06x20 - Noir

All episode transcripts (season 1-10) for the TV show "Smallville". Aired: October 2001 to May 2011.*
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A young Clark Kent struggles to find his place in the world as he learns to harness his alien powers for good and deals with the typical troubles of teenage life in Smallville.
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06x20 - Noir

Post by bunniefuu »


Original Air Date on May 3, 2007

Jimmy and Chloe are at the Daily Planet and Jimmy has his hands over Chloe's eyes, guiding her into a secluded room in the basement.

Chloe: I don't think this whole blindfold thing's gonna work, Jimmy. I know these halls better than anyone.

Jimmy: Hey, it's not my surprise you're spoiling.

Chloe: All right. But I can't get too far away, all right? I need to hear the phone.

Jimmy: All right.

He sits her down and she opens her eyes to see a huge bowl of popcorn and a movie projector - their date for the night.

Jimmy: I transferred your line in here. It's not your fault you got stuck on duty during Senator Burke's visit. But unless he makes a pit stop to the pole-dancing parlor... then we can still make it a date.

Chloe: Jimmy. Have I mentioned that you are the best boyfriend a girl could have?

Jimmy: [ Imitating Humphrey Bogart ] Right back at you, sweetheart.

She kisses him.

Jimmy: I figured you could use an escape from your real-life soap opera.

Chloe: What do you mean?

Jimmy: Well, you live it every day, but from the outside. Your life's got Cagney and Stanwyck written all over it. You've got your billionaire mogul. You got the confused damsel who chose money over love, and a mysterious best friend who shows up everywhere because he can't seem to get a real job. Not to mention the steadfast dame they all depend on.

Chloe: Wow. A real glimpse into the mind of Jimmy Olsen.

Jimmy turns on the projector and The Big Sleep, with Humphry Bogart, begins to play. As it plays, Chloe looks over at Jimmy and he is saying all of the lines along with the movie.

Vivian: [ On the film ] Not bad.

Chloe: FYI ... "dame"? Not so flattering.

Vivian: [ On the film ] What's your name?

Riley: [ On the film ] Riley. Doghouse riley.

Vivian: [ On the film ] That's a funny kind of name.

Riley: [ On the film ] Think so?

Vivian: [ On the film ] Uh-huh. What are you? Prizefighter?

Riley: [ On the film ] No, I'm a shamus.

Vivian: [ On the film ] What's a shamus?

Riley: [ On the film ] It's a private detective.

Vivian: [ On the film ] You're making fun of me.

Jimmy: They don't make them like they used to.

Chloe: Movies or people?

Vivian: [ On the film ] You're cute.

Riley: [ On the film ] Thank you.

They kiss again, and suddenly there is a g*nsh*t and they look at each other for a moment.

Jimmy: That wasn'from ...

Chloe: the movie.

They both run in the direction of the g*nsh*t and find the elevator partly open. A man is running away and Jimmy takes his picture with his cell phone camera. Chloe finds Lana lying in the elevator, with a g*nsh*t to her upper chest, unconscious.

Chloe: Jimmy!

Cut to

EMT: No. Tell them we're on our way up. Female, early 20s, g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

Clark runs down the staircase into the basement to find Chloe.

Clark: Is she gonna be all right?

Chloe: She's hurt pretty badly. Come on, Clark.

Jimmy has grabbed his camera and is snapping sh*ts of the scene as it unfolds. He notices Lionel leaning over Lana, speaking quietly and takes some photos.

Lionel: I'm sorry, Lana. I'm sorry I got you caught up in all this. I'll find whoever did this. I'll find them.

Lionel notices he is being photographed and leaves, staring at Jimmy as he walks past.

Lex arrives, coming quickly down the stairs and finds his father.

Lex: Where is she?

Lionel: She is being medevacked to her specialist in Smallville.

Lex: She was with you at the opera.

Lionel: Yeah. And you didn't show up. So I dropped your wife at her car. This was about an hour ago.

Lex: You better hope she's all right.

Lois is on the scene, wearing a press badge from the Inquisitor and trying to charm her way into some information from the police officer standing guard over the crime scene.

Lois: Now, I know someone as alert and amazing at his job as you must be, you must have some idea what happened here.

