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09x05 - Journey into the Light

Posted: 04/04/22 13:47
by bunniefuu
Previously on When Calls the Heart...

LUCAS: Jack and I are
gonna have so much fun.

ROSEMARY: I saw Lucas and
little Jack earlier today.

Lucas will make a wonderful father.

We can't recognize accreditation
outside of our district.

This is still my school
under my authority.

ROSEMARY: Right now
our new mayor is news.

I just don't think he's
cut out for this job.


If you intend on sending
me some kind of message

to try and intimidate
me, I'm fine with that.

But I'm warning you both

not to go anywhere near
Ms. Thornton or her son.

I've heard people say that time
flies but the days drag on,

and I've found that time does fly,

especially when it comes to how fast

my little boy is growing up.

I see it.

But I've also found that the days fly,

so I try filling them
with fun and adventure,

to encourage in Jack

the kind of curiosity
instilled in me as a child.

Good glorious day, you two.


Hi, Aunt Rosemary.


Are you heading to the office?

The news never takes a day off.

Oh, heavens...

That would look good on our
masthead, wouldn't you say?


Have you seen Lee by any chance?

No, is everything all right?

Well, to tell you the
truth, I'm not sure.

It seems ever since we...

Mrs. Thornton! Mrs. Thornton!

Allie! Oh, my goodness!

- Welcome home, young lady.
- Thank you.

I'm glad to be back.

Jack, you've gotten big!

Some day you'll be big enough
to ride a horse all by yourself.

Allie thinks that I should
have let her ride back

from Rock Creek alone.

Oh, well that is a long way.

I don't know whether or not

I'd would wanna ride all
that way alone myself.

I'm sure your uncle
wanted to come get you

so he could spend more time with you.

We've had lots of time together.

We hardly went faster than a trot.

Well, after a trip that long

why don't you two get some ice cream?

I heard about the new soda fountain

and I cannot wait to go.

What do you say we head there now?

Sounds good to me. Bye everybody.

- Bye.
- Bye.

She's gotten to be
quite the little rider.


Thank you for letting me ride Sergeant.

I'll put him away for you.

Enjoy your ice cream.



Well, I should be off to work.
You two have a wonderful day.

And you.


Arr! I'm a pirate!

- Yo-ho-ho!
- Yo-ho-ho!


Boys, he's all yours.

COOPER: Where are they taking him?

Granville Penitentiary.


Well, until he goes to trial.

How long do you imagine that will be?

Well, it's hard to say.

It may turn out he never goes to trial.

He hit Mountie Nathan with his car.

Well, that man says he didn't mean to,

and he has a right to
defend himself in court.

You're lucky my pop caught him.

Joseph. Joseph!

- See you later.
- Bye, Bill.

Just the man I was looking for.

Then who else are you looking for?

Oh, well your dad is helping me
with something for Mrs. Coulter

and I'm trying to keep it a surprise.

So, Joseph, you think maybe you
could come to the mill with me?

I'm up to my elbows, Lee.

One minute.

Two, tops.


Meet me at the soda fountain, Coop?

You bet.


Hey, Allie! Allie!

See the new soda fountain?

It looks like I'm gonna be
spending a lot of time here.

Allie, why don't you... why don't
you just head in with Cooper?



What do you think that's all about?

BILL: They do seem thick as thieves.

Why don't you go on and be with Allie?

I'll keep an eye on things out here.

Something like this will definitely

hold your hair back when you ride.

There's just so many choices.

I see you two have met.

Your niece was telling
me about your trip back

- from her grandparents'.
- Oh?

Did she tell you how slow we rode?

I didn't say a word.

But we did ride awfully slow.

Well, maybe you and I
can go riding sometime.

I race like the wind.

[GASPS] Hey! Allie!

Welcome home.

Thanks, Dr. Carter.

Mei, I have some prescriptions.

Let's step in back.

Excuse us.

Oh, my gosh. She is so beautiful.

