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02x04 - Target: Iron Fist

Posted: 03/31/22 16:24
by bunniefuu
[electricity buzzing]

[Colleen on cell phone] Danny?

Danny? Hello?

Danny, can you hear me? Danny!

[theme music playing]

I keep going over and over it in my head,
but... it's still not clear.

[Colleen sighs] Tell me again
what you saw.

I told you. It was dark. I...

I couldn't see.

But you did see something, right?

Colleen, I'm not making this up.

No, I'm not doubting you.
I'm just trying to understand, okay?

[Danny sighs]

If it was a Golden Tiger ambush,
why even bother with the negotiation?

And if it was the Hatchets,

then why didn't they move in
when it all went sideways?

It doesn't make sense.

Mary. [sighs] This thing with Mary.
She's been watching us.

I don't know who it was,
but it wasn't Mary.

Yeah. [breathes deeply]

I lost it back there, didn't I?

I blew our shot at peace.

[Colleen sighs]

You are the only reason innocent lives
haven't been lost in this w*r.

No one else is out there fighting
this fight. Not me, not the police.

And it's worse now than it was before.

You can't think of it like that.
You're trying your best, okay?

But if this escalates any further...

I'm afraid I'm not gonna be able
to rein it in.


Last night was a mess,
but the Tigers still want the docks,

and the Hatchets may still be willing
to make a deal.

If there's a chance at peace,
it's gonna happen at the bargaining table.

We sold Mrs. Yang on diplomacy once.

There's no way
she's gonna listen to us again.

This doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

[Danny sighs]

I wish there was a world
where we were past all of this.

Where dinner at the Silver Lotus
was just dinner.

And people on the street
don't turn out to be surveilling us.

We could track down Frank Choi,

find out about the box,
the ledger, your family.

My past will be right where I left it
when this is done.

This is what's happening now,
so... we'll deal with it together.

Diplomacy, then.

We give it another shot.

[Joy] We can keep doing this,
but we keep circling the same paradox.

See, you're saying
you didn't give Danny the photos,

but we saw them in his apartment.
And on the other hand, you're telling us

it's just not something
that we need to worry about.

Which is confusing, isn't it?

Because either it didn't happen,

or it's something
we shouldn't worry about.

A paradox and a contradiction.

I think you can understand
why this situation has us troubled.

That's unfortunate.

I don't have time for this.

We need answers now.

Lay a hand on me, lose that hand.

Here's the thing, Walker.

I've agreed to pay you
a very large sum of money.

And after months of careful planning,
here we are.

Today is the day.

But I'm not paying a dime until you
tell me why you gave Danny the photos.

I told you I didn't.

Then who? Answer the question.

I get it. You guys wanna know
the job's not blown,

and I'm asking you to take it on faith.

Faith is not a commodity
that I trade in anymore.

And I'm not sitting here
with my hand on a Bible.

I've spent the last days
tracking Danny Rand.

I know where he sleeps,

how he eats,

how he thinks

and how he fights.

And I also know that there are
not many people in this world

who can handle that thing his fist does.

I have a lot to prepare.

The bowl, the Crane Sisters.

You go.

I got this handled.

You know what she is capable of.

If she wanted a fight,
you two would be fighting.

She needs this job. I can get her to talk.

We are so close to the end.

So what are you asking for? Faith?


[door opens]

[door closes]

[Bethany] You have your assistant
digging into your sister's business?

She had me followed.

I don't want to preach to you, Ward,
but you're stuck on a loop, man.

I'm working on it.

By skipping out on that dinner last night?

[Ward] Here we go.


no lectures, okay. I get it.

My first move
if I was in your shoes last night,

back when I was off the rails using...

[sighs] to this crappy sports bar
on nd Avenue

and drink light beer
while I waited for my dealer.

I don't picture you as a light-beer type.

Picture you more of a...
uh, something with a twist.

- [chuckles]
- [clears throat]

You're deflecting.

[breathes deeply]

I set the whole damn thing up

so that I could sit across the table
from her face-to-face.

Then I couldn't... face her.

You will next time.

- The question is, how?
- Hmm.

How do you best open a door
that's been closed?

What's your instinct?



Why don't you channel your best self?

Not the self you actually are.

You're suggesting I do something kind?

I didn't suggest anything.


Let me ask you something.
Does NA do some kind of awards?

Because I'm gonna, you know...
[clicks tongue] put your name in the hat.

