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05x12 - Dry Spell

Posted: 04/05/22 07:09
by bunniefuu






[GASPS] Oh, my God! Shaun!

You're masturbating.

I thought you left.

I could catch the next bus if
you would like to have sex now.

No... No, thank you.

But you were...

I'm good, and it's late.



Oh, my God.

Mariel Torres, , fever,
BP over .

Fainted coming off a plane at SFO.

Fiance said she's had
a persistent cough,

pain in her chest and abdomen.

How long has she had these symptoms?

ISAAC: Months, on and off.

I kept telling her to go to a doctor.

Soft and non-tender,
no distention or guarding present.

Uh... Isaac, what's... what's happening?

Ms. Torres, I'm Dr. Lim.

You're at St. Bonaventure Hospital.

You collapsed at the airport.

I'm... I'm not covered.
My insurance lapsed.

We can fast-track your access

to St. Bonaventure's uninsured program.

Any recent stressors?

I've been traveling a lot for work.

Deep breath, please.


She's a photographer.

She documents immigrant
communities across California.

I tagged along this last trip.

He keeps me sane.

Rales and rhonchi, decreased
breath sounds bilaterally.

We need a chest X-ray.


We got this.

You and me.



What do you do for work?

Uh, I am one of the research professors

of the Jane Austen project at Stanford.

I imagine you sit a lot?

Well, it would be unethical
to read a first edition

of Sense and Sensibility standing up.

That explains why you're
in so much pain.

You have severe hemorrhoids.

Well... Can you give me
a salve or something?

This is... beyond salve.

They seem like a cool couple.

They seem fine.

Torres imaging come through yet?

Not yet.

Supportive, fun, loving,

but not in a gross, performative way.

You picked up a lot in two minutes.

Sounds like someone wants a boyfriend.

I have been considering
venturing out of Hookuptown

for something more serious,

which requires finding
someone to get serious about.

That does tend to be the hard part.

Well, that's why I've decided
to raise the bar,

only date guys that check all the boxes.

So, your plan is to be more
open by being more closed?


The images are in.

I want to be more intentional about it,

find someone who gets me,
but also challenges me.

Instead of getting diverted

by whoever has the hottest profile pic.

Two nodules in the left lung,

one in the upper lobe, one lower.

That doesn't look like pneumonia.

That looks like cancer.



LEA: Hi.


So, about this morning,

when you came home
and caught me, you know...

Boosting my own morale...

I used to boost my own morale
a lot before we got together.

But I don't anymore

because we usually have
very satisfying sex.

Yes, we do.

Absolutely, we do.

Did you need a boost

because we haven't had sex in nine days?

I didn't know we were counting.

Our average is every . days.

It has been a stressful few months.

If you wanted a morale boost,

why didn't you want me to do it for you?

No, it's... it's not that.

I-I just... I don't know.

I woke up and had a few minutes

and wanted to take the edge off.

Is it... the same
as when we're together?


It's... different.

It's definitely not as good,

but it is... faster.

Oh, I can go faster.

[CHUCKLING] No, Shaun.

Boosting my own morale

is not a substitute

for being with you, ever.

And I did try to get things going

a couple times last week,

but you were busy.

You didn't ring the cowbell.

It wasn't cowbell worthy.

We agreed if we were off course,
we'd ring the cowbell.

We are not off course.

We're having a dry spell,
and it will blow over.


That is a lot of weather terms.

I'm not sure they apply.



Anorectal ailments are one of the
oldest recorded medical conditions.

One early remedy was to
burn them off with hot coals.

We can remove yours surgically,

but we need to do it right away.

Isn't there some way we could
schedule it for next week?

Your hemorrhoids have already ruptured.

You're at risk of serious complications.


The surgery is now routine
and effective.

No hot coals.

MORGAN: But the recovery
can be quite painful.

You'll need a special diet
and sitz baths.

No exercise or exertion, including sex,

for six to eight weeks post-op.

No sex? Why?

The wounds need time to heal.

We can get you on the schedule
for later today.

