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02x15 - Winner Takes All

Posted: 04/05/22 07:21
by bunniefuu
[pleasant music]

'Walky-walky time.'

Okay, okay!

'Hurry up, Astro.
I don't have all day, you know.'

[up-tempo music]

Now what?



Okay, I guess I got
to finish walking you myself.

[George panting]

What a way to start a day.

[George panting]

[doorbell rings]


Roor, Reorge.

What happened, dad?

Uh, the dog walker broke
and I had to walk Astro myself.

Gee, dad, how come Astro
isn't as tired as you are?

Because the last time
I got this much exercise

is when your mother
and I walked down the aisle.

Jumpin' Jupiter!

I'm gonna be late for work,
thanks to that wacky dog walker.

Better use the sonic
step-saver, George.

Is it repaired?

Oh, yes.
The repairman adjusted it.


'"Shower, shampoo, dry, shave

breakfast, toothbrush,
the works."'

That's what I need.

[automated message]

- Breakfast.
- What's going on?

Watch it.

Hey, I like my eggs over easy,
not over my head.


Hey, wait a minute!

[automated message]
Dry, shave, shower, breakfast

shower, shave, shower

toothbrush, dry, shave,
shower, breakfast, shower

shower, shave..

(Jane) 'Is the machine
working, George?'

Oh, I still think
it needs a little adjusting.

Boy, it doesn't look
like it's gonna be

one of my better days.


[machine clacks]

Well, what do you know?
I'm actually a second early.

Maybe, this day
won't be so bad after all.


I better get
these reports out.


Good morning,
all you loyal employees.

I'd like you
to meet Laser Jack

owner of the
Laser Jack Health Club.

Hi, there.

I'd like to announce
an athletic contest

between Cogswell Cogs
and Spacely Sprockets

'to decide which company
will have the honor '

'of building my new body
building equipment.'

I need a volunteer
to be our contestant.

The winner will receive
a very valuable prize

'from Laser Jack.'

- 'Isn't that right, sir?'
- 'Right!'

Who's Spacely tryin' to kid?

Whoever volunteers for this
has to win or else..

Or else it's..

'What I want you to do is push'

'either the yes or the no button
on your visi-phone.'

But hurry, because only
the first person who hits

the yes button will get
to be the lucky volunteer.

Okay? Ready?

On your mark, get set, go!



ding dong

Good, we have a winner.

'Congratulations, Jetson.'


But, Mr. Spacely,
you don't understand

I didn't press the--

George, I want you
to meet Laser Jack.

Pleased to meet you.

As I was saying, boss,
it was an accident.

Mr. Jetson, a healthy body
is no accident.

With a little work, we can put
some punch into that paunch.

Aha aha, a little
workout humor there.

Look at it this way, George.

Here's your chance
to get in shape

win a big prize,
and best of all..

...keep your job!

Uh, yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.

Uh, by the way,
what is the big prize?

What have you been
asking for, George?

- You mean--
- That's right.

Now, go back to work!

Me? Exercise?

I don't care
if it's a million dollars.

It's not worth it.

I'm not in shape
and that Laser Jack

is gonna k*ll me.

- Jetson!
- Sorry, Mr. Spacely.

I was just thinkin'
how lucky I am.

[laughing nervously]

Hi, George.

Wait till you see
the adorable pattern

I bought at Mooning Dales.

I can't believe
what Spacely roped me into.

I'm going to knit
one of these for each of us.

What do you think, George?

(man on TV) 'And now, back to
"Little House on the Planet."'

Can you kids turn that down?
I've got a headache.

Roor, Reorge.



Okay, Astro.


The knitting machine
is programmed for all of us.


Now, what about
Mr. Spacely, George?

I got stuck
representing Spacely

at some cockamamie
sports competition.

'I'm competing against some guy
from Cogswell's company.'

What's wrong with that?
It sounds like fun.

Gee, mom, you should
have seen dad this morning.

He almost collapsed
walking Astro.

Very funny, Elroy.

- How's that, Astro?
- Reautiful.

Don't worry, dear,
it'll be fun.

Lift your arms, George.

You don't understand, Jane.
If I don't win

Spacely will fire me.

I got to work out
on those dumb machines.


Hey, what's this machine doin'?

Stop it! Stop it!

He he he.

I give up.
Everything's against me.

Machines have
feelings too, dear.

Dig in, George,
there's no time like the present

to start getting in shape.

Swell. My favorite.

Cottage cheese tablets
and cucumber capsules.


[instrumental music]

(male photographer)
Just a few more
pictures, gentlemen.

You see the
size of this guy?

I think you should
get someone else.

Don't think
I wouldn't like to, Jetson.

But you were the only one
who pushed the yes button.

Besides, you'll do
just fine, won't you?

(male photographer)
Alright, gentlemen,
say cheese.


click snap boing

Is this some kind
of a joke, Spacely?

Jetson's a wimp.

