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02x24 - Fantasy Planet

Posted: 04/05/22 07:34
by bunniefuu
Hurry it up, George.

That video cube is due in
the main conference room... 10 seconds.

And counting.
Ten, nine, eight...

- No, I'm hurrying. Okay, okay.
-, six, five four...

- No.
- ...three, two--


You lucked out, George.

Oh, I think I need
an early retirement,

or at least
a chiropractor.


I'll bet he's dreaming
of a raise.

Well, I'm gonna
give him one.


Going nighty-night
on the job again, Jetson?

- But I was just--
- No buts, Jetson.

I ought to fire you right now.
But since I'm such a prince...

...I'm gonna let you keep
your job on one condition.

Yes, sir?

When those Neptune reports
come in next Monday...

...I want them magnetized,
digitized and transmonitored.

- By Wednesday.
- Transmonitored? Wednesday?

- But that's--
- Very kind of me, isn't it?

- Uh-- Sure.
- Now, you can go home to sleep.

Oh, what a tyrant. I hate being
under his thumb all the time.

What's that, Jetson?

Uh-- I said I can't wait
to come back to work on time.

That's what I thought.


I'll always remember you,

as a stupid, selfish nerd.

you've made a new ex-boyfriend.

I should have ex'ed Johnny
Moonigan before it started.

I thought last night he was,
"Oh, the spaceiest."

Tune in next week for another
heartrending episode of...

...Judy Jetson starring in
One Tragedy At A Time.

Oh, do I have to do all
the work in this house?

Only until my afternoon
lubri-coffee break... over, Mrs. J.

I wish I had a lifetime break.

Hey, Elroy, aren't you
a little old for that...

Zoom Boom kid stuff?

For Captain Zoom?

This is one of the best
post-90's action-adventure...

...disc series ever.

Well, excuse me. I forgot.
It's a regular classic, like:

Rock-a-bye baby

In the tree top

- Ha-ha-ha.
- I'd like to rock-a-bye you,


You have the face
of a Martian meatball.

The face of a... Hah.

Well, at least I'm not
still in diapers.

No, I'm sorry, Judy.
I didn't mean to--

Diapers? Hey.


No, sir, you have to wait until
dinner like the rest of us.

Oh, shucks.

JUDY: Hey, great clothes, Elroy.
Designer diapers.

ELROY: Maybe your boyfriends
would last more than two days...

...if you wore a mask.




When they made little brothers,
they should have left you out.

Cease fire. What's up?

- He said I'm ugly--
- She said I'm a baby.

Whoa, start again.
One at a time.

- Me first.
- Me first.




Elroy? Judy?

Oh, okay.

- I'm sorry I called you ugly.
- I'm sorry I called you a baby.

Now, shake hands.

- You shake first.
- No, you shake first.

You both shake first.


What's wrong, Astro?

Wrong? Heh-heh-heh.
What could be wrong?

Nothing's wrong.



Same to you, buddy.

Jeez, what a day.

I'm home, everybody.

- Daddy.
- George.

- Dad, are you alright?
- George, speak to us.


You'll have to speak
more clearly.

Now you're looking
more like yourself.

That does it.

Spacely calls me a pumpkin head
at the office...

...and that dipsy dinner

...tries to prove he's right.

I gotta get out of here.
Go for a drive, anything.

Oh. You said the magic words.
Count me in.

- Me too.
- Me too.

Me too.

This is great.

Out here in the middle of
nowhere, away from Spacely.

Hey, you guys, look.

Uh, need any help out there?

Help? Now, that's music
to my ears.

Grandma Ganymede's the name.

- Can you spare a lift?
- Sure can. Where to?

Oh, it's not too far.

Take a left, Georgie.
This is it.

- Wow, do you live here?
- All of us do from time to time.

Thanks again for the lift.

Who knows? I might be able
to return the favor.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

What do you suppose
she was talking about?

- I don't know.
- Where's that music coming from?

Hey, let's ask them.

My dear guests,
welcome to Fantasy Planet.

- Fantasy what?
- Fantasy Planet.

You know, where all
your dreams--

Can come true.

- Hey, you stepped on my line.
- Next time, I'll step...

...on your head.


Sorry, boss.

I am Mr. Rocket
and this is Teetoo.

Hey, there's something about you
that's real familiar.

Excuse me, did one of you say
all our dreams can come true?

I started to,
but dum-dum here--

Never let's me finish
a sentence.

You see, here on Fantasy Planet,
you can be anybody you choose.

Have any wish fulfilled.

All for just under
a hundred dollars.

99.95, to be exact.

You mean, I could be the most
popular girl in school?

My dear, you could be
the most popular girl... the entire galaxy.

Oh, I'm for staying.

