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02x13 - Split Up

Posted: 04/01/22 05:19
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "Marvel's Runaways"...

- What's going on with PRIDE?
- They're declaring w*r. On you.

New weapons, the whole shebang.

These weapons
were designed specifically

for our kids' powers.

Need we remind you
of the mind-wipe drug we created

for just such an occasion?

You... you came for me?

The Radiance.

After what happened to her at the crater,
she can't be alone.

- Okay, then you can both go.
- I'm pregnant.

She's a runaway now...
Just like us.

You still got that piece I gave you?
Hold it right.

You don't know what's been done
with it, but I do.

- Why do you want it?
- Because I promised Livvie

I would get justice for Darius's m*rder,
and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

- I was actually scared of that Staff.
- Maybe your darkness is you...

Your power...
Like how my light is for me.

- Son.
- Dad.

Can you come home?

- What's going on?
- You're... you're leaving?

Chase, you can't do this.

I'm goin' home.

You can be the hero.

All you have to do is step inside
and join us.

- Promise me none of 'em get hurt.
- I promise, son.

I'm Xavin. I've been looking for you.

I don't want to scare you.

Gert, did you stop taking your meds?

I'm not Gert.

I'm your betrothed.

No one knows the origins of this story.

It passed down
through the generations

until it was just a thing that is known.

A truth. A prophecy.

And at some point, the story
is heard by someone who comes to believe

that the story is about them.

Are they crazy to believe?

Or would it be crazy not to?

Because this story is a love story.

A love story that unites two worlds

and brings peace to the universe.

And so a believer
stowed away on a ship

that carried a family
of exiled Royal Magistrates

at the center of the prophecy.

But the stowaway
did not remain secret for long.

Once exposed, the stowaway
became a help to them,

and soon they had mastered
every skill needed to run the ship.

But peace was not to last.

All seemed lost.

Perhaps the stowaway was not the one
spoken of in the prophecy.

Maybe the prophecy was not even true.

Death would have been a relief

from the uncertainty
the stowaway suffered.

Until there was a light from above.

And it occurred to the stowaway

that this had always been
a part of the prophecy,

that they had crashed
in exactly the right place,

because the light they saw
was their beloved.

My beloved.

My intended.

My betrothed.


That was a trip.

Are you OK?

I've never done that before
to someone... like you.

I think so.

A little invasive, but... beautiful.

I used familiar concepts
to help you understand...

and so we may find a common language,
and bond.

I don't want you
to be frightened of me.

I'm not scared.

But I sense hesitation
in your response.

It's not that I don't believe you.

I believe that you believe.

It's just a lot to take in.

Our destinies are woven together
by prophecy.

Is... is there maybe a hard copy
of this prophecy that I could look at?

Preferably written in English
and not projected into my brain.

Wait, what are you doing?

My savior. My soulmate.

I've... I've known you
for like five minutes.

The love of my life.
Will you be my...


Am I interrupting?

Who the hell is this?

I understand what you're saying,

but there is no way the other kids
are gonna come back without a fight.

Well, the...
There is one way.

- If you convince them.
- Me?

No, I am the last guy
they'd listen to right now.

They were mad when I left.

Gert loves you.
I saw it with my own eyes.

And heard it. From you.
A lot of love, Chase, so much.

- Too much?
- Gert called me a coward.

To someone like her,
that is the worst thing you can be.

Well, if an emotional plea won't work,
try logic.

There's no longer any need
to stay away.

Jonah's gone,
the past is in the past.

We're asking for a second chance,
and we are offering everything we have.

Doesn't change the fact
that you're still murderers.

Your hands aren't exactly clean anymore.

- Cat, we're trying the nice thing here.
- Which I appreciate.

But I woke up with a sore neck,
and I'm pretty sure

it's because Nico stuck pins
in a voodoo doll with my name on it.

Guys, I'm sorry, but I'm not
the right guy for this mission.

I'm afraid you're the only guy.

Son, you have got to give this
your best sh*t.

Or what?
This whole conversation started

with you saying that
none of 'em will get hurt.

