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04x17 - Remember Me Tomorrow

Posted: 04/02/22 07:19
by bunniefuu
Here we go.

Bottoms up.

Mmm, mmm.

You know I love taste-test day.



- What?
- Uh...

Not to stifle your creativity,

but, uh, is there fish in this smoothie?

Fish oil.

Rich in omega- s.

Plus, we got leafy greens, antioxidants.

That right there is
a tall glass of pure health.

Yeah, you can't put that on the menu.

Oh, no, no. That's not
for the menu. That's for Suzy.

She gets back today, so I got to,

you know, step it up.

That smoothie has all the nutrients

that she and the baby need.

It ain't gonna help if she throws it up.

Oh, come on. It can't be that bad.


Good God, man.
How can you let me drink that?


Morning, gents.

- Good morning, Higgy.
- Ooh.

You're looking dashing. New shirt?

Aw, nice of someone to notice.

[SIGHS] Suzy's coming back today.

Oh, that's right.

How are you feeling about
your imminent reunion?

I'm a little nervous, hoping we can

pick up where we left off, uh...

Hey, you want some breakfast?

Uh, no, thank you. I have
already eaten this morning.

I'm actually just here to meet
a woman named Ella, new client.

Where's TM?

He's spending the day
with a Vietnam vet in hospice.


Oh, it seems my client has just arrived.

- You ever speak to this client?
- No.

We just exchange emails. Why?

Uh, 'cause "woman" might be
pushing it a bit.

Missing pet?

I'm gonna go with lost diary.

Ms. Higgins?

Hi. I'm Ella.

Hi, Ella.

It's lovely to meet you.

You can call me Juliet.

So, how can I help you?

I need you to help me solve
a triple homicide from .

Synced & corrected by -robtor-


what makes you so interested
in a five-year-old m*rder case?

It was the one case
my mom couldn't let go.

She was a detective with HPD.


worked on it until she died,

just over two years ago.


I'm so sorry.

She didn't have enough time
to solve it, so...

I want to do it for her.

Well, I would love to help you,

but, um, it's just, given your age,

I'm a little reluctant to continue

without permission
of a... of a guardian.

Yeah. I figured.

My dad dropped me off.
He's probably still in the car.


Hey, Dad.

Yeah. She wants to talk to you.

Hello, Mr. Vaughn, It's J...


I just wanted to make sure you... Right.

Yes. She, uh...
she does seem very grown-up.

If you're okay, then... Okay.



Your father will be back to
pick you up this afternoon.

So, uh, why don't you bring me
up to speed on the case?

Five years ago, Mr. and
Mrs. Akamu and their daughter

were shot and k*lled during a robbery.

They also had a -year-old son,

but he snuck out
to sleep at a friend's house,

so he wasn't there.

He found them when he came home
the next morning.

That's awful.

The Akamu case was the fourth

in a string of robberies
my mom was working on.

The case went cold, but...

She couldn't let it go.


I just want to caution you
not to get your hopes up.

It seems like your mother
was incredibly thorough,

and, honestly,
Without any new information,

it's very unlikely
we'd be able to solve this.

But there is new information.

This came in the mail
the week my mom died.

Only I just found it.

"If you want to solve the Akamu case,

"look behind the abandoned house
at Beaumont.

In a tree hollow."

That's interesting.

So... I went there.

Rang the bell.

I told the guy I left
something in the woods

before he moved in,
and I asked if I could get it.

He slammed the door on me.

Well, that's rather rude.

Look, maybe we should loop in the police

with this new information.

I have a friend in HPD,

- and he would...
- Please don't tell him.


I'm worried, if we hand over the letter,

I'll be kept out of this and
no one will take it seriously.


I'm taking it very seriously.

Okay. Let's go.


Back to Beaumont.

You call this a strip steak?

It's plant-based.

Tastes just like meat,
but it's better for you.

Lady, I'm gonna be dead before
this comes out the other end.

Hey, uh, sorry to interrupt.
Is your name Bob?

Who's asking?


I'm Thomas Magnum.

