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02x10 - Wrath of the Gods

Posted: 04/02/22 17:31
by bunniefuu
We march at nightfall,

and by dawn's light,

see an end to Spartacus.

The signal.



Fall back into the tunnel.

Move, move!

The mountain pass, hurry!

We'll be trapped.

There's no choice.

We must move!

You will let them go free?

No, we shall k*ll them all.

The wood for fire
is almost gone.

Our food quickly follows.

We have stripped the mountain
of what little it had

ever since Glaber
forced us upon it.

A thing that should
not have happened.

You will find a way
to see us from this.

You always do.

As you always find words,

to pull me
from darkest thoughts.

A talent I pray
your next woman holds.


Nemetes and a clutch
of fools have taken a foot.

Towards what purpose?

They attempt
to breach the Romans

at the foot of the path.

Give word next time.

Be mistaken as enemy.

Glaber summons you.

We only just finished dining

on the most succulent lamb.

There may yet
be few scraps left.

You overstep,...


I but place foot
where our praetor commands.

If you do not care for
where it falls,

you are free to take issue.

Nor have cause to learn it.


Pull back!

Go! Move!

[ soldiers marching ]



[ yelling ]

We must go!


We must seal her wound!

Nasir! Heat your sword
in the fire!



Was it worth it?

Was it worth... her life,

to make attempt
to save your own?!

Stay your f*cking ground.

She is gone from
this world cause of you!

You are the mad f*ck
that led us to our deaths!

At least she claimed
hers as a warrior.

Not starving
and robbed of strength,

as the rest of us are doomed.

You are right.

We will all perish.

If we do not stand together.

It will make
no f*cking difference.

Seize tongue,
and open f*cking ears.

The cliffs of Vesuvius
are impassable.

The southern path holds the only
promise of making purchase.

We hold the higher ground,

and with it advantage
over superior numbers.

Only if Glaber is foolish
enough to attack.

Before we are too weak
from hunger to fight.

A man is never too weak...

or too wounded to fight.

If the cause is greater
than his own life.

Glaber and his army will come.

And when they do, Vesuvius
will be forever stained...

with the blood of vengeance.

He is all that was captured?

Several more lay dead.

A fortunate thing you
are not among them.

Had that Egyptian
and I not been present,

I fear position would
have been overrun.

The gods favor us then.

And turn from those
who would do us harm.

Tell me of Spartacus,...

and his thoughts
toward coming storm.


Can he form proper words?

He has yet to break them.


A most unpleasant tongue.

Conditions must be dire,

to abandon the higher ground and
attempt at such foolish act.

One that did not appear
commanded by Spartacus.

You laid eyes upon the man?

Briefly, as he and his...

gave opportunities
for others to retreat.

How did he appear?


Yet there was a look about eye.

One found reflected
in wild beast,

when pressed to corner.

Such an animal...

never greets the afterlife
absent desperate blood.

Vesuvius is not Cere's Horn,
offering endless bounty.

There cannot be much
in way of nourishment

left upon barren peak.

We shall stay our hand
yet a while longer.

And when hunger and despair

are the only tastes
upon his lips,

Spartacus shall kneel
before Rome...

for the final time.

We should not be upon road.

Let us turn back.


I will not sit idle in Capua as
weeks thr*aten unwelcome months.

All will soon come to an end.

I would see the day hastened.

And my child born in a city

befitting the heir
of a praetor.

The glorious occasion
is almost upon us.

To risk the journey to Rome...

There was yet time.

If my husband is moved to
bring siege against Spartacus

to early conclusion.

The reason we are for Vesuvius.

A fraction of it.

The whole of the truth

greater need.

Has heart returned so
fiercely in such regard?

Gaius and I share but one now.

His absence leaving
chest but half filled.

To find yourself in the arms
of a husband thought lost.

That's a blessing
beyond measure.

A happiness I would share
with a treasured friend.

You will come with me to Rome.

