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01x06 - The Good Little Scouts

Posted: 04/03/22 09:10
by bunniefuu
N Meet George Jetson M

N Daughter, Judy N

The Jetsons,

brought to you by Saran Wrap,

the transparent food wrap that
clings to any shape

to keep food fresher.

Get clinging, crystal-clear
Saran Wrap.

Oh, dear.
The laundrojet is so noisy.

I'm sure something's
wrong with it.

Well, seems to be
working okay now.

By the way, Judy, how was
the school dance last night?

Ooh, awful, Mother.

I had to dance almost
every number with my own date!

But I thought you liked Stanley.

He's a big
basketball hero, isn't he?

Big is right!

I've got a stiff neck
from looking up at him.

Well, you shouldn't tie yourself
down to one boy, anyway.

Oh, I'm not, Mother.

Stanley's only a passing fiancé.

I'm not really gonna get serious
until I'm ready to settle down.

You know, say at, um, or ?

Alright, there's
a button missing.

B-b-button, b-b-button,
I didn't see any b-b-buttons.

Never mind. It was on there
when I handed you the shirt.

You pulled it off,

You sew it back on.

B-b-button, b-b-button.

How I hate
to sew on b-b-buttons.

That's better.

Oh, that must be Elroy back from
his Space Cub Scout meeting.

Judy, will you finish
for me, dear?

But Mother, you know I
hate to do laundry.

Have a nice Space Cub Scout
meeting today, son?


What made it "eh"?

Ah, we had another
substitute cub master.

And he didn't know
anything at all.

Hey, Mom, can you tie
a clove hitch?

- Or a "turkey net"?
- What's a turkey net?

Well, that's what you tie around
a first-aid victim's neck.

You know, if he's got a bloody
nose or something. A turkey net.

- Oh, you mean a tourniquet.
- That's what I said.

Oh. Um, no, Elroy,
I can't tie those knots.

But why don't you ask daddy?

He was a Scout
when he was a little boy.

He was? Gosh, that must
have been a long time ago.

Can I call Daddy and have him
help me with my knots?

Well, Daddy doesn't
like being disturbed

when he's working
hard at the office.

But we'll take a chance.

He may not be too busy.

Ah, Let me see,
ah, okay, R.U.D.I. boy.

I knock with six.

No good.
I've got three.

Oh, no. Not again.


Oh, hi, Jane.

Honey, you know I don't like you
calling me during working hours.

Oh, but it's-it's
an emergency, dear.

Do you know how
to tie a clove hitch

or a turkey net,
I mean, a tourniquet?

Elroy needs these
knots to pass his test.

Clove hitch? Turkey net?

What kind of homework are they
handing out in the first grade?

It's his Space Cub test.

I told Elroy you could help him.

I'm at the end of my rope.

Very funny.
But I can't help him.

- I was a Scout...
- I know, Pop. A long time ago.

No, it's not that, Elroy.
A good Scout is self-sufficient.

What does your scout master
say about outside help?

In the Space Cubs,
it isn't a scoutmaster, Pop.

It's a Big Buddy.

See, Mr. Bunsen was our last
Big Buddy, but he retired suddenly.

Why was that?

The men who took
Mr. Bunsen away

said he was having a nervous
breakup or something.

Oh, George.
Isn't that a shame?

Now, now, now.
Forget it, Jane.

I am not about to be a Big Buddy
to a mob of strange kids.

But, George,
they're Elroy's friends.

Jane, honey, in five minutes,
I have an appointment

with my boss, Mr. Spacely,
to ask about getting

a two-week vacation this year.

And if I get it, I don't wanna
be tied down with extra kids.

Alright, George, if that's the kind
of father you want to be to your son,

don't be surprised if he
becomes D-E-L-I-N-Q-U-E-N-T.

Yeah, delinquent.

You want me to learn about tying
knots from the kids in the street?

Now, Elroy,
that is not what I said!

If I were you, George,

I'd ask Mr. Spacely
for a three-week vacation.

You need it.

Alright, Jetson,
don't blow your stack.

You gotta be calm when you talk
to the boss about that vacation.

Facts and figures, that's
what Mr. Space“; understands.

I'II prove statistically
how overworked I am,

and his own computer will supply
the figures to prove it.

- You ready, R.U.D.I.?
- R.U.D.I.'s ready.

Alright. What are my
chances of getting

a two-week vacation this year?

“Your weight is pounds."
I don't get it.

What's my weight got to
do with getting a vacation?

Fat chance.

Ah, what do you know,
you big junk pile?


What are you doing to my
delicate $ ,

Referential Universal
Digital Indexer?

Ha, oh, ah,
good Spacely, Mr. Afternoon.

I mean, I mean,
good afternoon, Mr. Spacely.