The X-rays show two nodules
in your left lung,

possibly cancerous.

We'll know more after the biopsy.

It's a simple procedure.

Um, the... the biopsy...

Is covered under the uninsured program?

It all is.

And we'll run a few labs
and get you started on fluids.

Is this arm okay for the IV?


Listen, Mari,
I was on the phone with your insurance.

What? W-Why?

To save you the hassle.

- Sorry, I need you to hold still.
- Oh. Sorry.

You... You shouldn't have called them.

Why not? We need to get this sorted out.


Mari, whatever is going on,

you can tell me.



My insurance didn't lapse.

I, uh... I lost it.

Because, um...

I'm undocumented.


JORDAN: Brenna?

W-Where is our patient?

She's not in the bathroom,

and her clothes and personal
belongings are all gone.

Code green. We have a runner.


I checked the whole
second floor. No Brenna.

She's not in the cafeteria
or the lobby or the gift shop.

We should check all the exits.

Lea and I haven't had sex for nine days.

Lenore, the gift-shop cashier,

she recommended light bondage.

Dr. Park suggested
a romantic bubble bath,

but Lea and I don't agree
on water temperature.

You both are busy.

Have you tried scheduling it?

Reliability is sexy.


I think we found her.


All right, time for your biopsy.

I'll have her back
in about an hour or so.

I should drop the bags off
at the apartment.

Isaac, can we please talk about this

before I go into my procedure?

We've been together two years.

I was gonna tell you.


The wedding?

I promised myself that if
marriage were ever on the table

for real, that I'd tell you,

but when you proposed,

my DACA renewal had just been rejected.

And it really freaked me out.


It was, uh...

It was all because of a stupid
marijuana DUI on my record.

Another thing you've been hiding.

It was years ago.

Cops pulled me over for a tail light.

They searched and they found edibles,

and they arrested me for driving high,

which I wasn't.


Okay, let's get her
some humidified oxygen.


I was... [COUGHS]

I was trying to get it expunged.

Breathe into this.


I'm gonna go.





I can get rid of that for you.

There's blood in her sputum.

You're bleeding
from your lungs and airway.

Let's get to the O.R., stat.


BRENNA: I'm sorry I ran.
I know I need surgery.

JORDAN: You're scared. I understand.

No, it's not just that. I have this date

that I've been waiting
a really long time for.

And a rain check poses a problem?


I am...

A virgin.

I am years old
and I have never had sex.


Because of your religion?

Honestly, I don't know.


I mean, freshman year in college,

I-I made this really detailed list

of what I wanted in a boyfriend,

and then I fell madly in love
with my work.

For a while, I thought
I wasn't having sex

because I was obsessed with Jane Austen.

It's commonly believed that
she was a virgin when she died.

She was obsessed with her work, too.

I n... I never stopped looking.

But every year that I waited,

it just got harder
to imagine telling someone

I'd met a couple times
over coffee or drinks

that I... had never had sex.

I just...

I just felt so ashamed.

You have nothing to be ashamed of.

[LAUGHS] Well, okay.


Tell me about this date.



Okay. Um...

His name is Viktor.

He's an old friend from college.


- Oh.
- Yeah.

And he's usually in Antarctica
or the Arctic Circle,

but he's visiting San Jose for two days.


I was so scared to ask.

I thought he would laugh at me.


But he just said he would be honored.

You've waited a long time.

I have.


And if I don't do it now,

then w-what if I never...


I'm not having the surgery
until I have sex with Viktor.


Lea and I haven't had sex in nine days.


Um... nine days isn't a thing.

It is something.

You said you and Debbie
had a very good sex life.

I would like to know all your secrets.

I said that?

Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.


Okay. Uh...


I got to test drive a Testarossa once,

a Ferrari, an ' .

Oh, my God. Beautiful car.

Got my friend to get us
a track at Thunderhill.

I get into the car...

Leather interior, stunning detail.

I mean, this car is ready.

And I kick it into gear, and it stalls.

I kick it into gear again,
and it stalls again.

