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02x03 - Solar Snoops

Posted: 04/05/22 07:14
by bunniefuu
Meet George Jetson

His boy, Elroy

Daughter, Judy

Jane, his wife

Phew. Made it just in time.

Nice going, Jetson.

You broke your old record by one
one-hundredth of a second.

Keep this up and you can go
for the gold.

Thank you, Mr. Spacely.

Excuse me while I check
on the new shipments.

Right, and remember, not a word
about our new secret project.

What secret project
is that, sir?

That's why it's still a secret.
We're not telling you.

"Cogswell Cogs, top secret K-9."

I'll call Mr. Cogswell
and tell him

this was left here by mistake.

What? What?

What's been left here?

This shipment for Cogswell.

- He's probably waiting for it.
- We'll just let him wait.

He's my biggest competitor.

Why do him any favors?


Put that down, Jetson.

Ow! Not on my foot.

Uh... I'm sorry, sir.

Give me back that medal.

This is probably another one
of Cogswell's cheap imports... put me out of business.

Well, not this time.

Mr. Spacely, what are you doing?

It's called opening the box.

Sir, that's industrial
espionage. It's not honest.

Jetson, never use that term
in my presence again.

"Industrial espionage"?

No. "Honest."

You know what it does
to my digestion.


GEORGE: How do you like that?
Lassie's come home.

Obviously, it's some kind of
super sentry dog.

His name's Sentro.

Nice boy, nice boy.

I wouldn't do that, Mr. Spacely.

Don't be ridiculous.
It's just a robot.


Something tells me this dog
flunked out of obedience school.

If I were you,
I'd return him to Mr. Cogswell.

Well, you're not me, Jetson.
Sentro's my kind of canine.

And to think Cogswell
almost had him.

Bet he does everything but fly.

Oh, not bad.

I should have
combed my hair first.

Incredible. I'm putting Sentro
to work immediately.

But, sir, have you forgotten?
He doesn't belong to you.

A mere technicality, my boy.

Haven't you heard of

We'll just say
I'm adopting him until

my chocolate microchip
is perfected.

Chocolate microchip?
So that's your secret.

SPACELY: Inside this door is the
chocolate-microchip prototype.

How's it work?

Shh! Not so loud.

First, you eat
the chocolate microchip.

Once it's digested, it turns
into a walking lunar computer

with interchangeable drives.

Come to think of it, I've seen
those in the mail-order catalog

Gears & Robot.

One more word out of you,
Jetson, and I'll sic him on you.

Easy, Sentro. You're giving
"vicious" a bad name.

Let's just leave him here
to guard the lab

and we'll go about our business.

Right, sir. Did I tell you my
new company slogan?

"A sprocket for every pocket."

I'll pretend I didn't hear it.

That nitwit, Spacely,
fell for it.

The oldest trick in the spy
book, the Trojan horse.


Galacta Sneak to the chief.
Galacta Sneak to the chief.

Reporting in.

Cogswell here.
Good news, I hope.

I'm inside the plant and the
news couldn't be better, sir.

Especially if you like
chocolate-microchip cookies.

My favorite.

You got it, chief.

Just a matter of time...

...and putting on the dog.

This will teach Spacely
to open up packages

that don't belong to him..., Galacta Sneak?

Yeah, and I love
this assignment

me being such a chocolate freak.


Uh-oh. Somebody's coming.

Over and out.

How are things, Sentro?
Everything A-okay?

Nice going, boy.
I know I can depend on you.

To see the look on Cogswell's
face when he finds out.

So if all goes according
to plan, Harlan...

...we'll soon be in the
chocolate-microchip business.

Sounds a lot better
than the uranium jelly beans

we put out last year.

Did I ask you?

Now, just read me back
my help-wanted ad, okay?

"Wanted, executive secretary.

Must be gorgeous, glamorous,
shapely and friendly."

Shouldn't we include
"intelligent," sir?

