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01x16 - The Little Man

Posted: 04/03/22 09:24
by bunniefuu
N Meet George Jetson N'

N His boy Elroy N

N Daughter Judy N

N Jane his wife NM

The Jetsons.

Brought to you by...

This is the home
of Spacely Space Sprockets,

whose industrial leadership

with Cogswell Cosmic Cogs

is founded on the deepest
concept of courtesy,

kindness and cooperation.

Mr. Spacely calling,
Mr. Cogswell.

That loudmouth Spacely?

- Put him on.
- Yes, sir.

you're a no-good crook.

Well, you aren't any space angel
yourself, Spacely.

Compared to you,
I'm a regular boy scout.

If you think, you can
squeeze me out of business

by refusing to sell me cogs,
you've flipped.

If I never see
another Cogswell cog

it'll be too soon.

Quiet, Spacely.
Can't you see I'm putting?

Ha! You missed.

Don't make me laugh, Spacely.

Haven't you learned by now
that Cogswell never misses?

Watch this.

Don't tell me
you're gonna count that.

Stop looking over my shoulder,
will you?

It makes me nervous.

Now, quiet, Spacely.
I'm driving.


Why, you did that
on purpose, Cogswell.

That's the last straw.

You're telling me?

You've ruined my five iron.

Yeah, well,
what about my bowling ball?

What bowling ball?

Oh, that bowling ball.

You know what this means,
don't you, Cogswell?

Don't tell me you're
gonna put me out of business again.

That's right.

And this time I got the gimmick
to wipe you out for good.

- The Minavac.
- Minavac-schminavac.

All I ever got out of your
gimmicks was a good laugh.

I'll believe it when I see it.

All right, wise guy.

Be at my place in half an hour
and I'll prove it to you.

- I'll be there.
- Good.

And you better bring
a crying towel.

It's gonna be a sad scene.

- Oh, just a minute, Spacely.
- Yeah, what is W?

You forgot something. Here.

- Uh-oh.
- Have a ball.

A bowling ball, that is.

Oh, well. That's the way
the bowling ball bounces.

Come on, Jetson. Cogswell
will be here any minute.

- Is the Minavac ready?
- Take it easy, boss.

After all,
Rome wasn't built In a day.

Oh, knock off the philosophy,
will ya?

- You just fix the machine.
- Yes, sir.

Just think, Jetson.

With this Minavac, we'll save
a fortune in shipping charges.

We'll reduce our products
before we ship them

and enlarge 'em after they
arrive at their destination.

Beautiful, isn't it?

I think I have it workin' now,
Mr. Spacely.

You better have
or you've had it.

Hey, boss, let's test run
this crate of sprockets

through the Minavac
and see what happens.

Good idea. I'll start 'er up.

Now, let's see,
uh, press button to reduce.

There. She's on.

Beep beep

Yippee! It works, it works!

Goes In big, comes out small.

We've done it.

Uh, Mr. Spacely,
there's just one thing.

Think of it, Jetson.
Cogswell wiped out.

Finished. Starving out
in the cold street.

But, Mr. Spacely, I...

It's like a lovely
beautiful fairytale come true.

- Eh, George?
- But... but...

Don't interrupt me
when I'm happy.

Okay, Spacely. I'm here.

Ijust hope
this Minavac is as funny

as that solar-powered
nuclear stamp licker

you had last week.

Go ahead.
Laugh it up, Cogswell.

You haven't got
many laughs left.

You sure you didn't get this
out of a cereal box, Spacely?

If you'll just clam up
for a minute

I'll show you how I'm gonna
put you out of business.

Jetson, proceed
with Operation Clobber Cogswell.

But, Mr. Spacely, sir.
There's one little thing...

Quiet, Jetson.

If I want any hot air from you,
I'll squeeze your head.

It's the reverse-o-matic

There's still a few bugs in it.

And you better quit
buggin' me, Jetson.

But, Mr. Spacely, if we don't
fix it, we'll be in trouble.

Now, observe, Cogswell.

Jetson and that crate
entered the Minavac there

and in just two seconds, presto!

Jetson and the crate
are reduced to inches.

Well, Cogswell,
what do you think?

Very funny. Very funny.

The six-inch crate might go
with the kiddies,

but who needs
a six-inch-high employee?

Well, just think of the savings
and shipping costs.

And, uh...
A six-inch-high employee?

Jetson, go through
that machine again

and get back
to your normal size.

