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02x06 - The Dragon Dies at Dawn

Posted: 03/31/22 16:25
by bunniefuu
Some people never have a chance.

Bad-luck parents, crap schools.

Life gave them lemons and nobody
taught them how to make lemonade.

Some people have it all

and still end up
a worthless piece of shit.

I know my rights.

Here we go.

I haven't been arrested,
I haven't been Mirandized,

and I haven't spoken to my lawyer.

I will just call this you and I having
a chat in a mutual friend's apartment.

And if I try to leave?

We'll see how far you get.

Where is Davos?

- No idea.
- Come on.

Ask Walker.

No idea.

According to Danny,
you delivered him to Davos.

It wasn't like that.

I'm inclined to believe Danny.

Well, he was blacked out on a cocktail
of carfentanil and haloperidol.

But good for you... and your inclinations.

You do not want to test me.

Pull my shirt up.

- [chuckles]
- [Walker] Two inches above the hip.

Come on.

I don't bite.

Serrated blade.

Czech military issue. Demon knife.

Démonový nůž.

Point being, I know
the difference between an idle threat

and someone who's gonna back it up.

Mmm. Walker.

Where did you find her?

Rand has resources.

Why have her cozy up to Danny
with the whole

"just moved here from Wisconsin" act?

It wasn't an act,
and it wasn't intentional. She has DID.

So what you want me to believe

is that you are a different Mary Walker
than the one that met Danny on the street?

[sing-song] Mary.

It was a complication we had to deal with,

she assured me she could bring Danny in,

Bring Danny in for the ceremony?

So Davos could get the Fist.

Why don't you outline for me
exactly what that was, step by step?

[chuckles] It's...

It's an ancient ritual
in which the heart of the dragon

is transferred
from one person to the other

through the art of Tebori.

The old-school tattooing, yakuza thing.

These women... [exhales]
they were experts.

Call themselves the Crane Sisters.

Work at a tattoo shop
out in the Iron Triangle.

Davos tracked them down through
his connections in organized crime.

That's about all I know.

[chuckles] You know, from...
what you're telling me,

it sounds like you have just as much
reason to fear Davos as anybody.

So if you know anything,

anything that can bring him in...

give it up.

I've told you everything.

Why choose to be
a worthless piece of shit?

It's easy to judge someone
by their actions...

but it's never that simple, is it?

[theme music playing]

In what world
are you not gonna arrest them?

[Misty] This one, for now. Look...

Walker thinks she's better off with us
than against us, so she'll play ball.

Joy is legitimately scared of Davos.

Okay, I have to say, that is bullshit.

I book them, we have to explain
what happened to Danny.

And then we will be dealing
with a media circus.

So what? I'm just supposed to host
a slumber party for those two?

Misty's right.

If I'm gonna talk Davos down, it's not
gonna be with a news crew behind me.

What do you mean, "talk him down"?

I'm gonna find him.
Convince him to stop all of this.

Yeah, "all of this."
Okay, he is k*lling people.

Which is exactly why
you should not go and talk to him.

If he wanted me dead, I'd be dead.

You almost were.

But I'm not.

[Ward] Come on, Danny!

These animals cut you, bled you
and left you on a park bench.

I know.

But we're still talking about your sister
and my brother.

I know what I said.

And if Detective Knight here
will not call in the cavalry,

then I'll get on the phone.

Okay, do it.

PD will go in, he'll resist,
and they'll take him out.

That's not an option.
There has to be another way.

Okay, if we get the power out of Davos...

can you bring him in then
and lay the charges?

Sure. But how the hell do we do that?

Same way it was done to me.

Okay. We find the women,
the tattoo artists.

The Crane Sisters.

Sounds like a shitty band name.

Yeah, well, that shitty band
helped steal Danny's power.

And they may know
how to make Davos give it back.

All right, so let's track 'em down.

Easy. You're not going anywhere.

[exhales] Look, I'm fine, okay?
Just give me a minute.

[Danny sighs]

Look, I know what you're gonna say to me.

[Colleen] And I know
what you're gonna say.

But right now we need you
to rest and heal up, okay?

You're gonna stay here
and hold things down till we're back?

What, me? I'm not staying here.