- You think so?
- Uh-huh.

Hmm. I haven't noticed.

You're just like someone else I know.

The man is working.

I suppose.



I thought this headline
board was a good idea

but now I'm beginning to wonder.

Well, there aren't very many headlines.


People keep covering them up
with their own personal notices.

"Wanted: Good milk cow."

"Looking to rent a room."

"Wedding dress for sale, white
lace, worn once by mistake."


Rosemary, is everything all right?


Earlier, when Nathan and Allie rode up,

you were starting to ask me something.


I wanted to know... do you think...

What is it?

Is it even remotely possible
that Lee's tiring of me?

That's ridiculous.


And normally I'd agree with
you, after all I am delightful.

I can be endlessly entertaining.

But now, just hear me out.

Ever since we started working
together he leaves here early,

he comes home late,

he's up and gone before I
even wake in the morning.

Perhaps our increased togetherness

is proving to be too much for him.

Everything in moderation, as they say.

Maybe the same applies to my husband

when it comes to him
having his fill of me...


Good morning, sweetheart.
Good morning, Elizabeth.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Well, you were up at dawn and gone.

Oh, nothing like a nice brisk
walk first thing in the morning.

Uh, where do you enjoy walking?



Well, uh, here and there. Everywhere.

Yeah, anyway, I gotta get
inside to work, so bye.


- Miss Minnie.
- Gustave, bonjour.

Your baked treats, they make
every morning even sweeter.

I am so happy to hear that.

Uh, Gustave, would you mind
if I take one of these muffins?

Mais oui. But of course.

Thank you.

Mr. Landis.


Mrs. Canfield.

Please, sit.

I thought you might
appreciate a cranberry muffin,

warm from the oven at the café.

It is warm.

Thank you.

You have a good day.

And a good day to you, too.

All right, Hickam.
You asked for my help.

Let's start with the way you dress.

What's wrong with it?

You want people to regard you
with at least some gravitas.

No one wears bowties these days.

- Well, I do.
- Well, you used to.

Look, either you want
my help or you don't.

But I don't have the time and
quite frankly neither do you.





For starters...

Good morning.

Yeah, it was until I broke down.

What are you doing
with Lee's motorcycle?

Trying to blow off some steam.

Um, please excuse the way I look.

Oh, no, I like it.


You look very rugged.

Oh, I don't normally?

Be quiet and give me a kiss.

[CLEARS THROAT] Mr. Bouchard?


- I have your mail.
- Excellent.

Would you mind dropping it off
at the Queen of Hearts for me?

Not at all.

Mrs. Thornton, I have
your mail here, too.


Just at the house is fine.
Laura's there with little Jack.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, so long.


So, what has you
wanting to let off steam?

Jerome Smith.

But I keep telling myself
it's selling the oil business.

It's not a bad problem to have.


Have you thought about what you'll do

if the sale goes through?

Spend more time with you.

I don't know that that's
always a good idea.


Well, between us, now that
they're working together,

Rosemary is worried that
Lee is tiring of her.

- What?
- I know. It's absurd.

Then again I might
have said the same thing

about you borrowing Lee's motorcycle.

Oh, I didn't borrow it. I bought it.

Come on!


Do you suppose these sensational
headlines are actually working?

Oh, I don't know I'd say sensational.

Maybe um... eye-catching.

And, since sales are up,

yeah, I'd say... I'd
say they're working.

Makes us stand out, I think.

Who wants to run a boring old
snooze-paper anyway? Right?


Oh, and sweetheart, that reminds me.

I wanted to thank you for asking
me to be the managing editor.

I am having a ball.

- You are?
- Yeah, absolutely I am.


Why? Aren't you?


Valley Voice, Rosemary Coulter.

[WHISPERS] I'll have to call you back.

Uh, sweetheart? Who was that?

My confidential source.

Ah, right. Confidential source.

You never did tell me their name.

Then they wouldn't be confidential.


