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02x05 - Heart of the Dragon

Posted: 03/31/22 16:25
by bunniefuu

[breathing heavily]

It's a stupid game.

Because I'm better at it?

If I beat you again, you have to do
all my knuckle push-ups.

Your skinny arms need the work, not mine.

Lei Kung says, "A sharp mind can cut
as quick as the sharpest sword."

Yu-Ti told us the Iron Fist must strike
their enemies as a falcon does,

without mercy or hesitation.

The Iron Fist protects K'un-Lun.

He doesn't only guard the gates.
He kills all our enemies.

Kills them? I don't think I could do that.

Not even to the Hand?

When I'm Iron Fist,
I'm gonna destroy them all.

What if I joined the Hand?
Would you k*ll me?

Of course not. We're brothers.

If you were Iron Fist, Davos,
and Daniel were Hand,

you would strike him down
without a second thought.

That's why you will never face Shou-Lao.

Compassion is your weakness,
a deficiency of character.

The Iron Fist must remain
above all others.

Chaste. Pure.
Without wife, family or friends.

With practice comes mastery.

With mastery comes knowledge.

With knowledge comes strength.

- What do you strive to become?
- The Immortal Iron Fist.

[blow landing]

If only you were alive to see.

- [g*nshots]
- [glass shattering]

[man] Please, stop! Please.

- [g*n cocking]
- I'll get your money. I'll pay.

You know how this works.
Break his wrists, so he isn't late again.

[men grunting]

[man groans]

I didn't see anything. I promise.

You don't need to fear.
I've come to protect you.

Who were these men?

Golden Tiger Triad.

Where can I find more of them?

There's a club on Ditmas and th.

Who are you?

The Immortal Iron Fist.

[theme music playing]

[sighs] Still no answer.

Okay, before the call dropped,
what exactly did you hear?

Uh, the sound of a fight,

he said the name Mary,
and then the line went dead.

But it just doesn't make sense.
She doesn't seem like the fighting type.

Well, maybe she wasn't alone.

Hey, look, whatever happened,
Danny probably kicked their ass.

- Okay?
- Where is he?

Trying to make me feel better,

- but please do not feed me BS.
- I'm not feeding you any BS.

Now, do you have an address for Mary
or a phone number?

No, no.

She called three nights ago.
Is that something we could trace?

Maybe. Or we could get lucky with prints.
Where are those photos?

[sighs] I knew something was off with her.

I shouldn't have let Danny walk away.

Oh, shoulda, woulda, coulda.
Look, Danny makes his own choices.

If he's in trouble, we will pull him out.
Just like he would do for us.

One more thing.

She gave us this drawing.

Are you sure there's nowhere else
you need to be?

I got an offer for a promotion to captain.

I'm taking a few vacation days
to figure it out.

That's big.

Whatever this is with you and Danny,
it's got my full attention, okay?

Now, I'm gonna need something
that only the two of you touched

to rule out your prints.

- How long do you think this will take?
- If I call in favors, at least hours.

I have a better idea. I think I know
someone who can get this done faster.

All right. Well then, lead the way.

- I'm glad you're here.
- I'm glad you're glad.

[grunts and breathes heavily]

Time to wake up, sunshine.




The amount of money you paid,
I thought you'd want to see it right away.

[chuckles] Just leave it.
I'll watch later.

Oh, no, that's not going to work for me.

You watch. I erase.
And then we arrange payment.

[chuckles softly]


[Walker] Time to wake up, sunshine.

[syringe plunges]



[video stops playing]

[Walker] Hmm.


It's... [chuckles softly]
It's what I asked for.

I appreciate you trusting me
to get the job done.

Not a lot of people would
stick their neck out like that for me.

Yeah, of course.

Someone walk over your grave?

No, I, um...

We were...

We knew each other
when we were kids, and...

it's just really funny
how so much can change.

You don't have to explain yourself to me.

Right, well, I'll, uh...
I'll text you when the money's ready.

So, you know the deal.

I was never here. We never met.
This never happened.

Works for me. [chuckles]

And you make sure your friend Davos
is on the same page.

I will relay the message.

I, uh... I'm not one to offer advice.

But you did me a favor
when you kept me on this job.

Davos is someone
to watch your back around.

