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02x22 - The Swiss Family Jetson

Posted: 04/05/22 07:32
by bunniefuu
'Oh, no, not another
traffic jam.'

I used to get home
in three minutes.

It didn't used
to be like this.


This is crazy. Where do
all these people come from?

And where are they going?

Okay, okay.

I'm going. I'm going.

Oh, boy, home at last.



Would you believe it, George?
Our home food dispenser broke.

And I had to wait twenty seconds
at the checkout counter.

- 'Such inefficiency.'
- Yes, honey.

Rosie, come
and get the groceries.

Rudy's home.

Oh, that must be
Space Hawk Mike

bringing Judy home from school.
Thank you, Rosie.

Boy, time to go home to daddy,
my little cutie star.

Oh, come on, Space Hawk.
One more dance.

Radical! How about one more
cosmic barrier break dance?

Kids today!

Jane, hand me
my anti-gravity belt.

Okay, Judy. Get out!

Come on. Open up this door.

Enough of your wild dancing.

[upbeat music]

Let's go, Judy. You can disco
right into the house.

Like, bye, Mr. Jetson.

Are all the boys at your school
like that Space Turkey?

It's Space Hawk, daddy.
And there's no one like him.

I wish there wasn't.

'Oh, a new neighborhood.'

Just what we need.
Do they have to be so close?


Someone's playing
Viper Sync drums.

- What a beat!
- It's beginning to beat me.

Hold it. Will you cut that out?

Hey, man. What's happening?

Stop that awful
racket right now.

You mean my drums, man?

'All I hear is beautiful music.'

It's not bad enough
that your building came up

and spoilt our view.

Now we can't even
keep our dinner down.

Sorry, pops. I'm getting ready
for a four hour tour.

They pay me four million
per intergalactic gig, man.

Four mil-mil-mil-million?

- The universe is gone mad.
- Here man, try these.

They help dampen
the decibels.


Oh, I can't believe it.

The Boomer Megaton
living right next door.

What? I can't hear you.

You too can be lord of the manor

on one of our beautiful

'This revolutionary
new real estate package'

'can change
your life overnight.'

Hey, dad, come and look at this.

Yes, son?

The amazing DigiFarm
comes complete

'with a gorgeous spread of land'

'on the idyllic
Paradesio Planetoid.'

Hey, this looks pretty good.

Country living
at it's best.

'You also get the complete
DigiFarm system'

'of effortless farming
including robotic tractors.'

'Automated well drillers.'

Dad, what if we live
in a country like that?

It's tempting son.

But I got my job here.
What would I do there?

And best of all, DigiFarm
does all the work for you.

Don't delay.

Dial D-I-G-I-F-A-R-M,
uncrowded peace and quiet.

You'd make
a great farmer, dad.

Yeah, I bet I would.

Geez, it's work
just getting to work.

At last.

Huh, that's the life.


- Jetson!
- Yes, sir?

I need to see you
about something.

I'll be right there,
Mr. Spacely.

Sit down, Jetson.

I have some good news for you.

You're going to have
more leisure time.

La-la-leisure time,
Mr. Spacely?

Business hasn't been so good.
Those cheap Martian sprockets

have caused
a glut in the market.

I'm gonna have to lay you off
for at least six months.

Six months?

'Enjoy, Jetson.'

'This is ridiculous.'

Six months, what will I do?

Oh, no, not again.

Oh, daddy.

What's the matter, Judy?

I just broke up
with Space Hawk Mike.

I gave him back his
class anti gravity t-shirt.

I'm never going to speak
to that cosmic clod again.

Now what's going on?

What's all the noise?


toing toing toing

Look, I-I-I can't believe it.

First, Spacely lays me off
and now, this.

I can't take it anymore.

Don't worry, George.
We'll get along somehow.

Hey, dad,
what about the DigiFarm?

Yeah! That's it.

We're gonna move to the country
off the land for a while.


DigiFarm for George Jetson.

What's keeping
mom and sis, dad?

Uh, probably
forgot some little things.

Oh, no, we don't have room
for all these clothes.

But dear, what if we entertain?

Entertain who?

We're going to our own planet?

Who are you gonna entertain?
A friendly rock?

[theme music]

Are we there yet, dad?

Not yet, son.

You didn't tell me
it was this far.

Let's see what
the computer has to say.


- There's nothing out here.
- Are we lost, George?

Well, uh, the computer is.

Hey, look dad.

Here comes somebody.

'Maybe they can help us out.'

Excuse me.

Could you tell me how I could
get to Planetoid Paradesio.


Well, that's easy, folks. It's
the very last one out there.

Make a left to the next nebula,
you can't miss it.

- Right, sweetiekins?
- 'You tell 'em, honey.'

But why would anybody
want to go there?

Never mind, where are you going?

Oh, we're heading for earth
and the big city life.

Good luck, y'all.

'Are we there yet, dad?'

