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02x19 - Hi-Tech Wreck

Posted: 04/05/22 07:25
by bunniefuu
Please, Mr. Spacely, I beg
of you, give me one last chance.

It's all over for you, Jetson.

This time was the last time
you ever bungle anything again.

You'll be out of my hair
for good up on Outer Moongolia.

Selling sprockets door to door.

Maybe, I could come up
with something

to solve the problem.

'I just need some time,
that's all.'

'Please, give me a break.'

Okay, Jetson, you
sweet-talked me into it.

But you better come up with
something by tomorrow morning.

Now, get out of here.

Oh-ho, thank you, sir. You're
back on my Christmas list.

Whenever I'm soft-hearted
like this, I usually regret it.

Oh, what a terrible day
this has been

and now I gotta
fight all this traffic.

This is as good a time
as I need to check out

that new anti traffic congestion
release system, Elroy installed.

Something has to go right
in my day sooner or later.

I can't imagine
anything else going wrong.


Uh-oh, yeow!


Now I'm stuck in an asteroid
in the middle of nowhere.

Boy, if it wasn't for bad luck,
I'd have no luck at all.

Oh, I'd know
that ring anywhere.

- Hello, Jane.
- George, you're late.

Yeah, I got technical
problems. Is Elroy around?

Oh, he's busy
with solar studies.

Will you put him on, please?

The system he installed

'Hi, dad.'

Elroy, how do I
fix this thing?

You better call
the tow truck, dad.

That system I put in
is only experimental.

Now he tells me.

If I never have another
rotten day like today

it'll be too soon.

Oh, it's not gonna be easy
breaking the news to the family.

We've been through
some hard times

but this is gonna be
the toughest one yet.

How's the planet's
greatest dad?

We're in it deep this time.

Oh, hi, dad, uh,
you wanna check out

my new cosmic re-energizer?

Sorry, dad. Uh, it's
still experimental too.

It's okay, Elroy. This is
definitely not my day.

- What's wrong with dad?
- He seems totally depressed.

Probably, job-related.

George, you're behaving
strangely. What's wrong?

Sorry, dear, it's been
a k*ller day for me.

And it ain't over yet.


Forget it, Astro,
I'm too depressed

for your screwball
emotional antics.

This is beginning
to sound serious.

What is it, George?

Let's have dinner and
I'll explain everything.

You should never hear
bad news on an empty stomach.

Really, George,
what could be so serious?

Yeah, daddy,
forget your troubles.

Drown your problems in food.

You always feel better
after eating.

We better enjoy
this meal.

'There may not be
many more like it.'

Wow! This looks delicious.

Guaranteed to ease your cares.

Did it say that on the label?

Well, uh, what I'm gonna say
maybe a bit hard to swallow.

You weren't fired again?

Worse. We're moving
to Outer Moongolia.

Huh! But that's
light years away.

- In the cosmic boonies.
- But why, George?

Well, it all began
when Mr. Spacely met

with the big Megabucks group.

'What's a Megabucks group?'

Umm, just some rich guys
playing moonopoly

with real money.

Spacely wanted
into the game real bad.

But as Mr. Megabucks
himself said..

(Mr. Megabucks)
'Let's face it, Spacely,
you're small change'

we're big bucks. We're
caviar, you're tuna fish.

Money talks, baloney walks.

I'm a bottom line
kinda guy, Spacely.

Give me one good reason

why we should acquire
your puny little company?

You've got it, Mr. Bigbite.

This is the next big thing
in the fast-track Google world

of high finance.

(male announcer)
'From Orbit City
Spacely Sprockets presents'

'Executive Perks.'

'Life in the Luxury Lane.'

Whoa-whoa! You've got
your foot in the door, Spacely.

'Hello, my name is Starla.'

'I'll be your guide
throughout this demonstration'

'of our Luxury Intense
Executive Perks System.'

I love it.
I love it!

'Our execs enjoy desktop
massages in their offices.'

Outstanding, Spacely.

'We also offer champagne'

'and delicate hors d'oeuvres.'

Incredible! You got
everything but dancing girls.

