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02x37 - To Tell the Truth

Posted: 04/05/22 07:45
by bunniefuu
Good morning, g*ng.

- Morning, dad.
- Morning, George.

Morning, Orbitty!

[Orbitty mumbling]

Why is the coffee so black?

It's my artistic soul.

I wanted it to match
the toast.

Orbitty, would you please
pass the cream to daddy.

'You seem preoccupied, dear.'

'What's on your mind?'

Nothing really.
It's empty.

Don't let it bother ya.
Brains aren't everything.

My mind's not empty.
The cream pitcher is.

Oh, right.
Sorry about that.

I'll go next door
and borrow some.

Honey, you really don't
have to bother.

Hey, we're out of milk too.

Huh! Careful with that pitcher.
It's mom's favorite.

Relax, will ya?
I got great hands.

A natural wide receiver.


And when your mother sees that

you are really gonna
receive it.

I know. I'll tell mom
that Astro jumped up

and knocked it off the table.

- Me?
- You will not tell her that.

Too ordinary, huh?

Hey, how's this?

I'll explain that
a runaway spaceship

came right at our window,
completely outta control.

Then, at the last minute


zoomed off
with a giant sonic boom.

I tried to grab hold
of the pitcher to save it.

But it was humanly impossible.

I almost broke my arm.

But it was too late.

It was too late.

No, you won't tell mom
that either.

You got somethin' better?

Yes, you'll tell her you were
fooling around and dropped it.

That's your idea of better?

Mom will go bananas.

She'll scream her head off.

Wrong! You don't know
your mother.

She'll appreciate it.

Because when you tell
someone the truth

you're emphasizing
that your mutual relationship

is so solid,
it can handle reality.

I can't tell her that. I don't
even know what you said.

He means telling mom the truth
will prove you like her.

But she already knows
I like her.

The question is, after this,
will she like me?

More that ever.

Here we are.

Alright, what happened?

Well, you see mom,
and keep in mind

who's always bringing you
cinnamon toast in bed

on Mother's Day, and-and who--

What was it, Elroy?

Who doesn't eat all the peanuts
when your bridge club comes.

- And-and never--
- Elroy!

Okay, okay.
Mom, what happened was

huh, I broke your pitcher.

My pitcher?
My favorite pitcher?


Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'll go pack my clothes

while you call
the foster home.

Don't be silly. Your mother
understands it was an accident.

And forgives you
because you told the truth.

- Right, honey?
- My favorite pitcher?

See, it's over.

And without any screaming.

Now, both of you
go get ready for school.

You handled that
beautifully, Jane.

You warmed his heart.

I'd rather have
warmed his bottom.

From now on, the Jetson family
will be more honest.

Because, as Elroy showed us

when you tell someone
the truth

you're saying
you love them.

Rosie, how badly broken
is my pitcher?

'And because you didn't
scream about it'

'I'll buy you a new one.'

A whole set,
no matter what the cost.

Let it rip.

[no audio]


Thanks. I needed that.


My son broke it.

And you know what?
He admitted it.

Told the truth.
A regular George Washington.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.


Tellin' the truth
is a nasty habit.

Uh, gets you into
all kinds of trouble.

I don't know where
the kids pick it up.

Well, you might try washing
his mouth out with this.

But I want him
to tell the truth.

What? And you call
yourself a parent?

Truth just doesn't work.

Creative fibbery
is a whole lot better.

Makes life easier
for everybody.

(female #1)
'Henry, are you there?'


Uh-oh, eh-eh,
that's Mrs. Shuttlebay.

I was supposed to
fix her oven and-and forgot.

See if you can stall her.

Where is that no good,

'If it's those news reporters,
tell 'em to go away.'

Please, no pictures
and no interviews.


Oh, Mrs. Shuttlebay,
yes, eh he, right away.

Sorry. The doctors said
I'd be weak.

What doctors?

It happened last night.

You see, I was on my way up
to fix your oven.