I'm with, uh, We Honor Vets,

and I just want to say,
good to meet you.

Thanks, but-but no, thanks.

I d-didn't sign up for this,

and I don't need to be honored,
so sayonara, kid.

Well, uh, somebody signed you up.

Must've been my late wife.

Gloria hated the idea
of me being left alone.

Look, I'm just here to keep you company,

you know, vet to vet.

So, uh...

uh, we could exchange w*r stories,

talk sports, watch some TV.

You know, whatever floats your boat.


[WHEEZING] You all right?


I have emphysema, genius.

Well, if there's anything I can do

to make you more comfortable,
just let me know.

You want to grant an old man
his dying wish?

Yeah. Of course.

Then scram.

Scram and take-take...
take this fake steak with you.

ELLA: Doesn't look like anyone's home.

Let's make sure, shall we?


By finding out who lives here

and getting their phone numbers,

I can track their current location.

So you're hacking them.

Of course not.

That would be improper.

And illegal.


Look, can I trust that any
of the tricks of the trade

you learn today will never be copied?




Coast is clear.

Let's go.

A lot of trees. Let's split up.

All right.

Over here.

Right there.

HIGGINS: Oh, yeah.

Give you a boost up?


Can you see inside?

I found something.

- You got it? Okay.
- Yeah.

Okay, well done.

Here you go.

Is that a . ?

Yes. How did you know that?

A . was used to k*ll the Akamus.

- That has to be the m*rder w*apon.
- Yeah.

It seems our cold case
just got a lot warmer.

Postmark indicates the letter
was sent from the same area

that the robbery/homicide took place.

Also, the author appears
to be left-handed.

Ink smudges are a dead giveaway.

Unfortunately, one in
ten people are left-handed.

Doesn't really narrow it down too much.


So, if we want any real answers,

the items need to go to the crime lab.

And the Cold Case Squad.

Well, yeah, but, you know,

they probably have
their plates full, and...

Look, this is

personal for the girl.

If we hand this stuff over,

we're surely gonna get tossed aside.

And then who knows how long
till Ella gets any answers?

I thought I asked you to wait
by the vending machines.

I figured it was more of a suggestion.

- Right.
- You look just like Phoebe.

You knew my mom?


So, you'll help us?

I'll call the crime lab
and ask for a favor.

We can go from there.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Why don't we take a lunch break?

You must be hungry.

No, I don't want to stop. I'm fine.

Well, we're kind of in
a holding pattern till we get

the results back from the lab, so...

There has to be
something more we can do.

We have to keep going.

Look, I understand your desire
to do this for your mum,

I really do, but...

I feel like there's
something else going on here.

Am I wrong?

Why don't you sit down.

Talk to me.

She was sick for a whole year.

It was really hard to watch.

One day, I was playing a video game,

and she wanted me to read with her,

but I didn't want to stop playing.

We had a fight.

I said really terrible things,

then ran to my room
and slammed the door.

The next morning, she was in a coma.


And a week later, she was gone.

The things I said...

What if she died thinking I meant it?



It took me only minutes
to tell how special you are

and how much you loved your mum.

I'm certain that she knew it, too.


And even though you didn't get
to have a proper goodbye,

it doesn't change

those ten years
that you shared with her.

We can still keep going, right?

Yeah, of course we can.

Maybe if-if we can figure out
what your mum's last move was,

we can just pick up where she left off.

Well, that's easy.

This is my mom's notebook.

She wrote this note
a few weeks before she died.

"Talk to neighbors about Ellsworth"?

Any idea what that means?

I looked through everything, and
there's no Ellsworth anywhere.


let's ask the neighbors, shall we?


What part of "scram"
did you not understand?

Hold on, all right?

Before you call security,
I just want to let you know

I stopped by Hy's Steak House

and got you a real New York strip.

Well, you should've got
a rib eye... it has more flavor...

- But since you insist...

Oh, boy.

Oh, man. This is so good.

Almost makes me regret dying.

Hmm. Almost?

I lost so many buddies in 'Nam.

That knocked the worries
right out of me.