It's jerking back and forth.

I'm destroying this $ , machine.

Why? Because the pedals
are too close together.

I'm... I'm stepping on the brake

and the accelerator at the same time.

Are you saying that a Ferrari

will not cure my dry spell with Lea?


I'm trying to explain this sex book

that Debbie gave me
called Come As You Are.

See, uh, according to the book,

people think of it
as a sex drive, you know,

and that's too simple.

There's also a brake and an accelerator.

Dr. Glassman? The new
nursing schedule is a mess.

Hawks and I have some ideas
to make it better,

- if you have time today?
- Okay, I think...

I think Dr. Andrews is your guy.

If I could get time
on his calendar, I'd ask him.

Fine. Um, if he doesn't get back to
you in a week, then come back to me.


Accelerating is
all the things that rev...

...the engine.


All right. Listening,


listening a lot.

And braking is everything

that... that gets in the way of good...

You know, sex.

Stress and work and insecurities

and jealousy and stress. Yes?

Sorry to interrupt, but we are
having major crackage problems

with the BioGlass pipettes.

Isn't that a President thing?

I have had issues talking to
him after the last couple months.

I'll send you an e-mail,
fill you in on all the issues.

I look forward to that.



Do you do regular maintenance?

Are you, you know, talking
and communicating and...

Oh, talking, texting.

But mostly about work.


So, maybe a little bit less braking,

a little bit more accelerating.

You know, when you get home tonight,

leave your work at the door.

Go inside, put on some music,

light some candles, not too many.

You don't want to make an announcement.

How many?


And no weather channel.



I... will try.

I have to get back to work.


Got a minute?


PARK: There's the bleeder.

LIM: Cauterizing.

This nodule's caused a lot of damage.

It's too bad she didn't feel
safe coming to a hospital.

Mm. One of my aunts was undocumented.

She never let her guard down.

With anyone.

Inserting mini-forceps into the tract.

But hiding it from your fiance?

Doesn't exactly bode well.

PARK: Ah, you're really ready to
judge this relationship, aren't you?

First, they're "supportive,
fun, and loving,"

now it's built on betrayal.
There's the nodule.

LIM: Advance a little further.
Then we can take the sample.

PARK: Which suggests that you
might be lacking experience

with long-term relationships.

The one thing they never are is simple.

The capsule's tough
for a pulmonary nodule.

The inside's friable, crumbly.

That's not cancer.

It's fungus.

And we just released it
into her bloodstream.


What if we just let her
go home to see Viktor?

It's one night.

Dr. Allen, she has grade four

internal and external hemorrhoids,

which have already ruptured.

If it happens again while she's home,

she's at risk for severe blood loss.

I should tell her about my first time.

I vowed that under no circumstances,

I would be a virgin
when I went to college.

Senior prom,
my high school boyfriend and I

finally decided to take
that last big step past...

"Heavy petting."

Afterwards, all I could think was,
"I preferred the petting."

Mm, no second time without a first time.

Let's bring Viktor here.

Afterwards, we'll do the surgery,

and if she has a rupture,

there's no safer place to be
than in a hospital.


The hospital has rules against alcohol,

illegal dr*gs,
patients running in socks,

but there is nothing
about consensual sex.


It's an illness commonly
known as Valley Fever.

It's endemic to soil in the Southwest.

LIM: Our immediate concern is,

the fungus is now in your bloodstream.

If an infection takes root
in your brain or spine,

that could be fatal.

We're gonna treat you
with an anti-fungal

called amphotericin B.

It can be pretty intense.

The side effects include nausea,
violent chills,

high fever, convulsions.

Has Isaac been back?

Um, we haven't seen him.

We'll do what we can to
alleviate any discomfort.

Get the infusion ready.




You're appointment only now?

It's fine.

I had to establish boundaries,

at least until the hospital's
on firmer financial ground.


There's a whole lot
of broken glass in the lab.

Is that a metaphor?

Yeah, and there's a whole lot
of broken glass in the lab.

It's a supplier issue.
Apparently news to you?