He's dangerous. Plain and simple.

He and I...

Our partnership is effectively over.

But I appreciate the warning.

I'll wait for your message.

[door opens]

[door closes]

Is there any reason we couldn't have
done this in the comfort of my office?

It needed to be sorted in private.

Thought you were punishing me
for missing dinner the other night.

[Colleen] Hmm.

Excuse my manners. Ward Meachum.

Misty Knight.

Of course. Detective Knight.

I've seen the specs on this arm of yours.

And the purchase orders.

Sort of like sporting
a Maserati with fingers.

Well, I would be glad to trade you
for yours if you want it back.

Uh, look, Ward, Danny is missing.
We think someone may have grabbed him.

- Any idea who?
- That's what we need your help with.

All we have is a name. Mary.

And that may be an alias.
We're hoping she left prints on these.

We're trying to avoid this going public.

A media circus is never a good thing.
I'll put Rand corporate security on it.


Thank you, Ward.

Of course.

[Misty] Mmm!

Okay. You don't like him, do you?

He and Danny are like family. I'm trying.

[laughs] If that look is you trying,
I would hate to see you not try.

- [chuckles] I'll work on my game face.
- Eh, join the club.

Hey. You know this investigation thing,
you got the right instincts.

We'll see.

While we're waiting on
tall, dark and arrogant,

is there anybody else
who might have a lead on Mary?

Come on.

All right.

Oh, shit.

Yo, look what we found.

This is the guy from the restaurant.
The one that pissed the Tigers off.

Dude's messed up.

Maybe we offer him up to them.

We could make some bank off his sorry ass.

[all laugh]

[both grunting]

- How much you think we'll get?
- Who cares? Long as we get paid.

[electronic music playing]

Hey, pal, private party.

[yells and grunts]

[woman screams]

- [bouncer] Yo!
- [woman shrieks]


[bouncer ] Hey, man,
where do you think you're going?


[people shouting indistinctly]

If that was an audition...

I'm impressed.

I'm here to tell you
the Triad w*r is over.

[Ho] No.

- Is that so?
- I will end it.



[Ho grunts]

Wait, wait, wait!
You want to end the Triad, I can help you!

All the Triads. I know where they live,

where they collect their protection,
smuggle their wares.

Not just Triads. All criminals.

If someone is doing something
they shouldn't in this city, I know.

I can tell you where they are.

Hell, I'll take you there.

[cell phone vibrates]

I want you to meet me in two hours
at the Greenpoint Pier.

Bring a list.

If you don't show your face
or you try something ill-advised,

then your name
goes to the top of that list.

[Priya] Time to wake.

I've brought your medicine.

Your father couldn't come.

He has more important things to attend to.

His other son, Daniel Rand,
will now face the dragon.

[breathes shakily]


[Priya] I know what you're thinking.

"I was blinded by the sun, Mother.

- Danny used a trick to gain advantage...
- [Davos groans]

...Lei Kung betrayed me
when he called the fight, Mother.

I never yielded."

Excuses for your failure.

Better I were barren than to bring
a disgrace like you into this world.

Second best.

The fool who lost his birthright
to an outsider.

[pottery shatters]

I thought I had raised a champion.

I was mistaken.

I now must wear that shame.

[door closes]

Mother, I'm sorry. [breathing deeply]

I will make you proud.

I will make you proud.

I will make you proud.

I will make you proud.

I will make you proud.

I will make you proud.

[Ryhno] Any word from the Tigers yet?

Yo, screw waiting. Go find 'em.
It's time to get paid.

Is that what this is about? Money?

I can get you money.

Sure. You're rich.

Which is why you sling furniture for cash.

Look, whatever you're planning,
it's not worth it.

Just cut me loose.
I'll keep this to myself.

Why the hell you still standing here?
Get on it.

[breathing heavily]

[screaming in pain]




No. Danny told me he ran into Mary
at this coffee shop,

but none of the baristas
even remembers a redhead coming in.

- No chance there are any cameras?
- Mmm-mmm.

Well, I got nothing on my end, either.

Listen. Until we hear back from Meachum,
we should just keep hitting the streets.

With these things,
you never know what might turn up.

He's hurt. I can tell. I can just tell.

