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02x07 - Morning of the Mindstorm

Posted: 03/31/22 16:26
by bunniefuu
[breathing heavily]

♪ Send in the builders of the bridge ♪

♪ It's time to tear their trestles down ♪

♪ Did you pay them all handsomely? ♪

♪ Yes, we paid them what they're worth ♪

♪ Now I'm not one to socialize ♪

♪ With those among the working class ♪

♪ Could you tell them
What I've said to you? ♪

♪ I can't show my face around here ♪

♪ Let it all burn ♪

♪ Draw the curtains down ♪

♪ Let it all burn ♪

♪ Draw the curtains now ♪

♪ Does your father know
The state we're in? ♪

♪ That if he dies, I will be king ♪

♪ It's happening so fast ♪

♪ I could use a glass of water ♪

♪ I've never had to use a g*n ♪

♪ I've never had to do too much ♪

♪ Locked away in towers ♪

♪ Away from all your dirt ♪

♪ Let it all burn ♪

♪ Draw the curtains down ♪

♪ Let it all burn ♪

♪ Draw the curtains now ♪

♪ Let it all burn ♪

♪ Draw the curtains down ♪

♪ Let it all burn ♪

♪ Draw the curtains ♪

[theme music playing]

[Ryhno] The hell are you doin'?

Back off, boy.


Yo, we good, man. Okay?

[Davos] I'm not here to do you harm.

I've come to free you.

I'll be parked at the curb.

- [door opens and closes]
- How'd you do that?

I spent my whole life
working towards this practice.

Have any of you ever had a goal
so great and true?

I've been eliminating criminals.
You've been scavenging their remains.

Is that how you wish to be seen?
Carrion crows, living meal to meal.

I can show you another way.

I want to offer you all an opportunity.

This city has failed you.

See, I come from a place

where you're considered
the most precious resource.

What, are we gonna go hand out flowers
up at Grand Central?

[chuckles softly]

You live on the fringes.

You catch as catch can.

And what if all that effort it takes
to survive a day, a week, a year

was directed to a noble purpose?

What if I could make you warriors?

I can offer you a place to study,
give you instruction in the martial arts.

You can help me
turn this neighborhood around

and perhaps, one day, this city.

- You for real?
- Oh, I am.

Eden Towers on the waterfront.
Do you know it?

Room and board
for as many who choose to join me.

I will work you hard.

But you'll all be better for it.


Trust me.

That is one strange dude.

[horn honks]

[car door opens]

[car door closes]

Is driving south of th Street
your idea of a vacation?

Oh, you know me. I like to stay busy.

Oh, is this about the captain gig
at the two-nine? I'd say it's a good fit.

I wanted to see you
about these Triad murders.

Now, the guy who's responsible for it
is a psychopath, William.

And he's got abilities.

You got the man with bulletproof skin
in your yard.

I got one with a glowing fist.

What do you know about it?

He's been all over Chinatown for months.

He started out taking out petty criminals,
then, a few weeks ago,

he busts up our plan
to take down Yang and Ho.

This is a different guy.

He has a red fist,
the other has a yellow one.

I know it's tough to swallow,
but trust me, there is a real distinction.

- One is trying to do good, and the other...
- Yeah, well, red, yellow,

either way it's a shitstorm.

I got the commissioner
and the community board

breathing down my neck.

Well, give me a couple detectives
and a few unis, I can bring him in.

Thanks. I got it handled.


- I've got a couple leads I'm working...
- Misty...

it's not your problem to solve, okay?

I appreciate any information
you wanna share, of course,

but that's where it ends.

You're draggin' your feet on this one,
aren't you?

You're just gonna let the brush fire
burn itself out?

Triad or no, people are dying, Pike.

Go back to Harlem, Misty.

You wanna go toe-to-toe with me
on this kind of call?

Take that job.

As long as Davos is k*lling Triad,
Pike is okay to look the other way.

- That is unreal.
- Yeah.

I've been at Bayard.
The families of the victims are terrified.

They should be.
He is a wild card with a powerful w*apon.

Can you go over Pike's head?

I don't think I should.
I'm a detective on leave in his backyard.

[Colleen sighs]

You going with Danny to PT today?
How's he holdin' up?

Mmm, as best he can.