'We're wide open at 5500.
We'll be there soon.'

Look out for those meteorites.

Hang on, everybody.
We'll ride this on.

There's a planetoid dead ahead.

And we got a dead engine.

'And it better be Paradesio.'

'Cause we're landing
whether it is or not.'


Oh, dear, we didn't count
on being stranded, George.

- What do we do?
- Now don't panic.

I think the first thing
we're gonna do

is get the Modular
Mansion together.

So we have some place
to stay tonight.

- What a lot of neat stuff.
- That's the spirit, Elroy.

This will give us a chance
to be resourceful.

So where's the Modular Mansion?

I'm looking.
I'm looking.

The crash scattered
the boxes all over.

Ah, here it is.

"Push button
for Modular Mansion."

This is not my idea of
a luxurious dream house, George.

It looks more
like a nightmare.

Maybe, there's some
missing parts, dad.

I'll check the instructions
in the morning.

I always said,
we were close family needed

but this is ridiculous.

Give it a chance, we're gonna
get the feel of the place.

- Oh, I feel it's cold, George.
- It's cold, George.

Let's see.

"To active Digitractor just
pull lever on the control box."

- You got the control box, dad?
- Right.

Ha ha ha. How about that?

How do you stop
this thing, Elroy?

I think you're supposed to pull

the lever back
the other way, dad.

- 'Hey, it's coming back.'
- Yeah and straight at us.

Watch out!


Well, it wasn't
big enough anyway.

What will we do
for a house, George?

I'll fix it later, Jane. First,
we'll get this machinery set up.

'Be careful this time.'

Huh? It doesn't work at all.

You're supposed to add a sack
of super generating seed, dad.

Oh, yeah, okay.


Fantastic, look at
our farm grow.

It says here, to be sure
and set up the Instawell

'and get
the irrigation system going'

'so the seedlings will
uh, get water.'

'Oh, no!'

'What's that black stuff?'

I'm afraid it's oil.
And it's all over.

So is our Instafarm.

George, what are we going to do?

Now, don't panic.

It's just enough the chance
to be resourceful.

Well, we can't stay here
in this mess.

Right, we'll do something
we haven't done for a long time.

We'll walk.

Now! Ha ha ha.

That's more like it.

That's gotta be,

'It's beautiful.'

'But let's stop and rest.'

'My feet can't take
all this walking.'

Moving sidewalks, flying
Bell stigmata's all solved.

I know, it's a chance
to be resourceful.

But first can't we just
do something restful

like sitting down?

- Gee, dad. I'm awful hungry.
- Me too.

- I thought you were tired.
- I'm never that tired, daddy.

George, why don't
we pick some of those?

Elroy, you heard your mother.

Up the tree.

But I don't have
my flying belt.

'Improvise, son.
Take Orbitty with you.'

And toss us down some fruit.

- 'Be careful, you too.'
- Hey, this is fun.

Yeah, this is fun!

- 'Instant fruit.'
- Okay, that's enough.


This is delicious.


Astoroan apricots.

Where are we
gonna stay, daddy?

- I'll think of something.
- Hm.

I guess I'd better make the best
of this stranded business.

I know, let's build a house.

Like our high-rise back home.
Be resourceful, George.

George, Put that leaf
on the center of the roof.

'You've got
a hole over our bedroom.'

What? You don't like skylight?

Elroy, haul up those planks,
will you?

'I learnt this
in science class, dad.'

All set? Let there be light!

'Wow, Elroy, you're a genius.'

Ah, three months of peace
and quiet. This is a life.

Soup's on, folks.

What are we
having tonight, Rosie?

Asteroid apricot lasagna, Mr. J.

Rosie, you never cease
to amaze me.

We've been eating asteroid
apricots for three months now.

And it keeps getting better.

Why, thank you, Mrs. J.

Wait till you taste the asteroid
apricot cheesecake for dessert.

Asteroid apricots for desert.

Oh, boy.

Come on, I'm going out
and look for a different diet.

I'd like a Satellite Seventy
about now.

Huh, all this walking
sure makes me miss flying.

Look, dad.
A new kind of plant.

It looks more
like a giant Iris.

Maybe it has fruit inside.

It's dark in here!

Help! Elroy, help!

Gotcha, dad.


Do you still miss flying, dad?
Ha ha ha.

No, but I wish I'd missed this
cluster of asteroid apricots.

Boy, what a day, mom.

Dad almost got eaten
up by a irritated Iris.

But he snapped out of it.
Ha ha ha.

- You better rest, George.
- As soon as I get my shirt.

- Is it ready yet?
- Just about, dad.

It's a good thing Rosie
taught me how to sew.

It's so much fun!
Here it is.

I think you need another
sewing lesson, sweetheart.

I feel like I'm inside
that Iris again.

Ugh, ugh!

Hmm, eating to many
Asteroid Apricots, Mr. Jetson?

'Ha ha ha.'

