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02x04 - Judy's Birthday Surprise

Posted: 04/05/22 07:15
by bunniefuu
Meet George Jetson

H?s boy. Elroy

Daughter, Judy


Jane, h?s w?fe






l can't believe
that l misplaced my diary again.

lf Elroy wasn't such a nosy brother.
l wouldn't have to keep hiding it.

There's my diary.

Oh. hello. Judy.

Oh. Di-Di. l was afraid you were lost.

Relax. As your personal diary.
my lips are sealed.

Your secrets are safe with me.

-Were you sleeping?
-What else is there to do in a hat box?

Oh. Di-Di
you'll never believe wh'at happened.

l got a feeling you're gonna
tell me about it anyway.

Oh. you know me so well. Di-Di.

What's to know?
l only know what you tell me.

Listen. it all began last Monday....


Oh. this always happens
when l'm in a hurry.

Now what do l do?

-Hi. Judy. doll.
-Oh. well. hi. Nick Nova.

You arrived in the nick of time. Nick.

My space car died.

Can you help me?


Hey. Iove to.
but it's dangerous out here. you know.

You'd better get some help.

Thanks a lot. pal.

Hey. Andy. Andy Andromeda.

Yeah. hey. Judy.
what's happening. little cutie?

Nothing is happening with my car.

Be a pal and tow me
to the nearest space-car shop. will you?

-For a raging beauty like you? Anytime.
-Thanks. Andy.

Except now.
l'm late for spaceball practice.

And they can't start without their number
one all-galaxy superstar quarterback.

Oh. Fair-weather friends l don't need.

Where's a Good Samaritan
when l need one?

Pardon me. aren't you Judy Jetson?

Well. yes. l am. And you are?

Curly Quasar.
We're in the same Cosmic Literature class.

Really? Uh....

Do you know space cars. Burly?
Mine is dead.

l'll check it out. And the name is Curly.

No big problem. Judy.
You just ran out of fuel pellets.

How could l forget fuel pellets?

-Maybe your mind was on something else.
-Gee. that's very perceptive of you. Burly.

l was rushing to get a perm for my annual
surprise birthday party Saturday.

-l've gotta go.
-l popped spare pellets in your t*nk.

They'll get you to where you're going.
Well. happy surprise birthday party.

Bye. Thanks again. Burly.

The name's Curly. Curly Quasar.

Curly Quasar? Is he cute?

-He has other fine qualities.
-Oh. he's rich.

l don't think so.

He's not cute. isn't rich.
what else is there?

Don't be such a skeptic. Now. listen.

The very next day... started off normally enough.

Good morning. Miss Jetson.
l have a few reminders for you today.

Oh. hello. Memo Minder.
It can't be morning already.

Have l ever lied to you before?

ln any case. as of today.
you have exactly 257 days of school left.

How totally exciting.

Any good news?

You have a date
with Gaylord Gamma tonight.

So you wanted to have
your lavender jump suit cleaned?

But Gaylord is a senior.
l should wear something more mature.

Like my Venusian two-piece.

Excuse me. Ahem.

Didn't your mother make you return
that particular dress because it was. uh...

...ahem. too mature?

Okay. the lavender jump suit then.

So. what other exciting reminders
have you?

Oh. yes.

Saturday is your birthday.

And my family always throws me
a terrific surprise party.

But they can't keep a secret.
l always find out.


Didn't you ask them
not to throw you a party this year?

Of course.
Reverse psychology is very important...

...when communicating with parents.

l'll know all the party secrets
by lunchtime.


l'm very clever at snooping.


Spacely. you're a spineless space shrimp.

Now. clear your desk off and get out.


ALARM: _ttent?on, Jetson.
You m?ssed reve?lle by two m?nutes.

Now. fall ?n. Up and at them.

Surely. in a moment.

Don't call me Sh?rley, sold?er.

This is the last time we buy army surplus.

Come on, Jetson. Hup, hup, hup.


If that alarm can't tell the difference...

.. .between hot
and ice-cold shower water...

...l'm gonna pull its plug for good.

How's your top-secret project coming.

Oh. don't worry. Dad. l think l'll have it
finished by the end of the week.

Ah. ha. ha.
The morning news. Good boy. Astro.

There'll be a little something extra
in your doggy bowl tonight.

Thanks. George.

That tastes terrible. Blech.

Do you mind. Astro?

Oh. sorry. Georgey.

From the solar deserts to the Mart?an seas... ?s the Mebulous Mews Metworh.

l can't do the news dressed l?he th?s.

Maybe you'd better get yourself
another talent.

Maybe we wouldn't have th?s problem...

...?f your dog wouldn't b?te holes
?n the news d?sh.


That's all right. boy.
All l want is the sports page anyway.