It's my time to go, and I'm ready.

And that's why
Gloria didn't need to bother

with this, okay, 'cause
I don't need all the fuss.

I get it, but, uh, you should know that

Gloria is not the one who signed you up.

I actually put a call
into We Honor Veterans,

and they said it was your brother.

Danny did this?

Yeah, yeah. He just didn't...

want you to be alone in the end,
that's all.

So, he roped you into it, hmm?

So he didn't have to face me himself?


Once a coward, always a coward.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...

open up any old wounds or anything.

[CHUCKLES]: Oh, yeah,
you want to open up something,

open up that bottom drawer over there.

And pour me one.

Uh, you got to c-close that door there,

'cause that Nurse Ratched,

she got eyes everywhere.


Yeah, that's good.

Now pour yourself one.

No, no, I-I really
don't think I should...

You're gonna let
a dying man drink alone?

SUZY: Hey, stranger.

- Hey.


- Hi.
- Oh.


Can I touch your belly,
or is that weird?

Go ahead. It's your kid in there.

It's only weird when it's
some ran do at the market.

- Right.

[SIGHS] Hey, kiddo.

Wow. Can't wait to meet you.



Gosh, I can't believe
you're really back.

We have so much to catch up on.

Yeah. Yeah, we do.

Yeah, sit down.


Photos of your mural were amazing.

I mean, I know you loved the residency,

but I'm really glad you're home.

Me, too.

And I'm not sure where you're staying,

but I thought maybe
you can crash at my pad.

I mean, you know, I figured
we're having a baby...


I'm actually renting a place.

I thought I told you.

Oh, y-yeah. Must've forgot.

But maybe we can go to dinner
tonight, just the two of us?

Celebrate your return?

Well, I was wondering
what happens next with us,

but I-I guess I just got my answer.

Rick, it's not...

This is not me blowing you off.

I've thought a lot about this,

and I'm crazy about you.

Good. I want to be with you.

And I think you feel the same.

Oh, what I feel and what I think
aren't always in sync.


All our past relationships ended,

and this one, it can't.

We have to be in each other's
lives forever, and...

I'm sorry.

This is... I think this is
what's best for our kid.

Yeah, I-I get it. I get it.

No, you don't. Not yet.

But the only way to make sure
we don't end badly

is to never start at all.

ALAN: Sorry, I can't help you.

The name Ellsworth
just doesn't ring a bell.

DON: Ellsworth?

Hell, he could live next door
for all I know.

You might want to try Clara
across the way.

Was he the fella I saw speeding
off in a black SUV that night?

Or was it blue?

It was so long ago.

Didn't know the neighbors back then,

don't know 'em now,
and that's how I like it.

Everyone's a dead end.

The whole neighborhood's moved on.

That was the Akamu house.

Now it looks like nothing ever happened.

Well, we're not giving up just yet.

According to my research, there's still

one more neighbor who lived here
at the time of murders.


Aloha. I'm Juliet. This is Ella.

Uh, we're actually... we're
looking into the Akamu murders

from five years ago,

and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind

answering a few questions.

I don't have any information.

Ella, would you mind waiting in the car?

Why do I have to...

Something wrong?

You shifted your stance,
averted your gaze

and cocked your head.

These are all signs that
you might be hiding something.

[SCOFFS] I don't know what you mean.


You wrote that letter.

Didn't you?

BRYAN: I'm, uh, sober

four years now,

but back then, I was a mess.


The night the Akamus were k*lled,

I was drunk at a bar,
decided to walk home.

On my way, I saw something weird.

- What was that?
- Person in a hoodie,

uh, walked up to a dumpster,
looked around,

then ditched a bag and ran.

And your curiosity got
the better of you?


The bag was filled with valuables...

Silver, electronics,


The drinking had cost me my job,
so I took it home.

Wasn't until I sobered up
that I saw the g*n inside.

By then, I heard
what happened to the Akamus

and realized I probably had
the m*rder w*apon.

And so you panicked.

You feared that if you came forward,

you might be pinned for the m*rder.


