03x19 - Genie, Genie, Who's Got the Genie?: Part 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show "I Dream of Jeannie". Aired: September 18, 1965 – May 26, 1970.*
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Rescued from a bottle by a U.S. astronaut, a scantily clad genie named Jeannie becomes his sl*ve and eventually falls in love with him.
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03x19 - Genie, Genie, Who's Got the Genie?: Part 4

Post by bunniefuu »



Oh, master, is that you?

Oh, what day is it?

It's... It's Tuesday.

Exactly four weeks to the day

that you got locked
in that safe.

Now, d-d-don't worry
about a thing.

I'm working on a way
to get you out.

It is too late, former master.

[CHUCKLING] No, what are you
talking about, it's too late?

Former master?

According to the laws
of the Great Djinn,

after a genie has been locked up
for a full moon,

she no longer belongs
to her master.

Well, who does she belong to?

Anyone who lets her out.

Do you mean, anybody? Just
anybody that opens this safe?

D-don't panic.

I'll find a way
to get you out of there.

This way, gentlemen.

Oh, Jeannie, don't you let
anybody open that safe.

What are you doing here?

There it is, men.

I was just checking
on the moon safe, sir.

W-what are they doing here?

Moving it out to a
concrete-reinforced blockhouse.

BELLOWS: Carefully, men. Now, remember,
that has an expl*sive device.

I-I thought it was to stay here
until it went up.

A slight change in plans.
We're opening it up.

Open it?
Dr. Wedemeyer thinks

the expl*sive mechanism
may be activated.

Exp... Dr. Wedemeyer?

A Dr. Friedrich Wedemeyer.

He's the Pentagon's
top demolition expert.

He's arriving at 1:00 from
Washington with the combination.

Sir, this is a NASA project.

I think the NASA personnel
should follow through.

As a matter of fact, I'd like
to volunteer to be the one...

That's out of the question.
It's far too dangerous.

That's why we're putting
it in the blockhouse,

and calling in Wedemeyer.
He's going to open the safe.

Yes. This way, men.




I'm telling you,
there isn't enough time.

Roger, there's gotta be.

Do you want Wedemeyer
to be Jeannie's master?

If we stop Wedemeyer
from opening the safe,

Jeannie will never get out,
either way we lose.

Roger, we're a team.

In a crisis,
we've been trained to be

ingenious, self-reliant
and cool.

I think I may panic.

I'm planning
this very carefully.

The way I see it,
this mission is in two phases.


one of us delays Wedemeyer.

one of us steals the safe.
Which one do you want?

I think I'll take number three.

No matter how you look at it,

I mean, the whole
mission's impossible.

Not if we use our heads.

Here's your operational plans.
You take phase one.

Every step is precisely
outlined. Memorize it.

Well, you really got
this thing worked out...

Oh, wait, panel.
Oh, no, not me.

You realize what's gonna happen
if we get caught doing that?

No, not me.
You got it memorized?

Yeah, I got it memorized
but it'll never work.

Think positive.
Yeah, think positive.

We won't go through that.
I know what you're thinking.

All right, Roger.
What's the first thing you do?

The first thing...

Here's a copy.

Here's your original.

What personal escort? I don't
know what you're talking about.

You mean to tell me
you're going to allow.

Dr. Friedrich Wedemeyer,

one of the most eminent
scientists of our time,

to come to Cocoa Beach
on his own?

Well, frankly,
I didn't see the necessity,

but now that you mention it...

Well, it's a great honor
having him here, sir.

It's a great childhood
hero of mine.

Oh, really?
Yes, it's too bad I'm busy.

It's just an hour here by, uh...

To Washington by jet.
Well, I'd better be going, sir.

Just a minute.
Yes, sir?

Maybe we should give him
the VIP treatment.

Whatever you say, sir.
My plane is warming up.

Plane? What plane?

I'm scheduled for two hours of
flying time to stay qualified.

That's perfect.
What's perfect?

