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02x35 - Grandpa and the Galactic Golddigger

Posted: 04/05/22 07:43
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

Meet George Jetson

His boy, Elroy

Daughter, Judy

Jane, his wife

I've never been
more depressed in my life.

Mr. Spacely, what
in the universe is wrong?

Everything. My wife decided
to re-decorate our house.


She let my mother-in-law
do the re-decorating.


You can't imagine
what it's been like, Jetson.

She threw out all of
my favorite old furniture.

There, there, Mr. Spacely,
it'll be alright.

No, never.
I hate the new furniture.

I hate my own house.

It's become un-livable.

So that's why you've been
sleeping in the office.

You've gotta help me, Jetson.

Not only has
my mother-in-law ruined my home

but she's decided
to stay on for a while.

Oh, life just isn't worth
a plugged neutron to me now.

Uh, calm down, sir.
I have an idea.

Why don't you try softening
Mrs. Spacely and her mother up?

Buy them some expensive gifts.

Maybe they'll agree
to un-re-decorate the house.

Brilliant idea, Jetson.

Uh, take tomorrow off,
with pay.

Thank you, sir.
That's very generous.

Now, be just as generous with
Mrs. Spacely and her mother.

Oh, I will.
Uh, let's see.

A Martian mink coat
for my little Petunia.

A lunar links
for Mrs. Meltdown.

That's the spirit, sir.

- The sky is the limit.
- Absolutely.

I'll k*ll 'em with kindness.

You're responsible
for going out

and buying all
these gifts, Jetson.

Huh! Me-me, sir?

Well, it was your idea.
Here's my Bank Andromeda card.

See that everything's
delivered personally

by tomorrow afternoon.

Oh, and about that
day off, Jetson..

- Yes, sir?
- Forget it!

I'm home, everybody.

Better get all the rest
you can now, Mr. J.

Your grandfather
is coming to visit.

Grandpa Jetson?
What's the occasion?

I invited him, George.

He sounded a little down
on the Visaphone.

Grandpa Jetson down?

He's more up than a
solar satellite after lift off.

I think maybe he's just starting
to show his age, dear.

You know, slowing down a little.

'Hello, everybody.'

Astro, my pup,
good to see you.


Georgie, Janie!

Hello, grandpa.

Elroy, my boy!
Come on, Orbitty.

Okay, grandpa.

'Let's find my darling, Judy.'

Slowing down, huh?

Ah! What a vision of loveliness!

Oh, hi, great grandpa.
Bye, great grandpa.

I'm gonna be totally
late for my date.

Not if I'm driving.
Won't you, little lady.

Gee, I'm sorry, great grandpa.
My boyfriend's picking me up.

- I hope you're not upset.
- No, siree.

I'll just take Astro
here for a little walk.

Come on, boy!

Step lively me pup.

He he. Can't you walk
any faster than that?


Breakfast, everybody.

It's real
down-to-earth flapjacks

like my granddaddy
used to make.

Grandpa, why isn't
Rosie making us breakfast?

Because grandpa J was kind
enough to give me the day off.

See you tonight, folks.

- But-but..
- Don't worry, Janie.

I'll take care of everything.

We can find better things for
you to do than that, grandpa.

Can't we, dear?

Uh, well, as a matter of fact,
I do have a small errand to run.

No problem, Georgie.
Just tell me all about it.

Never cared much for shopping.

But when it's
another fella's money

I reckon maybe I'll change
my mind. He he he.

Yes, siree, that Martian mink
looks mighty pretty

but so does that
lunar links. He he he.

- I'll take 'em both.
- Excellent choice, sir.

I'll ring them up.

Uh, can I show you
anything else?

Oh, just a half a dozen of these
here fancy galactic gowns.

Hey, that old timer's really
charging up a solar storm.

Maybe we can relieve him

of some of that
high-class merchandise.

I think we should arrange
to meet this guy, Nova.

Just leave it to me, Tyco.

Yup, reckon
this fills the bill.

- Be seein' ya.
- Come back soon, Mr...Spacely.

(man on speaker)
'These new Anti-Grav gloves
not only hold up, they stay up'

'over five times longer.'

Oh, dear.

Looks like the hand's still
quicker than the eye, eh, miss?

Thank you.
My name's Nova. Nova Neutron.

