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02x26 - Haunted Halloween

Posted: 04/05/22 07:35
by bunniefuu
Meet George Jetson

His boy, Elroy

Daughter, Judy

Jane, his wife


GEORGE: As the group huddled
nervously around the campfire...

...they again
heard the snapping of a twig... if someone or something
were approaching...

...step by stealthy step nearby.


Step by step,
he seemed to be getting closer.

And suddenly, the bushes parted,
and there he was.

His horrible, distorted face
a decaying, cadaverous,

green mask.

His mouth partly open.

His fang-like teeth
ready to strike.

The Creeper moved
slowly, slowly,

toward our hero
and laughed.


"Now I have you right where
I want you."

But then the hero pulled out
a handful of garlic...

...and destroyed
the evil Creeper.

No, not garlic.


Tell us another one, Dad.

George Jetson, honestly,
you wanna give...

...these kids nightmares?

Yeah, Mom. Let him.

Come on, honey,
it's almost Halloween.

If they come running
into our bed,

they're sleeping
on your side.

I love those
Creeper stories, Mom,

and Orbitty's
never heard them before.

Now he loves them too.
Right, Orbitty?

See? Now, come on.

- It's time for bed.
- Oh, Mom.

If you hear any more of those
Halloween stories,

you'll never get to sleep.

Janey. Ha-ha-ha.

I heard lots of Halloween
stories when I was a kid,

and it hasn't affected me.

Affected me, affected me,
affected me.

Give us a kiss, sweetie.

Knock it off, Igor, or you sleep
on the couch tonight.

Ooh, I love the couch.

Reminds me of
my coffin back home.


- Orbitty?
[ORBITTY]- What?

We're not sleeping
with the lights on all night.


Look, Dad just made up that
story about the Creeper.

There is nothing
to be scared of.

Now, go to sleep.




- Good evening, Elroy.
- Hi, Dad.

Elroy, do not play
with your food.

Oh, Dad.

Ooh. It's such a drag being
a vampire trying to...

...put on lipstick.

I don't have a reflection
in my mirror.


The main course.

Especially prepared
by our new chef, the Creeper.



Hey, what's going on?

- Yow! The monster.
- Monster?


Dad, wake up.
There's a monster in my room.

[IN NORMAL VOICE] I know, honey.
No more Halloween stories.

And two glasses
of Orion orange juice.

Rosie, tell George
his breakfast will be ready... a few microseconds.

On my way, Mrs. J.

Ta-da! It's the Great Jetsoni.

Uh-oh. It's trick-or-treat time.

But Mr. J's tricks
are no treat.

How about getting
sawed in half, Rosie?

Why not?

I'm always expected to be in two
places at one time anyway.

I wouldn't let him try
if I were you, Rosie.

Don't worry, Mrs. J.

I maybe made of metal, but I
don't have sawdust for brains.

Jane, watch this.
This is a new one.

Oh, please, George.
Your tricks never work.

Observe as I transform
this ordinary egg

into a beautiful
Plutonian peacock.

Of all the wizards
in the galaxy

None can top the Great Jetsoni

I hope the trick
is better than the rhyme.

It isn't.

Well, Elroy can help me brush up
on the old magic act.

He and Orbitty are
out costume shopping...

...for Mr. Spacely's party.

Now, will you sit down and eat?

I'll just have this egg
for breakfast.

I like them well-done.

Power. I need more power, Edgar.

Yes, master.


Yes, good.

Very good. Ha-ha-ha!

Oh, not again.

Cut power, Edgar.

You can't scare someone
with a moon monster...

...who wants to
shuffle off to Buffalo Mega.

Oh, who am I kidding?

No one goes
to waxite museums anymore.

Not when they can
see 3-D movies.

I can fix it, master.
You'll see.

I've failed, Edgar.

I haven't even sold
one new design all season.


Listen, master.
Customers out front.

What we need
are some new ideas, new blood.

Hmm. What have we here?

A boy and some
weird little creature.

Maybe this is our lucky day
after all, Edgar.


I mustn't keep them waiting.

Welcome to Dr. Scarem's Magic
Trick Costume Shop...

...and Waxite Museum.

ELROY: Those special effects
are the spaciest, mister.

Who are you?

Elroy Jetson.
We're looking for some costumes.

And who or what is this
adorable little fellow, hmm?

Oh, go.

Orbitty, come back.
It's all just an act.

Perhaps he'd like to see
my Saturn Slug costume.

Oh, no.


It's one of my best designs.

Hey, you need a ticket
to go back there.




Oh, goodie.
A paying customer.

Do you want
to buy a program?

Now I have you right where
I want you.

Orbitty, you're gonna
break something.


They got away.

Sorry, master.

I was changing
a fuse in moon monster.

