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03x03 - 9 to 5 to 9

Posted: 04/06/22 11:13
by bunniefuu
Come and get it, Astro.




Nothing like
a well balanced breakfast

to start the day.

If I stop for breakfast,
I'll be late.



'Mr. J, what have I told you
about eatin' a good breakfast.'

I am late for a meeting
with an important client

Mr. Spendwell,
and he's one tough customer.

So am I.

Hi, dad.
Bye, dad.

Elroy, you are not
going anywhere.

You haven't had
your breakfast.

We're having
a pogo contest at school

and I can't be weighted down.

Good morning, everyone.
Sorry I am late for breakfast.

I've to get down to the mall.
There's a big sale today..

- ...why I am late already.
- Me too.


Judy, breakfast is ready.

'No, thanks.
I am in a rush too.'





Judy, calling Di-Di.
Come in, Di-Di Diary.

(computerized vocalization)
'I was wondering
when you'd call?'

Oh, Di-Di, I have
so much to tell you.

'So, what crisis
is it this time?'

'A broken nail? Split end?'

No. It's Rocky Retro.

- He's a hunk.
- 'A hunk of what?'

He's just the dreamiest
new transfer student

in my fitness class.

And I have decided
to let him be my boyfriend.

Ta-ta, Di-Di.

'This Rocky Retro sounds
like a hunk, alright.'

'And for Judy, that usually
means a hunk of trouble.'

'If I calculate the exact time,
location, angle'

and speed of approach

I can accidentally run
into Rocky Retro.

(computerized vocalization)
'Take one giant step for mankind
and two little steps backward'

'and turn around.'


I am so sorry for accidentally
running into you.

I don't believe
we've met.

I'm Rocky Retro.
I'm new in school.

What do you know,
I'm old in school.

Ow, I-I mean, would you like me
to show you around?

Sure! That would be..


Gee, I am glad to hear
the idea excites you.

Huh, yeah!
And that's some paint job.

Oh! Huh, ha ha, maybe
a little powder would help.

pat pat pat

I can't believe my eyes!
What a beauty!

Why, Rocky,
that's so sweet of you.

If you'll excuse me.
What a car!


- You wanna ride?
- Let's jet.

Toodles, Judles.


Would you believe it?
He fell for a new car!

'You're just gonna
let Creepy Marsha'

'steal your boyfriend?'

In the first place,
I never had him.

In the second place,
I don't want him.

'And in the third place,
you're gonna ask your father'

'for a new car.'

Oh! You know me so well.

You say you want me to buy you
a brand new car, Judy dear?

Please, daddy dearest.

I've only four words
to say

to the greatest daughter
in the galaxy.

Anything for
my moon muffin.


Oh, daddy!


It's a piece of cake.

Judy, I have only four words
to say to you.., no and no!

Why not, George?

Judy is old enough
to have her own car.

Old enough? Why, when
I was Judy's age, I had to..

Walk 10 miles to school

through asteroid storms,
no less.

She can do what I did
to get a car.

Get a job
and buy herself one.

A job?

But I have
some big tests coming up.

I have to study.
Who has time for a job?

Judy, the first thing
to learn in life is..

...if you want
something bad enough

you just have to work for it.

Did you mention work, Mr. J?

I have plenty of work
to do in the kitchen.

You can help me
with the dishes.

Daddy's right.

If I don't have time to get
a job, I'll just make time.

Huh, I am kinda
looking for a job.

A job! You've come
to the right place.

What kind of a job?

Gee, I never really
thought about it.

Huh, then I have
the perfect thing for you.

My Astro-Projection Bonnet.

All you have to do is think of
something you're interested in.

And the bonnet will project it
right up on this screen.

'Start thinkin'.'


'You're in the wrong place,

You want computer dating
down the hall.

No. No.
I really want a job.

Well, in order
to get you a job

I have to know
what you're interested in.

For instance, I have got a job
here for someone

who likes
to make people happy.

That's for me.
I love to make people happy.

Then report
to the Cosmic Cuckoo.

It's a drive-through
burger joint

out on one
of the smaller asteroids.

- Sounds great!
- Great? It's cuckoo!

They pay minimum wage

and all the Orion Onion Rings
you can eat.

Only minimum wage?


[white noise]

I'm afraid that
just won't do it.

Hmm, expensive tastes, huh?

What else are you interested in?

Hmm. Umm, I like working
with my hands.

Ah, there's an opening with
the Skyway Construction Corp.

'I'll take it.
That's two jobs.'

Umm, excuse me, but I wonder
if you might have a listing

for just one more job?

Animals? You know anything
about animals?

My family has a dog.

Good enough. You start tomorrow
as a designer dog walker.

[orchestral music]

Great! Move over, Marsha.
I am on my way.

Where are you off to
in such a hurry?

I am working girl now, mom.
I took daddy's advice.

And what about school,
don't you have the big test

coming up soon?

Oh, that?
I'll study between shifts.

