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01x09 - A Light in the Storm

Posted: 03/31/22 17:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Sam...

He was driving. I got hurt.

I had to have surgery,
and he couldn't be in it.

The reason he didn't come into the ER

that day is because I wouldn't let him.

- I was drunk.
- And you knew.

SAM: I just want to focus

on my patients, and I want

to get you through your proctorship.

You in to something, all right.

You and Malcolm didn't work it out?


I can't get emotionally involved.

I just need to stop thinking.



♪ Ah, vacation... ♪


- SAM: Doctor.
- CALEB: Doctor.


♪ Ah, vacation, vacation... ♪


♪ I think I need a vacation... ♪

- Shh.

That lock is gonna give out eventually.

[SIGHS] Yeah, given its
current rate of use,

I'd say sooner than later.

- I'll reinforce it.

Good. Keep the outside world out.

Yeah, for the next, uh, nine minutes.


- No. No.
- Rounds.

Yeah. You know what? How is it that

it's me reminding you
it's time for work again?

Huh? You were always the first one in.

I know, I know.

You got to talk to your dad.

Why would I do that?

Because it's been two weeks of this.

I mean, you're dragging
your feet to work,

you're making that face every time

his name comes up, hiding out in here

with me, not that I mind that part,

- Mm-hmm.
- But it can't make it easier

to work with the guy every day.

I mean, it does

make it a little easier.

- You know?

[SIGHS] I don't have anything
to say to him.

Okay, so then...

say it to me. Pretend I'm your dad.

Pretend you're my dad?

Do you... never

want to have sex with me again?

Just say whatever comes to mind.

- Okay? You've got seven minutes.
- Caleb, I don't...

Six and a half. Go.

You shouldn't drink and drive
with your child in the car.

Good. Keep going.

If you do drink and drive

with said child in the car
and you get in an accident,

don't lie to them about it
for the next years.

Doctors are supposed to hold
themselves to a higher standard.

How else do we expect patients
to put themselves in our care?

You are supposed

to be able to trust your doctor.

And your dad.

I mean, not my dad.

My mom, yeah,

but she was there, too.

She covered for him. She kept this

secret from me for ...

years, Caleb.

I just...

So, I take it you haven't
talked to her either.


[A] She's still at that conference,

[AND B] I am ignoring her calls.

I am not ready to talk to her.


Are you ready for rounds?

I'm going to the ER.

- Hey.
- Hey.


It's really coming down out there.

Seriously? We're talking
about the weather now?

Is that what it's come to?


I mean, I guess we're
a little out of practice,

small talk-wise.

You sleep okay last night?


- You look a little...
- Oh. Yeah.

No, I slept great. You?

- Oh, yeah, good.
- Good.

Your dad's been better.

No more nightmares, the
headaches are basically gone,

and he hasn't missed a session
with Pyne. [CHUCKLES]

I'm glad.

You don't seem glad.

I am. I...

I just don't know how long it's
gonna take me to get over it.

Okay? The DUI's

bad enough, but him hiding it
from me for so long,

- it's...
- What DUI?

He didn't tell you?

- You know what, don't worry about it.
- I'm...

No, I-I want to tell you.

I want to be able
to talk to you about this.

I just don't know what's mine

- to share.
- It's fine, Sam.

If Griff wants to tell me,
he'll tell me.

It's really coming down out there.

Mm-hmm. Here we go.

Kevin Dunn, years old.

- He was hit by a bus.
- What?

GCS of . Chest wall abrasions

and multiple lacerations
on the arms and legs.

So, he was hit by a bus?

Skidded off the road.

Why didn't you dress
this wound en route?

We tried, but he wouldn't
let anybody touch him.


Okay. Kevin, hey, I'm Dr. Griffith

and this is Dr. Trulie,
and we're gonna help you, okay?

Yeah, yeah, your arm
is bleeding really bad.

Leave me alone! Don't touch me!

Hey, Kevin, who sits
in front of you in math?