Officer: Nice try, Miss Lane. It's not gonna work.

Lois: Well, a girl's got to try, right?

Man: Hey, Phil.

Officer: Excuse me.

The officer is pulled away to talk to another man from the crime lab and Lois looks down at the array of items left in the elevator. She fakes dropping her purse, spilling its contents. She stoops to retrieve her things, and brushes a silver cigarette case that was on the ground into her bag as well. The officer notices her getting too close to the scene and comes to her side.

Lois: Oh, man, I am such a klutz. I'm so sorry.

Away from the scene, Clark is trying to get up to speed on what happened.

Chloe: So, the police think it was a mugging.

Clark: A mugging?

Jimmy: Inside the building?

Chloe: Now, normally, I'd be the first person to cry "foul play," but she was downtown, middle of the night, fancy dress, stolen purse ... he probably jumped her before she knew what was happening.

Jimmy: Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that she was wining and dining with Daddy Warbucks instead of Lex?

Clark: Wait a second, whoever att*cked her is still out there.

Chloe: Jimmy and I saw him flee, and he did get away. But the police will run prints on the g*n.

Jimmy: Which the mugger thoughtfully left behind. What was Lana doing here in the middle of the night, anyway?

Clark: I should have been watching her. Ever since she married Lex, I've been so angry ...

Chloe: Clark, tell me you are not making this your fault.

Clark: I've always been there for her until now. I got to find out who did this.

Chloe: Well, the police aren't saying much. But maybe you'll have better luck.

Clark turns to leave and Jimmy starts to speak to Chloe but she cuts him off.

Chloe: Jimmy, I need you to download the photo of Lana's attacker.

Jimmy starts to protest, then thinks better of it and turns to return to his computer.

Jimmy: I...

The film is still playing near Jimmy's desk as he starts to download the images he snapped of the fleeing assailant.

Philip: [ On the film ] Don't even ask her.

Vivian: [ On the film ] She never remembers anyway.

Philip: [ On the film ] Just what did she forget about Sean Regan?

Vivian: [ On the film ] What did she tell you?

Philip: [ On the film ] Not half as much as you just did. Take it easy. I don't slap so good around this time of the evening. [ Thunder crashes ]

As Jimmy is working, a shadow appears behind him and he is hit over the head, knocking him unconscious. Immediately the scene changes to black and white, with Jimmy's head still resting on the desk. In the new black and white world, Chloe wakes Jimmy from his nap.

Chloe: Sleeping on the job ... what's the big idea?

Jimmy wakes up, disoriented.

Jimmy: I don't ... I can't...

Chloe: "I don't"? "I can't"? What's gotten into you, Jimmy olsen? The whole town is hopping with the senator's visit, and you're on the first train to dreamland. Now, I didn't take a job slinging coffee for just anyone. I picked the best, I tell you. The best. The Daily Planet's never seen a reporter like you, and I plan on keeping it that way.

Chloe turns around, right into Clark Kent and gets a drink spilled on her blouse. Clark does his best to clean it off of her blouse, simultaneously trying to wipe it away and not touch her at the same time, and failing at both.

Clark: Oh! Jeez! I'm sorry. Miss Sullivan, we haven't even met yet, and already, I've ruined your blouse. This is very... um, Clark Kent. With a "K, Kent". I'm Clark Kent.

Chloe: Chloe Sullivan, and it's quite all right.

Telephone ringing

Jimmy: What's with the glasses?

Chloe: Special delivery up in the mail room. So, what, I'm supposed to answer your phone, now, too?

Ringing continues. Finally, Jimmy picks up the telephone receiver.

Jimmy: [ On the phone ] Hello? [ Clears throat ] Olsen here.

Lana: [ On the phone ] I hear you're the best. I want to report a m*rder.

Jimmy: [ On the phone ] Whose?

Lana: [ On the phone ] Mine.

Cut to Jimmy is waiting in an alley when Lana's car pulls up and she gets out.

Lana: I hope I didn't keep you waiting, Mr. Olsen.

Jimmy: Well, how do you like that? The untouchable Lana Luthor.

Lana: Seems a lot of people got a lot of ideas about me.

