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12x17 - Hidden Motive

Posted: 04/02/22 08:20
by bunniefuu

Uh-oh. Looks like we got
a First Amendment auditor.

- What?
- Anti-authority jerk

who likes to pick fights with cops

- on YouTube.
- Physical fights?

Verbal, hoping we'll overreact.

Just stay cool. Follow my lead.

Look, the jackboots are here.

- The jackboots are here.
- We're merely responding

to reports of a disturbance.

Yeah, it's our job.

Oh, and it's my First Amendment right

to say whatever I want,

so shut your face and go away.

- All right, let's see some ID.
- Eddie.

Ah. Let the record show

that Officer Janko here
is demanding my papers

without probable cause,

which is in violation of
my Fourth Amendment protection

against unlawful search and seizure.

Anything else I can
school you on, Officer Janko?


stop paying him attention,
he will leave.

- Please disperse.
- Ah, you see?

He knows no crime is committed here,

unlike his pig partner.
Didn't I tell you you're dismissed?


I'm following your lead here.

I called 'cause he insulted my girl.

There's nothing you can do?

Hey, pal, here's something you can do.

Pull your head out of your ass

and teach your ugly daughter
that cops are fascists.

- Why don't you leave her out of this?

Please, please, just go.

Yeah, right after I punch
his lights out.

You hear him, you hear him?

That's a crime. That's a crime.

No, that's a warning.

Like I'm warning you to pack
up your crap, and go home.

Hey, you know what?
I pay your damn salary,

so do your damn job, and arrest him now!

Sir, you need to calm down.

Janko, just get everyone back.

Yeah, that's right,
run away, little piggy,

run away.

I'm gonna have your badge

- just like his.
- Hey, hey!

That's harassment.

Oh! Hey, hey, hey, hey!

- You see what happens?
- Hands behind your back.

- Innocent people enacting their freedoms.
- Hands behind your back.

And you know what? They attack us.

They attack us.

- All right.
- That's what they do

- all the time.
- Let's go, Mr. Innocent.

Whoops, I'm sorry.

They attack us.

All right, folks, show's over.

Please disperse.

Move it along.


Dig in, hon.

Thanks, Joanie.


And there goes my appetite.

Come on, we're not friends?

After working together
to take down your dirty D.A.?

Yeah, Erin and I did the work.

You went to jail for being involved.

Yeah, it was a long two years,

but now I'm out.

Yeah, well, time flies.


Well, Leo's certainly happy I'm out.

My brother Leo?

Yeah, he came to me
looking for a job the other day.

The hell he did.

I set him straight years ago.

Well, maybe he got twisted again.

Yeah, he came to me
saying he needs fast cash

and no job was too small.

And no job was too big,
if you know what I mean.

Right, and gangsters always
show up out of nowhere

to tip off cops.

Hey, what'd I say? We're friends.

Yeah. Well, take your friendship
and whatever tentacles

come along with it

and slither back out the door.

'Cause whatever you're selling,

I ain't buying.

You have a good day, Anthony.

Leo going to him for a job.

And I'm a Jamaican jet pilot.

...three sheets to the wind. [LAUGHS]

You mean a little slumped over

or a full-on face plant?

Passed out, right there
into his dessert plate.

- Who knew the Department

of Sanitation parties could get so wild?

I'm telling you,
you say no to these things,

you miss out.

Hey, boss, you got a sec?

It looks that way.


this isn't something normally
I'd bring to your attention.

In fact, I can't remember ever
a time I walked this in here.

So, without further ado?

A request from City Hall to
a change in the mayor's detail.

There a problem
with Lieutenant O'Rourke?

Only in that he's no
Sergeant Jameson Reagan.

For his detail?

To head up the detail.

Coming from the mayor himself,
is my understanding.

I get a call from the mayor
that I missed?

- No, sir.
- Okay.

Boss, normally this wouldn't
land on your desk

unless there was a problem
with the current head.

- So...
- So?

So the channel for the request
is by the book.

So, by the book, how do we respond?

Well, a request like this
should at least

run by the chief of intel.

- Walk it by.
- Boss?