And get back to work.

I can't, Mr. Spacely.

Like I tried to tell ya,

the reverse-o-matic
isn't workin'.

I can't enlarge.

And I wanted to put Cogswell
out of business so bad.

Keep trying, Spacely.
Keep trying.

Don't let a little
thing like this stop you.

Oh, you came through again, pal.

Best laugh I've had in weeks.

Your puny efforts to put me out
of business are a regular riot.

Jetson, are you trying
to make me look small

in front of Cogswell?

What about me?
I feel pretty small myself.

If you don't want
a small salary to match,

you better fix that Minavac.

Uh, yes, sir.
Right away, sir.

Hmm. Let's see.

Maybe it's the inversion

Or it might be the
Spinvac dry cycle.

I'll just have to fish around.

I'm waiting, Jetson.

I got It, slr. I'll
have It fixed In a jiffy.

Good work, Jetson.
What was the trouble?

Well, this old
worn-out Cogswell cog.

All I gotta do is replace it.

Fine, fine.
Better rush right out

and get a, uh, uh...

Cogswell cog! Oh, no.

Somethin' wrong, boss?

Looks like we struck out
again, Jetson.

Cogswell has clapped
a trade ban on us.

He won't sell us a cog.

You mean I'm stuck here
at six inches?

Don't worry, Jetson.
I'll think of something.

I'll go home and sleep on it.

Y... y... you may have the rest
of the day off.

Oh, brother. I had a feelin'
I'd wind up on the short end.

I sure hope this crate
knows its way home.

I ain't even big enough
to see where I'm goin'.

Oh, why do I let Mr. Spacely
get me into these fixes?

Oh, a lawbreaker, eh?

Well, nobody runs
through my intersection.

Oh, boy. I hope that's a fire
truck and not a traffic cop.

My luck. It is a traffic cop.

Okay, Buck Rogers.
Pull over to the nearest cloud.

Is he kiddin'?
I can hardly reach the brake.

Boy, what some guys won't do

to get
on television traffic court.

Okay, let's see
your driver's license.

I'm sorry, officer.
Did I do something wrong?

What's the matter, officer?
You look sick.

Pull yourself together, Oranium.

You've been working too hard.

When I start seein'
little guys flyin' around,

it's time to retire
to that chicken ranch

I have up on that asteroid.

Here comes George, Astro.

And I better start dinner.

George is always famished
after a hard day's work.

Well, at least I got home
without being stepped on.

Maybe I ought to sue Spacely
for character shrinkage.

Hi, Jane, honey. Now, don't panic
before I can explain.

- You see, I was...
- Mwah.

He"o, dean

That's what I call a big kiss.

Anything interesting happened
at the office today?

Nothing to stand up
and scream about.

George, you look like an insect.

- Do you have to bug me too?
- Well, what happened?

Well, I got caught

in Mr. Spacely's
new Minavac machine.

It shrinks everything
down to six inches.

- Minavac?
- Yeah.

And the enlarger
is on the fritz.

It needs a new cog.

Well, why don't you
get a new one?

Because it needs a Cogswell cog

and Mr. Cogswell
won't sell us one.

So I'm caught short till Spacely
can figure out something.

Oh, dear, this is awful.

What will our friends say?

What will I say to our friends?

Astro, boy, it's me. It's me.

Hello, shorty.

What do you mean,
"Hello, shorty?"

Look here, Astro,
don't get smart with me.

I may be only six inches tall

but I'm still master
around here, you get it?

- Yeah, I got it.
- I'm the boss.

- You're the boss.
- That's right. Now sit!

- All right.
- Yowch!

Astro, will you please
get off my back?

Get up, Astro, and let
the boss have his dinner.

But Daddy, what happens if
Mr. Spacely can't get a new cog?

Yes, what'“ you do, George?

I don't know. Maybe I can
get a job threadin' needles.

Gee, how can we look up
to a six-inch father?

I'll wear elevator shoes.

Boy, am I famished.

Can I help you
with some turkey, dear?

No, I'm big
enough to feed myself.

I'll start with this drumstick.


Watch out, George.
You'll fall off the table.


- George, are you alright?
- Yeah, I'm alright.

But maybe I should start
with a small cr*cker.

Okay, Jane. I'll try again.

Will you please
pass the salt, please?

Of course, dear.

I guess my appetite is the
only big thing about me. Heh-heh-heh.

