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02x31 - Team Spirit

Posted: 04/05/22 07:39
by bunniefuu
[rooster croaking]

Elroy, see if your father's up.

No he isn't, ma.

Can we wake him?

Alright. But, gently please.


'Wake up, dad.
Wake up, wake up.'

Wake up.

I'm up. I'm up.

No! Hey.

clang clang

I'm up. What's wrong
with a gentle nudge, you two?

We tried that earlier, dad.

And then mom said
to wake you up.

- Yeah yeah yeah!
- Out. Out!

- Gee, dad.
- What a grouch.

This is cruel and inhuman.

What, George?

I didn't do anything.

I've to get up
a whole half hour early.

To pick up Spacely.

His saucer's
in the shop.

Oh, poor, George.

Well, Mrs. Spacely and I
are going to be baking cookies

for the Galaxy Women's
Historical Society today.

'Mr. Spacely can come
home with you.'


You better
get going, George.



George, I know Cogswell
is upto something.

Why, Mr. Spacely?

Because I haven't seen
hide nor hair of 'em lately.


Watch where you're going
you nebulous nitwit.

Who are you callin'
a nebulous nitwit, buddy.

Me. Uh, no one.

Uh, but there is more room
on the upper level.

Yeah, so why don't you move it
before he gets mad.

(truck driver)
'Oh, you want me to move it?
I'll move it.'


Mr. Spacely, I don't think
we'll have any trouble

seeing what Cogswell's up to.

I knew it.
I knew it.

Can't turn your back
on Cogswell.

That low, low, low down sneaky,
him and his robots!

'So, he want's to get
his name around, does he?

'Take a look, Mr. Spacely
I think he is doing just that.'

'I'll fix him. We're not gonna
take this, are we, George?'

'No, sir. Uh, we are not.'

'Then move it.'

'Hello, boys.
That's the ol' pepper.'

'Let's see you burn it in.'

'Show me your hot stuff, baby.'

Alright, baby.
Put her in here.

Show me your ol' blue hummer.


That's the way to zing
it in there, sweetheart.

'Okay, now let's put a little
extra on it this time.'

Talking about little.

I wonder if my
diminutive friend Spacely

has run across any
of my billboards lately.

Yes, Mr. Cogswell?

'Get me Spacely, my dear.'


We need something big.

Can't let Cogswell
get all this publicity.

We are gonna beat
him at his own game.

Spacely my little chum.

Run into any
of my signs lately?

Yeah. We ran into one.

In a manner of speaking.

We did happen to notice
some visual pollutants.

'Well, you know, it's a little
advertising campaign.'


Listen, Cogswell. Spacely robots
are better than yours anytime.

How about a friendly
game of spaceball?

That is if you can scrape up
any of your people to pitch.

'Your factory robots against
my factory robots.'

'Your robots wouldn't
stand a chance'

'against the Sprockets pitcher.'

'I don't think they'd be
standing, Jetson.'

'They'll be too busy running
from base to base.'

That'd be the day, Cogswell.

We've got the best pitcher
this side of the Moon League.

Heh heh heh.
You mean the far side, Spacely.

Wouldn't look too good
for your advertising campaign.

To have the Sprockets wipe you
off the face of the universe.

Not a chance, Spacely.

But I could always
use the extra advertising

when the Cogs run over
the Sprockets.

You'll never get past
our Sprockets pitcher.

The only team people will be
talking about is the Sprockets.

Oh-h-h, I'll enjoy
beating you, Cogswell.

Love to see it, Spacely.

Love to see it.

Oh, great. I forgot.
What have I done?

Uh, Mr. Spacely--

Screwball Vemmell is
on vacation on Venus.

Where am I gonna
get a pitcher?

Uh, Mr. Spacely.

How did I let you
get me into this?

I'm doomed.
Who have I got for a pitcher?

- Me!
- You?

Humor, I don't
need, Jetson.

Really, Mr. Spacely. I used
to be pretty good in my day.

'I was the star pitcher
for Orbit High.'

'You wouldn't kid me, George.
Don't kid me now.'

Heck no.
Come on, I'll show you.

[upbeat music]

I hope I still have it.




George, my boy.

I never doubted you.
We'll destroy Cogswell.

You're getting
the special treatment.

Nothing's too good
for my star.

Well I guess, I still
got an 'A' boss?

'This is how your
great-great-great grandmother'

'made cookies, Elroy.'

Our historical society
feels we should all

learn to do things
the old fashioned way.

Gee, mom.
You mean I can do that?

Sure, you can.

All you need are
the right ingredients.

Let's see, five eggs.

(computerized vocalization)
Quantity five.
Please select egg type.


Boy. This looks
real interestin'.