I didn't hear you sneak in, sir.

What are you
doing to R.U.D.I.?

H was adjusting it, sir.

I-I think it has
a screw loose somewhere.

Well, it takes one
to know one, Jetson.

Is this why I pay you?

To kick my brain around
behind my back?

Oh, no, sir, [only...

I have had my eye on you
for some time now, Jetson.

- I think you need a vacation.
- Oh, no, sir. I...

Oh, yes, sir.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir!

How would you like
to take a little trip?

Get away from it all,
say, this weekend?

Oh, gosh, Mr. Spacely.
Are you sure you can spare me?

I'll pay all expenses.

Oh, that's great-
Could I take the family?

Well, the place I have in mind

is a little primitive
for family living.

But I'm sure your son
would enjoy roughing it.

After all, he's a Space Cub.

Yeah, but how did you know that?

Oh, I forgot.
Your son's a Space Cub, too.

In the same troop.

Right. Troop .
That's why I want you

to take this weekend
vacation trip.

You mean, me and my little boy?

You and your little boy
and my little boy

and the rest of Troop .

Oh, but, sir,
I'm really not up to it.

Jetson, after seeing the kind
of work you're up to indoors,

I figure you must
be an outdoor man.

The type who
should take the boys

on an overnight camping
trip this weekend.

Ah, but Mr. Spacely, sir,
I'm-I'm not prepared.

A Space Cub
is always prepared, Jetson.

But, sir, I-I-I no more
considered taking

an overnight hike
this weekend than I thought of

going to the moon.

Funny you should mention
the moon, Big Buddy,

'cause that's exactly
where you're taking Troop .

To the moon!

Grand Central Spacion.

I haven't been here in years.

Why do hikes always have to
start so early in the morning?

And where are the other Cubs?

The troop's supposed
to form at sharp.

Oh, they'll be here, pop.

See? Here they come.

Troop wouldn't let us down.
Over here, men. Over here.

N We're the Space Cubs
of Troop M

N Dragging grandmas
through the street N'

N We're the Space Cubs
of Troop M

N H your bones get bent
“m an accident N

II We know the proper
knot to tie IT

Get a stretcher!

M We can cook, we can bake N

N But we get a hem/ache N

N We're the Space Cubs
of Troop M

Let's hear it, men!

N We're the Space Cubs
of Troop M

- Well, that was fine, boys.
- Once again, men!

Now, hold it, hold it!

Aren't they great, Dad?

N We're the Space Cubs
of Troop M

Well, Elroy.

Well, how do you turn them off?

You gotta give
the proper command, pop.

Space Cubs, atten-hut!

Thanks, Elroy.

Space Cubs, atten-hut!

N But we get a hem/ache N

N We're the Space Cubs
of Troop M

Overnight hike!

Now, make little Orbit
take his vitamins,

no matter how
much he fights you.

And be sure Werner
wears his filter-top.

He's allergic to moon dust.

I promised little Anode
he could sit by a window.

He gets space sick.

And keep a close
watch on Arthur.

He's always getting lost.

Mothers, atten-hut!

About face!

On the double!

Get lost!

Hut, two, three, four.
Hut, two, three, four.

Shuttle to Moon now
loading. Passengers, please go aboard.

Well, let's go, men.

Hey, pop, how far
is it to the moon?

There's a sign showing
the distance, Elroy.

Oh, yeah.
"Moon: , miles."

Gosh, pop.
That's not very far.

That's right, Elroy.
We 'II be there in no time.

All right, men.
Fasten your couch belts.

We'll be taking off in a minute.

Hello, there.

Who-who-who-who-who's that?

is your stewardess, Lana Luna,

welcoming you to
Galaxy Space Lines flight .

We're going to
the Moon together.

Won't that be fun, you think?

Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah.

We 'II be flying at Mach
, times the speed of sound.

So if you have any questions,
ask them now,

but you won't hear the answers
until we get back again.

Oh, boy,
oh, boy, I'll have to meet her!

If weightlessness
makes you nervous,

just ask for our
special lead pills.

They hold you in your seat.

Now, settle back, relax,
cross your fingers,

and when we're safely
out of the Earth's atmosphere,

you are welcome
to come to the lounge

and rub elbows with the crew.

Crazy, crazy!
I'm looking forward to it!

This is your
stewardess, lovely Lana Luna,

bidding you aloha, auf wiedersehen,
arrivederci, and hasta la vista.

This has been
a transcribed announcement.

Oh, boy.
Wouldn't you know it!

Moon Shuttle
now launching from Pad .

AII systems go.
Stand clear.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,

five, and so forth.

Take a deep breath, men.
We'll soon hit maximum G's.

See? Isn't this..

Great, boys?

Okay, Cubs. Prepare
for weightlessness.