I prayed HPD would solve it
on their own,

but the more time went by,

the harder it would've been
for me to come up with a story.

So, when everyone moved on,

I just...

let them.

And how did you know

that Detective Vaughn was
still investigating?

Couple years ago, uh,
I found a flyer in my mailbox.

She was looking for information.

That's when my guilt won out.

I wrote the letter

and hoped that'd be the end of it.

Thank you very much for your help.

You know what this means, right?

Another dead end.

All he said was the robber
was wearing a hoodie.

No, actually, he said
there was no robbery at all.

The stolen loot was ditched right away

because it was never the point.

The theft was staged to make it
look connected to the others.

If the Akamu murders weren't
about the robbery,

- then what were they about?

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Dad, hear me out. No.

Your school called
when you didn't show up.

W-Wait, Ella.

If this is your father,

then who did I speak to
on the phone earlier?

I may have paid a guy bucks

to answer the phone and do some improv.


This is about that case again, isn't it?

I told you to leave it alone.

Get in the car. We're going home.

And then we started hearing fireworks.

And, uh, you know, it was
Lunar New Year, so...

Harry wants to see 'em,

so we go up on the roof to watch.

Perfect end to a good night.

Not really, kid, 'cause...

we get up on the roof, and I...

I'm hearing fireworks,
but I'm not seeing any.

- It was a*tillery.
- Bingo.

- Oh, man.
- The Tet Offensive.

battalions attacking Saigon,

and there I was,
right in the middle of it.

Hadn't been for Harry,

my plastered ass would not have
made it out of there alive.

Sounds like Harry was
one of the good ones.

He was my Nuzo.

He was more of a big brother to me

than-than Danny ever was.

So, what exactly happened
between you and Danny, anyway?

- Well, you're a nosy Parker, ain't you?
- Hey, you're the one

who keeps bringing him up.
All right? It's not me.

Well, the long and the short of it is,

when we got drafted,
I enlisted and he dodged.

Ran off to Canada.


Got it. Yeah. So, uh...

he blindsided you.

No, not really.

I saw it coming.
You know, he's two years older.

When he started hanging out

with a... with a bunch of
hippies... poof... he changed.

Anti-w*r protests, the whole nine yards.

Second he graduated,
he burned his draft card

and-and followed his comrades.

Yeah, but there is

another way to see it, right?

You know, he stood up for his
beliefs, and that does take

a certain kind of... courage.


Abandoning your country
takes courage? Please.

He ran 'cause he was...


Didn't have no sense of duty.

When-when my number came up,
I-I was proud to serve.

You see him when you got back?


Uh, he...

he reached out a few times, but I...

I-I couldn't... couldn't even
look him in the eye,

much less talk to him.

I figure...

he felt the same
'cause he stopped calling.


Excuse me for a couple minutes.

You kidding?

I've been trying
to get rid of you all day.

[LAUGHING]: All right, Bob.

- HIGGINS: Hello?

Hey, uh, Higgy, did I misread that text,

or did you just get fired?

Uh... not fired, uh, exactly.

Just temporarily un-hired.

See, this is what happens
when I'm not there.

Okay, did you just call to gloat?

Because I actually have
a triple homicide to solve.

Oh, okay, so you're still
working the case?

Yeah, I mean, Ella may need
her dad's permission,

but I certainly don't.

And, you know, a little pro bono
never hurt anyone.

I am gone for one day,

and you bring Fun Higgins to work?

I'm always fun.

Okay, well, Fun Higgins has some jokes,

'cause you're definitely not always fun.

Right. Well, if you're quite finished,

I have to go and meet Adam Akamu
in an hour.

The lone survivor?
What do you want with him?

Well, new evidence suggests

that the k*ller's motive
might've been personal,

and I'm hoping he can tell me why.

Okay, well, if you have any more issues,

feel free to call in for reinforcements.

Reinforcements, right.

And that's-that's you, is it?

Admit it.

You miss me, you know.

I-I'm the secret sauce, Higgy.


Okay, what has gotten into you?

Have you been drinking?