Major, you will fly
to Washington

and pick up Dr. Wedemeyer.

I'll phone to make
the necessary arrangements.

Here's his number
at the Pentagon.

But, sir...
There are no buts, major.

That's an order.

It worked.
I beg your pardon?

Oh, nothing.
Whatever you say, sir.

Yes, sir, gentlemen?

Two sticks, there you go,
right here.


Change for a coin.

All right, one for you.
Yes, sir? Oh, watermelon.

Very, very good, good.
Yes, sir, same thing?

Oh, very good, sir.
Right away.

There you go.

ICE CREAM MAN: Hey, ice cream here!
Hey, ice cream!

Ice cream here!
Hey, hey, ice cream!

Hi, how's business, Joe?

Oh, couldn't be better, major.

I tell ya, the warmer it gets,
the better it is for me.

What'll it be today, sir,
the usual?

Joe, I wanna buy
your whole stock.

Whole stock?
Major, you'll get sick.

Joe, I'm gonna need your help.

Can you take orders
and not ask questions?

Gee, ask my wife.


Here's what I want you to do.



Oh, Dr. Wedemeyer,
my name is Roger Healey...

Shhh! Please!

One drop too many of this,

we could blow the whole
building up in smoke.

Sorry, sir.

Two drops, and-d-d we
could blow up Cleveland.

Oh, but three drops,
wonderful for heartburn.


You would like to have some?

No, no, no, sir.

I'm Major Healey.
I'm, uh...

I'm your personal escort
to NASA.

Oh, yeah, they told me that.

Look, I wanna warn
you something.

I have a very weak stomach.

You know, with the flying,
I don't do much of that.

Sir, y-you do have
the combination to the safe?

Oh, yes, I got it personal
from the president.

I-Is it in there, sir?

No, Mr. Personal Escort.

In here.

Right this way, sir.
I tell you what.

It will be a nice, easy flight.

You'll have no problems
at all, sir.

Thank you very much.


It's okay, major, nobody saw me.

Now, what's my
secret assignment?

Look busy.
Sell me something.

A malt-o-pop with
a cherry in it?

I don't care.

I don't care.

How about a sandwich?
Will you?

Your first job is this.
Go to the movies.

Go to the movies?
Here's a ticket to the Bijou.

That's at 5:42,
at which time you'll find

your ice cream cart
at the south gate.

Got it?
Got it.


Enjoy the movies.


Enjoy the ice cream.



Is that you, oh,
beloved former master?

Don't worry about a thing.
If everything goes as planned,

you'll be able
to call me master again.

Promise me that you will not
let anyone else open this safe.

I-I promise, Jeannie.

Roger's making sure
Wedemeyer doesn't even get here.


Say, Cocoa Beach is south.
Why do you flying west?

Detour, sir, the bridge is out.

Bad weather, sir.

What are you talking about?
Not a cloud in the sky here.

Downdraft, very dangerous.
Oh, that's... Ohhh!

That was one of them, sir.

Don't talk, just fly, please.

What are you doing?

Jeannie, it's too complicated
to explain right now.

From now on,
I don't want you to say a word

until I tell you it's safe.

Anything you say.

I say so.

Oh, uh, Joe, just a minute.

Hi, hi, colonel, uh,
don't get too close.

I got a case of laryngitis.

Oh, I'm sorry, Joe.

Well, I'm a doctor,
let me take a look.

No, no, it's all right. I had my
personal physician take a look.

He says it's gonna be okay.

I think I'll have, uh,
a sundae today.

A sundae? Well, I'm fresh, uh...
Fresh out of sundaes, colonel.

Okay, then,
let's make it a malt-o-pop.


We had a big run on malt-o-pops,
I'm out of them too.

Come on, you must have something
in there for a regular customer.

I'll take a look.

No. No, it's all...

Uh, as a matter of fact,
I do have something here.

Here, on the house, try that.

You're keeping one
in your pocket?