Tell the mayor's office the
request is under consideration,

and we need some time
for a thorough review.

By the chief?

And Sergeant Reagan.

I think I'll just say "by the chief."

By the book?

You're Jamie's boss,
the mayor's your boss.

I don't think Jamie has a say in this.

By the book, yes.

Right, well, I-I know
they're gonna want...


Sorry, folks. No entry.

Oh. How about now?

Oh, wow. You beat everyone here.

Yeah, we were a few blocks away
when the call came in, so...


Let me guess, first crime scene?

No. I mean, kinda.

Yeah, you can kinda tell.

I'll finish this.

DANNY: Why don't you,
uh, take me inside,

show me what we got, okay?

OFFICER: Residence belongs
to Robert and Donna Spence.

Apparently a Richie Rich family
going back decades.

- You don't say.
- Own half the Eastern Seaboard.

Duh, right? Just peep this place.

Okay, kid.

I don't need a history
of the Rockefellers,

just the facts. Let's go.


Partner and I were on patrol,

lady comes running out,
screaming her head off.

You're talking about the young
lady outside being interviewed?

Yeah, said she was a friend.

Came to visit and discovered her.

Grace Spence, ,
lives here with her parents.



Possible m*rder w*apon right there

and time of death.

See how it stopped on, uh, : ?

This your first D.O.A.?


If you're uncomfortable,
you want to go outside

with your partner, I'd understand.

No, no, I can...

- Oh.

You check for a pulse?

OFFICER: I swear she didn't have one.

Well, she's got one now.

It's not your first D.O.A., kid.

- She's alive and kicking.
- Uh, I'll call a bus.

Yeah, tell 'em forthwith.

Uh, forthwith,

- I need a bus.
- Hey. Police.

Try not to move, okay?

We're gonna get you help
right away, okay?

Stay still, stay still. Hurry it up!

Mr. and Mrs. Spence.

I'm Detective Reagan.
My partner Detective Baez...

Where's Grace? She's alive, right?

And getting the best care.

Here? Uh, uh, no offense,

but I know a million specialists.

You were at the airport when we
called you, is that right?

Yeah. About to board a flight
to Turks and Caicos.

Car picked us up at home
three hours ago.

Grace was supposed to come with us.

We think she was assaulted
soon after you left.

By who? Who would do this?

- We're gonna find out.
- Why didn't Grace come with you?

Uh, she's been in a mood lately.

Dropped out of college
a couple weeks ago.

Said she broke up with her boyfriend.

He have a name?

She wouldn't say,

or why she quit school. God knows...

Just silly college girl stuff.

Don't minimize this, Robert.

Kids these days
are under enormous stress.

And the rest of us aren't?

Look, our daughter needs us.
Where is she?

She was just admitted.

The doctor over there can take you.

And rest assured, we're on the case.

Start with her best friend.

See if she knows this mystery boyfriend.

I'm gonna get you both fired,

because this was
a totally illegal arrest.

Also, I want my stolen property back.

You'll get your phone back
when you make bail.

Till then, put a sock in it.

See? You're still trying to silence me!

- We got a problem.
- You think?

My body-cam footage.
Someone's arm blocks it

at the moment he hits you.

Maybe you should
download yours to see...

I already did.

I'm too close to see if he touches me.


The guy was in my face,
I had another guy at my back,

- and I had a vest on.
- So you don't believe me?

I believe you took the bait,

even though I told you to keep cool.

Badillo, he put his hands on you.

We can't just let that slide.

- Says you.
- Says the department.

Have you not been paying
attention to the new rules?

Namely the ones that say
the public doesn't care

about how cops define
"harassment" or "threat"

or anything else anymore.

All they see is footage guys
like Gertz put on the Internet,

and, boom, now we're cooked.

Come on.

It's weird, Janko.

I figured you for a Goody Two-shoes,

not a hothead like your
brother-in-law Danny.

LEO: Anthony,

I'm telling you,

I didn't ask Mario Vangelis for no job.

Yeah, but you know him, right?

Through my old boss Freddy Fallaci.

But so what?

