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01x19 - G.I. Jetson

Posted: 04/03/22 09:26
by bunniefuu
N Meet George Jetson N'

N His boy Elroy N

N Daughter Judy N

N Jane his wife NM

The Jetsons.

Brought to you by...

No! No, wait! No! No!

I'm lost. Where am I?

Oh, dear. George is having
another nightmare.

I'II turn down this one.

Now, where am I?

Help! I'm lost!
Somebody, help!

I knew I took the wrong turnoff
on that skyway.

Ah, there's a sign sticking up

out of that black cloud
up ahead.

"Welcome to Space-Hades.

You'll find friends here.

Average temperature,

Oh, boy.
This Is no place for me.

I'm caught in its magnetic pull!


“Ar. Spacehfl We've been
expectlng you, Jetson.

That voice,
that obnoxious voice.

It's so familiar.
Where have I heard it?

- Evening, Jetson.
- Mr. Spacely.

What the devil are you do-...

If you think I was
a miserable boss on Earth..

That was mlnor leagues.

I've made the big time.

Come here, Jetson!

Help, police! Eliot Nessteroid!

Help, somebody!

George, wake up. George!

- George, you're dreaming.
- Help!

What's all the noise for?
It woke me up.

- Yeah, what's the matter?
- Yeah, what's the matter?

Daddy's having
another nightmare.

Come on, now.
Help me pull him down.

Now, all together.


Poor pop.

Oh, let's see,
it's the third time

this week he's had a bad dream.

And all of them starring
his boss, Mr. Spacely.


Well, do you feel better, dear?

Huh? Who? Huh? Where am I?

Oh, oh, I remember.

Mr. Spacely was chasin' me
with a pitchfork!

It's probably because
he's been working you too hard.

Yeah. Yeah, I know. I know.

Yesterday I worked
two full hours.

We“, what does Space“, think
he's running?

- A sweatshop?
- Honey, you're right.

You're absolutely right.
I'm through bein' pushed around.

Hooba-dooba, eight o'clock.
Out of the way.

I'll be late for work.

Where's my clothes?
Where's my shoes?

Western Universe.
Western Universe.

Tele-tape for Mr. Jetson.
George Jetson, tele-tape.

Now, who would send me
a tele-tape at this hour?

Hey, Ijust remembered.

Last week I bought two tickets
for the Venus sweepstakes.

I could've won.
Maybe my number came up.

Good luck, Mr. Jetson.

Oh, hurry, George.
Play the tele-tape.

- I'm so excited.
- Oh, boy.

Maybe I won the sweepstakes.

London, Paris, here we come!

Greetings, Private Jetson.

Hooba-dooba, rooba-dooba-dooba.

Your number came up, Pop,
but it isn't the sweepstakes.

[mam Jetson, you're hereby
ordered to report for two weeks

of reserve training in
the United States Space Guard.

Oh, George,
they've called up your unit.

Let's get In shape now, private.

You're soft, soft, soft, soft.

Some calisthenics.
Here, now let's go.

One, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

Uh, would you take over
for me, honey?

Three, four.

One, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

Don't worry, Daddy. We'll send
you lots of fruitcake capsules.

where you'll be stationed.

Now, hear this.

Fruitcake capsules
and other mail

should be sent
care of APO Camp Nebula.

Okay. Double-time, Jetson.

Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.

You hear that, Pop?

They're sending you
to Camp Nebula.

That's million miles
from the nearest asteroid.

You know the Space Guard, Elroy.

Any place out of this world,
they build a camp.


Okay, honey,
I'll take it from here.

Oh, phew!
This army life is rough.

Being that you're a family
man with responsibilities,

the Space Guard will allow you
sufficient time

to get your affairs in order.

You have exactly two minutes.

Get moving!

Oh, boy. You hear that, honey?

They're all heart.

Oh, George, we're all
going to miss you so.

Gee, that's for sure, Pop.

Would you mind giving me
my allowance in advance?

I'll miss you.

I'll miss you too.

I mean,
I'll miss you, too, Astro.

Oh, now come on.
Come on now.

Come on. Hey, now,
cut it out, everybody.

You've got me doin' it.

You know, in some ways,
I'm glad to go.

It's two weeks' vacation
from that sl*ve driver Spacely.

And he can't do
a thing about it.

Come in.


Reservist Henry
reportin' for duty.

Don't tell me
they're taking you, Henry.

