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01x14 - Test Pilot

Posted: 04/03/22 09:17
by bunniefuu
N Meet George Jetson N'

N His boy Elroy N

N Daughter Judy N

N Jane, his wife N

The Jetsons.

Brought to you by...

Morning, Janey.
Oh, boy, am I starving.

Would you dial
my breakfast for me?

Of course, George.
What would you like?

Oh, ham and eggs.
Toast and coffee.

Ham, eggs, toast, coffee.

Here you are, dear.

Thanks, honey.
Oh, looks delicious.

George, what's wrong?

You burned the toast again.

Now, don't start telling me
about your mother's breakfasts.

Well, it's true. No one could
dial a meal like Mother could.

Oh, George, we need silverware
and there's a big sale

at Stears Robot
Department Store, and I...

Honey, honey, you asked me
for $ yesterday.

Now, what did you do with that?

You didn't give It to me.

Excuses, excuses,
that's all I hear.

- Morning, Dad.
- Hi, Pops.


Oh, Daddy, you look
so handsome this morning.

No, Judy, no money
for stereophonic music tapes.

That's telling her, Pop.

Money should be spent
on useful things.

Like a new
toy space fire engine.

Nope. You'll have to
make your old toys do, Elroy.

Oh, gee whiz.

And you're gonna have to make
your old bones do too.

Ah, nuts!

We're not gonna spend our money
on silly things.

We've got to think
of our old age.

Oh, boy, am I late for work.

We'll talk about this tonight.

What happens if we don't
reach an old age?

Then we're stuck
with all that money.

“And at present, Professor
Lunar of our research staff

Is working
on an Indestructible garment."

Please spell indestructible.

Oh, these tin secretaries.

I-N-D-A... No, that's not right.

I-N-D-I... Uh...

Oh, just say he's working on a
garment that'll never wear out.

You got that?

"Signed C.S. Spacely."
Uh, make two copies of...

Ah-ha! Jetson!
And late for work as usual.

Y ow ch'.!

Time on your hands, Jetson?

Ah, Mr. Spacely, I...

We're late again,
aren't we, Jetson?

Oh, are you late too?

Well, if you don't say anything,
neither will I, sir.

Jetson, you'd better report

for your company
insurance physical now.

The way I feel about you,
you better be insured.

Uh, yes. Yes, sir.

And I'll take care
of your lateness later,

after I check on
Professor Lunar's progress.

Mr. Spacely, I've done it.
I've done it at last.

I've invented
the indestructible jacket.

Nothing can hurt the jacket
or the man who wears it.

And it will last a lifetime.

Good work, Professor.
We'll call it a Spacely life jacket.

Cogswell's Cogs, ha!

It'll soon be Cogswell's Cobwebs.

Oh, with this invention,
I'II corner the market.

Cogswell, you're through.

Hey, what's going on?

Mr. Cogswell, I've done it.
I've done it at last.

I've invented
the indestructible jacket.

Now, with this invention
I shall corner the market.

Spacely's Sprockets are through.

Spacely, you're through.

They've got the same jacket.

Impossible. Why, I've spent
every minute of the last years

of my life on this invention.

Well, take a look.

Hmm? Oh, well.

Easy come, easy go.

We've got to beat Cogswell
to the market.

But we have to test
the jacket first.

We've got to get the
Good Spacekeeping seal of approval.

Oh, you're right. We'll give
it the toughest test possible.

But we need a test pilot.

Yes, a man who's
brave and fearless.

One who can look death
right in the eye with a laugh.

Yes, a regular nut.

Dr. Radius, my name's Jetson.

I'm here for the company
insurance physical.

Oh, yes, you're from
Spacely's Sprockets.

I'll be right with you.

Oh, boy, he must've had
a terrible accident.

I never saw so many bandages.

It's a genuine mummy,
perfect for my research.

Now, let's proceed
with your examination.

Have you ever taken one of our
Peekaboo Prober capsules?

Peekaboo Prober capsules?
No, how's it work?

You just swallow it
and it transmit pictures

to a TV screen.

You're gonna televise pictures
of my insides?

'That's right.'

The Peekaboo capsule will
send back on the spot reports

of everything.

Ah, you ought to play
some background music.