Jimmy: Listen, I don't know if this is such a good idea. Your old man's got to own half of Metropolis, not to mention a certain building at 1000 Broadway. Big globe on top. This talking could lose me my job.

Lana: Better your job than my life. My husband's trying to k*ll me.

Jimmy: Now, why would you believe a thing like that?

Lana: The other day, I was crossing 6th street when, out of nowhere, this car veered right toward me and sped away. It was no accident, Jimmy. You don't mind if I call you "Jimmy," do you?

Jimmy: Well, actually, it's James.

Lana moves very close to Jimmy, looking up into his eyes.

Lana: You're so confident and so brave, and I'm so afraid. I wonder if you could spare a bit of your strength for me. Please?

Jimmy: I always knew something didn't sit right with Luthor, it's just a shame a girl like you had to get caught up in this rotten business. You have any proof?

Lana: I knew I could count on you. My husband's been sneaking out at night. I found this in his pocket. Consider it a thank-you for your help.

She hands Jimmy the silver cigarette case - the same case that Lois stole from the crime scene at the Planet. Inside is a matchbook from The Talon Club, and some $100 bills.

Cut to Jimmy arrives at The Talon Club, but is met by the bouncer.

Jimmy: I'm here to see a friend.

Club bouncer: Ain't everyone?

Jimmy: Look, I don't want any trouble, honest. I just ...

Clark: [ Clears throat ] The kid's with me.

Clark Kent steps out from behind a curtain, motioning to the bouncer. Jimmy looks grateful and a bit in awe of the place, and follows Clark inside.

Clark: Eyes back in your head, Olsen.

Jimmy: I didn't peg you as the kind of guy with a secret identity.

Clark: And you're never gonna. Now, suppose you tell me what story you're chasing.

Jimmy: No story. Just... thirsty.

Clark: Come on. A guy like you with a reputation to uphold? You wouldn't be caught 100 yards of this place unless you were sitting on a big scoop.

Lionel: Rye whiskey. Rocks. Put it on his tab, Joe. Name's Kent. You stroll in here with this crackerjack kid. You trying to land me in the cooler?

Clark: Cool your jets, mack. Jimmy here is just a little down on love. Ain't you, Jimmy?

Lionel: Poor sucker. Yep. Dames is poison.

A piano intro plays, and Lois Lane saunters down the stairs, launching into her lounge act on the stage.

Lois: Doo, do-do-do-do / I want somebody else / somebody who could be / someone not like yourself / but somebody who loves me / 'cause I need somebody else ... all that I want to give somebody who loves me

Clark: If that's what you're after, get in line.

Jimmy: No, no, I'm just...

Off in a corner, Lex talks to his father.

Lex: Who's your new heavy?

Lionel: Ah, relax. I got nothing on Kent so far but his tab.

Lex: Losing your grip, paps. You used to run this town. Now it looks like the only sh*ts you're calling are from behind that bar. [ Chuckles ]

Back at the bar, Clark and Jimmy are still talking.

Clark: So, which Luthor are you after? Better wipe that newsie smile off your face. Luthor can smell fresh blood a mile away.

Jimmy: Fresh?! Now,you listen here, Kent.

Clark: Relax. I'm one of the good guys.

Jimmy: That's what they all say.

Lionel leans in close to Jimmy, offering advice.

Lionel: If it's young Luthor you're tailing, I got a tip for you, on the house. Every night he makes a big exit. Makes sure the whole joint knows it. But when his car pulls out of the alley... he's not in it.

Shortly after, right on cue, Lex takes his leave in grand fashion, and Jimmy follows outside. After his car pulls away, Lex steps out of the shadows and into a different car. Jimmy jumps into his own car and follows.

Cut to In the Kent barn of the real world, Lex meets with Lois Lane.

Lois: Lex. [ They kiss ] I can't take it anymore. You're never gonna let me in on your real life.

Lex: Believe me, angel... my wife will be out of the picture soon enough.

Lois: You can't keep toying with a girl's heart like this. I got to know it's real.

Lex: Is this real?

Lex kisses her passionately. Jimmy creeps into the barn, his camera at the ready, and jumps out to take their picture, a huge flash filling the barn as he does.

Lex: Hey!