Uh, what?

In your math class,
who sits in front of you?

Oliver S. Oliver S.

Okay, who sits behind you?

Oliver V. Oliver V.

There are two Olivers
in your math class?

- Wow. How many Kevins are there?
- Just one.

Just one? See, that's why

we've got to get you fixed up,
'cause there aren't

any to spare, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay. Good job.

- Look at that.
- I'm going to stitch this up for you

- and have a listen to your chest, okay?
- Okay.

You're doing great.

- I got him.
- Okay.

It's gonna be a little cold.

Hey, Gladys, after Dr. Trulie's
done with him,

will you get him up to imaging
for a pan scan, please?



We were waiting for rounds,

and then we heard about the bus crash.

Bus crash?

I thought he was hit by a bus?

Oh, he was, and then it crashed.

How many passengers?

More than we have room for,

and my shift ended about minutes ago.

Where's your relief?

Waiting for the plows
like everybody else.

Okay, we have a bus crash
in the middle of a shift change.

Half the hospital's on their way out,
and the roads are so bad...

The other half can't make it in.

We got to stop everybody from leaving.

I'll put out a hospital-wide bulletin.

Okay, just tell every department

with available personnel that
they've got to send them down here.

We are all on trauma today.

Synced & corrected by -robtor-



Okay, so so far.

Yeah, they're setting up
an auxiliary triage upstairs.

We'll keep the most critical down here.



Have you talked to Mom?

No. Looks like her flight
took off from Denver,

but the weather in Detroit's
gonna delay the landing.

- All right.
- Have you talked to her?

- I'm not...
- Sam. Sam, it's k*lling her.

Now, look, I get

you've ignored my calls and
emails the last couple weeks,

I get it, but at least
I get to talk to you at work.

Yeah. We have a cervical spine fracture

in Consult Room Eight.
Have you paged Anders?

He's stuck on the Lodge, so is Robinson.

Well, they got farther than Isan.

He's stuck in his driveway.

I'll take the fracture.
You gather supplies.

Uh, excuse... Supplies?

Gloves, gauze, syringes, needles.

We need them all down here.

If you advanced my proctorship,

I could do more than raid
the supply closets.

You know that I can't clear you.


I know your symptoms are subsiding,

but you are still in treatment
for PTSD. You did not

complete your solo surgery.

You know that I cannot
advance you until you do.

These are extenuating
circumstances, maybe just

- on a temporary basis?
- It's not happening.


I get you don't want to talk
about the accident.

- Is that what this is about?
- This is about the patients.

I get that you

don't want to follow the rules,

and you don't care
who your actions hurt,

but there is a line between right

and wrong, and somebody's
got to hold it.

I just want to help.

Then get supplies.

Hey, Tim, Joey's got you.

Hey. This is Carla.

Her arteriovenous fistula
for dialysis was

- damaged in the accident.
- That is unfortunate.

And that's what happens
when the state of Michigan

gives a driver's license
to a horse's ass.

She's very mad about the crash.

I can see that.

I've been a licensed driver
for over years.

You know how many tickets I've gotten?


Now look at me.

How many times a week
do you get dialysis, Carla?

- CARLA: Usually three.
- Uh-huh.

But, um, I missed them all this week.

I was in Akron.

My son had a baby.

You missed three dialysis sessions?

It's my first grandchild.

Well, congratulations, though.

- Well, thank you. [CHUCKLES]

What is he still doing here?

I asked for a pan scan.
Why isn't he in imaging?

CT is backed up, and they're
asking for consent forms.


Hey. I need you to get Kevin bumped

to the front of the line for
imaging and call his parents.

- Who?
- The kid.

Is that beneath you?

No, no, no. I just didn't assess him,

- that's all.
- Okay.

Well, I would say start there.


I... I know what

I did was wrong, of course I do.

I've been sorry every day since.

No, you have been lying
to me every day since.

You pushed me away, and you let me think
that it was my fault.

All this time.

