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26x02 - b*ttlefield - part 2

Posted: 01/12/05 22:11
by bunniefuu


Written by Ben Aaronovitch

Original air date: 13th September, 1989
Run time: 24:07


Ancelyn: Merlin, cease these games and tell me truly, is this the time?

The Doctor: Time for what?

Ancelyn: Thou dost not know? Truly?

Ace: Do you think he'd be asking if he did, tin head?

Ancelyn: Why, the answer to Excalibur's call. The time of restitution. The time when Arthur rises to lead the Britons to w*r.

The Doctor: Vortigern's Lake, of course. Can you walk?

Shou: Can someone answer a simple question?

Ace: What's wrong, Doctor?

Shou: Can someone tell me what on Earth is going on?

The Doctor: Well, if my hunch is right, the Earth could be at the centre of a w*r that doesn't even belong to this dimension.

Bambera: Freeze! Everyone stand nice and easy.

The Doctor: Listen, Winifred. We've got to be somewhere urgently, so please get out of the way.

Bambera: You're all under arrest. You and your freaky friends.

Ace: Who are you calling freaky?

The Doctor: I can sort this out. Look, if I can just explain.

Mordred: k*ll them! k*ll them now.

Bambera: I'm an armed m*llitary officer. You are under arrest. Lay your weapons down and put your hands in the air.

The Doctor: Winifred, this is not the way.

Bambera: Put the g*ns down!

The Doctor: Listen, now that we're all here, let me introduce myself. I am the Doctor and this is...

Ancelyn: Mordred.

Mordred: Ancelyn. Fitting that you should die amongst peasants.

Ancelyn: Look again, Mordred.

The Doctor: Do you recognise me?

Mordred: Merlin!

Ace: Not again.

Mordred: You were bound. My mother sealed you into the ice caves for all eternity.

The Doctor: I am the master of time. I cannot be bound so easily.

Mordred: Master of lies.

Ancelyn: Beware your tongue, Mordred. Have you so easily forgotten Baden, hmm? The way he cast down your mother with his mighty arts.

The Doctor: Yes, remember Baden and my mighty arts. Do you think I would use mere trickery against someone as formidable as you? Go, before I unleash a terrible something on you.

Ancelyn: Go, Mordred, while you still live.

Mordred: There will be a reckoning, Ancelyn. I have sworn it. As for you, Merlin, my mother has waited twelve centuries to face you. You will bow down before her this time.

Ace: Who was he?

The Doctor: That was Mordred, and his mother is Morgaine, a mighty sorceress.

Shou: You know these guys then?

The Doctor: Never met them before.


Lavel: ATC Docklands, this Uniform November niner zero. Request clearance for London Central. Over. Thank you, Docklands. Over. We are clear all the way to London, sir.

Brigadier: Right, I want an exclusion zone around the whole of the Carbury area, extending for one mile. One and a half kilometres outside the limit of radio jamming.

Lavel: I'm sorry, sir, but the bulk of the European UNIT commitment is handling the Azanian ceasefire.

Brigadier: Well, who's left?

Lavel: The Czech engineering group. Flood relief in the low countries. They can be at the site by tomorrow.

Brigadier: Put it into motion.

Lavel: Sir.

Brigadier: Oh, and Lavel?

Lavel: Sir?

Brigadier: The officer who requested the information on the Doctor, this Brigadier Bambera. Good man, is he?

Hotel grounds

The Doctor: Brigadier Bambera, if we're going to work together, you've got to stop sh**ting at everything that moves.

Bambera: Not you. I want to talk to you.

Ancelyn: I am Ancelyn ap Gwalchmai, Knight General of the Britons. I do not talk to peasants.

Bambera: You'll talk to me.

Ace: Professor!

The Doctor: Oh, ignore them. They're just establishing their credentials.

Ace: They've got a funny way of doing it.

The Doctor: Don't worry about them.

Shou: What should we worry about?

The Doctor: Sorcery.


Mordred: Here is the convocation. This we make the meeting place. The point between two worlds.