Charmed! Love to chat,
but I gotta go.

Don't sweat it, kid.
We'll follow him.

Find out where he lives,
then clean his place out.



Tailing this old sky-hopper
will be a cinch.

A cinch, huh?
You're losing him.

Hang on,
that geriatric jet jockey

won't give me the slipstream.

Okay, hotshot.
Pull it over.

This isn't the Borealis 500,
you know.

Let's see the license.

Delivery for Mrs. Spacely.

Delivery from the rear,
young man.

Golly! I never knew Mr. Spacely
had such a lovely wife.

I'm afraid you've made
a mistake.

But please, come in.

No, siree. No mistake.

You got eyes that glow
like a Saturnine sunrise.


Don't tell me.
This must be your sister. Ha ha.

'She's got the same
Martian pink in her cheeks'

'Mrs. Spacely. Yes, siree.'

No. She is Mrs. Spacely

and I'm her mother,
Mrs. Meltdown.

But who are you
and what are those packages?

Montague Jetson
at your service, ladies.

Bearing gifts from Mr. Spacely
and why not

with two visions of loveliness
under the same roof.

Would you care
for tea, Montague?

Well, I should be
getting back to my Georgie.


If you insist, he he he,
sure, why not?

Here we are.
Spacely Sprockets. Ha ha.

I hope Georgie is in.

What did I tell you.

He can unlist his home address

but he can't
unlist his business.

Here's your boss'
credit card, Georgie.

Thanks, grandpa.
Any problems?

No, siree. Went like
cosmic clockwork. Ha ha.

Catch you later, my boy.

Oh, excuse me.

No harm done, girlie, but you
oughta be a might more careful.

Hey, haven't I bumped
into you before?

What a coincidence!

You're the nice
gentleman from Spacey's.

I'm Nova. Remember?

I never forget
a pretty face, Nova.

And you can call me, Montague.
He he he.

What's the hurry?

Well, I was trying
to catch the matinee

at the Starburst Theater,
but I'll never make it in time.

Cheer up, little lady.
There's plenty of time.

He he. Hop in.

Take my word for it,
Mr. Spacely

when your wife and mother-in-law
see those gifts

they will be putty
in your hands.

Well, I hope you're right,

Cosmo, something wonderful
has happened.

What did I tell you, sir.

Oh, I'm so glad you
liked the gifts, dear.

Forget the gifts.
Where's Jetson?

Right here, Mrs. Spacely, but
it was all your husband's idea.

Not that, Jetson.
The charming old gentleman.

I believe
his name was Montague.

- Grandpa?
- I don't get it.

Cosmo, I want you to invite
Grandpa Jetson to dinner.

Mother is simply
crazy about him.

If you say so, dear.

Uh, get the picture, Jetson?

If your grandfather
starts dating Mrs. Meltdown

it will keep her
out of the house.

And off my back.

Then maybe she'll move
out and I can move back in.

Gee, I don't know, Mr. Spacely.

My grandpa is awful
particular about his friends.

Oh, I'll make you
vice president, George.

Just see he shows
up for dinner tonight.

We'll go to
the classiest place in town.

Just you and your wife.

Then, invite
your grandfather along.

Oh, I'll pay for everything.

Well, what do you say?

What time do we eat?

[Montague laughing]
'I haven't laughed so hard
in light years. Ha ha ha.'

Thanks for letting me
come along, Nova.

Thank you for
the planetary popcorn, Montague.

Oh, heck, that's nothing,
I'd like to take you to dinner.

That is if you're not busy.


That's the spirit, Nova.
I know just the spot.

Food's outta this world!

And now, for the desert.

Our famous cosmic cake
Suzette for five.

It should have been six.

I was so hoping
Montague could join us.

Jetson, where is that
grandfather of yours?

I wish I knew, sir.

'He he he. That's the old zing.
That's the old spirit.'

[upbeat music]


Hiya, Janie.
Why ain't you dancing?

Come on in.
The music's fine.

Hello, I'm Nova.

I see you've met my dream girl.
Ain't she out of this universe?

Grandpa, why don't you
come over to our table?

There's someone who
wants to see you.

I can't right now, Gorgie.
I'm too busy.

Isn't that my Montague
with that young girl?