So I do not need you to be sorry now.

I needed you to be better then.

I needed you to not get
behind the wheel.

I needed you to hold the line.

And you couldn't do it for me,

so please just do it for him.

Looks like I'm gonna have to
reschedule our appointment.

Uh, what appointment?

With the jeweler. For the wedding bands?

[SCOFFS] How are you thinking
about rings right now?

It actually helps me to think about it.

Eases my stress.


Spending thousands of dollars
on a piece of metal

- does not ease my stress.
- Okay.

I can't repair her fistula.

I'm gonna have to put
a dialysis catheter in her neck.

Well, good luck with that.

All right, what do we got?

This is Dorothy, according to her shirt.

Looks like she hit her head
pretty hard in the crash.

Knocked her out.

Is that glass in her knuckles?

Could be from the windows.

SAM: Or the windshield.

Contusion on her forehead could be

- from the steering wheel.
- She was driving the bus.

I think so. [SIGHS]

Whoa. We have an open femur fracture.

If that's true, we're gonna
have to reduce it manually.


Okay, Dorothy, I'm not gonna lie to you,

this is gonna hurt,

but we're gonna do it fast, okay?

SAM: Ready? Here we go. One, two,


You ever see that before?

No reaction to that degree of pain?

This could be a major head injury.

I'll get her a scan.


Governor just declared
a state of emergency.

- What?
- They're closing the roads.

How will on-call doctors get here?

Could we send our, uh,
ambulances to pick them up?

I think our ambulances are gonna
be a little busy right now.

So, the only people coming in...

Are more patients.

CALEB: And I hate to bring
this up now, but with

all these trauma cases,
we're gonna run short on blood.

Uh, can we call the Red Cross?

Well, we could. They'll be dealing

- with their own shortages.
- So, we're almost at capacity,

we're short on doctors,
and we're running out of blood?

What do we do?

We have to figure it out.
We have resources.

We're gonna have to start
allocating them

according to need.

Who determines need? There's no CMO.

Well, I need IV start kits.

- We need more beds.
- The storm isn't letting up.

How are we supposed to keep
these people alive?

All right, here's what...

Okay, okay, everybody calm down.
Let's call down to the OR

and cancel every elective
surgery on the schedule.

Let's get an inventory
at the blood bank.

Find out how many units and what type.

We will do the same with supplies,

and we will not quit
until the storm does.

This is what we signed up for.

This is why we do what we do.

So let's get back to our patients

because right now we are all they have.

I've got one more.

Hey, patient in Trauma Three
needs two ice packs.

How's he doing?

Uh, CT shows a few broken ribs.

Head wound is superficial.

Okay, that's good news.

RANDY [OVER PHONE]: Who is that?

Hey, Kevin, can you turn the camera?

Uh, hello. I'm Dr. Griffith.
I didn't see you there.

Kevin's parents, I presume?

- Yeah, hi.
- GRIFF: Randy and

Cathy Dunn. They went to the
corner deli and got stranded.


Look, we were only supposed to be gone

- ten minutes.
- CATHY: , tops.

RANDY: Plows are just taking forever.

What do we pay taxes for?

Randy and Cathy tell me that there's

nothing of note in Kevin's

medical history,
but they have a pontoon,

so it's been productive.

Huh. Hey, Kevin,

How are you feeling?
How's your breathing?

Bad. My chest hurts.

- Mom... Mom, I...
- CATHY: I'm right here, sweetie.

Why is he so pale?

- What's happening?
- I'm not getting a heartbeat.

- CATHY: What?
- RANDY: How could he have no heartbeat?

He's sitting there talking.

May I have your arm?

I've got a pulse here.


GRIFF: Wasn't there a minute ago.

Pressure in the pleural cavity

- could have turned the heart.
- degrees?

I need a thoracostomy kit

and an ultrasound in here.

Randy, Cathy, we're gonna

- have to call you back.
- Wh-What?

GRIFF: You can't be
here for this procedure.

