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01x03 - Legends

Posted: 04/01/22 05:38
by bunniefuu
You brokered the sale of a woman
from the house of Batiatus,

the mark of the domina
on the back of her shoulder.

Where is she?

We will find her, brother,

and see everyone
that has kept her from your arms

to the afterlife.

We will see the Romans bleed
for taking us as dogs.

Spartacus is enemy to us both.

The man takes habit of slipping
through your fingers.

What moves you
to certainty of victory?

Because the gods themselves
will it.

May the gods bless you.

There is but one place
for an animal without honor.


l come bearing a gift...

that shall set you upon path
to the fall of Spartacus.

Quiet your f*cking bleating!

Still yourself.

This how you came for the mine,

by not heeding f*cking command?

See yourselves free.

You favor clever strategy.

f*ck the man from behind.

A good start to the day.

l would see it built upon.

l seek a woman named Naevia.

She was cast out
from the House of Batiatus

before its fall.


You are Spartacus?

l am Crixus.

Spartacus stands the fool
beside me.

The woman he seeks
is of rare beauty,

the mark of her domina
upon her back.

She was carried from...

Spartacus tells a sword
becomes lighter in time.

lt is a heavy thing
to rob a man of life.

Less so that of a Roman shit.

Stay close by.

l will help shoulder weight
until we can--

The girl, Naevia...

her fate, known to me.

Speak it then.

Spare a horse and my life.


They add to our number,
yet not my cause.

We will find her.

Words you have
spoken many times,

still ignored by the gods.

The man, he spoke of your woman.

What did he say?

Find f*cking voice.


Naevia is dead.

l cannot believe
she is gone.

The gods again turn from those
most worthy of blessing.

- l hold no love for the man.

Yet it tears heart
to see him so.

How did she meet her end?

Naevia was put to cart
for Lucania,

having served purpose
for Batiatus' ambition.

She perished in the mines?

She gave life in passage,

from injuries
borne of mistreatment.

Death a kindness then,

to be spared such a fate.

Kindness only to the one taken.

The man yet stands mute.

This is what you would offer me
to gain favor?

A statue that bleeds?

Oenomaus believes himself
a man of honor.

Pain alone will not move him
to betray his brothers.

And l know the man well.

Given over to my hands--

Oh, do not think
l've forgotten

what your hands
are capable of, sl*ve.

Or how they aided Batiatus

in tethering me to this house.

l but did
as my dominus commanded,

absent thought of refusal,

as l would
faithfully serve you now

in seeing Spartacus
brought to his end.

You speak of loyalties,

yet the mark of Batiatus
brings allegiance to question.

A blight upon flesh

forever mocking
more noble intentions.

Prove them...

and live to see
if you are of further use.

Your will,

my hands.

You must be patient.

The gods would not
deliver Oenomaus,

only to mock us
with his silence.

The sum of my doubts does
not lie with the gods alone.

lt's equally shared
with their messenger.

Ah. Here is our man.

Courteous to finally
acknowledge our presence.

l was unaware of your arrival.

The fault is mine,

between happy reunion
with father

and plying Varinius
for news of Rome.

ls this the lanista's wife,

the one they whisper of
in the streets?


To find you alive
is a blessing from Olympus.

l am but its humble instrument.

You're overly modest.

To have survived such horrors,

Jupiter himself must have
taken note of your worth.

Varinius comes to present games.

- Games?
- Two weeks of blood and sport

to move this city
from heavy thought

of Spartacus yet untamed.

lt shall be glorious spectacle,
made more so

by your men presented
in opening celebration.

The sight of them coupled
with Lucretia in the pulvinus

shall help calm the citizenry.

An honor that l
would happily oblige,

were they not otherwise
occupied in the south.

Do they draw any closer
to their goal?

Or does Spartacus
yet elude them,

as l heard he did
in the market?

Perhaps Seppius' men
could march in your games.

lt's well known you hold
considerable sway with them.

Seppius' men do not carry
the seal of Rome as your men do.

Show good Varinius to wine

and enticing view
of the city below.

l would voice no argument.

Come then. l shall
see you properly attended.

Varinius is admired
within the Senate,

a thing to be
carefully considered

before words fly
from errant f*cking tongue.

- Do l not stand his equal?
- ln title only.

