03x08 - Who Are You Calling a Genie?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "I Dream of Jeannie". Aired: September 18, 1965 – May 26, 1970.*
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Rescued from a bottle by a U.S. astronaut, a scantily clad genie named Jeannie becomes his sl*ve and eventually falls in love with him.
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03x08 - Who Are You Calling a Genie?

Post by bunniefuu »


And here, we have the Surveyor,

which has already made a
successful landing on the moon.

A very expensive model.

And the Lunar Orbiter

The Ranger A, which has made
many pictures of the moon.

And here we have the Saturn V.

You see, the actual flying
of the capsule

is a very small part
of the flight.

Now, in addition to flying
the spacecraft,

the astronaut must observe
and report on scientific data

that is being collected inside
and outside of the capsule.

Now, if you'll just
step this way, please.

Uh, this is
our new testing chamber.

Dr. Alfred Bellows will answer
any questions you may have.

And I certainly hope
you all have enjoy the tour.


Jeannie, how many times

have I told you
not to come to NASA?

Anybody could walk in here.
Oh, master,

I'm having a terrible time.

I cannot make up my mind. I am
redecorating the living room.

Now, which do you think
will look best?

None of it.

What is this?

This is not really
the appropriate...

Or this one?

Jeannie, what are you doing?

Or this one?


Do you think that would look
nice in the living room?


Now, Jeannie, get rid
of these things, will you?

I have one more to show you.

Now, really, I mean it.
I-I want them out of here.


Oh, master!

Oh, master, I am so sorry.

Oh, I'm all right,
now get out of here...


What happened?


Jeannie? Speak to me.

What happened?

Well, you knocked her out
when you opened the door.

I did?

Are you all right?

Young lady. Young lady.

Well, just don't sit there,
call a doctor.

Dr. Bellows,
you are a doctor.

Of course I am.

Well, she's breathing.

But she has no pulse.

Oh, she's coming around.
How do you feel?

My professional advice
would be not to answer

any questions at all right now,
my dear.

Are you her doctor?

No, sir. I'm her lawyer.




How do you feel?
Oh, I am all right.

Don't say another word.

I want her examined
by my personal physician.

If you don't mind,
I'll examine her first.

No, nobody's gonna examine her.

Well, I mean she...
She feels all right.

Whiplash can fool you.

And concussion.

But really, I am just fine.

Yeah, see, she's fine, sir.


I want her taken
to the hospital immediately.

Come on, Roger, can't you get
anymore speed out of this thing?

We gotta get to the hospital

before Dr. Bellows
examines Jeannie.

I've got the accelerator
on the floorboard now.

Will you relax?

So Dr. Bellows makes a few tests
and takes a few x-rays.

I mean, what's the panic?

Have you got any idea
what the inside

of a 2000-year-old genie
might look like?

Yeah, well,
it probably looks like...

Well, you could see...

Let's hurry.
I'll hurry.


Excuse me. I'm real sorry.

Wait a minute.

Oh, go ahead, miss.


Pardon me, miss.

Oh, hello. Listen,

I was looking for a girl...

Oh, I can't help you, sir,

but the floor nurse
will be back in just a moment.

Floor nurse. Yeah.
Excuse me.

Oh, uh, we're looking
for a young lady

about this high with blond hair.

Her name, please.

Is that her first name
or her last name?


Yes, what?

Um, Dr. Bellows
brought her in.

Oh, that young woman.

Poor thing.

What do you me...?
What's the matter with her?

Her doctor will have to give you
that information.

Well, give us a clue.
Is she all right or isn't she?

We're not allowed to say.

Could you give us
her room number?

I'm sorry, she can't
have any visitors.

Oh, I see.


Third floor.


You go that way.


BELLOWS: Major Nelson.
Oh. Yes, sir.

Oh, I was just about to
call you to get over here.

We have reports to fill out.

How, when,
where the accident happened.

Well, I was just on my way
to see the young lady too.

Poor thing.
Poor thing?

Well, you just don't run across
these things very often.

Unless, of course, she's faking.

what's the matter with her?

I prefer not to say
until I've seen the x-rays.

Oh, you've already taken
the x-rays.

They'll be ready any minute.

I have the feeling that
I've seen her somewhere before.

Uh, Major Healey.

What's her name?

Uh, her name?

Well, what's her name?
What's her name?

Oh, what's-her-name.

She was on the tour, wasn't she?

Her name would be
on the tour list.

I didn't see it there.

She just didn't pop out
of the clear blue sky, right?

Whatever you say.

I'm afraid that this Pool fellow

is really trying
to put one over on us.