He doesn't stand a chance
against my champion.

Don't be so sure, Cogswell.

You haven't seen
Jetson in action.

He's got a few surprises
up his sleeve.

It sure ain't muscles.

He he he.

I've got a few surprises myself.

I've always wanted this account.

Mm, it'll make me so rich!

he ha ha ha


Oh, gee, I really
appreciate this, Mr. Jack.

Please, call me Laser.

Okay, Laser.


Now how do you stop this..

...this instrument of t*rture?

You are a funny person, George.

This machine is on a*t*matic.

You have another 20 minutes.

So, relax and enjoy it.


Twenty minutes?


I'll be a piece of taffy
in 20 minutes.

(male #1) 'Hi, George.
How's my competition?'

[groaning] Great, just great.
Piece of cake.

Now, how do you
turn this thing off?

I don't know, George.

But I'm late for
my workout with Mr. Jack.

'Now be careful
on that machine.'

'It looks like you could
really hurt yourself'

if you didn't know
what you were doing.

Yeah, hurt myself..

...that would be a shame.

They'd have
to get somebody else.

Yeah, hurt myself.

Laser! Laser!

Mr. Jack!

Is there anything
I can do for you, dear?

Yeah, you can call Spacely
and tell him I'm laid up.

Laid up? You're gonna be
laid off if you don't get out

'of that bed right now!'

But Mr. Spacely..

I brought someone here
to help ya.

Meet Dr. William Von Sonic.

What have we here, Mr. Jetson?

Oh, doc, it's awful.
Everything hurts.

My back, my hair.
Am I gonna live?

Er, maybe.
I'll check you out.

Oh, my! Should I leave
the room, doctor?

No, don't leave, Jane!
I could go at any minute.

I'll have my lab equipment
set up in just a moment.

[instrumental music]

Here for your complete exam.





- Tsk, tsk, tsk.
- What? What? What?

I have a diagnosis.

- What? What?
- Yes, doctor?

Acute hypochondr-r-ria.

Acute what?
Does that mean I'm gonna die?

No, it means you're a phony.

Tryin' to play
a cute trick on me, huh?

Now get back to your training!

Oh, and by the way, George

did I mention that there's
a vice-presidency opening up

at Spacely Sprockets?

There is?

Plus a raise?

We need someone with stamina.

Someone who's not a quitter.

Uh, know anyone like that?

I-I think I might.

I thought you would.

Mr. Jetson, I've prescribed
some simple exercises

to help you
get back in shape.

I think you should get started
on these right away, eh, George?

Thanks a lot.

- Uh-huh?
- I can't wait to get started.

Come on, dad.
You can do it.

Just a few more sit-ups
and you'll look just

like the guys
in this muscle magazine.

Hey, did you know
Orville has a brother?

Who cares about his brother?
It's Orville I'm worried about.



He he he.

Good catch, Astro.

Looks like Elroy and Astro
are getting more exercise

than you are, dad.

I think you're right.
What's next on the list?

Good old-fashioned jogging.

I can't jog,
there's no room in here.

Roh, Reorge.


Oh, my achin' feet!

Huh, I never thought
I'd be so glad to be at work.

Anything's better
than those exercises.

'So, Jetson, my boy'

glad you're back
on your feet.

What do you think
of the banners?

Oh, they're great.
Just great.

It's nice to know the
other employees are behind me.

They're not only behind ya,
they have money ridin' on ya.

Uh, I wish they
hadn't done that.

Stop sniveling, Jetson.

Oh, uh, by the way, I found out
that Orville Kreiger jogs

every night at 6:30
at Lunar Park.

You might wanna see
how fast your competition is.

Thanks, Mr. Spacely.

Oh, this is awful.

I'm gonna get fired, people are
gonna lose money on me.

I'm in big trouble.

[automated message]
'You sure are.'


[instrumental music]

Boy, Orville
is really working out.



Well, would you look at that.

Ha ha ha. I'm gonna be
vice president after all.

Wait till Spacely hears this.

'You can do it, George.'

'Way to go, dad!'

- Go, Reorge.
- Come on..

[all cheering]

Time's up!

No, no.
Faster, faster!

That's it.
Gotta get in shape.

'Orville, you've
got to do better.'

Oh, but Mr. Cogswell,
I've just broken my own record.

Good, good.

And now keep practicing.

'I want Spacely
to see you work out.'

Ha ha ha. Even Spacely
could outrun that guy.

This is a cinch.

Oh, boy.

It's a good thing I've got
a secret w*apon up my sleeve.

[instrumental music]

'Good luck, dad.'

And don't forget

your laser pole vaulter
will be right here.

'Thanks, Elroy.'

They'll never know that I
switched the laser pole vaulter.

These atomic batteries
are so low

they won't even
get Jetson off the ground.


Good luck, daddy!

Hi there,
cosmic cupcake.

Hey, that's my daughter!

I know, pops.