They think you
an incompetent child,

unable to wipe clean
his own shit.

So a show of respect
towards a fellow praetor

would be wise step
towards quietening doubt, hmm?

Not only among the Senate.

Capua to the north.

Our current position, here.

To the east, Vesuvius.

Strong position to make camp.

Within striking distance
of Pompeii to the south.

Or Neapolis to the northwest.

Prison ships often
empty at its ports,

vomiting men
to be sold into sl*very,

as my brother and l were
a lifetime ago.

l was carried
across the Adriatic

to the eastern seaboard.
l know little of Neapolis.

There are fighting men
brought to its shores?

Captured in foreign wars.

Already enemies of Rome
easily recruited to our cause.

A reasonable course.
Well thought.

l shall break words
with Crixus.

Towards what end?

He stands for the Gauls.

- Then he is waist-deep in shit.
- They are half our number

and much needed
in any attempt on Neapolis.

The man himself

is in need of distraction
from wounded soul.

How did you survive...

after your woman
was taken from you forever?

The man that l was did not.

l am but bones and flesh,

void of beating heart.

We will see empty chest filled

with the blood of Romans.

An ocean of it

would not wash away
what l have done.

What you have done?

l pursued Naevia's affections,

regardless of concern
toward discovery,

of what Lucretia would do if...

betrayal were known.

Naevia is gone
from this world...

because of
my selfish desires.

We do not choose love.

lt claims each man as it will.

And it grips
until there is nothing left.

An empty hand
can yet become a fist.

How many more remain
shackled in servitude

as Naevia was?

Without hope of love
or gentle touch?

Together we can strike chain
from neck--

On this subject,
l have heard your thoughts.

Leave me to my own.

She was a radiant spirit.

Yet she died a sl*ve.

A fate shared by my wife.

l would not see
more like them fall

because men who could
make difference stood idle.

A sword in his chest
would be a blow less felt.

We have all made sacrifices.

- Crixus now makes his.
- l would speak with him.

Your words would only cause
greater suffering.

lf he knew the truth...

l would not have you
and countless others

fall in vain attempt.


There is much planning
yet needed towards Neapolis.

Ah, that vacant gaze.

l've witnessed it before,

when you were upon your knees
in the Pits, awaiting death.

Or were you longing for it?

ls that why you sought out

a place void of precious honor?

A thought drags
the mighty Oenomaus

into the depth
of the underworld?

Your betrayal of the house
that saved you

from such torment there?

A brotherhood turning
your instruction as Doctore

to treachery or m*rder?

Or that Ashur
escaped your attempt

to rob him of life?

A thing of low importance.

Let us set past behind us...

...and turn eye towards
less quarrelsome future.

Ah. No, no.

You must ask for it.

You must break silence
and speak.

You thirst for water?

For the release of death?

Free your tongue,
and see desires quenched.

Tell me where Spartacus
and his shits are to be found.

They have spat on everything
you've held true.

You owe them nothing.

Speak, you f*cking c**t.

Very well.

Remain silent.

Remain living and in pain

day after day

with only Ashur
to comfort you...

as you once comforted me
upon these very sands.

You should have warned me
of their arrival.

l was swept by the moment.

They stood
but a short length waiting.

Long enough for your father
to slip noose about my neck.

All will be forgotten
when you present your men.

Oh, to honor a jest of a man.


To honor your child...

with a father that will rise
within the Senate.

l did not care for Varinius' hand
upon you.

Nor l.

His touch will never know
wetter climes.

Pressing concerns
pull mind from task.


You know my meaning.

Must confer with Marcus

towards the recall of my troops
from the south.

We must not fall to quarrel!

- You f*cking--
- Get off him.

Vesuvius will
serve purpose well.

Agron speaks of fighting men
to be liberated from Neapolis

not far from its banks.

Agron can suck the piss
from my cock.

Too small a drink for a man.

f*ck you!

- Vesuvius offers advantage.
- f*cking coward.

From its shadow, we can strike
at the ports of Neapolis,

ships heavy with warriors

captured by the Romans,

as many of us once were.

Let us hear from Crixus!

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

And what would he say?

What words
would make difference?

The ones l have told myself?

Ones of hope...

and promise of better days?

Throat can no longer
make such empty noise.

lt is choked with loss.