Needless to say that...

Uh, yes.

Well, needless to say,

the legal department
of the Adjutant General's office

isn't gonna look too kindly
on the whole incident.

You don't have anything
to worry about, sir.

I have a feeling
that by this afternoon,

she'll forget the whole thing.

I'm sure she will. She's already
forgotten everything else.

You mean, she's not talking.
It isn't a question of talking...

Dr. Bellows wanted in X-ray.

Oh, the x-ray's ready.

Shall we go, gentlemen?

Oh, of course, yes.


But that's impossible.

That's exactly what I said, sir,
when I developed them.

But there they are.

Campbell, are you trying
to tell me

that the inside
of that woman's head

is a still photograph
of your diploma?

Either that, sir,
or she's hollow.

In the head, sir.

Oh, really, Campbell?

I expected a better excuse
from you than that.

Well I think, perhaps...
There might be an explanation.

Maybe she saw the diploma,

and maybe she has
a photographic memory,

and that's what you got
the picture of.


We'll reschedule the x-rays.

All right, now, honey.
Once more. What's your name?


I do not know.

That's great,
you're doing beautifully.

But I really do not know.

That's right,
play it for all it's worth.

And, honey,
it's worth a small fortune.

What is?

I've had some good
accident cases in my day,

but this is
the pièce de résistance.

One defenseless little girl

against the entire
space program.

Millions of dollars
to go to the moon,

but not a decent settlement

for one lonely,
injured little girl

seeking her lost identity,
here on Earth.

Honey, they'll be shoveling
the money into us.


Oh, that'll probably
be the press,

I told them
I'd make a statement.

Now, I'll see them
out in the hall.

You're much too sick
to have visitors.


Oh, but, uh,

if you could manage
a grunt or a groan

that can be heard outside,
it wont hurt us.

Know what I mean, honey?

Is America a democracy
with a heart?

Or is it a cruel,
uncaring dictatorship.

Gentlemen, inside this room
lies a victim of the space age.

A beautiful, young blond.


Ruthlessly struck down

by a piece of equipment
destined to go to the moon.

Did I hear someone refer
to this lovely child

as a Moon Maid?


Let's get out of here.



No, no. No.

No, no.

I'm not gonna do it.
I'm not gonna...

I don't even have a union card.

Listen, we gotta get Jeannie
out of there

before Dr. Bellows takes
more pictures of her head.

Yeah? What are you gonna find?
It's transparent.

That's what I'm talking about.

Why don't we just

go through the door
like everybody else?

Because Pool is in there,

and you heard him talking
to those reporters.

If he makes anymore speeches
like he's been doing,

he's not only
gonna win a law case,

he's gonna build a shrine
to Jeannie.

And we're gonna be buried
at the foot of it.

Now, come on.
Put this on.

The painters aren't gonna
be back.

They'll be back
in a few minutes.

Come on, that'll do it.
What do you need me for?

Because it takes two

to get that thing up in the air.

You work the ropes
from that end,

and I'll handle
this side. Okay?

Go on.

When I say "now," ready?





Roger, don't panic.


Hold on. Hold on. Hold on!






Yeah, this is her room,
let's go.

Wait a minute,
w-what about my hair?

Well, frankly,
I think it's a bit flashy,

but then again,
it's all a matter of taste.

Would you?

Ugh. Sorry.






It's all right, I'm here.




Shhh. Jeannie, will you...?
What's the matter with you?

It's me.
And me.

We've gotta get you out of here.

I'll say, and we haven't got
a moment to lose.

If Dr. Bellows takes any more
x-rays of you,

we're in real trouble.

Where are your clothes?
Where are your clothes, huh?

I-I do not know.

Well, I'm sure you won't
have any difficulty

dreaming up something to wear.

D-dream up a little something
to wear?

Yeah, hurry up.
We got a scaffold waiting.

A scaffold?

It's right outside the window.


Please, don't do that.

We... What's gotten into you,

Y-you called me Jeannie?

Yeah, come on.
Let's get home, fast.


I live with you?

Well, of course you do.

Oh, I'm so happy!

Oh, I had no idea.

Well, I mean, I never
thought that I would...

Oh, how long have we
been married?

Married, who said anything
about being married?

We're not married,
and I live with you?

What's the matter with that?
What is the matter with that?

What kind of a girl
do you think I am?

[SCOFFS] Come on, Jeannie, we
know what kind of a girl you are.

Now, now, stop fooling around.

That is exactly
what I intend to do.

Get out.

Jeannie, what's the matter?

Get out, or I will scream.