None of 'em will get hurt...
if you succeed.

We have the weapons
necessary to achieve our goal.

We don't want to use them. But...

This is our last act of diplomacy.

If they turn you down,

there's no other choice.
It's w*r.

And you know what happens in w*r.

*Marvel's RUNAWAYS*
Season 02 Episode 13

*Marvel's RUNAWAYS*
Episode Title: "Split Up"

How many kingdoms...

how many lives were given
in pursuit of this treasure?

"High-fructose corn syrup."

Uh, many. Many lives.

But for future reference,

we don't really talk
with our mouths full.


Still getting used to having a mouth.

They're not staying, right?

Please tell me
they're just passing through.

I don't know what Xavin's plan is,

but it's definitely not leaving.

I think it's more
like a quickie courthouse wedding,

followed by eternal happiness
and wandering the universe.

- Creepy.
- I didn't invite her.

But she did stay on the ship,
and she survived our parents' att*ck.

We have a responsibility.

As for my mom, I don't know.
We haven't talked about it.

Well, this can't be a halfway house
for pregnant PRIDE members

and aliens with fairy tale fixations.

Yeah, I agree. It's too risky.

We don't have any idea
what Xavin's motives are,

and your mom is untrustworthy,
to say the least.

No more roommates who aren't
one hundred percent in.

One is enough.
I don't need to say his name.

It's Chase.

What did I just say?!

Do not pick up that phone,
Alex Wilder!

Why not?

OK, I get why not,

but he wouldn't be calling
if it weren't important.

What's important to us
is not important to him.

Can you just decide? The sound
of the phone is really annoying.


- Hey.
- Hey. Thanks for answering.

I know Gert's gotta be standing here
making that face.

- Um, no, not really.
- Listen,

I need you guys to meet me.

Yeah, dude,
that's not happening.

I know you don't trust me,
and I get it,

but if I were gonna rat you out
to our parents,

they'd be in the middle
of your business already.

Fair point. But still,

- you're persona non grata right now.
- I understand.

You hate me. But Alex,
I'm trying to keep something...

bad from happening.

- Something really bad.
- Go on.

I need to lay it out in person

so everyone can make the decision
that's best for them.

He wants to meet up.

- They're interested. Continue.
- OK.

Pick the time and pick the place.

Anywhere that you guys feel safe,
I'll be there.

- I don't know...
- Alex. Alex,

please listen to me.
They have customized weapons.

Serious firepower that
they're gonna use on you guys.

I'm trying to keep that from happening.



Hey. Uh, just called Alex.

It's happening.
They agreed to meet.

- Dad, you OK?
- Yeah. Yeah.

What's going on?
Why are these specs up?

Uh, I don't know.

I don't know, they were like that
when I came down here.

I just thought you left 'em running.

I'm sure I didn't.

Did you adjust these?

Who made these changes?

No, not me.

Dad, are you all right?

These have been tuned

to make them considerably
more dangerous.

Who's doing this?

What is happening to me?

It's getting worse.

- The illness.
- Ohh!

Whatever it is, it's progressing.

I have these, um, spaces

where I feel like I'm drowning.


We will b*at this.

I promise.

But for now, please
change the specs back.

If I fail, I don't want
anyone getting hurt...

more than they have to.

I can change the specs back
on the computer, but...

the weapons have already
been produced.

I'm afraid it's too late.

When you were little,
still in a crib,

we used to hear you in the morning,
calling out to us.

"Somebody get the baby!"

I'd come in your room
and you'd hold your arms out to me,

and I'd pick you up and...

for just a few minutes,
it was me and you.

And I just wanted that
to go on and on.

But it couldn't, could it?

It's too late for us, Mom.

You have to go, and be a better mom
to that baby than you were to me.

So you won't forgive me, ever?

Forgiveness is earned.

Over time. With deeds, not words.

Isn't that a fundamental Gibb teaching?


Which is a whole other thing
to consider.

After what happened in the crater...

I'm certain you are
the new head of the church.

What are you talking about?