Jimmy jumps back into his car and is pursued by Lex. They race through town until Jimmy sees a train speeding along the tracks. He manages to slip in front of the train but Lex can't make it and has to veer off the road, rolling his car. He crawls out of the car, seemingly unhurt.

Cut to Jimmy meets with Lana back at the mansion.

Lana: Did anyone follow you?

Jimmy: No. Lost him hours ago.

Lana: You shouldn't have come. He could be home any minute. I can't bear this much longer. Has it all been in my head? Have I been so lonely, I've started making up stories to amuse myself?

Jimmy shows her the photo he took in the barn.

Jimmy: I'm afraid not. You're right about your husband wanting to get rid of you, and soon.

Lana: If I run, he'll track me down. And if I confront him, he'll make it look like an accident.

Jimmy: Don't worry. I'll take care of Lex.

Lana looks up at Jimmy, then walks over to the bar and pulls a g*n out of a drawer, and hands it to Jimmy.

Lana: Just to protect yourself. Please. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you.

Cut to Jimmy meets with Lex at some out of the way location, in the pouring rain.

Lex: Nice driving back there. And don't worry. Kept my word. I'm here alone.

Jimmy: I'm afraid your word's not worth much, Luthor.

Lex: Doesn't matter. By tomorrow, you'll be picking lead out of your lungs.

Jimmy: Not unless you want this to be the next headline.

Lex: I'm guessing this isn't about a raise.

Jimmy: It's about right and wrong. Now, what you do with the singer, that's your business. But I'm not about to let you bump off your wife along the way. I heard you say you were gonna get rid of her.

Lex: Sure, I am. Once the divorce is final. Filed for it today.

Jimmy: Came as a shock to your wife.

Lex: I doubt that. Don't worry, Jimmy. You're not the first sucker she's spun in a web. But you better get out before you stick.

Lex reaches into his jacket and Jimmy reacts, pulling out the g*n and sh**ting Lex. Lex pulls his hand out and there is no g*n, only a flask.

Lex: Gardenia.

Within seconds, sirens can be heard as Jimmy runs away.
Cut to Chaos ensues in the newsroom as information about the sh**ting starts to come in.

Man on the phone: Operator, get me junction 435.

Man on the phone: Would I lie to you, Louie? It just came over the wire. Okay.

Chloe arrives amid the din, wondering what's going on.

Chloe: Say, what's all the flurry about?

Operator: There's been a m*rder, and they say the victim is Lex Luthor.

Chloe sees her opportunity, and deliberately spills some coffee on the woman running the phones.

Chloe: Oh! I am such a klutz. I'm so sorry. Look, I'll cover you while you go clean up.

Police officer: [ On the phone ] Mr. Lex Luthor dead on arrival. A press pass from the Daily Planet was found on the site with a photo of Mr. Luthor and that singer. Now, a suspect was seen fleeing the scene of the crime. Suspect ... 5'10". Brown hair, brown overcoat, medium build.

Chloe: Jimmy.

Cut to Jimmy is back at the bar, looking disheveled.

Lionel: Last call.

Jimmy: Give me another. No, make it a double.

Lionel: Only one thing will drive a man to drink alone.

Jimmy: I wish it were as simple as a dame.

Lionel: Nothing simple about 'em, kid. Guess that's what keeps us coming back for more, huh?

Chloe runs into the bar, straight towards Jimmy.

Chloe: Jimmy, I've been to every gin joint in town looking for you.

Jimmy: You're not the only one.

Chloe: I figured it would be the last place you were, but the first place I'd find you. They think you shot Lex Luthor.

Jimmy: I shot him, all right. Went down cold right in front of me.

Chloe: Listen, I'm not gonna let you go down for this, Jimmy. Someone set you up, and I just might know who did it. That telephone line you have for Mrs. Luthor? Turns out, you weren't the only one who's been dialing it. Seems that shiny new reporter Clark Kent's been spinning those numbers ever since he came into town.

Jimmy: What are you trying to tell me?

Chloe: Looks like the boss' old lady might be getting a little more from Kent than just the headlines.

Jimmy runs out of the bar. Lionel picks up the phone, and on the other end is Lana.

Lionel: Yeah, it's me. Listen, Boy Wonder may have taken the bait, but he's on to you.