I wonder what's
keeping Mrs. Spacely.

Rosie, would you
help Elroy finish

'while I give
Mrs. Spacely a call?'

Sure thing, Mrs. J.

Jane, the traffic has been
thicker than a swarm of meteors.

But I'm almost there.

I just wanted to make
sure you remember.

[spaceship droning]

(male #1)
'Watch where
you're going, lady.'

[upbeat music]


I'll be right back.

Mrs. Spacely is having trouble
finding a parking place.

Take over, Rosie.

"Super Nova,
Energized Power Particles."

Energy, huh.

Well, that's what
cookies give you.

And mom did say, all you need
are the right ingredients.

This ought to make
it really good.


- How're we doin', Roy boy?
- Ready, Rosie.

Here you go, Roy boy.

- Throw me.
- Okay Astro, catch.


[upbeat music]

clang clang clang



Yum. More.

Jumping Jupiter,
that's neat.

Here you go boy.

[music continues]






[music continues]

Stop, stop, stop!

It's just so dangerous
driving these days.

No one looks
where they're going.

I'm a nervous wreck.

I know what you mean.

You need to just relax
for a little bit.

I'll fetch you some tea.




Uh, tea?

One lump or two?

I think, I just had three.

- 'Elroy.'
- It wasn't me, mom.

Really it wasn't.

'It, was the cookies.
Astro ate one and then--'

That's true, Mrs. J.

Something' different about
those old fashioned cookies.

I had enough of this
old fashioned stuff.

'We're lucky, we weren't
baking a cake.'

[instrumental music]

Ah, Jetson,
the secret w*apon.

'You're gonna save the name
of Spacley Sprockets.'

Uh, isn't this
just a friendly game?

Game? This is no game.

This is w*r, Jetson.

You know what happens
to the loser?


- Uh, I get the picture.
- And I get the pitcher.

Do nothing, but train
for this game.

I'm gonna have
a special training camp

for you and my team.

I'm giving you
the royal treatment.

How do you like the a*t*matic
trainers table I got you?

'Nothing but the
best for you, George.'

'Watch that arm now.'

'Doing great, George.'



Come back here, George.
We're not finished.

I hope not, sir.

'Watch that arm.'

Yes, sir.

[upbeat music]


Now, let's see what
the little sprockets look like?



Uh-oh, Spacely is gonna try
and put one over on me.

Boy, Dad is really
gonna be surprised.


This is just the thing
an all star pitcher needs.

His own valet
and helper outer, he-he.

'Looks neat,
ha Astro?'

Yeah, neat.

I'll help your dad win
the game for the Sprockets.

My dad's gonna
do great.

Let's give it a try.

Astro, you stay right there.
Pretend you're George.


Eh, could use a little
more of water pressure.

Here comes dad.
Let's surprise him.

Oh, what a day.

I hope I can just
make it through tomorrow

before Spacely
finishes me off.

No, stay away.
Don't touch the arms.


Oh, ah, ah, help!

Sorry, Mr. Jetson.

I think the water
pressure is too high.

The little guy is supposed
to wipe your forehead.

You'll like it when
I can get it adjusted.

Gee, dad. I'm sorry,
I almost wiped you out.

We can fix it.

'You'll really like it,
you'll see.'

I may not live that long.

'Come on, come on.
Put it over the plate.'

Let's see your fast one.
Play over. Pack him out!


Good luck, Cogswell.

You're gonna need it.

[Cosmo laughs]

Luck for me
if necessary, Spacely.

(male #1)
Now you have control of the
game in the palm of your hand.

With these attraction,
repulsion devices

the best hitters will miss
and the worst players

can get a home run
with a punch of a button.

Well, let's see.

swoosh swoosh swoosh


And now when we change
the attraction

we get a different result.

This I like.

'But their pitcher
is pretty good.'

Are you sure you
couldn't zip a fast one

past this force feild?

It would take
more than pretty good.

You'll need a 200 mile
per hour pitch

to overcome this device.

I really like this.

'Now, I'm looking
forward to this game.'

We'll see, who's the best.


Of course, after you
hit the ball

it goes where it wants to.

'Jane, the bus is gonna
be here any second.'

George, it's not gonna be
here for another 15 minutes.

- 'Will you just relax?'
- Relax? How can I relax?

George, it's just a game.

Not to Spacely, it isn't.

To him it's Sprocket publicity.

It's life or death.

If we win I get life,
if I lose..


Judy, Elroy,
let's get going.

Astro too, dad?

'Ah, alright.'

Spacely Sprocket team
Spacely Sprocket team

Cogswell gears
have lots to bare

From Spacely Sprocket team

(all together)

Where's Astro?

Look out for me.

Oh, yeah. Ha-ha.
My mitt.