When you took to the sky
and spread your wings,

you confirmed everything
in The Book of Gibborim.

They're gonna be searching for you,
desperate for another encounter.

You're the messiah now, Karolina.
Are you prepared for that?

No. Definitely not.

I can help you navigate all of that,
but not if you push me away.

You're not coming
because you're not invited!

- Chase doesn't even know you exist.
- I don't require an invitation.

It should be assumed that I'd go along
to protect my betrothed.

She protects herself.

And if she needs backup,
I've got it.

- Guys...
- If that's the case,

wouldn't it be better...

if there were twice the backup?

Holy sh*t.

Am I... Am I really this small?

Exact duplicate.

Xavin, please change back.

That creeps people out.

- I agree.
- And I don't need your protection...

Or anyone's.

I'm not so sure. Is it a bad idea
to bring all the help you can?

Well, great.
Your mom gets a vote now?

I must go on this mission.
It is my destiny to protect my betrothed.

Stop it. I am no one's betrothed.

Or their messiah.

I decide where I go
and who I go with.

And for today,
I'm sticking with my friends...

My old friends.

Sorry, Xavin.

Then where does this leave me?

For now, it leaves you here...

to protect my mom and the house
until we get back.

It is a noble endeavor
to guard the Holy Mother

and the Haven. I accept.

And one more thing.

Would you stop calling me
your "betrothed"?

- It's a weird word.
- As you wish.

Looks good on you.

Safety precaution.
No offense.

I would just like it noted

that I am here under duress
and anything that I agree to

should be considered as such.

- She's really pissed at you.
- Totally aware.

- We all are.
- If you can put aside your hurt feelings

for one second, there are
more important things to discuss.

More important than
the complete betrayal of your friends?

I'm here with an offer
from our parents.

- Oh, my God, you're one of them.
- No I'm not.

Makes total sense.
You always wanted to go home.

OK, will you please listen?

They're coming for you
with everything they've got.

I've seen their weapons,
and you can't win.

We've heard that before,
yet here we are.

But this time it's different.
If they have to hurt you, they will,

and believe me, they can.

But they'd prefer you to come home
without a fight,

and if you're willing to do that,
then PRIDE is ours.

Why would we want
a totally corrupt organization

and the hypocritical life
that comes with that?

Because they would step back.

They would let us run it
however we choose.

We'd have resources for, I don't know,
feminist empowerment projects,

feeding the poor,
educating the marginalized.

The stuff you're always talking about,
we'd actually be able to do.

You really think they would just disappear
and leave us alone?

They're our parents. No way.

Guys, you don't understand.

This is your last chance.

Take it or leave it?

- I'll pass.
- Me too.

They're gonna use the mind-wipe drug.

All the connections,

all the memories,
everything that binds us together,

will be erased forever.

That might not be
such a bad thing.

- What?
- Some of us didn't even need a drug

to destroy our connection.

If you ask me...

getting rid of my memories
sounds kind of good.

Then I... I guess we're done here.

I'm certain of it.


- Hello.
- Well?

They turned me down.

I'm not surprised.

If I can get Alex alone, then maybe
I can still convince him.

- If I can do that...
- No, too late.

- Thank you for trying. We've moving on.
- Wait. Tina...

- I'm assuming you all heard that.
- We did.

Everyone ready to roll out?

Ahem! I'm starting to feel
a little... hyperventilating.

Uh, do you mind if we could
just reconvene tomorrow?

Stacey can drive
if you can't handle it.

- Robert?
- Ready.

- Victor?
- I've got everything I need.

Let's do this. And Tina, remember,
make every sh*t count.

We can't reload.

Engaging now.

- What's that noise?
- I don't hear anything.



It's um...
Chase was followed!

- Nico!
- Ahh... I'm having... tomatoes...


I mean... trouble... I...

I-I can't fry a... a bubble!
I'm scrambled.

This drone is doing something to her!

It's covered in solar protection
of some kind.

They're jamming the electronics, too!

They thought of everything!

We gotta split up!
We gotta try and lose 'em!

- Everybody, go!
- Come on.