Can't help...
We're going, we're going. Bye.

Oh, before you go,

do you mind telling me who I am?

You don't know...?
You don't know who you are?

No. And who are you?

You know who I am.
I'm loveable Roge.

No, she doesn't know
who you are, loveable Roge.

She's got amnesia.


Look, Jeannie.

We're here to...
To help you.

I'm your friend.

So I gathered.

Oh, no, no.

It's not what you're thinking.
Not at all.

You live with me,
but you don't live with me.

Because you live in a bottle.

If you leave now,

I promise not to tell them
where to look for you.


No, you don't...

No, you don't understand.
You're a genie.


I know.

No, no.
I mean a genie, Jeannie.

And I live in a bottle.

Yeah. And I'm your master.
Now it's clear, huh?



Give us a chance to prove it.

Yeah. You've got very
powerful powers. Yeah.

What kind of power?

All you have to do is blink.


Try it.

Mm. No, I do not think...

Try it.

Very well. If it will
keep you calm.

There. Now will you go?

No, no, no.
You don't understand.

When you blink, you have to
think of something.

You have to concentrate.

I'm here to help you, Jeannie.

We're trying to rescue you.

Please try.
Rescue me.

That's right.

R-rescue me.

How did you do that?

Hast anyone here
seen King Arthur?

I didn't do it, you did it.

I cannot believe my eyes.

Neither can I.

Where did that
knight in armor come from?

What knight in armor, sir?

Oh, that knight in armor.

Well, I just blinked,
and it was there.

No, no.

We found out who she is.
You've heard of Houdini,

the greatest male
magician in the world?

Well, this is Jeannie,
the greatest female magician.

She uses this gentleman
on the horse in the act.

That's probably where you
saw her, on television.

No, it isn't. I remember
where I saw her before.

Wasn't she the girl
who was with you when...

No, no. I don't think,
she wasn't with me then, sir.

Why don't you
do your big disappearing act?

Disappearing act?

You know.
On Dr. Bellows' house.

Oh, I do not think I could do...

Yeah, well, concentrate.

Dr. Bellows' house.


Oh, good, Jeannie. Now he's back
at his house, forgotten...


Jeannie, I said house,
not mouse.

Mouse? Mouse!



ROGER: I'll get
him, I'll get him!

Which way did he go?
I don't know.

Somebody stop that mouse!

Oh, I'm sorry.

Dr. Bellows?
Dr. Bellows?

I beg your pardon.

Huh? Oh, uh...

Have you seen
a little white mouse?

A mouse?

Don't worry, if I had,
you would have hear me.

Clear to the other end
of the base.

Have you seen
Dr. Bellows yet?

No, no, she hasn't seen him.

Dr. Bellows? I thought you
said were looking for a mouse.

Yeah, well they kind of
go together.

You see, Dr. Bellows
goes with the mouse,

and the mouse goes
with Dr. Bellows.


Well, that's not exactly...

♪ Off we go ♪

♪ Wild blue yonder ♪


Roger, do you think?

I wouldn't dare.

Dr. Breckenridge, hi.

Major Nelson. Major...

Say, these little mice
wouldn't be the ones that...?

Are going on that Mars probe
at 1600 hours.

Yes, sir, we are going to Mars.

Aren't we,
Dancer, Prancer, Dunder...?

That's funny,
there are five of them.

I thought we only
scheduled four.

Oh, well.

♪ Off we go ♪

♪ Wild blue yonder ♪

♪ Off we go ♪




Look at you. That's better,
you look terrible.

I have found out who I am.

Shh! Not so loud.

First we get a nice,
fat settlement

of, say, a million dollars,
then you find out who you are.

But I have already
found out who I am.

I am Jeannie the Great.

You mean like
Catherine the Great?

I am a magician.

Now who told you that?

The two men
who came in that window.

And then

I blinked in
a knight on a horse.

I'm not certain how I did that.

But it was a wonderful trick.

And then,
I blinked them out again.

I'm gonna ask for $2 million.

It is wonderful.

All I do is think and blink.

Now, we'll get you the best
psychiatric care in the world.

We'll send you to Vienna.

What is a Vienna?

Sure. Now, look,
you just stay calm.

I'll get Dr. Bellows.

Oh, I blinked him
into a little white mouse.

Three million dollars.

How is the patient?

Terrible, doc.

Don't let anything
happen to her,

she's my first legitimate case.

Oh, it is you again?
Don't... Don't scream again.


I am not going to scream.

Jeannie, we need your help.

You've got to get
Dr. Bellows back.