We don't have any available nurses.

I'll get the kit myself.

I-I'm not hanging up.

You just said he doesn't
have a heartbeat.

Well, no, he's got one.

It's just on the wrong side
of his chest.

[GASPS] What?

I don't know what to tell you.

Your potassium is off the charts.

I know, I know.

Forgive me, father, for I have sinned.

What you have
is end-stage renal failure.


She should be in jail for
attempted homicide.


The bus driver. You her doctor?

Yes, ma'am.

Tell her she has got a date

with the business end of my umbrella,

soon as I get out of here.

Simmer down now, Carla,

you don't need high blood pressure

- on top of everything else.
- LEX: Dr. Costa,

why does your patient want to attack

my patient with an umbrella?

And which end is the business end?

And I am going to sue her.

Tell her, would you?

The roads are very bad out there.

Roads have nothing to do with it.

She was asleep at the wheel.

Wait. Literally asleep?

You saw this?

I saw it with my own eyes.

I was in the first row.

I saw her.

I even poked her with my umbrella.


She wasn't knocked unconscious
by the crash.

She crashed because she was unconscious.

- Take a bus.
- Whoa.

Fill it with money

'cause that's how much
I'm suing her for.



Nurse Opal, fosphenytoin, please.

[SIGHS] No bleed according to her scan.

But according to one of the passengers,

she blacked out at the wheel.

I'm loading her up on fosphenytoin.

The meds you asked for.

What causes a generalized

onset seizure that
doesn't show up on a CT scan?

Could be a reaction
to medication she's on. Stroke?

- Meningitis?
- Mm, we could do a lumbar puncture

- to rule out infection.
- Okay.

She's not epileptic, is she?

No MedicAlert band.


She's Air Force.

Like you.

A lot of ways to get
a traumatic brain injury

when you're in the military,

especially if you saw combat.


Once the meds kick in

and she's responsive,
we can take her history.

Find out what might've
caused the seizure.


I'm gonna wait with her.

She's not gonna know where
she is when she wakes up.

Might not even know there was a crash.

Or that she caused it.

- Poor thing.
- Yeah.

Thank you.


Donna, is this the overflow?

I just take what they send up.

I had no idea it was
this crowded up here,

and you're by yourself.

- I'm gonna get you some help.
- It's butterfly stitches

and tetanus sh*ts. I got this.

Do you know that you
are the best person?

Well, that must be why
they pay me so well.

Right. And besides,

I'm not alone.

Why don't you sit right there?
There you go.

My head is bleeding real bad.

Okay, I got you. All right.

Hey, Donna, patient with the

dislocated shoulder is asking for you.

Oh, he needs an ice pack.
I'll be right there, Eddy.

Did you do this?

Uh, no. This is all Donna.

I'm just trying to stay out of her way.

[CHUCKLES] Right. Do you guys
need anything up here?

We are good. You need anything?

I could use about units of blood.

Caleb's doing an inventory
of our blood bank,

but with this much influx of trauma,

it's safe to say we're gonna run out.

I can make some calls.

See if there's any hospitals
with spare blood.

Piedmont and St. Mary's are the closest,

- so I can start with them.
- Thank you.


GRIFF: So, the thoracostomy has

successfully relieved
the pressure on his chest,

and his heart is, uh, shifting
back towards the right side.

- The right side?
- Yeah, your right or his right?

Uh, to the right side.
I mean, his left s-side.

Sorry, sorry. I understand
how that could be confusing.

[SIGHS] Is he gonna be okay?

When can I go home?

Where is his heart?

SAM: It's where it's supposed to be.

CATHY: So everything is back to normal?

I wouldn't say that.

The heart's nearly back in position, but

that movement has caused
the arteries to get in a tangle,

and he may need surgery to correct it.

- What, surgery?
- Heart surgery?

- GRIFF: Mm-hmm.
- Widened mediastinum.

With an irregular aortic contour.

I'm waiting for the CT angio.

Why didn't you tell me this sooner?