OK, it's out of a*mo.

- What do we do now?
- We...

Be... bird flappers.

That thing has totally
scrambled your brain.

Victor. Robert.
I ran out of darts.

I knew
you couldn't control yourself.

We gotta get out of here.
I'm sure our parents are on their way.

There's only one drone and two of us,
so if we split up,

one of us definitely escapes...
But hopefully both.

I... I don't want...

To leave... you.

There's no leaving each other.
Not anymore.

No matter where we go,
what the distance is between us,

I will always come back to you.

OK? Everything's gonna be all right,
I promise.

I lamp you.

I lump you.

See you back at the hostel in an hour.

OK, your mom
is definitely driving this thing.

I'm gonna lead it away.


I love you.


I've locked onto Karolina.

Lost Nico.

Pulling up the CCTV feeds
in the park.

See if I can pick her up.

Molly and Gert are exiting the park
toward Franklin.

Okay, we're...
We're on our way.

Molly, these boots were made
to support my self-image, not my ankles!

- But they're gonna catch us!
- Just go without me!


Wait a minute.

Yo! Molly!
We cannot steal a scooter!

It's not stealing when it's borrowing it.


Ha! I'm two for two!

I understand that drones are annoying,
but that was totally uncalled for.

Yeah, sorry, dude.
Do you have insurance or something?

Insurance is a corporate swindle invented
to capitalize on our inner fears.

Oh, you're totally speaking my language.
What was your name again?

Yeah, it's you!

- Gert!
- From the uh... the Wizard gala.

I was hoping I'd run into you again.

- Earl.
- Oh, my God. Mothra guy?

Gert! They're here!

Quick, swap meet!
Sorry, gotta go!


- You still got Alex?
- Yes.

He's a block away
from your current location.

We're on it.

Hey. Here ya go.

Thank you. Hot today, huh?

♪ I ain't got much in the bank ♪

♪ But I got a lot I could say ♪

♪ Tied up with goddesses, hey ♪

Let's "Baby Driver" this bitch.

♪ Ride around with a renegade ♪

♪ You should take a seat,
save your energy ♪

♪ I try to heal the gods
with a band-aid ♪

We got eyes on Alex.

♪ I landed in Ibiza and I need a visa,
I ain't playin' with you ♪


♪ Need a Hottie Tottie
with a body, yeah... ♪

- Geoffrey!
- I got him.

Just get the tranq g*ns ready.

Gotta lose that thing.

What is he doing?
He's gonna k*ll himself!

I shoulda never let him
play Grand Theft Auto.

- The drone is making it worse!
- Tina, enough with the drone!

You already wasted all the a*mo!

We can see him just fine!

- What is you lose him?
- We won't!

He's our son, Tina. It's our call.

- If you insist.
- ♪ Watch me do this ♪

♪ It's always been more than the music ♪

♪ You riding waves
on the back of my cruise ship ♪

♪ Look, watch me, watch me ♪

♪ Watch me do this ♪

♪ Since 2012 I've been the coolest,
if you do not get it you foolish ♪

Karolina, you made it back.


What happened?
What did Chase have to say?

I do not know this Chase you speak of.

You... you can't do that.
That's... that's a violation.

I don't understand. You love Karolina.

I'm trying to make you more comfortable
by taking her form.

- Well, that's not the way.
- Well, what way is it?

I was hoping Karolina
would have responded

to my courtship by now,
but nothing seems to work.

Yeah, you're moving pretty fast here,
Xavin. And she hardly knows you.

And human attraction is complicated
under any circumstance.

- What would you do?
- To be perfectly honest,

we have not had very good luck
with aliens around here.

I actually think you just
need to leave us alone.

- I can't.
- You could!

Karolina's so young,
and in some ways you're even younger.

I think you need to go out
and create a life of your own,

and come back
and see what happens.

You're gonna want my help
when they come for the baby.

- What?
- I read your
biomarkers immediately.

The baby you're carrying
is of royal lineage.

The Magistrate and his family
will not allow you to remain

in sole possession
of one of their own.

It isn't done.

