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01x05 - Jetson's Nite Out

Posted: 04/02/22 07:35
by bunniefuu
Meet George Jetson

His boy, Elroy

Daughter, Judy

Jane, his wife

Hurry, Elroy, you're going
to be late for school.

But, gee, Mom, it's raining.
Do I have to go?

Elroy, what's the matter with you?
School is fun, fun, fun, fun, fun.

- I'd like to go in your place.
- Okay, Dad, you got yourself a deal.

You better step on it or you'll be late.

All right. All right, Elroy.
Not another word.

Come on, now.
Let's put your raincoat on.

- Do I have to wear one?
- You certainly do.

Now, close your eyes. Here goes.

Don't forget to peel it off
when you get to school.

Okay, but I feel like a banana.

Have a nice day, Elroy.

Are you and Daddy coming
to the PTA meeting tonight?

- The teacher will wanna know.
- Of course, we'll be there.

And by the way, how come
you were late to school yesterday?

Some kid dropped
bubble gum in the tube.

- Sounds a bit sticky.
- Yeah, it slows you down every time.

Bye, dear.

And you'd better hurry too.
You'll be late for work.

Okay, in a minute.
Did the morning paper come yet?

- Here it is.
- Thanks.

But you haven't much time, George.

I know.
I'll just skip through the headlines.

"President to ask for more taxes."
So, what else is news?

"New show at the Top of the Moon."

I wonder if it's any good.

Can't take the kids to see that.

Well, now. ''Football coach
predicts victory at tonight's game."

I wonder what he's got to say.

We'll m*rder them.

George, you're late.

- Oh, gosh. What time is it?
- Two minutes to 11.

- Gee, thanks.
- It's okay.

- Jumping Jupiter, I gotta go.
- Aren't you gonna finish your coffee?

Nope. Too strong this morning,
but don't throw it out.

Some pygmies from Africa may show up
and wanna dip their spears in it.


George, wait.

What now? I'm late already.

When you get to the garage, would you
ask Henry, the building superintendent...

...if he'll do something about
this weather?

Right, honey. Bye again.

Morning, Mr. Jetson. You going
to see the football game tonight?

I wouldn't miss it for anything.

Hey, you mean to say you've got tickets?

Tickets? They've been sold out for months.

No, sir. I'll be parked right
in front of the TV set tonight.

Yes, sir. Oh, it's gonna be
a wing-ding game, alrighty-reety.

The wife wanted me to ask you if you
could do something about the weather.

You bet your buttons, Mr. Jetson.

"Arriva" what? Oh, so long.

It is kind of a nasty day, at that.

Well, I'll move them up to,
say, 3000 feet.

That ought to get them
out of the rain.

I guess I'd better get at the dishes.

If there's one thing I hate to do,
it's dishes.

I'll do them this morning.
I'll take care of the cleanup.

- You don't mind?
- Nope. Glad to do it.

You're a big help, Judy.
I'll straighten the bedroom.

It's been so long since
I've done the dishes. Let's see.

You press the dish disposal button.

- All finished, Mom.
- My, you are a fast one, aren't you?

- Oh, dear.
- What's the matter?

Well, I wanted to remind your father
of the PTA meeting tonight.

Oh, well, I'll call him at the office later.

I guess I'll be late for work again.
At least I'm late much earlier today.

I'm out of fuel pellets.

And me without a spare pellet.
Oh, I hope the safety chute works.

A little late, but it worked.

This is one excuse
Spacely will never go for:

running out of fuel.

Lucky I landed near this
self-service fuel station.

May I help you, sir?

Give me two bucks' worth of high-octane
pellets and check the radium, will you?

- Will that be cash or credit, sir?
- Just charge it to my Driver's Club card.

Hold up your card
and smile for identification, please.

Oh, boy, they don't trust anyone.

Oh, boy, I hope I'm not too late.

If I'm late again today, the boss will flip.

11:07. Seven minutes late.

I'll just move the
clock back to 10:59...

...and old Spacely, he'll never
know the difference.

That'll do it.

Darn that snitcher-picture-taker!

Come back here!

If the boss gets that picture,
I've had it.

- Jetson!
- I've had it.

We're late again, aren't we?

- We are?
- We are. Take a look.

Is that you or isn't it?

- I don't photograph too well, do I, sir?
- You don't work very well either.

- Isn't that your phone?
- Oh, yes, sir.

Well, answer it. I'll talk to you later.

Jetson here.

- George, this is Jane.
- Oh, yes, dear.

I forgot to remind you that we're going
to the PTA meeting tonight.

- Right, dear.
- See you at dinner. Bye.