When I got buzzed
by the cleaning man

on the fifth floor.

Seems the, uh, delivery boy
from the gallery

had slipped and fallen
into the incinerator shaft

on the fifth floor.

The cleaning man had the boy
by just one hand.

He called me. I gave him
detailed instructions.

I said, "Don't let go!"
And I'd be right up.


Too late! The boy had fallen.

I knew I had just one chance.

It was a race against time.

A young life hung
in the balance.

All those years
as best team catcher

for the Yankees came in handy.

- Oh, you saved him!
- 'But he had a bad cut.'

Good thing I went with him
to the hospital.

The boy needed blood.
So, of course, I gave.

My! You're quite the hero.

Well, I-I better
get at that oven.

No, no. Get your rest.

I'll send you down
some nice soup.

Don't stand too near me
when lightning strikes.

Look, it works.
She's happy and so am I.

If I told her the truth
that I just plain forgot

why, she'd be throwing things.

And I'd need
a blood transfusion.

But someday.

I tell ya truth
means only trouble.

Yes, sir.

In my book, George Washington
has an awful lot to answer for.

Mr. Spacely,
I got a surprise for ya.

I hate surprises.

You're lookin' for ways to keep
down accidents in the factory?

- So?
- I've come up with the answer.

Today, the employee
with the best safety record

will get this certificate
presented to him

by a real movie star.

Bubbles Blastoff herself!


'Oh, Jetson, you're a genius.'

I'm really glad to do it.

I really like to help,
you know, people.

I'm really into people.

You are? Oh, wonderful!
I'm into people too.

In fact, I used to be one..

Uh, that is I-I
still am a pe-pee-ab.

I am a per, uh, piece,
uh, por, uh, purple

uh, a person, yeah.

(woman on phone)
'Mr. Spacely, there's a call.'

Not now!

(woman on phone)
'It's for Mr. Jetson.'

Take it in
your office, Jetson.

Can we possibly have dinner out
somewhere tonight?

- I'm totally exhausted.
- Good idea.

Hey, guess who's here
in the office?

Bubbles Blastoff.

Bubbles, come say hello
to my wife.

- Hi, Mrs. Getson.
- It's Jetson.

Just fine.
I'm glad to be here.

I really like to, really help,
you know, people.

That's really nice.

Especially when they're
sweet as your hubby


It's Jetson.

'Me too. Bye.'

I may be a little late

but we'll definitely have
a night out on the town.

Deal. Bye, Georgie-porgie.

You can stand here
and watch the ceremony.

Why did you tell your wife
that Bubbles was here?

I believe in being honest.

Just this morning,
I was telling my kids--

Honest is one thing,
dumb is another.

This is a wonderful
public service you're doin'.

Reminding our workers
that accidents can be prevented.

poing poing poing

bang bang bang





The winner of
the best safety record is

Pete Polaris.
Where are you, Pete?


Henry, do me a favor.

The phones are all busted
at work.

In fact, everything is.

Say, aren't you
Bubbles Blastoff?

Just fine.

Would you give
my wife a message?

I have to take Miss Blastoff
home and then to the airport.

- But I'll be back by 9 o'clock.
- Why?

Never mind that.

And ask her to make reservations

at the Detanium Room
for 10 o'clock.


'You don't have to take me
right to my seat.'

Oh, yes I do.

Mr. Spacely insisted

I absolutely made sure
you leave town.

How nice!

Uh, you'll have to
take a seat, sir.

No, you see,
I'm getting off.

Too late now.
We're taking off.

We can't. I gotta get out.
My wife..

[engine starting]

The name is Jetson.

My husband and I
will be there at ten.

We'd like an intimate table
near the dance floor.

I feel awful.

Now, you'll probably
lose your wife

and your family
and your job.

Oh, it won't be so bad.

I'll phone Jane
and explain what happened.

Your phone, sir.

What's this? They promised us
clear sailing.

And I see
a meteor shower at 0200.