OK, wait.

Wait, wait.

The Magistrate.

- Do you mean Jonah?
- That is what Karolina called him, yes.

And his family... What family?
We saw that ship explode.

The others escaped when I did.
They are Gibborim.

Unlike me. Xartan.

But in their light form, I believe
they simply took on new hosts.

A vessel that was nearby.

- So he is still out there.
- Gathering his family, no doubt.

And they are...

to put it mildly, problematic.


Wait, do you think
this meeting with Chase, this...

Do you think this is part of Jonah's plan
to lure Karolina back?

Very possible.

She's come back out into the open.
Frogtown. Warehouse district.

Where the hell are you, Victor?

The last person to talk to me like that
works in a Malaysian toy factory

- for fifteen cents an hour.
- Last person who talked to me like that

doesn't talk anymore.


I lost her!

It's all right. I'm here.

Though she has
locked herself inside.

What are you doin' out here?

Just waiting for Dad to come back.

- Are you worried?
- Shouldn't I be?

Look, I know you love your friends.

They made their choice...
and you made yours.

It's time to move on.

Aren't you ready for a new life?

A new life where I'll remember my friends,
but they won't remember me?

What kind of life is that?

And don't offer to mind-wipe me.

If you have to keep a secret...

so that your friends can survive,
isn't it worth it?

This is exactly the type of thinking
that got you in...

Got us into this mess!

No more secrets.

Dad's sick.
Sicker than he's ever been.

Yeah, I've noticed some things.
But he's been through a lot.

I think the tumor's coming back.

And now, weirdly, his skin's flaking.

Flaking how?

White. Scaly.

- Holy sh*t.
- What?

It's not like dry skin's
worse than a brain tumor.

I mean, maybe he just needs
a good moisturizer.

No, I...

I don't know how to explain it, but...

he was in that healing algorithm
for a long time.

And injected with Jonah's DNA.

What if it's transforming your dad into...

- Into an alien.
- Yeah.

No, no, no. We can't let that happen.
We gotta save him.

Maybe Dad already
gave us what we need.

Come on.



Come on out, now.

There's more at stake here
than just... parents and children.

And anything you might be feeling...

Resentment, anger...

It can all be overcome if we...

just sit down together... and talk.

There's no need
to make this difficult.


That was a good one.

Why are you even after me?

You already have Chase.
Why do I matter?

Because you're more important.

Stay down.
I don't want to have to do that again.

I'm not getting up.
I'm getting into position.

For this.

So strong.

You make me proud.

Hey! Don't touch that!

Have no fear, my betrothed.
These are simple toys.

Apologies, Karolina.
I'll try harder not to use that word.


Thought you d*ed
in the expl*si*n.

Wishful thinking, I guess.

Nothing will keep me from my destiny,

Oh, not this sh*t again.

- Wait. You guys know each other?
- We did.

But since we no longer have a ship,
we no longer have need of you.

You have a nasty habit of inserting
yourself where you're not welcome.

Let me help you with that.

You have no idea how much
that one can talk.

Especially on a long trip.

Wait. Dad?

Why are you doing this?
And how is it possible?

I... I don't understand.
I watched you die.

And I'm so sorry about that.

Believe me, it was painful
for both of us.

But remember...

I warned you
I was gonna take everything.

That includes you.

Well, that's gonna be a problem.

- We have to get out of here.
- Do we?

What if they're still out there?

We can't just spend the rest of our lives
in a kiosk that sells men's socks.

- I'll go first.
- No...

How did you get to be the strong one?
I'm supposed to be the big sister.

Where do you think
I learned it from? Come on.

There they are.

- Wait. What?
- Go.

Trust me.
Sisters forever, right?

I'm on Molly.

Everyone thinks
that you're the nice one.

The levelheaded, concerned mom.
Another lie.

Honey, I understand
your disappointment.

Every kid that learns
the truth about their parents

thinks that they've discovered
something really big,

but honestly, it's like finding out
the stove is hot.

It hurts for a while,
and then you get a scar.

- Honey, look! Our special hats!
- Not anymore.

