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03x03 - Men of Honor

Posted: 04/03/22 09:40
by bunniefuu
We advance south on Spartacus

and those who follow him in rebellion.

Let our shadow fall upon them

and every man, woman and child

so touched by it,
struck from this world.

A bargain well struck.

Call me Roman no more then.

Those that join us are well armed.

You move to take the f*cking city.

You wanted me father?

Find Spartacus and send
word of his movement.

But do not tempt engagement

until I have arrived with proper force.

[ grunting ]

[ shrieks ]

The Aedile bars himself in the horreum,

spilling pitch and threatens
to put light to bear.


The city, is ours.

[ cheering ]

Swords born from shackles.

Your hands turn miracle, Attius.

Then perhaps you would bless them

with additional coin,
in reward for such divinity.

Knowing effort serves higher

purpose is reward enough.

[ laughs ]

You chew on fresh bargain,
only to swallow stale shit.

Suck cock,
you long-haired woman.


[ laughs ]

Aid Gannicus,

in delivery of latest
offering to Crixus.

Should you linger within our city,

we shall discuss terms
of future benefit.

I do not lay trust in that little shit.

You do not lay trust in anyone.

You come with me!

More so when they carry name of Rome.

Ah, go!
Silent c**t!


How fare our prisoners?

They f*cking shit themselves!

A smell welcome to nose!

See that they are fed.

These prisoners?
We take them where?

I question thought of keeping them

shackled throughout f*cking streets.

Is that all you question?

We are at w*r, Spartacus.

I would see our enemy
struck to the afterlife.

Women and children counted among them?

Were the same not robbed of life

in escape from Batiatus' villa?

Or the taking of this very city?

They were.

Yet few that remain pose
no fall to concern.

They pose concern to f*cking stomach.

Drawing from our food --

which runs low from Aedile

dousing pitch upon grain.

Let us gauge our stores.

And turn from thought
of needless slaughter.

Keep eye upon your opponent.

Seek to turn defense into attack.

More steel, forged towards purpose.

He has been paid
what Spartacus promised,

for aiding taking the city?

Five thousand denarii.

Well earned.

Then why does he yet darken

presence within our walls?

Give answer.
I'm not f*cking echo.

To further lend hand to your cause.

The promise of gathering more coin

before taking leave
also weighs consideration.


See those of skill to proper w*apon.

For your journey.

I wake with desire for cock.

Yet you from bed.

[ laughs ]

Cause bring f*cking shadow.

The girl follows heel like errant pup,

since I took her master's life.

Clear a f*cking path.

Keep moving!

Against the wall!

Sit here!

And shut mouth!

Your wife is with child.

She should not be absent nourishment.


You mistake intent.

I do not offer charity,

I offer exchange.


for whatever coin you
may know of yet undiscovered.

Perhaps within walls
of your own little hovel?

Two streets west of the horreum.

The name Ulpianus the above door.

Inside, leg of table stands hollow.

You will find all that I have there.

Any more offerings?


Very well then.


The bread.
For my wife...

Ah. Apologies.

[ laughs ]

Who's more hungry?

[ grunting ]

Do you wish to see blood?

Someone will starve!

You c**t!

Do you desire blood?


Then let us have proper contest!

Bring swords!

I know that one.

Ulpianus, a baker of breads.

He is no fighter,
nor man of distant heart.

We fall to f*cking games now?

The Romans forced
you and Crixus to such,

for their amusement.

We but return favor.

I beg you...
I have no skill in this.

Oh, he has no skill in this.

This is Roman c**t!

Let the victor, claim their bounty!

And the sea the fallen,

to join the Roman dead

which we have swept from this city!

[ cheering ]




Get at him!

Draw blood!



Come on!
Get at him!

No, Ulpianus!

[ cheering ]

A fight far from worthy arena.

But promise was made.


Feast upon laurels.

You f*cking shit...

[ screaming ]

[ whining ]

He reached for sword to strike

when you presented back!

He was reaching for the food,
you mad c**t!

Hold tongue,

or see it ripped from f*cking head.

Take pause, brother.

Attius stands with us.

He stands a f*cking Roman.

The man has never raised voice in anger,

to sl*ve, or any other.

How do your friends differ,

from the f*cking villain they brand me?