Forget about that
and go after those two.

We'll have all the customers
we can handle...

...once I make Orbitty a
permanent part of my collection.


This trick will be the hit
of the Halloween party.

It can't be any worse
than what you did last year.

And they say
you're not a good sport, sir.

Now, just relax.

Alakazam, alakazoo
This I call the old switcheroo

This is fantastic.
I knew you could do it, boy.

Mr. Cogswell calling,
Mr. Spacely.

Eh, Jetson,
do something quick.

No sweat, sir.

Abrakazam, dippity duz
Put my boss back the way he was

Oh, Jetson, where's that
little shrimp, Spacely?

The shrimp's right--

I mean, he's right here, sir.

That you, Spacely?

You look a little,
ha-ha-ha, de-feeted.

Jetson, what's going on?

If I get my hands on you,

Uh, he'll be right with you,
Mr. Cogswell.


I'll have you outta there as
soon as I get the instructions.

Trying out some new
aerobic exercise, Spacely?

What do you want, Cogswell?

Every year, we bet on who has
the best Halloween costume.

And since I always win,
we can save time if you...

...paid me off now, Spacely.


This year, my costume
is gonna blow you out...

...of the galaxy, Cogswell.

Maybe we should raise
the stakes to $5000, then.

Let's make it 10.

It's a bet.


I knew I could sucker you
into more money.

See you on Halloween, Spacely.


Did I say 10,000?

Oh, that Jetson
has me so upset.

I found the instructions, sir.

Jetson, get me out of here.

Did you hear me, Jetson?
I want out.

Sir, I'm doing the best I can.
I'm not a magician.

I don't see any costume shop
around here, Orbitty.

- Go up and take a look.
- Okay.

- We're being followed, Elroy.
- Quit joking around, Orbitty.

We're not being followed.

Look, the newMongo Space
Vampire movie.

Oh, I'd love to see it,
but it's too scary for you.

Not for me.

Whoops. Excuse me.
Pardon me.



I hope we're not missing all
the scary parts.

The Creeper's after us, Elroy.

Will you stop it?
There is no Creeper.


It's not funny anymore.

MAN [ON FILM]:Excuse me, miss,
but I haven't had...

...a bite all week.

Oh, you. You're Mongo Space



- Let go, Orbitty.
- Let go of what?

- My master needs you.
- Aah!


Now, there go
two satisfied customers.


Oh, I think this movie's
going to be a blockbuster.

Save your breath, Jetson.

Your magic act
is out this year.

Please, let me show you
just one more trick.

I've got bigger problems
to solve, Jetson.

I have to beat Cogswell
with an award-winning costume...

...or I'm out
10,000 space clams.

Hey, I know this terrific
shop where they make...

...original costume designs.

Hmm. That sounds promising.

Yeah, no, you'd only
botch things up.

Give me a chance.

If I don't come through for you,
you can fire me.

Ooh. I like the sound of that.

Just let me show you
one last trick.

Oh, alright.

The thought of firing someone
has cheered me up a bit.

Bindo, bando, bond
I don't like to gloat

But with the touch of my wand
I can make you float


I've got new hair growing
in there.

Mr. Spacely, it's working.


I feel like a bubble, Jetson.

Uh.... I think it's time
to bring you back down,

Mr. Spacely.

Oh, this is so relaxing.

I feel like I could
just float away.

Oh, that's what
I'm afraid of, sir. Uh....



Oh, here it is.


I'm leaving for
the costume shop now.

He'll be okay.
If he lands on his head.

What do you mean, lost him?

I must have that fuzzy little
creature for my collection.

But, master, the theater floor
was sticky and my rollers... gummed up.

And what do you
suggest we do now?

Good fortune just isn't going
to walk through that door.


Hi, I came to look at your
magic tricks and costumes.

Sorry, sir. We're considering
going out of business.

Oh, great. I can hear
Spacely now.

"Jetson, you've botched it

Did my ear detect
the name Jetson?

Yeah, that's right.
George Jetson.

How is your little boy
and his fuzzy little friend?

- Hey, do you know them?
- In a manner of speaking.

Just how may we serve you, hmm?

I was looking for a magic trick
for myself and a costume...

...for my boss. You see?

- You are a magician?
- Well, just a beginner.

How lucky, Mr. Jetson.
We give magic lessons.

- We?
- Um--

He gives magic lessons.

Really? I could use
something special for... boss's Halloween party.

Why, certainly.

It would be my pleasure
to come to your home tonight...

...and give you private lessons.

I think we're planning
on having dinner out.

- They're free lessons.
- Tonight only.

Free? Mm.

We're in the Skypad Apartments.

We'll be there after dark.

Your son and his little friend
will be there, of course?