Mordred: Two universes. Two realities.

Gore Crow Hotel

The Doctor: No one's to go outside.

Elizabeth: I heard g*nshots earlier.

The Doctor: Exactly.

Pat: Why not?

The Doctor: There are things out there in the dark you wouldn't want to meet.

Warmsly: What was that?

Bambera: Come on, move it, will you. Get in. Brigadier Bambera.

The Doctor: What happened to you?

Ancelyn: She vanquished me, and I threw myself on her mercy.

Bambera: As of now, I'm in charge. Everyone remain calm. We'll soon have everything under control.

The Doctor: I doubt that.


Mordred: By this sword, brother to Excalibur, I part the curtain of night.

Gore Crow Hotel

Warmsly: What's that noise?

Pat: What noise?

Warmsly: That noise!

The Doctor: Which way does that wall face?

Warmsly: Excuse me, but three inches to the left...

Pat: North, towards the lake.


Atc (O.C.): Docklands ATC to Uniform November niner zero. Clear for final approach. Over.

Lavel: Roger, Docklands ATC. Commencing approach now. We'll be landing in London shortly, sir.


Mordred: Across the abyss, life calls to life, biomass to biomass, energy to energy. To Avallion I summon thee from beyond the confines of this universe.

Gore Crow Hotel

Bambera: Another storm. Just what we need.

The Doctor: Stay where you are.

Warmsly: An earthquake?

Shou: Doctor!

Bambera: What's going on, Doctor?

The Doctor: I don't know, but I've got some nasty suspicions.

Shou: An earthquake? In England?

The Doctor: No. Someone is creating a rip in the fabric of time and space.

Ancelyn: She is coming.

Bambera: What are you talking about? Who's coming?

Ace: You can feel it?

The Doctor: Yes. I'm uniquely sensitive. Argh! Gah!

Ace: Doctor! What is it?


Mordred: Immortal Morgaine, ageless and deathless.

Morgaine: Mordred.

Mordred: Mother, Merlin is here.

Morgaine: Yes, I can feel his presence.

Mordred: He has a new countenance.

Morgaine: He has worn many faces. Merlin, hear me.

Gore Crow Hotel

The Doctor: I hear you.


Morgaine: Do not stand against me this time, for your soul's sake.

Gore Crow Hotel

The Doctor: I cannot allow your interference.


Morgaine: Then, Merlin, let this be our last b*ttlefield.

Gore Crow Hotel

The Doctor: Good morning.


Lavel: How did it go, sir?

Brigadier: Oh, usual bureaucracy. Inch thick forms and half a pint of blood.

Lavel: That's London for you.

Brigadier: Funny how it looks beautiful at sunrise.

Lavel: Never noticed. Seen one heliport and you've seen them all. Where now, sir?

Brigadier: Carbury, where the action is.

Dig site

The Doctor: And you excavated all this yourself?

Warmsly: Labour of love, really.

The Doctor: Impressive.

Warmsly: And I did have some help from Shou Yuing.

The Doctor: And where did you find the scabbard?

Warmsly: By that marker.

Ace: How long did it take?

Warmsly: Oh, about ten years so far.

Ace: Ten years?

Warmsly: Archeology is a precise and delicate skill. History has to be eased out of the earth one painstaking layer at a time.

Ace: I still think ten years is a bit of a long time.

Ace: What's this?

Warmsly: Ah, now that's a bit of a mystery. No one's been able to decipher the carving.

The Doctor: It says, Dig Hole Here.

Warmsly: Extraordinary. What does it say that in?

The Doctor: My handwriting. Ace, we need a hole.

Ace: Right. How long?

The Doctor: Er, sixty seconds should be long enough.

Warmsly: Long enough for what?

The Doctor: Nothing to worry about. My young friend's something of an expert.

Warmsly: What, in archeology?

The Doctor: No, expl*sives.

Warmsly: What?

The Doctor: Down!

The Doctor: Ace?

Ace: I think the timer needs work.

