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02x41 - A Jetson Christmas Carol

Posted: 04/05/22 07:49
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

Meet George Jetson

His boy, Elroy

Daughter Judy

Jane, his wife

(Judy) 'Oh, I just love
this time of the year.'

'Everyone is so happy
and cheerful and generous!'

Yeah, mom, are you
and dad gonna be generous

with gifts this year?

Forget it, Elroy.

My Christmas list
is a closely-guarded secret.

I still have to pick up
something cosmic

at the Moon Mall,
to wear on Christmas.

Breakfast is history, mom.

Are we still going to the mall?


Are you still
Christmas shopping?

We are almost done, George.

Oh, no, where is
my Christmas list?

'It was here just a minute ago.'

Astro, have you been
peeking at my list?

Who, me?

That's your shopping list?

It looks like
the Martian phonebook.

How can we afford gifts
for all these people?

- We can't.
- Thanks.

That makes me feel much better.

No one worries about things
like that at Christmas.

Bye, Janie.

If you need me, I'll either
be at work or the poorhouse.

Bye, George, have fun at work.

I'd have more fun
in a t*rture chamber.

Merry Christmas, daddy.

Yeah, have a cool Yule, dad.

And jolliness to you, too.
Ho ho ho.

Poor George.

Maybe his boss will
let him off early

because it's Christmas Eve.

Yeah, and we'll all
gather around the laser tree

for an old-fashioned Christmas.

Let's hit it for the mall, mom.

I just have to change clothes.

But that could take forever.

I can't wear just anything
to the mall.

Hmmm, too subtle.

Oh, too radical.

Oh, dear.

Once I make up my mind,
I'm full of indecision.

- 'Judy, we're leaving.'
- Later, Judy.

Why can't people
be more patient?

And stay away
from those gifts, Astro.



Oh, the parking lot is jammed.

Let's try the stratosphere
level, mom.

The air is thinner,
but it's less crowded.

Good thought, Elroy.

["Deck The Halls"
instrumental playing]

Mom, we must check out

It's the cosmic super chic
new wave fashion store

of the galaxy,
everyone shops Moons.

Oh, mom, I could easily spend a
year's allowance shopping here.

I feel a bit guilty shopping
while George is slaving away

at work all day.

Hey, George.

Did you hear about the cat

who crossed the desert
on Christmas Eve?

Yeah, he got sandy claws.

You better update
your memory, R.U.D.I.

The last time
I heard that joke

I rolled over
and fell out of my crib.

(Spacely on TV)
'Jetson, what's going on
down there?'

What do you think I'm
running here, a country club?

Uh, uh, just a little
Christmas office party

Mr. Spacely, sir.

Office party?

Everybody back to work.

On the double, move!

Doo, how I hate Christmas.

I thought this was supposed to
be the season for jolliness.

That's as jolly
as Spacely ever gets.


Look at that new
rocket roll guitar, ma.

I've already bought
you a gift, Elroy.

Besides, the price is
a bit out of our league.

Well, maybe we could make money
the old fashioned way.

- We could borrow it.
- Sorry, Elroy.

Oh, that's okay, mom,
I-I can live without it.

But not happily.

Boy, I sure hope this thing
can still make good eggnog.

One egg.

'And one nog.'


This is gonna be
one jilly chrosma..

Uh, crolly jismas..

Uh, jolly Christmas.


A little mistletoe
around the house

helps to keep
the season bright, Astro.

Merry Christmas, Elroy.


Thanks, Astro, but

mistletoe is for humans,
not dogs.

I'm sorry.


Astro found his present, mom.

Astro, how could you?

That gift was supposed to be
a special surprise.

I'm surprised.

What's this?



[cat yowling]



boing boing boing



Rotten little cat!

George will be
so pleased to learn

how much Astro
enjoys his new toy.

I'll tear that toy cat.


Gee, mom, when is daddy
coming home?

Yeah, mom, we wanna open
our gifts.

So, he's probably
counting down the seconds

to quitting time
right about now.

Five, four, three,
two, one, bingo!

It's quitting time, R.U.D.I.,
I'm outta here.

Wrong, Jetson, you're not
going anywhere.

Uh, but-but, sir,
it's quitting time.

I hate quitters.

Jetson, you're working overtime.

We just got a big order
for sprockets.

But it's Christmas Eve.

Don't bore me with sentiment.

This is our big season.

There's not a toy in the stores

without a Spacely
sprocket in it.

Now, back to work!

Great, now it's only
Santa Clause and me

who have to work
on Christmas Eve.

Ah, well R.U.D.I,
let's get to it.

Maybe I can be home
by midnight.


George, we're all
waiting for you.

When are you coming home?

'Sorry, Jane,
Spacely has me working late.'

