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02x16 - The Mirrormorph

Posted: 04/05/22 07:22
by bunniefuu
Meet George Jetson

H?s boy. Elroy

Daughter, Judy

Jane, h?s w?fe

Just hold still a little longer. Astro.

How can l sculpt you
if you keep moving?

Okay. Judy.


That's better.
What do you think. Orbitty?


Oh. That's me?

Astro. you're not supposed to move.

Stay put.

This is gonna get me
into the abstract alien art class for sure.


That's wonderful. Judy.

You'd think it was Astro.

This is Astro. Mom.

There is the sculpture.

Oh. Well. at least it's nice to see
you're interested in school instead of boys.

Have you flipped your orbit. Mom?

l need to get into that class
to be near Vinny van GoGogh.

He's totally artistic.

Oh. l should have known a boy
was behind this.

Ooh! It's this cheap-o crater based clay.

lt's too soft.

l hope that professional cosmic clay
l ordered gets here soon.

MAN 1 :
l hear the Auto-Sorter was out of sorts.

No. he just needed the zip
put back into his zip coder.

Careful now. two spacial delivery packages
coming through.

Specimen for the Scientific Institute.

And package for Miss Judy Jetson.

Hope l got that right.

Oh. well. l'm only inhuman.

Yes. Mother.

And ?t's not l?ke l l?ve on the other s?de
of the galaxy.

But l m?ght as well when l have to wa?t
for that husband of yours to dr?ve you over.

Well. Mother. l've been thinking
about asking George for a second car.

Forget it.

We really need one.

l think George will go for it.

Dream on.

Mow, l?sten to me, Jane.

George w?ll get you that car...

...?f you get h?m ?n the r?ght mood
before you ask h?m.

Bills. bills. bills.

No new car.

But a package for Miss Judy.

Trouble is. a new car is expensive.

And we have plenty of expenses already.

Trust me, honey.

Just get George alone.

F?x h?m one of h?s favor?te desserts.
d?m the l?ghts.

Put on some Venus?an v?ol?ns.

Then na?l h?m.

You'll get that car.

At long last. Dr. Quark.

We have obtained...

...a rare Mercurian Mirrormorph to study.

lt's incredible. Professor Proteus.

Oh. you haven't seen anything yet.

The Mirrormorph has the amazing ability... assume the shape
of whomever has touched it...

...and retain that form for minutes.
even hours.

Ready. Gordon?

Touch it. man.

You won't change. It will.

That's strange.

lt's not transforming.

Goodness to Ganymede.

This is no Mirrormorph.

lt's just a lump of cosmic clay.

Spacial delivery. Miss Judy.

Far out.

lt must be the cosmic clay l ordered.


We must find the missing Mirrormorph
at once.

lf it is touched by another life form
for more than 10 seconds...

...the results could be catastrophic.

this stuff is really gonna hold its shape.

lt just needs to be worked with
for a while.

It's 6:30.

Better get ready for your date. Judy.


l was having so much fun
l almost lost track of the time.

Not me.

My aching back.


Oh. Nothing beats
a refreshing ultrasonic shower.

Let's see.

Orion Orange?

Pluto Pink?

Or Venusian Violet?

Oh. why is life so complicated?



Oh. George must have forgotten
his front door opener again.

l'll get it. Mrs. J.

l don't know who you are.
but according to my digital calendar...'re two and a half months early
for Halloween.

Just tell Judy. Vinny van GoGogh's here.

Oh. of course. Vinny van GoGogh.

Totally artistic.

Hey. Judy never told me
she had a twin sister.


l'll see if my twin sister is ready.

Hurry. Judy. your date is waiting for you.

And for once we agree.

He really is far out.

Maybe Rigel Red.

Or Andromeda Aqua.

l brought you some ultra violets to wear.

Although they're not as vivid
as your eyes.

The hair has changed.
but it's still the same old line.

You've got that right. Mrs. J.

l think you're really gonna dig
the new intergalactic art gallery.

The quiet type. huh?

Hey. if you're that hungry. maybe l should
have taken you for something to eat first.

What did l tell you?

Everyone who's anyone
in the intergalactic art world is here tonight.

You like that original Leonardo De Venus?

Me. neither. l think he's had it.

But how about
this Marsdigliani sculpture.

lt's something else. huh?

You don't like it?

l thought you were into fine art.

Come on.
Iet's get some interplanetary punch.

Have some. Judy.

Hey. cool it.

You're making a spectacle of yourself.

Oh. weird. man.

You're acting weird.

What's with you?

Maybe you'd rather go home.

But l'd hate to miss
the new Picassiopeia.

Totally incredible.

Color me green with envy.

VINNY: Do you realize how much
that painting you ruined is gonna cost me?

l didn't think so.