Damn it.

- Mija, ponte en la línea.
- Ayudeme.

Ese hombre me está


Sorry. She's got some
boundary issues. You know kids.

But we've got a great therapist we're
workin' with out in the Palisades.

Don't we, sweetie?

No es mi papa.
No dejen que me toque.

- What'd you just say?
- I thought you spoke Spanish, Dale.

I do. Food, mostly.

And you know,
some basic friendly salutation,

which, judging by the looks
of these two,

I could probably use about now.

Why don't we go home, sweetie, OK?

¡Pedófilo! ¡Pedófilo!

That one I understood.

I'm a concerned parent!

Ya se, amigos, eh.

Do you want some comida?
Ten... tengo dinero.

How much is this?

Twenty bucks, two for thirty-five.

Excellent. I'll take both.
Can you break a hundred?

Ahh. I guess, maybe.

You know, let me see if Chuck
at the incense stand has change.

- Great.
- Chuck?

What's happened to you?
This isn't the Stacey I know.

No, it isn't.
It's a better version.

Who doesn't need glasses?

You know, between the poisoning
and the kidnapping,

when did you have time
to get Lasik?

We'll talk about that
when you're awake.


What did you do?

I did what was necessary
to restrain the youngling.

Now help me with her extraction.

Was my language
improperly understood?


I don't see him.

- sh*t, we lost him.
- That's impossible.

You saw him come down here,

Yeah, I did. Damn.

- Is it locked?
- Yeah, it's locked.

Try it again!
Okay, try the other door!

Over there.

Where'd he go?

He could be gone.


Come out!

I know you're behind all this!

you didn't think the drones

were the only thing
with a subsonic wave generator...

did you?

We have plans inside of plans.

- Flip you.
- I love what it does

to your language center.

It's really kind of funny.

I don't mangle wander
in order to... glue this!

Good thing we sent the employees
home early.

Seriously, Nico, what do you think
this will accomplish?

Don't make me fight you.

Fly me.

Cry ski...


Last time I just had to stand by
and watch. This time I can't.

Nico, this is the last chance.
Please come home.

Now I can tell you
what I really think of you.

Don't waste your breath.

So sorry, sweetheart.

Tina, what did you do?

This isn't me.
But I've seen this before.



Are you... OK?

Did you see her, Tina?

What's happened to Nico?

There may have been some things
about the Staff I didn't tell you.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Don't worry. Don't worry.
Don't worry.

Was that a g*nsh*t?

Yeah. Come on.

Is he on the phone?

Wow. You guys really think
you're untouchable, huh?

It would just be easier
if you got in the car.

Oh, I'm not getting in that car.

And if I were you guys,
I'd put those weapons down.

LAPD has a little thing
about black folks waving g*ns around.

We don't want to do this, Alex.
Don't make us.

I never made you do anything.

And let's be clear.
Everything that you guys have done

has been your choice.

Nobody forced you to k*ll those kids.

Or to pull that trigger on Darius.

You did that 'cause you wanted to.

And now I get it.

It kinda feels good
to take somebody's life away.

Because with a little help from Tamar

and an anonymous note
to a cold case detective...

It's dominoes, bitch. Wash 'em!


Hold it right there!

Don't move.
Hands on your heads.

- Just wait a minute, OK? Just wait.
- What's this all about?

We got a call about sh*ts fired.

- And you just assumed it was us?
- There's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

It was on the seat.
Still warm from being fired.

Got a tip about one of these.
If the b*ll*ts match,

someone's getting a promotion.

This your vehicle?

As his lawyer,
I'm advising him not to answer.

They're just gonna run the plates, Cat.

Yeah. It's mine.

- Both of you turn around.
- Slowly.

Wait. Did you k*ll her?

Why would I do that?

She's my daughter.


That prototype is of no use.

Chase, just throw it.

I'm really disappointed.

Both of you should be
quicker on the uptake.

If I wanted to use these
on Karolina,

I'd need to protect myself.

This suit is lined
for that specific reason.

But the inhibitors are for... aliens.
That should have worked.