I will entreat Gaius towards
dowry in honor of your service,

and you shall again find
comfort in title of wife.

Your husband would not have
me follow with you.

You have been invaluable
to his cause.

He believes another more so.

I have been promised to Ashur.


My hand and house, in payment

for blood spilled
in your husband's name.

Why have you not told me this?

I would not have such
thoughts weigh mind and body,

with your day so close at hand.

I will seize opportunity
at Vesuvius,

and attempt to
rid myself of burden.

Reveal intentions.

And see them embraced.

We sit here waiting to die,
and he tends to f*cking weeds.

He tends to his heart.

As any man should.

There is not enough wood
to build a pyre.

The ground is too
hard to lay her beneath it.

He can only grieve,
and bind her in his cloak.

A blessing then.

That we shall all be dead
before she turns overly ripe.

Nemetes and his kind grow
ever more restless.

I fear they're not alone.

I cannot lay blame.

Yet our only chance
of survival is to hold fast

to sound tactic.

Like attacking the arena
with a handful of men?

I once thought you
reckless fool.

Now I see bold
strategy is the only reason

you're not already dead.

I have been but fortunate,
to have--

seized opportunity
the Romans would consider mad.

There stand none
left to us now,

absent wings to fly from cliff.

The day comes when we must
face Glaber and his army

in open battle.

If I am to die,

at least I shall die
among brothers.

We share a bond.

Forged not upon the sands,

but upon grander
stage of battle.

And when it ends,

I will gain Batiatus's
ludus and villa

as reward for loyal service.

It will become
the noble House of Ashur,

where I shall train
the mightiest gladiators

in ALL the Republic.

I would count you among
my first recruits.

I ask but for your oath,
pledging --

Open the gate!

Wait here.

And see weighted heart lifted.

There has been
no further movement?

We have taught Spartacus the
futility of attempting breach.

You cannot school rabid dog
not to bare teeth.


You should not have come.

Yes, I know, the rules.

Women are forbidden
in the encampment.

My concern is only for you,
and the life you carry.

I would not have
you travel in such condition.

I have never felt stronger.

And would... travel
a greater distance still.

You wish to return to Rome.

With my husband beside me.

The rebels become desperate.

A few more weeks
from starvation --

A few more weeks
and your heir will be born

in a house tainted
with blood and shit.

End Spartacus's life.

And let us return home to ours.

He holds the higher ground.

It cannot be taken yet
without severe loss of men.


it can be taken?

Await me in Capua.

And prepare to celebrate
the birth of our child...

in the arms of mother Rome.

You truly stand a titan,
threatening the very heavens.


And know that you are
in my thoughts.

I would linger but
a moment longer.

What is this?

A warning.

From the gods.

How did this come to you?

I uncovered it while
cleansing trace of Seppia.

Secreted among her things.

My sl*ve Amana recalls seeing it
pressed into Seppia's hands.

By the Syrian toad.

That is how she knew her
brother's true fate.

And why she moved against you.

But it holds no sense.

Ashur's fortunes
are tethered to my own.

He is a serpent,

forever seeking the heat
of power and position.

When yours was
threatened by Varinius,

is it a wonder
he sought to slither

towards warmer clime?

A venomous creature
to the last.

One no longer holding worth.

He is not alone,
in such regard.

Serpents and oracle
have both served purpose.

You speak of Lucretia?

I speak of a woman
who knows secrets

I would not have revealed.

You would ask me to
do such a thing?

I would put unfortunate
past behind us,

and seize glorious future.

I have missed
your delicate scent...

among other offerings
of more personal nature.

It lifts spirits,
to find you close again.

I stay but a moment.

A thing of low importance,

when set against
the promise of a lifetime

held in loving embrace.

Will not shed tear
when we part.

Know that campaign soon
draws to inevitable close.

And Ashur to deserving reward.

I long to greet the day.


Do you think me the fool?


I do not understand.

Do you deny taking it?

I take many things
from the fallen.