Didn't you say he was one of the best
martial artists you've ever seen?

Coming from you, I could believe it.

He's okay. We just got to keep looking.

What is it?

At the docks, I told him to go.

The way I remember it,
he was already heading in that direction.

It's not...

I was done with this.

I was done with this life, you know?

I hung up my katana for a reason. And I...

I knew this was gonna happen.

I saw that he was getting
reckless with the fist,

but I just didn't want to deal with it.
And now...

He is an adult, Colleen.

Look, I get it. I saw your place.

You two are building a life together.

But being in a relationship with someone

is not the same
as taking responsibility for them.

- I know.
- Do you?

I know. I do. I just...

I keep telling myself it's his path,
his choice,

and that I should let things be.


I can't let anything just be.

I run background checks
before I go on a date.

Come on.

I'm serious.

It's m*rder on the sex life,

but it's not so bad on the arrest quota.


Look, the way I see it,
your side of the street is clean.

I appreciate that.

Hey, I kind of owe you.

You did save my life at Midland Circle.

And then you got me over the hump
with this thing.

It's priceless.

- Pricey may be a better word.
- [laughs]

Right. What did Meachum call it?

- My Maserati arm.
- Maserati arm.

[both laugh]

[dispatcher] Units, be advised.
Multiple fatalities.

Ditmas Street, six-one-six.
Suspect still at large.

- [Colleen] What's a six-one-six?
- [Misty] Possible suspect with abilities.

[engine revving]

- Come on.
- [groans]

Yo, I don't think he's gonna make it.

We need him breathing.
The Tigers won't give a shit if he's dead.

Open up. Come on.

[breathing heavily]

You were at the restaurant
the other night.

- Silver Lotus. You know my girlfriend.
- Whatever, man. Sure. Just drink. Come on.


Tell her I'm here. Find her.

Why in the hell would I do that?

Whatever this is...

I don't blame you. I get it.
You're just kids stuck in a hard place.

- Call me a kid again, see what happens.
- Please. Whatever you need.

- A roof over your head, food... I got you.
- Dude, just give it up. Come on.

Just know, if I die here...

that you're gonna have to live with that.

I got your message.

You wanted to see me.

Make yourself at home, why don't you?

Yeah, Walker came by. She, uh...

- She showed me the video.
- I hope it's all you expected.

Yeah, well...

now that our jaunt together is over,
I thought we should get together,

make sure we are on the same page
as far as covering our tracks.

We probably shouldn't be seen together.

And I would like my key back.

We're finished with
what we agreed to in Paris.

We've brought Danny low
and made him feel the depth of loss.

But while you may be done with this, Joy,
I've only just begun.

Okay. That's not what we discussed.

Did you think taking the Iron Fist
from Danny was an end unto itself?

- That's how you presented it to me.
- I didn't just take it, Joy.

I have become the thing
Danny never had the strength to be.

I've... I've grasped my destiny.

Your fist lights up.
That's really exciting.

This is not a w*apon to be held.
It is to be used.


So what? Are you gonna... You planning
on running around the streets

- and stopping crime like Danny did?
- I'm going to do what he couldn't do.

Davos, I'm fairly used to you
speaking in riddles, but...

Look, you have your Iron Fist...

I'm very happy for you.
Every good boy deserves one.

But this cannot blow back on me.
I am building something.

You can't compartmentalize
who you are, Joy.

You don't just get to pretend
this never happened.

That's exactly what I get to do.

This is my life we're talking about.
Everything that I've worked for.

This is my life.
Everything I've worked for.

I'm the Iron Fist, Joy.

A sacred duty,
passed down for generations.

And you could be part of it.

All right.

Look, let me just take some time and...
think through this.

I know what you are capable of, Joy.

For good and for ill.

Just know that every choice you make
from here on in may have consequences.

Do you understand?

[door slams shut]


[line ringing]


I know you're in there.

I'm leaving K'un-Lun...

and I'm going to bring Danny back.

I just, um...

I know... I know how much
you sacrificed for me.

And I know that you pushed me so that
I might have the keenest edge in battle.

There are things unsaid between us.

There are things other mothers
could say to their sons,

things other sons could just...

say to their mothers.

I may not return, Mother.

