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02x01 - Elroy Meets Orbitty

Posted: 04/04/22 16:07
by bunniefuu
Meet George Jetson

His boy, Elroy

Daughter, Judy

Jane, his wife

Come, children,
it's time to leave.

Hi, teach. I got some terrific
holographs of our field trip.

Oh, that's fine, Orville.
Now take your seat, please.

I'm gonna keep this meteorite
for a paperweight.

Can I take back a sample of
plant life for show and tell?

I don't see why not.

But hurry along,
we're blasting off soon.

Did you hear that?
Let's get going.

Now, is anyone missing?

Elroy Jetson.

Sometimes that boy
makes me wish...

...I'd been programmed
as a computerized dishwasher.

Elroy? Elroy Jetson?

Boy, what a swell-looking rock.

I'll add it to my collection.

Gee, and I thought
I had a good grip on it.

Elroy Jetson, I've been looking
all over this asteroid for you.

I found a weird-looking rock
under that boulder over there.

CAMERA: And just look how dirty
your spacesuit is.

You sound like my mom.


Do we have to go?

It would have been the best
specimen in my whole collection.

We've got to get back
to the school shuttle.

Hey, how did
the rock get in here?

Isn't it the spaciest?

All I know is
we're late, young man

and we won't get back
before your bedtime.

Wait till Dad sees this.
He'll be proud of me.

JANE: Oh, good. It's almost time
for theEdge of Space program.

We can watch it on our
new 3-D TV holographic set.

Ah, okay, but I wanted to watch
the spaceball game.

Your eyes burn like
two Martian moons.

Oh, Jeffrey, my darling.

Oh, Jennifer,
my celestial star.

Oh, my aching back.

Can't we switch to the spaceball
game for a second?

Spaceball? Really, sir.

This is a very dramatic scene.

Uh, sorry.

He's going to propose to
Jennifer. Now be quiet.

Mother, will you just look
at my hair? It's a mess.

Why, Judy, it looks,
uh, quite different.

My Stellar Styler broke down.

I dialed up a simple spiral
nebula twist

and look what it did.


If I have to go to school like
this tomorrow, I'll just die.

Maybe your father can
fix it for you.

for the Chicago Comets

is Joey Jupiter.

Hey, knock it out
of the solar system, Joey.

Here's the pitch.

George. George Jetson.

Yes, dear?


George, what happened
to my soap opera?

Sorry, Jane,
I'll switch it back again.

Uh-oh. The programs
are mixed together.

- Why, you're not Jeffrey.
- And you're not the umpire.

Ah, I'll have to get
the TV fixed tomorrow.

Mr. and Mrs. J.

Look who the school shuttle
just dropped off.


Huh? What's that?

JANE: I think it's time our
little explorer went to bed.

Mom, Dad.

Oh, wait till I tell you
what I found on the asteroid.

GEORGE: You can tell us all
about it in the morning, son.

JANE: I'll tuck him
into bed, Rosie.

ROSIE: Yes, ma'am.

Hey, maybe this thing has
cleared up by itself.

- Oh, Jennifer.
- Oh, Joey.


We're being watched.

Hey, buddy, we'd like
a little privacy here, okay?

Oh. Heh, heh, heh.


What would you like
to dream about tonight, Elroy?

Jungle hunter, super sport star
or rocket ranger?

Rocket ranger.


Sleep tight, Elroy.

Good evening, rocket ranger.

Tonight, your mission is to
battle the gas blobs of Beta 3.

Huh? What was that?

Look out, rocket ranger.

There's a swarm of deadly bees
on your right.

ELROY: Astro, I thought you were
a swarm of deadly bees.

Do you wanna wake
Mom and Dad up?

- Sorry.
- I know you're sorry.

Bu-- But what's wrong with you?

Look up there.

That's my rock.

How did it get way up there?

Look, it's breaking apart.




Hey, what are you two doing?

That wasn't a rock I picked up
on the asteroid, was it?

It was an egg.
You were inside an egg.

Jumping Jupiter, this is even
better than I thought.