I've got to take it home to the
kids. You know how they are.

See you. Enjoy it, will you?
Thank you.

Out of gas, you dummkopf.
How could we be out of gas?

Well, we got caught
in a downdrift.

W-we drifted
a little off course, sir.

Lucky we found
the open field though.

Yeah. Where are we?

Well, we're about 100 miles
west of the base, right?

That's right, a hundred miles.

Look, I want to tell
you something, major.

It is urgent that I am in Cocoa
Beach to open that safe by 1:00.

Oh, yes, sir, I know...

You understand?
I understand.

Why don't you sit down,
and I'll call the base

and have them send a helicopter?

Yes, helicopter.
Send something.

Phone's over here, right?
Yeah, back there.



Oh, Major Healey.
Major Healey.

Major Healey.
Oh, hi, Dr. Bellows.

The tower just called me
and said you landed.

Uh, where's Dr. Wedemeyer?
Dr. Wedemeyer?

Oh, we had a little
trouble, sir.

He got airsick,
and I had to set him down.

You set him down? Where?

Oh, about 100 miles
west of here.

What a foolish...
It's all right, don't worry.

I'm picking him up in my car.
We should be a few hours late.

Late? He can't be late.

He has to open that safe
at 1:00, or it'll explode.

Well, I could have him
here by...

Did you say explode?

That's right, major.

That expl*sive mechanism
is on a timer.

In two hours, it switches
over to self-destruct.

And then it arms itself
and poof.

You mean, in two hours the safe
is going to go poof?

That's right major. Poof.


I tell you, that safe's not safe
anymore. That's a b*mb.

It's 11:15.

We have exactly an hour
and 45 minutes to disarm it.

I've got 11:10.
And we synchronize watches.

Roger, would you
forget about that?

What did you do with Wedemeyer?

That's funny,
I just had it cleaned.

I've never lost time before.
I can even hear it ticking.


That's not your watch.

That's the safe.

Oh, yeah.

Master, what is that noise?
I am frightened.

don't worry about a thing.

We'll get you out
before it goes off.

Where's Wedemeyer?

About 100 miles west of here.

Get him, bring him here.


Uh, Jeannie, in case I don't
get back in time...


Master, but what if Major Healey
does not get back in time?

He's got to.

Dr. Wedemeyer!

Oh, doctor...

Where is he, sir?

The man I left here,
Dr. Wedemeyer.

Boy, he was sure mad.
You should've...

Where is he?
Oh, he left.

Phone company truck
gave him a lift.

Believe me, doctor,
I can't imagine

why Major Healey
would do such a thing.

He said that you
were his childhood hero.

Well, that's a fine way
to show it,

what he'd done to me
in the airplane.

Look at me, I'm shaking.

Believe me, I'm gonna get
to the bottom of this,

I promise you.

Now, you're gonna get
to the bottom.

Where was you when he was doing
with me the loop-the-loop?

Do you need any help, doctor?
No, no.

Nobody goes in there
when I work on that safe.

Including me.

I-I mean, you.

Open the door, please.

Thank you. Okay.


Ice cream sandwich.


They're all crazies around here.


Another crazy.
Don't say anything.

The slightest movement
could set it off.

Could set what off?
An ice cream case?

The earthquake.

My name is Nelson.

I'm with the NASA
seismological unit.

We've discovered a major fault

running directly
beneath this blockhouse.

We've been receiving
temblors all morning.

Under here you say
there are faults? No.

Doctor, you know how sensitive
these things are,

as a scientist.

And naturally we've
had to remove the safe.

Now, if you'd just walk
towards me, please.

You mean, under here there are...


The floor could open up
and swallow you up immediately.

Now, come this way, please.
I don't think so.

I think I better go this way,
because that fellow,

you know, the colonel...

Stop! That's where the major
stress is, by the door.

You're gonna have to come out
the window, come on, please.

The window?

In my age,
with climbing the windows?