Lana: Doesn't matter anymore. You're back on top of the lowlife food chain, and I'm out from under a suffocating marriage.

Back at the mansion, Lana hangs up the phone and finishes dressing, just as Clark enters the room.

Lana: There's something I have to take care of.

He pulls her toward him and they kiss.

Clark: I thought that's what I was here for.

Lana: Don't worry. We won't have to sneak around much longer.

Lana puts on her overcoat and drops a small g*n into her handbag.

Cut to Jimmy enters the Daily Planet and walks up to a large chair which is facing away from him.

Jimmy: Guess you took me for a patsy, didn't you, Kent? You played me right from the very start. You saw your chance to bump off the old man, let me take the fall for it, and you get away with the girl. But why'd you have to...

The chair swivels and it's not Clark in the chair, but Lana.

Lana: He didn't. I did.

Jimmy: Well, aren't you full of surprises?

Lana: I'm sorry I had to drag you in to all this, James. I really am.

Jimmy: They are gonna put me away.

Lana: They won't get the chance.

Lana sh**t at Jimmy, and this g*nsh*t is immediately followed by another - Clark has shot Lana in the back.

Clark: Why'd you make me do it?

Lana: It was all for you. [ She dies ]

Jimmy straightens up and pulls out the cigarette case from his pocket - with the b*llet lodged inside.

Clark: Gardenia. I should've known better. Rule number one ... never get mixed up with a girl. Not when you're on the job.

Jimmy: On the job? [ Clark holds up detective badge, in the shape of the Superman symbol ] You're a cop?

Clark: Undercover unit. I was sent here to watch Lex Luthor. Falling in love with his wife ... that was... that was my mistake.

Jimmy: Those were some eyes that she had. Would have made any guy want to be a hero.

Clark: Yeah, well, those eyes just got you the electric chair. Someone should have told you, kid. There are no heroes in Metropolis.

A group of reporters and photographers show up as Clark takes Jimmy away.

Cut to Jimmy wakes up at his desk, back in the real world, and back in full color.

Chloe: Jimmy?

Jimmy: [ Groggy ] Oh.

Chloe: Oh, my God. Are you all right?

Jimmy rubs his head, then remembering what he was doing, he turns towards the computer.

Chloe: Don't bother. The picture of Lana's trigger-happy friend is gone.

Jimmy focuses in on a photo of the cigarette case.

Jimmy: Gardenia. Okay. It was right in front of me the whole time. I didn't see it.

Chloe: Uh, Jimmy, remember me? The one outside your head?

Jimmy: Lana didn't know you were working last night. What if she wasn't here to see you? What if she's not as innocent as she looks?

Chloe: Why would she come to the cellar of wannabes in the middle of the night if it wasn't to visit us?

Jimmy: Look, I know that Lana's your friend and you don't want to think of her as a double-crossing, two-timing backstabber, but... maybe she had something she couldn't trust you with.

Jimmy runs out of his office and back to the crime scene, where he notices the missing cigarette case.

Jimmy: Aha. The cigarette case is missing. Think about it. Lana doesn't smoke. What would she be doing with it? What was inside?

Jimmy: A cigarette case?

Jimmy: Maybe something big enough to get k*lled over. And she was taking it to someone on the other floor when she was shot.

Chloe: So what? She just staggered into the elevator and ended up here? You know, the elevator has a memory, so its computer could tell us what floor it was on last.

They walk up to the 6th floor, home of the Planet's Political coverage.

Jimmy: I was thinking more gossip column than political intrigue.

Chloe: My God. Lana, what have you gotten yourself into?

Jimmy is on his knees, picking the lock to one of the offices.

Chloe: When did you learn to do that?

Jimmy: Some girls go for sports cars. I figured you're more of a lock-picking girl.

Chloe: Uh-huh. Well, according to the building's exit records, Brennan was the only reporter left on this floor when Lana was shot.

Jimmy: Bowling trophies don't exactly scream "cold-blooded k*ller."

The owner of the office they have broken into comes back to find them rooting around in his stuff.

Brennan: What the hell are you doing in here?

Jimmy: We have reason to believe that Lana Luthor was with you last night.

Brennan: Never met her.