So why would Vangelis
say that you came to him

looking for some fast cash?

Maybe prison food rotted his brain.


Hey, hey, hey.

Baby, you didn't say you were
coming over.

WOMAN: Yeah, well,

I was in the neighborhood
getting my nails done.

I figured I'd make us dinner.

Who's this guy?

Anthony, this is my
girl Amber Zazzarino.

Finally. You know,
I thought Leo made you up,

I never met you till now.

Zazzarino, from Bensonhurst, like us.

Yeah, well, me and Leo
met in high school,

lost touch for years till we, uh,

ran into each other last summer.

But I loved her since way back then.

He's just doing that for you.

You love me, take this stuff
and start the oven,

'cause I got to go lie down.
My dogs are barking.

- Nice meeting you, Amber.
- AMBER: Nice meeting you.

That's why you hit up Vangelis.

Anthony, how many times...

What, you got to keep on lying? None.

Kid, I get it now.

You got a baby on the way.
You need money.

A lot of money.

It's twins.


And with neither of us having insurance,

the hospital bill
would be north of $ OK.


I mean, the guy I used to be,

a girl said she was pregnant,
I'd probably dip.

But not her.

Like I said, the moment I met her...

You got Zazzarino'd.

- I what?
- You ever meet her big sister Lynn?

She was in my class, okay?

One day going down the hall,
she smiled at me... whammo.

- Zazzarino'd.
- There you go.


So what do I do now?


I'll figure something out.

Just don't breathe a word of this to her

or anyone else about going to Vangelis.

Are you kidding?

Amber finds out I'm talking to mobsters,

she'll make sure
I never father a child again.

Yeah, goes double
for the woman in my life.

Trust me.


Okay, but I already told
everything to that other cop.

That I dropped by to see Grace,

the door was open, so I went inside.


Well, we were kind of hoping

you could tell us about her boyfriend.



The one she'd recently broken up with?

I mean, she never mentioned his name.


Even though you describe
yourself as her best friend?

Grace is a very private person.

- Mm.
- And this morning,

you just so happened
to drop by unannounced?

No, she called me.

Said that she just bailed
on her family's vacation.

She was upset.

Maybe her boyfriend
got there before I did.


Or maybe you're lying.

I mean, maybe there
wasn't really a boyfriend,

maybe just a girlfriend,

that was you.

And it was you who she broke up with,

then you went over there
to confront her about it.

Sound more like it?

[SIGHS] Okay.

We were dating.

- Right.
- We met in school,

but she couldn't handle
being known as q*eer.

In college, in this day and age?

At home, to her parents.

'Cause they wouldn't accept it?

No, but because they'd parade us around

and show their friends how cool
and progressive they are.

We just wanted to be us, you know?

So after breaking up,
she calls you and...

To say she made a mistake

and that she wanted to talk about us.

About the two of you
getting back together again?


If I'd have just gotten there
five minutes earlier,

I could've stopped it.

What time did you get there?

I don't know. I...
I was stuck in the tunnel.

I texted her, saying
that I was running late, but...

If this text was in the tunnel,
it was at : .

That's ten minutes
after Grace was att*cked.

Which means...

We're still nowhere.



- Hey.
- Hey.


Sorry I didn't call.

Well, since when do you have
to call before you drop in here?

Something happened.

Phone call, out of the blue.

"Please hold for Mayor Chase."


[INHALES] We asked
for time to consider it.

To consider what?

Son of a bitch.

He didn't tell you why he was calling?

Yeah. To invite me to lunch
at Gracie Mansion.

Nothing else?

He said he liked what he had heard

and, uh, that he wanted
to get to know me better.

What else?

[INHALES] He requested
that you be transferred

to head up his detail.

I'm just a cop.

So's the head of the mayor's detail.

With the rank of Lieutenant.

By tradition but not by any rule.

Gosh, Dad, you-you didn't think
to give me a heads-up?

Well, I had no idea he was gonna
reach out to you directly.

Well, he did.

So it's my job to give a heads-up

to every cop every time
they're up for transfer?

Or just you?

Well, I didn't say that.

I can read a room.