Do you know you could give me
the hardening of the arteries?


You can start on
it right now, sir.

No, no, no, look. P-please,
major, I don't feel so good.

Better I sit down on...
We haven't got time to sit down.

In 15 minutes, this thing
is gonna blow sky-high.

All right. Where will I sit?


Major, you better evacuate
the neighborhood.

Doctor, you give me
the directions,

I'll defuse the safe.

All right.

We'll try it. We'll try it.

Then I take out everything,
and I show you...

I say I show you.
You don't touch.

This is a schlager.
Yeah, I got that.

All right. This you ought
to know by yourself.

See, this is a transmitter.

Come, put yourself over here.

Yeah. Yeah.

This I put on here.

You take this here.

Look what I'm looking, can you?
Yes, yes.

And you make it go
on the surface of the safe.

Around the combination
and keep it going there.

See, now, I watch on the scope.

And when you get to there,
I say, "Halt, stop it."

That is where we are going
to drill, all right?

Okay, okay.
Go, make that.


Stop. Hold it right there.

Now, you see what you done?

You've got either,
where the trembler device is.

And this is where we have
to drill the hole, you see?

Wait, wait, I show you.

Go, again.
Now, you take this...

Make with a mark, there.

You see? All right.

Now, that shows you that you go
in a two-inches diameter

around the trembler device.

And if you miss as much as
a fraction of a millimeter...

Don't worry about it, sir.

Right here?

I hope so.


That's good, good.

Hold it, here.
There's the drill.

Give me, I take that from you.

There's the drill.

Now, please...

with a steady hand, huh?


There, that's got it.

All right, that's good,
that's good.

Now, connect up the holes
with this.

See the way it goes?

All right, but hurry.
We got five minutes.

Never mind what time it is.
Saw the hole.


This thing's ticking faster.

That means we're getting close.
Saw faster.


Good, good, good.
Very good.

Now, you take this suction cup,
and put carefully on here,

and it removes
the trembler device.

Then I cut the wires.
You see that?

All right. It's 1:00.

Yeah, but that don't make no
difference. You go slowly now.

Good, good. Move some.

Easy. Good boy.


Cut it.

Cut it.

It's 1:00. Cut it!


Oh. Jeez,
I need a drink.

[PANTING] All right, I'll
go get you something.


Now, we've got to get you open.

Four, four, yeah.

Don't open that safe!

Don't open it.

What are you talking about?
It's already defused.


What do I hear?
I hear some noise, something.

Major, there's something
that's ticking in here.

There's another fuse.

There's another fuse. Run.

I hear it, get out,
get out, get out.



You can come out now.
Come on out the hole.

Jeannie, come on, he's gone.
I got rid of him.




All right now, let's be calm,
I can open it myself.

I know the first two digits,
he's already done them.

All I have to do
is get the third one, right.


I don't know the third one.

I don't know the third digit.
I don't know the third digit.


What's the matter with me?

I... Wait a minute.

He's already dialed
the first two digits.

And be calm.
All I need is the third digit.

All I have to do
is try them all.

On the third digit,
I'll dial everything.








I heard a click.


Jeannie, I think that's it.

Jeannie, the number
is four-nine-seven.




[LAUGHING] That's it.

the number was four-nine-seven.




Oh, master, I am free.

Oh, master!

Jeannie, come out.


Oh, I am out.
I am out, master.

Oh, my darling,
adorable master. I love you.

Jeannie, you're out.
Hi, Roger.

Oh, boy,
is it good to have you back.

Oh, it's good
to be out. Oh!

Now, our problems are over.
I cannot believe it.

BELLOWS: That's where he goes.
Hurry, doctor.

Jeannie, out.

This time, gentlemen,
you're really in trouble.

What kind of trouble?

You stole that safe.

That safe?
Oh, no, sir.

You see, when we found out
that a major fault

was running beneath
the blockhouse and...

There are no faults
or earthquakes in Florida.



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