Jimmy: Maybe you shot her and snagged her purse to make it look like a petty robbery.

Brennan: I'm calling security.

Chloe: Great. Then you can tell them how you knocked out Jimmy and erased your photo. The entire building was sealed off by police. Only someone with prior access could have done it.

Brennan: Hey, look ... Mrs. Luthor said she had a story and wanted to meet. She must have been getting off the elevator when someone intercepted her. I-I heard the g*nsh*t, I saw the elevator going down. So I took the stairs. But when I got there, I heard you coming, and I guess I just panicked. I-I'm sorry about your head. But ... but if the police had gotten your photo, they never would have believed me.

Jimmy: What was she bringing to you?

Brennan: All I know is she said she needed help, and it had ...

A g*nsh*t bursts through the glass door behind him, and a blood stain appears on his chest as he slumps down to the ground.

Jimmy: Call 911!

Jimmy chases the gunman out into the hallway, but instead of dialing 911, Chloe calls Clark's number. As Jimmy wrestles with the man, Chloe is knocked backwards, falling over the railing and spinning through the air down 6 stories, only to be caught at the last second by Clark, waiting for her at the bottom.

Chloe: You didn't have to wait till the last second, you know.

Clark: What fun would that be?

They smile at each other. Jimmy comes racing down the stairs after her, only to find Chloe lying on a nearby couch, unhurt.

Jimmy: Chloe! Chloe! Oh, my God, Chloe!

Chloe: Did you get him? I knocked him out cold.

Jimmy: You don't have a scratch on you. I don't understand it. How is that ...

Chloe cuts him off with a kiss, then holds him in an embrace. Looking over Jimmy's shoulder, she sees Clark standing off in a corner and mouths the words, "thank you" to him, as Clark leaves.

Cut to Lois arrives back at her apartment to find Lionel there waiting for her, along with a security guard.

Lionel: Busy day, Ms. Lane?

Lois: Does breaking and entering not mean anything to rich people?

Lionel: About as much as removing evidence from a crime scene. I caught your little maneuver at the Planet. So, it didn't surprise me that a piece of evidence was, uh...missing. The silver cigarette case.

Lois: Really, Mr. Luthor, I was lucky to get a quote from a parking attendant.

Lionel: George? [ George grabs her purse and gives it to Lionel ]

Lionel pours the contents of the purse out on the table, grabbing the silver cigarette case that Lois stole from the crime scene.

Lionel: Lillian loved this. My wife. She was fond of gardenias. But I think what you're looking for is inside. You open this?

Lionel opens the case to reveal a small flash drive inside.

Lois: There was nothing on it.

Lionel smirks at her, then plugs the flash drive into the laptop on the table, and opens a video file.

Senator Burke: [ On the video ] Ares is supposed to be operational.

Lex: [ On the video ] We're in the final stages of testing, Senator.

Senator Burke: [ On the video ] Well, after all my shuffling to keep the appropriations under the radar, I certainly hope so, Lex.

Lex: [ On the video ] We both have a lot to lose, Senator.

Lois gauges Lionel's reaction to the video.

Lois: You didn't know Lex was working with Senator Burke, did you? Wow. You have got to give Lana major props for double-crossing both Luthors.

Lionel: Be careful... Miss Lane. Whoever's protecting Senator Burke hired someone to k*ll the wife of a Luthor. I doubt whether they'd think twice about silencing you.

Lois looks grave as Lionel leaves the apartment, closing the door behind him.

Cut to Chloe arrives at Lana's hospital room.]

Chloe: Close call.

Lana: Luckily, I don't remember much.

Chloe: Let me fill you in on a few of the details. Someone really didn't want you and Brennan to expose whatever was in that cigarette case, so they tried to k*ll you and succeeded with him. Now, I know that Lex would never do anything to hurt the love of his life, but who did?

Lana: Chloe, if I could tell you, I would. It's complicated.

Chloe: I'm a quick learner.

Lana looks at her uneasily, then continues.

Lana: Lionel. He's been forcing me to dig into Lex and turn over everything to him.

Chloe: Lionel has you spying on Lex? But instead of giving him the information you found, you were gonna give it to the papers? Why?

Lana: It was my only way to get out from under them.

