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01x08 - Rosie's Boyfriend

Posted: 04/03/22 09:13
by bunniefuu
N Meet George Jetson M

N Daughter Judy N

The Jetsons,

brought to you by...

- Well. we're here, Judy.
- Golly.

It was so nice of you to run me
home from school, Booster.

Think nothing of it, moon-girl.
Pick you up right after supper?

Yes, Booster.

- Your carry-belt on tight?
- Yes, Booster.

Oh, hey, you forgot
your geometry tapes.

Oh. So I did.


Hey, you always gotta adjust
the anti-gravity, Judy.

Yes, Booster.

You've gotta remember
to compensate for extra weight.

- Oh, yes, Booster.
- Now you're okay.

Yes, Booster.

If you still feel a drag,
turn the control up a little.

- Yes, Booster.
- Be ready on time, star-chick.

Yes, Booster.

Ah, yes, Booster.

Hey, why don't you watch it?

Yes, Booster.

Hey, you in a fog or something?

Yes, Booster.

Down here, young lady.

Why, Booster.
What are you doing here?

My name's not Booster.

And why aren't you
looking where you're going?

Oh, you-you're
not Booster? Oh!

I mean, what's
the matter officer?

That's what I'm asking.

That car almost vaporized you.

Let's hear your license.

Judy Jetson. Skypad Apartments.
License .

No record
of any traffic violation.

You ought to know enough to stay
in the pedestrian lanes.

Yes, sir.

Alright, Miss Jetson.
Take off.

- But watch your power.
- I will. Thanks officer.

And I'll be careful.

Oh, good afternoon, Miss Judy.

- Why, Booster..
- Who? No.

It's me, Henry.

Oh! Oh, I've got it bad.

Oh, you're looking
awfully handsome today, Henry.

- I am?
- Uh-huh.

So do those windows.
So does everything.

Eh... say, are you feelin'
alright, Miss Judy?

Oh, I feel fine.
I'm in love, Henry.


I beg your pardon?

I'm sorry Miss Judy,
but... who is it this time?

His name is Booster Pendleton.

And he is absolutely
the spaciest.

- Well, he must be.
- See you.

Oh, Rosey, you darling
beautiful girl.

Afternoon, Miss Judy.

You learned this exercise
in school?

We're dancing, Rosey.

Maybe you are...

all I'm doing is winding up
my springs.

I'm in love.

I'm dizzy.

In love again?

For the absolutely last time.

Oh, he's simply
the utmost, Rosey.

- The utmost.
- Sure.

Just like the last one.


Not beep beep,

For you, tra-Ia-Ia-Ia.
For me, nonsense.

Evenin', Mr. Jetson.

Say, I see your retro-brakes
need adjustin' again.

The what, say?
Speak up!

I can't hear you
with that bubble down.

No. I still don't
get it, Mr. Jetson.

Give me a hint.

How many words?

Three. Three words.

Okay. Give me the first word.
Oh, I love games.

Up. Upsidaisy?

Grip. Grab?

Got. Get?

That's it, huh?

Good. Good.

And now for the second word.

Ooh, this is fun.
Kinda making my day.

You? Get you?

No, no, no.
Eh, me?

Get me?

Oh, I get it.

If I don't get it,
I'm gonna get it, huh?

That's kinda funny too.
Okay. Third word.

Make like a bird?

Flippin' flappin'?

Wings, eh..

Knickknack? Knocknook.

Knock knock.


It's no use,
Mr. Jetson.

I just can't hear a word.

Here, let me, uh...
open it up.

Get me out!

Well, you don't have to shout!

Huh, I can hear you.

Oh, say, I got something
I wanna show you.

Hey, what's that
you takin' apart?

What do you mean takin' apart?
I'm puttin' it together.

He is my new helper.
And I call him Mac.

Now, Mac is gonna take a lot
of the load off of me

around this place.

I'll bet.
How do you know It works?

We're gonna try him right now.

Eh, you see?

Oh, that's real smooth.

What does it do besides
make noise?


Say, hello, Mac.

Hello. Hello.

Hey, did you hear that?

Sounds like a broken down
interspace stereo.

Now, listen, I didn't build him
to have somebody to talk to.

He is gonna work for me.

Yeah? Doin ' what?

Whatever I tell him to do.

Now, watch.

Say, Mac, um, I left
my tool kit outside.

Eh, go get it.

Tool kit.

Tool kit.

Yes, sir.
He's sure gonna help.

Only, what are you gonna do
when he runs out of walls?

Well, maybe he don't
see too good yet.

I gotta kinda, you know,
work on his visual circuits.

Eh, but don't worry.
He'll improve.

Tool kit, tool kit.

God boy, Mac.
I'm proud of 'ya.

He's improvin' alright.
He used the door that time.

And this is just a start, you know.

Why, Mac is gonna be real
helpful. You just wait and see.

Sure, he is.

And if you ever need money,
you can always rent him out

as a house-wrecker.

Good evening, Mr. J.

Hi, Rosey.
Where's the missus?

In the kitchen.

Ah, it's fine.
A little up with the feet.