Look, Peter Chase loves to be surrounded

by people as smart or smarter
than he is, so...

- ...take it as a compliment.
- And nothing to do

with my last name or that
he's got some beef with you?

Getting ahead of yourself there.

Well, I'm starting a lap behind,
so I'm trying to catch up.

Again, I had no idea
he'd be calling you.

Or you mean you didn't know
when he was gonna call.

I know some of his tricks,
but I don't know all of 'em.

Well, I think I can handle a lunch.

Good night.



DANNY: Thanks.

Mr. Kangiser.

Detective Reagan.

My partner Detective Baez.
You got a second?

We understand you drove

Robert and Donna Spence
to JFK yesterday?

Uh, first of all, it's Arty.

- Oh.
- And, yeah, they always ask for me.

She gets carsick.

He's a bit of a nervous Nelly, so...

They know that I'm gonna
get 'em there, no muss, no fuss.

How much of a nervous Nelly
was he yesterday?


Yeah, I've probably said
too much already.

Client confidentiality.

Their daughter's head was bashed in

right after you all left.



I've driven her, too.

She's such a sweet girl.

Well, that sweet little girl's
in a coma now, Arty,

so maybe you can help us out, huh?


Mr. Spence, he wasn't nervous yesterday.

He was more, like, pissed.

About Grace not coming on vacation?

At his wife.

You got to understand,

rich people, they like
to keep up appearances,

you know, even in front
of a schlub like me, but...

he lost it.

Yelling at Mrs. Spence
that their friends

were treating him like a leper,

that she'd shamed him.

Shamed how?

I don't know.

I mean, she saw that I was listening,

and she put the divider up.


The last thing I heard her say, though,

was that whatever it was she did,

she did it because he shamed her first.

I really hope that helps.

So, for your big lunch today,

you gonna change into
your civvies, or...?

'Cause you ask me, you look
pretty hot in that uniform.

Should I ask Dad?

Babe, you got to let that go.

Do I?


You're in a family business.

Sometimes you're gonna be
more focused on family,

and he's gonna be more focused

- on business.
- And you?

What about me?

If I leave the house
and work for the mayor?

Wherever you go, I go.

Today, tomorrow, forever.

Right answer.


- What?
- You see Gertz's newest video?

No, and why have you?

Because other cops started texting me,

telling me I needed to see it.

Badillo, the guy's a toad.

Who hopped online
the moment he got sprung

to announce he's filing
a lawsuit against the NYPD,

because his video proves
he didn't touch me.

And the officer who claims he did

att*cked him without provocation.

He's lying. He just wants
the city to pay him off.

No, he wants clicks and
attaboys from his patriot pals

for sticking it to the man.

Mark my words, Gertz is going
to milk this thing

for all it's worth.

And guess who's gonna have
to be on the stand under oath

because you just wouldn't...


I wouldn't obey you?

I don't see any stripes.
You're not my boss.

Roll call, guys.

I'm not a Reagan either.

So can we please just do
our jobs, keep our heads down,

and not try to save the world
every minute of every day?

Look, since you brokered my mortgage,

I figured you'd know the best place

to get an unsecured, uh, medical loan,

even, uh, though my credit's,

uh, not the best at the moment.


Terry, I got to run.


What's up?

Medical loans?

Eavesdrop much?

- It wasn't intentional.
- Yeah, well,

uh, bikini season's coming up,

and I thought I'd get myself
a little lipo.

Very funny.

Seriously, is everything okay?

Of course it is.

Even though you seem...


Are you saying that I'm slacking?

It's just that every time
I've seen you today,

you're either on a call

or furiously scribbling on that pad.

And I did just get word

that you missed a witness
interview this morning.


Slipped my mind.

Vivian and Sophia okay?

Everything's fine, Erin.

You can tell me anything.
You know that, right?

I also know that we were
gonna set better boundaries

after you stalked me with Yelena Popov.

I did not stalk you.

Oh, no? Then why'd you apologize for it

a couple days after?

[SIGHS] Anthony.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I got to hit the can.

Which I wouldn't normally mention,

but it'll save you some stalking.