Actually, I promised Joseph I
would help him with something

so I'm just gonna uh... yeah.





What do you think?

Uh, isn't Lee here with you?

No. Not here.



Joseph, that awning looks fantastic.

We put it up all by ourselves.

- Just the two of you?
- Just the two of us.


LEE: Florence, come on.

Nobody's gonna know.

I'll know.

Just give me the name of the
person that called Rosemary

and I will leave.

You cross your heart?


You can even whisper
it to me if you prefer.

- Ok.
- Yeah.

- The name is...
- Yeah?

None of your bee's wax!

- Florence...
- Lee.

It's against telephone
company regulations.

Sorry. No!

We rode the entire way
back from Rock Creek

and you didn't even say one word

about you and Newton being hit by a car.

I didn't want you to worry.

I'm old enough to worry.

I'm old enough for a lot of things

that I just think you don't wanna admit.

Ok, I'm sorry.

I apologize for not taking your
feelings into consideration.

Thank you.

And would you maybe consider shaving?

You don't like my mustache?

It hides your smile.

Did you miss school?

A lot.

And my friends.

And Robert, especially.

I see.

It's not like I didn't
have anything to do

at grandma and grandpa's.

I just kept thinking about him.

Yeah, well, you and Robert
have always been good friends.

I know I said I like
him, even like-like him,

but, I think, it might
be more than that now.

Well, maybe uh...

you could just continue to
like each other as friends.

Just for a little while, anyways.


I don't know, Dad.

He hardly even said
hello when I got back.


- I thought that you just called me...
- Dad?

Is that ok?


Yeah, that's... that's
way better than ok.

JOSEPH: I just don't know why you'd even

consider inviting Landis for dinner.

You really think this will help?

Joseph, I have no idea.

I am hoping to find a way
to sit across the table

from a man I do not like at all
and change his heart and mine.

This dinner's as much about
Mr. Landis as it is about me.

Try not to be disappointed.

In you?

That couldn't be further

from what I'm thinking
about you right now.

Come here.

Mr. Landis, I would like
to apologize for my outburst

the last time you were here.

We're both reasonable people.

There's no cause that
we shouldn't get a long.

Well, my next time through
I hope to have a ruling

from the Board of Education
on your certification.

Thank you.

It would be nice to
finally put that to rest.

Mr. Landis. Are you leaving?

I am indeed, Mrs. Canfield.

With the weather turning

I wonder if you might
consider staying over.

My family and I, we'd like to
have you to our home for dinner.

You would?

Uh... wonderful.

I hear Fiona's due back any minute.

Should I summon Constable Grant?

Go ahead.

By the time he gets here
he won't even recognize me.

What do you think?

You haven't always had a mustache?

No, I grew it over the winter
but it was time for a change.

Besides, Allie didn't seem to like it.

I haven't had the chance to say
I think your niece is just lovely.


You know, you wouldn't know this

but Allie is becoming more and
more like her mother every day.

My sister.

Strong-willed, opinionated.

I wouldn't worry about Allie.

It's me I'm worried about.

Having my hands full as she gets older.

How long has Allie been with you?

Well, Colleen died when Allie was four.

Does she remember her mother?

A little.

But she's curious so she wants
to talk about her all the time.

What about her father?

I never wanna talk about him.

- Your new hat.
- Mm. And it fits.

After you.

Fiona? Fiona?

Hey, hey!

Oh, I must have fallen asleep

between the train station and here.

- I think so. Is this your only bag?
- Yes, just the one.

Appreciate it.

- Listen, Henry, we need to talk.
- Yes, we do, but maybe later.

There's a bit of a storm coming in.

You might wanna get home.

Ok. Ok.

All right.

Hickam, the point is
every once in a while

you need to be unreasonable.

It keeps you from
looking like a pushover.

Bill, it's just not in my nature.

Well, no one likes somebody
who's nice all the time.