Mind your own business.
It's my ad.

On second thought,
put "college graduate preferred.

Please include resume
and recent pinup picture."

But, sir, what about your wife?

Have you ever seen
her pinup picture?

I heard that, Cogswell.

You know how hard I've been
trying to improve my figure.

Of course, sweetie.

And how's my favorite
jogger doing?

Next week, we're entering
the Martian Marathon.

Aren't we, Miss Nova?

Just get off my back, will you?

Boy, that Sentro's too much.

If he ever had puppies, you
could retire the police force.



An alert. Heh-heh-heh.

This is the fun part.

I just love catching solar
snoops in the act.

We'll fix them.

What's going on, Jetson?

Stage one alert, sir.
Sentro spotted an intruder.


He'll do anything
to get my chocolate chip.

Put me down. Put me down.

Nice doggie, nice doggie.

Elroy, what are you doing here?

- Are you okay?
- Sure, Dad.

I was bringing your lunch
when this

power-operated pooch grabbed me.

Put down my son this minute,
do you hear me? Ah!

He heard you, Dad.

Every dog has his day.

Let go of me.


Sorry, sir.

I guess his spark was louder
than his bite.

What's his problem, Dad?

He's protecting
the chocolate-- Bleh!

The chocolate bleh?

It's a hush-hush project,
my boy.

That's why I've got Sentro.

I know.

And he's the most peculiar guard
dog I've ever seen.

Right. For one thing,
he never stops at a hydrant.

Back to work, Jetson.
Back to work.

Yes, sir.

Thanks for the lunch, son.

Watch out for that dog
on your way out.

Don't worry, Dad. I'm just glad
I'm not the mailman.

The preliminary operation's
underway, Mr. Cogswell.

I'll be awaiting the results.

Spacely will be the
laughingstock of the universe.

Right. Over and out.

I knew there was something about
him that looked phony.

Where's his license?


Hey, you, girlie,
what are you doing for lunch?

Eating, big shot.

Wow. It's the CIA.
Canine Infiltration Agent.

Wait till they hear about this.

A little man inside Sentro?

What a vivid imagination.

But, Mr. Spacely,
I'm telling you the truth.

It looks like you fell for the
old Trojan horse trick, sir.

We'll see about that.

I'll check on Sentro right now.

Now, that's loyalty.

Guarding my chocolate chip
with his life.

He's got it.
My secret cookie.

I don't believe it.

I hate to be an I-told-you-so,
but I told you so.

Oh, I'm nothing but an old fool.

True, but deep down,
you're a nice old fool.

See you later, Dad.

Oh, you got problems.

Stop him.

Come back, Elroy.

Not him. Sentro.

We're too late, sir.

I'll get Cogswell for this,
ripping off my chocolate chip.

Just one question, sir. How?

Do me a favor, Jetson.

Take a break.
Start with your head.

I'll stay out of your way
and read today's paper.

Hey, it says here, "Help wanted.

Executive secretary, Cogswell

Must be gorgeous."

Read that again, Jetson.

"Executive secretary,
Cogswell Cogs.

Must be gorgeous."

That's it.

He steals from me,
I'll steal from him.

It's called free enterprise.

But, sir, you're not gorgeous.
Cute perhaps, but--

Quiet, Jetson.

Thanks to me,
Cogswell's going to hire

the most gorgeous secretary
on the planet.

Georgina Jetstream.

She doesn't work here, sir.

There's no girl by that--

Georgina Jetstream?

Who can I respect and trust
more than you, George--?


Who else can I afford to lose?

Very flattering, sir,
but I really don't think

we should be
in the spying business.

You're not paid to think,

If you were,
you'd starve to death.

It's dog-eat-dog out there.

Now, are you gonna apply

for the job of Cogswell's
secretary or not?

I'll have to pass on it, sir.
I have a short in my shorthand.

Your decision, Jetson.