You have!

In the middle of the day
whilst I'm here, hard at work.

Well, n-no, technically,
you're unemployed.

But, uh, unrelated,
what are you doing later?

Any chance you can pick me up?

Goodbye, Magnum.

Not a day goes by I don't
think about what happened.

Finding them like that.

I can't imagine.

I keep reliving it.

What if I had been home?
Could I have stopped it?

And all this time, I just figured it was

some random robbery.

But to hear they were targeted?

Is there anyone you can think of

who might have had a motive
to harm your family?


But, uh, I can't believe
I'm saying this.

Well, any detail could help, Adam.


There was a rumor going around

that my mom was having an affair.

Was there any truth to it?

Until today, I didn't think so.

They seemed happy, but I was .

A neighbor saw something, I guess.

Did the police know about this?

They're the ones who told me.

I didn't know anything, and...

honestly, I didn't want to.

I can understand that.

But five years later, with no answers...

The truth can't be worse than that.


Didn't go so well with Suzy, huh?

You know, it started great.

I mean, we're talking, we're laughing.

It was everything I wanted it to be.

And then she says we should be friends.

Total curve ball.

I'm sorry, man.

I know that's not what
you were hoping for.

You know, but...
from the day you two met,

nothing's gone to plan.

That supposed to make me feel better?

I'm just saying,
Suzy and this baby are two of

the best things
that ever happened to you.

And you ain't see either
one of those coming.

Curveball ain't always a bad thing.

Come on, what did we say in the Corps

whenever things went sideways?

- Semper Gumby.
- Semper Gumby.


Always be flexible.

Maybe stop stressing about
where you and Suzy end up

and just see where it goes.

So, be cool.

- Go with the flow.
- Exactly.

And let her take point.

You just make sure you watch her six.

I can do that.



- You shouldn't be here.

I'm truly sorry for this morning.

I assure you that I don't normally

let children ride shotgun on
triple homicide investigations.

- What do you want?
- Well,

for the first time in years,

there's been a break in the case.

[SCOFFS] I don't believe this.

Look, I promise, I-I won't

keep Ella involved,
but if I could just take a look

at your wife's early work
with fresh eyes...



When my wife was diagnosed with cancer,

we were told she had a year to live.

One year.

We didn't even get that. Why?

This case.

She was obsessed with it
till the bitter end.

This case stole my wife from me.

I'm not about to lose Ella
down that same rabbit hole.

With all due respect,

have you asked your daughter
why this means so much to her?

I think if you did, you'd find

that she's not just looking for answers.

She wants to make amends,

to get closure,
and not just for herself.

Adam Akamu lost
his whole family five years ago.

And to this day,

no one's told him why.



Thank you.

MAGNUM: So, Bob, was it tough

when you got back?

Well, if by "tough" you mean

taking a loogie in the face,

yeah, then yeah.

Wow, that's terrible.

I-I can't imagine how that must've felt.

Felt like I was unwelcome
in my own country.

At least my pops was there,
you know, waiting

with open arms, but...

...somehow that-that-that
made me miss Danny more.

And... and it made me resent him
even more.


Were you two always like that?

No. No.

I mean, when we were growing up,
D-Danny was my hero.

Like, this one time...

...this-this bully,
you know, took my bike

while I was stealing nails
from a construction site.

You were stealing nails.
That's karma for you.

Wise guy, eh?


So, I-I come home.

I'm- I'm crying, you know.

And, uh, and Danny takes one look at me.

He swipes Mom's keys,
and he drives me around

in her Buick until we find
the bully, you know.

Mind you, he's

- at the time.

I'll never forget the look
on that pinhead's face

when Danny stepped
out of the car, you know.

He-he took off running

like I thought he was gonna
sprout wings and fly.


Well, so Danny, you know,
he was your protector, right?

Yup, yup, yup. He was tough as nails.

You know, and-and he always
stood up for the underdog.

That's why it hurt so much when he left.

You-you felt betrayed.

Part of me thought
that-that he-he would enlist

when he heard I was headed for combat.