Hang on!

Could you connect me with..



I guess you couldn't.

Since daddy and I will be out
late, I've arranged for you

to sleep over
with the Nelsons, downstairs.

Hey, super!

[upbeat music]

This is worse than
the demolition space derby.

I'm putting in for a raise.


[all screaming]

Stewardess, we've been hit!
What's the damage back there?

A gaping hole, sir.

'But it's been plugged up.'


You poor dear.
We gotta save him.

No! No. Don't you see?
He's like a cork.

He's saving us.

She's right.
If my end comes out of here

it's the end
of everyone else.

'We better land, captain,
and quick.'

Right. We can land on
the moon of Manacoora

but it's freezing
down there.

Tell him not to worry.

That's not the only moon
that's freezing.

It's 8:50, and no George.

He'll be here in ten minutes.

I certainly hope so.

But you simply got to get
Mr. Jetson back to Space City.

He's in terrible trouble.

He's about to lose his wife
and his job and his family

and he hasn't had
any supper either.

I'm sorry, but we're on
the dark side of the moon.

We can't radio to get
another ship for 12 hours.

Excuse me,
aren't you Bubbles Blastoff?

You got it.

Well, we're on our way to
Space City in the circus plane.

Anyway, we heard what you said
about this guy's problems

and we'd like to help.

- You can give me a lift?
- Sure, but we gotta be careful.

The boss has a very strict rule
against hitchhikers.

But maybe we could hide you
somewhere back

with the animals and cargo.
Think that's possible?

We'll hoist you up. Stay low.

He'll carry you inside.

Then Alonzo will find you
a good place to hide.

- Do what he says.
- Who's Alonzo?

Me. I'm a talking bear.

Okay, here we go.


The popcorn machine,
just the thing.

Hurry. He'll be comin' through
in a minute, checkin' things.

[engine starting]

It's 4:45 a.m.

Ooh, is George gonna get it!

You said it.

Thanks, fellas.

I would've taken a cab,
but somewhere last night

I lost my wallet.

That's okay, George.

You guys have been fabulous,
Alonzo too.

If there's anything
I can ever do for him

tell him to just say
the word.

Right. Well, so long.

Hope you can
square things with the missus.

Well, well, well,
home at last. Ha ha ha.


Don't tell me you spent
all night with Bubbles

just eating popcorn.

No, it was nothin' like that.

I simply got on a plane
by mistake.

No, no, no!

Uh, that's the trouble
with you beginners.

You make your stuff
too wild.

What you need to tell your wife

is a nice simple honest lie.

I'm gonna tell her
the truth.

Then you'll be tellin' it
to the paramedics.

- You gotta help the lady?
- Help her?

She desperately wants
a good solid story

to believe in.

If you love her,
give her one.

You saw how it worked with
old lady Shuttlebay.

Women love heroes.

I really don't think--

Main thing is keep it simple.

You gave blood, got woozy,
collapsed in the lobby

slept all night at my place.
And I'll back you up.

So you'll not only be a hero,
you'll have a witness.

Ah, I still think
honesty pays.

Sure it pays..

...the divorce lawyers.
Ha ha ha.

Now, don't risk
your marriage, Mr. Jetson.

Be smart, be a hero.

Go for the blood.

Look honey, I'm very sorry,
but I can explain.


What time is it?


It's 6:30, dumbbell.


Ooh, that smarts!

Half past nine.

Did you make
our reservations for ten?

Then we'd better hurry.

Better hurry.
Ooh, crick in the back.

Feel like I've been
sleeping for hours.

We'll have a nice dinner.

You'll feel better.

Unless you'd rather put it off
until tomorrow.

Well, no, since I'm dressed,
we might as well..

But you are tired.

Very, very tired.

Don't sleep here, honey.
You've got a nice bed.

Sure you don't mind
missing dinner?

It's not me
I'm thinking of.

Oh, you're so
good to me.

'You just sleep.'

