back
to the old drawing board.

And without drawing another
check until you come up

with somethin' that works.

And you, Jetson.

Go run yourself
through a car wash.

'Jetson! We're ready
for you again.'

Uh, well, I'm busy
right now, Mr. Spacely.


Uh, I guess I'm not
as busy as I thought.

'Lower away, Orwell.'

'Into the oil vat.'

Oh, no.

This ought to do it.

'Third time's a charm,
Uncle Cosmo.'

'The time is
exactly 10:15 p.m.'

'Your overtime starts
at 12:00 midnight, George.'

Mr. Spacely can keep
his overtime, RUDI.

He's not using me
for a guinea pig anymore.

After that last time,
I got six quarts of oil

out of my ears alone.

- 'Jetson!'
- Oh-oh.

Not this time,
Mr. Spacely.

- 'Oh no?'
- Oh, no!

Okay, Orwell.

Either that stuff cleans him up
or I'll mop the floor with you.

This new formula can't miss,
Uncle Cosmo.

And I can't miss either.

Mr. Cogswell, Harlan here.

Spacely's been working
overtime again, sir.

'I just picked up a full load
of his throwaways.'

Bring it all in
for examination, Harlan.

Never know what that dumb-dumb
Spacely might be throwing away

that we might use.

'You are an
invaluable man, Harlan.'

Well, in that case, can we talk
about a raise in my salary?

Uh, sorry, Harlan,
I can't hear you now.

Too much static.

Something must be wrong
with my Vis-A-Phone.


ha ha

I can't believe how
much money in raises

I save that way.

I sure wish Mr.Spacely would
treat me with more respect.

He treats me
like I'm nothin'.

Boy, am I beat.
I can't wait to get home.

Well, nobody's gonna
break the 500 mile per hour

speed limit tonight.


Ernie, do you see
what I don't see?

Huh? What? Where?

'Ernie, that guy
who's speeding.'

'He's got no head.'

'Yeah, right. Maybe he's on
his way to the hospital'

'for a head transplant.'

Or he's a crook wearing
some sort of a disguise

like, uh, what my wife uses.
Mmm, vanishing cream.

Only with my lousy luck
she never vanishes.

Let's get him.

Okay, you.

Whoever you are,
and if you are, pull over.

But, officer, I didn't
do anything wrong.

That's what they
all say, pull over.

Officers, honest,
I didn't do anything wrong.

Do you hear that, Ernie?

Yeah, but where's
it coming out of?

Okay, wise guy.

You must be some sort of
a ventriloquist, or something.

'Only you're the dummy
and you lost your head, right?'

- Officer, I don't understand.
- You don't have to understand.

You're coming with us.
Now, now, wait a minute.

Hell, I hope you guys
are satisfied.

You've ruined
a perfectly good outfit.

Ernie, I know we're cops,
but I'll scream if you will.

You can scream,
I'm running!


Hmm, I wonder what
they're so afraid of.

I better get home
before Jane and the kids

'start worryin' about me.'

Shh, Astro. Don't wake
the kids and Jane.

Wow! What a dream.

Hi, honey, I'm home.

Hmm, she's not here.


Oh my gosh!
Where's the rest of me?

I'm invisible!
How did that happen?

The spray.
Mr. Spacely's spot remover.


'Hello, who's there?'

'Who's calling?
Is this a prank call?'

'I don't see you,
whoever you are.'

It's me, Mr. Spacely.
George Jetson.

That, that spot remover spray
your nephew invented

doesn't remove spots,
it removes people.

'Look what it's done to me.
I need help.'

Good grief, George.

If that's you,
you're invisible.

'Do you what this means?'

It means my family
will never see me again.

It means I'll never
see me again.

I'm beginning to miss
myself already.

'What it means, George,
is millions of dollars'

'for Spacely's rockets.'

'I don't want you to say a word
about this to anybody.'

'Even your wife.
This is top secret.'

'You understand?'

But what about me, Mr. Spacely?
I can't stay like this.

Look at it this way, Jetson.
You haven't lost yourself.

'You've gained a happy boss.'

Shh. Astro, not a word
to George, this is our secret.

This isn't a dream,
it's a nightmare.

That sounds like Jane.

I can't let her
see me this way.

I've heard of being topless,
but this is ridiculous.

Do I need a disguise.

- George, are you asleep?
- Is that you, dear?


George, why're you wearing your
nightcap down over your face?

Oh, uh, I think
I'm getting a cold.

And, uh, my mother
always told me

when you have a head cold,
to keep your head covered.

Your whole head,
including your face?

I can't see you.

Uh, believe me if I took it off,
you'd see a lot less of me.

