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02x27 - Astro's Big Moment

Posted: 04/05/22 07:36
by bunniefuu
...wonderful will happen to me.
I can feel it in my bones.



- Jetson.
- Ah!

Oh, hi, Mr. Spacely.

George, I want you to join me
in the executive dining room.

The executive dining room. Wow.

Thanks, Mr. Spacely.
It'll be an honor.

I've had my eye on you
for a long time, George...

...and I've reached an
important decision.

We'll discuss
it over lunch.

It's happened.
It's my lucky day.

The old skinflint
is gonna give me a raise.

Or make me a vice president.
Or president, even.

I gotta tell
Jane the good news.

How wonderful, George.

Are you sure he said
"chairman of the board"?

Well, that's not exactly how
he put it but I got the message.

Message, huh? Well, George,
have your lunch and we'll see.

- Good luck.
- Thanks, honey.

Oh, boy, is she excited.

I'll take
the oeufs de delight, Pierre.

And what will
the Monsieur Peasant have?

Who, me? Let me see.

Oh, try the oeufs de delight,
George. Delicious.

Okay, I'm always willing
to try something new.

At once, monsieur.

Bon appetite.

Fried eggs?

Huh, gee, that was a great meal,
Mr. Spacely.

As I was saying, George,
I'm impressed with your...

... intelligence, sound judgment
and shrewd instincts.

Gosh, Mr. Spacely, I really
don't deserve all this praise.

I know. But, nevertheless,
after much deliberation...

...I've chosen you for
an important job.

Thank you, Mr. Spacely.
I won't let you down.

I know. That's why I'm
appointing you judge for...

...the annual Spacely Space
Sprockets Space Dog Show.

- Dog show? Judge?
- Yeah, that's right, my boy.

The winner will get a loving cup
and a year's supply of dog food.

Jane was right.
I got the wrong message.

What? What did you say?

Uh, nothing, sir.

By the way, Mrs. Spacely
has entered...

...her dog Fifi in the show.

And knowing what a faithful,
loyal employee you are...

...I know Fifi will win.

Therefore, it won't be necessary
for you to look for a new job.

See you at the Space Dog Show.

Your check, monsieur.

"Fried eggs, $750"?


Well, I didn't get
the raise.

And the lunch cost me
a week's pay.

But I still got a job, provided
Mrs. Spacely's dog wins.

What the--? Hey!

What do you guys
think you're doing?

Don't you know
how to drive?

Shut up
and come with us.

Yeah, the boss
wants to see you.

Boss? What boss?

Mangler Mars,
the boss of the Mangler Mob.

Mangler Mars?

Yeah. Now, shut up.

I heard on the TV
that you is gonna judge...

...the Spacely Space Sprockets
Space Dog Show.

- Is that right?
- Yes, sir.

Now that's very lucky for you...

...because Star Bite
is gonna be in that show.

Say hello to the nice judge,
Star Bite.

The name fits him.



MARS: And if Star Bite
don't win, Aurora, who is...

...the fiancee of me,
is gonna have her heart broke.


So I'm gonna make you an offer
you can't refuse.

-An offer?

The offer is, Star Bite wins
or you lose, permanently.

Show the judge out, boys.

THUG 1: Right, boss.
THUG 2: Right, boss.

Thanks, fellas.

Mom, the judge is home.

George, we heard the news on TV
and we're all so proud of you.

- Aren't we, Elroy?
ELROY: - Yep.

JANE: Elroy is going to enter
Astro in the Space Dog Show.

Isn't that cute?

Gee, Astro, you're such a
wonderful dog,

I just know
that you're gonna win.

Elroy's heart would break
if Astro loses.

And we wouldn't want that
to happen, would we, George?

No, Jane, I wouldn't want
that to happen...

...but I got a real big problem.

After all, you are the judge
and he is your son.

Come on, champ. We're gonna
get you entered in the show.

Okay, Elroy.

I just know he'll win...


But, Jane--
Oh, boy, what a choice.

Should I lose my job, my son's
confidence in me, or my life?

Why don't you resign as judge?

Yeah, that's it.
I'll resign as judge.