But he didn't.

[VOICE BREAKING]: He left me to...

to fight alone.

Some-some protector.


Well, uh, he sent me here.

Right? If you ask me, that's his way

of protecting you,
even after all these years.

Are you sure you don't want to
reach out to him?

Just... reconnect, you know?


How's it going?

[CHUCKLES] I haven't found
what I need just yet,

but I'm not giving up.

Dad said I could help.

Mm, forgive me,
but I'm gonna have to hear that

from him this time.

It's okay.

We talked, and...

Well, I think I get why
she needs to see this through.

Go on, Ella.

So, what are we looking for?

So, Adam Akamu said that
early on HPD were investigating

a rumor that his mum was
having an affair.

They moved off it as a motive
once robbery became a theory,

but now that we know
the robbery was staged...

You think we ought to check it out.

I do. I mean, if Mrs. Akamu had
an angry boyfriend,

that could be our k*ller. I just...

I can't find any mention of it
in your mum's notes yet.

That's 'cause we're looking
in the wrong place.

Older stuff is in the closet,
back shelf.

Hey, Dad, can you help?

It's that one.


What are we hoping to find?

Uh, statements.

Anyone claiming to have

firsthand knowledge of the affair.

How about gossip?


This woman says she heard of
the affair from Clara,

who claims to have seen
the couple in the flesh.

But didn't we already talk to her?

Yeah, we did.

She might be the only person
to have ever seen our k*ller.

Time I paid her another visit.

CLARA: Come on in.

Now, what's this about?


It's come to my attention

that Mrs. Akamu may have been
seeing someone

before she died,
and that you might be able

- to describe the man.
- Forgive me,

but what does the Akamus' dirty laundry

have to do with their m*rder?

Seems irrelevant and disrespectful.

Is that why you never
mentioned it to HPD?

Respect for the dead?


And that poor boy, Adam,

didn't need us spreading
any rumors at a time like that.

Well, actually, Adam is the one

who has asked me to look into it.

New evidence suggests

that the robbery was staged

and that the Akamus' m*rder

was about something personal.

So, if you do know something,

then, well, the time for
keeping secrets has passed.


Well, if you want to hear

about the affair,

it's a much longer story.


You've reached Juliet.

Kindly leave a message. Mahalo.

[BEEP] Higgins, hey.

I think you and the kid might've
actually cracked this thing.

Got ballistics back on the g*n.

Lab confirms it's our m*rder w*apon.

It's registered to
some guy on the mainland.

But get this,

his ex-wife lives
two doors down from the Akamus.

Her name's Clara Bolton.

I'm just waiting on a warrant.

Call me back.

Sure I can't get you some tea, hon?

- I'm absolutely fine, but...
- [PHONE CHIMES], thank you.


What-what are you doing? What happened?


What happened was you couldn't
leave well enough alone.




It was you.

You k*lled them.

Feels good to finally admit it.


Clara, turn-turn off the gas.

Clara. Clara, please don't do this.



ELLA: It's Ella.

Have you talked to Juliet?

I just left her a message.

But she hasn't called back?

What's wrong, Ella?

She left to follow a lead,

like, an hour ago,
and she's not answering texts.

Dad says she's just busy,
but I've got a bad feeling.

Do you know where she went?

To talk to one of the neighbors.

Which one?



HIGGINS: Come on, Clara.

It doesn't need to end like this, okay?

I should've ended it that night.


Maybe on the other side
I finally get to see him again.



Jonathan Akamu?


It wasn't Mrs. Akamu
having an affair, was it?

It was him with you.

Our love was more than that.

He wanted to be with me.

But his family was in the way.

So you m*rder*d them all in a fit of...

what, jealous rage?

Even Jonathan?


I loved him.

But it all went wrong.

He came home early.


The look on his face...

I couldn't leave it.

Not like that.

[COUGHS] Clara.

Clara, wake up.


[ECHOES]: Hey.

Higgins. Hey.

Higgins. Look at me.

Look at me! Hey! There you go.

Come on, come on. There you go.


BOB: Okay.