But that's not any alien in there.

That's Jonah.

What have you done with my dad?

Old Lace! Hey!

I'm getting us out of here,
don't worry.


All clear. All good!

When we get out of here,
I'm gonna have you eat him.

Hey, sweetie.
I do apologize for the pit stop.

That place was not clean.

You know your dad...
Tiny bladder.

Where are we?

I know I haven't exactly been
the Father of the Year lately,

but I think in time
you will realize

that what I'm doing is actually

- for your own...
- For my own good.


Please, that's not possible
if it involves being kidnapped

and forced to run away
with you and Mom.

- I agree with you on that.
- Where is Mom?

Well, honey, that's kind of who
we're running away from.


Your mom's been acting
a little strange lately.

Erratic. Violent.

Actually, some might say

- You don't say.
- And your sister,

thankfully, she got away safely,
so I thought the best thing for us to do

would be go on the road.

Off the grid. Just until your mom
works through her issues.

- OK, So let me get this straight.
- OK.

My murderous father
is taking me on the lam

because he's afraid of
my even more murderous mother.

Pretty much nailed it.

Wha... Dale!

You know me...
They call me Mr. Bright Side.

You and I, we have not
gone on a road trip in a long time.

We're gonna have fun,
we're gonna listen to some tunes yo,

play the game with the license plates.

Oh, and before you say anything,

Phish Live From the Gorge, '99.

Are you the Wolfman's Brother?

Beautiful sound,
from the soundboard,

Trey's solos are delectably tasty.
So good.

You ready to float down the sea
like Prince Caspian?

Let's do it.

I don't know why
it took you so long to get here.

I left messages everywhere.

I had to transfer Gert
to her father.

I had a medical emergency
with Robert.

Plus it's hard to keep
these host personalities in check.

This particular vessel
is a control freak.

We're still missing one.

- Anyone heard anything?
- Unfortunately, no.

He's our son. And you know
how unpredictable he is. Wild.

Perhaps he's struggling
with his host as well.

That still doesn't answer the question
of Brother's whereabouts.

Who's the host?

If it was one of the parents
we would know by now.

There is one thing
we haven't considered.

It could be...

one of the kids.

♪ All the beauty in your face... ♪

- Nico, you made it!
- Oh. Yeah.

I'm not sure how, though.
It's... it's a little fuzzy.

Hey! Everybody OK?

Yeah, but where's Gert?

- I thought she was with you.
- We got split up.

I... I was sure she'd make it.

Yeah, same with me and Karolina.

Oh, God.

No, no, I... God, I knew
we should have stayed together.

- She'll be back. They both will.
- No, Molly.

Chase was right about this!

OK? Our parents, they won,
and they won't stop!

Let's not jump to conclusions.

What if they already mind-wiped Gert?
What if I never get to see her again?

I can't lost Karolina like I lost Amy.
I just...

I can't! I ca...

Wait. There she... she isn't.

- Xavin.
- Wait, what's happened?

Where is Karolina?

I failed.
The Magistrate has her.

The one you call Jonah.

Wait. No. Jonah's dead.
I... I k*lled him.

You k*lled his host.
The body his energy inhabited.

So he can't be k*lled?

The Magistrate will be difficult
to destroy, but not impossible.

Unfortunately, he's not the only one
we'll need to k*ll

to get Karolina back.

It's his family as well.

So it's not just our parents
we're up against.

But a family of aliens as well.

And we're all that's left?!

Hey... hey! It's OK, all right?
We're gonna figure it out.

We have each other.

Sorry, dear, I'm not sure
what we're looking at here.

Well, building a new ship
will be complicated.

Could take a generation.
Maybe two.

Which makes survival challenging.

It's clear these hosts are fragile.

Incapable of containing us
without... complications.


Oh, humans use refrigeration to keep
their food fresh before they feast.

These healing tubes
provide that service.

We're going... to eat them?

So to speak.

We select a human to sacrifice

in an energy conversion pod
of my design.

Thus taking their life force
to fuel our own.


which one... looks the tastiest?