Astro, stop that.

You go sleep
in the kitchen tonight.


You can come down now.
Astro won't hurt you.

My name is Elroy.
Do you have a name?

Yes. My name Orbitty.

- You're an Orbitty?
- Uh-huh.

Well, welcome to Earth.


Wow. Just wait till I show you
off tomorrow morning.

Now, don't go away.


- Good night, Orbitty.
- Good night, Elroy.

Boy, oh, boy,
I'm a mess this morning.

I shouldn't have eaten that
pizza in bed.

This will put this grooming
gizmo to the test.

Elroy, did you tinker with my
autobarber grooming gizmo?

Thanks for fixing my Stellar
Styler last night, Daddy.

It's working better
than ever now.

I didn't do anything
to it last night.

Something weird
is going on here.

Judy's hairdresser
gets fixed overnight...

...and someone's been fooling
around with my autobarber.

And I'll bet that
someone is Elroy.

Daddy, what is that thing?

Whatever it is,
I'll protect you.

Whatever you are,
get out of my house.


Oh, no, you don't.

Is that you, George?

Can't talk now, honey.
I'm saving you from a monster.

That's thoughtful of you, dear.

I didn't know
Mr. J took up jogging.

All right, you, when I say out,
I mean out.

You're looking good, Mr. J.

Did you get rid of it, Daddy?



Goodness me, what a noisy
household this morning.

Funny, I don't remember
having a dust rag this color.



- Quick, Astro, attack.
- Attack?

There's some kind of monster
loose in this house.


Ha. Some guard dog
you turned out to be.

What's going on out here?

Mother, there's some horrible
monster in the house.

And it's got hold of Elroy.

Hey, how's a kid
supposed to get his sleep

with all this racket out here?

Be brave, Elroy. I'll rush the
monster, and you run for safety.


You mean Orbitty?

He's no monster.
He's a friend of mine.

Yeah, friend.

F-- Friend?
Where did he come from?

He hatched in my room
last night.

Oh, sure, he hatched.

He hatched?

It was inside an egg
that I picked up

by mistake on an asteroid.

All this is too much for me
this early in the morning.

What next?



Oh, why can't we have normal
problems like everyone else?

Let's see, D, E....

Ah, here we are.

ENCYCLOPEDIA: MicroEncyclopedia,
volume O, at your service.

Okay. Show me what you know
about a creature named Orbitty.

fascinating article

on outer-space owls,
if you'd be interested.

Maybe next time.
Orbitty, please.

I can't stand a know-it-all

How about ogres?

GEORGE: Ostriches? No, no,
pay attention.

I said Orbitty.

Can I help it if you mumble?

Orbitty. A rare, endangered,
asteroid animal.

It moves by using spring-loaded
legs and suction-cup feet.

That I already know.

Ahem. If I may continue?

Changes color
to express its emotions.

Considered friendly,
helpful and polite.

Last reported sighting,
650 years ago.

Genus: Statelitus craterus


That little purple thing is
taking our 3-D TV apart

in the living room.

Oh, no. I'll stop it.

All right, where did you go?

Endangered species or not,
if you damaged my TV, I'll...

Splash Crater

will attempt a triple

...into the Seven Pools
of Pluto swim stadium.

What do you know? That little
Orbitty thing did fix the TV.

Orbitty must have worked on
Judy's hairstyler last night...

...and my autobarber
this morning.

Ha, ha. Boy, this is fun.

Whee! Ha, ha.

Elroy, wanna play catch?

Play catch? Well, sure, Astro.


That was terrific, Orbitty.

Can you do that again?


- What's for lunch, Jane?
- It's been a hectic morning.

...I only had time to prepare
a few sandwiches and things.

Oh, sounds good to me.

I'm starved.

Ah. This is good for a start,
Jane. Dig in, g*ng.

Dad, Orbitty hasn't eaten a
thing since he hatched.

He must be hungry.

Don't worry about him.
Did you feed Astro yet?

ELROY: Yeah. I just put out
his Dino Delta Dog Chow.