[chuckles] Yeah. I don't think
they do that.

[Ward] Mmm.


I'm gonna call Carlos and...
see if he'll take over as your sponsor.

You're dumping me?

You're in my home. You're in my bed.
This is not how it's supposed to go.

I like how it's going.

I do, too.

That's the point.

- So, if I'm not your sponsee...
- Mmm-hmm.

...then what am I?

[Bethany] Well...

I guess we'll find out.

[footsteps approaching]

Mrs. Yang will see you. This way.


I can see where the money went.

Yeah. Dirty money can sure look pretty.

Wait here.

[Danny whistles] Wow.

[heart monitor beeping]

[Liu] You got some balls showing up here.

So this is the face behind the mask, huh?

- The protector of Chinatown.
- [Danny] I'm sorry,

but I didn't catch your name.

This isn't a friendly introduction,
you clown.

- [Danny] Clown?
- [scoffs]

Wow. We've got a live one, huh?

- We're here to see Mrs. Yang.
- [Liu] Leave...

or we'll make you.

You don't wanna do this.

So, so badly, I do.

Liu, stand down.

They would not be here
without my permission.

Your men have other matters to attend to.

I'm surprised you called.
Our temporary alliance has run its course.

Last night was a mess.
We owe you an explanation.

I only had your safety in mind.

I didn't mean to blow the negotiation.

Your intentions don't change the facts.

After last night's debacle,

the w*r between Hatchet and Tiger
will only intensify.

Unless you go back with another offer,
a sweeter one...

There will be no more offers!

And we won't allow
a full-blown w*r to erupt.

Do not speak in absolutes to me,
young man.

What he means to say is just that...

we hope there is a way
to restart the negotiation.

The docks are no longer in play.

The Golden Tigers seized them.

We were willing to concede the docks
when there was a reasonable exchange.

But letting them take control?
We can't allow it.

- There has to be another option.
- [Sherry] There is no other option.

w*r is the language our two Triads
have spoken for centuries.

I know you don't believe that.
Who is this coming from? Your husband?

I speak for him... in his absence.

He's not in Hong Kong, is he?


He suffered a stroke.

He's been in and out of consciousness,
unable to speak.

The prognosis is... not positive.

- I'm so sorry.
- When did this happen?

- A few days ago.
- That's why you were at the parley?

His condition would be seen as weakness.

Your husband had a stroke

as he was setting up peace talks
with the Tigers.

- That can't be a coincidence...
- Danny, will you just...

give us a minute, okay?

Me and your husband, we...
we don't see eye-to-eye, but...

we have a mutual respect for each other.

I'm sorry.

He blames himself for last night, and...
it makes him headstrong.

[Sherry] Most men are.

First, they're afraid...

then they're furious at themselves
for this fear.

[heart monitor beeping]

I see it in the eyes of my husband's men.

Impotence disguised as confidence.

[chuckles softly]

They're so afraid,
they wanna burn this city down.

But you don't want that.

[beeping continues]

[Sherry] What I want is irrelevant.

No. I don't believe that. Not at all.

I don't have to tell you the cost of w*r,
okay? You know it.

This town has been through this cycle
way too many times already.

Lost face leads to v*olence,
v*olence leads to more v*olence.


But the way I see it,
we have two possible futures right now.

And one ends in a funeral procession
all the way down Mott Street.

[stammers] You say that w*r is all
this g*ng has known for centuries, but...

history doesn't decide what happens next.

You do.

Your men will die for you, Mrs. Yang,

or you can let 'em live.

Mr. Yang, can you hear me?

Someone do this to you?

Was his name Davos?

Why? Why would he do this?

[shuddering breath]

[softly] Hancock...

two... one... two.

[stammering] What? I...

I can't understand.


two... one... two.

- "Hancock ." What does that mean?
- [beeping accelerates]

[Yang breathing heavily]

[heart monitor beeps rapidly]

Easy. Hey, stay calm, all right?

- [door opens]
- Slow your breathing.

- What are you doing? Hey!
- Slow your breathing.

Hai-Qing? What's happening?
What did you do to my husband?

- I didn't do anything.
- What happened?

Mrs. Yang, "Hancock ."
What does he mean?

- I want them out of my home!
- Your husband spoke to me now.

- What exactly does he mean?
- You heard her. She wants you gone.

Danny, let's go.

This wasn't an accident.
I know the man who did this.

Danny, what the hell?