There'll be no arm-twisting
from Cosmo S. Spacely.

Thank you, sir.

You have a choice.

Either be a working female
at Cogswell's

or an unemployed male at home.

Maybe this will help you decide.

My key to the washroom.

We know how you feel, dear.
It's strictly up to you.

Right. You could always
change your mind about it.

Whatever you do,
we're all on your side.

Except now it's
an all-girl team.


If I don't get this job, Astro,
first thing to go will be you.


But like they say, George,
a woman is always entitled

to change her mind.

Whoever said that
didn't know Mr. Spacely.

That little space game
was really something.

Oh, pardon me, Mom,
I didn't know you had visitors.

It's no visitor, Elroy.
That's our father.

All in a day's work, son.

Do me a favor, Dad.


Don't come to parents' night.

You'll be late for your job
interview, George.


From now on, I've gotta be
as feminine as possible.

With a voice like that,
you've gotta be kidding.

Which is why I'm giving you
this solar tape deck

with my voice cassette.

It's programmed
for every possible situation.

Great idea, honey.
They'll think it's me talking.

Just remember to lip-sync
while using it, Daddy.

Maybe you'd better practice.

Good morning.

I'm Georgina Jetstream.
Nice to know you.

We're in big trouble.

This could be a dangerous
mission, Astro.

So why don't you go along with
George and keep an eye on him?

Forget it.

I'm a grown woman
and I'm completely capable

of doing the job.

JANE [ON TAPE]:Good morning.
I'm Georgina Jetstream.

Welcome to Cogswell Cogs,

You're here about the job?

Yes, I'd really love to work
for you, Mr. Cogswell.

I've heard so much about you.

Of course you have.

- Harlan.
- Yes, Mr. Cogswell?

Tell the other applicants that
the job has been filled.

Very well-filled.

Tell me more about yourself,
my dear.

Well, I'm a very
efficient secretary.

And I take over
a thousand words a minute...

[TAPE SLOWS]...and completely

And love working day and night.


appreciate this wonderful

employment opportunity.

Don't be nervous, Georgina.

I know what it means working
for a living legend like me.

Make yourself at home.

Oh, thank you, sir.

I'll just familiarize myself
with your operation.

That's right, Mr. Cogswell.

I have the chocolate microchip
right here.


Smells delicious.

You know our agreement,
Galacta Sneak.

Bring it here immediately.

There's been a slight change
in plans, sir.

I want double the money.

Sentro's got quite
an appetite, you know.


What? Why, you little--

That's nothing but thievery.

Also very sneaky.

I'll put it this way, Cogswell.

Either pay through the nose
or this goes into my mouth.

All right, all right,
the money's yours.

Just don't eat my chip.

I'm on a diet, anyway.

Meet you at the Cafe D'Lune
at noon.

Feel free to giftwrap
the money.


Temper, temper.

What do I do now, sir?

Number one is to turn off
that stupid tape

and talk like a man.

But like I say, Mr. Spacely,
Galacta Sneak's

bringing your chocolate chip
to lunch.


Now all you have to do is be
there and grab it, understand?

Yeah, but how do I get myself
invited to lunch?

What's the matter with you,

Haven't you ever been
a beautiful girl before?

Use your sex appeal.

I'll try, sir, but remember,
it's only my first date.

JANE [ON TAPE]:Oh, hi there,
Mr. C. Need any more dictation?

Georgina, I'm on my way
to a business lunch.

Oh, what kind of business
do you have in mind, sir?

Care to join me?

I really shouldn't,
Mr. Cogswell.

We hardly know each other.

Call me Cogsy.

And just because
you work for me

doesn't mean
we can't be friends.

Uh-oh. Poor George.

But they say you shouldn't mix
business with pleasure.

Then we'll make it another time.

On the other hand,
it'll be a pleasure

giving you the business.

This looks like monkey business.