Hey, what the..

Things like this
could drive me to drink,

but I'd probably drown tryin'.

Maybe you should just have
a glass of milk, dad.

That's a good idea, Elroy.

That ought to be easy
enough to do.

Easy, George. Easy.

Steady, now.

I may as well face it.
I'm just gonna starve.

Poor George.
He's helpless as a baby.

Baby. That's it.

You wait right there, George.
I have an idea.

You mean..

There. Isn't that better
than going hungry?

Yeah, only Ijust hope none of
the boys drop over, that's all.

Oh, it's a good thing

I didn't throw away
any of Elroy's baby things.

It's the televiewer.
Elroy, will you see who it is?

Okay, mom.

No, no, no, no.
I'll answer it.

Maybe Spacely's fixed
the Minavac.

Hiya, Mr. Spacely.

Jetson, our problems
are almost over.

- You mean, you found a cog?
- No.

But I figured out
a way to get one.

Oh, yeah? How?

Tomorrow morning,
you're gonna sneak

into Cogswell's factory
and take one.

Oh, now, wait a minute.
Me? Sneak in?

Oh, but, Mr. Spacely, how?

The place is crawling
with armed guards.

Oh, it can't be done.

Don't confuse me
with facts, Jetson.

Just get me a cog.

- Goodnight!
- What's that?

I said good night, sir.


- Well, I ain't gonna do it.
- But you must, dear.

If you remain this size,
what will people say?

I know what they'll say.

They'll say, "Look at the shrimp.
Look at the shrimp."

Yeah. Look at the shrimp.
Look at the shrimp.

Elroy, go to bed!

Yes, shrimp, dad.

Look at the shrimp!
Look at the shrimp!

- You too.
- Yes, sir.

Anyone else?

You better get
some sleep, too, George.

You're gonna be
a busy little man tomorrow.

Yeah, honey.
I guess you're right.

I'll just have to get
that Cogswell cog

or I'll be a short guy
on along unemployment line.

- Goodnight, George.
- Goodnight.


Astro, open your mouth!

Open your mouth
and let me out of here!

How many times
do I have to tell you

no sleeping in our bedroom!

George, are you up yet?
Your breakfast is getting cold.

Am I up yet, she says.

At this time in the mornin'
I don't even know if I'm alive.

Well, I better hit the deck.

Oh, boy. Some days it just
doesn't pay to fall out of bed.

I've heard of singin'
in the shower

but I never heard
of singin' in the sink.


How's your coffee, dear?

There must be... an easier way.

You better hurry
or you'll be late for work.

Yeah, that's right.
I gotta play space spy today.

Solong, dean

I'll see you later, I hope.

Bye, Dad.

So long, Judy honey.
Have a good day at school.

- Be a good boy, Elroy.
- So long, Dad.



Boy, what a lickin'
I take from that dog.

- Here comes the boss.
- Morning, boys.

- Morning, Mr. Cogswell.
- Morning, sir.

- There goes a real tycoon.
- Yeah, the tycooniest.

Now, how does Spacely expect me
to get past those two guards?

I better check with him.

Calling Spacely Sprockets.

This is George Jetson
calling Spacely Sprockets.

Morning, Jetson.
Have you got that cog yet?

Uh, well, no, sir.
Not exactly, sir.

There's a couple of big guards
at the gate.

- How am I gonna pass them?
- Just sneak by them.

You're so small,
they'll never see ya.

Now, bring back that cog

and you'll go down
in Sprocket history.

If you fail, well,
there are other small jobs

for small characters.

Goodbye and good luck.

Oh, boy.
He doesn't have much trouble

gettin' his point across.

Well, here goes.

Uh, uh, did you notice
a little guy

about six inches sneak by?

but I ain't sayin' nothin'.

Me neither. I got a retirement
physical comin' up.

Well, gettin' past those guards
was easy enough.

I wonder where old fatso
Cogswell keeps his cogs.

Look at the shrimp.
Look at the shrimp.

Mr. Fatso.
I mean, Mr. Cogswell.

I've been expecting you, Jetson.
I know the whole bit.

So, you can't operate the
Minavac without this cog, eh?

I got old Spacely
right where I want him.

In the palm of my hand.

Oh, yeah?


I got It!
Thanks, Mr. Cogswell.

I'II swat you like a bug
in a rug, Jetson.

After a century
of brilliant scientific progress,

you'd think someone would invent
a decent flyswatter!