(all together)

Spacely Sprocket team

Spacely Sprocket team

Cogswell gears
have lots to bare

From Spacely Sprocket team

(all together)

(male #2)
'Hot dogs, hot dogs,.
Get 'em hot.'

(male #3)
'Give me one with mustard.'

Coming up, coming up.

(male announcer)
'As you can see,
ladies and gentlemen'

excitement is high
for the exhibition game

with these two very
competitive companies

the Spacely Sprockets
and the Cogswell Cogs.

'You can see the crowds favorite
and the man to watch?'

'coming out of the security,
George Jetson.'

'The Cogswell team
is in the field.'

(computerized vocalization)
'Play ball.'

No need to make
this a m*ssacre.

Let's see what the little
Sprockets can do first.


(male announcer)
'The Sprockets are up first.
Here comes the first pitch.'

'It's a free ticket to first
base for the Sprockets.'

I'll just toy
with him for a while.

Now, the Sprocket pitcher
is coming to bat.

[crowd cheering]

Do your stuff, kiddo.


Hey, I can use that
in the office.

I told you
you'd like it, Mr. Jetson.

So with that box
Mr. Robert can send

the valet out to dad
when he needs it.



[spectators cheering]



George Jetson's versatility
truly speaks for itself.


[computerized vocalization]
'Strike one.'

(male announcer)
'The Halley Curving Comet.'

[computerized vocalization]
'Strike two.'

(male announcer)
'The Orbit Ball.'

[computerized vocalization]
'Strike three.'

'You're out,
you're out, you're out.'

(male announcer)
'Now at the
bottom of the fifth'

'the indomitable,
charismatic Sprockets'

'are leading substantially.'

This is fantastic.

He is a dashing figure.

I know.

I mean the TV coverage.

Do you know
how many people

are watching Spacely
Sprockets' robots in action?


A Sprocket victory seems assured

as we move
in to the bottom of the ninth.

'There is little chance
the Cog's can close the gap'

'against Jetson's
spectacular pitching.'

You're out.

Yeah I think that's
enough of a lead.

Now for the fun.

What's this?

This isn't mine.


All fixed.

A little mistake.

Uh, a little mistake?

Give it your best shot

big shot.

Ah, well.

What's one run anyway?



thwack thwack
thwack thwack thwack

This is truly
a baffling turn of events.

The Cogs are sudden
on the offensive.

'The Cogs are on the move.'

'We may see the Cogs
overturn the Sprockets'

'in this last inning.'

'Jetson is running
out of energy.'

Energy? He's hungry.

Dad needs somethin' to eat.

The cookies.

We gotta get dad
some of these cookies.

They'll give him energy.

ha ha ha

Okay, but I think your dad
needs a lot more than cookies.

'Don't worry.'

These are real old fashioned
special cookies.

Real special.

(male announcer)
'Time out is called.'

'The Sprockets may
be trying to regroup.'

'It looks very dim
for the Sprockets.'

'There are no outs
for the Cogs'

'and they need only
two runs to win the game.'

[computerized vocalization]
Strike one.

(male announcer)
'Maybe I spoke too soon.'

[computerized vocalization]
Strike two.

This might need more power.
Batteries must be low.

(male announcer)
'We're waiting to see if Jetson
can strike out another Cog.'


'This player was a match for
Jetson's infamous Twist Ball.'

'With a man on first
a homerun run'

'will now win
the game for the Cogs.'

'Unless Jetson
can stop this player'

'the Cogs will have
the two runs'

'they need to win the game.'

Oh, my gosh.

he he he

You better do it, George.

'Or you'll be pitchin'
on the dark side of the moon.'

(Jane and Mrs. Spacely)
'Come on, George.'

'You can do it.'

'My dad can do it.'

Yeah, I can do it.


(male announcer)
'This is it.'

'The play that wins all through
for the Sprockets.'

'He's got it.'


Now, Mr. Spacely

about the vice presidency.

Don't be pushy.
We'll talk about it.

By the way, Jetson, where did
you get that burst of energy?

I don't know. I'd just eaten
some homemade cookies.

Cookies? Cookies?

Oh, that's it.

Get me the recipe
and I'll really make

you a vice president.

I'll be rich.

Strength through
Spacely's cookies.

Uh, Jane, I need that
cookie recipe for Mr. Spacely.

It's important.

It's gone. Rosie said
the cookbook flew away.

'Besides, the cookies
weren't very good.'

Not good?

They might be worth a fortune.

But we can analyze 'em
and get the formula.

Elroy, bring me
some of those cookies.

Gee, I'm sorry, dad.
I gave them to Astro.

He loves them.

Oh, no.
Where is he?

There he goes.

[theme music]