Uh... I would've called,

but Kevin has my phone.

I don't want to have heart surgery.

I want to go home.

I know.

Everything's gonna be okay, sweetheart.

Okay, what-what is the surgery, exactly?

Well, it, uh, depends on
the severity of the damage,

and as I said, until we get imaging...

Okay, can you walk us through
all the scenarios?

- GRIFF: Sure.
- Wait, let me get a pen.

Hold on, she's getting a pen.

What happened?

Wi-Fi's out.

And you have, like, no bars.

How am I supposed to talk to my parents?

Um... I...

I don't think you can.

- I'm sorry.

Yeah. Uh, hey, Kevin,
I'm gonna be right back,

- okay?
- Me, too.

No. I think you should stay here.

I think Dr. Costa needs our assistance.

Imaging will be back any time.

If the phones are down, I need
to be able to find you quickly.

Run pre-op labs just in case.

You want me to do a blood draw myself?

Be better.

JOEY: Anything, Donna?

I'm messaging dispatch right now.

What's going on?

Dispatch sent Tim on a call an hour ago

to North Corktown and then
lost contact with his rig.


[SIGHS] He's supposed to check in.

He promised that he was gonna check in.

- But cell service is down.
- Yeah, well, radios should work.

They might not in a storm
like this. It's bad.

I know it's a bad storm,
but he's supposed to check in.

- Okay.

- All right.
- What is it?

Dispatch just sent a bulletin.

- Uh-huh.
- Another wreck, looks like

an overpass collapsed on I- .

Where on I- ?


I can't get the news.

Hospital Wi-Fi's down.
What does the bulletin say?

I- and...

Trumbull Avenue.


How many people have you k*lled?

How many people have you k*lled?

People die in surgery.

People die in bus crashes.
You're on a lucky streak, kid.

What happens if I die?

Well, that would be very bad for me.

For you?

Kevin, I'm one of the top-rated
surgeons in the country.

That's according to U.S. News
and World Report.

I don't know what that is.

It's a big deal.
It's a very competitive list.

And you know how you get on there?

Patients not dying?


It's one of the first things
they look at.

Do you think my parents
will sue you if I die?

[SIGHS] You know what?

I'm not doing your surgery.

Why not?

Well, it's too much of a risk for me.

You seem pretty sure you're gonna die,

and, uh, it'd be very bad for my record.

I-I won't die.

What if you do?

I won't. Please.


It's just, my reputation's
very important to me.

I promise I'm not gonna die.



But I'm gonna hold you to that,

you understand?

What are you doing?

I was told to gather supplies.

That's my personal first aid kit.

Not today.

What if I need a flashlight?

Talk to her.

I got imaging back on Kevin. It's bad.

All right, we got to prep an OR now.


Kevin Dunn. years old.

Type A aortic dissection.

He's being prepped
for surgery now. Question is

whether the valve is involved.

His echo shows trace aortic regurge.

I say we repair the
dissection with a dacron graft.

I disagree. I say we go Ben tall.

Bentall's a six-hour procedure
on a good day.

Graft is four,

tops. Highly preferable.

Unless the valve is involved.

So, we do the graft. If the valve

is involved, we re-suspend

and we repair most
of the valve right there.

We have to do better than "most."

Do you want to open this kid up
again in a couple of years?

Sam, the power's on the blink.

Half the hospital is
running on generators.

Time is of the essence here.

The shorter the procedure,
the lower the risk to this kid.


We do the graft,

but I want to be prepared
to maneuver to a Ben tall

if the valve is involved.
No re-suspension.


Hello, my old friend.

What's wrong?

I'm the one with a hole in my neck.


My fiancé's stuck in the storm.

He was the one that brought you in.

Oh. What a handsome fella.

He seemed so nice.

Yeah, he is.

And the last thing I did
was mock him for loving me.



Power out or something?


Plus we have multiple generators.

Water's not flowing.

The pipes are frozen.

God, I can't believe I did this.