Someone's got to keep an eye on Danny
in case he takes a turn.

Well, I'm not a babysitter
for the criminally deranged in there.

Well, you said
you wanted to talk to your sister.

Now you can catch up.

[door opens and closes]

You told Misty
you don't know where Davos is,

but you delivered Danny,
which means you lied.

Yeah. The minute they have Davos,
they're wrapping us up, too.

We cooperate,
there's a chance we plead down.

Yeah, in fairyland.

How much are you worth? Liquid.
How much could you move today?

Some, not much. Almost everything
is tied up in investments.

- [groans]
- You're gonna get your money.

- Don't worry about it.
- That's not what I'm saying.

There's a fire escape off this deck,
puts us in an alley off Henry Street.

- How are you gonna get down a fire escape?
- Hold, please.

[chuckles in disbelief]

I'm gonna go, and I suggest you pull all
the resources you can and do the same.

No, I told you, I can't run.
I'm not gonna run.

Well, either your pals in there
arrest Davos and you go down with him,

or they don't, and one day
that sick bastard is gonna come knocking.

Before they picked us up,
you had a different idea.

One that removed Davos
from the equation entirely. Right?

- But you took that approach off the table.
- Yeah, I did.

And then he started k*lling people.

[indistinct shouting and groaning]

[glass shatters]

Hey. How'd it go in there?

Sounded, you know, like a success.

I crossed these three names off the list.

Who's next?

"Who's next?"

We should go get a bite.
I know this great place over on Mulberry

that does an incredible veal rollatini
with black truffle glaze.

I don't eat meat.

k*lling animals for sustenance
is a disgrace.

[Chen] Of course you don't.

You're just a vegetarian
that kills people.

[sighs] I can't believe
that I've been beating myself up

while she was the one
who was plotting and conspiring.

[groans and chuckles]

She let me think
that I was the crazy one.

[Danny] Ward.

I'm angry, too.

I'm hurt.

And I'm confused.

But if I linger in that,
I'm giving myself over to those emotions.

Instead, I'm trying to find my center,
which I can't do if you're talking.

When you talk about that chi stuff,

I want to rip your arms off
and shove them down your throat.

[chuckles] That was a good one.

- Come on. Meditate with me.
- [door opens]

- You'll feel better.
- [door closes]

- Hello, boys.
- What the hell?

Hey. You keep your distance.

You wanna talk to Davos,
I'll take you to him.

You did that already.
Didn't go so well for Danny.

What do you want, Walker?

I can take you to Davos. But just you.
Not your girlfriend. Not the detective.

If you pay me enough to take off
and stay gone.

What's to stop you from taking off
the minute we're outside?

If I wanted to go, I'd go.

She's got a point.

I need to see Davos.

What would you even say to him?

Look, I don't know.

But if there's a chance
I can get through to him...

There's no getting through to a lunatic,
Danny, believe me.

He's not a lunatic, Ward.

He just thinks he's guided by virtue.

Terrific. What if he doesn't wanna talk?

[Danny] Then we get Walker
to help bag and tag him.

She bagged and tagged you.

I was doing a job. It's over.

This is a new job.

I spent a long time learning
how to grab the Iron Fist.

It worked.

If Rand were to pay your fee,
how much we talking?

Half a million dollars.


Danny, I'm not your keeper,
and this is way out of my league.

Don't you think Colleen and Misty
are gonna go insane

when they find out
that you left them out of this?

I've got this.

I bring Davos in,
they find out about the ceremony,

it's a win-win.

So much for finding your center.

Look, just trust me on this, okay?

[exhales] My sister knew that I was in NA.

Did that information come from you?

Well, you can ask her yourself.

Oh, I plan on it.

But for $ , , I expect you
to confirm should she deny.

I did a dossier on you, yes.

[chuckles softly]

[exhales] Ward Meachum.

At the gym, like clockwork, in the a.m.

Eight hours of e-mails,
meetings and phone calls at Rand,

hop, skip to NA to jump your sponsor,

and then home for an hour
of cable news before nighty night.


The lives of quiet desperation
are always the most desperate.

Thank you.


What the hell is this? I said habanero.

This is, like, teriyaki?

Next time, pick a gas station
with a better selection.

Look, I'm very, very serious
about my snacks.