[alarm ringing]

Well, a nice new day.

Arise and shine!

You mean it's time to get up?

I didn't even warm the sheets.

Oh, well, you've got on
those thick pajamas.

It's Rosie's day off.
She's on recharge.

I'll start the coffee.

You're not gonna wear
those same clothes, are you?

What? No. Ha ha ha.
Of course not.

I'll change
and be right with ya.

Spacely was right.
Jetson, you're a genius.

'Oh, good morning, Henry.'


- Uh, uh, where's Mr. Jetson?
- He just woke up.

Just woke up?
Well, how hard did you hit him?

Ah! There you are, hero.

Hey, you look pretty good

considering the hectic night
you had.

What hectic?
He was here all night.

That's a terrible thing
to accuse your husband of.

I'm a witness and I dropped him
off just ten minutes ago.

- He was here all night?
- Well, weren't you?

Well, uh, uh,
let's have some coffee.

Three. the truth
is I wasn't here.

I came in this morning

'saw you asleep
on the couch'

felt bad about
standing you up.

So I made believe
it was last night

when it really
was this morning.

Then I-I didn't..

I knew I didn't wear
thick pajamas.

Anyway, that's all
that was to it.

- Cream or sugar?
- Just one little detail.

If you weren't here,
where were you?

I took Bubbles
right on to her plane

and it took off
before I could get off.

Then it was hit by a meteor

and I plugged the hole
and I saved the plane.

The pilot had to make
an emergency landing.

'It got a little vague then.'

But, as I recall,
the little guy and the gypsy

put me on an elephant and then
the bear told me where to hide.

The bear told you?

'His name is Alonzo.'

'He hid me in
a popcorn wagon.'

That's how I came back to
Orbit City. In a popcorn wagon.

And the little guy
and the gypsy

drove me home from the airport
in their fire engine.

[doorbell ringing]

Someone's at the door.

For your sake, I hope you get
that great lawyer

Clarence Darrow.

He's dead.

'That makes two of you.'

Mrs. Jetson?

Here's the wallet
your husband lost

on our plane last night.

It was in the popcorn machine.

- Alonzo found it.
- Alonzo. The bear, right?

Right. He asked us
to give you these passes

for the show tonight.

Thank you!

He would've come with us
but he's got bad laryngitis.

We'd better be going.
The fire engine's double parked.

Hope George is okay.

He sure had
a terrible night.

He's fine.
Thank you, gentlemen.

Thank you very much.

Didn't I tell you not
to go crazy? Didn't I?

You saw her expression.

That look, my friend,
is solid splitsville.

But that's what really--

I'll try to pull it off for ya,
but, uh, just build up.

Uh, Mrs. Jetson, uh, that
wild story he told, forget it.

It-it-it-it's not his fault.

It's a typical aftereffect
of heavy-duty blood donating.

- Uh, Henry.
- No, let him finish.

There was an accident.

Mr. J here gave blood,
got woozy

and slept all night at my place.

Darling, why didn't you tell me
that in the first place.

Well, ha ha ha.
See you around, hero.

Take it easy, hero.

I'll make you a nice breakfast
to build you up again. Muah.

You darling,
darling man.

Jane, I may be doing
the dumbest thing ever

but I can't live with myself

or try to teach our kids
truthfulness, unless I say it.

There was no accident,
no blood, and I'm not a hero.

But there was an elephant
and a bear and a popcorn wagon.

I believe you.

There was also a little guy
and a do?

But Henry was right
about one thing.

You are a hero, to stick with
an awful truth like that.

Boy, did we have fun
at the Nelsons.

Yeah! And they're going
to the circus tonight.

- Can we go?
- Sure thing.

Oops, wait.
One little problem. My wallet.

No problem, and there's
some free passes too.

And Alonzo says hi.

So that's who was at the door.

So how was your evening?

One of the most wonderful
I can remember.

Because George Washington Jetson

in his own special way,
told me he loved me.