I don't remember anything.

These are the medications you take?

Yeah, why?

It's just...

quetiapine is an anti psychotic.

What are you taking it for?

Mood swings.

Bipolar's the technical term.

You know, there's nothing
to be ashamed of.

It's more common than you think.

Especially with veterans.

I don't like talking about my service.

No? Not even with a fellow airman?

- No kidding.
- Mm-hmm.

- Medic?
- Yes.

I was Avionics.

- Staff sergeant.
- Wow.

Why'd you enlist?

Let's just say

there was no money for college.

So I joined the Air Force, did my time,

then went to school on Uncle Sam's dime.

He can be a good sugar daddy.

Honey. [LAUGHS]

Looks like things turned out
better for you than me

after discharge.

This psychiatrist said
that he could help.

But the new meds that he's got me on

have just made everything worse.

Wait, "new"?

So the symptoms are recent?


Just in the last few months.

Okay, that might help
explain what's going on.

Can the new meds explain this?

- Any word from your mom?
- No.

It's so weird to be so mad at her

and worried about her at the same time.

St. Mary's can give us
units of blood.

- Oh!
- That would help.

Uh, yes, uh, but there is a problem.

They can't get it to us.

The bridge collapse has all the roads

in Wayne County backed up.

So we're gonna have
to start rationing blood.

Everything we have

- is already in the hospital.
- Yeah.

- Wait, that, that's a good point.
- What do you mean?

We have blood, or-or at least
we have blood donors.

We could do a blood drive.

I don't know how many
phlebotomists we have...

I-I got Donna. I can help.

It takes about four hours
to screen and process.

The more arms we stick, the better.

Let's get started.


- Joey.
- Hey.

I've never seen pelvic bleeding
like this before.

I can't get it to stop.

Yeah, and I can't get the dialysis
machine to run without water.

Do you think it's fibroids
causing the bleeding?

Maybe, or a malignancy.

I'm running an STD panel, too.

That tends to get overlooked
with older patients.

I need water. The pipes are frozen.

I'm gonna call maintenance,
but I don't...

Oh, no, no, no. You can't wait
for maintenance, uh...

What about the tanks
in the wellness center?

Yeah, no, they're filled with water.

But then how am I supposed
to get it out, sterilize it,

and then feed it into the machine?

It's pumps and hoses.

Just like heart surgery.

You'll figure it out.

Hola. ¿Hablas español?


- No? Okay...
- Hola.

- Hola.
- Hola.


Okay, muchas gracias.

Okay, can you collect here? Okay.

You speak Spanish.

Yeah, I did a little, uh,
volunteer work in Colombia

- after med school.
- Mm.


I just didn't take you
as a volunteer type.

I'm literally volunteering

right now with this blood drive.

- Yeah. [CHUCKLES]
- And, uh...

well, look, also, to be honest...

the club scene in Cartagena was huge.


Sí, señor.

Now I'm opening Kevin's ascending aorta.

Let's see what we've got.

Damn it. The valve.

It's too damaged to reconstruct.

Ben tall it is. You were right.

We were both right.

Let's cut out the damaged
tissue. Cooley scissors to me.

All right, I'm gonna see
if I can, uh, find her sister.


Power's out.

Emergency lights are on.

Generator will kick on any second.



Generator's back on.



If the power's not back by now...

It's not coming back.

The generator in
this cell must have failed.

And we have a six-hour surgery
ahead of us.


Begin emergency procedures.

I need hand cranks on bypass right now.

Once we're up to % reserves,

start manual circulation.

Can we move him to another OR?

He can't leave a sterile

environment with his chest
open. If I close him up

without repairing
this dissection, he will die.

I need to repair his descending aorta

and get him off bypass,
but I need light!

GRIFF: What, something like this?


Here you go.

Oh, thank God.

Now, those hand cranks have
to turn in perfect sync

- or he'll turn acidotic.
- Here.

I want some ice packs in here!

Put 'em on his head and limbs.