With this job,
you gotta keep your energy level high.

People are always talking about cops
and their donuts.

Cookies, chocolate, gum, you name it.

But that sugar high...

will send you crashing.

You need something that will,
you know, give you the long burn.

I heard a podcast once that said

the most banal thing was to listen
to someone describe their dreams.

You know what? I think they were wrong.


Can I ask you a question?

Why ask permission
when you're just gonna do it anyway?

You said that you
were done with this life.

You put your sword up on the wall...

But you came with me to grab Joy.

And this... this was your idea.

[sighs] Someone's gotta do it.


but if we're thinking big picture,

where do you see yourself in five years?

- [chuckles]
- I'm serious.

You volunteer at Bayard. That's cool.

But you used to own a karate school.
Now you don't.

What do you want to do with your life?


- Okay. You wanna play this game?
- Yeah.

- Let me ask you a question.
- Okay.

What are you gonna do
with this promotion-to-captain thing?

Are you gonna be Captain Misty?

- No.
- Am I gonna have to call you that now?

No, don't turn it around.

I'm serious.

I already said that you would make
an excellent police.

You got great instincts.

- I k*lled Bakuto.
- He was trying to m*rder us.

No, it's not about the decision
being right or not.

What I mean is... I trusted him,
and I could not have been more wrong.

If I'm that bad a judge of character,

how in the world am I qualified to be
out here doing what you do every day?

I have met a lot of good people
who went bad.

And I've known some bad people
who went good.

People change.

Doesn't mean that
you misread them the first time.

- Maybe.
- Not maybe. Yes.

Besides, when it comes
to a g*n and a shield,

I want the person next to me
who questions their judgment.

It's the ones who always think
they're right that scare me.

Thank you.

You want to thank me?

Next time I say habanero, get me habanero.

This is it.

This garage is a criminal enterprise?

[Chen] A chop shop.


They steal cars, take them apart,
sell them for parts.

They also run Oxys.


You have heard of the opioid epidemic?

I don't care for the details.

I know that they contribute
to the putrefaction of this city.

Yeah. Putrefaction.

[chuckles] Check.

[groaning and shouting]

[music playing on radio]

- [grunting]
- [glass shattering]


[sighs heavily]

- I was really hoping you were gone.
- I'm sure you were.

It's funny, I always thought
I was the assh*le in this family,

but it turns out it was you all along.

Well, trust me. You're still the assh*le.

It's like they've never heard of rosé.

I know that you and I
have had our differences.

So I can understand
why you would want to hurt me,

but what I don't understand
is how could you do this to Danny?

Need I remind you
that you tried to have him k*lled?

On two separate occasions.

When I thought he was an impostor

who was gonna burn down
everything we built. I was wrong.

No, only about the impostor part.

Truth is, he did light it all up.

Then he exposed your bullshit,
Dad's lies, the Hand...

got me shot, Dad k*lled.

Danny didn't do any of that purposefully
or with malice.

And that makes it okay?

How can he come into my life,
level it to the ground,

and then walk away believing he's a hero?

You want to blame someone?
Blame the Hand. Blame Dad. Blame me.

Oh, I do blame you, Ward.

But I don't need to trip you up. You'll
fall and burn just fine on your own.

[softly] Yeah...

I know that you suffered.

I'm sorry that you had to lose Dad
all over again.

I am sorry that you got shot.

I thank God I got shot.

Ward, I was living in a cave,
watching shadows on the wall.

My entire life has been a lie
because of you.

So I'm glad Danny came back. I am.

He opened my eyes to who he is,
to who you have always been,

but most importantly, to who I need to be.

Now, who is that?

Somebody who allies herself
with a murdering psychopath?

No, that's your thing.

If you say you were protecting me
from Dad, I swear...

I was protecting you!

I believe it for the first six months.
How about the next years?

The way that you remember Harold
is not who he was.

He would fly into these rages.

And the things he would say to me,
the things that he would do to me...

He was a little tough on his protégé?
Builds character, right?

I was his punching bag.
And not metaphorically.

That time that I... I broke my arm skiing?

The time that I got into that car accident
and I was all covered with bruises?

[shakily] You have no idea
what I spared you from.