Aren't you over the age limit?

Age limit in the Space Guard?

No. Everybody goes.

Why, shucks, my grandpa
just made rookie of the year.

Well, I'd better get dressed.

Boy, I'd like to see
Spacely's face

when I don't show up for work.

I'll be right with you, Henry.

Okay, Henry, let's go.


Just beautiful.

Oh, George, you pushed
the wrong button again.

Oh, no!

Now, that's more like it.

Call for George Jetson.
Call for George Jetson.

I bet that's the boss wondering
why I'm not at work.

Oh, boy.
This Is gonna be a pleasure.

Spacely, old boss, you're gonna
have to go to work for a change

because I'll be tied up
on government business

for a couple of weeks.

Mr. Spacely!

It's Major Spacely to you,
Private Jetson.

- Salute the screen.
- Uh, oh, uh..

Yes, sir, Major Spacely, sir.

I... I... I... I didn't know
you were in the reserves.

Better than that, Jetson.
I'm your commanding officer.

Now, what's taking you
so long to report?

If you're bucking
for a Section ...

Oh, no. No, no, no, no, sir.
No, sir.

Because [just love
court martials.

They're so dramatic.

Okay, hut, two, three, four.

Forward march.

Hut, two, three, four.
Hut, two, three, four.

Daddy, does a private
get to give anybody orders?

- Yes. Do your homework.
- You can depend on me, sir.

Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.

We have been cooped up in this
thing for over ten minutes.

Yeah. Like, uh,
where is this camp?

I'm used to bein' way out,
but this is ridiculous.

Say, uh, how does
this sound, Mr. Jetson?

"Dear Congressman Flameout,

I wish to protest
the camp conditions."

[Uaughs] Henry, what are
you complainin' about?

We haven't even seen the camp.

Well, that's true, but, uh, it
don't hurt none to be prepared.

Hey, we're here.

"Camp Nebula.
Men from to ."

That's us, Mr. Jetson.

Well, this is it.

What do you think?

Uh, Henry, what was the name
of that congressman again?

I might wanna drop him a card.

Here's your unit, Major Spacely.

The rest is up to you.

Oh, you can depend on me,
Colonel Countdown.

Never mind me.
Worry about General McMissile.

He arrives tomorrow
for an inspection.

Ehh-hh, General McMissile?

Very expl*sive temper.
They call him Old Blastoff.

Old Blastoff, eh?

We'll be ready for him.

Alright, major. Time's wasting.

Get your men organized.

And don't sit down
on the job, understand?

Y-y-y-yes, sir.

Now, men, we have a heavy
schedule ahead of us.

Jetson, I'm appointing you
temporary corporal.

Take the men
to the indoctrination center.

Temporary corporal?
Oh, sir, thank you.

You won't be sorry.
I won't let you down.

I mean, you may have been
a rotten civilian, sir,

but as an officer, you're...

- What's that, Jetson?
- Uh, yes, sir.

To the Indoctrination center,

Alright, fellas.

Who wants to be the first
to be indoctrinated?

You go right ahead, Mr. Jetson.

You're our leader.

Yeah. That's right.

Corporal Jetson reporting
with the new reservists.

Let's have some action.

"Barbershop, unit number ."

Hey, I'd like a little
off the sides.


Hey, wait till I take
my hat off.

I wanna speak to the chaplain.

What's next?

Uh-oh. "Medical exams."


- Say “ah.“

This is no examination.

It's an inquisition.

Heart okay. Next.

Eye test next.

Read chart. Read chart.


Eyes okay. Next. Next.

Eye test. Read chart.

Read chart?
Um, what chart?

Reject. Reject.
Send home. Send home.

IQ test.

This'II be a snap.

Put pegs in holes.
Put pegs in holes.

How juvenile.

Normal. Normal.

- Naturally.
- Next.

IQ test, next.

Put pegs in holes.
Put pegs in holes.

Uh, take the round peg

uh, put into the square hole.

Good thinking.
Shows initiative.

Officer material.
Officer material.


Here's where I get my uniform.

- What size?
- Well, I take a .

Hey, cut it out, will ya? Easy!

Ow! That water's cold!

Hold it. Hold it.
You forgot my shoes.

One pair of shoes coming up.

Yow! Hey, use a shoehorn
next time, will ya?

[Naughs] That Is not
such a bad fit at that.

You know, there's nothin'
like custom tailoring,

is there, Henry?