Did you find the boyfriend?

Did he do this?

There is no boyfriend.

There is, however, a, uh, girlfriend.

Like a girlfriend?

On and off, but it wasn't her.

Well, i-if you'll excuse us,

we need to get back to the hospital.

Not until you both answer some questions

about Mrs. Spence's,
uh, self-care business.

How do you know about that?

It took about five minutes online.

Facebook, Instagram...

It's a little venture
I started last year.

Uh, essential oils,

detoxifying agents...
For God's sakes, Donna, c

call it what it is.
It's a bunch of crap.

It is not.

It's also known as multilevel marketing,

where you make money
by signing up people

to sell to other people.

In other words, a pyramid scheme.

Which would explain all
the nasty comments we read.

Post after post of your friends
saying that you ripped them off.

Former friends.

DANNY: Which also got us to thinking

that maybe one of those former friends

heard you were leaving town,

got the idea that they could
sneak into your house

and possibly steal back
the money you stole from them.

Till they panicked when they
realized that Grace was still home.

- Happy now, Donna?
- This isn't my fault.

Why sell all that stuff anyway?

It's not like you need money.

I was doing something for me,

after years of being dragged
to every stupid fundraiser

- and charity ball.

That's why you married me.
You wanted that.

DONNA: Until I found out you were

screwing half the women on those boards.

DANNY: Okay, folks,

do you want your daughter
to wake up to World w*r III?

All right, let's put that stuff aside

and try to figure out who in your circle

may have been capable
of doing something like this.

It was her scheme.

She knows the names.

I'm gonna go be with my daughter.

Who does that?

Goes behind your back

and goes after your own kid?

The "kid" is pushing ,

and there's no law against
inviting someone to lunch.

What's this, devil's advocate?

He's trying to poach your son.

Like I poached you?

Or Sid? Or Abigail?

Well, I wouldn't call that poaching.

Well, me either. I saw your value

and tried to find ways
to pull you into my orbit.

Take the compliment.

Not in the mood.


What's Chase after here?

My son is an intelligent,
deeply principled man

with a law degree from Harvard

and a doctorate in street smarts
courtesy of the NYPD.

I'd want him on my team, too.

You have him on your team.

Garrett, the mayor has the final say.

Well, maybe we go behind his back.

Reach out to the detail,
get ears on the lunch.

You want me to spy on my son?

No. The mayor.

No. To both.

So we do nothing?

No. You work your contacts

in Chase's office
to see if there's more.

- More what?

Things I don't see coming,
the way I didn't see this one.

ALL: Bless us, O Lord,
and these, Thy gifts,

which we are about
to receive from Thy bounty.

Through Christ, our Lord, amen.


Slow-cooked Mississippi roast.

My favorite.

Especially the way I make it.

Yeah. You know, you'd think

since it's the one thing you can
cook that's actually any good,

you'd make it for us every Sunday.

- You said that last year.
- I did?

Yeah, and then after, like, two weeks,

you were begging to eat anything else.


You're losing it, Danny.

Did he ever have it?

- Har-dee-har-har-har.

From what I hear, it's still only

the second most exciting
meal of the week.

Oh, yeah.



I didn't tell anybody.

Yet again, it seems like
it's common knowledge,

and I'm again the last one to know.

HENRY: Well, uh...

I may have heard Francis

talking to Garrett
about it on the phone.

DANNY: Yeah, and I'm pretty sure

I just overheard
Gramps mentioning it to Erin.

SEAN: Yeah, I'm in the clear.

I have no idea what's going on.

Jamie had lunch with Mayor Chase.


Well, it's true.

Well, the way you described it to me,

it sounded more like a job interview.

Of which no one needs to know
any of the details,

even if it affects you directly.
That's how it works now.

Since when does it work
that way at this table?

Well, ask Dad.

Easy there.

HENRY: So, you're...

you're not going to City Hall?

I never said that.

So you are?

And what if I was?

Leaving the NYPD?

To go into politics?

For a change, yeah.
Come on, I mean, are you saying

you've never thought about
being anything other than a cop?