H?. sports fans.

The Ch?cago Comets clobbered
the C?nc?nnat? Satell?tes, 76 to 1 7.

Wow. 76 to 1 7.

How about some bacon.
toast and eggs. honey?

Hi. Mom. Daddy.

Elroy. why are you playing with your junk
in the dining room?

lt's not junk. and l'm not playing.

-This is a very important invention.

She's right. Elroy.

Take it into your room.

Okay. but you're suppressing
creative genius. you know.


Oh. children.

ANNOUNCER: Was snagged by
Torpedo Tucher w?th ?ust seconds to play.

You know. Daddy.
time certainly flies. doesn't it?

Yeah. l remember when Tucker
was just a rookie.

l mean. it hardly seems like
a whole year has passed.

All things must pass. dear.
That's enough cream. thanks.

What l'm trying to say is.
none of us look a whole year older. right?

That's because your mother and l
only count every third year.

Let's see what my horoscope says.

Gee. l thought you Libras
didn't believe in astrology.

Ho. ho. Very funny.

L?bra s?gns should be aware
th?s weehend ?s for all to share.

Oh. that reminds me. Judy dear.
about this Saturday--

-Oh. you mean about my--
-Your father and l are going out.

l understand.
You won't be here Saturday night.

No. we got something
really special planned.



-Don't you want any breakfast. Judy?
-No. l'm already late.

l'll grab some pancake tablets
on my way out.

Something big's planned
for Saturday night.

My surprise birthday party.


Well. Di-Di
now the plot begins #o thicken.

Good. There should be one thicken
in every plot.

l've always felt strongly about that.

Di-Di. please. This is my life.

Sorry. l get surly when l don't sleep.

Do continue with your fascinating story.

_U_Y: So l'm cru?s?ng along
on my way to school...

...when who should pop up
Iook?ng for a r?de but....

Curly Quasar.

Hey. Judy. Judy Jetson.

l'll pretend not to see him.

Hey. Judy. can you give me a ride?

She's in some hurry.
Must be late for class.

He's really quite nice.

l hate to be a snob. but l really can't afford
to be seen around campus...

...with someone
who's not part of the elite in-crowd.

After all. l have an image to protect...

...and peer pressure is heavy-duty stuff
with us teenagers.

But l can't help feeling
a little guilty just the same.

Perhaps l'm just not in touch
with my real feelings.

l'm gonna have to give this
some thought.

Maybe there is more to life
than good looks and popularity.

But not at my school.

Hey. l got two spectacular tickets
for the Jet Screamer concert Saturday night.

Sorry. Mickey. l hate to disappoint
Jet Screamer. but l can't go.


Here comes that Curly Quasar.
l've gotta go. Mickey.

Now. what made her leave so quickly?

Probably trying to avoid someone.

Oh. don't take it personally. Mickey.
She's probably just late for class.

l'm out of here.

You rejected Mickey Meteorite?

l had to keep Saturday night open...

...because my family always throws me
a surprise birthday party.

As usual. every hunk ?n school called.

Oh. come on. Judy. Show?ng up
w?th the star athlete at the pep rally?

lt'll be good for your ?mage.

Not to mention your image.


Hold on. Andy. l've got another call.

H?. Judy. doll.

How about you, me,
and the satell?te races Saturday n?ght?

Negative. Nick. l can't make it.


H?, Judy, wanna pa?nt the galaxy red
w?th me Saturday n?ght?

AN_Y: Blast off. Meteor?te. l asked her f?st.
NICK: Yeah, and she told you to forget ?t.

Thanks for the invite. guys.
but Saturday night is booked.

Over and out. Bye.

Oh. you must have loved
getting all that attention.

lt beats being ignored.

Please. do go on
with your wonderful and exciting story.

Well. next...

...l tr?ed to get some ?nformat?on
out of Ros?e.


-We can talk girl-to-girl. can't we?
-l don't know anything.

Oh. come on.

Anything unusual happening here
Saturday night?

Well. Miss Judy. your folks
are going to a very special event.


Yeah. so l hear. Thanks. Rosie.

_U_Y: Well, D?-D?, l ?ust had to learn
more about Saturday n?ght.

So l got down to some
ser?ous snoop?ng...

...and checked Elroy's room
for any ?ncr?m?nat?ng b?rthday g?fts.


-What are you doing in my room?
-Oh. just curious about...

...what you have in this box.

Judy. don't open that.


Orbitty. help. Judy freed my Saturn slugs.

Slugs! Blech!

Mother. do you know what your son
is keeping under his bed?

Yes. dear. Saturn slugs.
You just got a call from another boy.

Oh. If only l were rich
instead of so popular.

lt was a Curly Quasar.
He left his number. asked you to call.