Well. as far as l'm concerned...

...until you start getting your act together.
you're out of the picture.


l programmed something artistic.
but that is positively ancient.

It's 7:30.

Do you know where your date is?


Leaping light years.

Vinny should have been here by now.

Well. Vinny. glad to see you. Finally.

You did say 7:OO. didn't you?

Well. did you wanna say you're sorry
or something?

Well. what's that supposed to mean?

Yes. you're sorry or no. you're not.

Vinny. l don't like being made fun of.

Thanks a lot.


You may be the catch of the century
but your personality... stuck in a time warp.

Mm-mm. It's been light years
since you programmed synthetic brownies.

l just love them. Jane.


You know how much l enjoy
that celestial synthesizer.

Well. why shouldn't you have the things
that you enjoy most. dear?

-Why shouldn't both of us?
-You're right.

A few hundred years and poof.
we're gone.

l'm glad you feel that way. George.

Because l was about to ask you for--

Judy. you got a problem?

She's fine. George.

Now. l was about to ask--

You're right. Mom. there is no problem.

Vinny van GoGogh has the problem.

lt'll be three solar eclipses
before he sees me again.


Now. where were we?

Oh. yes. you were saying we should both
have everything we want in life.

How about some more brownies. dear?

Mm-mm. Now. what was it
you wanted to ask me?

Second car? No way.

But. George.

Love the brownies.

Love the music.

Hate the second car. Can't afford it.

George. where are you going?

To get a glass of milk.

A new car. She must be kidding.


Oh. a fine place for Judy
to leave her clay.

Battling that clay
has made me even thirstier.


George. it isn't unreasonable
to want a second car. is it?

Well. at least that's a start.

George. are you all right?

l've been checking our finances carefully.

And l don't think there's any reason
we can't afford one.

Then you see my point.

Does that mean l can have one?

You mean it?
Oh. George. you're wonderful.

Whee! l'm so excited.

l've got to give Mother a call.

PHONE: Mrs. Jetson.
you can't call your mother now.

Do you realize what time it is?

Oh. thank you.
Thank you for reminding me.

-l thought you might like a glass of milk.
-Oh. George. you're simply wonderful.

l am? For bringing you a glass of milk?

Oh. you silly.

For being such a sweet.
generous husband.

Oh. that. Just comes natural. l guess.

Morning. Mrs. J.

l didn't hear you get up.

Beautiful day. isn't it?

Guess she got up on the wrong side of
the bed. or Mr. J said no to that new car.

Morning. Rosie.

Beautiful day. isn't it?

Mr. J said yes to that new car.

l must need a complete sensory overhaul.

Jane. it's been a space age
since you brought me breakfast in bed. Mm.

Betelgeuse bagels and lunar lox.

Do you know how much
this stuff is a pound?

You deserve it. honey.

You're one in a million.

Hi. Orbitty. Do you wanna take Astro
for walk at the planetary park?

Yeah. Elroy.

Thanks for the wonderful breakfast. dear.

But l've got to zoom.

Big things are brewing at work.

Don't fly off without your briefcase.

l'll drive by later
to show you what l bought.

Drive by? But l've got the car.

Are you sure the alien detector
will pick up the Mirrormorph's vibrations?

lt better. That creature loose in the city... like a ticking time b*mb.

Let's hope it's somewhere
it can't cause too much damage.

l just wanted to let all of you
at Spacely Sprockets know...

...we're going
to be busier than ever...

...producing a brand-new.
improved Spacely Sprocket.

And this is the top-secret prototype.


l'll be look?ng over your shoulders.

All this work will mean lots of overtime.

Maybe Jane and l
can afford a cosmic cruise this year.

Daydreaming. Jetson?

Ah. So this is how
you waste productive work minutes.

Playing with clay.

But it's my daughter's. Mr. Spacely.

l don't know how it got here.

Well. l know where it's going. Jetson.

Right down the old trash tube.

Now get to work.

Yes. sir.

-lt's roomy enough for the whole family.
ASTRO: Yeah.

-And it's got a supersonic suspension.
ASTRO: Yeah.

-And l've always loved Galaxy Green.

What do you think. Mother?
Shall we get it?

-l know how l'm voting.
-Me too.

Shopping for the family car. huh?

Well. just let me tell you about it.

-lt's perfect.
-We love it.

-We'll take it.

l can't stand high-pressure customers.

Mr. Spacely. what are you doing?

Sir. stop.

You're creating an overload...

...on the universal digital index.


Digital overload in Jetson's sector.

Sir. please. put that prototype down.

lt's very fragile.

Oh. no.

Now you've broken it. Mr. Spacely.

How dare you accuse me?

-Do you realize what you've done. Jetson?