Chloe: I don't understand. I mean, Lionel has a league of minions. Why you?

Lana: He needed someone on the inside. Someone who could get close to Lex.

Chloe: Holy... Lana, is that why you went through with the wedding? Why would you do that?

Lana: To protect Clark.

Chloe: From what? Clark can take care of himself.

Lana: What about his weakness? Chloe, you admitted yourself that he has one. Whatever Clark is capable of, there's something stronger than him, isn't there?

Chloe: Lana, if you are keeping this from Clark because you're trying to protect him, he needs to know.

Lana: He can't. Chloe, I know that you confide everything in him, but I need you to trust me. Clark's life could depend on it.

Cut to Clark finds Chloe back at the Planet.

Clark: I've been all over town, and all I can find out about the guy who att*cked Lana is that he's a hired g*n.

Chloe: Yeah, and now he's out of commission, so it looks like we hit a dead end.

Clark is struck by her lack of curiosity.

Clark: That's it? Someone out there takes a hit out on Lana, and you're just gonna give up, just like that? [ He looks at her closely ] You're holding back something from me, aren't you? Chloe, I can't believe you'd lie to me.

Chloe: I can't believe you didn't hear the deafening irony in that statement.

Clark: You know how much Lana means to me.

Clark grabs Chloe's shoulders, a bit too hard.

Chloe: First, ouch. Second, if you really want to help, just stay out of it, ok? Please.

Clark looks at her, hurt and angry.

Clark: I'm gonna find Lana's attacker... with or without you.

Clark starts to walk away, but she stops him.

Chloe: Clark, how long have you kept your secret from Lana because you were trying to protect her?

Clark: Are you trying to tell me that Lana's doing this to protect me?

Chloe: Look, all I'm saying is that sometimes people do things that you don't expect and you don't understand. And sometimes they have a really good reason for it.

Clark: As much as I want to believe that that reason is Lex...

Chloe: We both know he'd never do anything to hurt her.

Clark: Well, if it's not Lex, then... There's only one other person who would manipulate her like that.

Cut to Lex leans over Lana, asleep in her hospital bed, then meets with Bartlett outside in the hallway as they walk toward the elevator.

Lex: Take it from the look on your face the cops can't get Lana's attacker to talk.

Bartlett: Didn't have much of a chance. Guy got knocked off right after he landed in county lockup. Mr. Luthor, the g*n at the crime scene didn't belong to the assailant. It's yours.

Lex: Mine? Police never mentioned...

Bartlett: It's unregistered, but I pulled a ballistics report. It matches your g*n, the one that's been missing. My guess is Lana's been carrying it, pulled it on whoever confronted her, and lost.

Lex: Lana's never carried a g*n. Who could she be so afraid of?

Cut to Jimmy is waiting behind the Talon as Chloe pulls up in her car.

Chloe: There's my hero.

She holds up the front page of the Planet, with a photo of Jimmy receiving an award for catching the gunman.

Jimmy: Just my luck. Finally get a photo on page one ... I'm in front of the camera, not behind it.

Chloe: Oh, come on. Even I was impressed with the Sam Spade quick-thinking. You can't tell me all that just came from a bonk on the noggin.

Jimmy: You know, it was so weird. Half of it made sense. But Lana and Lionel working together, and Clark Kent leading a double life as a reporter by day and crime-fighter by night... You know, it's funny what your mind will cook up.

Chloe: So, why the pilgrimage to Podunk at the peak of your fame?

Jimmy: Well, I made you a playlist to keep you company while I'm gone.

Jimmy opens her car and plugs in a music player, which starts playing.

Chloe: Gone?

Jimmy: I'm being sent on assignment.

Chloe: That's great.

Jimmy: Yep. Photo editor saw the paper ... finally knows my name now.

Chloe: Are you on the human trafficking story in Istanbul with Fletcher?

Jimmy: Actualy, the Polar Bear Swim Club in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Bunch of old guys in a lake, but ...

Chloe: It's a start.

Jimmy: I gotta go catch my plane, but there's something I got to do before I go.

He sets up a small camera on the hood of the car, then gives Chloe a long kiss for the camera while the song plays.

...Who loves me 'cause I need somebody else somebody who loves me somebody who loves me somebody...

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