It'll solve
all my problems.

Thanks, Orbitty,
you're a pal.


I'll resign first thing

and all my troubles
will disappear.

Thanks for inviting me
to play golf with you

working hours, boss.

Don't mention it, George.
The exercise is good for you.

And, besides, you'll be docked
for taking the time off.

Now let's hurry it up. I gotta
take Fifi for her pedicure.

Yes, sir.

Wow. This is a tricky shot.
It's gonna take all my skill.

410.3 yards. Use 5 iron.

Five iron, huh?



Hole in one. Nice shot,
Mr. Spacely.

Thanks, George.

GEORGE: Ahem. Mr. Spacely, sir,
I'd like to talk to you.

- About what?
- About judging the dog show.

Don't mention it, George.
You deserve the honor.

Well, you don't understand, sir.
I want to--

You want Mrs. Spacely's dog
to win.

That's why I appointed
you judge.

Well, that's what I wanna talk
to you about, Mr. Spacely.

I don't wanna be the judge.



You're gonna be the judge
or you're gonna look

for a new job.

Now what's it gonna be?

- Well, I--
- Good.

Now go fetch the ball...

...and maybe I won't dock you
for taking the afternoon off.

Some choice.
Judge or let my family starve.

Oh, boy.

Is this what you're looking for?

Yes, sir, Mr. Mars.

Enjoy your game. And remember...

...if Star Bite doesn't win,
it'll be your last.

Don't move, Jetson.


Another hole in one.

Oh, my aching back. That
Mangler Mars doesn't kid around.

Uh-oh. It's Mangler Mars' boys.
What'll I do?

How am I gonna get past them?

I got it.

Elroy's Halloween mask.



Well, what's the matter
with you, Astro?

- It's me, George.
- George?


He thinks he's George.

ELROY: - Hello, Dad.
- Huh?

Hey, you're wearing
my Halloween mask.

You left it
in the car. Here.

- Thanks, Dad.
- George.

I still don't know how you hurt
your sacroiliac playing golf.

And I don't understand why
Mr. Spacely would wanna... golf on a Wednesday.

He's not a doctor.

If I told you, you wouldn't
believe me.

Now just lie still
and enjoy a brisk massage.

-It'll help you relax.
-Relax? How can I relax?

That Mars guy isn't kidding.


ELROY: Presenting the great

...future winner of
the Spacely Sprockets

Space Dog Show.

Show Dad your act, Astro.


Mangler Mars.

Gee, I guess
he didn't like your act, Astro.

My right foot tripped
over my left foot.

Hey, I got it.
You're gonna be Super Dog.

Super Dog?

Yeah. The strongest dog in
the world. Come on.

We'll go down to the gym and
start working out right away.

INSTRUCTOR: Just remember,
all you do is relax.

The exercise machines
will do the working for you.

-Pretty neat, huh, Astro?
ASTRO: Yeah. Pretty neat.

We'll start with some deep-knee
bends to work out...

...any kinks in your legs.



And, one, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

Splendid. You're doing fine.

-What was that?
ELROY: Your spine.

Wow, are you stiff.

Now for some jump rope
to coordinate your footwork.

Very good. Let's pick up
the tempo.


Wow, Astro, this exercise
program is paying off.

Your footwork has
improved already.


We will now do some body
twists with your feet...

...planted firmly
on the floor.

You twist to the right,
twist to the left,

twist to the right,
twist to the left.

Right, left,
right, left.

And that, sir, completes
your relaxing...

...robotic exercises
for the day.

Please come back again soon.
Thank you.

No, no. Stay away. No.

I can't. I can't do it.


No, no, no.

I don't wanna be judge.

-I don't wanna be judge!
-You must, you must, you must!


Star Bite wins or you lose.

Star Bite wins or you lose.

Star Bite wins or you lose.

He's your son,
your son, your son, your son.

Son, son, son,
son, son, son, son.

Ah, it's no use.
I can't sleep.

There's only one right way
to judge this contest.

I'll pick the dog I think is
best and take my chances...

...with Mangler Mars,
Mr. Spacely and my family.

Wow, look at all those dogs.