I thought I had your
blessing to do so.

And did you also seek
Seppia's blessing,

before she made attempt
on my life?


I've never broken words
with the girl.

I have had my fill
of serpent's tongue.



I do not know what you
have been told,

but I fear you have made
a grave error.

Now I fear you have
made the error.

In attempting to maneuver
beyond your station.

Unfortunate end
to profitable association.

Perhaps it best my men
and I quietly take leave,

absent further disagreement.

Oh I would make better offer.

Land and a thousand
denarii to each of you,

in return for faithful service.

You f*cking c**ts.


You once swore to me.

"Your will, my hands.."

An oath that has not wavered!

I swear it to you,


I would test
such vaunted words.

And the depths of your loyalty.


There's movement upon the path.

Take position!


I come bearing
message from Glaber!

Speak it.

He has grown weary
of this conflict.

And would return home to
see his child born in Rome.

A thing of no interest.

[ laughter ]

Perhaps the lives
of your people hold more.

He offers terms of surrender.

Lay down your arms,
you'll be allowed to live.

As slaves?

Beneath the heel
of the Republic?

Yes, as slaves.

Yet you will have your lives!

Refuse, and Glaber
has sworn torturous death

upon the cross for all

that survives the taking
of the mountain!

And what of Spartacus's life?

The cost of the bargain.

I for one do not wish
to die this day.

Yet if it is to be f*cking so,

I shall do it as a free man!

f*ck the Romans!

No surrender!

Syrian c**t!

You have your answer.

Very well...

I shall deliver
it to waiting ears.

I would not have us
part so quickly.

Glaber awaits, I must return

with a reply.

Your head would
serve equal purpose.


I find no fault
with his reasoning.

The mighty Crixus,
forever intoning

of the honor of a gladiator.

Where stands such now,

in the cutting down
of a defenseless man?

Give him a sword.

You once dreamt
of honor upon the sand.

Make this your final arena.

You stand a champion,
and I gravely wounded.

There is yet no honor
in such contest.

To shit with honor.


I will not have you soil name,

to gain vengeance in mine.


I shall take it myself.

No one has been more
wronged by Ashur.

And no one has greater
claim on his f*cking life.

I will see him fall.

And with him memories
that haunt darkest nights.

See it done.

Are you certain of this?

I am far removed.

Very well.

If Ashur must die today,

at least he will
see Crixus's bitch

to the afterlife before him.

Take his f*cking head off!

[ crowd yelling ]

Delicate flower
has grown thorns.

You can take him Naevia!

k*ll the c**t!

Sharpened by
the Undefeated Gaul.

I fear it will not help.

She fades.

As all beautiful things do.



He is mine.

Stay back!

I will have his life
for what he did to me.

Or die in attempt!

Go! Come on!

Do you recall this?

My body pressed against yours?

You trembling helpless,
as you tremble now --

I am far from helpless.

You think this
makes difference?

My death will not
heal the scars you bear.

Nor erase memory
of my cock inside of her,

or all those that followed.


It will not.

But it is a f*cking start.

You were right.

It is no easy task.

To cleave a man's head
from his shoulders

in a single blow.

Then I will teach you.

Donar! Lydon!

See Ashur's head upon the path,
as reply to Glaber.

You send a clear one.

It will be nail and cross.

For those who live.

Glaber would have seen
us all to such fate,

regardless of answer carried.

So we are dead either way.

Pity there are not enough
vines for all our corpses.

Close f*cking mouth.

No. Nemetes is right.

There are not
enough vines for us all.

And perhaps there's
enough for a few.

Your words carry no meaning.

Glaber expects us to defend
the higher ground,

as any reasonable leader would.

Yet perhaps there
is another course.

A bold one, that the Romans
will never see coming.


They have given reply.

Spartacus makes
expected choice.

Tell the men to
eat well and gather sleep.

Dawn's first light
we take Vesuvius.

And the lives of
all those who stand

in defiance of Rome.