GEORGE: I wonder what that thing
does eat?


Yummy, yummy, yum.

Hey, Astro, uh, do you want
some table scraps?

Scraps? Mm-hm.

All gone? Well, you shouldn't
gulp down your food so fast.


You want any of this, Orbitty?



Isn't he cute?

JANE: He's adorable.
ELROY: And I found him.


Oh, look at him.



Can Orbitty stay with us, Dad?

I don't know, son.
He's an alien creature...

...and should go back home to be
with his own family.

But if he's
an endangered species...

...maybe there aren't any others
on that asteroid...

...and he'd be all alone.

Let's sleep on it tonight, okay?



Goodbye, everyone.

Astro, where you going?

Where do you think he went, Dad?

Don't worry, Elroy.

Astro is one dog
who can take care of himself.

DOGCATCHER: You're a heavy one,
ain't you, Rover?

- Astro, my name's Astro.
- Whatever.

Maxie, this is Felix.

I found another one
without a licensed collar.

I'm bringing him in.



Now, Elroy, don't worry.

I'm sure Astro just went out
for a walk or something.

- But I just gotta find him, Dad.
- Not tonight.

We'll go out first thing
in the morning, okay?

Ah, Dad.

That's final, Elroy.
Now go to sleep, will you?

Orbitty, why did Astro
run away like that?


He was jealous of you? Why?

I don't know. He may think
ignoring him, Elroy.

Yeah, I guess
I have been ignoring him.

If we could only track him down
and explain.


Orbitty find him.

- You can find him?
- Uh-huh.

Well, okay, then.
Let's get going.

You're still turning blue,

Maybe he's off in the other

This must be the right way.
We're getting warm.

Don't be sad, Rover.
You won't be here long.

We're shipping you off to the
Dog Star Kennels in the morning.

- Psst. Astro.
- Hooray.

How are you, boy?



No, Astro. It was Orbitty
who helped me find you.

I'm sorry if I made you jealous.
I didn't mean to.

- Really?
- Yes, really.

Orbitty is sorry too.

Yeah, me too. Woof, woof.

You're the best dog
any kid ever had.

Aw. Thanks, Elroy.

Well, save the thanks
until I get you out of here.

Hmm. How does this thing open?

That looks too complicated
for me.

Hey, who's out there?

We gotta hide, quick.

Okay, Rover, who were you
talking to out here?

I don't see anything, but I want
quiet out here, understand?

Yes, sir.

All clear, Orbitty.

Gee, I don't think
I can open that lock.

Hey, Orbitty will.

Hey, that's right.

Orbitty can take anything apart.

Hooray. Hooray!


I know I heard something
out there this time.


Maxie, we've got a break.
Hit the sirens.


I've spotted them, Maxie.

Try and bust out of my kennel,
will you?

All right, hold it right there.

This is my dog, mister.

As long as he doesn't have a
collar, I've gotta take him in.

What's he got behind his back?

Oh, that's just an Orbitty.


Doesn't have a license,
I'll have to take him in.

Hey, what--?

Leave that control alone.

Hey, you can't do this.
I work for the city, you know.

Maxie ain't gonna
believe this one.

Wow, you're gonna get it.

We should be very angry
with you, young man.

Mom, I just had to rescue Astro.

Like your mother said,
we should be angry.

But we're just glad
that you're home safe.



You too, Astro.


Orbitty is the one
who really saved Astro.

That's right.

Won't you change your mind?
Can't Orbitty stay with us?

- Please, George?
- He is an endangered species.

And I guess he needs to have
a family of his own.

And he is handy
at fixing things.


Hold it, hold it.
Where is Orbitty?

I haven't seen him
since you got home.



Orbitty, come back.
We want you stay.

That's right.

Ah, gee, I guess
he didn't hear us.

Well, maybe it's best for him to
leave. But we all love him.

Yeah. He was so cute.



Orbitty, you're back.

Yeah. Woof, woof.


Welcome to the family, Orbitty.

You big show-off.

You big show-off.

Orbitty think you woof-woof.