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01x01 - Munster masquerade

Posted: 04/01/22 19:47
by bunniefuu
Uh, Tom?

Before we say good night, wouldn't
you like to come in for a minute?

And meet my folks.
Oh, you always
bring that up.

Why do I have to
meet your folks?

Well, I've been out with you
a lot, and my aunt and uncle
would like to meet you.

And your family.
[Inhales Sharply]

They're sort of old-fashioned.
Well, I'll tell you what.

My parents are having that party
that you're coming to next week,

so why don't I get them
to invite your, uh...
[Door Banging]

Uh... Aah! Aah!

It is your aunt and uncle,
isn't it? Yes.
Are you all right?

It is your aunt and uncle?
Yes, I've lived with them
since I was a baby.

Oh. Well, come here, baby.
[Kissing Sound]

They're standing real close, Lily.

Uh, you know, this is the fourth date
she's had with that young man.

Oh, yes. It's amazing how some boys
will overlook a girl's appearance.

[Door Creaks, Closes]

Uh, have a good time, Marilyn?
And guess what?

Tom's parents are giving
a party next week, and I think
you're both going to be invited.

Well! I think it's high time we met
this young man's parents.

You can't be too careful these days.

There are a lot of strange people
in this world.

Hmm. A party.
Sounds wonderful.

You know, we don't get out at night
as much as we used to.

Well, I'm going up to bed.

See you in the morning.
Good night, dear.

Good night.

By the way, Tom says it's going
to be a masquerade party.

Well, I suppose we'll just
have to go, for Marilyn's sake.

But I wish it weren't
a masquerade.

I know what you mean.

If there's anything that disturbs me, Lily,
it's the idea of grown people like us...

dressing up in costume
and looking ridiculous.

Tom, dear, your father and I will be
happy to invite your little girlfriend
to the masquerade party,

but really now...
now, now the whole family.

I mean, just who are
the Munsters?

Mother, they are simply
her aunt and uncle.

And if they're anything like Marilyn,
I'm sure they're lovely, charming people.

All right, but I do so hope
the society columns...

won't misspell the Munsters'
name on the guest list.

I'd hate to have my friends
read that we'd entertained
a couple of Monsters.

Oh, Dad. Thanks very much
for putting in a word with Mom.

If we invite Marilyn's folks,

It'll really help me out with her.

You know how it is.

Son, I haven't known how it is
for years.

If the Dalys are anything
like their handwriting,

they must fall over backwards a lot.

This party'll give us a chance
to look over the boy's parents.

We wouldn't want Marilyn marrying
into the wrong sort of family.

I've never heard of these Dalys,
and after all, we Munsters
are a very old family.

You're right, dear. It's not as if
someone just dug us up yesterday.

Look! They didn't invite me?

Why, I've never been so insulted
since the day I died.

Hmm. And besides,
as Marilyn's grandfather,
I should be there!

But, Grandpa, we don't even
know Mr. And Mrs. Daly.

We can't just take you along.

If I don't get to go,
I'll use my magic powers.

I'll turn myself into chopped liver
and show up in the hors d'oeuvres.

Now, Grandpa,
will you calm down?
I won't! I won't!

I won't.! If I don't get to go,
I'll sit here and hold my breath...

till the color comes back
in my cheeks.

You're being a big, spoiled baby.

Well, I suppose I could
ask the Dalys to invite him.

It's better than having him
come as chopped liver.
Thank you.

Of course, Mrs. Munster.
Mr. Daly and I will be happy...

to have dear Grandpapa.

Not at all, Mrs. Munster.
You're quite welcome.

[Hangs Up Receiver]
Albert, I'm afraid those Munsters
are frightful pushers.

Mrs. Munster just wheedled
an invitation for some old grandpapa
they've got kicking around the house.

- You couldn't put her off?
- How could I?

She gave me this sob story.
Said when someone's been living
with you for hundreds of years,

he's just like
one of the family.

Now what on earth could
she have meant by that?

You must have
misunderstood her, dear.

The way things are going, the only
worse thing that could happen would be
if it rained on the night of our party.


Boy, look at the neat lightning.
I sure hope it hits our house.

Eddie, how do you like me
as Priscilla?

Corny. Why don't you dress up
as a lady gorilla or something
pretty like that?

I don't think
even that would help me.

If you're going to a masquerade party,
who am I gonna have for a babysitter?

Mrs. Morton, the mother
of one of my girlfriends.

She's a very nice lady
who just loves little boys.


Hey, Dad!

Uncle Herman, you make
a simply wonderful King Arthur.

Daddy? Are you in there?

Hello, "dere."

What's Aunt Lily coming as?

Uh, she hasn't let me
see her costume.

She's being coy.

- Lily?
- Guess who?

- Who?
- Little Bo Peep.

Lily! Uh, uh, you scared me
out of a century's growth.

- How do I look?
- Positively awful.

Thank you. [Chuckles]
It's amazing what
they can do with makeup.