Right, dear. bye.

Hey. Hey, wait a minute. PTA tonight?

But I was gonna watch
the football game on TV.

And in conclusion, let me remind you
that Spacely sprockets...

...are easy on the pockets.

- You got that?
- Yes, sir.

You wanted to be reminded, you are
to leave early for the football game tonight.

Oh, yeah.
Can't miss the championship playoff.

- Good night, Mr. Spacely.
- Good night.

They sure don't build secretaries
like they used to.

Now, what do I have left to do today?

Jetson, of course.

Jetson, I'll see you now.

You called, sir?

Take a chair, Jetson.
I'll be right with you.

Spacely here.

- Cosmo?
- Oh, yes, darling, my petunia.

You haven't forgotten
about the concert tonight, have you?

- Concert?
- That's right. Remember? We have tickets.

Phil Sputnik and his
All-Galaxy Philharmonic.

Tonight? Tonight's the game.
I mean, I can't make it.

You can't?

Just a minute, dear.
I think I've got a sick worker.

George Jetson is his name.

- What's wrong with him?
- Oh, I don't know.

He's too sick to say.

It looks like nuclear "dyanamitis."

Nuclear dyanamitis? Oh, the poor man.

I've got to get him home,
nurse his wounds...

...sit by the side of a fellow worker.

Oh, it may take all night,
so I won't be able to go to the concert.

I understand, dear. I won't keep you.

Goodbye, Cosmo.


Now, look, Mr. Spacely, it isn't right.

Just because I'm a few
minutes late for work--

Sorry, Jetson, little accident.
Have a chair.

Oh, thanks.

Jetson, I'd like to make it up to you.

I've got an extra ticket in our box
for the football game tonight.

How would you like to go?

Oh, boy. Oh, boy, a box seat
for the game tonight. Oh, that's great.

I just remembered. I gotta go to
a PTA meeting with the missus.

Jetson, you could say
you're working overtime, you know.

- Yeah, if you say so.
- I say so.

I'll go call her now. Oh, boy,
a box seat for the game tonight.

Cosmo, I've been thinking about
that poor man.

Poor man? What poor man--?
Oh, yes, Jetson.

You may need someone to help.
I'll come over too.

But you can't. He was taken home.

Then I'll go over to his house.

- See you there.
- But wait, I--

Well, we're all set, boss.

I told my wife I had to work overtime...

...and she's going to the PTA meeting
without me.

- Hold it. We're in trouble.
- We are?

We've gotta get
to your house, and fast.

But-- But--

- But why my house?
- Because you're home, sick in bed.

I am? Boss, are you all right?

Duck down. There's my wife up ahead.

I do hope I can be of some help
to the poor man.

Oh, for goodness' sake.

I've heard of reckless driving,
but this is ridiculous.

- Where's your bedroom, Jetson?
- It's that way, but--

Let's go.

There you are, sir.

After a short rest, you'll feel better.

Not me, Jetson, you.
Get your pajamas on, quick.

Pajamas? What for?

-It's the only way you'll get to go.
-But I'll freeze to death.

Let's see, pajamas. Here it is.

But I usually wear an overcoat
and take a blanket.

That must be my wife. Quick,
jump into bed and don't say anything.

- Anybody home?
- In the bedroom, dear.

How is he now, Cosmo?

Just holding on. He's not seeing visitors.

I'll only stay a second.

Oh, there you are.

I'm Mrs. Spacely.

My goodness, he does look terrible.

- What did the doctor say?
- We don't know.

He never stopped crying
long enough to tell us.

I brought some flowers.
Find a vase, Cosmo.

I want to talk to this poor man.

Now, don't you worry.

You will be here for a long time.

Oh, no, I'll be leaving any minute.

Oh, don't even think of that.

But it's true. Kickoff is at 8:30.

Kickoff? You mean...?

- But how do you know the time?
- Well, it says so on the ticket.

- Ticket?
- Oh, you gotta have reservations.

Reservations? Oh, dear.

I wouldn't go without the boss's okay.

And they say dogs are loyal.

Leaving, dear?

Yes. You will stay with him, won't you?

Till the final whistle-- The end.

Oh, the poor man.

Oh, how nice.
You brought me flowers too.

No, l didn't. Now, come on, let's go.

Hi, Pop. Hey, what are you doing home?

Mom said you were working overtime.

Here's a nickel.
Don't tell Mom you've seen me.

- But I've seen you.
- Here's a dime. No more questions.

- But Pa--
- A quarter?

Now, let's get out of here
before Elroy has to file a tax return.

Hope you didn't forget the tickets, boss.