People feel like you're
trying to pull a fast one.

I don't know how to pull a fast one.



"You to the garden and I to the hills.

And though never the 'twain shall meet,

you and I will remain
side-by-side, tête-à-tête.

Forever my sweet."


Maybe us working together

hasn't been good for our
relationship after all.

Before I left work I was putting
something on Lee's desk...

And I noticed a poem that he
had definitely written himself.

But you don't think
it was meant for you?

Wouldn't he have just given it to me?

Lee used to write me poetry but
he hasn't in years and years.

- Do you think it's possible... ?
- No.

Aren't we all vulnerable
to an innocent flirtation?

Not that Lee would ever
act on it, of course.

Yes, we are all vulnerable.

But love... and in your case,
true love... it never strays.

Not even in the heart.

You're right.


I don't know how little
Jack manages to sleep

through all of this.

I hope it's because he feels safe.


Talk to Lee.

I just don't want him to know
that I'm feeling like this.

Angela and I don't like him.

And that's why we're having him over.

That leak's getting worse.

Cooper, empty that pot, please.

- Mama?
- Yes, sweetie.

- Is Daddy back?
- No.

Don't be worried.



I checked the saloon, the
café, the soda fountain.

I even checked the jail, Minnie.
I think Landis has left town.

Hot dog, he's not coming!


Everyone, do this for me.

Mr. Landis, please come in.

Let me uh, get your coat, Mr. Landis.


I must have gone... the wrong way.

Hello, Angela. Cooper.


I'll be back in a few hours.


Mind if I ask you, what's
with you and Walden?

Not if you don't mind
not getting an answer.

Ok, here's an easy one.

Did I see you on Lee
Coulter's motorcycle?

Why are you so curious
about me all of a sudden?

I'm starting a fan club.


So, when do we put on makeup?

We don't.

We want to bring out and
maintain a look Au naturale.

Au naturale?

Makeup can only imitate
what you were born with.

I'm sorry Fiona couldn't join us.

Not even a little bit of rouge?

I saw a jar of it over in the pharmacy.

You're wondering how to
get Robert to notice you.

But Allie, that should
never be from the outside.

I still don't understand.

Perfume, rouge,

and even something on
the lips can be fine.

But beauty isn't something painted on.

Real beauty, the kind
that gets you noticed

for all the best reasons,
that comes from within.

From your heart.

And by knowing that you're
perfect just the way you are.

I, uh, I appreciate the dry clothes.

Think nothing of it.

That was an ugly storm
to be walking around in.

Your clothes won't take much
longer to dry, Mr. Landis.

And we'll be eating
soon, if that's all right.

Uh, Mr. Landis, um... have you
always been a school inspector?

No, actually, um...
I... I was a teacher.

- What?
- Coop.

That's very interesting. A teacher.


Any particular subject?

- Music.
- Hmm.

I... I offered private lessons.

Oh. Angela plays the piano.


Well, how nice.

- Quite well, actually.
- Mmm-hmm.

Show him, Angela.

Why not? Baby girl?

MINNIE: What a wonderful idea.

This is by Beethoven.


Uh, Angela...

- Angela, if I may... uh...


It sounds like you challenged him.

Nathan challenged me.

What was I supposed to do?


And if it had been
dueling pistols at dawn?

Well... ok, actually
there was so much shouting

and carrying on,

I'm not exactly sure who challenged who.

[SIGHS] So, when is
this race taking place?


You on your new motorcycle
and Nathan on my horse,

since Newton is still recovering?


What is this going to prove?

- Can't it just be for fun?
- Yes, but is it?

Or is this meant to
demonstrate something to me?

Or to Nathan? Or to yourself?

I don't know.

I think you're making a
little bit much of this.

Lucas Bouchard, you have read all about

the Lewis and Clark expedition.

You are fascinated
with the Great Pyramids.

Someday you hope to climb Mount Everest.

I am not making too much of this.