Was he reaching for the bread?

I did not think it.

And what if you were mistaken?

The result the same.

A Roman that shall
never raise hand against us.

I have never held love
for any of such name,

Yet he held no threat --

Men such as him hold the greatest.

True intent, shrouded behind mask

of kind and gentle face.

Have you known his reflection?

Before I came to the mines of Lucania.

This one carried gentle name of Herius.


Father of two young daughters.

He saw me fed.


Allowed me to feel safe

for the first time since being turned

from the House of Batiatus.

When his family took to sleep,
he came to me.

Lifting me in his arms.

I thought it a dream at first.

There was a place,

removed from the grounds of his villa,

where wagons were crafted and repaired.

He applied his many tools inside me.

[ screaming ]

Before turning them to outward flesh.

I wish I had power to seize memory,

and with hands strip it from life.

It is not the one that shadows mind.

What I saw in morning light,

forever darkens thought.

The man himself,

greeting his wife with
kiss and warm smile.

His daughters laughing upon his knee.

The beast from
the previous night transformed,

into a man who held no threat.

I have no words.

You do not need them.

Knowing, you are at my side

gives comfort enough.

I will always stand so.

All the f*cking stalls
bear same misfortune.

And of the remainder?

How long will it see us fed?

Two weeks.

Perhaps more, if we're cautious

and our numbers do not swell.

f*ck the gods.


Ships weigh anchor off our coast.

It seems we have drawn notice.


What do your eyes fall upon?

Four men approach.

One with cask perched atop shoulder.


Not f*cking likely, by appearance.

Raise the gate.

What shit is this?

Brigands of Cilicia.


I would speak with the man

that has claimed this city.

Your words fall upon his ear.

What business do you break?

You are Spartacus?

I stand so named.

The same fiend that brought down

the arena in Capua?

Defeated Glaber at Vesuvius?

Wrought untold suffering

upon the Republic and its people.

All deeds claimed with pride.

Then I call you f*cking brother!

Let us share gift of wine,

and break words towards common enemy!


It has been too many years.

They have been
unkind to you, old friend.

[ laughing ]

At least I do not
stand woolly f*cking goat!

Crassus denies me sharpened blade.

Under what purpose?

A personal matter,

concerning only those
within his confidence.

Regrettably none stand so here.

You have received message

in advance of our arrival, Mummius?

We stand ready to march
upon your command.

Have use of my tent until such a time.


I would leave these boys
to their plotting

and hear of your
adventures with Antonius.

Impudent shit.

He brushes you aside in favor

of swallowing Caesar's cock.

Let us pray he chokes upon it.


Break open cask so we may share drink.

I would break words in advance.

While mind is yet unclouded.

Heracleo is your guest,

and I am at your will.

It is an honor for me
to be across from the man

who steals an entire f*cking city!

It was the f*cking Romans
who stole freedom from us.

We merely seize what is owed.

I favor turn of your reason,


Some Romans yet live within Sinuessa?

A few.

The Aedile among them?

He does not.

You are sure of this?

His villa now stands ours.

His claim to it severed by my own hand.

Then I too have been injured.

This man speaks in f*cking riddles.


Straighten tongue,

or fall from presence.

The Aedile and I had an arrangement.

He brokered such with men
of your calling?

Openly, no.

Yet many things are
born of dark corners.

The seas are fraught with dangers...

especially for those who,

consider themselves his competitor.

In return for your "services"?

Knowledge of time and route
of unfortunate vessels.

All goods aboard, added to my own,

with the seal of the Aedile

pressed upon new manifest.

What cause does thief upon wave

need of parchment and seal?

The official seal removes
unwanted attention when

trading acquisitions in respected ports.

Advantage snatched from hand,

by f*cking action of your own.

To shit with this grinning c**t.


What threat does he hold?

Pissing on us from the sea?

You would be surprised

by the reach of my stream, boy.

Let's us take breath then,

remove ourselves from heated words.

There is yet drink to be had.

Return when sun gives way to moon.

And discover if there
stands cause to share cup.

As you command, King Spartacus.

As you command.

The man swings cock
to rival Jupiter himself.

Close gate upon ass,
and be done with him.

He may yet be of use.