'The intergalactically renowned
Spacely Sprockets.'

Sensational, Spacely!

I must experience
a hands-on demonstration.


We'll be at your
plant, noon tomorrow

for a complete run through.

Our acquisition of
your company can make you

a very rich man, Spacely.

I must confess, the
thought had crossed my mind.

Meanwhile, I'm slaving over
a hot computer all day

working my
finger to the bone.


What's wrong,

You never used
to lose to any human.

It's all the stress, I've
been subjected to lately.

Too many demands
on my time.

It's getting harder to cope.

My circuits can't handle
the, uh, the pressure.

So who's pressuring you?


Huh, yes, sir, Mr. Spacely sir.

'I want you and
that lazy computer'

'to go online immediately.'

But-but, uh, R.U.D.I.
isn't fully operational today.

Nonsense! I've heard all
those excuses before, Jetson.

I want a full on run through of
the Executive Perk Luxury System

in five minutes.

I can't handle it, George.

That Exec Perk Program
is too intense.

Come on, R.U.D.I.
You can do it, you're a pro.

There, you're all
set up for Spacely.

Nothing to worry

I'll be right here
if anything goes wrong.

That's what I'm afraid of.

'This could be my big break,
a chance to mingle'

with the high rollers.

Cosmo Spacely, a rising star
in the financial elite.

And there better not be any
foul-ups in the system.

This is for money.

'Hello, my name is Starla.'

Hey, good afternoon, Starla.

'Care for some
fresh hot coffee?'

Give it to me, Starla dear.


Oh, I could have guessed it.
Jetson and his goof-off computer

are fouling up
my whole Megabucks deal

with their usual incompetence.

'Executive Perks, part two.'

'Our instant access
exercise module.'

Listen, Starla, can
we cut this one short?

There's a glitch in the system.

'Enjoy a stimulating rub down by
our trained expert hands.'


Gee, pull yourself
together, R.U.D.I.

Oh, I can't help it!

This is serious, R.U.D.I.

'Jetson, you are finished
in this Solar System.'

Heads are gonna roll for this.

'The intergalactic
Spacely's Sprockets.'

Uh, this is turning
into a heavy psycho drama.

Sorry, R.U.D.I., I have
to shut your system down.

Overloading can be
dangerous to your health.

It's all over for me too.

Jetson, get up here,
you career-wrecker.

Quit stalling, Jetson, and get
your miserable body in here.

It's about time, Jetson.

Now, why're you
messing up my life?

Sorry, sir, it's R.U.D.I.,
he's overworked. He needs help.

You're gonna need
lots of help

if you don't get him operational
for tomorrow's big demo at noon.


The Megabucks group will
be here for a run through.

This is for all
the marbles, Jetson.

We're talking big money.

And if anything goes wrong
like it did today..

I know,
I know, I'm fired.

That's too good for you.

I'll re-assign
you selling sprockets

door to door
on Outer Moongolia.

But that's light years away!


So get it right for
tomorrow's demonstration.

Now blast off.

But, but, but, but, but--

'Shut off your motor, Jetson.'

So that's my sad story, folks.

There's no way I can get
R.U.D.I. operational

by noon tomorrow. Better start
packing for Outer Moongolia.

But, dad, nothing is
happening in Outer Moongolia.

This'll totally disrupt
my social life, daddy.

Oh, George, perhaps,
you could find another job.

Doing what?

All I know is how to operate
a R.U.D.I. computer.

They don't even
make 'em anymore.

This finger is almost obsolete.


Uh, I know it's tough, Astro.

But you're tough.

And when the going gets tough,
you're supposed to get going.

Or something like that.

Right, George.


'Hey, dad, wait.'

Isn't R.U.D.I. a mainframe
version of my personal computer?

'Yeah. So what, Elroy?'

'So, m-maybe I can write
a new program for him.'

Don't panic yet.

It's certainly a viable,
theoretical possibility.

What's he saying, mom?

When he's like
this, I never know.

I'll have to see this
not to believe it.

All I have to do
is find a way to interface

with R.U.D.I.'s system by modem.