So, where's the camera?

You know, Gloria had this little camera

we'd clip right on the top of that.

MAGNUM: No, it's-it's right there.

- What? That little dot?


So, uh, uh, what do I do now?

I-I don't even have his number.

Oh, no, no. He's calling you.

You don't have to do anything.
Just wait.

- How do I answer?
- I will answer.

Don't worry about it.

Okay, okay. Okay.

I think you might want to keep that on

so you don't get winded.

- You know?
- Winded, shminded.

I don't want to look weak
in front of this S.O.B.

You know, but-but...

grab my brush from the bathroom.

You know, I probably look
like a vagrant.


Oh, crap. What do we do?


Hey, is... is that you, Bobby?

Who the hell else would it be?


Hey, it's good to see you, Bubba.

It's good to see you, too, Danny.

- Yeah.
- But, you know, you...

you look like hell, you know.

I mean, I'm dying. What's your excuse?

Oh, come on.

I've never looked younger.


KATSUMOTO: I spoke to the P.A.

She plans to go for the max.

Which means, thanks to you, Ella,

Clara is going away,
for a really long time.


we appreciate the house call.

We know you've had a long day.


So, how much do I owe you, Juliet?


Uh, well, Ella, you saved my life today,

so I reckon we're square.

Thank you.

Your mom would've been
so proud of you today.

I know I am.

Okay, now you're just embarrassing me.

I'll see you around, Juliet?

I certainly hope so.

See you.

Thank you, again.

Both of you.

We're just doing our jobs.

Oh, not just for solving the case

but for looking out for us.

Until today, I didn't realize

how much anger I was still carrying.

That's not the kind of man

or father my wife would've
wanted me to be.


Well, I didn't know Phoebe, but...

I'm certain this case

never meant more to her
than you and Ella.

If she was...

anything like me,
it would've just been easier

to solve the Akamu case than...

...than to find a way to say goodbye.




I owe you an apology.

I came on way too strong earlier,

and I could've been more
supportive of your decision.

You don't need to apologize.

Yes, I do.

Truth is, you're right.

You and I, we're not
the priority anymore.

This baby is.

And whatever you feel this family needs,

I'm here for it.

For both of you.

Thank you.

Case in point,

this brand-new,

top-of-the-line Baby let to baby crib.

Full disclosure, you're still
coming on a little strong.

Yeah, but, like,
for the baby, it's cool, right?

[LAUGHING]: It's cool.


Uh, hey, I have
an ultrasound in an hour.

Would you maybe want to come?

Yeah. Yeah.

♪ Even if it don't come true ♪

♪ Dreaming is what dreamers do ♪

♪ Evans' keys on green to blue ♪

♪ Are never gray ♪

♪ Even if it all goes bust ♪

♪ Your pretty pearls all fade to rust ♪

♪ Angel wings to angel dust ♪

♪ Every day ♪

♪ Worry no more ♪

♪ Oh, worry no more ♪

♪ There's an open door for you. ♪

- Hi.
- Hey, there she is.

How you doing, Higgy?

Couldn't believe when I heard

that kid got you into real trouble.

[SIGHS] Yeah. Well...

And yet I think I still fared
better than Magnum here.

Hey, I took one for the team, all right?

You never let a dying man drink alone.

Yeah, what you need is
a little hair of the dog.

- You in, Higgy?
- Yeah. Sure.

Never let a dying man
drink alone, as they say.

Dare I ask how your day went?

I think it went well.

Me and Bob got off to
a bit of a rough start, but...

Yeah, I think I helped him out.

TC: Ah, he's being modest.

He brought that man's estranged
brother back into his life.

Hey, you can never get
the years that you lost back,

but you can make the best
of what you have left, right?

It's no small thing.

Today, I met a family and a young man

who didn't get to have that.

It's a real gift you've given him.

Good on you.

Wow, first I get Fun Higgins,

and now I get Sweet Higgins?

[CHUCKLES] Well, don't worry.

I'm pretty sure Drunk Magnum
won't remember a thing tomorrow.


Probably right.