Find Aedile's seal,

and let us weigh advantage it brings.


Shit rises to fill mouth.

Have you laid eyes upon it or not?

I forge steel,
not trade at f*cking ports.

What need would I have of Aedile's seal?

Words I would have greeted sooner.

Is that what it was like,

before you gained your freedom?

Were you made to fight
as an animal would,

as you made poor Ulpianus?

I prompted no contest.

Yet you did not stop it.

What fate did you believe

when deciding to aid in taking the city?

I held no f*cking choice.

Every man holds such at time's end.

You hold no love
for these people, Attius.

Do not now raise vaunted concerns now.

"These people."

Am I not Roman, as they were?

As some yet are?

You stand for yourself alone.

As I once stood.

You are proof then.

That basest clay

may yet be molded into
something of worth.

Turn from past,

set eye toward new horizon,

far from this place
and the man that you were.

Praise f*cking gods,
I've found men of worth.

What crude form do you deposit at feet?


Spartacus has taken Sinuessa en Valle.

Summon Mummius.



Repay favor with gift of words.

I have few of note.

We thought the gate secure.

Yet Spartacus is of the underworld,

able to spirit himself
through wood and stone.

He is but a man.

I've laid eyes upon him.

Bathed in blood and gore.

The city trembling in his wake.

Spartacus is no man.

He's the Bringer of Death.

And yet you live.

Your skill in combat must equal

that of the legend himself.

I was paid but a few coin

by the Aedile to aid in curfew.

I'm no soldier.

Put such question aside.

How many men does Spartacus now hold?

I do not know.

The streets were filled with them,

slaughtering all in their path.

I barely made escape

to the bay before they took the docks.

Now it becomes clear.

In place of falling a hero,

you chose to flee.

And fall a coward.

Have you lost mind?

The man held no worth,
by his own tongue.

You are not in f*cking command.


I slip from reason...

when presented with
the faults of lesser men.

Let us see body removed,
and discuss--

The time for words has ended.

Break camp,

and return to my father
with news of Spartacus.

He gave order to remain at your side.

I am the word and the will

of Marcus Crassus.

You are not at my side, Gaius.

You serve beneath me.

I fall to command.

Gather what remains of your men.

We move for Sinuessa en Valle.

Leave us.

This stood my home.

No longer.

I will not beg for my life.

I do not seek it.

Only your aid.

You rob me of my husband.

Lay waste to my city.

And now you call upon f*cking aid?

We are at w*r.

You and your people stand casualty.

My own ranks question sparing
a few that yet draw breath.

I give chance to prove wisdom of it.

So we may live out our days

as party favors for
your f*cking amusement?

As word carries of Ulpianus?


Your men made him fight
for crust of bread.

And claimed hand even
though he stood victor.

A thing I did not know of.

It shall not pass again.

I took belief in your
reassurance once before.

And now stand widow for it.

I do not turn from what I have done.

He was an honorable man!

Forever stricken from this world by you!

You elevate the dead beyond their worth.

You did not know him.

Nor I fear did you.

The name Heracleo holds meaning?

A plague upon the sea.

My husband devoted
much coin toward his capture.

He devoted greater sum,

towards secret pact.

You lie.

Your husband provided seal of office

in exchange for
dispatching of his rivals.

Presented to me by Heracleo himself.

Know that I do not take pleasure

in staining cherished memory.

You tear world from grasp,

and whisper of kindness.

I whisper of opportunity.

Heracleo seeks the Aedile's seal.

With it I will forge trade

that will see us fed.

It eludes discovery.

You know of the seal's location?

Ennius feared rebellion,

and took measure
to protect what was his.

There are many places hidden to eye

among his holdings throughout the city.

Aid in revealing them,

and you and your people will share equal

portion from what we gain
in bargain with the Cilician.

I would have freedom as price.

For all of us.

Do this thing,

and you will be released,

when we take leave of Sinuessa.

Am I to trust your word?

The reason is simple.

You stand absent choice.

Hidden within blushed eye,
the guardian spirits.

Is it a wonder the gods
turned on your husband

and this f*cking city?

Let us turn from past

and set gaze towards favored bargain.

And fall to much needed drink!

How much would you have for it?

I ask for nothing.