My assistant also filters requests

before they hit my desk.

Allows me to focus

on the bigger post-Ethicure adjustments.

- Huh.
- Now, is there a reason

for this... delightful,

if unscheduled visit, because...

St. Bon's needs a softball team.

There's a hospital league.

$ covers a roster of .

The team covers bats and gloves.

It'll be good for morale.

You know, I heard something

about you playing softball in Montana.

What was your average?

[CHUCKLES] . and trending up.


Fine. The hospital can cover
registration fee and uniforms.

Gloves and bats are on you.

Next time, make an appointment.



Dr. Wolke?

Sorry to interrupt.

I'm just swiping left again.
Please, interrupt.

I saw Ms. Torres is going on ampho-B.

Can we get her fiance back

so she has some emotional support?

Uh, we tried. He's not responding.

Pretty lousy time to ghost.

Maybe, but I get it.

You "get" taking off
when someone needs you?

She lied to him for years.

She hid things,
for pretty clear reasons.

It's still a violation of trust.

That can take a while to get over.

- Give him some time.
- Great empathy for him.

Meanwhile, your patient is
about to be in a lot of pain,

and you're judging her.

I'm treating her.

It is not my place to do
couples therapy. Or yours.

If you don't have compassion
for her, Dr. Wolke,

then maybe someone else
should handle her care.

And you can go back to
polishing your Tinder profile.


I have to hang her meds.


You went all out.

Mm-hmm. [CHUCKLES]

You didn't have to bring those.

I stole them from the chapel.

- Oh.
- God works in mysterious ways.


Are you in any pain?

No. Lying here, I'm totally fine.

It only hurts when I walk around,

but what about tomorrow,
when Viktor's... here?

I got you covered.

Tylenol, a little Lidocaine cream.

Should do the trick.


You know, my mom had
the sex talk with me

when I was in the fifth grade.

She showed me The Joy of Sex,

you know, that book from the ' s.

Lots of... hair.

And, uh, when I asked her
to explain the pictures,

she got really awkward
and then started to cry.

That's not very sex-positive.

Well, she said she was upset
because I was so young

and I was asking all these questions.

I just ended up rubbing her
back and making her a cup of tea.


After wanting this for so many
years, why am I so scared?

Being intimate with someone
feels vulnerable,

no matter how many times you've done it.

That's why it's special.

It will be an adventure...

Your adventure, on your terms.

Have fun,

tell him what you want,

and lube is your friend.

Oh, my God. [LAUGHS]

It's all about setting the mood.



♪ Close your eyes, Little Queenie ♪

♪ Go to sleep soon ♪


♪ I'll be dreaming in a hurry ♪

Tonight, there will be no brakes.


Only accelerators.


Including wine.

Oh, my God.


A relaxing massage.


I've researched
the best massages on YouTube

and have been practicing...

On a pillow.




♪ Any time you're scared ♪


♪ There ain't nothin' wrong ♪

Mm, you have been practicing.

You are much better than a pillow.


How's your back now?

Much better.

Would you like a chocolate?

Mm. Mm-hmm.

♪ I love you ♪

♪ My Baby Blue ♪

♪ I love you ♪

♪ My Suzie Q ♪


♪ I love you ♪

- ♪ My Baby Blue ♪

♪ I love you ♪

♪ My Suzie Q ♪

♪ I love you ♪


You took these?

Mm. On my last trip, Imperial Valley.

They're beautiful.

So... relaxed.

Just a bunch of friends hanging out.


There are so many images
out there of the, uh, plight

of the undocumented,
like we're just some sad story.

I wanted to show how we really are...

Cracking jokes, laughing,

a bunch of badasses.

Oh, not that I feel that way
at the moment.


I can call Isaac again.

Don't bother.

If he doesn't see how scary this all is,

if he can't support me,
then I don't want him here.

When I was in high school,

I had a chavrusa...

A study partner.

I totally fell for him.

His close textual readings
were super sexy.

We grew up Hasidic.

Micah was the first person
I told about being gay...