An agony familiar
to many of us.

Spartacus lost his wife.

Yet his fire still burns.

Agron, a brother.

Yet his fire still burns.

We have all lost.

We have all seen
those held as friend...

as family...

as lover...

fall to the Romans.

Yet our fire still burns.

And together,

we shall ignite an inferno.

l move to Vesuvius
with Spartacus.

You will speak.

ln your final moments,

when you beg for life's end,

you will tell me
where Spartacus and--

You f*cking c**t.

l shall tear the words
from your f*cking mouth.


Oenomaus must not die
before prophecy is fulfilled.

Then entreat the f*cking heavens
to pry his lips.

Oh, you would do well

to seal your own,
lest tongue escape you.

l should never have returned
to this house.

Fortunes darken
as consequence.

Look to the gods
for illumination.

The gods?

Was it Jupiter
that found you near death?

Or Venus who stitched
your mangled womb?

Did Mars see you
fed and clothed?

Did Apollo deliver Oenomaus
into your hands?


lt was Ashur,
lowest of f*cking mortals.

You but service
the will of the gods.

- l was serving you.
- And l them.

Then l fear
that we are both forsaken.

The man will not speak.

Absent his words,

your prophecy
will fall to ruin,

the pious
quickly to follow.

Even the dead
may give voice to passion.

The man stands empty
of such worldly vice.

Then see him filled

with memories of the past.

There is a secret buried
within these walls.

And you will see it exhumed

and the corpse set to purpose.

Double or nothing.

The hour grows late,

and our bed cold.

Fall to it.

l'll be with you presently.

A maddening thing,

to forever be waiting for you,

far from your side.

lt's not always
the safest place,

as many have learned.

l am not the past.

l stand with you now

and would hold more value
than gentle touch

and satisfying your needs.

l would stand beside you,

blade gripped
in hand slick with Roman blood.

l will not be helpless
as Naevia was...

her life slow march
towards death.

We all move toward such end.

Only the length
of the journey differs.

Then let us greet it together...

and show not all go quietly.

No, no. l've got it.

- You got it?
- Yes.

You intend to spirit away

the entire villa in that trunk?

We do not know
what Vesuvius holds, Chadara.

Agron would have us
well supplied.

Agron, yes.

He is of a form, is he not?

l suppose.

Oh, you suppose?

Do not think l have not noticed
your eyes upon him,

nor the way of late

you have been huddled together
in intimate conversation.

You mistake
subject of discussion.

Yet not the blush
upon your cheek when he is near.

You would do yourself well
to pursue desire.

l would myself,
if l believed he favored me.

l thought you were
taken with Rhaskos.

Rhaskos is a base animal,

yet one with sharp claws,

offering protection
and position.

Spartacus holds Agron
in much high esteem.

l envy you his attentions.

We can reach Vesuvius
by nightfall

if we put
the slaver wagon to use.

lt would commit us to the roads.

The forest
would hide our numbers.

And slow progress.

A fair trade, to see us all
to the mountain alive.


l was not in favor
of your training.

Do you know the reason?

l made attempt on Spartacus.

As have l,
on more than one occasion.

l did not trust you,

because you are Syrian.

l have had
unfortunate acquaintance

with one of your people,

as did my woman--


He caused her much pain.

Yet despite this,

she would not have held you
for his actions.

Such was her heart,

one l shall try to honor

in thought and deed.

There is something
l must tell you.

Rome considers us nagging fly.

After Neapolis,
they shall know the sting--


Take your man!

- f*cking shit!
- l'll f*cking k*ll you!

Have you lost mind?

Regained heart.

Naevia lives.

How do you come by this?

The boy Nasir.

The slaver told
not of her death,

but of her suffering
in the mines.

An equal fate.

Why would you bear false tongue

when a life
holds in the balance?

What of our lives?

What of our lives?!

Crixus has no thought
towards any but Naevia

and would have us all
meet our end

in foolish attempt on the mines.

l did what needed to be done,

You must see this.

A lie for the greater good.

One that would never
have passed lips,

had it been your brother Duro
in her place.

lf a single life
holds no value...

then none are of worth!

l stand with Crixus

and will see Naevia
from bondage.

l will not f*cking die for this.

l move for Vesuvius.

Those that would live...