Eddie, don't forget
to give Spotty his supper,
and then go on up to bed.

Oh, and don't forget
to wash behind your points.

Okay, if I have to.
Good night, everybody.

Good night.
Good night, Eddie.
Good night, Eddie.

At the sound of the tone,
the time is : .

Nevermore. [Squawks]
Why don't you pipe down?

Pipe down!

[Door Banging]
That must be Tom.

[Wind Howling]
Hello, Priscilla.

Hi, John Alden.
Where's your raincoat?

Why, it's the most beautiful weather
all over town. It's only raining in this block.

Tom, I want you to come in
and meet my aunt and uncle.

Tom, this is my Aunt Lily.
How do you do?

How do you do?
[Chuckles] It's a...
It's a great pleasure.

This is, uh...
It's uh, uh, uh, quite a house
you have here.

Why, there's a fine old relic.

- [Clanks]
- Tom, my uncle's in there!

Oh, the masquerade!
I'm... I'm terribly sorry, sir.

Gadzooks, that smarts.

Well, we'll see you all
at the masquerade.

You're going to love my parents.
They're a... They're a gas.

We're certainly looking forward
to meeting your parents, Thomas.

Now, you children have fun.
Oh, don't worry about us.

I'm... I'm terribly sorry, sir.

Oh, uh, quite all right.
Quite all right.

Nice to have
bumped into you.

Hurry it up!

[Bottles Rattling]
I'll be there in a minute!
I'm still working on my costume!

Let me see. Jack the Ripper,
Fairy Godmother,

Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde...
Mr. Hyde!

Mr. Hyde! Ooh, that's quick,

and got Frederic March
his first Academy Award.

?? [Humming]

?? [Continues Humming]




Well, come on already.
You know, I don't have all day!

[Winces, Screams]

[Continues Screaming]


It's still me.

Oh, boy!

Somebody up there's been
cuttin' this stuff again.

Herman? No matter what
these Dalys are like tonight,

I want you to remember
to be gracious and polite.

Don't worry, dear. In spite
of this silly costume,

I'll be my own
charming, natural self.

I'm every inch a gentleman.

In fact, several gentlemen.

[Both Laughing]

[Armor Squeaking]

Ooh. Ooh!

You feel so nice and cold.

Albert, the guests will be
arriving soon. Are you ready?

[Albert]Just a second, dear.
And, Albert, for Tom's sake, no matter
what you think of those Munster people,

I don't want you doing or saying
anything to offend them.

You know me better than that, dear.

Our little boy, Eddie, is playing
in his room, Mrs. Morton.

I'm sure he won't
give you any trouble.

Of course he won't.
I've been a babysitter
for years,

and there's nothing in the world
that can... faze me.

Why, Grandpa. You really
look like Napoleon.

Oh, it was easy. I just combined
the bottles marked...

Charles Boyer, General de Gaulle,
and Marlon Brando.

Come on, Lily.
We'd better get going.

Oh, Mrs. Morton.
This is my husband, Mr. Munster.

- Oh, how do you do?
- How do you do?

Oh, yes, and this is
my father, the Count.

My pleasure!


Grandpa? L-I think
it's stopped raining.

Well, let's try not to let it
spoil our evening!

Well, good night, Mrs. Morton.
Make yourself at home.

Oh! And if Eddie's pet, Spotty, comes
scratching at the back door,
don't let him in.

Last time he ate the sofa.



Now, Grandpa, I want you
to behave yourself tonight.

Don't get silly after two drinks and start
telling those shaggy wolf stories of yours.

[Ringing Bell]
We want to make a good impression,
so let's keep the Munster dignity.

Oh, don't worry. You can count
on me to be in a very dignified vein.

Hello! I'm Mrs. Daly.
Juliet for tonight.

Uh, how do you do?
We're the Munsters.

So nice of you to invite us.
And this must be Grandpapa!

Knock it off.

My! Aren't you
a sweet little kitty?





[Buzzing Continues]

This is Eddie, calling babysitter.
Can you read me?

Yes, Eddie. What is it?
Request permission
to skip bath tonight. Over.

Skip your bath? Well, why
would you want to do that, Eddie?

We're all out of scalding water.

Oh. Well, l-I guess so.

You better get ready for bed now.
I'll be up soon to say good night.

Roger Wilco.
Over and out.

?? [Descending Arpeggio]

?? [Ascending Arpeggio]

- [Roaring]
- [Squawks] Nevermore, you cat fink.

?? [Rock And Roll]

Herman. Herman. Please.

Allow me.
Oh. Thank you.


Grandpa! Would you do me
a big favor?

Anything, my dear.
Please dance with Mrs. Daly.

Dance with her?
Over my dead body!

For me?

[Liquid Sloshing]

Ah, Mrs. Daly.
You make a lovely Juliet.

Oh! [Laughing]
You remind me
of one of my wives.

I had of them.


But of course,
they're all dead now.
Oh, you must miss them!