And so, I would like
to wish you two men good luck.

Uh, uh, good luck.

So, Spacely, uh,
care to place a small wager?

- How about a large wager?
- You're on.

Uh, sure you can
handle him, George? He he he.

Like I told you,
no problem, Mr. Spacely.


I thought you said
he was a wimp.

That's no wimp,
that's a gorilla.


Oh, boy.

Okay, gentlemen.
This is it.

Please take your places

for the electronic
supersonic downhill slalom.

'A test
of physical coordination.'

Keep out of my way
or I'll make a snowball

out of you, Jetson.

Ready, set, go!


How do you control
these things?




Back to the space bunny slopes,
Jetson. Ha ha ha.



Ha ha, yourself!
He who laughs first..


And the winner is George Jetson.

What's wrong with you?
I paid you good money.

Oh, that Jetson's just lucky.

It won't happen again.

And the next event will be
laser pole vaulting.

'A test of upper body strength.'

Wow, those muscles!

What kind of vitamins
have you been taking?

Wise guy, huh?
What's it to ya?

Uh, nothin'.

Uh, it's nothin'.
I'm nothin'.

Never mind,
just put me down.

First contestant, please.

(Jack) 'The bar will move
to your maximum height.'

'And he's over at 50 feet!'

'That was really beautiful.'

George Jetson, vice president.
Ha ha ha.

Has a nice ring to it.

'And now, George Jetson.'

pew pew pew

'And he's over!'

'It's over.'

'He's under.'

Looks like Cogswell Cogs Company
wins this event.

I can just see it now.
All those machines

with Cogswell Cogs
on them. He he.

Not so fast, Cogswell.
It's not over yet.

It is as far as I'm concerned.

We'll see about that.
That Jetson better win.

I tried to tell dad.

I'll take care of it, Elroy.


Hey, cosmic cutie,
where you been all my life?

Where you goin'?

To get a space burger
and a Milky Way shake.

Not without me, you don't.

I'm starved. Let's go.

Oh, my! You're so strong.

I know.

'And your muscles
are so big.'

I know.

Isn't there one more event
in this contest?

I don't know.
What contest?

'Wilbur? Wilbur!'

'W-where are you?'

Oh, this is terrible.
What am I gonna do?

Uh, hi, Mr. Cogswell.
Could I be of some assistance?

You seem very troubled.

'Your twin brother vanished.'

Now I guess
I have no other choice.

Get out there
and win one for the Cogger.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Cogswell!

Now I've gotta resort
to my digital devious devices.

Now, be careful, George.
We want you home in one piece.

I wish Wilbur was here.

'What? Wow!'

That pole vault sure
took a lot out of him.

Hmm, fighters
to the center of the ring

for the third and final event,
light sensor boxing.

This event
is really a knockout.

Ha ha ha.

A little pugilistic
humor there.

Upon impact, the light sensor
on the gloves records the punch.

However, the punch
will not count

unless the puncher is standing
on a lighted square.

Round one!

[gong rings]

- Orville, is that you?
- Uh-huh.

And was that you before?

Now to take over
the light control.

I can't believe this.


[bell ringing]

Oh, dear.
Poor George.

It works!


'Round two.'

[gong rings]


Use your left, dad.


[bell ringing]

Way to go, George!
I knew you could do it.

This is so exciting.
I can hardly stand it.

Oh, I think I'll sit down.

Round three!

I still can't believe
what happened

to this guy's muscles.

You are a wimp.

Oh, yeah?
Take this!


[bell ringing]

That did it.
I'm fired.


Jetson, you're fired!

Our winner is Orville Kreiger!

And congratulations
to Cogswell Cogs.

'Sorry, Spacely.'


(George) 'I didn't want to
do this in the first place.'

Gee, dad,
I'm sorry you lost.

Yeah, I'm sorry,
too, Elroy.

I want you to see somethin'
in this muscle magazine.

Too late, Elroy.

I don't feel like
looking at a muscle magazine.

Even if it means
getting your job back?

Better listen to him, dad.

What are ya talkin' about,
muscle magazine?

Hmm, "Meet bodybuilder
Wilbur Kreiger

and his twin brother Orville?"

Cogswell was cheating!
Good work, kids. Come on.

Hold everything, Mr. Jack!

I've got a little show and tell.


Ah! The old twin brother
substitution trick, eh?

Mr. Spacely
of Spacely Sprockets wins.

There'll be somethin' special
for you in your pay envelope

Jetson, my boy.


'Mmm, boy, mm!'

'Does this taste good!'

Ha ha ho. I never wanna
go through that again.

No more starvation diets,
no more jogging

and no more health fanatics.

Oh, open the envelope
and see how much the check

is for, George.

(Judy) 'Well? Well?
Oh, daddy, what is it?'

(George) "Good for one
lifetime membership

at any Laser Jack
Health Club."




- George?
- Daddy?

(Jane and Judy)