If you say so, Mr. Jetson.

But are you sure
this is the custom?

Checkout. Checkout.

Approved, US . Next.

Approved, US . Next.

Approved, US . Next.

Henry, your helmet.
Put it on your...

Approved, US .

- Are you okay, Henry?
- I feel fine, thanks.

Now tell me, stewardess,
what time do we get to Chicago?

As your acting corporal,
I must compliment you men.

You look great.
A credit to the firm.

Thanks, Jetson.
We like you too.

And maybe
you'll be our sergeant.

Why, sure. The Space Guard
is known for rapid promotions.

That's right.
I've been here two hours.

- I'm overdue.
- Attention!

AII present
and accounted for, sir.

Fine, fine.
We're behind schedule, men.

We've got to begin
training immediately.

I'm with you, sir.

Naturally, uh, there's got
to be a sergeant.

Someone you men can look up to

with built-in brains
and discipline.

Your new sergeant cost
the government millions.

Sergeant Uniblab,
front and center.

Oh, really, sir, I'm not worth
anything like millions.

I'm, uh... Uniblab?

Oh, no. This scrapheap
is gonna be m*rder.

Back in line, private.
Back in line.

That's the spirit, sergeant.

The service needs
more brains like you.

- Take over.
- Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Close-order drill.
Close-order drill.

Ready, men? Fly up! Fly up!

Fly right! Fly right!

Come on. Close it up!
Close it up!

About fly! About fly!


This brain ain't kiddin',
Mr. Jetson.

No wonder.
He must be buckin' for ROTC.

Robot Officers Training Corps.

Right, fly! Left, fly!

About, fly!
Oblique, fly! Left, fly!

Right, fly!
Left, fly! About, fly!

Goof-ups! Goof-ups!

Eight balls! Eight balls!

Listen, sarge,
we couldn't help it.

Yeah. Uh, we're kinda rusty.

My landing gear's in bad shape.

Okay, okay.
Got a good deal for you.

Raffle! Raffle!

Win a weekend pass.

Only a buck! Only a buck!

Rafflin' off passes?

Are you sure
that's in regulations?

Ah, don't let him
con you, Henry.

Listen, Uniblab.
Put the bite on somebody else.

We're not buyin'.

Need two volunteers.
Two volunteers.

You and you.

Mess hall detail, attention!

About-face! Forward march!

KP duty, huh?

How much do you think
it would cost us

to call that congressman, Henry?

Potato pills?

What do they expect us
to do with these, count 'em?

Hey, you guys, what do ya
think this is? A vacation?

Get those potato pills mashed.

How about that?
Mashed potato pills.

that's what It Is, sl*very.

Now for the final touch.

Okay, Mr. Jetson, turn it on.

Not too much now.

There's nothin'
like a little touch of gravy.

I don't know about you, Henry,

but all this manual labor
has me worn out.

Come on, you goldbricks.

Now, get this place cleaned up.

Oh, boy, this KP is brutal.

They work you to death.

'Let's see. Brush, pail, mop.'

If you do the scrubbin'
and moppin',

I'll take care of the pots
and pans and stuff.

Well, I may as well get started.

No use puttin' it off.

Pots, pans, and dishes.

KP hasn't changed in years.

Hup, two, three, four.

Hup, two, three, four.

Hup, two, three, four.

Alright, now.
Let's get with it.


I don't know
if I can take two weeks of this.

Oh, boy.

Private Jetson.
Paging Private Jetson.

- Over here.
- Phone call. Phone call.

This is Sergeant Uniblab.

Report to my office!
Report to my office!

Can't you see I'm busy?

Important assignment!
Important assignment!

Now that's more like it.

You hear that, Henry?
Uniblab needs me.

It was only a matter of time.

Come in. Come in.

Private Jetson reportin' for...

Hey, what's this?

Martian blackjack!
Martian blackjack!

Everybody wins!
Everybody wins!

But sergeant, we're not
supposed to gamble

on the post. It's definitely...

Glad to have you aboard, Jetson.

Place your bets!
Place your bets!

Winner gets a desk job!
Winner gets a desk job!

I am broke.

And I've gotta reenlist for
two years just to pay him off.

Let me look at those cards,

There's somethin' funny
goin' on.

Beep beep beep

Hmm? Three beeps
and it's the three of spades.

You've been usin' a hi-fi deck

and picking up the signals
on your antennas.