Got them right here.
And there's the Space Coliseum up ahead.

- Boy, I hope we haven't missed the kickoff.
- Relax, Jetson, we'll make it.

Please have your tickets ready.
Move along, please.

Box number 990. Seat number 10.

Box number 704. Seat number 14.

Box number 704. Seat number 15.

All right. Where's your ticket?

Well, I--
Gee, I just had it.


Oh, good, they haven't started yet.

Look, Jetson, here come
the Ringers onto the field.

Look at the size of those guys.

Hey, boss, here come the Marauders.

Here they come,
ladies and gentlemen.

Both teams are moving out
onto the field.

There's Coach O'Brien,
taking his place on the sidelines.

O'Brien is the great exponent of
scientific push-button offensive strategy.

On the other side
of the field is Coach Lasky...

...the master of push-button
defensive strategy.

Coach O'Brien is about
to pick his starting players.

We'll call them off
as they come onto the field.

Pluchek, O'Mara, Hiccupski.

O'Hara, Swatchahowiz, Gibralski.

With these two powerhouse teams...

...this is bound to be
a rock 'em, sock 'em game, folks.

I see the teams are lined up
for the kickoff.

There's the whistle.
And Coach O'Brien goes into action.

Let's see who he picks to kick off.

It's O'Hara.

The players start forward.
Gibralski holding.

Here's the kick.

It's a high, wobbly kick
to about the 10-yard line.

Crazy Legs Cosmos is under the ball.

Crazy Legs is moving back. He's waiting.

He's got it.

And he's tackled immediately
by Bronco Titanium.

What a tackle.

Did you see that, Jetson?

See it?
I didn't even get a chance to taste it.

The Marauders are lined up defensively.
The Ringers are in a huddle.

I wonder what Coach Lasky will think of.

The opening play can be very important.

He seems to have come to a decision.
He brings the team out of the huddle.

They've lined up over the ball.
Now we'll see what Coach Lasky will try.

The ball is snapped back.
Swatchahowiz is fading back.

He still has the ball.
When is he going to pass it?

He's still fading back.

And there it goes.
It's a great chance for an interception.

O'Brien is maneuvering Brimlovich
in for the pickoff.

Desovich is moving under it.

But here comes Brimlovich up fast
to try and intercept.

And he does. What a play!

He's running beautifully.
This is where Coach O'Brien is at his best.

Across the field, Coach Lasky
is moving Swatchahowiz for the tackle.

Look at that footwork.

Go, go, Brimlovich!

There, ladies and gentlemen,
is beautiful broken-field running.

There's only one man
between Brimlovich and the goal.

It's Swatchahowiz.
He's moving up fast.

Brimlovich's running
is still brilliantly deceptive.

Swatchahowiz is picking up speed.
So is Brimlovich.

Swatchahowiz. Brimlovich.

Swatchahowiz. Brimlovich.

There's a time-out being called.

Brimlovich was a little shaken up
on the play.

Here comes the robot trainer
moving out quickly.

Brimlovich had the wind knocked out of him
and is being helped off the field.

He should be as good as new by halftime,
so don't worry, Mother.

It's the Marauders' ball.
First down and 10 to go.

Dombrowski calling signals.

Forty-two thousand,
three hundred twenty-one...

...over pi-r-square...

...the cube root of 87...


The ball is snapped back.

Looks like a trick play.

I can't believe it,
but-- Yes, it is.

It's the old Statue of Liberty play.
I haven't seen this play in years.

Oh, that Coach O'Brien is a sneaky one.

Coach Lasky hasn't spotted
the deception yet.

My mistake. Coach Lasky's end
is moving in to steamroller the play.

And the Marauders are thrown for a loss.

What a game, eh, Jetson?

Best concert I ever went to.

Yeah. I'll take this type
of overtime every time.

Say, suppose your wife calls the factory.

She'll find out
you're not working late.

All taken care of, boss. I got the
answering machine set up in my office.

I hope you home viewers
are enjoying this game as--

Oh, dear. I wish George could see
at least part of this game.

I wonder what time he'll be home.

I just think I'll give him a call.

Hi, George.

I just called to say the PTA meeting
was over early and I wanted to see--

Good evening, dear.
How nice of you to call.

I'll have to work later than I thought.
Don't wait up.

I'll see you in the morning. Bye, dear.

George, wait, I--

Oh, poor George. He must be so busy.

Coach O'Brien just had
another player shaken up.

He's down by the bench now,
picking a substitute.

Say, now, this is a real surprise.

Coach O'Brien has picked
a real old-timer.