Oh, sure. They'll be delighted.


Why don't we keep
it a surprise?

Gotcha. See you soon.

Yes, Mr. Jetson.

Very soon.


- Dad, Dad.
- Just a second, son.

Higher the eggs go,
higher a smidgen

Turn ye each
into a pigeon

Hey, it worked. Great.

Wait, wait.


Well, I guess
it's a one-shot trick.

Twenty bucks
right out the window.

Dad, Dad, I was trying
to tell you,

somebody followed us this

The Creeper.


Your imaginations
are really working overtime.

- But at least we got away.
- Yeah.

Got away from who?
What did he look like?

Someone to see you, Mr. J.

- Like that.
- The Creeper!

Well, delighted
to see you all again.

Kids, what are you
talking about?

Dr. Scarem is a real magician.

He's gonna let me in
on a few of his trade secrets.

My friends, I shall show you a
trick you will never forget.

EDGAR: And now, ladies and
gentlemen, prepare to be...

...amazed mystified
and mesmerized by...

...the master of mystery
and magic, Dr. Scarem.

Lesson number one, Mr. Jetson:

The grand entrance, to seize the
attention of your audience.

Remember, magic
is a game of illusion.

Did you see it
or didn't you see it?

Did he appear or disappear?

Is it real?

Or is it magic?

Hey, that was great.

The success of one's illusion
often depends...

...on the subject one chooses.

The best subjects are
skeptical, suspicious,


Oh, no!

Aha! Perfect.
There is my subject.

Come on, scaredy-cat.
It's just a little magic trick.

Nothing to fear,
my little, uh.... Whatever.

I'm going to let Mr. Jetson
himself perform this trick.

Oh, yes, the old
trading-places trick.

You're way ahead of me,
Mr. Jetson,

but can you guess it all?

Oh, boy.

This trick
is really great, Jane.

They change places
right before your eyes.

Ready when you are, Mr. Jetson.

Meteors and comets
Never come face to face

Like you now move
From place to place


That's what my act needs.

Real showbiz.

- They're gone.
- Ha-ha-ha.

Of course they're gone.

That's the whole idea behind....

They're really gone.

I told you it was them, Dad.

Hold on, Elroy. I'll have them
all back in an instant.

Alakazam, alacazack

Everybody, right away
Come on back

Dr. Scarem, are you there?

What's happening, George?
Where's Orbitty?

They've got him,
they've got him.

We may never
see him again.

It looks closed.

We can't just break
into a man's store.

ELROY: But, Dad, they're gonna
turn Orbitty

into one of those waxite
figures. I just know it.

GEORGE: Okay, okay. Maybe we can
figure a way of getting in.

Power. I need more power, Edgar.

Better, better. Arms, please.

All of the instruments are
ready, master.

Good. I'm making all of
the final measurements.



Is that one of ours, master?

Be a good assistant
and find out, Edgar.

We're, uh, closed.


It's the Great Jetsoni and Son.


Scare me and my pal, will you?

Hey, master. Oh, oh, master.

Please, Mr. Jetson.
I abhor v*olence.


I have someone on my side now.

The tables have turned, eh,
Mr. Jetson?

Now, get out of my laboratory.




Coming, master. Yow!


I wish Jane and I had
that much rhythm.

We surrender.


Orbitty, you let them go.
They wanna turn you into waxite.

No, Mr. Jetson.
I can explain.

I'm calling
the space cops right now.

Please, George, listen.

GEORGE: You two wanted Orbitty
for your creepy Waxite Museum.


Is that what you thought?


I was designing
a costume in his honor.


My Orbitty costume will be
the most original design...

...of the season.

Edgar and I are back
in business.

Thanks to me.

Ha-ha-ha. And I thought
everyone else...

...had an overactive

Orbitty has already agreed.

Do we have your permission
to start production?


On two conditions.

My boss needs a good magic act
for his Halloween party...

...and an original costume
to win a bet.

Abscam, alakazam

Happy Halloween, sweetie.

Yeah, great party, Jetson.

You can keep your job.

Why, Mr. Spacely.

I think you have
the best costume here.

You can bet on it.
Right, Jetson?

Sure thing, Mr. Spacely.

Mr. Cogswell is here,
Mr. Spacely.

Send the pigeon in,
Miss Galaxy.


I hope he brought
the 10,000 in small bills.


What? What's
the meaning of this?

In case of a tie,
last year's winner

takes the money, Spacely.


I know, I know, Mr. Spacely.

You'd like to turn
the tables on a certain...

and make him disappear.

Well, allow me, sir.

The prize and the money
Are down the tube

Get rid of the boob

Oh, uh-- Ha-ha.

I'm sorry,
Mr. Spacely.

Oh, I guess I'm back
to my old tricks again.