See, using
my new advanced digitally based

micro processing organizer,
I know exactly what I have to do

when I have to do it.
And what I should wear.

So, there's nothing
to worry about.

- 'Except being late.'
- Right.

Don't wanna keep
my customers waiting. Bye, mom.


On, Meteor. On, Comet.
On, Neutron. On, Blitzer.

How did you get in there?

I hope my other jobs
are this easy.

[cat hissing]



Ha ha ha, don't worry, guys,
it's only a cat.

A cat!







Okay, where is the new guy?

Umm, here, sir.

What was that funny,
squeaky noise?

- Uh, maybe it was a birdie.
- It was me, sir.

- You got a name?
- Judy, sir.

That sounds like
a girl's name.

I am a girl.

Oh. Oh! A girl.
I am working with a girl.

Here, you can use
my best work gloves.

- Bruno is a romantic.
- Aw, shucks.

I only have a couple
of jobs left.

The first, is holding up
the sign to stop traffic.

I'll hold the sign
for the little lady.

No point in making her work
too hard on her first day.

Okay, the second job
is breaking up concrete

with this 110 pound jackhammer.

There you go, bub.

[instrumental music]

I never said
I was willing to travel.

[engine droning]


Don't be sluggish,
Ms. Jetson.

Are you ready
for your first customer?

I am ready, Mr. Zip.

Much better, Ms. Jetson.
He he. Zip, zip, zip.

Welcome to the Cosmic Cuckoo.
Cuckoo, cuckoo.

May I take your order, please?

One hundred Cuckoo burgers,
50 Cluck shakes

and 40 Chirp Chirp fries.

One hundred Cuckoo burgers,
50 Cluck shakes

and 40 Chirp Chirp fries,
coming right up.

Hey, I wanted this to go.

No problem, sir.

Thank you for stopping
at the Cosmic Cuckoo.

Cuckoo, cuckoo.

Welcome to the Cosmic Cuckoo.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, coo..


We'll have four Cuckoo burgers,
five Cluck Cluck shakes and..

Ooh! Look, Rocky,
the Cosmic Cuckoo is Judy.

Oh, huh, hi, Marsha.
Hi, Rocky.

Ha ha ha.
What gives, Judy Jetson?

Planning to fly south
for the winter?

At least, I won't be flying
on a broomstick.

Hey, Marsha, go easy on Judy.
She's a working girl.

See you later, Judy.
Squawk, squawk. He he he.


[xylophone music]

Jetson, I'm gonna congratulate
you on doing such a fine job.

Does that mean I get
a-a rest break soon?

No, you're gonna work straight
through the dusk to dawn shift.

Keep up the good work.
Ha ha ha. Zip, zip, zip.

This job is cuckoo,
cuckoo, cuckoo!

Hi and goodbye, Jane.
No time for breakfast.

Apparently, you had no time
for dressing either.

Oh! Ha ha ha.

I need an Order Dresser
that can keep up with me.

Good morning.

How was your first day
on the job?

Great. Daddy,
you were right.

Anything worth having
is worth working for.

As head of this family,
I am proud of you, Judy.

If you're wearing the pants
in this family, Mr. J

you better put 'em on.

Huh, thanks, Rosie.

Matter of fact,
I am proud of you all.

I can't wait to introduce
you all to Mr. Spendwell.

- Mr. Spacely's new client?
- 'His richest client.'

Spendwell thrives on good,
solid, hardworking families

like this one.

Why, when he meets the Jetsons,
I'll bet I get a raise.

Oh-oh, according
to my microprocessor organizer

I have exactly 15 minutes
to get to gym class.

If I wanna squeeze
in a little studying

for my big test tomorrow

I am gonna have
to skip breakfast. Bye.

You know, that girl's becomin'
more like her father everyday.


Oh, I hope not.

Hi, Judy.
I said, "Hi, Judy."

Judy, I hope Marsha didn't
hurt your feelings last night.

I, for one, wouldn't wanna see
you fly south for the winter.


Hey, a guy can take a hint.


[instrumental music]

Hi, mom.

Judy, you look pretty chipper
for somebody working three jobs

and going to school.

Oh, I'm young, mom.
It's no problem.


- What did you say, dear?
- I said it was no problem, mom.

I have enough money for
my Moonserati in no time.

What about your
two big tests tomorrow?

I'll study

between my Skyway
and Cosmic Cuckoo jobs.

And then I will brush up
on my Cyborg Biology

while I walk the dogs.

Judy, where do you
get your energy?

Oh, mom, it's easy.

I just have to hold down
three jobs, study seven subjects

and cut out
little things like..




Judy, Judy, Judy?
Wake up.


I can't understand
why she's so tired.

I used to walk 10 miles
through asteroid storms.

You just have to know
how to get her attention.

Judy dear, there's
a big shoe sale today

at Laser's Department Store.

A shoe sale?


Just let me sleep
a little longer.

Oh, dear, this is serious.