Now down a little bit
with the head.

Oh, that's swell, Rosey.

Hello, daddy dear.

How are you
this beautiful evening?

I'm okay, and if you're after
an advance on your allowance,

the answer is no.

Why, daddy darling,
I'm not after anything.

Here, let me make you
more comfortable.

Alright. Now, what did you
do that you shouldn't have?

Nothing, daddy.

Then how come all this sunshine?

Oh, that.

Blame it on Booster.

There. Comfy?


I enjoy sitting with my foot
in my ear.

Oh, it's too tight.


Shall I turn on the newspaper?

Later, honey.
Let's get back to Booster.

What is it, a new
kind of happy pill?

Of course, not.
It's a boy.

Booster Pendleton.

Ah! You're in love.

Uh-huh. And how long
is this gonna last?

Uudfl Forever.

Rosey, did you know
Judy was in love again?

Yes, sir.
A boy.

He is the most, ut..

The most what?

The most ut.

Rosey, I said he was the utmost.

I like Rosey's way better.

When are you
gonna fall in love, Rosey?

Never. I like
the way I am now.

In love, everything's
always up or down.

What does that mean?

'Rosefl I mean, like this.

This is Miss Judy in love.

Tra-Ia-Ia, ta-Ia-Ia.
Ta-Ia-Ia, ta-Ia-Ia.

Now, Miss Judy
when she's out of love.

She's got you pegged, princess.

I never sound like that.

I bet you could
if you tried real hard.

Alright, Mac, my boy.

This is the big day
for both of us.

Big day.

And, Mac, it's up to
you to show the tenants

how efficient we are.

- Hey, you got it?
- Got it.

Let's see.

You better get on
the hall floors first.

They need polishing bad.

Polish bad.

No, no, no, Mac.

Polish 'em good.

It oughtn't to take you,
oh, say, more than minutes.

Twenty minutes.

Now, remember..

Open the doors first.

Open first.

All finished
with the halls, Mac?

Polished good.

Timed out at minutes.

Now, the sky lawn needs mowin'.

Sky lawn.

Open door.

Attaboy, Mac.
Now, you're catchin' on.


Oh, well. Hinges are
cheaper than doors, anyway.

Mow the lawn. Mow the lawn.

Wash the windows. Wash the windows.

Wash the windows.

Dust the chute.

Chute's all dusted out?

Now, next on the list is..

Oh, yeah. The Jetson
vacuum cleaner needs adjusting.

Uh, bring it down
here, will you, Mac?

Down here.

Open door.

Oh, well.
Nobody's perfect.

My goodness. You must
be Henry's new assistant.

My goodness.
Yes, ma'am.

Where vacuum cleaner?

It's right in there. Rosey
will show you where it is.

Where vacuum cleaner?

I am Rosey.





Open door.


Forgot the cleaner, eh?

Well, never mind.
Never mind, Mac.

Just run up to -A and install
this dishwasher unit.

And take this
sprinkler control to -D.

See, it's for
their living room garden.

Now remember, Mac, -A,
dishwasher. -D, sprinkler.

Ten-A, -D. Whoo-whoo!

Say, you feeling alright, son?

Feel alright.

Feel gr-r-reat. Whoo-whoo!

Hmm, I better put him
on a thinner oil.

He might be gettin'
too much octane.

That ain't good, you know.

Henry here.

Yes, Mrs. Lightyear.


I-I-I'II be right there.

I asked for a sprinkler system
for my flowers, and what do I get?

A dishwasher attachment.

Eh, you got to admit
one thing, ma'am.

You got the cleanest
flowers in town.

I asked for a dishwasher

and I get a sprinkler system.
Turn it off!

I can't.

I-I can't get close enough until
it runs out of dishes.

Oh, the poor darling's tired.
And it's so stuffy in here.

I'II turn on
the air conditioner.

Hey, what's going on?

Since when do we take
showers in the living room?

Since that animated junk pile
took over Henry's job.

He came up here
to fix the plumbing.

Doggone it, Mac!

I had such high hopes
for you, boy, and..

Gosh, darn it!

You just can't go around messing
up the tenants' apartments!

Now, what the heck's
come over you?


Now, any more mistakes,
Mac, and, uh,

well, I'm just gonna have to..

Well, never mind, but..

Yes, Mrs. Jetson.

Oh, yes, Mrs. Jetson.

No, Mrs. Jetson.

I'll take care of it,
Mrs. Jetson.

That does it, Mac.
I warned you.

It's too late
for apologies now, Mac.

Why, half the building
is mad at me.

What made you do it?

Attaboy, Mac.

Not anymore. No, sir.

You and me have come
to a parting of the ways.

So long, Mac.
I got to deactivate ya.



So lo-o-ong.

Doggone it. I was getting
real used to him, too.

I thought we made a good team.

Oh, well.

Worst thing is,
I gotta go back to work.

AII fixed now, Mrs. Jetson.

It shouldn't give you
no more trouble.

It better not.

And Henry, from
now on, I want you,

not that helper,
when something needs fixing.