My bones may rot in cursed soil,
far from home.

Is there anything you want to say to me?

This may be your last chance
to speak your heart.


[inhales and exhales deeply] Okay.


I understand what I must do.

I haven't told Father or the Yu-Ti,
but I just...

I just... I just wanted you to hear...

I will make you proud, Mother.

And I won't rest
until my destiny is realized.

And then maybe you'll be able to say
the words you cannot say.


[indistinct chatter]

- Who's the tagalong?
- Uh... she's my CI.

Do we have a cause of death on these?

These two are pretty straightforward.

Two Asian males, knife wounds,
severed carotids.

This guy, though, he's a mess.

Blunt force trauma to the chest
like nothing I've ever seen.

Whatever hit him, threw him
across the room into the wall so hard,

it shattered his spine
and caved the back of his head in.

- Oh, God. What the hell does that?
- Beats me.

[Misty] Please tell me
that we have witnesses.

A couple of escorts hiding out back there
had a lot to say.

We got 'em with an artist now,
but I wouldn't bet on an ID.


One of them said
the perp had a glowing red hand.

[scoffs] Only in New York, right?

- You sure they said red?
- [woman] Yeah, red.

Thanks a lot, Sammy. Appreciate it.

It wasn't Danny.

No. But then who was it?

[cell phone vibrates]

[Colleen] Hello?

How did you get this number?

- Okay, we'll be right there.
- Meachum get a hit on the prints?

It wasn't Ward. I know where Danny is.

You heard about the Tigers?

- How much are they offering?
- They ain't gonna bite, Ryhno.

- If you screwed up the deal, I'm...
- [Crank] There is no deal.

Mr. Ho got murked,
and no one's sure who's gonna replace him.

- Ho got popped? By who?
- I went by the club like you said.

One of the bartenders said
a dude with a glowing fist

came up in there
and smoked Ho and his men.

You said a glowing fist?

- Hey.
- Shut it!

- What are we gonna do with him?
- We could just let him go.

Shut up. Get him over here.

- He said he had money.
- Now you believe me, huh?

- $ , we'll let you go.
- I don't have any cash on me.

You think we're stupid? We're not stupid.

[Danny groans]

[Ryhno] Grab his hand.
Put it over here.

- Wait. Wait, don't.
- [g*n cocks]

NYPD. Drop it.

Look, don't make this
harder than it has to be.

[scoffs] Or what? You gonna sh**t us?


I'd do what she says.

Yo, this is some next-level shit.
Can we just be done with this?

You want your boy here in one piece,
then pay up.

You could get us k*lled.

- She's bluffing.
- [BB] She's not.

What about NYPD didn't you understand?

Drop it.

[exhales in relief]


Now, we are walking out of here with him.

Does anybody have a problem with that?

Saves us from dealing with this shit.

You know what?

You almost crossed a line here.

One that your little narrow ass
can't walk back from. Now, go.

Man, am I glad to see you two.

[Misty] You're not
looking so good, friend.

You kidding me?
[chuckles] I totally had this.

- [Colleen] What did they do to you?
- [Danny] It wasn't them. It was Davos.

[Colleen] And Mary is a part of this?

[Danny] She took me to Davos.

- [Danny panting]
- [Colleen grunts]

He, uh... He did a ceremony on me, and...

now my fist is gone.

[Colleen] How is that even possible?

That would explain the club.

The club?

Later. We need to get you to a hospital.

No. No. No hospitals.
I need to find out what happened.

You have lost a lot of blood, okay?
You need help.

- Claire?
- Uh-uh.


Call Ward.
Rand's got to have a doctor on standby.

It's your call.

- [Colleen] Okay, come on.
- Come on.

[Danny groans]

- [Misty] Okay. Easy. Easy.
- [Bethany] What the hell happened to him?

[Colleen] It's complicated.
Can you help?

Question is,
do I want to be a part of any of this?

- You work for Rand, or...
- Bethany's a friend who's also a doctor.

This is Colleen. That's Misty.
This is Danny.

[Danny wheezes]

- Can you can hear me, Danny?
- [groaning]

Do you know how this happened to you?


I'm an anesthesiologist.
Your friend needs a hospital.

He's Danny Rand, as in Rand Enterprises.