It's Red Rocket. He's been
in football for 50 years, a real veteran.

He's one of the old
manually operated players.

There goes old Red out onto the field.

Come in.

Mrs. Jetson, I'm Mrs. Spacely.

- How's your husband?
- He's not here.

- You mean he's gone?
- That's right.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Oh, well, at least with him not around,
it's a little less hectic.

- It was very sudden, wasn't it?
- Yes.

I bet he did it just to get out
of going to the PTA meeting.

Oh, you poor dear.

Oh, it doesn't matter. Besides, there's
a big party tomorrow night...

...and by then I'll have
forgotten all about it.

This is all very strange.
Let's take this from the top.

Are you sure it was my husband
you saw here?

He was lying in bed.

Pasty complexion, eyes twitching
and hands trembling.

Oh, that's George, all right.

- Hey, Mom, can I have a glass of water?
- Of course.

Was your father home tonight, Elroy?

I respectfully refuse to answer...

...on the grounds it may tend
to lower my allowance.

Oh, children.

I know. I'll call the office again
and ask George.

Hi, honey. It's me again.
I want to know--

Good evening, dear.
How nice of you to call.

I'll have to work
later than I thought--

Work later than I thought--
Work later than I thought--

You're not kidding.
It's later than you think.

You and your recording.

He's out somewhere.

Oh, how sneaky.

But I thought he was very sick.

Just hang around. He's going to be.

There's only a few seconds left
in this period.

Four, three, two, one.

And there goes the g*n
ending the first half.

Stand by for a special announcement.

Take it away, Al Melon,
with mobile unit number five.

This is Al Melon high over
this beautiful Space Coliseum...

...with big news, friends.

The millionth customer
came through the turnstile tonight.

He's the holder of ticket 5643.

And we have a lovely gift for him,
a beautiful mink coat.

That's you, sir. And here it is.

- Me?
- That's right, sir. Congratulations.

Now let's give the folks at home
a chance to meet you on TV.

- May I have your name, sir?
- Certainly. I'm George Jetson.

Wait a minute. I bought that ticket.

My name is C.G. Spacely,
president of Spacely Sprockets.

When you think of space,
think of Spacely...

...the bargain sprocket
that's easy on the pocket.

Well, thank you, Space-- Sir.

Now, will you wave
to the television audience?

Just wait till I get my hands on him.

Making me miss that concert.

Where do you suppose they are?

Look! It's them on TV.

Well, of all things!
I'll turn up the sound.

Are you gentlemen enjoying the game?

Wonderful game. Wonderful.

Oh, yeah. Anything I like, it's lots
of sock-and-rock-'em action.

Sock-and-rock-'em action?

Well, friend, you haven't
seen anything yet.

That's for sure.

Worked like a charm.

We saw a great game
and the wives never suspected.

Yeah. We sure fooled them.

I'll phone my wife from your place
and tell her you had an amazing recovery...

...and I'm on my way home.

- After you, sir.
- No, after you, sir.

Oh, hello, dear.
I didn't know you were--

What happened?

For a guy who just had
an amazing recovery, I feel awful.

They must've seen us on television.

Come on. We gotta get
out of the country, and fast.

Wait. Wait a minute.
I got the answer right here.

The prize we got from the Coliseum.

Well, good thinking, Jetson.

What woman could say no
to a mink coat?

I know my wife will forgive me
when she gets this.

Hold on. I was gonna give it to my wife.
It was my ticket that won.

Yeah, but I bought the ticket.

- Let go of that coat.
- I warn you, I'm a karate expert.

Wait a minute. I've got an idea.

Get the picture?

Be my guest.

Good thinking, Jetson. Good thinking.

Just cut on the dotted line, sir.

That George will never put a foot
in this house again. Never.

I'll never forgive Cosmo either. Either.

- Evening, dear.
- Evening, dear.

- You asked for it.
- Oh, now.

That's no way to treat a mink.

- Mink?
- Mink?

We went to the game only because
we knew we had the winning ticket.

And we wanted
to surprise you with the mink.

- A mink. For me?
- Or for me?

No, dear. For both of you.

That's right, my dear.

- A mink stole.
- A mink jacket.

Oh, George. Will you ever forgive me?

Cosmo, I've misjudged you.

Good thinking, Vice President Jetson.

Vice President Jetson?

Of course I'll need new shoes
to go with my stole.

- And I'll need a new outfit.
- I'll have to have my hair done.

We'll need a new car to match my jacket.

You... You...

You and your brilliant ideas.

You're fired!

Does anybody need
an unemployed vice president?

Help! Help!

Jane, stop this crazy thing!


Help, Jane!