No. Not me. Not once.

- Not ever.
- Okay.

Yeah, except for when you
wanted to be a pro hockey player.

I was , okay?

And thank goodness for concussions.

I changed my mind.

And I'm a lawyer, not a cop.

Who works with cops every day

and who, at one point,
wanted to be a botanist.

Uh, very briefly.

I'm with Danny.

The NYPD, from day one.


Okay, well, how about you, Dad?

Honest answer...

I loved wearing the uniform.

What changed my path, being upped to PC,

happened to me...

Wasn't by me.

But you still took that job.

Yeah, but I wasn't bucking for it.

And I hate the asterisk
that goes with it.

A cop has a book he can go by.

He knows where he stands.

The PC is a civilian who serves
at the pleasure of the mayor.

And there's only one copy of that book,

and only the mayor has it.

Not sure I'm fully buying

that "serves at the pleasure
of the mayor" thing.

It's true.

Yeah, in most cases.

But our mayors keep coming and going...

You're still here.

One could argue, in your case,
it's the other way around.

It's a compliment, Dad.

Okay. So, not Mr.
And Mrs. Warner Butterworth.

- Nope.
- Even though Donna bilked 'em

for over ten grand with
her bogus beauty products.

Yep. So who's next?

Um, Maude Putnam.

Couple blocks over. She emailed Donna,

"I will make sure
you rot in hell, bitch."

Okay, let's go see Maude Putnam.

Oh, wait, she's .

Well, maybe she has vengeful grandkids

who are mad that she got scammed.

Do you ever feel bad, Reagan?

[SIGHS] Feel bad about what,

- tracking down bad guys?

No, how people come apart

when we get involved.

Like families like the Spences.

No. I mean,

they didn't unravel
because we got involved.

I mean, nobody made Donna
run a pyramid scheme.

And clearly nobody made
Bob cheat on his wife

with every woman he could find.

Well, we kicked over the rocks.

We kicked over the rocks
and we found what we find

in every case: shades
of gray, top to bottom.

Look, does it suck?
Yeah, of course it sucks.

But I know what'll make
us feel a lot better...

Tracking down the person
that tried to k*ll Grace.

Come on.


Henry! Hey!

If you're looking for Jamie, he's...

No, I'm looking for you.

I had an idea about that anti-cop guy

that you had the dustup with.

Ah. Well, then you should
probably save it.

Save it?

Guy's a jerk.

Yeah, except I'm not even sure

that he actually touched Badillo.

The more I go over it, hazier it gets.

Yeah, but if Detective Janko
thinks she saw something,

I believe her.

I'm a long way off from that.


Just a matter of time.

And after I looked at the video

that that Gertz guy posted online,

well, he strikes me as the kind of man

who maybe needs further investigation.

What do you mean?

Anyone who points out
the-the world's crimes

may be trying to keep
the spotlight off his own.

So if...

someone with actual detective experience

were to dig a little deeper,

someone whose fingerprints
can't be traced back to me...

Thinking like a gold shield already.


You don't look like a man hard at work

doing what I asked him to do.

You mean reading the confidential memo

he procured from an anonymous source

who may or may not work
on the mayor's staff?

Let me see that.

My eyes only.

Could you summarize?

I'd say Chase recently
instructed his staff

to identify valuable assets

in various branches of city government:

Planning, Housing, OMB,


So it's bigger than just my son.

Though he's right at the top.

Well, that doesn't surprise me.

And... although Chase
framed it all as a way

to "reallocate exceptional personnel

to better serve our city,"

it reads more like he's aiming
to better serve himself.

According to this,

he's funding an exploratory committee.

To run for governor.

With a kitchen cabinet, fully stocked.


So how do we get ahead of this?


I'm not sure we do.

For some people,
you have to break off the path

your family set for you
to find your real one.

Yes, but Jamie already did that.

Yeah, you think about it...
He did the opposite.

He chose his own path,

then broke it off
and took the one back home.

So is he still the son he was

or the man he could become?


Can you be both?

It's okay, bro. You tried.

No, it's not okay.

Not until I make good on my promise.

I'll just get another job.