Then I can write
a new master program

so he can handle the overload.

Do you understand
what he said, mom?

Perhaps, children were made
to be loved. Not understood.

Hurray! I made
contact with R.U.D.I.

Yeah, Elroy!

Wonderful, Elroy.

Well, Elroy,
what's our next move?

I'm writing a new temporary
program for R.U.D.I.

His analog
algorithm logic system

requires an expanded
byte memory bank.

I just love
that computer talk.

This program
will only be temporary

until I can get time
to write a permanent one.

But it'll get you
through tomorrow

if you go easy on it.

Just insert this floppy disk

and R.U.D.I will be
fully operational.

Wow! Elroy! That's
outstanding, but are you sure?

Absolutely, dad, uh,
just a word of caution

'keep his setting on low speed'

until I can write
a permanent program.

I got you, Elroy.
Keep it on low.

I'm going to bed,
my diodes are overloaded.

'Good night, everyone.'

'Night, Elroy.'

'Night, Elroy.'

'Night, son.'

'Well, Jetson, I can see
from that smile on your face'

that you've come up
with something

to retrieve the situation.

Right, sir. I have the solution
right here in my hand.

It's a new program
for R.U.D.I.

The Megabucks group
has arrived, Mr. Spacely.

Uh, ask 'em in, Ms. Uplink.

This is it, Jetson.
We're going for the gold.

Just remember, sir,
keep the setting on low.

'Or the system will overload.'

I heard you, Jetson.

Just remember, no foul-ups.
This is for money.

R.U.D.I., old pal,
we're back in business.

Elroy wrote you a new program.

How do you feel?

I'm exhausted.

W-w-wait a minute. I'm coming
on through this new program.

Hey, I feel great!
That Elroy is brilliant.

Okay, pal, come on, let's win
one for the little nipper.

Let's get on with it, Spacely.
This is serious business.

A top exec without his perks
is an unfulfilled human being.

So hit me with your best shot.

Right on, sir.

Please, uh, take my chair
and we'll proceed.

Uh, just relax
and let yourself go.

'Forget your troubles and
prepare for some unrestrained'

'luxury and pampering.'

Oh, yeah, I gotta remember,
keep it on a low setting.

Yeah, okay,
you're plugged in, sir.

Ah! That's very
relaxing, Spacely.

You're in for the experience
of the lifetime, Mr. Bigbite.

It'll be one way or the other.

'Hello, my name is Starla.'

'Just relax
and go with the flow.'

'We begin with something vital
to the upscale exec.'

'A quick wardrobe change to
facilitate a suave sun tan.'

I love it!
I love it!

'For the delicate executive
palate, rare sushi.'


That's very impressive.

Spacely, you have
tickled my luxury bone.

It's just part
of our service, sir.

Here that, R.U.D.I.?
We did it! My job is safe.

Yeah, boy,
I'm humming. Yahoo!

(Mr. Megabucks)
'Okay, come on, Spacely,
kick this thing into high.'


Uh, oh, umm, but--

See what this thing
can really do.

- But Mr. Bigbite, I--
- Quiet, Spacely.

I am luxuriating.

Oh, boy, the party's over.

I'm feeling..

(Starla) 'And for the travel
weary executive'

'we offer our patented high tech
health spa Luxury Mode.'

My favorite mode.

Wait, I'm going too fast.
Slow down, please.

Oh, boy, this is a disaster.

I can't stop.
It's too much.


Hey, what's going on here?
Hey, let me down!

'To ease away the tensions
of a difficult day'

'proper relaxing soak
in a hot tub of steaming water'

'Present temperature is set
at 150 degrees fahrenheit'

'or 65 degrees celsius
which ever comes first.'


'Now, onto our
executive dining table.'

'Today's menu features a ten
pound Venusian beef steak.'

'Followed by a cold bowl
of tastylicious sauce.'

'Served continental style.'

'Next, we offer the finest in
chic VIP executive grooming.'

'Our top officers receive
the ultimate treatment.'


'Blow dry.'

'And hair styling are included.'