There were so many times
that I wanted to tell you.

I would literally pack a bag,
buy plane tickets,

get into a car, drive to your place,

thinking, "How am I gonna tell you
that we need to run away and start over?"

But you didn't do it.

And now we're here.


When we get to Davos,
you need to stay back.

He knows you're with me,
he won't be complacent.

I think it would be a mistake
to leave you with him.

Well, I don't care what you think.
Just do your job, okay?

Taking him out is only a contingency.

You need to keep your distance.

You wanna talk to him.

Got... it.

Should he prove unreceptive,
I suggest you clear the deck.

Because, until we have the Fist,

Davos is holding
the biggest g*n in the room.

You get off on the mind games?

Making nice. Coming into my home.

Meeting my girlfriend.

It was not a mind game.

You were playing me from the start.

I was not playing you.

If I do my job right,
you never see my face.

It was an accident. I was following you
and must have hit a trigger.

A trigger?

An environmental cue
that sparks an emotional response,

bringing an alter to the fore.

Mine goes by Mary.

Mary, Mary, sad and contrary.

And Mary, she...
she has no memory of what you do?

The first "D" in DID
stands for "dissociative."

So that means
another part of me is driving.

How long does it last? The switch.

Hours, days. Sometimes longer.

Until she gets stressed.

Elevated heart rate, adrenaline.

Brings me back to myself.

What about when it goes the other way?

The sound of running water,
bright strobing lights,

prolonged exposure to cold.

At that point, it's no longer me,
it's Mary.

Those things are everywhere.
Must be tough.

It is a lot.

There's this house in Arizona.

I plan to move there and spend
the rest of my days watching birds fly.

That's what the money is for, right?

Let's go.

[Colleen sighs] Business must be booming.

No, this is the last place
in the five boroughs

where the rent is still cheap.

[Colleen] Or Joy was lying.

She better not have been.
It's too damn cold to be out here.

- You hear that?
- [music playing in distance]


[upbeat music playing]


[Misty] Hey!

- [music stops]
- Evening.

Uh, my friend and I,
we wanna get some work done.

Yeah. [clears throat]

Well, we're all booked up.

- You sure?
- [chuckles]

It's kinda dead in here.
You can't just squeeze us in?

You think I'm an idiot?
What do you want?

Tattoos. We really...
We really are interested in tattoos.

You got no ink. Neither of you.

Uh... Everyone's gotta
start somewhere. Right?

Why don't you try St. Marks Place?
This is not a first-piece kind of shop.

- Okay?
- Okay.

We're interested in a piece that you did.
A snake.

A guy named Davos, last night.

Doesn't ring a bell.


Either of you remember working
a Tebori tattoo on a friend of mine?

There would've been
another guy in the room,

doped up, bleeding out, half dead.

She have a warrant?

Hey, I'm right here.
And I don't need one to ask questions.

Well, we're not talking to any police.

You want to talk to me?

'Cause I live with the guy
that you bled out.

I told you it was a bad idea.

Shut up.

We don't owe him a thing.

No, you don't.

Listen, I get it. I'm sure you all
get asked to do all kinds of freaky shit.

Just this time, you inked the wrong dude.

If you have something to add,
now's the time.

Hey, she don't like you.

Okay, well, the feeling's mutual.

Here's the deal.

On top of as*ault charges and kidnapping,

Davos is wanted for a whole slew
of dead Triad.

And you three are accessories.

That's bullshit.

We don't want to book you.

But we do need to know
exactly what you did to our friend.



- God damn it!
- Get the needles!

- Go!
- [grunts]

[engine revving]





Now, let's try this again.


[Walker] Doesn't look like anyone's home.

[Danny] Then we wait.

- How long did you stay at the ceremony?
- [Walker] Not long.

My job was to deliver you.

The Crane Sisters bled you...
and inked him.

[Danny] This is where I was bound.

At the end, he stood up...

came over to me.

He barely touched me,
but I could feel this heat.

The heart of the dragon
was being pulled out of me.

The pain was unbearable.

- Give me the syringe, Walker.
- [Walker] What do you mean?

I'll be standing right next to him.
I can dose him myself. Give it to me.

[Walker] Uh...

That's not the plan.

I don't trust your plan.

