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02x33 - Far-Out Father

Posted: 04/05/22 07:41
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

[theme music]

Meet George Jetson

His boy Elroy

Daughter Judy

Jane his wife

[music continues]

Alright, partner,
this is where we separate

the men from the machines.

What's your bet, Mr. J.?





Forget it, Astro.
We changed the combination.


[imitates doorbell]

'I'll get it, George.'

I'm expecting
the laundry service.


Well, that's odd.
I must be hearing things.

You haven't bet yet, Mr. J.

Sorry, Rosie.

It's hard to concentrate
with Astro

trying to sneak out
all the time.

I raise you three quasars.

[taps on glass]

Uh, wait, I might change that.

'Yes, make that
eight quasars, Mr. J.'

Well, I have
to fold again, Rosie.

You must have eyes
in the back of my..

Astro! What are you
doing outside?


Give up, Astro.
You're not getting out.

[children chattering]

What's a nice guy like me doing

in a high-stress job like this?


I should've known
something was wrong

when they gave me a flak jacket

and crash helmet with this job.

Oh, yeah? I'll bet you that my
dad has the most exciting job.

He's a real space test pilot.

So what, Kenny?

My father is a headline
performer for Circus Centauri.

Big deal.

What's your dad do, Elroy?

My dad does it all.

He is totally cool.

Is he into air conditioning?

No way. You'll find out later.

I'm keeping it a secret.

Wow, it must be something
really radical and exciting.

(boy #1)
'Sounds mysterious, Elroy.'

Elroy Jetson, this is your stop.

Only 15 more years of this

and I can retire.

If I can live that long.

All I can tell you guys

is that my dad is
Mr. Number One all the way.


I'm out of here.

Uh, try to have this laundry
back by tomorrow.

I ain't promising nothing, lady.

Not with a bunch of weird

working for me
back at the plant.

[Astro chuckles]

Three Jupiter jacks.
I win, Mr. J.

Oh, didn't I program you
to lose at this game, Rosie?

No. That was gin rummy.

Alright. Deal again.

Well, hello, Miss Gyro.

How's every little thing
with our new neighbor?

Mr. Jetson, I think

there's something of yours
over here.

Whatever it is,
keep it as long as you like.

No, thanks.

This makes twice this week

I've caught your brute
of an animal in my yard.

Oh, uh, uh, I'll be over
in a microsecond.

When I get back, double or
nothing on this new hand, Rosie.

Sure thing, Mr. J.


Okay, what's he holding?


We machines
gotta stick together.


Hi, Elroy.
Bye, Elroy.

Say, dad, uh, what's your job?

Oh-ho. Lately, I'm nothing
but a dog catcher.

Uh, give us some action
for the camera, Orbitty.




Now, now stay still
so I can get a close-up shot.

- Orbitty, cool it.
- That's better.

I've been meaning to add him
to our family home-video album.

Mom, I have a problem
with a class assignment.

I thought you were
a straight-A student, Elroy.

Yeah, so far

but, uh, I'm supposed to make
a short video essay

for Father's Day called
"My Dad and His World"

and I don't even know
what dad does at work.

That's what Mr. Spacely
always says.

I'm under heavy peer pressure
from the kids at school, mom.

Well, that should be
easy enough to solve.

I'll just program
our mini-mobile camera

to record him at work tomorrow.

Your dad loves showing off.

But, uh, is it
an exciting job, mom?

Oh, he won't
disappoint you, Elroy.

One thing about your father

he's always
where the excitement is.

[Astro whistles]

Hello, gorgeous.


[Astro panting]

I should've known.
This happens every spring.

Mr. Jetson!

Relax, Miss Gyro.

It's just a springtime fling.
I can handle it.

If your beast doesn't stop
molesting my poor Jezebel

I'll have him impounded.


Weren't you ever in love?



[Jezebel barking]

[George panting]

Frankly, Jezebel, I don't
understand what he sees in you.


[Astro ululating]

'No, Astro, don't try it.'

- Ta-dah!
- Hmph.

Face it, Astro. You two were
just not made for each other.

Come on, let's go.


Come on out, lover boy.



- Mwah.
- Yuck!

You've got the worst dog breath.

George? Yuck!

It's home for you, fella.

Hey, wait.

Astro, wait.




Whoa, Astro!


What ever happened
to the part about

you being man's best friend?

[Jezebel barking]


[Jezebel barking]

Astro, I'm trading you in

for some Gemini gerbils
after this.