What? George, why're you
acting so strange?

Talk about strange.

You wanna tell me
where you've been so late?

Not until you tell me
why you're acting strange.

Not till you tell me
where you've been.

In that case, there's nothing
more to tell each other.

But you haven't
told me anything.

Neither have you.

Goodnight, George.

Uh, goodnight, Jane.

- Phew.
- Phew!

I was afraid for a minute she
was gonna see right through me.

You know, mom, I don't think
I have seen daddy in days.

I didn't get much of a look at
him yesterday myself, dear.

I think I saw him last night.

Or did I?

If it keeps up,
we can always look

in the yellow pages
for rent-a-dad.

Or rent a mom.

Where have you
been lately, mother?

Oh, look, you poor orphans.
I'm right here.

And if you wanna see your
father, he's probably shaving.

I wonder if he's changed
much since last week.

Let's go see.

'Jetson, Jetson.
Are you there?'


Yes, sir, I'm here.

'Oh, Jetson, I've got
wonderful news.'

- 'I can't see you.'
- I know, sir.

'Now, listen.'

'Get down here as
fast as you can.'

'We've got miles to go
and millions to make.'

'Better wear a red carnation,
so I'll know where you are.'

[knocking on door]

- 'Dad, can we see ya?'
- Gotta go, sir.

I'm busy shaving
right now, son.

Lather. Plenty of lather.

Hey, watch it,
my face is over here.

Can't you see it?

Daddy, we'd really
like to see you.

Hi and goodbye, kids.

I missed him.
I blinked.

You're lucky, he was
looking pretty pale.

Okay, now, just give
me a once over lightly..

...nice and easy.

On second thought,
maybe I'll grow a beard.


George, do you mind
if I take the space car?

Huh, what?

Oh, sure, honey,
whatever you say.

- 'Uh, take what you like.'
- Bye, dear.

I'm glad he didn't ask me
where I was going.

I hate lying to him.

I sure can't show
my face anywhere today.

Even if I had one.

'Jetson, I caught you.'

Uh, uh, I'm on
my way, Mr. Spacely.

'You're on your way
to Cogswell's.'

'I'm working
there now, sir?'

You are today, Jetson.

To steal back the canister
Cogswell stole from us.

Thanks to the bubblehead
who threw it out.

Oh, that was you,
Mr. Spacely?

I don't care who it was.
You're gonna get it back.

'You want me to sneak
into Cogswell's plant?'

'You don't have
to sneak in you, dumbbell.'

'You're invisible.'

Mr. Spacely, uh, I don't think
me sneaking into Cogswell's

is a very good idea.

'I'm into enough
trouble already.'

You're right, George.

'You don't have
to do this for me.'

Gee, thanks,
Mr. Spacely.

'But if you don't,
you're fired.'

Ha ha ha.
You talked me into it.

I know. I have
a gift for words.

Now, get your invisible body
over to Cogswell's.

Who was that masked man?

According to my memory bank,
it sure wasn't the Lone Ranger.

Right on, horsy!

You got that right.
He's always away.

My car.
It's gone.

Sure it's gone.
Mrs. Jetson took it.

Yike! Who are you?

Uh, this is stick up.
I'm a poor man. Honest.

Relax, Henry.
It's me, George Jetson.

Uh, I'm not too sure.

If you're Mr. Jetson

what did you give me
for Christmas last year?

Uh, nothin'.

'Yeah, you're
Mr. Jetson, alright.'

I guess my wife forgot I needed
the car to get to work.

And I forgot
and gave it to her.

She probably had other things
more important on her mind..

...than you.

What do you mean by that?

Well, you know,
women will do that

after they've been
married a while.

Funny though.

She's never forgotten
I needed the car before.

Well, she probably wasn't
thinkin' about you, Mr. Jetson.

She was probably thinkin'
about somethin' else.

'Or somebody else.'

Somebody else?

He he he, just a silly idea.

You and Mrs. Jetson
are the perfect couple

- if I've ever seen any.
- Uh, yeah, Henry.

The perfect couple.

See ya, Henry.

'I better grab a skybus
over to Cogswell's.'

I thought you work
at Spacely's.

Oh, uh, that's what
I meant Spacely's.

Hmm, Jane with other
interests, huh?

What other interests
could that be?

From the moment I saw you,
I knew it was you.

That's just the way it is.

I know.

That's just the way
it is for me too.

But what about your
husband and children?

Nothing else matters,
but us, dear.

It's so hard for me to say that
line, 'cause I don't believe it.

If you're gonna get up on stage
and convince an audience

you have to believe it.

Just imagine you're
playing it to me, Jane.