I'm gonna report you
to Major Spacely.

Spacely! Spacely!

- Spacely.
- What's so funny about him?

You know. You work for him.

[Uaughs] Spacely's stupid.
Spacely's stupid.

That's only flattering him.

I could tell you things
you wouldn't believe.

Tell me. Tell me.

- Well...
- Speak up. Speak up.

Won't tell a soul.

Well, I'll never understand
how he got his commission.

Why, do you know that..

And after General McMissile
watches the moon maneuvers,

we'll stage a full-dress review.

Oh, don't worry, colonel.
You can depend on my unit.

Every man is disciplined.

Excuse me, colonel.

This must be a call
from Sergeant Uniblab.

Oh, it's Private Jetson,
one of my troopers.

Works for me back home.
Not too bright but very loyal.

I'II turn up the sound.

Yeah, and that's what happened.

We employees
had this secret ballot, see?

And old Spacely was elected
numbskull of the year.

Nothing like a little
G.I. humor.

Then another time, we got
this crucial government order

for ten -cog Sprockets.

You know what old Spacely did?

He sent out
ten cog Sprockets.

- And then there was the time...
- Attention, Sub-private Jetson!

Oh, boy. Permanent guard duty.

That wouldn't be so bad,
but bustin' me to sub-private

on account of that sneaky
Sergeant Uniblab

and his super snooper camera.

Ooh, I'd like to...

Easy now, private.
I mean, sub-private.

I know a way to fix Uniblab's
tin wagon, if you'd like to try.

- You do? How?
- We short-circuit him.

See, he's over at the dynamo
getting hisself a recharge.

Well, let's go.

I'd try anything to get rid
of that revoltin' robot.

Robot recharger
station number .

Are you sure
this will work, Henry?

Now, don't worry, Mr. Jetson.

I got it all figured out.

- Wow, what a layout.
- Now, where's Uniblab?

There he is.
The last one on the right.

Look at that.
Sleepin' like a baby.

How you doin' back there, Henry?

Won't be long
after I get this cover open.

Well, what do you know?
a*t*matic transmission.

Ah! Here it is.

Out with the robot pack
AC current like so

and in with the robot pack
DC current.

Very simple.

An AC electronic brain
running on a DC current.

Somethin' tells me he's gonna
have an awful day tomorrow.

I can hardly wait.

Where in the heck
is Sergeant Uniblab?

Yeah, like, uh, we've been
standin' around for an hour.

You know how robots are, fellas.

He might be having
ignition trouble.

I got a feelin'
it's worse than that.

I wouldn't be surprised
if he needed a complete valve job.

Hey, hey. Here he comes now.

Jumpin' Jupiter! He must
really have a screw loose.

It looks more like his wires
have been crossed.

You're gettin' warm.


Hooba-dooba. It's inspection.

And this is one
of our crack reserve units,

General McMissile.

First Sergeant Uniblab's
in charge.

He's done wonders
with them, sir.

One of those G.I. robots, eh?

Cost the government millions,
enough for two officers' clubs.

He's worth
every cent to us, sir.

Just give him a little current
and there's nothing he can't do.

I see. If you recommend him,
Major Spacely,

I'II consider him
for the Space Guard Award.

By all means, General.

I'll stake
my reputation on It, slr.

Alright, then.
The award, Colonel.

Yes, sir.

The Good
Behavior Medal, originally awarded

generations ago
back at Cape Canaveral.

One of the chimps won it.

He's gonna pin the medal on him.

It'll be the short circuit
of the century.

Tell me when it's over.
I can't look.

It's a great honor to present
this token of our esteem.

Keep up the good work, sergeant.

More power to you.

It's insubordination,
I'll tell ya!


I want an investigation,

I'll get everyone
responsible for this.

Do you hear me? Everyone!

Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.

Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.

It really ain't so bad.

I mean, uh,
only one more week up here

and we're civilians again.

Yeah, and one thing
about the general,

he certainly took it
out on everybody.

No hard feelings,
is there, Corporal?

Oh, I'll get you
for this, Jetson.

Just you wait till
you're back on the job.

You'll suffer!

Oh! My aching footsies.

The Jetsons.

Brought to you
by Scotch brand Magic Tape.

Looks frosty on the roll,

invisible on the job.

Scotch brand Magic Tape,
in the green plaid dispenser.

Help! Help!

Jane, stop this crazy thing!


Help, Jane!