Well, there's no need to worry.

Mac won't foul
things up no more.

I deactivated him.

Oh, good afternoon, Rosey.

Mr. Henry,
what is "deactivated?"

Well, that means, uh,
I turned him off.

Mac? Turned off?

Hi, Janey. Hey, you still
knitting that same sweater?

You think Judy'II like it?

In her present mood,
she'll love it.

- You ever see anyone happier?
- No, Judy's fine.

But it's Rosey
I'm worried about.

Rosey? Why?

Well, she hasn't
been herself lately.

No? Well, who's she been?

I'll show you, George.

I'll have Rosey
bring in the coffee.

Now, you see?
See what I mean about Rosey?

- Never mind her, look at me!
- There's something wrong.

You bet there is.
Look at my suit.

George, I'm going to take Rosey
to a robotologist.

It's time for her
, -hour check anyway.

- Good afternoon. Hrs. Johan?
- Yes.

Welcome to robot clinic.

The robotologist will
see you in a moment.

Thank you.

Oh, my goodness.

- What's wrong with you?
- Need rewiring.

Nothing serious.

Well, thank goodness.

And-and what's wrong with yours?

Oh, nothing.

Just in for his , -hour lube
and a body tightening.

Doctor will see you
now, Mrs. Jetson.

Go right in.

What is it, doctor?

Mechanically, she's
as sound as a bell.

Hear that?

Oh, but doctor,
something's wrong with Rosey.

I'm prescribing
a little reactor fluid.

And I tightened a couple
of loose connections.

That and the prescription
should do the trick.

Right, Rosey?

- Oh, she sounds sad.
- Sad? A robot?

Oh, no. The factories
don't install emotion tapes.

Oh, but, but...

She'll be fine.
Pay on your way out.

Well, perhaps that visit
to the doctor did help Rosey.

Rosey! Watch
what you're doing.

I don't care what
that robotologist said.

You're sick.

Hey, Rosey?
Bring my slippers, please?


What's Jane worried about?
Rosey's okay. It's me.

I have to learn
to walk on my hands.

She's simply impossible, George.

We must do something.

Well, look how happy Judy
is with her big romance.

Let's get Rosey a boyfriend.

Oh, George, be serious.

Alright, then trade her
in on a new model.

Oh, but she's just like
one of the family.

Oh, dear.

Hey, Henry, my scooter
isn't working too well.

Could you fix..

Hey! Wow!

Gee, you're sure big close up.

Aww, I bet you're lonesome
down here all by yourself.

Heck. Henry didn't have
to shut you off.

You were doin' real good.

Gosh, I wish..

Hey, why not?

I'll just turn you on,

and then turn you
off when I leave.

There you are, Mac, ol' boy.
You feel better?

Hey! That's what Rosey says!

At least, what she used to say.



You kinda like her or somethin'?



Hey, are you and her..

I-I mean, I mean..

Gosh! Hey!

Hey, hey, maybe that's why..

Hey, stay right there, Mac.


But Elroy, Rosey
and Mac are robots.

Oh, gosh, mom. Robots can
like other robots, can't they?

I-I don't know.

You have to admit, it's
awfully sweet, mother.

Imagine, they saw
each other only once.

It's romantic.

Oh, it's-it's silly.

Maybe so, but what have
you got to lose?

Yeah. I don't wanna
trade ol' Rosey in.

Let's try, mom.


The visaphone is tuned
into Henry's workshop, mom.

And there's Mac.




There, you see?

My goodness, Elroy.
You're a darling.

Thanks, mom.

Only, uh, don't tell Henry
it was me who turned Mac on.

- Evening, Rosey.
- Evening, Mr. J.

Well, my drink in my hand,
and my slippers on my feet.

You're jetting on all again,
aren't you, Rosey?

- Yes, sir.
- How'd you do it, Janie?


Rosey talks to Mac
on the visaphone

for five minutes every morning

and it keeps her
happy the whole day.

- Oh, but I'm worried, George.
- About what?

It's Judy.

Oh? She broke up with her boyfriend
and she's in a bad mood, huh?

No, she's as
happy as a moon-beam.

- And that's bad?
- It's unnatural.

It's like waiting for the other
space boot to drop, you know.

Hi, mother. Hi, dad.

Princess, how come you're so chipper?
You still haven't had a fight?

Of course, not.
See you later.

- “And Say hello to Boost".
- Who?

Booster, your big romance.

Oh, daddy,
how out of space can you get?

Booster was three boys ago.
I'm in love with Nicky Nebula.

Like Rosey says,
he's the most “uh“

Well, George, things
are back to normal again.

What's so normal about having a
different boyfriend every week?

You never acted that way
after you met me.

- That's different, dear.
- Yeah? Why?

Because I had the sense to know
you were the most "ut."

- om
- And you know “momma?

- What?
- You still are.

The Jetsons,

brought to you by Saran Wrap,

the transparent food wrap that
clings to any shape

to keep food fresher.

Get clinging, crystal-clear
Saran Wrap.

Help! Help!

Jane, stop this crazy thing!


Help, Jane!