Upon our abandoning the city,

the seal is yours.

And until such fated day?

An agreement of trade.

Coin for food.

First shipment from what stores
you have aboard your ships.

You would entreat Poseidon

to shun robes and present ass!

If he stood before me.

Yet he does not.

My supplies are of finest quality.

Eighteen thousand denarii

easily fetched if sold at port.

Absent the Aedile's seal?

You are not the man one expects.


Ten thousand denarii.

If Aedile's wife is added
to the bargain huh.

You mistake me for a Roman.

I do not trade in slaves.

Nor would I, if possessed with such

a ripe c**t.

Twelve thousand denarii.

In hour before sun's rising,

upon landing beyond city walls.

Beyond the city?

Ground absent advantage, brother.

I would not sail into port,
only to be set upon.

Beyond city walls.

In hour before sun rises.

It is settled then.

Now may we have
f*cking drink?! Huh!

[ cheering ]

What f*cking piss does Heracleo offer?

Absinthe, by name.

I once drained six cups,

and found myself in heated argument

with imaginary cat.

[ laughs ]

Then let us drain seven,
and finish argument

before you strike from Roman shores.


[ laughs ]

Dangerous thing.

Eyes upon man not your own.

I meant no offense.

You want his cock inside you?

Speak, little thing.

Nemetes, you cock eater!

He saved my life.

I desire only to thank him.


[ in German ]

I do not care for these Cilicians.

Yet they are preferred to Romans.

My cock is magic.

Then see it vanish from sight.

More wine!

[ cheering ]

You're a fool.

To lay trust in one
stitched of lies and deceit.

I'm no stranger to his kind.

I thought myself so.

Yet now replay every moment.

Every touch my husband laid upon me.

Questioning truth behind them.

The gods punish me for being so blind.

Would that you had let Heracleo take me,

to see their wrath complete.

I place no stock in your gods.

Nor any that would seek injury

for crimes against those undeserving.

I have given command

that you are free to move about city.

In return,

you will lend hand

and carry word to me if any
should fall to mistreatment.

It surprises,

how such small a weight
bears such heavy burden.

A truth known to all

who take up arms against Rome.

You shall sleep where you are.

My people will turn from me,

if I'm known to bed beneath your roof.

My husband held stable at edge of city.

I would take shelter within its walls.

I sought only to provide comfort.

Heracleo spoke the truth,

at least upon one subject.

You are not the man one expects.


Share drink, and see them accepted.

My cup is spoken for.

I seek not to claim it my own.

Merely grace lips with its nectar.

You are bold of words.

I have been too long at sea

among, rough company.

I do not favor crashing waves.

Words from mouth such as yours

could move a man
to forever turn from them.

Remove f*cking hand.


I did not know you were mired in shit

East of the Rhine.

[ grunting ]

Smash him!


[ cheering ]


Fall from sight.

Revelry has struck sour note.

I would not have senseless
quarrel open gap between us.

Then see it filled with coin

at appointed hour.

And we shall test
sureness of our footing.

Spartacus stands displeased
with celebration's end.

I was not the one who caused offense.

The Cilician overstepped,

yet your
response was--

Was as it f*cking should be.

Jupiter himself would find cause

to tremble if he laid hand upon you.

[ laughing ]

You would battle a god for me?

I would slay all

that would lay attempt
to wrest you from my arms.

Strike Jupiter
and the Cilician from mind.

I would have them of no concern

to the one that holds my heart.

You left absent word.

There was a fight.

It was very loud.

I leave to make shadow flesh.


...and to bring desire.

For you.


Gather your robes and leave us.


She does not please?

She is but a child.

And I would have
a woman tend to my needs,

in brief hours before
I move with Spartacus...


I would have words.

I would not.

You've not given opportunity
towards gratitude.

I yet draw breath because of you.

Your dominus fell to an act of w*r.

He fell to a hero sent by the gods.

[ laughing ]

One that does not even recall your name.

My name is Sibyl.


And you feel you owe debt Sibyl?

I owe you everything.

Then see it repaid

by staying far from my presence.

And men of my kind.

You would claim all that I have earned?

All you have stolen.

Did I not stand with my brothers

when city was taken,

risking life beside you?

As I did in shadow of Vesuvius

and every f*cking battle since?