[doorbell chiming]

Is this Judy Jetson's
place of residence, sweetie?

She's resting right now.

No lying down
on the job, Judy Jetson.

We've got to get
this girl on her feet.

She's the star of my agency.

My reputation as
a job-bot is on the line.


All three of your
employers called

and want you
to come right to work.

Can you be
in three places at once?


Let her sleep, you computer
enhanced vacuum cleaner.

I beg your..

You heard me.
Judy needs to rest.

But I..

So sorry
you have to be going.

But please..

Don't call us,
we'll call you.

See if I ever
find you a job.

Way to go, Rosie.

George Jetson,
you and your asteroid storms

have talked Judy into
working around the clock.

I just wanted her
to do her best.

She has some tests
coming up.

In order for her
to do her best

we're going to have to do
our best for her.

What are you talkin' about?

How good are you
at bird calls?

Oh, no! No way.

I am not working at that
Cosmic Cuckoo and that's final.

[engine droning]


Welcome to the Cosmic Cuckoo.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

[jackhammer drilling]

Mrs. Jetson, you are almost
as good as your daughter.

Thank you very much.

Don't mention it.

[jackhammer drilling]

I just can't understand
where George Jetson

could be, Mr. Spendwell.

He's one of my most
responsible men.

I should hope so, Spacely.

I only work with good,
solid, reliable men.

The no-nonsense type.

Oh, Jetson has no sense at all.

I'm-I mean..
He's all no nonsense.

Then, I look forward
to meeting him and his family.

And a wonderful family,
they are too.

[engine droning]

[jackhammer drilling]

Jane! Jane Jetson!

Why, this is the woman
in this picture.

George Jetson's wife.

Ah, yes, well, huh, some women
stay home playing bridge

and some are out, eh, eh,
building them.

Yes, and some firms get business
and some firms lose it.

I want 100 Cuckoo burgers,
50 Cluck shakes

and 40 orders
of Chirp Chirp fries.

Coming right up, sir.

I don't know why
Judy is so tired.

This job is a snap.

Hey, bird brain, you forgot
one Cluck shake.

No problem, sir.
I'll be back in a jiffy.

cluck cluck


Here's your shake, sir.

Thank you, sir.

You're welcome.

I'll have this thing
mastered in no time.






Oh, I know just the thing
to take your mind

off that little incident,

Eh, eh, eh, a little snack.

Well, maybe.


Welcome to the Cosmic Cuckoo.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

Jetson, what are you doing here?

Oh, huh, taking your order, sir.

How about
a double Cuckoo burger?

You're a double Cuckoo burger,

That's Jetson?

The solid, reliable family man,
you were taking about?

I'll come to the office
and explain everything

when I go on my beak.
I mean, break, Mr. Spendwell.

Speaking of breaks, Spacely,
I am breaking my contract

with Spacely Sprockets.

Jetson, you'll be hearing
from me.

[engine droning]

boing boing


swish swish

Judy J, sorry you've been
failing everything lately

including your exam.

- Who said I failed?
- What else?

Working three jobs,
trying to study

and worrying
about Rocky and me.

My family helped out.

And I was worrying
so much about you and Rocky

I got two A.

Well, watch this.

I'll show you something
that's an A+.


Hi, Rocky.

Marsha, watch out!

Wow, that was some catch!
How'd you get so strong?

Well, I have been working
after school

with a hundred pound air hammer.

Big deal.

Now, I have got
a 100 pounds of hot air.

You're really something, Judy.

Smart, athletic, hardworking
and you're beautiful.

You forgot something.
I am also happy.


How was your day, dear?

Terrible, awful, hideous,

Have I mentioned
how bad it was?

Well, you've done a very nice
thing for your daughter, George.

You should be proud of yourself.

Proud of myself? I ruined
everything with Spendwell.

I don't think, Mr. Spacely
will ever forgive me.

What else could
possibly go wrong?

Mom, are we having
extra snacks in the kitchen?

Why do you need
extra snacks, Elroy?

You just ate.

I have some
hungry friends outside, mom.


I hope you don't mind, but
I brought Judy's work home.

Goodbye, Rocky.
See you tomorrow.

- Judy, we have to talk.
- Yes, daddy.

Since you started working

I've never been
more miserable in my life.

I've decided to get things
back to normal

around here
and buy you a space car.

Huh, used.

Huh, thanks, daddy,
but I don't need one anymore.

You don't?

No. Rocky and I are going to jog
to school everyday. Ha ha ha.

- Thanks anyway, though.
- Well, what do you know?

I get outta this mess
without having to spend a dime.

Honey, before you jump
to any conclusions

maybe you should listen to
your Vis-a-phone messages.

'Jetson, you're fired.'

It's a good thing,
I saved the dime

we're gonna need it.

'Huh, George, eh,
cancel that last message.'

'Mr. Spendwell wants you for
a new advertising campaign.'

'He loves you
in that chicken costume.'

I should have stayed fired.


Jane, help. Help!