- Hey, Pop, look at the Earth!
- Ah, it's very nice, Elroy.

But you shouldn't
leave your seat.

Hey, look at
all those signs, pop!

“Danger", “Meteor Crossing“,
"Caution", "Bumpy Clouds Ahead".

Hon comes com. morn.

"Stay in your orbit", "School
crossing", "Slow to , miles".

Hey, look at that, pop!

Yeah. "Spaceway's Cafe.
Free parking."

Must be a good place to eat.

All the space truck
drivers stop there.

Attention, passengers.

This is your stewardess,
Lana Luna.

We will be landing
on the moon shortly,

where the daytime temperature
is degrees,

however, at night, it
cools off to degrees...

below zero, that is.

Galaxy Space Lines hopes
you had an enjoyable trip,

and looks forward to
serving you again.

This has been
a transcribed announcement.

I know, I know.

There's the moon!

Fasten your couch belts.
We are about to land.

Hang on, men. These moon
landings can be pretty rough.

Hey, that was
a pretty smooth touchdown.

Okay, Cubs, this is it.

Put on your oxygen helmets,

and stay inside
until I look around.

It's pretty wild out there.

"Moon Port."
"Moonhattan Tilton Hotel."

"Half-acre moon craters
out of the smog zone."

Hey, gosh.
Hey, look at that.

"Short of breath?
Try Orbit Oxygen."

- Taxi? Taxi, mister?
- Downtown Moonhattan, mister?

Ah, no, thanks. We're looking
for the campground, Lunar Park.

Oh, sure.
Over that way, about miles.

The other side
of Copernicus Crater.

Yeah, pile in.
I'll take you there.

We're Space Cubs.
We'll hike it.

Elroy, are you
getting too much oxygen?

The man said miles,
and we've got our packs.

So, we 'II just take big steps.

Watch. Geronimo!

Gravity on the moon
is only one-sixth that of Earth.

- Come on, pop.
- Alright, alright. We'll walk.

But to keep from getting lost,
we'll use the buddy system.

Everyone pick a buddy
and stay with him.

Anode, you go with Elroy.

Orbit, you go with Werner,
and Arthur..

Who's that leave
for your buddy, Arthur?

You, I guess.

That's right, Arthur.
I promised your dad

uh, Mr. Spacely, that is, that
I'd look after you personally.

Big deal.

Come on, let's go.




Well, our camp is in
pretty good shape, men.

Now, what shall we name it?

How about calling it,
"Camp Elroy"?

Ah, Camp Elroy, no, no.

What do you think we
should call it, Anode?

I think we should call it, "Camp


That's Indian.

- What's it mean?
- Beats me. I can't talk Indian.

Well, Anode, that
name is a little bit long.

Arthur, what would
you like to call it?

I'd like to call it quits.

How do I get my walking papers out
of this chicken-feed outfit, anyway?

Oh, did you hear that?

Arthur suggests we go on
a hike and do some birdwatching!

Alright. Fall in, men.
And a hup-two-three-four.


Hey, here comes another group
of campers, men.


Hey, what troop is that, Pop?

It says "Troop Zlgph,
Martian and Chowder Club."

Boy, did you get
a look at those guys?

Yeah, talk about freaks.

How would you like to go through
life with only one head?

Not me, boy!

Now, don't get too close
to the edge of this crater, men.

Look out, Orbit.

That rock you're standing
on is loose, Orbit. Orbit!

Oh, no.

Now, why didn't
Orbit pay attention?

- Bonus. that was Anodo.
- Om

Sorry, Anode!

He's not hurt. Here he comes.
He's bouncing back up.

Well, here we are, men.

Yeah, Big Buddy,
but where are we?

Well, according to the map,
we're right about here.

On the rim of that crater.

“nodq That's not a cut“.
Hr. Johan!

That's your thumbprint!

Well, it's no problem, men.

We all know the direction
back to camp, don't we?

Yes B, lg Buddy'

Good. Then let's go.

Someone had
their directions mixed up.

Okay, now let's go
in the right direction.

It looks like you men
are lost, but don't panic.

I'll check with
the Space Cub manual.

Now, let's see. "Moss is found
on the north side of trees.

“Running streams lead
to civilization.

And a good Scout always
has his trusty compass."

- I have a trusty compass, pop.
- Ha! Thanks, Elroy.

The needle should point
to the north.


The needle's
pointing straight up!

Sure, Pop. That's where
the North Pole is.

- Back on Earth.
- Alright, men.

Now, keep calm. This is no time
to panic. We're still together.

Everyone raise his buddy's
hand so I can check.

Arthur, count those
hands for me, will you?

Arthur? Arthur?
Arthur's gone.

Alright, who's the careless
clod who was Arthur's buddy?