He returns to us.

l have sat vigil

throughout chill embrace
of night,

concerned that in eruption,
l had...

released you to the afterlife.

Gates, hup.

lt swells heart to find you
yet bound to this world.

Still not a word?

Very well. Save voice.

l would enjoy the sweet caress
of my own.

So very much to speak of,

long years of secrets
within this house,

seeping in the very bones
that support it.

Place ear to any beam,

and marvel at the whispers
of the past.

lt was there
that l first discovered Crixus

embrace an ill-fated love
with the young Naevia.

There, dominus blessed me
with elevation

upon heel of ending
Magistrate Calavius

and cursing Solonius
with the deed.

Further inside,

where Gannicus
first took your wife

as entertainment
for noble Varis.


Stone at last cracks

in defense of a f*cking whore.

Were you really so blind?

The lingering gazes
they shared?

The subtle change
in your brother?

You know nothing
of brotherhood.

Nor did Gannicus.

Have you never asked yourself
how your wife

came to sip a tainted wine

that was meant
for Batiatus? Hmm?

And she was not in the habit
of thieving, was she,

or partaking of drink alone.

Do you recall that night?

Gannicus to be sold
the next morning.

You conveniently
removed to town.

Your wife slipping away
into Gannicus' cell.

One last drink.

One last f*ck.

You're all the same.

Spartacus, Crixus,

the noble Oenomaus.

Fallen to ruin for a woman
plowed by other men's cock.

Search heart
and feel the sting of truth.

lt was a gift for Titus.

How did it come
to pass her lips?

She was no thief.

Your wife betrayed you,

your brother--

everyone you believed
to love you.

What does a serpent
know of love?


That its bite is often fatal.

Your wife fell to its venom,

as did the traitor
Spartacus' bitch.

Even the mighty Gaul
saw his heart withered

when ripe Naevia was plucked
forever from his grasp.

They will find her

and, one day...

your f*cking throat.

Find her?

That is why they
have moved south.

Spartacus is not the one
that spurs their intent.


The Gaul who lost mind
before you and Batiatus

and att*cked me,
his purpose then as now,

love for domina's
body sl*ve Naevia.

You pledged to discover
Spartacus' location.

lnstead you return

with tales of fluttering hearts.

She was taken from this house.
l know Crixus.

He will not rest until--

See him to proper reward!

Wait! Wait! Wait!

You would turn from the gods

and their guidance?

Even if this crude vessel
disgorged truth,

such knowledge
provides little more

than feather upon breeze.

Yet l know of calming winds

and where a dark little feather
came to rest at tempest's end.

Do not die, you simple f*ck.

Will you mourn me if l do?

Until l find better to fill me.

- Bitch.

Are we to attack naked,

with our cocks as weapons?

You would fare just as well.

Remove yourself
from f*cking sight.


Seek us out at Vesuvius

if you live.

Pray l do not.

l accompanied my dominus
to the mines once.

l may be of some aid.

Well received.

f*cking Syrians.

The wagon is readied.


Save words for Naevia,

when we have returned her
to your arms.

l would have it so

or perish in the attempt.

Move along, you f*cking dogs!

Do not expose brand.

We will lose advantage of
being thought as common slaves.

A crack to Liscus' skull
will add to the deception.

That's the wagon for Ferox.

Lower voice.

Keep moving, c**t.

Do l give coin to sit upon ass?

See them from the f*cking wagon!


Hurry up.

ls this the stock from Ferox?

Two days past expected delivery.

- Two f*cking days!
- Apologies. l--

l do not know you.
Where is Ferox?


We were set upon by Spartacus
and his shits,

the reason for our delay
and Ferox's permanent absence.

l have wished the man
to grass for many years.

Yet he fucks me
from the afterlife.

Schedule now teeters upon brink,

with little hope
of regaining balance.

Yes, again, apologies. l--

Am l to present myself now?

Yes. Yes!

A special offering,
to compensate your troubles.

Wait here.

Rotten c**t serves no trade.

What misdeed sees such beauty
condemned to the mines?

Form words, or find my cock
reason you cannot.

l fell in love.

Well, no danger of that here.

l would have you
form words now,

or find your cock
upon the floor.

There was a woman brought here
from the House of Batiatus,

beautiful and young,

one a fat shit like you
would have taken notice of.


l know of no such woman.