But it's all your fault.

You went totally off your rocket. sir.

l was off my rocket. Jetson.
the day l hired you.

lf Cogswell Cogs
gets their new prototype on the market.. .

...before my improved sprocket...

...l'm ruined.

Jetson. you--

You're fired!

Fired. l didn't do anything.

lt's just not fair.

ls this yours. buddy?

Well. actually. it's my daughter's.

Sure it is.

Assaulting an officer.

That's a 500-buck ticket.

Fired. Fined.

What more can happen to me?

-How do you like it. honey?

-Whose is it?

lsn't it the spaciest new car?

Mom's? Which mom?

Whose mom?

-Your mom?
-But. George. what's wrong?

-You said l could buy one.
-Who did?

-You did.
-l did?

And today
just seemed like the ideal time.

lt sure was.



-Poor Georgie.

That's right.

So even if l said yes to a new car.
which l didn't...

...there's no way to pay for it.

Not to worry. Mr. J.

You'll find another job.

Sure you will. dear.

What about Cogswell Cogs?

By Jupiter. that's right.

Cogswell is due to unveil
a new prototype cog.

There'll be a whole constellation of work.

Take the new car. George.

Great idea. honey.

lt'll make a good impression
on Cogswell.

l'm on my way. Moonstone.

See that the new prototype cog
is ready for my inspection.

Yes. s?r. Mr. Cogswell.

l-- l wasn't speeding. was l. officer?

Now. listen.
l really don't have time for a ticket.

Now. here.

A little donation
for the Interplanetary Policemen's Ball.


Ahem. Mr. Cogswell.

l'm pleased to inform you
that as of today...

...l'm a free agent.

Mr. Cogswell.

Remember me? George Jetson?

Can l offer you a lift?

Mr. Cogswell. l'm pleased to inform you
that as of today. l'm a free agent.

Moonstone. where is that prototype?

l'll be r?ght up. Mr. Cogswell.

This new cog will ensure
that Spacely's new sprocket...

...can't put me out of business.

Well. Mr. Cogswell. do l get the job?

You mean. there's a possibility?

Could you make that a definite yes.
Mr. Cogswell?

You really mean yes?

Ooba-dooba! l've got the job.

Shall l start right away?

Where will my office be. sir?

Here's the prototype. Mr. Cogswell.

l thought you worked for Spacely.

Not anymore.
Mr. Cogswell here just hired me.

-Right. boss?
-Good to have you aboard. Jetson.

Be careful with that prototype. sir.

lt's one of a kind.

Mr. Cogswell. what's the matter?

Well. Moonstone.

Where's the prototype?

But. sir. l just gave it to you.
Don't you remember?

You were with George Jetson.

Jetson? He works for Spacely.

He must be here spying.

-But you just hired him. sir.
-l did what?

Mr. Cogswell.

But you're me.

Come back here.
l don't know what's going on.

But l'm getting out of here
before l get blamed again.

l told you Jetson was a spy.

Stop him. Moonstone. He's getting away.

We can't give up. Dr. Quark.

lf someone holds that Mirrormorph
for more than 1 O seconds...

...l shudder to think of it.


The Mirrormorph.

lt must be in that building. professor.

l just hope we're not too late.

Caught you red-handed. Jetson.

Now. where's my prototype?

You got the wrong man.

lt wasn't me. It was you.

l mean. it wasn't you. it was me.

He's over here. sir.

With the prototype.

Now. hand it over.

Oh. no. my prototype.

Hang on to that. Jetson.

No. Iet him go!

You don't understand what you're doing.

What do you mean? That man is a thief.

Wrong. that man is a Mirrormorph.

And your guards
have held him more than 1 O seconds.

Oh. no.

They must be contained
before they multiply...

...and fill the city.

lmpossible. professor. there's too many.

Not when you have
a roomy new Spacion Wagon.

See. nothing to it.

Hey. my car.

-Where do you think they're going?
-Back to Mercury is my guess.

Easy for them.

l've gotta go back and face an angry wife
without a new car.

My new car? Gone?

lndian giver.

But. honey. it was the only way
to get rid of the Mirrormorph.

That's absolutely correct. Mrs. Jetson.

And your husband
will receive a substantial reward...

...for saving the city
from an incredible threat.

Dad's a hero.

And my most valuable employee.

l just heard how you clobbered
Cogswell's new cog. George.

l'm giving you your job back.

Plus a bonus.

Thank you. sir.

But what's really important
is making sure my wife is happy.

So with that reward. Jane.
l intend to buy you a new. new car.

Why shouldn't we have the things
we want most?

Right. dear? Jane?

You're not a--?

Mirrormorph? Hardly. dear.

But l've always been putty in your hands.