What, so you can pay for the
babies but never see them?

That's not an option.

AMBER: What are you guys
whispering about?

Uh, just bitching about the Mets, hon!

Have you not told her about this?

I... will.

Leo, you're gonna be
raising kids with her.

You got to be honest.

Except about Vangelis.

What'd I say about mentioning his name?

All right, look... [SIGHS]

I know your old man

kept your two families apart
his whole life,

but there is no way
either of you got his gene

for lying, 'cause it is obvious
you two are up to something.

Now, what is it?

Come on.

Baby, you're not gonna like this, but...

we're facing a bit of a money crunch,

- so Anthony...
- Oh, God.

What? I didn't even say it.


I think it's time.

What? What time?

Time for dinner. I think it's time!

Oh, that time!

- What do we do?

Get-get her to a damn hospital.

All right.

Use your freedoms, people!

Before they vanish forever!

What are you doing, sir?

Exercising my constitutional rights.

If you don't like it, go to hell.

You can either stop filming
or I'm gonna call the police.

HENRY: Yeah, call the police!

We'd like to see them fired, too.

Hey, Gerry.
I'm a big fan of your videos.

So I thought I'd stop by

and help you out against the bad guys.

Well, praise the patriots
who still love freedom.

Course, you do know who
the real bad guys are, right?

The Bilberbergs? The Illuminati?

The perverts.

The kinds who think that they're
such big stars on YouTube

that they can come on
to their female followers.

And some of them are underage.

I don't know what you mean, friend.

Oh, yeah.

Chat 'em up, send videos,
beg 'em for nude photographs.

It's all right there in the comments.

In fact,

I think that I'm gonna start
my own channel

and post the interviews
that I did with them.

Who the hell are you?

Just a friend...


No one on my list att*cked her?

Nobody. They all had an alibi,

and none of them were prone to v*olence.

- So you're giving up.
- No.

We're already checking the neighborhood

to see if there were any burglaries,

and we're checking to see
if your daughter

had enemies at her school.

ROBERT: Where have you been?

She's awake.

- Is she okay?
- Yeah, yeah. She's okay.

Uh, we're gonna have to have a
minute with her first, alone.

All right, yeah.


Detective Reagan.

This is my partner Detective Baez.

Yeah. Yeah, I remember you.

You do? Good.

Um, do you remember, by any chance,

what happened after your
parents left for the airport?

Um... y-yeah, I was reading
in the sitting room

and I...

heard a noise coming upstairs.

So I went to the door.

I ran right into him.

So you saw his face?

N-No. Um, it was all a blur,

'cause I turned to run and...

there was this pain
in the back of my head.

Can you remember what happened next?

Bef-Before I blacked out,

I heard his voice.

You did? Do you remember
what he sounded like?

Sounded like he was scared.

Did he say anything to you directly?

No. Um...

He-he called someone

and he said,

"I screwed up.

I screwed up real bad, Arty."


You ready, Janko?

Yeah. Just about.

There's someone I'd
like you to meet first.

Officer Badillo.


It's an honor.

As well it should be.

Then you should hear the good news, too.

Gerry Gertz dropped his lawsuit.

And deleted his YouTube channel. I mean,

he posted some crap
about having completed

his First Amendment audit work,
but then that was gone, too.

Well, I'll be damned.

Yeah. So weird.


So, I hear you think us Reagans
are a bunch of Goody Two-shoes

and hotheads.


Well, you're not wrong.

But there are a couple of other colors

that we like to show from time to time.

Keep your eyes open.

Maybe you'll see 'em.

You two take care out there.

You ready to roll?

Sure am.


Appreciate you coming in, Arty.

Yeah. Is this gonna take long?

'Cause I-I got a pickup
in an hour in Midtown.

Just got to clear up a few things

- and ask you a few questions.
- Oh.

Starting with...

You remember your old pal Roy Dupree.

- Right?
- Uh, I don't know this guy.

Of course you do, Arty.

Just shut your mouth, Roy.

All we needed was a warrant
to dump your phone,

which showed us that,
ten seconds after Roy

assaulted Grace Spence,
he called you in a panic.