You... you just bought a
motorcycle, for goodness sake.

You like a challenge.

You're daring. You're adventurous.


What is it?

Are you coming to the race?

Ooh! You can be so
frustrating sometimes!


- You know, you are very, very...
- I am a very...


Mr. Landis, whenever you're ready.

Oh, I'm starving.

We're nearly finished.

Don't hold me back, Mr. Landis.

Mr. Landis, it's easy.

Just let your fingers
say whatever you want.


- There you go.

That's it.

- Minnie!
- Oh, hi.

How did it go last night?

It was... wonderful.

Oh, Minnie, I'm so sorry.

No, Elizabeth, it was wonderful.


Would you have ever guessed
he was a music teacher?

Never ever.

Or that Augustus has a soft side?

You call him by his first name now?

I should get back to the café.


You said this was between you and Lucas.

Word seems to have gotten out.

Well, there was a few
people around us listening,

making wagers.

Word does get around quick here.

I've noticed.

Sweetheart, I thought that
I was covering the race.

Well, you've been so busy lately
that I thought that I would.

- Is something wrong?
- Well, is there?

- Because I was...
- I just feel...


After you.

Would you please come
home early tonight?


- I will.
- Good. Thank you.

- Good luck.
- Thank you.

So how many laps are you racing?

Only five.

Up Hope Street to the very edge of town,

down River Glen Drive,
and back down Main Street.

That is a long way.

And you know Sergeant is very fast.

You sure you're gonna be rooting for me?

All right. Let's get this over with.


I'm ready if you are.



I'd like to go over the rules.


That was a spirited start.


[LAUGHS] Wonderful!

Now, if you'll just excuse me,

I want to interview some
of the other spectators.

Oh, of course.

I'm gonna go see Angela and Cooper.

- Ice cream?
- Yes.

Hey, how was the trip?

I mentioned to Rosemary, I
think I closed the oil deal.


And it felt really good
to be able to do that.

Fiona, congratulations!

And I love your hair.

Thank you.

Hey, listen, I'm not
much for watching a race.

I was wondering if you were
up for trying something new?

A hairstyle that's
all the rage. Come on.


I'm embarrassed how
I behaved over Landis.

I let the past cloud my way of thinking.

You found a better way.

Thank you for reminding me.




Hey, hey, no, no, no, no, no!

Come on!

Mrs. Thornton.

- I'll see you later.
- All right.

- Well, goodbye.
- Well, that sounds awfully final.

Well, I don't know yet

but I am considering
a return to teaching.

- Music.
- Is that so?

I left the uncertain world
of offering lessons for

steady employment, but
being a bureaucrat...

I just don't like what I have to be.

Teaching may not pay very well,

and shamefully probably never will,

but I've been reminded just how much

my passion means to me thanks
to the Canfields and to you.

Hey, kids.

Why don't you get
yourselves some ice cream?

- Gee, thanks!
- Thank you, Mr. Gowen.

You bet. Say hey to your dad, too.

Henry, this wire seems important.

Thank you, Ned.

Gustave, did you find what you needed?

Oui, oui. Cling peaches. Merci.

Put these on the tab, please, Ned.

Yeah, of course.

Maybe it's out of gas?

I just filled the t*nk this morning.

I'm trying to help.

You uh, want a ride back to town?

I'm fine.

Thank you.

Well, I'll see you back
there. Let's go, Sergeant.


Well, let's go.

NATHAN: Let's hear it for Sergeant.


Never bet against my dad.

I knew Mountie Grant would win.


Is Lucas all right?

I'm sure his pride's a little banged up.

But yes, he's fine.

And on his way here?

Eventually, yeah.

Hey, who taught Sergeant
how to bow like that?


Isn't that right?

What do you think?

I like it!

I think.

You look beautiful.



San Francisco. That's
where you went off to.

- Yes, to speak with...
- Jerome Smith and his investors.

Yeah, I got a delightful
telegram from them today.