The Doctor: One of these days we're going to have a nice long talk about acceptable safety standards.


Brigadier: Has Major Husak reported in yet?

Lavel: No, sir. London says that the area of radio interference is expanding.

Brigadier: Well, see if you can raise him from here. Can you speak Czechoslovakian?

Lavel: Only when I'm drunk, sir.


Bambera: He'd better not be gone when we get there.

Ancelyn: You cannot hold the Doctor. He goes where he will.

Bambera: Shut up and run, Ancelyn.

Ancelyn: My lady.

Bambera: You call me my lady once more and I'll break your nose.


Lavel: I can't see anybody around.

Brigadier: Looks like some damage to that barn.

Lavel: I can see a possible landing zone. Everything looks peaceful.

Brigadier: Yes, very peaceful. Are you armed, Lieutenant?

Lavel: Yes, sir.

Brigadier: Well, check it's loaded and take us in.


Morgaine: What can you see?

Mordred: A flying machine. Tis like an ornithopter but with whirling blades for wings.

Morgaine: The people of this world are obsessed with machinery.

Mordred: It would seem so.

Morgaine: Well then, let us teach them the limitations of their technologies.


Lavel: Malfunction, sir.

Brigadier: What?

Lavel: It felt like something hit us. This could be rough.

Dig site

Ace: What's down there?

Warmsly: Don't ask me. I've only been excavating this site for ten years.

The Doctor: With a bit of luck, a tunnel.

Ace: A dark, mysterious one?

The Doctor: Probably.

Ace: Leading to unknown dangers?

The Doctor: Indubitably.

Ace: Oh, wicked!

The Doctor: Peter, Ace and I are going to investigate this tunnel. You stay here and guard it. Don't let anyone come in here.

Warmsly: What am I supposed to do, lecture them on archeology?

The Doctor: Yes.


Brigadier: Can you get us down?

Lavel: Down is not the problem.


Ace: It's damp.

The Doctor: Well, we are under the lake.

Ace: And this wall's made of concrete.

The Doctor: Hmm. It's gone soft with age. This was built in the eighth century.

Ace: But they didn't have concrete in those days.

The Doctor: No, they didn't.

Ace: Thought so.

Ace: Doctor?

The Doctor: Don't worry, Ace. It's only a trap.


Brigadier: Five million pounds worth of aircraft, and we've lost it.

Lavel: If they make us pay for that...

Brigadier: We'll be poor for the rest of our lives.

Brigadier: Pulled a ligament?

Lavel: Oh good. I thought it might be something serious.

Brigadier: I'll see if I can get some help from the village.

Lavel: But sir, we don't know what the situation is here.

Brigadier: The situation, Lavel, is normal. It doesn't get much worse than that. You know, I think I'm rather enjoying this.


Mordred: Tis a shrine to those fallen in battle.

Morgaine: So, they are not the savages you led us to believe. You fought on their soil without proper respect for the dead.

Mordred: Mother, I...

Morgaine: You have dishonoured us, Mordred. What is victory without honour? Leave us!

Morgaine: What manner of man are you?

Morgaine: A warrior, no less. How goes the day?

Brigadier: I've had better.

Morgaine: I am Morgaine, the sun k*ller. Dominator of the thirteen worlds and Battle Queen of the S'Rax. What say you?

Brigadier: I am Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. Surrender now, and we can avoid bloodshed.

Dig site

Bambera: Where's the Doctor?

Warmsly: Did you know that it takes one year to uncover one centimetre on a site this big? But now, delay not. Take the sword and fling him far into the middle mere. Watch what thou seest and lightly bring me word.

Spacecraft entrance

The Doctor: Ancelyn's people must have built this tunnel.

Ace: Looks fishy to me.

The Doctor: This is no place for humour.

Ace: Professor?

The Doctor: Hmm?

Ace: Where does Ancelyn come from?

The Doctor: Another dimension. Sideways in time from another universe.

Ace: Not a local boy, then.

The Doctor: The question is, how do we get through here?