Search f*cking memory.

She is dark of skin

with the mark of Batiatus' wife
upon the back of her shoulder.

l do recall one
as you just described.

Does she yet draw breath?

l believe it so.

- Where is she?

Assigned to dig
the eastern vein.

There is a map.

Show me.


Mira has been gone too long.

You there.

From where do you hail?


ln the tunnel

where it branches off, here--

l have seen you before...


The arena.

Keys quickly. Come.


lt is Roman blood.

Did he know of her?

Does Naevia live?

She does.

Mannus, Plenus,
assume their mantle.

Make it known if any
become aware of our presence.

lnto the mines. Quickly.

Come, brother.

Let us see heart restored.


Move. Go!

Mmm, you really must try this.

lt is divine.

l fear stomach turned
at the moment.

l do not envy you.

Sickness with every sunrise.
Swelling beyond reason.

Though the breasts
are a benefit, l suppose.

To feel a child
grow within you.

There is no greater blessing.

What of being thought of
other than matron?

Enticing men until they
fawn over your every word,

aching to receive
the slightest touch?

The bonds of marriage
desired result.

l suppose
it would not be too horrid

if he were handsome and rich

and thought of nothing
but his hands upon me.

Lust, as all things,

fades with the passing of years.

Sun draws high.

Let us fall to our seats
and see day begin.

Varinius tells that your men
are to be presented.

Yes. The request
would have fallen to yours

if they were proper soldiers.

l look forward to witnessing
proper Roman formation.

lt should be a pleasant
distraction for the people

while my men
bring Spartacus to justice.


Are your soldiers to purpose?

They are.

The crowd is yours, Varinius.

Good citizens of Capua!

l present these games to honor
the beloved sister of Rome!

And to send message
that her spirit

shall never be quelled by those
who seek to cause her injury.

Your cheers in the coming days

shall serve as balm
to wounded heart,

a wound shared by many
in this great city

so inflicted by the treachery

of Spartacus
and his murderous horde.


l call now upon the sons
of Rome to march,

the thunder of their every step
a declaration

that loss and grief

shall give way
to triumph and joy!

What's happening?

Come on.
No one's coming!

Where are they?

What the f*ck
is going on?

Where are your f*cking men?

Set to purpose,
as promised.

Hey, forward!

Find the f*cking passage.

Seal the road.


We come on order of
Praetor Gaius Claudius Glaber.

Has attempt been made
to breach the mines?

None. lt stands secure.

Dispatch word to Capua.

l would turn from fool's errand

and recommit
to sweep the countryside.

Seize him!

l know these men.

Mannus and Plenus,

gladiators bearing
the mark of Batiatus.

Spartacus is here.

Which way do we go?

They both
should lead us to it.

This one the shorter path.

l would double odds
toward goal.

Take the longer path.

Move quietly.

People of Capua!

Noble Varinius!

l offer apologies!

l do not seek to lower spirits

with absence of display,

but instead to raise them up

with knowledge that my soldiers

have been set to higher purpose

by the gods themselves!

At this very moment,

they close on Spartacus!

And by day's end,

he shall once more kneel

before the glory of Rome!


Rome! Rome! Rome!

Rome! Rome! Rome!

Rome! Rome!

Rome! Rome! Rome!

We must see them freed.

There are too many of them.

We would be discovered.


and know l will return.





This is where
he said she would be?

lf he spoke truth.


There is one here with mark
of her domina upon back!

Naevia. Naevia?


You are safe.

You are safe now.

l'm here.


Forgive me.

Forgive me
for what l have done.

someone comes.

Go! Go!

They're down here!



Move! Move! Go!

Come on!



There's a runoff.

lt empties out
on the other side of the mine.

Which path do we take?

- Quickly!
- This way.

She leads us
to our f*cking death.

Take breath,
and gain your bearing.

A turn missed.
lt will take us to the water.


Move! Stay together.


Come on! Go!

- w*apon.
- Come on.

Back there, by the gate.

l will give them pause...

so you may slip from grasp.

- You two, down there.
- Right.

See Naevia to safety.


See it done, brother.

Go! Go!



- Yeah!
- Ooh!

f*ck you!

f*ck you, bastard!
You Roman dog!

k*ll! k*ll!




Crixus! Crixus.