JANE: I agree. This is just
what the doctor ordered.

Fantasies coming true? That
doctor should examine our heads.

What a joke.

Can you imagine me
chewing out Spacely?

Throwing all his nasty little
insults and accusations...

...right back at him.

Or even firing him?

Uh-- How much did you
say it was?

Just under
a hundred-- 99.95.

Does that mean we can stay?

Well, I mean, we should
at least look around a little.

And now, should you want to end
your fantasies at any time...

...all you need to do
is push the red button and say:

"Beta seven alpha 10,
Fantasy now come to an end"

So if you're all ready,
please tell us your fantasies.

I wanna be the boss
and Spacely, the employee.

JANE: I want to be waited on,
hand and foot, zero work.

I want to be Captain Zoom, with
Astro as my trusted assistant.

I like your idea, Mr. Rocket.

Being the most popular girl
in the galaxy.

Ready when you are, boss.

Ladies and gentlemen,
enjoy your fantasies.

Coffee this morning, Mr. Jetson?

Huh? Oh, ha, yes, please.

Here's this morning's
Wall Street diskette, sir.

- Oh, thank you.
- If you need me, just buzz,

Mr. Jetson.

Now, well, this is the life.

Put my camera through
to Spacely's office.




Yes, Mr. Jetson, sir.
You called?

Spacely, I'm glad
you're here.

There's something I've been
wanting to tell you...

...for 10 years.


You've noticed what a hard
worker I've always been?


You've appreciated how
important I am to the company?


- Well, then what, sir?
- You're fired. A-ha.

- That felt great.
- Oh, please, sir. Don't do it.

Please don't. Please,
Mr. Jetson.

Think of my child.
Think of my wife.

Most of all, think of me.

Fantasy, I think I'm gonna
like you a lot.

Ah. You won't catch me
using this.

Oh, great queen. How might
we serve your bidding...

...this glorious day?

He means, can we give you
a hand, queenie?

Are all of you here
to serve me?

Our fondest wish is to fulfill
your every command...

- ...oh, gracious one.
- He means, say the word and... us go.


I think I'm going
to like this.

- We did miss dinner.
- Dinner, dinner, dinner.

Oh... He beats us
to it every time.

Would Your Highness care
for some caviar cosmique?

This is fantastic.

Our only desire is
to please you, my queen.

The rest of the dishes
will be before you momentarily.

Forgive the inconvenience.

It's a tough job,
but somebody's gotta do it.

MAN:We now join our
invincible heroes...

...for yet another
exciting adventure...

...of "Captain Zoom."

Hey. Where's that
voice coming from?

- I'm the narrator, remember?
- Right. Just like the comics.

Don't be so surprised. It's
your fantasy. Ahem.

When we last left our heroes,
the evil Dr. X had stolen...

...the formula for the most
powerful expl*sive the galaxy.

DR. X:
That's universe.

Most powerful expl*sive
in the universe.


Watch this, Astro.
Hand it over, Dr. X.

Captain Zoom
and his trusted assistant.

Hold it right there, Zoom.

One move out of you and this
whole planet goes kaboom.

- Raboom?
DR. X:- No, kaboom.

Think again, doctor.


Oh, no. Kaboom.

- Foiled again, doctor.
ASTRO: - Foiled again?

Get with it, Astro.
This is the comics.

Thanks to Captain Zoom,
the universe is safe again.

ANNOUNCER:Ladies and gentlemen,

Judy Jetson
and the Jetson Five.


Ha-ha. Three kings.
Beat you again.

Mr. Jetson, these contracts need
your approval, then your...

...signature by 6:00.

These dissertations
need your notes and comments...

...after you've
reviewed them carefully.

These buy-sell proposals
from the board need your...

...authorizing before
the stock market closes today.

But I don't even know
what a dislocation is.

How can I--?
What's that?


The company's profits
are dropping sharply.

We're losing thousands
of dollars a second.

If you don't do something soon,
the company will be sunk.

Jeez, so many responsibilities.

Now I know how Spacely
lost his hair.

He tore it out.
Who's that?

No doubt those are the angry
stockholders coming to get you.

Uh-hoh. Great. I've gotta get
outta here. All I have to do--

Oh, the watch. It's gone.
Oh, no. l threw it away.

Way to go, George.

JANE: Oh. Now, that has
to be the best rocket-touille...

...I have ever tasted.

We are delighted
to hear this, my queen.

Oh, I'd like to get up and
stretch my legs a little so--

Do not strain yourself,
oh, queen.

I shall stretch
my legs for you.

- We'll do it. We'll do it.
- This is ridiculous.

I've been sitting
in this chair for two hours.

I can't even get up
and go for a little walk?