Brigadier: Let me see if I've understood you correctly. You are holding a Remembrance ceremony for the dead of our World Wars, a ceasefire to remain in force for the duration of said ceremony, right?

Morgaine: Your words are strange, but that is the meaning, yes.

Brigadier: Right. What must I do?

Spacecraft entrance

Ace: No coded pattern?

The Doctor: No hidden switches.

Ace: Well, how are we going to get through the door, then?

The Doctor: Open up. It's me.


Morgaine: I wish you to know that I bear you no malice.

Brigadier: I understand.

Morgaine: But when we meet again, I shall k*ll you.

Spacecraft entrance

Ace: I refuse to ask how you did that. How did you do that?

The Doctor: Well, it came to me that it wasn't Ancelyn's people who built this tunnel. It was Merlin.

Ace: But everyone thinks that you're Merlin.

The Doctor: Exactly. Door keyed to my voice pattern. Just the sort of thing I would do.

Ace: Are you Merlin?

The Doctor: No. But I could be, in the future. That is, my personal future. Which could be the past.

Ace: Right.

Outside Gore Crow Hotel

Brigadier: I'm commandeering this car, miss.

Shou: Sorry?

Brigadier: The keys, please...

Shou: What?

Brigadier: The keys. Thank you.

Shou: Hey, just a moment. This is my car.


Ace: This is a spaceship?

The Doctor: More than that. It's a craft for travelling between dimensions.

Ace: It's more like being in some huge animal. Who built it?

The Doctor: It wasn't built, it was grown.

Ace: Who grows spaceships?

The Doctor: Very advanced bioengineers.

Ace: Ask a stupid question. Well, if they're grown, how do they fly?

The Doctor: Magic.

Ace: Oh, be feasible, Professor.

The Doctor: What is Clarke's law?

Ace: Any advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic.

The Doctor: Well, the reverse is true.

Ace: Any advanced form of magic is indistinguishable?

Ace: From technology.

Ace: Seen one spaceship you've seen them all.

The Doctor: Don't be so cynical, Ace.

Ace: Wow.

The Doctor: Impressive.

Ace: That's Arthur, King of the Britons, isn't it?

The Doctor: The legendary Arthur, yes. From another dimension, where the man was closer to the myth. But what is he doing here?

Ace: Not a lot. Is he in suspended animation?

The Doctor: Who knows?

Ace: In eternal sleep until England's greatest need.

The Doctor: Ace, don't touch that.

Ace: Oh, it's all right, Professor. It's not like I'm King of the Britons, is it?

The Doctor: No, Ace!

Ace: Gordon Bennett!

The Doctor: I hope you haven't disturbed anything.

Ace: It disturbed me.

The Doctor: Well, I only hope you haven't disturbed anything else!

Ace: Like what?

The Doctor: Like that. Look!

Ace: Where?

The Doctor: I think I saw something over there.

The Doctor: Ace, I think it's time for plan B.

Ace: We run?

The Doctor: Yes, run!

Ace: There's no way out!

The Doctor: Now is not the time to panic!

Ace: Doctor!

The Doctor: Now we panic!

Ace: It's some sort of automated defence system, isn't it.

The Doctor: Yes. When I say run, run!

The Doctor: Not that way!

Ace: Doctor, it's a dead end!

Ace: Doctor!

The Doctor: Hang on, Ace.

The Doctor: I'm coming!

Ace: Doctor!

The Doctor


Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart


Brigadier Winifred Bambera



Doris Lethbridge-Stewart

Shou Yuing

Peter Warmsly

Pat Rowlinson

Elizabeth Rowlinson

Sergeant Zbrigniev

Flight Lieutenant Lavel

Knight Commander

Major Husak

The Destroyer

Assistant Floor Managers



Incidental Music


OB Cameramen


Production Assistant

Production Associate

Script Editor

Special Sounds
d*ck MILLS

Studio Lighting

Studio Sound

Stunt Arranger

Theme Arrangement

Title Music

Visual Effects