You know, like
"Liver Come Back to Me."

Ah, now, just relax.

Or maybe, maybe,
"I Get a Kidney Out of You?"

How about,
"Lung Ago and Far Away?"

Open your mouth, please.
That should be easy for you.

Come on now, say, "Ah."


Fire one.

Doctor to Explorer One,
what is your position?

Down and down I go,
Just passing by the Adam 's apple.

Let's see it.

Hmm. Looks okay from here.

Now, here we are at the stomach.

Stand by.

Do you take pills, Jotson?


What's that one
pill just lying there?

Oh, that's my
wife's Idea of breakfast.

Doctor to prober, where are you?

Going into the lungs.

How are the lungs?


You ever been
in Pittsburgh, Doc?

Let's see the heart.

That's kind of a
strange beat, Isn't It?

Yeah, guess the
natives are restless tonight.

Now, go up to the brain.

Going up.

I don't see anything.

Neither do I.

Very funny, very funny.

Maybe the light's bad.

Zip across to the other side of the
head and try a shot from there.

On the way.

Full speed ahead.

Where are you now?

Thought I overshot
a little, but It's okay.

I'm still in the head.

Oh, good.
Now give me a shot of the brain.

Roger, just have
to open this door.

Wow, this is the first time
I've been in a haunted head.

How do things look to you?

May I speak freely?

Come on, what do you think
of the patient's condition?

Well, if you really
want to know...

What's that mean, Doc?

I'm afraid it's just
a matter of time, Jetson.

- Then, poof.
- Poof?

- Pfft.
- Pfft?

But I'm not ready to pfft.
What can I do?

Get some rest.

- You mean I should be in bed.
- You should be in a bottle.

Oh, how long do I have?

Let's just say
if you have anything to do,

do it right away and hurry.

Yes, there is one thing
I've been wanting to do.

Lunar, I've offered everything.

Bonuses, pensions, but no one
will test the life jacket.

I can't understand it.
It's safe as being

in your mother's arms.

I would absolutely guarantee it.

Say, why don't you test it?

Me? Do you think I'm a nut?

Somewhere there must be a man
brave enough.

I say, what about Jetson?

Jetson? He's a mouse.

Jetson, just what
do you think you're doing?


Jetson, you're making me mad.

Oh, you're getting hot
under the collar.

You need cooling off.

- Jetson, I'm going to...
- You're going to what?

I say, how about that?
The mouse is now a man.


He's just the mouse...
I mean, man we need.

Oh, yes, of course.
You're right, Lunar.

You don't have
to fire me. I quit.

Fire? Well, who said anything
about firing you?

Is it because
you were late this morning?

Why, you can be late
for the next ten years.

I'm gonna be late, alright.

The late George Jetson.

Oh, leave us, Professor.

I have some questions
to ask my friend, Mr. Jetson.

Yes. See you later,

Well, you've changed, Jetson.

I've never seen you
like this before.

The real George Jetson
finally stood up.

Oh. Well then, would the real
George Jetson care to sit down?

Take my chair.

Aren't you mad at me?

Why should I be mad?

So you spilled a little water on me.
I like water.

See? So my head's
got a little water on it.

What can I get?
Dish pan hair.

I'll come to the point, Jetson.

I got a proposition for you.
Only thing, it may be dangerous.

Danger is my racket.

We'll have to move quickly.
We don't have much time.

You're telling me.

Okay, I'll pay you an extra
cents an hour

and all you have to do is...

Wait a minute.

Just as I thought, Cogswell.

Uh, it's not
what you think, Spacely.

I didn't hear one word of your
outrageous offer to Jetson.

But aren't you ashamed?

Offering him a mere
cents per hour extra

to risk life and limb.

Jetson, I'll give you
cents to test my jacket.

You can't tempt Jetson
with money. Can he?


Ah, this boy is shrewd, shrewd.
I want you with me, boy.

I'II double your salary.
I'll give you a company car

Jetson, wait.

I'II triple your salary.

And your own key
to the executive washroom.

You're too smart for me, Jetson.
I'm putty in your hands.

Look, a $ bonus.

Five thousand shares
of Space“, preferred stock.

And on top of that,
a $ bonus.


He's not gonna part
with that, son.