Do you realize
in an hour and 14 seconds,

Dr. Bellows is going to be
on his way to Mars in a cage?

You gotta bring him back.

But I do not know
how to bring him back.

Yeah, well, of course you do.
After all, you're a genie.

Genie in a bottle.

Yeah, that's right.

You don't believe me.


Jeannie, look,
I don't have time to argue.

Just trust me. Please.


Very well.
What is it you wish me to do?

All you have to do is think
"Bellows" and blink.

Think "Bellows," blink.

Yeah, that's all.
Just think "Bellows" and blink.

You got the wrong bellows.

Well, I am sorry.
I am rather tired.

Perhaps if we try it
again tomorrow.

No, Jeannie,
we don't have time for that.

Just try once more.

I'll concentrate with you, okay?

I'll form a picture
in my mind, and you blink.


Well, I tried
to think of Dr. Bellows.

All right, let's try
the word-association game.

Dr. Bellows
is on his way to Mars,

and you wanna play games.

Roger, this might trigger her
into remembering who she is.

Oh, I get it. We name
some people and some places,

and we get her memory going.
Yeah, right.

Well, where do we start?

She's been around a long time.

That is a terrible thing to say.

He didn't mean
anything by it, Jeannie.

Now, I'm gonna
mention some names

and see if it
helps you remember, okay?

Uh, Julius Caesar.


Napoleon Bonaparte.


Genghis Khan.


Millard Fillmore.


Well, he was the 13th president
of the United States.

What's wrong
with Millard Fillmore?

Will you just drive?


Uh... Uh, Mark Antony.



Turn on the radio,
they're broadcasting the launch.

Why don't we think
of some places?

Fifteen minutes to countdown.

All systems to go.

Places, places.

Uh, Paris.



How about Anaheim,
Azusa and Cucamonga?

Only five minutes more.

Ah, poor Dr. Bellows.

We should have sent him
some cheese.

Stop. Stop the car.
Stop the car.

What? I am.
There's a telephone booth.

Pull over there, will you?
Wait a minute. Hold on.

Right here, will you?
What are you doing?

I'm gonna call the launch pad
and have them stop the launch.


Roger, give me a dime, will you?

All right, all right.

What are you doing? They're not
gonna stop the launching.

Look, we don't have the time.

She is obviously not going
to regain her memory.

Give me the dime.

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute, I got it.

She lost her memory
when she was hit on the head.

Yeah, yeah.
Oh, why,

all we have to do
is take this and maybe...

Give me the dime.

All right, I'll give you the
dime, it was just a suggestion.


Oh, God.

Jeannie, speak to me.

Are you all right, huh?

What happened?

Well, you got hit...

Oh, where are we?

You're all right,
you got your memory back.

I was showing you some statues,
and then I got hit...

Roger. Roger.
Oh, Major Healey!

Oh, Major Healey.

Roger. Roger,
are you all right?

Here, sit up. Talk to me.
Say something.

Who are you?

Oh. Get Dr. Bellows back.

Blink now. Get him back.

Dr. Bellows?
What happened?

What hap...? You came
to the testing chamber,

and you were trying to show...
I can't go into it, Jeannie.

Just blink him back.

MAN [OVER RADIO]: And there it goes.
It's a beautiful launch.

It's going way up.

And it's up in the blue,

and it looks like
a perfect shot.

MAN [ON TV]: And as the Mars probe
launch was a success this afternoon,

so was the strange sea rescue
out in the Pacific today.

Although the explanation
is still forthcoming,

Dr. Alfred Bellows

of the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration

was plucked safely

from somewhere in the middle
of the Pacific Ocean today.

How did he get there?
Nobody seems to know.

Not even Dr. Bellows,

who is still in somewhat
of a state of shock.

However, he is expected
to recover quickly

and perhaps the mystery
will be cleared up then.

You're sure
you're all right, Roge?

Oh, you mean the...?

You mean the loss of memory?

Well, that was just
a temporary thing.

Well, Dr. Bellows is all right,
and you're all right, so...

Yeah, well, I'm a little tired.
Why don't you go on home?

Oh, okay, sure.
Well, goodbye, Major Healey.

I'm very sorry that
I caused you so much trouble.

That's all right, Jeannie.
Thanks for everything. Bye.

I'll see you, Roge.

Uh, you don't want us
to order dinner?

No thanks.




Major Healey.
My name is Pool.

I'm sure you remember.
I've been going over your case.

And I see here
an opportunity for us...

Uh, for me, for us,

to make a great deal of money.
Could you hold that?

If you just give me
your signature,

then I will have you...


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