The doctors can't give us
anything definitive about his recovery.

He's a fighter. He's got it.

The same scientist who built your arm
built his brace.

So it's cutting edge.
Ward's been all over it.

Meachum? He is all right.

- [sighs]
- And, you know...

- I just don't see it.
- Really?


Honestly, I've been trying
to keep Danny's spirits up, but...

it's not just the leg.

He had Davos. He had Walker...

And then it all went to shit.
Yeah, it's a lot.

Which is why I hope
you are taking time for yourself.

Well, I have been working on the ledger.
I'm trying to crack this damn code.

Thank you, Frank Choi.

Okay, so each page
is a different person, right?

And they're paying in unusual increments.

So it's, like, ten dollars, a hundred...

And what? They were paying off loans?

Life debt.

Passage from China,

forged papers once they got here,
and then rental agreements, furniture...

Sometimes they would pay in money,

but other times
they would pay with possessions.

So I think that that could be that box.

Then that means
someone traded your family heirloom

for passage into this country. Wow.

Maybe. Question is, who?

[door opens]



Good to see you.

It's good to see you, too.

- What are you doing here?
- And how are you even walking?

[chuckles] Only hurts when I dance.

It's a, uh... It's a Rand tech
compression brace.

It speeds up the process.

The doctors know you're here?

I just wanted to come home.
I couldn't stand the hospital.

[grunts and exhales]

So, what's the latest on Davos?

Uh... Eight more victims. All Triad.

Colleen said you were gonna
speak to the police.

- Get some support.
- Yeah. That's not gonna happen.

Then we do it on our own.

The plan stays the same.

We find a way to get the Fist out of Davos
and then you arrest him.

And the Crane Sisters
will do what they need to.

And what is that, exactly?

[Misty] They weren't certain
on the details.

Except the bowl.

The one they mixed your blood in
with the ashes.

That was crucial.

[Misty] Joy told me
that she got that bowl for Davos.

So we can ask her from where and who...

Ward said he saw Joy and Davos
at an art auction.

Well, then, that's a string we can pull.
I'll look into it, get back to you guys.

It's good to see you back in action.

Back in action? [scoffs]
Are you kidding me?

Look, your leg
is still attached to your body.

[chuckles softly]

[door opens]

[door closes]


No, that's okay. I can handle it.

I wasn't implying you couldn't.


I know.

I'm sorry.

If you'd called, I'd have picked you up.

You've already wasted enough time
dealing with all this.

Danny, you would do the same.


This is different.

It wasn't an accident.

I did this to myself,
thinking I could reason with Davos.

And now he's out there with two Fists,
and I'm...


I mean, what am I supposed to do?

Come with me to Bayard.

The police aren't gonna make a move,

so we need to spread the word
that Davos is out there.

Just because you can't fight,
doesn't mean you can't help.


You're right.

Sofia, I'm sorry.

There's no reason for me
to drive all the way to New Jersey

when you're already there. You're gonna
have to handle this on your own, okay?

- [doorbell rings]
- [intercom system beeping]

I'm gonna have to call you back.

[electricity whirring]

[sighs] What is this?
You finally arrest Davos?

Not yet. He put Danny in the hospital.
Did you know that?

He just got home.

Well, I'll send flowers.

You think this is funny.

Danny is the only reason why you
and your friend Walker aren't behind bars.

If you don't have any information
on the Davos...

Actually, I was hoping that you had some.
Do you mind?


I'm not answering any more questions.

This time, there is really just one.

I need to know about the ceremony
you and Davos put him through.

The bowl.

The one that you got
from the auction house.

All I know is that it was crucial,

some kind of Tibetan antiquity.

I need more than that.

I can't tell you what I don't know.

New locks on the door.
That's a fancy intercom system.

- And you got a license for that Taser?
- [chuckles sarcastically]

Of course I do.
These are just precautions.

They gonna stop that Fist of his?

Whatever it is you're holding back,
you need to let me know.

[sighs] The curator who found the bowl
may know more.

Her name is Mika Prada.

Bailey's Auction House. Just...


I may have pressed Mika to get the bowl.

Did you, now?

So she's not a fan?

[Joy] Mmm-mmm.

That's putting it lightly.

Then I like her already.

[inhales deeply]

I thought you were upstairs.
Check that bad boy out.