And my first kiss.

He said he was gay, too.

That according to two verses in Samuel,

so were King David and Jonathan.

Like I said, close textual readings.

[POPS LIPS] Next level.

Micah said we should be open.

We should tell our families.

I was scared, but I did,

And my dad...

...lost it.

Our home just... imploded.

But Micah backed out.

He said he couldn't do it.

I lost my family

and never spoke to Micah again.

He cut you off?

I cut himoff.

He reached out to me,
but I... I was so angry.

He betrayed me and...

Broke my heart.

And then I realized how terrified

he must have been, too.

And how...

Alone he must feel now.

I miss him.



O falling.

Is this from the ampho-B?


- EKG steady.
- It's not her heart.


The area around the nodule ruptured.

Your lung has collapsed.
We need to get her to the O.R.

LIM: Completing final muscular suture.

PARK: Lung is reinflating nicely.

Let's finish closing her up.

- JEROME: Dr. Lim?
- Who's talking to me?

This is Nurse Martel.

Her renal panel just came back.

How bad?

B.U.N. , creatinine .

Thanks for letting us know.

It's impacting both her kidneys.

We need to get that nodule out of there.

- ASHER: Now?
- No.

There's still too much fungus
circulating in her blood.

She needs around round of ampho-B

to clear as much fungus as we can.

Then we can do the kidney surgery.



Are you Viktor?

Brenna showed me your picture.

- I'm Dr. Allen.
- Pleased to meet you.

Perhaps you could point me
toward the gift shop?

I wanted to get something for Brenna.

What kind of a date
shows up empty-handed?

Most of them.

I am Dr. Shaun Murphy. Give her these.

Chocolate contains tryptophan
and Phenylethylamine,

which will help to elevate your moods.

Oh, they are very good.

Okay, please get started.

As soon as you are done,
we can do the procedure.

Oh, uh, I owe it to Brenna not to rush.

Definitely worth the wait.


You're here.

Uh, bearing slightly used chocolates.

Uh, Dr. Murphy says they...
they will improve our mood,

w-which I hope won't be necessary.

Always the gentleman.

[SIGHS] Are you sure
this isn't too strange?

Uh, well, making love
in a hospital is strange.


And surprising
and... and completely unique.

[CHUCKLES] Exciting.

I'll be outside, guarding the door.

Try not to be too loud.





Yo. See you on the field.

I gave you your team.
My involvement ends there.

You're a baller, right?

You played in college.

Yeah, I also ate instant ramen
for breakfast.

I need a shortstop, a field general,

a boss of the infield. You're perfect.

I'm busy being the actual boss.

You're busy being a bad boss.

You isolate yourself
from your own staff.

They don't like you.

Especially since
this business with Salen.

I've got bridges to build.
I'll get there eventually.

I'm offering you a bridge
to build right now.

Show them you're on their team.

Maybe they'll help you right the ship.

I know. Mixed metaphor.

And by the way,
maybe they'll stop bothering me

with their problems every five minutes.



Let's have sex.

- Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Shaun! Oh, my God! I'm so sorry!


Are you okay?

Spontaneity is not the solution.




Maybe we could try

more of a... planned surprise next time.

That is a good idea.

We should have a sex schedule.

Jordan recommended it.

Did you mention my morale boosting?


Lea, that is very personal.

Yeah. Yeah, it is.

The... The sex schedule... sorry...

It just feels like
the ultimate buzzkill.


Lou the janitor mentioned
something called a sex swing,

but the installation
sounds very cumbersome.

Even allowing for foreplay,
Viktor should be finished.





This feels worse than the last time.

The nausea, the pain...

ASHER: We have to clear
as much fungus from your blood

as possible before surgery.



I got your message.

Thanks for coming back.

You lied to me.

I don't know what's going on anymore.

Or what to trust.

Of course you don't.

I didn't give you a chance.

I didn't trust you, and I should have.


You don't have to forgive me,

but I-I hope you... You understand...

...why I hid from you.








Seriously, I thought
they'd be done by now.