This is getting to be
a real drag.

[Astro crying]

Jezebel. Jezebel!

Knock it off, Romeo.

George, just look at you.

I know. I feel
like a tossed salad.

'Get Astro into the bathroom'

'before he starts shaking
the dirt everywhere.'

[machine whirring]

Now, don't treat me like a dog.


Jane, call your
wacko appliance off me.

Oh, Jezebel.

'Flash those
pearly whites, dad.'

Is this something for
the family video album, Elroy?

No, dad.
It's a class project.

I have to make a video essay
about you and your world.

Well, that could fill volumes.

Okay if I video your day
at the office tomorrow, dad?

Sure. Tomorrow's a big day too.

I've got to move out
200,000 sprockets by noon.

Wow, sounds exciting.
Thanks, dad.

"The George Jetson Show"

starring George Jetson

with special guest star
George Jetson.

I have a feeling
I shouldn't have done that.

I'm a real sucker for vacuums.

[Rosie humming]

Mr. J.? I didn't even know
you were home.

Bye-bye, Rosie.

He's looking
dog-tired these days.

Hi, Rosie.

Mr. J.?


Ooh. My 50,000-mile checkup
must be well overdue.

I'm hallucinating.

Hi, Elroy, Orbitty.

Hello, George.

Did you remember the video, dad?

Are you kidding, Elroy?

This little camera
gives total coverage.

Thanks, dad. You're the best.

Mr. Jetson, we've exchanged
some pretty nasty words

in the past.

No need to apologize, Miss Gyro.

But you haven't heard
anything yet.

Uh-oh. I got a feeling
I'm gonna hear plenty.

You'll be hearing plenty
from my lawyer

if you don't keep this
mongrel out of my life.


I'll be right over to get him.
Don't panic.

Oh, my wife would just
love your apartment, Miss Gyro.

Cut that neighborly chat

and get your canine Casanova
out of here.

- Where is he?
- By my Jupiter Moon mobile.

'Oh, and be careful. That's
an expensive piece of art.'

Kiss me, Jezebel.


Wow-wee! What a kisser.

Okay, lover boy,
pack up your pucker.

'What was that, Mr. Jetson?'

Everything's under control,
Miss Gyro.

Why did I say that?

Heel, Astro. Heel, boy.


That dog is driving me
out of my orbit.

Yoo-hoo! Jezebel.

'Astro, no.'

- Jezebel.
- Jezebel.

'Let go of her, Astro.'



[engine buzzing]

Okay, macho mutt

'the party's over.'

'Hop in.'

[George whistles]
'Here, boy.'

How about some
beef steak, Astro?

Come and get it.

The only way home for you
is through your stomach.


[glass shatters]


I'm glad
you're not unfamiliar

with the city
leash laws, Jetson.

Don't worry, Miss Gyro.

This time Astro's
totally under my control.

Take it easy. I've got
a tight grip on the situation.

I think I'm losing my grip.

[Astro whimpers]

Goodbye, Jetson.

Let's not meet again.

Listen, Astro.

Are you really gonna let
a little wimpy female dog

upset your life?


I thought so.

Come on.
We're homeward-bound.

Don't give me
that hangdog look, Astro.

It's love, George.

Love or not

I've got to find a way
to keep you indoors

until this love thing is over.

What if you program
the mini-mobile camera

to monitor
Astro's movements, dad?

Great thinking, Elroy.

Then I'll see
how he keeps sneaking out.

It's simple as A-S-T-R-O.

See? Heh heh.
it's working already.

After all these years

I finally outsmarted my own dog.

George, Astro just jumped down
the garbage chute.

Don't worry, honey.
The other end is sealed up.

'Not today. It's garbage day.'

Come on, Orbitty. Let's scan
this video of dad at work.



Oh, that's right, Orbitty.
This is totally boring.

I'll be humiliated
in front of my entire class.

But I can't mention it to dad.

He thinks his job
is really interesting.

Where have you two been
all this time?

It's all on the video.

Right now, I need a shower.

Whew! Well, you both
need a shower.

Uh, you'll
get over Jezebel, Astro.

I don't know what's worse,
the smell of wet garbage

or the smell of wet dog.

Knock it off
with the perfume, will you?

Perfume is for women.

It's called Saturn Seductress.
Isn't it divine?

The last thing you need is
Saturn Seductress, lover boy.