We have to keep him out of the spotlight
for a lot of reasons.

Bethany, please...

[Bethany sighs]

We need to stop the bleeding.
Do you have a first aid kit?

Who are you people?

Uh, what can I do to help?

- Tell me your name again.
- Colleen.

[Bethany] Colleen, your friend Danny
isn't doing so well.

So I need you to step back
and let me do what I can.




[groaning in pain]

Aren't you supposed to say,
"This is gonna hurt"?

Ward, you too.
In fact, all of you back off.

This is gonna hurt.

[breathing heavily] Uh-huh.

Hey, that woman you and Colleen
had me look into, Mary Walker,

she's beyond bad news. Did she do that?

Just one second, Meachum.

What's... What's going on?
What's happening?

He's stabilized.

Someone needs to stay by his side
for the next hours.

Keep the wounds clean.

Any sign of infection or fever,
and you call , yes?

- Yes. And thank you.
- No worries.

Next time your friend gets messed up,
do not call me.

Got it?

Loud and clear.


Hey. I'm sorry.

I should never have come here.

I shouldn't have called you.
I was scared for my friend.

Look... I understand to a point.

You say he's family. Fine.
That can be complicated.

Just be upfront with me from now on.

I don't like being part of this.

But... it is good to know that
you are capable of caring about someone.

[Misty] Hey, so, um...

you said you had a line on Mary?

Not really. Uh, her fingerprints
were in a... a military database.

- Um, Special Ops, redacted.
- Seriously?

Yeah, she left on a medical discharge
and she went freelance.

Which is also why her name
was in a Rand database.

So there is a chance
that she was hired by Davos.

To follow Danny and bring him in.

Wait, Davos?

- Joy's whatever he is?
- [Colleen] Yeah.

I thought they were like brothers.

He did that? Why?

The Iron Fist.
Davos wanted it, and now he has it.

And he's out there
k*lling members of the Triad.

- Davos k*lled someone?
- [Misty] Yeah, it looks that way.

Oh, God. Joy.

Wait, who is Joy?

Uh, his sister. She's dating Davos.

If he can do this to Danny,
then who knows what he's capable of.

I need to tell her.

How do you know she's not there by choice?

Listen, I know my sister.

But you just said that Mary's name
was in the Rand database.

Your sister had to have access.

- Colleen, this is Joy we're talking about.
- Call her.

You know the situation between us.
She's not gonna answer my call.

Okay. Well, you stay here with Danny,
and we'll go and pick her up.

- I'll go with you.
- [Colleen] No, no, you were right.

The way she was talking about you, she's
more likely to come with us than with you.

And you heard Bethany.
Danny can't be alone.

- Rest up.
- [Danny groans]

We're gonna go get Joy.

Thank you.

For everything.

What if Davos is with her?

Well, then, we'll shut him down.

- It's all there. Count it if you want.
- No, you wouldn't short me.

Hey, what you said about Davos earlier...

I think you're right.
I think he's dangerous.

I need to do something about it.

Well, take a long vacation
somewhere far away.

You clearly have the means.

I'm on the verge of doing something
that is very important to me.

I'm not running because of him.

Then you're in a bit of a conundrum,
aren't you?

I need protection.
At least until I figure out an exit plan.

I can take your money, run protection,

but it's a Band-Aid.

If this guy Davos decides he wants
to hurt you, all bets are off.

And if you don't want to run,
you need to eliminate the threat.

Eliminate is a word with connotations.

No, it isn't.

It's just what it sounds like.

You can look over your shoulder
day and night forever,

or you can hire me...
to make the problem go away.


[Ward] Hey.

[Danny groans]

- Ward... [groans]
- Easy.

Danny, you need to rest.
You're all beat to shit.

Aren't you supposed to be, like, the best
fighter in the world or something?

[both laugh]

[Danny] Oh, man...

Davos got the drop on me.
I wasn't thinking on his level.

And what level is that?
Machiavelli meets Dracula?

[chuckles softly]

He was calculated.

- Strategic.
- [Ward clears throat]

One step ahead.



And now he's got what he wanted.

Are you sure it's gone? The... Fist?

It feels like the connection went dark.

It must feel like losing part of yourself.

It wasn't a part of me.