It certainly is.
Come mother, we're leaving.

I did my best, Mr. Spacely.

But like I told you, my
grandfather does his own thing.

You and that
super-charged senior citizen

are ruining my only chance
to get my house back.

Does that mean you're not
making me vice president?

You won't even
have a job, Jetson

unless your grandfather
shows up at the picnic tomorrow.

What picnic?

The one I just thought of.
Twelve noon at Asteroid Park.

I'll bring Mrs. Meltdown,
you invite grandpa

and this time, don't blow it!

How about another
tuna sandwich, folks?

No, thanks. Isn't Montague
coming to our picnic?

I'm losing my appetite, Cosmo.

And I'm losing
my patience, Jetson.

Where is that
grandfather of yours?

He said he'd be here.
Maybe he forgot the address.

Hello, down below!'

Oh, no!

You see, Georgie. I didn't
forget your picnic. He he he.

Wave to the folks, Nova.


It's Montague!

Oh, and he's
with that girl again. Ooh!

There, there, mother.

This is all your fault, Cosmo.

You promised Montague
would be with my mother.

We're going home.

Thanks to you, Jetson.
I'll never get my old home back.

'And you're out of a job!'

You sure picked
this swanky address.

Too bad you don't really
live here.

I wanted Montague
to think I have money.

Maybe you will if you ever
manage to get his home address.

That's the spirit.
You're right on time. Ha ha ha.

For you, Nova,
my girl.

Ultraviolets! Oh, Montague,
you shouldn't have.

Gee, dad, have you seen grandpa?

I want to show him
my new solar scanner.

It can overhear conversations
up to five miles away.

Oh, I wish I knew where your
great grandfather was, Elroy.

(Montague on scanner)
'Now, remember, Nova,
my sweetheart.'

'Lunch tomorrow
at Tail Of The Comet.'

Dad, that sounds
like great grandpa.

No. Sounds like trouble.

'I'll be there at 12 o'clock.'

Ain't you forgetting
something, dearie.

Oh, Montague!
Mwah. Mwah.


Hold it, grandpa,
we need to talk.

Not now, Georgie.
Can't you see I'm in love.

In love?
With that teenager?

Yes, siree. And tomorrow at
lunch I'm gonna propose to her.

He's in love and I'm ruined.

You can't interfere with your
grandfather's happiness, George.

Mr. Spacely will just
have to accept that.

I can't accept it!

I know all about
these tootsies like Nova

who prey on older men.

Well, I'm not gonna rest until
I find out who this Nova is

where she comes from
and what she's after.

- I'm here to see Nova Neutron.
- Hold it, buster.


That name does not compute.

There is no Nova Neutron
in residence at the Cosmic Arms.

I knew it.

That girlfriend of grandpa's
is as phony as her address.

Jumping Jupiter!

That was Nova,
but that wasn't grandpa.

That makes her
a two-timing phony.

You must be getting soft
on your old guy.

Should have wormed
his address out of him by now.

He said he'll tell me
everything at lunch today.

Well, I'm gonna
find out for myself.

'Waited long enough
to take that old guy for'

'everything he's got.'

Why that galactic gold digger.

Jane, let me talk
to grandpa, quick.

I'm glad you called, dear.
He's with Mr. Spacely.

Straightening things out.

That tootsie's
after grandpa.

Airlock, stock,
and jet suit.

But I'm not letting
her out of my sight.

Slow down, Tyco.

Oh, I wouldn't want you
to miss your lunch date

with Mr. Wonderful.


Okay, buster,
where's the fire?

Officer, this is an emergency.

Sure, sure.
Another jealous husband.

These things
cause more trouble.

I'm glad you understand
my problem, Grandpa Jetson.

Call me Montague.

I don't usually make
house calls

but I'm doing this
for Georgie's sake.

And mine.

Please, Montague,
let my mother-in-law down easy.

Don't worry, sonny.
I'll be my most charming best.

And that's pretty darn charming.


Forget lunch with
that scrapheap, Nova.

From now on,
it's dates at the Ritz.

I found out where
the old guy lives. Ha ha ha.

You can blast off now.

No, I can't just
stand Montague up.

I've got to
break it off gently.

I knew you were soft
on the old jet jockey.

Well, suit yourself.

I'm gonna round up the boys
to make the heist.