Soon we shall leave this place.

Never to return.

What your friendship
brings me...

there are no words
to express gratitude.

You have returned the
favor many times over.

The debt I owe far
exceeds modest repayment.

You drew me from
the depths of madness.

You gave me strength

and purpose to live
beyond the tragedy

which betided this house.

Such things are of the past.

Let them give you
no further pain.

I have tried to put it from me.

The memory of all I have lost,

it fills the very air,

choking each breath
with the sting of loss.

And binding my heart in chains.

You stand upon
precipice of release.

Because of you.

You're my savior, Ilithyia.

And you mine.

You have given me hope
of a life I thought denied me

when my husband fell.

Know that such a gift shall
be eternally treasured.

The child.

It comes too soon.

This is a sign from the gods!

It must be born
within these walls.



Let us see their will be done.

We have used every vine
we could gather.

Enough for four men.

Agron. Crixus. Gannicus.

I would have you by my side.


We will be reunited soon.

In this life, or the next.

I know fear wells
within your breast.

And it does
so with great cause.

The Romans hold numbers
far outweighing our own.

Yet they have revealed
time and again fatal flaw.

That they believe the Roman way

is the only one.

Just as they believe
that there is only one way

to leave this mountain.

We shall teach them

that we forge our own paths.

And nothing in this world
is impossible,

when heart and mind
are put towards it.

[ cheering ]

Brace rope,

let us begin a lesson
forever remembered.

[ thundering ]

The sound will mask descent.

The gods bless us
with good fortune.

Free men create their own.

We are all gods this night.

And the Romans
shall feel our wrath.

[ cheering ]


Prepare yourselves.

When signal comes...

death shall quickly follow.

We must move quickly.

Before deed is discovered.

The hour is late.

Sleep will not come.

All I see when eyes close

is the end of Spartacus.

And with him reason for being

so long absent from Rome,
and more important matters.

You will be victorious,
where Varinius failed.

A great advantage
within the Senate.

To be used towards elevation.

One day I shall rise
above all others.

The light of accomplishment
giving warmth

to loving wife
and cherished heir...

Raise alarm!


Gather the men to formation!

Awake the men!


The signal!

Where the f*ck is the medicus?!

He had gone to town,

the child not
expected for weeks.

I have sent the
guards to fetch him.

Something is wrong.

It claws at me,

not wanting to leave womb
to be born in this place.

I will find something
to ease the pain.

Do not leave me.

Know that I will return.

And together we will
see this blessing

into the world.


I need help over here!

[ screaming ]

Relocate amm*nit*on.

Advance on rear position!

k*ll anyone in who stands
in your path!


A glorious death.

k*ll them!

[ soldiers roaring ]

[ moaning ]

[ shrieking ]

I thought I heard a cry --

What have you done?

What was always intended,

to see curse
upon this house lifted.



No one left to come between us.

Fall back!

Fall back!

Fall back!

Press advantage!
And see victory ours!



We are friends, are we not?

The very best.

Then why would you do this?

Why would you take my life
and that of my child?

Your child?

You are but a vessel.

Carrying a gift from the gods

to the House of Batiatus.

Now then.

Let us see it unwrapped...

I owe you pain.



I go to my wife's arms.

We shall greet you in
the afterlife, my brother.

Secure the perimeter!

Signal all men to
defend this position

[ SOLDIER ] Mark your stations!

Romans ready!

[ baby crying ]


[ baby crying ]

Hush now little one.

You are safe now.

You are loved,

and shall be forever.



Quintus always wanted a son.

Because of you,
we shall have one.


I will not die at the hands

of a f*cking sl*ve!

I am a free man.

The Roman finally learns
his place before us!

On his knees!

You've won nothing.

Rome will send legions
in my wake.

And one day soon you shall fall

to deserved end.


Yet it is not this day.

Let Rome send their legions!

We will face them!

And see all follow
Glaber in death!


Now we will become an army.


[ chanting ] Spartacus!