It was me.

[thunder rumbling]

I let it get in my head.

Wasn't thinking straight. Lost control.

Lost my balance.

I wasn't gathering or centering chi.
I was just...

[sighs] I was just burning it up.

I wish I had the first idea
of what you meant

when you start talking
about things like chi.

I was going out every night.

Trying to keep the peace.

I was getting better
at using the Fist. I...

I didn't even need to think about it.
It was just there.

And with it, a sense of clarity.

Momentum. Grace.

A feeling that would just move through me.

When I really got into a flow, I...

I could feel something.

It was the dragon.


I could feel his eyes watching me.

His fire... burning inside of me.

And I welcomed him.

All of his... All of his anger,
his power...

and his rage.

And when the dragon was really with me...

it felt good. [chuckles softly]

It felt like I could break the world.

[sighs and clears throat]

I know. Dragons, right?

Hard to believe.

No, it's not that. I... [clears throat]

[sighs] I've been
sitting in a lot of NA meetings lately.

AA. All the "A" s.

Hearing people talk about their pills,
their booze, their sex... their anger.

But listening to you just now, I...

I really related.


I've seen that same dragon.

[thunder rumbling]

I don't know.
There's got to be another way around this.

Well, think about it.
But don't wait too long,

'cause I'm heading out of town
and I won't be back this way soon.

- Are you expecting anyone?
- No.

Quiet as a mouse.

[Colleen] Joy, it's Colleen.

We need to talk about Davos.

Come on, I know you're in there.
We spoke to your doorman.

It's not a good time, Colleen.

[knocking on door]

[Misty] NYPD. Open the door.

Just a moment.

- What's going on?
- You alone?

Yeah. Why?


Your friend Davos. We think
you might be in danger, Ms. Meachum.

I'm sorry, who are you?

Detective Misty Knight.
We need you to come with us.

I'm not going anywhere.

Davos is not who you think he is.
He did something terrible to Danny.

[Misty] With Mary Walker's help.

Um, I don't know who that is.

[Misty] You're not alone, are you?

I am alone, Detective.

Uh, okay. Excuse me.

You can't just... You can't just
come into my apartment. Excuse me.

Step out where we can see you.

[Joy] No one is here.


[both grunting]

[both grunting]

- Mary?
- No, baby.

What the...


There are a couple of ways this could go.

There's no time for a flesh wound,

so I will put the b*llet
between your eyes.

- [exhales]
- [Misty] Or...

Drop it.

[Walker breathing heavily]

At these meetings, everybody has a story.

Bethany's been trying to get me to talk,
to take a step, but... I can't.

Say the truth in front of all
those strangers, how can I do that?

I think that's the point, Ward.
You just gotta keep showing up.


Why? [chuckles]

It's all part of this stupid plan.

I do all the steps. I get all healthy.
I sit down with Joy. She forgives me...

for everything she thinks I've done.

But I'm stuck on the fourth step.

"Fearless and searching moral inventory."

From the guy who m*rder*d his father.


Did I ever tell you the last words
my mother said to me?

Oh, I'm sorry, man.
I'll just shut up, okay?

No, it's okay.

[Danny groans]


She told me that she loved me.

Right before she got
sucked out of the plane.

I never got the chance to reply.

Tell her I... felt the same.

But I carried those words with me.

And in K'un-Lun...
as much as they beat me, pushed me...

I kept those words alive.

And today, laying there,
fading in and out of consciousness, not...

not knowing if I'd...

I didn't know if I'd ever get the chance
to say those words

to the people that I care about the most.

People like you, Ward.

I don't know if I've ever even said it.

Maybe to Joy.

But I don't even remember when.

You gotta make your peace...
with people you care about while you can.

Otherwise, it will be too late.


[stammers] Is this where I say the L-word?

[both chuckling]

[door opens]

Mary? What's she doing here?

She goes by Walker.

[Ward] Joy.

Hey. I'm so glad you're okay.

- Hey.
- Just don't.

Mary Walker wasn't the only person
working with Davos.


I did this to you.

With him.

I paid her to be a part of it.

I knew from the start
what he would take from you.

I wanted to hurt you.

And I did.

And Davos isn't done yet.

[dramatic music playing]