(male #1)
'If we don't come
up with a site soon'

'for our Mondo Condo Crater
Estate's Project.'

The Intergalactic Bank will pull
the rug right out from under us.

Yeah, and all our investors
will bite the dust.

And we'll be out of a job.

I'm looking, I'm looking!
We'll find a place.

Hey, wait a second.
What's this?

What's what?

Say, isn't that Paradisio?

(male #2)
'I saw some
poor sucker at DigiFarm'

'on that miserable little rock
six month ago.'

(male #3)
'He don't look
like no poor sucker to me.'

Ah, six months, Jane.
It's been six glorious months.

I know, George.

Oh, coming here was
the best move we ever made.

I bet a million bucks
that phony DigiFarm company

'doesn't even know how beautiful
this place really is.'

I hate to think
about ever going back.

It really is paradise.

Ah, peace at last.

Boys, we've just found
what we're looking for.

'You know, Jane,
maybe I should put in'

the little line
hole golf course.

That would be nice, dear.

Four, five.

Who is that?


How you doing today, folks?

Mr. Jetson, I've got
good news and bad news.

The good news, you're gonna
have some neighbors.

The bad news, you're gonna
have some neighbors.

I thought this was
a private planetoid?

Not anymore, pal.

'Well, maybe
a few neighbors will be okay.'


What's going on?

Oh, no!

- What's happening, George?
- You name it, it's happening.

(male #3)
I think we've
got it all laid out.

- What about the marina?
- All set.

The high school,
supermarket, play ground?

'All set. We'll start
with the supermarket.'


boing boing boing

- Look, A new supermarket.
- 'Now the marina.'


Hey, dad, did you remember
to take your captain's hat?

(male #3)
'That's the high school.
And playground.'

Great, daddy!
A high school! Bye!


I guess you better
run off and play, Elroy.

- See you later, dad.
- Yeah.

Well, at least
we're having something else

besides Asteroan Apricots.
They were the pits.

- Good news, Rosie.
- What's that, Jane?

We've got all kinds
of food for dinner tonight.

How about one more asteroid
apricot for old times' sake.

That development company wiped
out all the trees, George.

Mmm, that smells great.
Terrestrial turkey.


Yipee! Our new neighbors.

boing boing boing

Light or dark meat, Mr. J?

Uh, none for me, thanks.

Oh, George,
at least have a drumstick.


- Does it comes with drums?
- It's Boomer.

Oh, dear.
It's a small universe.

Too small!
That's the last draw!

We're going home!

'Well, it was great
while it lasted.'

But it will be greater
to be home.

Look at that.

'Aren't those the people
we passed on our way out?'

Howdy, folks,
could you kindly tell us

how to get
to Mondo Condo Crater Estates?

Well, that's easy.
It's where Paradisio used to be.

Remember? It's the very
last one out there?

Well, I'll be rocket blasted!

So how was the Earth's big city?

You know it was just
too quiet for us.

We're gonna look
for more action, right mother?

You tell 'em, honey.

Well, you'll find plenty
of action there.

Good luck.

'Home sweet home.'

Will you fly up and open
the space shutters, Elroy?

Sure, dad.

Dad, the hologramophone
is ringing.

Hurry, George.

It could be Mr. Spacely calling.
Where's my key card?

- I thought you had it.
- Oh, no, we're locked out.

Orbitty can open it.
He can open anything.

[Orbitty mumbling]

I'm coming, I'm coming.

Hurry, daddy.
Maybe it's for me.

Are my eyes like deceiving me?

Is this that awesome
space chick, Judy Jetson?

Huh, Rude as always.

Come on, Spacehop,
give us a hand.

And why didn't you say
hello to my mom?

Oh, Hello, Mrs. Jetson.

Could I help you
with your junk?

I-I mean your things?


I finally got him,
Mr. Spacely.

Mr. Jetson,
hold for Mr. Spacely.


Jetson, where have you been?

I've been trying
to get a hold of you for months.

You wouldn't believe me
if I told you, sir.

- What's on your mind?
- We need you, Jetson.

The outfit selling those Martian
Sprockets went bust

and we're busier than ever.
Now get back to work, Jetson.

Oh, well, I don't know.

I just got back
from my trip, and, uh--

Okay, okay. Double salary.
And I want you to--

I'll be right back,
Mr. Spacely.


- Who was it, George?
- I just got my job back.

- Big raise!
- Congratulations, dad.

George, George!

Hey, where's Judy?

Oh, she'll be in
in a minute.

'Space Hawk! I thought
she couldn't stand him?'

'They made up.'

Well, I can't stand him.
Oops, I forgot Mr. Spacely.

Sorry, Mr. Spacely, I had
to tell my family the good news.

Okay, Jetson,
this is your assignment.

Your going to represent
Spacely Sprockets

at a new development
on some space rock

called Paradisio Planetoid.

Oh, no!

I understand
they have asteroid apricots.

Oh, you'll love 'em.