- Pretty sweet, right?
- [chuckles] It's a great idea.

[Colleen] I was inspired
by that crime scanner thing

you use in the living room.

So it's like the low-tech version.

- [Danny exhales]
- [Colleen chuckles]

Let's, uh... Let's go home.
It's been a long day.

No, it's okay.

Here, let me, um...
Let me give you a hand putting these up.

Okay, wait. Wait.


I have been with you in PT
every day, right?

So I see how much you're pushing yourself.

I can tell you're bottling it up.

I'm not the only one suffering
from Davos' actions.

I know,
but you're not responsible for him.

I am.

If he's capable of all this,
then what's my part in it?

We've been tied together
since we were kids.

All of this is happening because of me.

[Colleen] You really scared me, you know.

[Danny] That's the last thing
I wanted to do.

I keep testing this relationship.

Testing us.

It doesn't come
with an instruction manual.

But I've been with you long enough
to know when something's on your mind.

When we were training in K'un-Lun...

there were a thousand days
where I would've given up

if it wasn't for him pushing me.

It wasn't always gently,
but it was always in the right direction.

The idea of the cops hunting him down,
k*lling him...

it terrifies me.

And even after everything he's done,

I still wanna find a way
to reach out to him, heal him.

You want to see the good in people.

And there is good in Davos. Believe me.

I... I get it. I do.

What you're feeling isn't any crazier
than the fact that...

I still care about Bakuto.

Even after everything he did to me.

It doesn't change the fact that for years,
he was the one who made me feel safe.

And smart and special.

[Danny sighs]

[cell phone rings]

[Ward] Katie, what part of "I'm at lunch"
can't you grasp?

[toilet flushes]

[slurring] What do you think I'm doing?

Neglecting my duties at Rand, so what?

I can spend the day drinking in some
shitty sports bar in Murray Hill? [laughs]

Ready to close out?

Not even close.

What are you doing here, Ward?

How did you find me?

Katie said you stopped in here
for breakfast. Seven hours ago.

I did. I came in for the eggs.

I stayed for the ambiance.

Don't give me that look.
I'm in NA, not AA.

You know that isn't how addiction works.

You need to get to a meeting.

Maybe later.

This is about your sister again, isn't it?

Oh, no, that's done.
Joy is officially finished with me.

She said that?

And if that wasn't enough
to earn me a few drinks...

my brother, Danny, almost died.

I know. I was there.

No. No, that was just a scratch.
This time it's his leg.

- Been a banner week.
- I'm sorry.

Why don't you... come to a meeting?

You need to let all this out
in a safe space.

Enough with that sponsor shit.

Today is not about meetings.

Today's about hangin' out in a...
shitty, piss-smelling...

- Hey!
- Hey!

The way I'm tippin'
should buy some respect.

Do you even hear yourself?

Stop deflecting, Ward. Own this.

For Christ's sake.
You get to decide who you wanna be.

So, who do you wanna be?

I don't know.

But whoever that guy is...

let's start with drunk.


What am I doing?

Keeping me company.

Hey, wait, wait, wait. Stay a while.
We'll get you a Shirley Temple.

- No.
- Hey, I'm buying.

Hey, buddy, let the lady go.

Where are you going?

Same place you should go. A meeting.

- Let it be, man.
- Screw you.

[drags stool]


Come on, man.

You don't want to do that.


You had enough?


[coughing and panting]

How about now?

[Ward] Mmm.

That's a good choice.




[breathing heavily]

[Chen] You still want to hit
that Hatchet massage parlor on Chrystie?


We need to prepare
for my students' arrival.

- Get supplies for their training.
- Students?

You mean them dead-end kids on the bikes?

Why do you want them street rats
hangin' around, anyway?

Daniel Rand tried to attack me,
and he'll try again.

Anyone who has held the Fist
will stop at nothing to get it back.

You know my talents go beyond driving?

You are one man.


And those kids are disposable.

Not if they rise to the occasion.

It isn't only sentries I need.

This city is large...
and there is a cancer in its flesh.

I can't burn it out alone.

Do you understand?

- [glass shatters]
- [man ] Hurry up. Let's go. Let's go.

- [man laughs]
- [man ] Open it up!