[siren blaring]

You've gone too far
this time, Jetson.

I wonder if su1c1de is illegal.

'Ouch! Stop this thing! Ow!'

Hang on, sir, I'm on top of it.


Just a minor defect
in the system, BB.

I'll have it taken care of it
in a minute. Eh, just relax.

Ooh, I'll strangle that Jetson.

I'm shutting you down, R.U.D.I.
It's for your own good.

Jetson, you're
destroying my career.

Sorry, sir. It's R.U.D.I.
His system was overloaded.

I hate excuses.
Report to Outer Moongolia.

I'm going.
I'm going!

I'll deal with this
goof-up computer later.

Listen, Mr. Bigbite, I'll have
it all back together soon.

Forget it, Spacely.
The deal is dead.

I'm just lucky I'm not.

Goodbye, and lots
of luck, all bad!

Goodbye, big bucks.

'Take one last look
at the old home, everyone.'

'I never thought
it'd come to this.'

It's been our
only home for so long.

I grew up here.

I'm leaving all my friends.


At least we still
have each other.

And that's important.

And after I finally worked
out a permanent program

for poor R.U.D.I. too.


Come on, let's go,
don't look back.

It's time to move on to our
new life on Outer Moongolia.


Listen up, Mr. Know-it-all,
wise-guy computer.

I'm giving you exactly
five minutes to shape up.

Or you'll wind up as
a dune buggy on a Martian Moon.

Get my drift?

I'm giving you exactly 24 hours
to return Jetson to this job

or I'm going
into final meltdown.

'And this entire plant
will be reduced'

'to molten scrap metal.'

Bu-bu-but I'd be finished.

Oh, how humiliating. I'm being
manipulated by my own computer!

'We'll soon adjust
to our new environment.'

'We'll meet new people.'

'How? The other Moongolians
are all invisible.'

It makes selling
door to door kind of tough.

We can do it, George.

Chin up and all that.

Yeah, maybe that cloud
has a silver lining.

They do?

Right. Tomorrow will be
a better day. Right, Astro?


[knock on the door]

Who could that be? We haven't
even met anyone up here yet.

Maybe it's our invisible
Moongolian neighbors.

It's kinda hard
to look 'em in the eye.

Jetson, thank goodness
you're home.

Mr. Spacely,
what are you doing here?

Come back, George.
All is forgiven.

I need you desperately.

R.U.D.I. flipped out.

He's threatened
to meltdown the whole plant

if you don't come back.

Gee, I, uh, I gotta
check with the family.

Anyone for going home?

Hurray! We're going home.

- Yippee!
- Yippee! Home sweet home.

- Oh, Astro, I'm so happy.
- Yeah. Me too.

Well, we do have
a slight moving problem.

I'll send a fleet of limos
to move your family home.

Anything, just hurry.

Uh, you're getting
my feet wet, sir.

Right, Jetson. Come on,
the clock is ticking.

Bye, folks.

You have that little
R.U.D.I. program, Jetson?

Yeah, but how much time
do we have before meltdown?

'One hour, that's all.'

I'll risk a speeding ticket
and kick this into high.

Hurry, Jetson, we have
less than a minute to meltdown.

I'm back, big guy, with
a new permanent program.

Wake up, R.U.D.I.,
you're online.

'We may not make it,
Mr. Spacely'

'R.U.D.I. isn't responding.'

'Wait, I think
he's coming alive.'


Hi, George, whoa!
I feel like a new machine.

Thanks a million.

Whoopee! I did it!

Once again, I've snatched
victory from the jaws of defeat.

Back to work, Jetson!

Oh, it doesn't take long for
things to get back to normal.

And, uh, Jetson...thanks a lot.

R.U.D.I., would you get
my family up on your screen?

You got it, pal.

- Oh, hello, George.
- How was the ride home, Jane?

Great! Time really flies
at the speed of light.

Now we're all back home,
where we belong.

'Uh, by the way,
what's for dinner?'

Moongolian meatballs.

A wife with a sense of humor.
Ha ha. I'm a lucky guy.