Picking a winner
isn't gonna be easy.

Hi, Dad. Astro and I
are ready.

And we know we'll win,
don't we, George?

Oh, you can come out now,
my precious.

Fifi is going to win for mumsie,
isn't she?

What's the matter with her?
She looks so puny.

She just had a bath.
I'll have to blow her dry.

That's my Fifi.
All cuddly and soft.


Do you think Fifi
will win, Cosmo?

Oh, yeah, yeah,
sure, sure.

Excuse me, honey.
I'll be right back.

Oh, George?

"Fifi wins or you...

...are fired!"



Gee, boss, what's with
the fancy clothes on Star Bite?

Yeah. What gives?

MARS: To give him some
class, knucklehead.

This is strictly
a classy event.

So he's gotta have some class,
which I done give to him.

Say, that's brilliant, boss.

Show them some class, Star Bite.

Okay, that's enough class.

But, boss, we thought youse had
the dog show in the bag.

Yeah, Star Bite wins
or it's curtains for Jetson.

I does, but, you know,
I've been thinking.

Gee, that's great, boss.

Shut up when I'm thinking.

Right, boss.

I've been thinking...

...if there weren't any other
mutts in the show...

...except Star Bite
he has to win, right?

-Yeah, right.
-Right, boss.

But how are you gonna get rid
of them other mutts?

They ain't gonna leave
just because you asked them to.

With this remote-controlled
p*ssy cat.



See? It works.

-Is Star Bite all set?
-Yeah, boss.

With these dark glasses,
he can't see a thing.

And with these ear muffs, he
can't hear a thing. Ready, boss?

So long, mutts.



It's working.

The phony cat is leading
the mutts out of the building.

Look, Cosmo, all those uncouth
dogs are coming this way.

We can't let Fifi associate
with such riffraff.


No, Astro, come back.
It's a trick.

I'll bring Astro back.

Astro, come back, come back.

Hey, hey, hey, woof-woof.

-Thanks, Orbitty.
-You're welcome.


Oh, no. I'm back where
I started.

The dogs all ran out except
Astro, Fifi and Star Bite.

I gotta choose between Astro
and my son, Elroy...

...Mrs. Spacely's Fifi
and my job...

...or Star Bite
and my life.

What am I gonna do?

COP: Okay, Mangler,
you're under arrest.

Who, me? What for?

Dognapping and I got
the evidence right here...

...on the leash.

Come on, Star Bite, I'm taking
you back to your rightful owner.

Star Bite is out of the show?

Oh, Fifi, my poor babykins.

How could you do this to me
at a time like this?

Sorry, George. Fifi is gonna
have puppies. I gotta leave.

Leave? That leaves only
one contestant.

Astro wins the cup
and a year's supply of...

...Doggie Woggie
Delightful Dinners.


WOMAN: Just one moment,
Mr. Jetson, Your Honor.

According to the rules
governing this contest...

...on page 14, paragraph C... clearly states there must
be at least two contestants...

...for one to be declared
the winner.


GEORGE: But who?
All the dogs ran out.

Astro's the only one left.

Food, food, food, food!


Oh, look at that poor puppy.

-He fainted.
-Poor thing. He must be starved.


Ladies and gentlemen... we now have the required
two contestants...

...I declare Astro
the winner of the cup.

And as a consolation prize
to the runner up...

...the Doggie Woggie
Delightful Dinners...

...go to--
What's your name?


Well, congratulations,

you've just won
all this dog food.

How does it feel
to be a winner?


After all my worrying about
how to judge the show...

...everything worked out
fine and dandy.

Yes. Star Bite was reunited
with his rightful mistress...

...and Mangler Mars
was arrested.

Gee, boss, maybe you
shouldn't have stole that dog.

Shut up when
I'm serving time.

And Mrs. Spacely's dog, Fifi,
had her pups... the nick
of time.


Isn't this wonderful, Cosmo?
Thirteen hungry little puppies.

But, best of all,
Astro won honestly.

Dividing the prize like that
was really wonderful of you.

Yeah, Dad. Little Woof-Woof
won't go hungry now.

Not for a year,
he won't.