Why would you put yourself
in harm's way if you didn't have to?

You don't know me...
so you're being paranoid.

Yeah. I am.

Give me the syringe.

When we stopped by your apartment
and you opened up about DID...

as much as I appreciate it...

it was tactical, wasn't it?

Put me at ease.

- What's your plan, Walker?
- [chuckles]

[gasps] Madness.

The Wen brothers,

our man watching Pell Street businesses,
Sammy Lee and his cousin...

all dead.

And that's just on our side.

Find me who did this!

As my husband used to say,

"Blood for blood."

You have to know
I never wanted to hurt you.

What do intentions matter in this?

You did.

The whole NA thing was supposed to be
a way to understand how to fix this.

Find a way to talk to you
and show you that I want to change.



I'm your only family in the whole world.

Do you really want me gone?

You know,
you weren't the only one with a plan.

I was gonna get out.
Start my own business. [sighs]

See what my life could look like.

My life.

'Cause only then could I even consider
coming back and seeing where we stood.

Two people, fully independent,

trying and seeing
what fences we could mend.

I want that.

Yeah. I know you want that, Ward.
You've made your wants perfectly clear.

What I'm saying is that
maybe I could someday want that, too.

But it has to be on my time.
Not when you're ready, when I am ready.

I understand that. But I wanna...

Stop! Do you hear yourself?

"I want!"

Every time you say "I want," it reminds me
that you spent our entire lives

putting your wants and your needs
before even thinking about mine.

[softly] Oh, God.

You know, you asked me
how I could do what I did to Danny.

The truth?

I did it to him because...
I couldn't bear to do it to you.

And I couldn't do it to Dad.

That is so screwed up and sad.

Dad's dead.

And... somehow
he's still tearing us apart.

If he does that, Joy,
then, in the end, he wins.

Who cares if he wins or loses?
He's ashes in a jar.

Goodbye, Ward. For good.

[Colleen] Okay, let me get this straight.

The skin that Davos cut from the corpse...

- you burned it?
- Mmm-hmm.

The ash, it, uh, mixes with the blood
to create the ink.

I'm sorry, but what the hell
is wrong with you all?

It was a job.

You could have said no.

Why that skin?
And why'd he have to ship it from China?

It had some scarification on it.
Some kind of burn.

It was black as night.
It was the shape of a bird, or a...

A dragon.

Okay, and the tattoo you gave Davos,
the snake thing?

He called it a serpent.

He insisted we use
our steel Tebori needles.

And what is the significance of these?

All we know about the ritual
is what he told us to do.

Wait. "Ritual." Is that his word or yours?

Take a wild guess.

You know what?

[chuckles] Okay, if we can get
everything back together...

the skin, the needles, the blood...

you think you can do
this ritual thing in reverse?

Keep in mind that the alternative
is a long stay in a small cell.

Oh, and that's after I'm done with you.

We can ink. You need the bowl.

She speaks.

Yeah, you'd need that.
And some more specifics.

Davos was very precise
about the measurements and the timing,

but you can ask him about that yourself.

Do you think if we could ask him,
we would be talking to you three?

We'll work it out. Okay?

But when the time comes,
can you do your part?

Looks like you've come
to the right place after all.

[Chen] Hell of a place you got here.

It's a little, you know,
a work in progress, but, uh...

You know,
I could take you to a nice hotel.

Some place with electrical lighting,
indoor plumbing. Housekeeping.

This place suits me fine.

Believe it or not,
it actually reminds me of home.

And where is that?

A name you're not worthy of hearing.

Okay, then.

[Chen] Want me to meet you
back here tomorrow?

[Davos] Today was only the first of many,
and there is much to be done.


Freakin' unbelievable.


At the chop shop this evening,
did you notice those youths on bicycles?

They were following after us.

Seeing what they can lift.

Yeah, those kids,
they're just vultures. Scavengers.

They live in a squat
near the Manhattan Bridge.

They live together?
Don't they have families?

No idea.

You want me to put them on the list?

No. Not yet.

What are you really doing here, Walker?

We have a problem.
I'm here to take care of it.

You're gonna k*ll him.

- That's not part of the deal.
- You're in no condition to stop me.

Let me talk to him. Try and reach him.