[men continue indistinctly]

[man ] Back seat. Check it out.

Gonna stand there
with your thumb in your ass?

- Come on, help me.
- Hey, check me out.

Take this. Make it quick.

Hey, hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What you doin', man?

- Take your pestilence elsewhere.
- Says who?

- Trying to cop a fix, bro.
- You let this poison control you.

k*ll you slowly.

They're not even Triad!

Do you want to die with them?


I'm merely speeding up the process.

- [bones crack]
- [man chokes]

Thank you for taking the time, Ms. Prada.

I knew they'd find the bodies someday.

What can I help you with?

I'm here about a bowl
that you procured for Joy Meachum.

I didn't even read my horoscope today.

Is it bad?

It's very, very bad, isn't it?

What can you tell me about the bowl?

A Tibetan singing bowl
from Ernst Erskine's collection.


Very rare. Astronomically expensive.

That's what happens
when something's one of a kind.

So if I wanted it, that is the only one.

Okay, I need you to tell me any detail
that you might have on it.

No matter how large or small.

There was a whole section of it
in Professor Erskine's papers.

And a thangka that refers to it.

A what?

A hanging scroll. I can show you.

- All of this was Erskine's?
- He was a major collector.

Erskine's main focus
was rare Asian artifacts from Tibet...


This is a key piece.

Legend says it's from
an ancient hidden city in the Himalayas.

Let me guess. K'un-Lun.

What's that?

[whispers] Never mind.

The city of Shambhala Bhilai.

Mentioned in the Vishnu Purana

and the Zhang Zhung texts
of western Tibet.

Anyway, it's a gorgeous piece.

It's a story.

Too bad the language is dead.

Erskine believed the bowl
to be the key to some ritual or ceremony.

It's all about chi, isn't it?

[Mika sighs] People believe
what they want to believe.

Don't I know it.

Thank you for your time, Ms. Prada.

Not a problem. I hope I was helpful.

And if I was, let dear old Joy know it.


[water running]

What happened?

What happened with the plan?


Do we know each other?


I'm Joy Meachum.

I was hoping to talk to Walker.
You must be Mary.

You mind if I come in for a minute?


Yeah, sure. Come in.

You know, I was hoping
maybe I could leave Walker a message.

Or maybe you know when she might be back?

Oh. It won't be for a while. Um...
Is it anything I can help you with?

No. No, I don't think so, Mary.
I really need to talk to Walker.

You can't. Sorry.
When she goes away, she is, um...

[clears throat]

...not reachable.

Yeah, look, Mary, um...

This is really important.

This is a life-and-death
kind of a situation, really.

- There is a man named Davos and he's...
- Davos. He hurt my friend Danny.

Danny Rand. Yes. Yes, he did.

- You know Danny?
- Yep.

How is he? Last time I saw him,
he was in a very bad way.

Yeah, he's...

I won't keep you.

Oh, no, please. Um, please, don't leave.

To be honest, it's actually just so nice
to have company.

Can I offer you a tea or a coffee,
or a water or anything?


- Yeah, water.
- Water?

- Yeah.
- Have a seat right here.

Thank you.

So, how do you know Danny, anyway?

[Joy] Uh...

We were close growing up.

Please tell him that I hope
he feels better when you next see him.

I don't think that's gonna be
any time soon.

We had a... [clears throat]
bit of a falling out.

Oh. I'm sorry. You know,
I'm sure you two can work it out.

Danny is such a lovely person.

Just being around him, you can feel
the, like... you know, the good vibes.

I don't think we're gonna be able
to fix this one.

I did something pretty awful to him.

I've only just met you,
but you do not seem like

the kind of person
who would hurt somebody.

At least not consciously.

I guess there's a few sides
to everyone, though, right?

I tried to warn Danny about Walker.
That probably was a bad idea.

I like to think
she didn't mean to hurt him.

That's what I imagine.

She's just a good person in a bad place,
you know?

Trying to get by. Doing a job.

Maybe you're in that same place.

[chuckles softly]

What does she want the money for?

She wants to go away. Away from me.

She doesn't like me much.

If she didn't like you,
why would she work so hard to protect you?

I've seen her risk everything
to keep you safe.

Are you here because
you want Walker to protect you?

I did.

Yeah, but...

I think there's always a way
out of everything.