PILOT: Any further instructions,
Mr. Cogswell?

Take the usual scenic route
and button your lip.

You're gonna love this
restaurant, my dear.

It's so trendy.

I'm sure.

But do you think having lunch
together like this

is fair to your wife?

You know, you're right. Remind
me to bring her a doggie bag.

We're here, sir.

COGSWELL: Cafe D'Lune,
the most exclusive restaurant

in the universe, my dear.

Oh, looks beautiful, Cogsy.

What's their specialty?

Chocolate microchips.

Oh, here comes our table.

Monsieur Cogswell's table.

JANE [ON TAPE]:My boyfriends
never take me

to places like this.

Anyone ever tell you, Georgina,
that your eyes are like

smoldering planets?

Just my optometrist
when he billed me

for the contact lenses.


Delightful sense of humor.

Oh, those tantalizing lips.

Is it possible
I'm falling in love?

Is that your hand on my ankle,
Mr. Cogswell?

No, it was mine, dear.

Hate to break up
your party, Cogswell

but we have
a little business to discuss.

So we do. Make it fast.
Have you got it?

Yeah, but so has she.

Nice to meet you, babe.

You naughty boy.

Why don't we discuss it
over dessert?

We are having dessert,
aren't we, Cogsy?

Well, I am.

Here's my end of the bargain,
Galacta Sneak.

Now, where's yours?

Got it right here.

You get it just as soon as
I count the bucks.

Something tells me you're
a born dancer.

It's the way you move.

You know it, babe.

Who do you think
taught Fred Asteroid, huh?

Care to dance?

Later, Cogswell.

Why don't you just count out my
money in the meantime?

I just love tall women,

There's so many of them.

Oh, you're so romantic.
For a short person.



I understand the food is divine,

I've been hinting for my husband
to take me here...

...but he always has
some excuse.

Mrs. Cogswell.

Run away with me, Georgina.

We could make
beautiful sabotage together.

But what about Mr. Cogswell?

Let the chips fall
where they may.

I'm for that.

Pardon me, may I cut in?

Never mind that little twerp.
He's bad news.

I'm mad for you, Georgina.
You know that, don't you?


Don't say anything, darling.

Nothing can stand in our way.

Is that so?

Correction. Almost nothing.

Who are you and what are you
doing here with my husband?



Long-lost niece.
She's here for speech therapy.

Your niece? I don't believe that
for a minute.

Would you believe it
for 30 seconds?

You're going right now.


I'll save you. I'll save you.

Uh-oh. Strike three.
You're out.

She's a he.

That's George Jetson.
He works for Spacely.

You've been romancing a spy,

I always knew you had no taste.

It's gone. My stolen
chocolate microchip.

That sneak stole it from me.

COGSWELL: They're getting away.
What do we do?

No sweat, call a pet.

Attention, Sentro.
Attention, Sentro.

Be on the lookout for
Jetson and his mutt.

They're fugitives.

Nothing like a little
remote-control exercise.

He loves it.

Uh-oh. Something's chasing us,

Sentro. Let's surrender.

GEORGE: No way. Let's duck into
this cloud bank.

He'll never find us.

The old cloud-cover trick.

Okay, Sentro, put them away.

ASTRO: We're in big trouble.
What do we do, George?

That wig.

Like they always say,
it just might work.

yours, Sentro. Go for it.

It's working, Astro.

He thinks you're a femme fatale.

Okay with me

just so long as
he doesn't have fleas.

Tell me how you did it again,
George, please?

You mean hiding your chocolate
microchip from Cogswell?

Simple. I just put it in my
mouth like this.

I underestimated you, Jetson.
You're brilliant.

You galactic goof,
you swallowed it.

Cough it up. Cough it up.

Sorry you have to work
overtime, honey

but we're all so proud of you.

Oh, my chocolate microchip's
working even better

than we thought, eh, Jetson?


But I just don't have the
stomach for it.