Sprockets are big at Christmas.

But it won't be much of
a Christmas without you, George.

Yeah, well I'll do my best

to finish up this new order
and get home.

Good luck, dear. Bye!

What a drag!

That Spacely is worse
than Scrooge.

I wish some weird Christmas
ghost would visit him tonight.

Ha-ha, but he'd probably
scare them off.

[instrumental music]

That robot cat was
a terrific idea, mom.


Yeah, no more
walking the dog.

He's getting
lots of exercise.


Astro never gives up.

[barking continues]

Blast that cat.

beep beep

beep beep





Quick, Astro's hurt!

'Are you okay, Astro?'

I'm dying.

Wow, the cat is totaled.
How's Astro?

He appears to be in pain.


Maybe we should call a vet, mom.

If you can find one open
on Christmas Eve.

I'm dying.

Go for it.

'Don't worry, Astro.'

'Judy and Elroy
will find a vet.'

Hang in there, Astro.

Help is practically on the way.


Poor Astro.

Christmas is the worst time
to be sick.

Oh, that should do it, R.U.D.I.

The last order's finally filled.

Aww, I'm beat.

'Well, Jetson, you finished?'

Huh, yes, sir.

Took you long enough.
See you in the morning.

But tomorrow is Christmas, sir.
it's a day off.

Oh, yeah, too bad.

Bye, sir,
and Merry Christmas!

Don't call me merry.
I have an image to protect.

My mistake, sir.

Just what I don't need,
a raging snowstorm.

I'll be lucky to make it home
by Groundhog Day.


A 102?

Oh, this is looking bad.

'Mom, everything is closed.'

We couldn't find a vet
open anywhere.

You were right.

What's the status of Astro?

I'm afraid Astro's situation is
looking quite grim, Elroy.


Merry Christmas, everyone!

I'm home at last.

Let the celebration begin.

Uh-oh, what's going on?

It's Astro, daddy.

He got hurt chasing
his new robot cat.

That's what you get
for opening your gift early.

Hey, he doesn't
look good at all.

Did you call a vet?

Yeah, they're all closed
for Christmas.


- Are you sure he's not faking?
- Daddy!

'Be it ever so dirty'

'there's nothing like money.'

Well, I certainly have my share

along with a lot of
everyone else's.


Oh, the banks are all closed.

I better stay here
with my money

until I can
make a dep-deposit on it..


[wind gusting]

Oh, what happened?

What is it?
Who's there?


'It is I, Cosmo'

your old business partner,


But I thought
you were de-de-de, gone.

I used to be greedy
and selfish like you.

But look at me now, Cosmo.

Gee, you don't look too bad

uh, uh, c-considering.

I've come to warn you.

Change your greedy ways

or there will be a price to pay.

So how much can it be?
I'll pay it.

This is all a bad dream anyway.

So buzz off, Marsley.

I must warn you, Cosmo.

Three spirits will
visit you this night

to show you the error
of your ways.


I refuse to be intimidated

by a figment of my imagination.

Heed the spirit's
warning, Cosmo.

Or all is lost.

What a dumb dream this is.

That Marsley was always
a bit of a sicko.


Hey, what's that?

I come for you, Cosmo Spacely.

I am the spirit
of Christmas past.

Uh, well, um,
Spacely isn't here.

You and I are going
on a little trip

into the past.

No way in space.

I'm staying here
to guard my money.

Besides, you're nothing
but an illusion.

I don't believe in ghosts.



Hey, what's happening?

[dramatic music]

Hey, where am I?

Where am I going?

What's this all about?

Do you remember this
playground, Spacely?

Sure, I used to play here
as a kid.

'And there's little
Georgie Jetson.'

'Running my lemonade stand.'

And here I am, as a little kid

and with hair.

How's business, Georgie?

We're doing terrific, Cosmo.

Well, where are the profits?

Right here, Cosmo.

We're rolling in dough.

(Spacey) 'Thanks Georgie,
keep up the good work.'

But where is my share?

'Oh, yeah, here's a penny.'

- A penny?
- Don't be greedy.

Bye, Georgie boy.

What a sucker.

Uh, that was very amusing.

Uh, can we go home now?

Not yet.


'Gee, where are we going now?'

[intense music]

Hey, I remember this place
from when I was a teenager.

The old fly-in movie theater.

Hey, there I am
with my future wife, Starla.

After I finish college,
we can get married, Starla.

- How about it?
- I don't know, Cosmo.

Sometimes I think you love money
more than you love me.

Yeah, but I love you
more than I love spaceball.

How sentimental.

So I wanna be filthy rich.
What's wrong with that?

'Nothing, so long
as it's community property.'

Gee, I hadn't thought of that.

Okay, Starla, you win.