As all that follow cause.

Know that you do not
stand alone in sacrifice.

And what of the blacksmith?

Did you seize coin given him as well?

You mistake command for conversation.

Fall to your purpose.

You carry the balance?

He does.

Where is Gannicus?

He comes upon heel.

What is left of him.


Fall to task.

We are committed.

Nasir, take position upon wall.

I would stand with you.


I shall return shortly.

Once gate closes behind us,

do not see it raised short of my word.

[ coughing ]

Terms of stroll worsen
by passing moment.

Keep watchful eye
towards sign of betrayal.

I pray they make f*cking attempt.

If Heracleo and his men,

prove short of honor...

k*ll them where they stand.

Raise the gate!

Cilicians, by the look.

Why would they take landing
outside Sinuessa?

To seek alliance.

Spartacus stands the fool

if he risks dealings with such as them.

They are thieves of equal nature.

And if they come to terms

it would prevent my father

from starving the rebels out.

A thing I will not have fall to pass.


prepare your men to advance.


Fall to f*cking command.

Tiberius, your father gave strict order

not to engage Spartacus.

My father desires a wolf of battle,

not a well-heeled dog.

And this night I shall honor him

with blood and death.

We are too exposed.

Spartacus and his men more so,

beyond the walls of his city.

They spill from gate.

Upon my signal only.

I would give no errant
cause to doubt intention.

Nasir, what do you see?

Shit and piss.

They are too far in darkness.

[ in German ]

What does she say?

Roman your man make fight gone.


With fat wife and others
chained with him.

We must sweep the city --

Remain here.

It may be distraction,

to draw us from the gate.

Where do you go?

Do not tear eyes from purpose!

Your price.

As agreed upon.

Apologies, I mean no offense,

yet ah...

Open it.

You stand a man of your word.

A very rare thing, in such a world.

Rarer yet,

to greet my equal.


Bring our brothers what they are owed.

You take leave of the city?

Absent parting words?

I've broken them to all that matter.

If dealings with
the Cilicians end as desired,

I will buy passage far
from your f*cking presence.

Do you buy such
for your friends as well?


[ screaming ]

Tell me where there are.


I do not know what you speak of!

I speak of Romans.

And your f*cking treachery.


You wish for blood?

Come then.

And find greater challenge than that

of a simple crafter of bread

in f*cking chains.

[ grunting ]


this stands the sum of your offerings?

f*ck the gods, no!

A mere sample for your approval.

The remainder lies aboard my ships,

too great a cargo to ferry by skiff.

Now that payment has been received,

I shall
sail into port --

That was not the arrangement.


if you fell to confusion.

f*ck your apologies.

Hold ground!

What are your thoughts?

That I stand the fool.

For laying trust in a man absent honor.

Then perhaps the time has come.

For us to...

forever part ways...

We are betrayed!

This is not my hand!

f*cking pirates!

[ grunting ]


[ screaming ]


Where the f*ck is Mummius?!


[ grunting ]

[ screaming ]

I have had my fill...

Of men such as you...

[ screaming ]

[ heavy breathing ]



More come!




[ laughs ]



Did I not warn you of my f*cking reach!

I warned you!


[ screaming ]

Stand ground!


Stand your f*cking ground!


[ grunting ]



We must retreat.


I will not see you fall!

After them!

Let them go!

We must return to the city!



How stand your thoughts now,
King Spartacus?

Take coin.

And see your ships to port.


We go!

I thought you gone from this world.

You will not so easily
see me from your arms.

I attempted to come to your aid.

Nemetes and his
shits would not open gate.

If gate had been breached,

more would have fallen.

He but followed command.

Confounds why the Romans

att*cked in such small numbers,

led by a boy.

It holds no sense.

Answer lay among the dead.

And those we mistakenly name friend.

He came at me,

when confronted with
question of aiding Ulpianus

and the others in escape.

You were left absent choice.

Would he lend hand in taking city,

only to risk life in such attempt?

He but sought to form basest clay,

into something of worth.

There stands matters
of more pressing concern.

Let us sweep city
for Ulpianus and the others.

I would not have Romans
plotting beneath foot,

or seeking greater harm.


There's more over here.

[ distant voices ]