Oh, Montague, it's beautiful.

sniff sniff

Belonged to my wife.
Rest her soul.

And your eyes kind of
sparkle the same way.

Oh, you're such a dear,
but please listen.

There's something
I have to tell you.

Grandpa, please listen.

There's something
I've got to tell you.

- She was first.
- You see--

- But, grandpa.
- Now, now, Georgie.

You know it's rude
to interrupt.

You see, I really can't accept
your ring, Montague.

Of course, she can't. Because
she's already got a boyfriend.

Yes, I already have a boyfriend.
But that's not why.

No, it's because he's a crook
and so are you.


Now, look what
you've done, Georgie.

You've upset my friend.

No, he's right.

I am a crook and I don't deserve
to be Mrs. Montague Spacely.

You certainly don't.

Montague Spacely?
The name's Jetson, ma'am.

Montague Jetson.

But I saw you
in the department store

charging all those gifts.

Oh, ho ho. My!

I was just using
Mr. Spacely's credit card

as a favor for Georgie.

Looks like you've got
the wrong pigeon, tootsie.

Now, you won't get
my grandfather's pension.

It's not your pension
Tyco wants to rob.

It's your house.

My house?
I got an apartment.

No, the house he followed
you to this morning.

Mr. Spacely's house.

Oh, no! I've got to
warn him right away.

(Mrs. Spacely)
'Here, mother, let me give you
a hand with that suitcase.'

Oh, that little visit
from Grandpa Jetson

has done you
a world of good.

Better believe it, honey.

There's gotta be a galaxy
full of mature men like him

and, by Jupiter,
I'm gonna find one.

Well, mother, this
Solo Senior Singles Cruise

seems like a perfect place
to start.

I've made all
the reservations, dear

and now make sure your mother
doesn't miss her ship.

We're on our way.

Mother is so excited.

Ha ha ha.

This is gonna be
easier than I thought.

What? Who's gonna rob my house?

It's a long story, sir.

I thought you should call your
wife before I call the police.

Don't do
anything hasty, George.

We'll handle this ourselves.

Hey, what's the problem?

I thought you guys could
open anything with those

laser lock picks.

They must have improved
these things while we were

doing time in San Quentin.

Your laser-proof gate
has them foiled, sir.

That's what I was afraid of.
I'm glad we got here in time.

Nice, work. I knew
you weren't that rusty.

Now what?

Steel security shutters.
This could take hours.

I can't wait that long.

By Jupiter!
We're in the money now.

- But, sir, I don't get it.
- I hope they get it.

All of it.

Don't that beat all!

'Guess when you're rich,
you don't mind fellas'

'robbin' your house.'

Hey, drop those furs.

Why you solar snitch.

We could've gotten
away with it

if you hadn't squealed
for the old guy.

You can still get away with it.
Here's a hundred bucks.

Just leave the furs and
get that other junk outta here

before my wife gets back.

But this furniture
is worth a fortune.

Not to me it isn't.
Ha ha ha.

You're one in a million,
Grandpa Jetson.

Thanks for sending
my mother-in-law packing

and these crooks
to finish the job.

Don't mention it, sonny.

I haven't had this much fun
in light years. Ha ha ha.

Let's get outta here
before they change their minds

and press charges.
Come on, Nova. Hop in.

Forget it, Tyco.

I've had enough
of your shady schemes

of high and the sky scams.

I'm going straight from now on.

You've flipped
your orbit too.

Goodbye and good riddance.

Maybe, I was
a bit hasty, Miss Neutron.

I won't stand in the way
of you two getting married.

Married? Your grandfather
is awfully sweet, Mr. Jetson.

But he's in hyperdrive
and I can only manage mach 2.

And you're a nice enough girl,
Nova sweety.

But a mite laidback
for my taste.

Not enough jet juice.

And now what was it you wanted
to tell me at lunch, Georgie?

Uh, uh, I just wanted to find
out your plans for tonight.

I thought we might have
a nice quiet grandfather

and grandson dinner.
Just the two of us.

Why didn't you say so?
I know just the place.

I said a nice quiet
dinner, grandpa.

Hang on to
your jetdog, Georgie.

(Montague) 'That first dip
is a spine snapper.'

[Montague laughing]


[theme music]

[music continues]