And the machine tubes, too.

Hey! Move!
We're not losing this kid today.

Thank you.

I'm just holding the line.

The Bentall's too risky now.

So re-suspend
and preserve the native valve.

What if it doesn't work?

It will work.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Carla is on dialysis as we speak.

You figured it out.

Turns out I'm not just a great doctor.

I'm also an excellent plumber.

[LAUGHS] Well, Dorothy's labs are back.

- Hmm.
- Everything's negative

except for her pregnancy test.

- The bus driver? How old is she?
- Uh-huh.


Wow, that's what I call
an advanced maternal age.

Yeah, well, that's what
I call a false positive.

Something's messing with her
hormones, making her think

that she's pregnant, and
I don't know what it is.

- Excuse me, guys.
- Hey.

Blood drive, huh?

We gonna put a pair
of scrubs on you soon.

[LAUGHS] Donna already tried.

Aren't you working with Caleb?

How's that going for you?



Would you focus on your patient?

Hey, if that story ends in a
slap fight, somebody page me.

- You know I will.
- Mm-hmm.


- So the test says I'm pregnant.
- Right.

- But I'm not pregnant.
- Uh-uh.

But you're doing an ultrasound,

which is what they do
when you're pregnant.

It's what we do when we need to see

what's going on inside of you, Sarge.



Complex ovarian cyst.

Tiny, but I think this
could be our answer.

You want to book an OR to remove it?

Normally I would say yes, but her vitals

are all over the map.
Her pressure's so low.

She just hasn't stopped bleeding.


She's going into hemorrhagic shock.

She needs blood.

Well, the donor blood
should be processed soon.

We can't wait for that...
What about the blood bank?

Yeah, that's gonna be a little harder.




I usually feel better by now.

Your body responded
to the dialysis, but your EKG

shows signs of ischemia.

Your heart is starving
for oxygen because...

Because... I waited too long.

I just wanted to see my grandson.

I thought I could get by this one time.

I think we can turn this around.

But you do need a blood transfusion.


hang in there, okay?

When you see your paramedic,

tell him I said thank you

for taking such good care of me.

You're gonna tell him yourself.

Hemo's . . Vitals are dropping.

SAM: Where is the blood I asked for?

- GRIFF: Here it is.
- We're down to . .

- Let's transfuse.
- The units from the blood drive

should be ready within the hour.

Until then, this is all I've got.

That's all the blood
left in this hospital?

Yes, and I have three requests
for it, all stat.

What are the other requests?

Dr. Trulie and Dr. Costa.

Hemorrhagic shock and
acute ischemic heart disease.

We're down to . .

How do I make this call?

You want me to do it?


It has to be me.



If he doesn't get this blood...

It's a death sentence, I know.

Blood's gonna be ready in an hour.

I need to buy the other two more time.

Dr. Trulie can try IV Premarin.

That's a good idea. Hormones
might slow the active bleeding.

Tell Dr. Costa to put
his patient on % oxygen.

It might just keep her alive
long enough to get the next

units of blood.

That blood stays with Kevin.


Come on, Sarge.


No, no, no, no, no.

♪ You break ♪

Come on, Carla.

♪ But there's no sound ♪

Come on, come on, come on.

♪ What if this is ♪

♪ All there is? ♪

♪ All there is... ♪


Looks like we just got you
a little more time.

♪ You can give ♪

♪ All you can give ♪

♪ Hold on ♪


♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Hold on ♪

Come on.

♪ Hold on ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Hold on ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ You can find the ♪

♪ Silver lining ♪

♪ If you ♪

♪ Just hold on ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Hold on ♪

- Transfusion's working.
- Mm-hmm.

♪ Hold on ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Hold on ♪

♪ You can find the ♪


♪ Silver lining if you ♪

Suction, please.

♪ Just hold on ♪

You stay with us, Kevin.

♪ Hold on. ♪



Hello? Can anybody hear me?

Oh, okay, don't, don't shout...
You'll bust a stitch.