This is Dr. Shaun Murphy.





What happened?

Well, um, we finished...

Both of us.


Um, but we...

- Um... he's...
- I-I-I seem to be stuck.

Oh, you must have vaginismus.


Your pelvic floor
is having a muscle spasm,

- and it's holding...
- Oh!


It's very rare in humans,

but it is common in mammals
who need to ensure fertilization.

Once your pelvic walls relax,

everything should go back to normal.

Oh, my God.

I am so sorry.
You came to do me a favor,

- and now we're literally stuck.
- No, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

This is a beautiful choice you made.


And now that I know that
we're gonna be okay, uh...

It's actually quite nice.

Yes, it is.


That was...







I owe you an apology.

It's okay.

The ice packs are really helping.

Not that.

I'm sorry for brushing you off.

You've been trying to get us
out of this dry spell,

and I've done nothing.

About the sex schedule...

My parents used to have one.

They used to mark our
kitchen calendar with "S.T."

They claimed it was for "Steak Tonight,"

but we didn't have steak that often.

We finally realized it stood
for... "Sexy Time."


I-I don't want my sex life
to be like my parents'.

But they have been married for years.

Yeah, they have.

They seem happy.

I think it is nice that they
still want to touch each other.

I need to go remove some hemorrhoids.


We removed the nodule,
and your kidney function is improving.

A few rounds of ampho-B to go,
but we think you're in the clear.

Thank you, Dr. Park.

We'll get through this. All of it.

And I won't freak out again.

I'll step up.

I'm sorry.

Sorry it took me so long.

You and me?

Yeah. You and me.



How did I do?

The surgery was a success.

And as long as you follow
the recovery protocols,

you should have no further problems.

Look who I found in the gift shop.

I wanted to see how you were doing,
and, uh, give you these.



if you might be open
to another visit next month.

There's a polar microbes
conference in San Francisco

that I, uh, was considering attending.

I'd love that.



Cafeteria closed
while you were in the O.R.,

so I sat a couple of meal trays aside.

Oh, my God. I'm starving.

Thank you.


Thanks for the push.

We've got grilled salmon.

- Can be a little dry,

although Ms. Shenoy in
seems to like it.

- Mm.
- Penne pesto.

Sounds promising, I know,
but lower your expectations.

- Oh.
- And finally,

the humble-but-classic grilled chicken.


Even my -year-old niece loves it,

and she's got the palate
of a -year-old.

I would have gone with the pesto.

I could tell.

I'm sold.

Hit me with that chicken.

[SNAPS FINGERS] You got it.


Unless we head over to Tres Reyes,

upgrade to insanely good tamales.


Are you... asking me out?

In, like, a date-y way?

Looks like it.


You're gay?

Nothing gets by you, huh?



An upgrade to insanely good
tamales sounds perfect.



MAN: All right, Reznick!

- Way to battle.
- Aw!

Park, you're up! Allen on deck.

I got some intel. First up is a
fastball, followed by a change-up.

Yeah, that's because he
doesn't have anything else, man.

- His curve ball's a disaster.
- Good to know.

- All right. You got this.
- Dilallo, in the hole.

Oh. It's : .Yeah.

Sorry. Gotta go.

What do you mean, you gotta go?

You're... You're the cleanup hitter.

We are on a schedule.

Go, Park!


- Strike!
- Ah!

Oh, that's a ball! That was high!

MAN: - !

Nice turn on
that double play last inning.


If only you could handle our
schedule with the same skill.

REFEREE: and .

You got some ideas?

Actually, yeah.


I'm listening.

MAN: Oh!


Go, Park! Yeah! Good job, man!



It just feels a little weird.

Like we're on the clock, you know?

I would offer you a chocolate
to help you relax,

but I gave them away to Viktor.

Who's Viktor?

A very nice Arctic explorer
who came to the hospital

to have sex with my patient.


How full service.

It was remarkable.

His penis got stuck
in my patient's vag*na.


No, it didn't.

Oh, yes, it did.


It did.




Come here.