- You were, Big Buddy!
- I was? I was?

Alright, men. Men,
now is the time to panic.

My boss' son is lost!

Last time I saw Arthur, he was heading
for the dark side of the moon.

Yeah. I just hope
my pop doesn't get lost.


Where are you?

Now, where is that stupid kid?

- Somebody call me?
- Arthur!

Now, now, don't panic, Arthur.
I'm here to rescue you.

What rescue? I just came
around here to the dark side

to change the film in my camera.

I left the rest of the troop
on top of this crater.

But they're gone.

They left a note.
"Dear Big Buddy..."

Here, I'll take that.

“Decided not to wait for you
to come back and save us,

“so returned to camp ourselves.

Signed, Orbit, Anode, Elroy
and Werner." Now what?

At least they could
have left the map.

Here's another note.

“P.S. Don't worry
about the map.

"We took it with us."

“We're tearing it in little
pieces and leaving a trail

for you to follow
back to camp."

Look. Here's a piece.

And there's another one.

And another.
And another.

And another.
And another.

Hey, what do you
think you're doing there?

That's my job,
keeping the moon neat.

- Tourists!
Boy. are we glad to no you.

Can you tell us the way
to Copernicus Crater?


But, it's just the other side
of the Carpathian Mountains.

Carpathian Mountains?

It's the biggest mountain
range on the moon.

- You must have hard of It.

Well, can you tell us the way
to the nearest Moon Ranger station?


- You come from around here?
- Lived here most of my life.

And you don't know
where anything is?

You sure are dumb.

Yep, may be dumb,
but I ain't lost.

That's a pretty old joke.

Being lost
is no joke, and I'm cold.

No problem, Arthur.

We'll collect some wood
and start a fire.

Up here?
On the moon?

Oh, that's the trouble
with you younger generation.

You don't use your heads.

Now look, there's plenty
of wood on the moon.

Like these signs.
"No Loitering."

"No Ball Playing."

"No Picnicking."

"No Campfires."

Now, here's the wood,
and I'll start a fire.

But, Big Buddy,
uh-er, Mr. Jetson.

Now, don't worry, Arthur.
I'm an old Scout from way back.

They sure don't make sticks
like they did when I was a kid.

I've been trying to tell you.

You can't have
fire without oxygen.

And there's no oxygen
on the moon.

Then what'll we do?

What are you doing?

Where did you get
that signal g*n?

A Space Cub is always prepared.


'Uh-oh. Spelled it wrong.'

Rpm-“fl You mllzo. In.
Johan. that If Goon.

And my little Arthur
are never found,

your husband can look
for employment elsewhere.

And I was the one who
made George take the trip.

He even gets lost
in the supermarket.

Many's the time I told
little Arthur to get lost.

I never really meant it.

Cosmo Q-
Spacely and Mrs. George Jetson,

Moon Ranger station calling.

- Yes? Yes?
- Yes? Yes?

We found both Space Cubs,
Arthur and George.

Good work, ranger!
How did you do it?

Well, we spotted the
little fella's smoke signal.

And where is my husband?

He 's at the station,
ma'am, paying
some fines.


Yes, for littering,
destroying park property,

and getting lost
without a license.

Moon flight unloading at Pad .

Orbit, you forgot
to take your vitamins.


Werner, didn't I tell you to
wear your moon dust filter?

Arthur, my boy,
you're looking fine.

Gosh, Dad,
you'd been proud of me.

The Moon Rangers gave me this
medal for saving Mr. Jetson.

And what's that other badge?

Oh, that's the First Aid
Merit Badge I was awarded

for soothing
Mr. Jetson's hysterics.

Poor George.
You look miserable.

Oh, that little Arthur Spacely
made me look like a big dope.

When he finishes telling
the boss how I goofed,

I'll probably lose my job.

Jetson, I'd like
a word with you.

Here it comes.

Arthur just told
me everything you did.

And I just wanna say, put
it there! I appreciate it.

But I-I-I don't understand.

Arthur said
if it hadn't been for him,

you never would
have made it back.

Well, sir, I see
through your little scheme.

You do?

Of course. You planned it
to build up Arthur's confidence.

Well, it worked.

And tomorrow,
I'll talk to you about

that early vacation you wanted.

- For the whole family.
- Oh-oh, but I don't get it.

Of course you do.

Jane, Jane, how do you
like that, honey?

Love it!

We're already packed
for the vacation.

Already packed?

The wife of a Space Cub
is always prepared.

Oh, Jane, you're a..

- You'ro a good Scout.
- Aw!

The Jetsons,

brought to you by

famous Colgate dental cream
with activated Gardol.

Brushing after eating with
Colgate helps stop bad breath,

helps fight decay.

Help! Help!

Jane, stop this crazy thing!


Help, Jane!