Kinda screwed up your little
scheme the two of you had going.

Arty would take 'em to the airport.

And then, knowing their place was empty,

Roy would go back and rob 'em.

We wanted to give you a chance

to add any details to help your case

against this other clown here.

Whole thing was Arty's idea.

- 'Cause you never had one.
- See? He admitted it!

This is not the first time
Roy's hurt someone!

- This guy's a damn menace!
- Enough!

Put it in your statements. Both of you.

Now you start writing.

Hey! Start writing.

You, get the hell out of here.

Go. Go.

Give him a good toss.
Throw him in a cell.

Goodbye, Arty.

[SIGHS] You think solving this

will help patch things up
with the Spences?

[EXHALES] Lot of shades of
gray in that relationship.

So, no?

Honestly, I just want
whatever's best for Grace.

- Yeah.
- I'll go take care of Arty.


Well, it took you long enough.

You knew I'd track you down?

Does the sun rise in the east?

Okay. Well, then why not
save me the hassle

and just tell me what the hell
is going on from the get-go?

It's complicated.

Oh, you-you think?
We're in a maternity ward.

Relax. It ain't for me.

It's for my brother Leo.

For Le...

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What are you doing here?

Don't-don't even answer. Just go.

Wait, he's why it's complicated?

Erin, what a nice surprise.

Well, maybe for you.

Oh, come on. What, I can't drop in

and say hello to Leo's new family?

Well, I didn't know you knew him.

Did you know?

I mean, I might...

Leo and I go way back,

to when we were
in the same line of work.

Of course, we both cleaned up
our acts since then.

Well, I knew he had. But you?

Oh, yeah. I have. Because of you.

That's right.
After you took the D.A. down,

you could've reneged on our deal.

But you didn't.

You honored it,

and he gave me a
softer landing than I deserved.

Still, those long nights in prison...

I started thinking
about how I was living my life

and that some changes had to be made.


Well, like finding the kindness

that had been buried
for so long in my heart.

What are you saying, Vangelis?

What I'm saying, Anthony,

is that your brother's family
is not paying for any of this.

- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- The pediatrician...

Ah, Leo said that.

And I said to him, "Fine.

"Try to pay the bill.

You'll find there isn't one."

Except for what he now owes you.

Nothing. Not a dime.

No favors.

And, you know what, it's a great feeling

being a good guy.

I'm not even finished.

I'm gonna pay for
every new baby in here today.

- Call it the...

Vangelis Family Fund.

I'll call it a crock.

Well, I don't blame you a bit.

But like I said,

I'm a new me

and it's all thanks to you.

My good friend.

I'll be seeing you.

You think he's on the up and up?

Probably not.

Well, if you're involved
with whatever that was,

I hope it was worth it.


I think it was.


Got a minute?

Yeah. Come on in.

Have a seat.

Can I get you anything?
You want a drink?

No. Just your ear.

Whether I've got, uh,

good news or bad news really depends.

Mayor's less interested
in me being a great guy

than having my name in his lineup.

It's not that black and white.

You stand out without your
last name, and Chase sees that.

We'll see.

Who's your source?

Called a friend of mine on his detail.

what's on the other side

of the door before you enter.

Where have I heard that before?

Yeah. So...

you'll be walking through it?

Would that piss you off?

Because of who the department
would be losing, yeah.

But that's the least of my concerns.

What's the most?


That one of my kids

would make a tough decision
based on what I might think.

That would piss me off to no end.


You're so good at that.

The managing of...
people, their expectations.

Conflicts of interest.

All the calculations that go
into each move you make.

How do you know when it's...

honesty or just another useful angle?


It's hard.

We judge ourselves
by our good intentions,

but we are judged

by our last worst act.

But if I'm dealing with someone
I know trusts me...

then I sure as hell know

whether I'm being honest
with myself or not.

I, um... I don't know my next move,

but I'd like to make it how I see fit.

Will you keep me in the loop?


You were the only one at
Sunday dinner who wouldn't say

what they dreamed of becoming.

I'd love to hear your answer sometime.