That money hasn't seen
the light of day in ages.


See that sign?
Cogswell Cogs.

Come with me and it'll read
Cogswell and Jetson.

Stay with me and we'll make ours
Spacely and Jetson.

Uh, Jetson and Spacely?

I'll tell you what. Let's toss a
coin and you can call it, Spacely.


- Two out of three?
- No.

Jetson, come with Cogswell Cogs,
because we are on our way up.

Wrong. You're on your way down.

I wonder when he had
this one installed.

Welcome back
to Spacely Sprockets, Jetson.

I've got a simple little
agreement for you to sign.

If the tests
on the jacket work out,

this'll make you a partner.

All you have to do is sign here.

And here and here
and here and there.

What'll I tell my wife?
She won't like this.

Oh, send the family away
on a vacation.

And don't worry about money.

You'll make enough to last
you the rest of your life.

I was hopin'
to do better than that.

Oh, what's mine is yours.
I'll give you everything you need.

Help yourself.
Anything in the place.

Oh, thanks, boss, that's swell.

Hey, that's my pen.

Alright, family,
I suppose you're wondering

why I called this meeting.

Uh-oh, Astro.
Here comes another lecture.

Jane, this morning, you wanted
to buy some silverware.

Here, get it in gold.

Gold silverware?

Judy, you wanted some
stereophonic tapes.

Go get yourself a band.

Now, what can I do
for you, Elroy?

If I known
you were fillin' requests

I'd have brought a list.

You wanted a toy
space fire engine?

Get yourself a real fire engine.

Might as well
get yourself a fire too.

What about me?

Of course, Astro.
You wanted a bone.

Buy yourself a meat market.

But George,
this morning you were talking

about saving for your old age.

Well, old age I'm no longer
worried about, Jane.

And I want you and the children
to take a vacation

at the Big Dipper Dude Ranch.


No buts. There'll be nothing
to disturb you.

No TV, no newspapers,
you'll have a nice rest.

You've changed, George.

Yeah, more than you know.

This is the day,
folks, the first of a series

of dangerous tests
for the Spacely life jacket.

And here's the test pilot himself,
George Jetson.

And his boss, Mr. Spacely.

Oh, Mr. Jetson, I guess you're quite
concerned about these tests.

- Well, I...
- I certainly am.

Sure hope nothing happens
to that life jacket.

Oh, Mr. Spacely, your every
thought must be with

the courageous man
who's risking his life for you.

- Who's that?
- Your test pilot, Mr. Jetson.

Oh, him. Yeah.
I sure am worried about him.

He's wearing my life jacket.

Today, they'll test
the hydro-resistance factor.

Jetson is tied to
the hydro-prop and will now go

for a little spin.

Is there anything you'd like
to say before you hit the water?

Yeah. Hold my cigarette.

The life jacket is alright.

And here's the test pilot.

Let's listen to his first
history-making words

since coming out of the water.

Anybody got a towel?

What bravery.
Jetson is about to undergo

the force-factor test,
and he isn't concerned at all.

Look at that man.

In a moment tons of force
will crash down on him,

- and does he care?
- Uh-uh.

How was it, Jetson?

You know, this is the first time
I've had a jacket pressed

while I was wearing it.

Look at that profile.

Oh, he's so brave.

Oh, crazy,
mixed up kids, they love me.

Come on! Come on!

But, boss,
they're playing my song.

Oh, come on, let's get
this test over with fast.

I wanna get back to my fan club.

This will be the vertical
horizontal wearage test.

Watch the countdown.

Nine, eight, seven, six.

I wonder what the test is.

Five, four, three, two, one.

That must have been
the vertical.

Here comes the horizontal.

Good. Not a scratch.

Jetson, if this keeps up
you're gonna be a big man.

A real big man.

I don't know, think I'm getting
the short end of the deal.

[mam Jetson, world hero.

From America comes news
that George Jetson has done it again.

Uh, this chap is testing some
sort of a jacket of some sort

and they've been doing all sorts
of nasty things to him.

Hmm, can't understand
what all the fuss is about.

Styling's all wrong
for daytime wear.

All the news from America is
about the hero George Jetson.

George, if you were here,
I would kiss you on both cheeks.

Like this.

And like this,

And again.