Oh, no! I visit them very often!

You must excuse me.

Mother, what's the matter?

I don't know why I let you talk me into
inviting those horrible people!

The Munsters are bad enough, but
don't give that grandfather of theirs
anything more to drink!

He's positively snockered!

Well, Little Bo Peep, I must say,
you're light on your feet.

As if you were dancing on air.

Funny you should say that.

Uncle Herman? Have you met
Tom's father yet?

Uh, no.

It's his duty as a host to
introduce himself to me.

Oh, don't stand on formality!
Go over and say hello. Be friendly.

Come on.

[Armor Creaking]
All right.

Uh, excuse me.
Oh! Oh, hello.
I don't believe we've met.

- I'm Albert Daly. This is Miss Hansen.
- How do you do?

How do you do?
I'm Herman Munster.

Uh, I can't quite place you,
Mr. Daly, but you remind me
of someone I know.

Oh, really?
But it's a shame, Mr. Daly,
you couldn't get a costume...

for your own masquerade party.


What is it? What's the matter, dear?
Agnes, that big, stupid King Arthur,
he just insulted me.

I don't care if Tom does have
a crush on their niece.

Those Munsters are
the rudest people I ever met.

[Slow Breathing]
[Wolf Howling]

[Howling Continues]


It's only me, Mrs. Morton.

I always do that
when the moon comes up.


Here, Spot. Here, Spot.

[Fierce Growling]


?? [Jazz]


Let's skip the buffet.

What do you say John Alden and
Priscilla go out on the patio and
look for some Indians or something?

Tom, I'm worried
about my folks.

I don't think they're having
a good time, and your parents
have hardly spoken to them.

Well, I'll take care of that
right now.

Here we are.
How do you do?

Happy, happy?

I'm sure you'll find something here
that'll suit your taste.

Ah! I certainly do.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Eddie? Eddie,
I have your milk.

Would you put it under the door?

Now, Eddie, I want you to get into bed
right away. Do you hear me?

That's just what I'm doing.

All right, then.
Good night.

Good night.
[Loud Clattering]


Up we go!
Quiet! Quiet, everybody!


I have a little prize for the most
original costume of the evening.

[Cheering, Clapping]
I vote for George Washington!

Thanks, boys.
I vote for Daniel Boone!

I vote for our hostess, Miss Juliet.

Oh, no, no, no. No, please!
No, not at my own party.

I vote for King Arthur!
Come on, fella, take
your helmet off!

- Yeah, take it off. Take it off.
- [Clamoring]


Hey! He's wearing one mask
under another mask!

Oh, uh, thank you.

Thank you very much.
I'd just like to say that...

I'm sure, in his illustrious career,

even King Arthur never had
a more memorable night.

?? [Resumes]

Come on, Herman.

We're leaving.

But, Lily, I was just
having fun.

And I just won a prize.
Oh, sure, sure.

For "wearing one mask
under another."

Lily? Lily!

Don't you know when
you've been insulted?

Those people just tried
to make a fool out of you.

[Mirror Cracking]

You know something, Lily?
This is my face.

I think they did insult me.
Oh, come on, Herman.

Tom Daly, your family did this whole thing
just to embarrass my uncle.

Now you take me right home!
Marilyn, what's going on?

He wins first prize,
and now you're all mad!

You told me you had
a fun family!


Thank you so much, Mrs. Morton.
Oh, your little Eddie was
no trouble at all.

If he didn't have that peculiar habit
of howling like a wolf,

I wouldn't have known
he was in the house!

Good night!
Good night.

What did she mean by
"Eddie's peculiar habit"?

Don't all children howl
when the moon comes up?

Uh, someone's on
the front porch.

Oh, it's probably Tom Daly
bringing Marilyn home.

I do hope she's not
too serious about him.

I'd hate to have those awful
parents of his in this family.

Well, all the lights are off.
I guess your folks must have
stopped off on the way home.

[Owl Hooting]
You, uh, going to
invite me in?

I don't think I should.
Now, look.

I don't know what happened
at the party tonight, but...

great big old John Alden
just can't let Priscilla...

go into that cold, dark house
all by herself.

Thanks anyway, Tom.
The least I can do is to come in and
hold your trembling little hand.

What are you so nervous about?

Listen. Why don't I go out
in the kitchen and fix some coffee?

And, uh, you go on into the living room.

Turn on a light. The switch
is right beside the door.

Don't be too long.

Ooh, Tom.
Come right in.

Yes. Uh, hello, Thomas.

We just got out of
our masquerade costumes,
and we're relaxing.

You mean, you...



Oh, no!

Uncle Herman, what happened?
Why is Tom running?

I don't know. It-It was extremely rude
of him not even to say good-bye.

I'm not surprised.
With a family like that, how
could he have any manners?

Well, looks like I scared
another one away.

But for once, I'm kind of glad.

I must say, there was something
strange about that boy.

He had the weirdest hairdo
I've ever seen.