[Elroy groaning]

Feeling any better, Elroy?


A little bit.


I want Rosie to check you out.

We'll start
with some thermal tape.



'He does have a fever, Mrs. J.'

Here's the problem.

I must have left the bed heater
on by mistake.

Well, Elroy..

Can't talk now, mom.
I'll be late for school.


Off to school, eh?

Don't forget
your Father's Day video.

If anyone asks, I don't
give autographs. Ha ha ha.

I don't think
that'll be a problem, dad.

George, does it seem like
something is bothering Elroy?

Ah, he's just nervous.

When he scores big
with his video, he'll perk up.

[children chattering]

[bus driver laughing]
'This is my luckiest day yet.'

I haven't been squirted,
no space gum on my seat

no b*mb rockets.


And we're almost at school!

I'll bet you a full week's
worth of lunch pellets

that my father
gets the best grade.

What do you say, Jetson?

Uh, ahem. Well, my dad
won't let me gamble, fellas.

What's to gamble?

Unless your father isn't
as great as you said he is.

- He is too.
- Then it's a bet.

One full week's
worth of lunch pellets.

Oh, well.

I haven't been
that hungry lately, anyway.

(bus driver)
'Alright, kids.
We're here, we're here!'


All out for
Little Dipper School!

[bus driver laughing]

I made it in one piece. Yippee!

What a glorious life!

Oh, isn't that cute?


What are you gonna do, sh**t me?

I'm gonna take that job

delivering nitro-nuclear

My nerves need the rest.


'My father tests
rockets like the Z-33'

'made of durable dynomite'

'and equipped with 14
size A-10 synchronizers'

'and an air-cooled cryo-toy.'

[children snoring]

'The Z-33 is the finest
in flying machines.'

'Once the mighty engines ignite'

'the Z-33 flies at eight times
the speed of light'

if he can just get it started.

So that's my dad and his world.


Oh! Oh, oh, very nice, Kenny.

Ahem. Now, our final
Father's Day video

is by Elroy Jetson.

If it gets dark enough,
maybe I can sneak out of here.

[children laughing]

'Hey, Elroy,
is that your father?'

Oh, no.

I'll be the first kid
at Little Dipper

to get a double F minus.

'George, Astro just jumped down
the garbage chute.'

'Don't worry, honey.
The other end is sealed up.'

'Not today.
It's garbage day.'

[children laughing]



[children cheering]

Astro. Dad.

Give me a hand, Astro.

'Not that kind of hand.'

'Grab my hand.'

[children cheering]

Hang on, boy.

Oh, no, a space jogger.

Oh, I can't watch this.

I better lay off this
physical fitness stuff

before it kills me.

Phew. That was close.

Sorry, pal. They're trying
to recycle my dog.

Help! Help me.

Let go, Astro. I'll catch you.


I want my mama.


Grab hold, boy.

Stretch, Astro

or you'll spend your next life
as a video monitor.



[children cheering]

Attaboy, dad.

'You made it, Astro.
We're saved.'


[engine sputtering]

Oh, no, the car's stalling out.

Oh, no! No!

Thanks, George.

Ah! Let's go home
and get cleaned up, big fella.

Yuck! Knock it off, Astro.

[children cheering]

That was the spaciest, Elroy.

Your father is just
Mr. Super Terrific, Elroy.

You just have to see what I went
through with Astro. Jane, look.

'But this isn't
the Astro video, George.'

It's Elroy's school assignment.

It's a tough job,
but somebody's gotta do it.

I hate to say it, dear,
but this looks terribly boring.

Well, you have
to consider that the..

I mean, when you see it
like this..

You're right,
it's a crashing bore.

Poor Elroy.

No wonder he didn't
wanna go to school today.

On top of everything,
I gave him the wrong disc.

He's gonna be really down
when he gets home.

Hi, dad.

Elroy, I know
I botched up your assignment.

I, uh, I kind of messed
everything up.

I'd like to apologize.

What are you talking about?

I got a double A plus.

You're now known in my school
as the greatest dad

in the whole galaxy.

You did? I was?

I mean, I am?

[doorbell ringing]

'Why, Miss Gyro.'

'Why, you're full of surprises.'

Six surprises to be exact.

I'm sure you can find them
suitable homes.

Gee, dad, this is great.

Now, you and Astro can celebrate
Father's Day together.

Hi, Herb. How about a free puppy
for Father's Day?

This is gonna take a while.

Oh, boy.