What's happened? What's wrong?

What's wrong?

What's wrong is you convinced
Smith to buy out Lucas.

- That's what's wrong.
- And he gave me a banker's note for percent

with an option for the rest.

And that makes it our obligation
to go through with the deal.

Isn't that what we all wanted?

I've been trying to stall

so that we could find
out what Smith was up to.

You and I and Lucas were
to maintain a united front.

Well, you have a lousy
way of showing that.

You disappeared for weeks
then roared back in here

and got yourself thrown
in jail for as*ault.

Oh, my gosh, what have I done?


You disappeared after the race.

I'd hoped we were going to talk more.

Hickam, I must say, you do puzzle me.

Just when I think you're
getting a handle on being mayor

I see you out there with Walden.

He rolls back into town and you
greet him like a welcome wagon.

- Now, Bill, wait...
- No, no, no, you've already made your case

that Walden represents a company
trying to make inroads here.

Well, that may be true, but
this doesn't look good for you,

just like it doesn't look
good for Lucas Bouchard.

Now, Walden's a snake,

and if you mess with him
you're gonna get bitten.



I know this isn't easy for you,
but you're gonna start taking

heat for all sorts of reasons,
and you may lose some friends.

Just know that I'm here for you.



LEE: Out back, sweetheart.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Walking here I realized how nice
it is coming home early to you.

Thank you.

I feel the same way.

Look, I know that if there
was ever any kind of problem

between us you would come
to me, so I'm coming to you.

We need to make more time for us.

Just you and me, outside of work.

- Wha...
- What? Is that funny?

You're not tired of us
spending time together?

No! Are you kidding me?
No! Wait, why? Are you?


No, no. Not for a moment.

Well, good.

Ok. Now that we've got
that resolved, um...

do you remember the
woodworking kit that you got me?

Uh, yeah. You took it to the mill.

That's right, yes.

Anyway, Joseph has been
teaching me a trick or two

and that's why I've been
disappearing on my walks,

and uh, anyway, I built you something.


Ready? Ta-dah!



Lee, you made this?

Yeah, I did.

With a little guidance from Jo...

Mmm, ok, a lot of guidance from Joseph.

But yes, I made it.

Well, have a seat.

Oh, Lee, the last time I
sat in a chair of yours...

Ah, solid as a rock
this time, sweetheart.

- Come on.
- All right.


- Oh.
- Oh!

Not bad.

Well, this is wonderful.

Well, I know that you
like to look at the garden

and I like to look at the hills.

"And though never the twain shall meet,

you and I will remain side-by-side...

BOTH: "Tête-à-tête, forever my sweet."

You wrote it for me.

Of course, I did.

Because I love you.



You must be exhausted.

You must be amused.

No, not at all.

You made it back. That's
what's most important.

I have some water for you.

- With lemon?
- Mmm-hmm.

- How elegant.
- Oui.

Thank you.

Now, I do have to admit,

if you hadn't come back
in the next few minutes

I would have had to head home.

What with being a parent and
Jack being home with a sitter.

I understand what you're saying.

I've been thinking and uh, you're right.

I do like adventure.

Moving around so much
when I was younger,

I can even be restless.

When my mother was here she remarked

that I've never stayed in
one place for so long a time.

But you're the reason I stay.

You are my adventure.
You are my passion.

And if we should marry,

I will hurry home to you every night

and I will have to pull
myself from you every morning.

That I promise.

And should we marry,

I would hurry home to you every night

and have to pull myself
away from you every morning.

That I promise.

Jerome and his associates
could reopen that coal mine.

This town lost husbands

and sons and brothers in that mine.

I know I bear some responsibility.

Is there any step we can take
to remove the possibility?

For the sake of this town.

There's to be no talk of this

outside of my office, understood?

My life is upside down.

I wish you knew how much it
means to me just to be with you.

[ANNOUNCER] An all-new "When Calls the Heart,"

next Sunday night at .