And I'm the one to find it. [chuckles]

You know, sometimes in life,
all you can do is trust yourself.

I gotta go. But thank you for the water.

- These are really good.
- [chuckles]

That's kind of you to say.

Yeah, I like the shading and this...
this is... this use of negative space.

[both chuckling softly]

Be well, Mary.

[thunder rumbling]

[men shouting in Slavic language]

- [man screaming]
- [man ] Hey! Hey!

[man in English] You're number one
on this whole situation.

You don't have to do this.

[men continue shouting in Slavic language]

[rapid g*nf*re]

[rain falling]

[thunder rumbling]

[thunderstorm continues]


[water stops]


[knocking at door]

- Hello.
- Hey.

- Right on time.
- Hey.

Got room for one more?

- This is vegan.
- Of course it is.

[Danny] How'd it go with Joy?

[Misty] Joy sent me to the auction house
where she got the bowl.

Verified that it is vital to the ceremony
and one of a kind.

[Colleen] Great.
So we're back where we started.

Not necessarily. I think I found
some kind of instruction manual.

[Danny] It's a thangka.

[Misty] And the images on it,
they tell a story.

Depict some kind of transfer of chi.

[Colleen] How can you tell?

It's just like looking at a crime scene.

The objects, how and where they lay,
they just kind of speak to me.

This text here, it's ancient Tibetan.

Can you read it?

"The way of uniting souls
through the coil of a serpent."

[Misty] Come again?

It's the precise measurements needed.

And a specific hand placement
to complete the transfer.

Well, that's great, right?

I'm guessing that this isn't metaphorical.

No. It's a warning.


"The transfer is a powerful
and complex process,

just like the spirit of the dragon itself.

If mishandled, it could mean death
for all parties involved."

More good news.

[Misty] You know, when I got the call
about Donnie Chang...

[chuckles] I never thought
I'd be a part of...

taking the dragon out of one guy
and putting it back into another.

It's the spirit of the dragon.

[snickers] 'Cause that makes it better?

Hey, this is still something
that we can use.

Chi and dragons. It's crazy.

But it is powerful to know
that what I can do applies to all of this.

And with that, we're gonna need a hand

if we wanna take on Davos
and get back that bowl.

I thought you said
the police were a no-go.

Pike won't do the right thing,
so I need to find someone who will.

- You know, bang down doors.
- Call us if you need us.

Absolutely. As soon
as I know something, you will too.

[door closes]

- So we need the bowl?
- That's not all we need.

I have to be ready to face Davos
and take back the power.

I can't do that alone.

I have to find a way to fight
and get around this injury, you know?

A physical therapist isn't gonna help.

You want me to train you?

Look, I... I know it's asking a lot.

It's not a lot. It's everything.


I made a decision to stop teaching.
I can't just walk that back.

You're a great teacher, Colleen.

Finding out about the Hand,
it messed you up. I get it.

But I need that side of you,
even if it hurts.

You're the only person I can trust,
the only person who understands me.

This may be something you need,
but it's not something I can give.


- [Colleen] What are you doing?
- [grunts] Making space.

If you can't train me, I'll train myself.

- Danny, come on.
- Davos needs to be stopped.

Are you sure that's what this is?
Or is this about the Fist?

I can tell you want it back,
you need it back.

You can't help yourself.

If the idea of teaching overwhelms you,
Colleen, it's fine. I get it.

- It's scary.
- I'm not afraid.

Then why did you close this place down?

Screw you, Danny. Screw you!

You don't get to
make the decision on your own

to turn this place into a dojo again.

It's my place just as much as it is yours.

- It's ours.
- Well, act that way.

I've been sober for six years,
nine months and days.

But tonight, I really wanted to use.

Snort some Oxy, add a Seconal chaser.
Anything to take me away from today.

[clears throat] I don't even know
when it started.

No, that's...

That's not true.

It started that first time.

It was sudden. Neither of us expected it.

One minute we were chatting about nothing,
and then the next, we were together.

And again the next night, and again.

I liked it.

I liked him.

So I crossed lines.

I walked into a bar today.


wanted to help him.

I thought I could handle him.

That he'd be different with me.

I lied to myself.

Which wouldn't be so bad
if he hadn't gotten me pregnant.