- And again.
- And again.

That's all we have time
for, folks, so goodnight.

And again,
and again, and again...

Jetson done it again.

But phoeey!

Besides, we invented it first.

Those teeth are awful sharp.

What do you care?
It's my life.

Yeah, but it's my life jacket.

You ready?

Just a minute.

Cut along the dotted line.

Oh, this is no
time for clowning.

- You ready?
- Let her rip.

Don't say that.

Ready for the thermoelectric
resistance test?


Wait, wait.

Hold this
while I throw the switch.

I say, it's a success.

Ah, what's this for?

For lunch, what else.

Oh, look at that.

Boy, ten billion dollars'
worth of advance orders.

After the big test tomorrow,
we'll get the Good Spacekeeping

seal of approval.

Cheer up, partner.

The way you're going,
you'll have money to burn.

I was hoping to go
in the other direction.

This is the final test, folks.

Jetson will be raised
to a height of three miles

and then dropped by parachute.

During his descent
two Anti-m*ssile Missiles

at , miles per hour

will crash into the suit

Frightened? Me?

I wish these tests
could go on forever.

Please, let me through.
I must see that man.

Remember me?

Sure, you're the one
who told me I was going to pfft.

- It was a mistake.
- I'm not going to pfft?

- Uh-uh.
- Not even poof?

No, you're completely healthy.

You should live to be .

Ah, thank heavens!

Do you have anything to say,
Mr. Jetson?



Please, Mr. Spacely,
don't launch those missiles.

I've got a good years
ahead of me.

They missed him.
Poor Jetson must be disappointed.

But he needn't be.
Those missiles never give up.

Something's wrong.

Jetson appears
to be tangled in his chute.

Oh, no.

Two of them.

Olé, olé, toro.

Olé, ole.

Olé, ole.

Olé, oy vey.

- What nerve.
- Unbelievable.

And to my son, Elroy,
I leave my fishing pole

And the bowling ball
he's always wanted.

And to my wife Jane
and my daughter Judy

I leave all my money
and valuables.

This is George Jetson signing off.

The missiles
are converging on Jetson.

They're about to crash.

He's okay!
Jetson's okay!

Only a few smudges.
The jacket's a success.

Oh, Mr. Spacely,
I'm not going through with this.

I thought I was going
to pfft, and...

I'll bet you're sorry
the tests are over.

Over? Honest?

The tests are over
and I'm still here?

You've done it, Jetson.
You've done it.

I'II announce your new position
as Vice President

of Spacely Sprockets
at the banquet tonight.

George, won't you even tell us

what this banquet is all about?

You'll find out about it
tonight, honey.

But all the money
we've been spending.

Allowing the children and me
to buy whatever we want.

Don't worry your pretty
little head.

And there'll be plenty more.
Our ship has finally come in.

Good evening, George, Jane.

Better get into
the life jacket, George.

We don't wanna be late.

Yeah. Jane, where's
the jacket I left here?

Oh, that. I'll get it.

This is it, partner.

Tomorrow, Spacely and Jetson
becomes a household word.

Excuse me, Jetson and Spacely.

It looked a little soiled,
so I put it in the washing machine.

Well, mighty thoughtful
of you, Jane.

Just think, this little jacket
made it all possible.

Oh, no.

Ah, it must have fallen apart
in the washing machine.

It was hit by lightning, missiles,
it was indestructible.

But it isn't washable.

We should've put a label on it,
dry clean only.

All my dreams.

My millions gone!
I'm broke! Ruined!

You mean, Spacely Sprockets
is out of business?

- Yes.
- Excuse me.

Now, hear this.

Everything, everything you all
bought goes back to the store.

But George,
you said our ship had come In.

It sunk.

Jetson, where are you going?

To Cogswell Cogs
to see about a job.

You mean, you'd work
for Cogswell after all this?

You'd forget your pride and go
crawling to him for a job?

You'd do that for
a few measly dollars a week?


Wait for me, Jetson!
I'll go with you!

The Jetsons.

Brought to you by...

famous Colgate dental cream
with activated Gardol.

Brushing after eating with Colgate
helps stop bad breath,

helps fight decay.

Help! Help!
Jane, stop this crazy thing.


Help, Jane.