I lived.

What'd I tell you?

Why are we still in here?

And why is it so dark?

Well, the power's still out.

And we can't move you till...

the elevator's working, and...

you are safer where you are.

It's creepy in here.

Creepy how?


Are my parents here yet?


The weather's still bad.

And the phones are still down.

You are on the other side of it.

- So you get some rest.
- Wait.

Where are you going? You can't
leave me alone in here.

You're not alone. There's a nurse

- right behind there.
- Can you stay with me?


Just until I fall asleep?

I helped you keep
your record, but, you know...


♪ Am I lost? ♪

♪ Am I found? ♪

♪ What you doing, doing, doing to me? ♪

♪ Will it all settle down? ♪

♪ I've been slipping away... ♪



♪ No, no, no ♪

♪ No, no, no, no, no. ♪



You slept in there?

Better than the surgeons'
lounge. Residents all take

their shoes off, it gets
kind of suffocating.

- You know?
- Mm-hmm.

And the kid asked me to, so...

Yeah, he clearly needed a parent.


And, uh... did you.

I pushed you away.

Because I-I was...

I don't know...

punishing myself or something.

I didn't think I deserved...

[SIGHS] Okay.

Look, no, I'm sorry. I won't bring it up

until you're ready.

We'll talk about it
on your timeline, not mine.

I guess Pyne's really
earning his paycheck, huh?

Right. But...

this kid?

He had a tough night.

You were never...

that alone.

I may not have been there.

But your mother was... always there.

- Okay, Dad...
- No.

- I'm asking you, Sam, please.
- Please...

Talk to her.

So I was pregnant with that?

Mm-hmm, it's called a teratoma.

It secreted hormones that read
as a positive pregnancy test.

It also grew brain tissue

that sent out signals
interfering with your own brain.

This is what caused your blackout.



Oh, the accident.

All those people.

There was nothing you could do, Sarge.

It was not your fault.

Thank you, Airman.

[GROANS] Hold on.

Is that a tooth?


- I'll...
- Gah!

Yeah, I'm sorry.

Uh, with these eight, we're up to .

- Good.
- .

Right, yeah, math.

Yeah, you cover the arm
sticking, I cover the numbers.


Wow, and here I thought
this would be awkward.

Sorry, that was rude.

I'm just trying to get my mind off...


I'm sorry about the rings.

Oh, no, no, I'm sorry about the rings.

If I were the crying type,
I'd be misty right now.

Hmm, see, you definitely
strike me as the crying type.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Want some coffee?

No, I think I just want a nap.


You were good today.

We were good today.

- Together.



Tim, oh, my God!

I'm so excited you're okay.
Aah! Let go of me!

- Hey.
- Oh, it's so good to see you.

TIM: Oh, thanks.

Joey, I'm sorry about your
patient... that was a hard call.

There just wasn't enough blood.

And yet your patient got some.

patients survived.

We lost power, we lost water.

Uh, we ran out of blood and...

we still saved lives.


And the Wi-Fi's back on.

REPORTER: As we wait to hear
more about this deadly crash,

emergency workers have finally gained

access to the victims
of the I- overpass collapse.

Ambulances are standing by in
the hopes of finding survivors.

- Little is known...
- Are you seeing this?

It's awful.

I know. I was there.

We're definitely gonna need more coffee.


Ah... Kevin's parents are here.

Oh, good. Let's have Donna...

They didn't come in the front door.

- Dunn?
- Cathy? Randy?

- Dunn!
- Cathy? Cathy and Randy Dunn,

- find them.
- I'm on it.

REPORTER: debris,
but emergency workers continue

to sift through the wreckage.
We're still waiting...

- Never ends.

That's another wave
of patients coming our way.

- Yeah.
- What do we got here?

- Dad?
- Yeah?

...determine how many total passengers

and cars have been affected
by the accident.

Paramedics are currently on site.

And we're being told
backup is being sent.

That's Mom's car.