Of course not, my queen. It is
our sole purpose in life... see that you do not have
to raise a single finger--

-That means--
[JANE] - I know what that means.

Being a sl*ve to my slaves
isn't quite what I had in mind.

- I'm getting out of here.
- Here, my queen. Let me press... for you.

Alright. Alright.

Beta seven, alpha 10,
fantasy now come to an end.

Oh, no. What have l done?

You've saved my restaurant,
my customers, my cash register.

We're glad
to be of service.

Please, take this as but a small
token of my gratitude.

Wow, thanks.

I never knew that the life of
a super crime fighter...

- ...could be so great.
- Me neither.

I don't think I ever wanna be
just a normal kid again.

NARRATOR:But all is not well
for Captain Zoom and his...

...faithful canine sidekick.

Are you kidding?
Things couldn't be better.

This morning, the notorious
Dr. X was apprehended... the champion of justice,
Captain Zoom.

But on his way to the maximum
security space prison...

...Dr. X escaped.

As he flew off
in his stolen car...

...he shouted that he was going
after Captain Zoom for revenge.


- Revenge?
- Yes, revenge.

The public is advised to stay
indoors and lock their... as Dr. X is
considered armed...

...and extremely dangerous.

Extremely dangerous?
Where's my trash can?

Cool your jets, Astro.
We're the Zoom Team.

Nobody can stop us from-- Hey!


- Told you you'd be sorry, Zoom.
- He is, and me too.

As the laser starts
to melt the chain...

...Captain Zoom has
only 60 seconds

to break through
the unbreakable glass.

DR. X:
It's not entirely unbreakable.

Those jagged rocks down there
ought to crack it open.

Too bad you two will
still be inside.


Hey. I'm Captain Zoom.
I always win.

This can't be
happening to me.

- Me neither.
- I wanna be a normal kid again.

- Help. Help!
- Be careful. You might break--

Some trusted assistant.
Now what?

It looks bad for our heroes.
Will they escape in time?

Will they meet
the jagged rocks face to face?

Will Astro continue
to eat everything in sight?

Tune in tomorrow for another
exciting adventure...

...of Captain Zoom.

- Boy. You're a lot of help.
- A chap's got to make a living.


Thank you all. You've been
a wonderful audience.

Planet Records wants you
for a long-term contract.

I got you booked at
The Galaxy Room followed... a string
of one-nighters.

But that doesn't leave me much
time for my social life.

Your pose tour starts
first thing tomorrow

with 127 personal appearances... dates on video cube,
cable and satellite.

Plus 15 sh*ts on
The Merv Galaxy Show.

What about school?

What about my family? I won't
even have time to see them.

Got the contracts here.
We're going for the big bucks.

You wanna be a star,
you gotta give up something.

Well, if that's what it takes to
be the most popular girl... the galaxy, forget it.

I want out of
this fantasy now. Oh, no.

Am I gonna be under contract
for the rest of my life?


Thirteen, 14. Now, the company's
$15 billion in debt.

Ah. Now to get out
of this mess.

With that watch gone, there's no
way for me to get out of here.

I may never see George
or the kids again.

Oh, queen, I have just seen the
strangest little two-headed man.

One head said, "Go back," and
the other said, "Don't bother."

- What shall I do?
- Give me that.

- My queen, don't stand up.
- Oh, shut up.


Astro, hold still.


- But it tickles.
- I think I found it. Hold still.

Here goes nothing.


Beta seven--

Alpha 10--

- Fantasy now--
- Come to an end


So tell me, did you all
enjoy your fantasies?

I enjoyed being out of it,
that's for sure.

Me too.

Me too.

Me three.

Now, that's the third
group today, Grandma.

- Keep up the good work.
- Well, I'll be.

That Grandma Ganymede was--

The best thing
that happened to us in ages.

Thanks to you two-- Three,

We found that the grass is
definitely not greener...

...on the other side.

- Actually, it's brown.
- It was our pleasure.

- Thanks again.
- Yeah.


For once, we agree.

ROCKET: So long.

Bye, Mr. Rocket.

You know, Teetoo, it feels
good to help people like that.

Right, boss.


I don't believe it.

If you'd like to watch something
else, it's okay with me.

That's okay. I know how much
you enjoy this show.


It's impossible.

You took another trip, huh?

Do you realize we've been
trying to get you all weekend?

I've never met a more lazy,


Yeah, yeah. That's right.
Loafing, procrastinating,


GEORGE: Oh, thank you, sir.
Thank you.

Oh, dear.

GEORGE: Rosie,
what are you doing?

Don't talk, Mr. J.

Rosie, what's going--? Oh.

- Rosie, what's all this for?
- Yeah.

You've all caught some sort of
happy virus on your vacation.

But don't anybody worry.
I'll take care of everything.