- For real.
- No thanks.

That'd make George angrier
than he's gonna be

when he hears
I'm in a play.

Oh, well, shall
we try that love scene

that takes place
in the restaurant?

The one with
the big kiss?

No thanks.

No admittance
without proper ID.

Ha ha ha.
That should be no problem.

Let's see him
stop me now.

Excuse me, but you're
blocking my way.

Oh, I beg your pardon?

- Thank you.
- Who said that?

Who? What? Oh, oh.

Oh my goodness.

I knew I should have
retired last year.

Ha ha ha.
That was easy.

Now, all I have to do is get
the Cogswell's laboratory.

Find that spray can

And get back to Spacely's
on the double.

A piece of cake
for an invisible man.

- Hello, Jetson.
- Hiya, Mr. Cogswell.


- It's, it's George Jetson.
- It's just a trick, sir.

So he can sneak in
and steal our secrets.

'Just his head?
Follow him!'

"Cogswell Laboratory."

The only way I'm gonna
get out of here

is if I'm invisible.

But which is the right spray?

Oh, well.

Yuck! Insect repellent.


Whipped cream.

I think I did it.

The lab. Let's look.
Well, he's not here.


Well, I better
get out of here

before this stuff
wears off.

Well, car's back.

Atleast that means
Jane's home.

Oh, she's home alright.

She's kinda excited too.

- Just hummin' away.
- 'Hummin away?'

I don't know for sure.
One of those lovey-dovey tunes.

Oh, boy.
Could Jane be upto somethin'?

Well, face it, George.

If she is, you might
as well take advantage

of being invisible
and find out.

You say somethin',
Mr. Jetson?

Uh, I guess he didn't.

I'm sure not sayin'
anything either.

She must be in the bedroom.

Just a second, Randy.

I think I heard
somebody come in.

- 'George, is that you?'
- It sure is, Jane.

But you'll never know.

Oh my God!


George, is that you?

- I guess it wasn't.
- Better take this with me.

Sorry, Randy. But I can't be
too careful about my husband.

I'm just not ready to let
him know what's goin' on.

I found a great out of
the way place for us.

'The Moonglow Cafe.'

'We can be alone without
being seen or disturbed.'

Well, why not?
George's isn't even home.

'Pick you up
in 10 minutes.'

Jane involved
with another man?

I can't believe it.
I better follow and find out.

Oops, not like this.

Aha, handsome Harry again.
Listen, you home-wrecker.

'What are you
talking about, Jetson?'

'Jetson, how come
you're visible?'

Well, I got the canister back
from Cogswell's, Mr. Spacely.

But this stuff isn't working
as well as it used to.

'Get it over here,
so we can analyze it.'

Not now, sir. I'm on my way
to Moonglow Cafe.

My marriage is on the line.

'Jetson, come back here
with my invention.'

Didn't I tell you?
It's just like in the play.

Maybe it'll give you
a better feeling for the scene.

It does feel
more romantic.

I don't see
Jetson anywhere.

Maybe he's invisible,
Uncle Cosmo.

- Why don't we just sit down?
- I'm running this show.

- Let's just sit down.
- 'Of course I love you'

otherwise I wouldn't be
taking this chance.

That sounds like
Jane Jetson.

Maybe George was right
about his marriage.

You gotta tell
your husband about us.

Believe me, I'm just waiting
for the right moment.

'I won't let anything
keep us apart.'

You know, I almost feel sorry
for that poor husband of yours.

You do, huh?

That sounds like George.

You darn right it's George.

Uh, George, you
don't understand.

Wherever you are.

Well, I understand.

Mr. Spacely?

You home-wrecker!

Don't worry, Mr. Spacely.

I won't let her go
without a fight.

George, it is you
or half of you.



- You're coming with me.
- Stop that man.

- He's got my invention.
- He's got my wife's coat.

He's got my leading lady!

George, what are you doing?

You're not runnin'
away with anyone, Jane.

Unless it's for me.

I was afraid this would happen.
I told Randy you'd be mad.

Not mad, Jane.

Hurt, dissapointed.

From the moment I started
rehearsing for this play..

I need you, Jane.
The children need you.

I was afraid you'd laugh
when you heard

I was going to be
on the stage.

I love you, Jane.
On the stage?

Rehearsing for a play?

That's all you were doing?
I hate you.

That's my George.
I love you for hating me.

George, why are we stopping?

I just thought
you'd like to rehearse

one of those love scenes
with your husband.

George, here in public?

For the first time today

I'll really enjoy
being invisible.

Oh, George.

- 'Jane.'
- 'George.'

[music continues]