I've been with child, his child,

for six weeks, three days and hours.

I'm barely keeping my head above water,
but a baby...

And its father is an addict just like me.

What am I supposed to do with that?


It's me.

Now, I know that you must be pretty angry,
all that missed time.

It's no accident. I've been doing
everything I can to keep you away.

Pills to keep me calm,
an open faucet to mimic rain.

I think I'm changing.

Which means you must be, too.

I've heard about what you're planning
to do with our future, Walker, and...

I had to say something.
So I hope you hear me.

Hear this.

Your friend Joy came round...

and she said
she wanted you to protect her.

Which made me remember
all the times that you have protected me.

Back in Green Bay.

In Sokovia.

You got us out of that hole,
so thank you for that.

I, uh...

I do not wanna keep trading
one dark place for another.

What if we can get help?
Isn't it worth trying?

I, uh... I know that you're
the strong one, so I surrender.

I trust you. [softly] Shit.

[heart thumping]

If, when I wake up...

I'm in Arizona, then so be it.

But I hope that you choose another way.

[Joy] Somehow, this is exactly
how I pictured you'd be living.

The bare essentials are all that's needed.

[Joy] Yeah...

That's never been my life.

But that's kind of what I'm here for.

I have to say, I'm surprised to see you.

Our last conversation was disappointing.

Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about it.

I told you how I was moving forward.
I was moving on.

I've got these plans. A solar cell patent.

I remember.

People in rooms talking about numbers.

People on screens
talking about other screens.

Empty promises. False friendships.

None of it's real.

But what we did to Danny...

That meant something.

Yes, it did.

Changed the locks on my door.

Hell, I got a new door.

Because I was afraid.

Of me?


I don't wanna hurt you.

I told you the potential
I've always seen in you.

I think I was more afraid of letting go

than I was of you.

Fate brought us together for a reason.
I can't keep ignoring that.

I told you I was done
and that what we did to Danny was enough.

Maybe it wasn't.

I heard what you did to his leg.

He gave me no choice.

What I'm planning, Joy,
goes so far beyond revenge.

It's about building a future
we could be proud of.

But you had to start with yourself first.

Become the person you wanted to be.

So if I want to make the world better,
I have to be better.

I'm so glad to hear you say this.

Joy, I miss your company.


I can be so trying.

I see it more as a counterpoint. I can...

I can be serious.

And a master of understatement.

You have nothing to fear, Joy.


I am your protector and your friend.

Let me show you around.

Not to bring up a sore subject,
but you know Mika Prada?

A shameful moment,
but it was a necessary sacrifice.

What did you do with the bowl
that we got from her?

It's worth a lot of money.

I'm thinking if I sell it back
to the auction house at a discount,

I can fix a broken friendship.

I need to keep it close, Joy.
It's crucial in the transference.

I understand.

I'm so glad you're here.


This is an auspicious arrival.
Come in. Be welcome.

Will you just give me a moment?

Hey, how you do that thing with your fist?

That is not something
I can explain to you quickly.

It's part of a larger discipline
to hone your body and your mind.

My focus is not on destruction...

but on bringing change.

Yeah, we'll give it a minute.

Well, make yourself comfortable. Come on.

What's your name, man?

I am the Immortal Iron Fist.

But if we are to embark
on this journey together,

you shall call me Shifu.


Yes, Shifu.

Yes, Shifu.


[inhales deeply]

[exhales slowly]

- [Danny grunting and panting]
- [rapid strikes landing]



[door slides open]

- [sighs]
- [Colleen] Not your best idea.

I'm sorry.

Don't apologize.

And I didn't close the dojo
because I was afraid.

I closed the dojo

because I couldn't be a part
of sending anyone else to their grave.

I'm not gonna die.

You don't know that.

You and Davos trained together,
but you never taught anyone.

You don't know what that means.

When I teach someone...

what they do...
what comes from that, is on me.

If I do this,
everything changes between us.

I'll have to separate myself,
emotionally, from this.

From you.


I have no other choice.

Yes, you do.

You've made yours.

I've made mine.

Can you give me a warning next time?

"May I have a warning, sensei?"

No, you may not.

Get up.

Ah! [grunts]



Yes, sensei.


Ah! [groans]

Come on!


[dramatic music playing]