Your friend Ward was right.

He won't listen. He's too far gone.

I can't be tied to this,
and neither can Joy.

Joy put you up to this?

That cabin? In Arizona?

I can make it happen.

You'll be comfortable. Safe.
For as long as you want or need.

You just gotta stick to the plan.


I won't hurt him.


I didn't expect to see you here.

How are you?

What are you doing, Davos?

The work of an Iron Fist, Danny.

Is that what you call it?

You've got blood on your face.

You've been k*lling people.

When a feral dog is put down,
do you call it m*rder?

When a virus is flushed from the body,
is that m*rder?

Call it justice.

You should be thanking me.

I freed you from a responsibility
that had become a burden.

You spit in the face
of a thousand-year tradition.

You didn't earn it.

You stole it.

You dare to speak of tradition
after you abandoned ours?

You see, Danny...

you feel that you can just walk through
this world as if it belongs to you.

You value nothing, because your privilege
has afforded you everything.

You've never had a heritage of your own.

A culture you must honor and protect.

Stop validating your actions, Davos.

This v*olence...

it needs to stop right now.

- I've chosen my path.
- You've lost your way.

I know what you think you're doing.

But the police won't.

No one will.

And if you resist, they will come
after you and they will k*ll you.

If you come with me now,
you can hand yourself in.


Oh, I know the risks.

This is what commitment looks like, Danny.

That night at the pier,
you told me you're protecting this city,

but you've never had the strength
of character to walk a hard line.

This w*r between the Triads,
I ended it in a single day.

No, you didn't. You just became
another faction in the conflict.

You disgrace everything
Lei Kung ever taught us.

My father misled us all, Danny.
Sold us all lies.

His heart would break
if he could hear you now.

If he was here now... I'd crush his heart.

He sent you down a path
you never should have walked.

Put us in opposition.

- I know you're angry.
- No, I'm not angry.

Not anymore.

I want you with me, brother.

Here to learn at my feet and, one day,
perhaps fight beside me.

I'm a patient man,
and change doesn't happen overnight.

It starts with a person. Do you remember?

A paragon of virtue
with a righteous cause.

Can you hear yourself?

"A righteous cause"?
"A paragon of virtue"?

You can't really see yourself that way.

It's how you will see me.

As the scales fall from your eyes.


[Walker and Davos shouting]



You crossed the line, Danny.



[Danny groaning]

- I got you.
- [Danny] My leg, it's broken.

You need to call Colleen. Call Misty.
We need to get Davos out of here.

[both shouting and grunting]

[Danny yells]

Stay with me.
Hey, stay with me. All right?

Okay. Stay with me.

Stay with me.

All right. All right.

All right.

Um. [clears throat]
I need an ambulance at Baxter.

Whole tattoo thing, it's more of a novelty
that I don't have one at this stage.

Do it. I can totally see you
pulling off some ink.

- Hell no.
- Hell yeah!

I see a heart with Danny's name on it.

- Stop.
- [Misty] Little petunia...

[Colleen] Shit.

[sighs] Danny.

Come on. Keep talking.

Walker, we had a deal.

We have a deal.

- [sirens approaching]
- [thunder rumbling]

We have a deal.

[siren wailing]



Ma'am, are you injured?


Oh, it's nothing. I must have fallen.
I was just out walking in the rain.



Wait, was there an accident?

Mary, you need to bring Walker back.


Mary, how do I get through to Walker?

I can't be here. I should go.

Mary, you need to call Colleen
and tell her we have Davos.

Who's Davos?

If Walker wants her money,
if she wants that cabin in the woods,

then she has to finish her job.

You hearing me?

[medic ] Sir, I need you to try
to calm down.

Cabin? She wants to run away.

Mary, you need to get Davos!

She can't do that.

Mary, please!

She can't do that. She can't...

I hope you know
I didn't mean to hurt you, Danny.

I did not know she was gonna hurt you.

But I can't let her take me to a cabin.

I deserve a chance to be happy.


- Are you riding with us to the hospital?
- Mary, please come back!

Mary! Mary, you have to get Davos!

Please, Mary! Please!

What did you do?

[Danny] Mary, please!

Mary! Mary, please!

Come back! Mary!

[dramatic music playing]