Hold it, Jetson. Hold it!

Come back here with my property!

Besides, I wanna welcome you
to my club.

The golf club, that is.


Uh-oh, he's got me cornered.


I knew
I should've used a five Iron.

Oh, boy, I think
I finally lost him.

But I haven't lost you.

My favorite dish.

Jetson Under Glass.

Hand over that cog, Jetson.

Uh-oh. Uh, you wouldn't
do that, would you?


You wouldn't stick me
with a pin.

- Uh-huh.
- Yow!

Come back with that cog, Jetson!

Put it on Spacely's bill.
Goodbye, Mr. Cogswell.

Well, he got away,
but I'm not licked yet.

Now listen, you guys,
no one under inches high

is to pass through this gate,

Yeah, sure, boss, sure.

Twelve inches high? Shee.

Cogswell musta slipped a cog.

With this repairman disguise,
I'II bluff my way

into Spacely's and remove
the cog from the Minavac.

I told you I'd solve
everything, Jetson.

- Is the new cog in place?
- All set, Mr. Spacely.

I sorta hate to enlarge you.

I was gonna give you a salary
to match your size.

Well, here goes.

You know, I sorta hate
to get big again.

I was beginning to feel like
Jetson in Wonderland.

Hooba-dooba, it works!

I'm back to my normal size.

Now I can put Cogswell
out of business.

I'll call him up right away
and tell him to crawl over

and sign the merger papers.

Oh, he'll flip.

Gee, I feel king-size.

- Hello, there.
- Huh?

Someone here called

for a Viennese
specialist repairman, no?

Don't be upset.

I will have the machine
working in no time.

- But the Minavac is fixed.
- That's what they all say.

What do you know?

You is just a simple simpleton.

Now, let me see. The clavicle
is connected to the hipbone.

The hipbone connected
to the Cogswell cog...

There's somethin' phony
goin' on here.

Jetson, who's that fiddling
around with the Minavac?

- Some repairman, sir.
- A repairman?

Well, I tried to tell him
there's nothin' wrong

with the Minavac, Mr. Spacely.

Wait a minute.
That's no repairman.

I'd recognize
that sneaky Cogswell anywhere.

- Oh, Cogswell.
- Ouch.

- What's the big idea?
- Sabotage, what else?

I want that Cogswell cog back.

How would you like a punch
on the nose instead?

- Is that a threat?
- Put 'em up, Cogswell!

I'm gonna teach you a lesson.

Uh-oh. There they go again.
I might as well relax.

They'll keep this up
for a couple hours or so.

I'm warning you, Spacely.
I used to be a Golden Glove boy.

Well, you're gonna be
a fat-Iipped man now.

I'm waiting, Spacely.

I'II murderlize you, Cogswell.

- You and what army, shorty?
- Shorty?

Hey, hey, uh, we shrunk!

I'm sorry, Mr. Spacely.

I hit the reducing button
by mistake.

Well, hit the enlarging button,
you mutton-head.

Uh, yes, sir.

Uh-oh! I think we blew a fuse.
What do we do now?

Jetson, you are fired!

You be quiet, Cogswell.
He's my employee.

Jetson, before I fire you,

how long will it take
to get a new fuse?

It'll take at least a week
to ship one out from Plutonia.

A week! Oh, great.

Wh-what do we do till then?

Anyone for cards?

I'II enjoy beating you
one way or another.

Jetson, call our wives
and tell 'em we got to solve

a couple of small problems

while I clobber Cogswell
at pinochle.

Yes, sir. Right away, sir.

Alright, Spacely. I'II match you
and raise ya five.

I'II match you and double it.

Okay, Spacely,
how about a new hand?

I'm so glad
my big daddy is back.

It sure is nice
having a full-size dad again.

Yeah. I can look up
to you again. Right, Pop?

[Uaughs] Yeah, look, let's
forget the whole thing, huh?

I never wanna hear
about it again.

I'm starved, Janey.
What's for dinner?

- Shrimp.
- Shrimp!

- Not that word again.
- Yeah.

Look at the shrimp.
Look at the shrimp.

Now, cut that out.

Oh, boy.

The Jetsons.

Brought to you by Saran Wrap,

the transparent food wrap
that clings to any shape

to keep food fresher.

Get clinging,
crystal-clear Saran Wrap.

Help! Help!

Jane, stop this crazy thing!


Help! Jane!