Me? Miss Popularity call Curly Quasar?

He seemed nice enough.

Oh. Mother. he's nice all right.
but he's just not with it.

-Know what l mean?
-Certainly not.

-What are you holding behind your back?
-Must you know everything?

Oh. Mother. you can't fool me.

You know how much
l wanted to get new clothes this year.

Sorry. that's your father's tuxedo.

We have a formal engagement
Saturday night.

Excuse me. dear.

Wow. Iooks like l don't even have
a normal engagement for Saturday night.

So. Di-Di. Mom and Dad would never
dress formally for my birthday... l was finally convinced
my party was over before it ever began.

Th?s t?me, D?-D?, l really messed up.

Here ?t was. Saturday n?ght...

...Elroy was go?ng to show
h?s ?nvent?on to Henry Orb?t.

He and Orb?tty had plans to spend
the n?ght ?n Henry's tool closet. Yuck.

Mom and Dad left for the?r b?g event.
gl?sten?ng ?n the?r formal cloth?ng.

For a wh?le. ?t looked l?ke l was at least
gonna have Astro for company that n?ght.

But then Ros?e took h?m
to the dog groomer.

And l was all alone.

Well. every night
can't be New Year's Eve.

Terrific story. Loved it.

Think l'll nod off now. Good night.

But. Di-Di. there's a big finish.

l can hardly wait.

Well. this is one birthday girl
who isn't staying home on her big night.

MICKEY [ON RECORDING] : You'ye reached
M?ckey Meteor?te, Mr. Terr?f?c.

Sorry. l'm not ?n r?ght now.
l'm off to a super party.

So at the beep. Ieave your message.


ANDY [ON RECORDING] : _ndromeda here.
You'll have to leave a message.

Got a late ?nv?tat?on
to a b?g blowout party.


Th?s ?s M?ch Mova's res?dence.

There's a mondo party happen?ng ton?ght.
so l'm not here.

Talk at the beep.


This is just great.

The biggest party of the year
is raging tonight. and l'm home alone.


Judy? What are you do?ng home?

Dying of absolute
Ioneliness and humiliation. Herbie.

-lt's Curly.

Yeah. but what about
your surpr?se b?rthday party?

The big surprise was no birthday party.

Wow. that's a real downer.
l'm sorry, Judy.

Well, l was ?ust call?ng
to see ?f l could drop off a small g?ft.

Really? How fast can you get here?

l'll be there at the speed of l?ght.

Oh. Curly. how thoughtful.

lt isn't much.

lt's the chartbuster of video verse.

There once was a lady from N?ger
Who rode w?th a sm?le on a t?ger

They came bach from the r?de
W?th the lady ?ns?de

And a sm?le on the face of the t?ger



Too corny?

No way.
l'm wild about old limericks. Curly.

You're a crack-up.
l needed a good laugh tonight.

There once was a student named Br?ght

Whose speed was much faster than l?ght

She set out one day
In a relat?ve way

And returned on a prev?ous n?ght


Oh. l k*ll me.

And here's one of my own limericks.

Oh. Curly. this is so cute.

There's a g?rl ?n my class named Judy
Our school's most popular cut?e

Though l'm no flashy guy
l st?ll gotta try

So l'll ash her out to a mov?e?

You got it. Curly.
That's the sweetest invite l've ever had.

Thanks for brightening my day. Curly.
l feel a lot better now.

But still. l just can't believe my family
would entirely ignore my birthday.

We're a pretty tight unit. but gee.
not even one little happy birthday.

Not even one.

Surprise! Happy birthday. Judy!


Thank you. everyone.
This is a real surprise.

l knew you couldn't forget.
This is a beautiful party.

And you deserve it.
Judy. you're the greatest.

-Good thing your folks called us. Judy.
-Yeah. we almost forgot your birthday.

We would have missed the big party.

Thanks. guys.
l'm just glad to see all my friends.

Come on. Iet's kick this party into high.

Oh. l'm so sorry. l promised Curly.

We don't always pick our friends.
Sometimes they pick us.

Thanks. Curly.

Judy. watch this.

Go ahead. birthday girl. make a wish.

But try to keep it inexpensive.
Heh. heh. heh.

Happy birthday. Judy.


So that's the whole story. Di-Di.


Don't you just love happy endings?

-Oh. oh. oh. sorry. Judy.

l said. don't you just love happy endings?

l'll take any ending l can get.
But l'm happy for you.

Thanks. Di-Di.
Good night. l'm going to bed.

A lovely thought. Me too.
Good night. dear.


GEORGE: Hey. Elroy. the party's over.
How long is this display gonna last?

-Oh. it'll burn out about 4 a.m.. Dad.
-Oh. boy.

We're gonna hear
from the neighbors on this one.