I'll take a half a day off
on our wedding day.

See, I can be flexible.


Uh, what, who, uh..

Gee, what a lot of
bizarre dreams I'm having.

Must have been that
spacey lunar sandwich

I had for lunch.



Okay, who or what are you?

And what do you want?

I'm the spirit of
Christmas present.

Get it, Christmas present?

I am mystery spirit number two.

So who needs you, fella?

Take a hike.

Come on, Spacely.

You're going to take a look
at the real world.

Hey, wait!

(Spacely) 'Hey, kidnapping is
a serious offense, you know?'



Ooh, quit shoving.

Darn pushy ghost.

Hey, what are we doing
at the Jetsons' house?

(mystery spirit #2)
'Oh, the Jetsons
have a problem.'

'Their beloved dog, Astro,
may not make it.'

'So what? Who cares?'

I'm afraid this isn't gonna be
a very merry Christmas.

Oh, I'm going fast.

We better be prepared
for the worst.

Oh, George, no!

This is the saddest Christmas...

...we ever had.

I'm bored with this
corny Yuletide soap opera.

Have you no feelings
about the Jetsons

and their unfortunate dog?

Look, I'm a businessman,
not a fairy dogfather.

This dream gets worse
all the time.


I've had quite enough
of this nightmare.

I'm taking my money
and heading home.

Even money can't buy
a good night's sleep.


Now, what?

He-he-he. Don't tell me.
Let me guess.

You're the spirit of Christmas
yet to be, right?


Well, have a merry one.

I-I gotta go.


[intense music]

Wow, what a sensational house.

This must be my future home.

'It's what I've always
dreamed about.'

Hey, this isn't my house.

The Jetsons live here.

What's going on?

You know we're
a very lucky family, Jane.

We've got it all.

A beautiful home,
wealth, prestige.

Not to mention
a wonderful family.

The best.

Hi, dad, mom.

Hi, folks, guess what?

- You need fresh money.
- You're so intuitive, Jane.

I need a few thou to get through
the weekend, too, dad.

Oh, daddy, you're so giving.

I always have to get rid
of excessive cash anyway.

Thanks, dad.

Oh, I love your cash flow.

Will this hold you for a while?

[all laughing]

Th-th-they're incredibly rich.

But how can that be?

Ah, at Christmas I always think
of our old dog, Astro.

He's the real reason
why we're wealthy.

Please don't
feel guilty, George.

You had to sue Mr. Spacely
for all those millions.

After all, he made the sprocket
that Astro swallowed

causing his..

Don't say it, Jane.

They sued me? Me?

Cosmo Spacely?

Jetson's beloved
and kindly employer?

'I still feel sorry
for old Spacely.'

'After the lawsuit,
he was destroyed.'

His business crumbled,
his wife left him.

Dogs would chase him
through the streets.

'He was last seen on skid row.'

'Total humiliation
and utter poverty'

'finished him off.'

Uh, tell me, oh, great spirit.

Is this a vision of what
might happen or will happen?


Oh, please, give me
one more chance.

I promise you I'll change.

Uh, I-I'll be a new man.

Uh, give me a break.


What? I'm back?

My office, my chair.

My adorable wife.

Who loves you, baby?



I gotta get over
to the Jetsons'.

It's Christmas day.

(George) 'Mr. Spacely,
what are you doing here?'

I thought you'd be out
selling sprockets to orphans.

'That's the old me, Jetson.'

I'm a new man.

I hear you have a sick dog.

'I dragged my personal vet
out of bed to treat him.'

Wow! Really?

Hey, this is quite
a turnaround for you, sir.

We'll have your dog
back on his feet in minutes.

Let's check out
his interior first.


'Aha, there it is.'

'He swallowed a sprocket.'

No problem, I have
a nonsurgical solution.

Just open wide and say "aah."


Got it, he'll be okay now.

Wow, I'm better.

So long folks.

I've got a Christmas
dinner waiting.

I feel terrific.

- Hurray!
- Astro's back!

- Whoopie!
- Oh, thank you, Mr. Spacely.

Oh, I also have a few gifts
out in the car.

Uh, be right back.

Wow, a rocket roll guitar.

Thanks, Mr. Spacely.

You must be psychic.

These nuclear roller skates

are out of sight, Mr. Spacely.

And this bottle of Moon Gold
perfume works beautifully.

And for you, George,
a fat raise.

Gee, thanks, Mr. Spacely.

Oh, yummy.


And a darling silver apron. Wow!

Well, folks, I'm off
to Christmas with my wife.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Spacely.

Merry Christmas to all!


Hit it, g*ng!

We wish you
a merry Christmas

We wish you
a merry Christmas

We wish you
a merry Christmas

And a happy new year

[theme music]

[music continues]