The bruises on Yang's neck, throat
and shoulder. It was Davos.

What do you mean, it was Davos?
Will you slow down and explain this to me.

It's an ancient technique
they taught in K'un-Lun.

It's called the Devil's Claw.

It strikes the pressure points,
carotid and subclavian arteries.

It can cause a stroke?
Is that even possible?

It's an extremely difficult technique.

With K'un-Lun gone, there's only
two people who could have attempted it.

Holy shit.

Last night, in the alley,
could that have been Davos too?

It might have been.
But if it was, he wasn't alone.

How is he even connected to any of this?

[Misty] Hey!

You two just gonna walk right by me, huh?

- Misty?
- [chuckles]

What are you doing here?

Well, if you'd check your phone,
you'd know. I'm looking for you two.

[sighs] It's great to see you
and everything,

but we're kind of in the middle
of something right now.

Actually, I'd say
you're up to your necks in it.

Come on, get in. We gotta talk.

It wasn't a request.


Oh, uh, sorry about the mess.
We had to rush out last night.

- Can I get you a drink or something?
- Sure. You got coffee?

Um, I'm afraid
we're more of a tea household.

Nah, I'm good.

I haven't been here
since you took the tatami mats out.

It came together nice.

- [Colleen] Hmm.
- Should've got you a housewarming gift.

A bottle of scotch,
or some refrigerator magnets.

All right, so come on, Misty.
What's this all about?

A couple years back, the police department
put together a task force

aimed at taking down the Triads.

Now, it was slow going
until they got a guy on the inside.

Donnie Chang. Good cop. Good friend.

He was one of the first to the hospital
when I lost my arm.

[Danny] And let me guess.

Now he's undercover
with one of the Triads.

[Misty] Golden Tigers. He got in deep.

- All the way up to Mr. Ho's right hand.
- He was there last night?

And now he is in Brooklyn Methodist
with six broken bones.

Now, when I went and saw him this morning,

he said that some guy with a glowing fist
showed up on the scene.

[Colleen] It wasn't Danny's fault, okay?

He was trying to get Mrs. Yang out
and then everything went to shit.

[Misty] And how exactly did that happen?

I thought I saw someone outside
at the parley. I...

I assumed it was another faction.

The other faction you saw were cops.

Probably a follow team
looking to get it all on camera.

And if we hadn't pulled the plug, then...

Then the leadership from the Triads
would most likely be in cuffs right now.

And, look, I have no doubt
that you two had the best of intentions

when you went into this, but I'm gonna
need for you to take a step back.

If this was just about the Hatchets
and the Tigers, then fine, I get it.

But there's something bigger going on.

Ever since Davos got back, he's...
he's been off his center.

We need to figure out how
and why he's tied up in this.

[Misty] Sorry, who's Davos?

- He's my brother, from K'un-Lun.
- Huh.

The place where the...

The dragons and the Thunderer, yeah.

We think Davos gave Yang a stroke.

Apparently, he knows a move.


Why would Davos want to hurt Yang
or Yang's business?

We don't know. We were trying to figure
that out when you picked us up.

Yang said something to me. "Hancock ."

Hancock Transport.

It's one of the largest maritime
shipping companies in the world.

"Two-one-two" could be a ship,
or it could be a unit number.

Maybe Davos had a deal with Yang.

Something coming in off the water.

The parley. If the Hatchets
didn't have control of the docks,

then Mr. Yang would have
canceled shipments.

Davos wouldn't want that, so...

Oh, my God.

- I've gotta get to the docks.
- Danny, come on.

Look, the Triads are off your beat.

And if your brother, Davos, is involved,
so is he.

Davos is dangerous.
I can't just sit here and do nothing...

She's right, Danny.

NYPD has resources.
We don't even know what we're looking for.

He may have taken Yang's life.

Look, Danny... you and I
don't know each other very well.

Now, you did something for me
that turned things around,

and I appreciate that.

I'm happy for you and Colleen.
I think you got a good thing going here.

But I am telling you,
and I need you to hear me,

you are off this.

You understand?

[sighs] Okay. All right, fine.

Just, um...

Just give me a minute, okay?

I need to get some headspace.

Then you can catch me up on everything.

I'm just trying to help, Danny.


[Joy] Mmm!

This yours?

Really didn't take you for the type.

It isn't mine.

Well, whoever drew this... definitely has
a thing for you. [chuckles]

It's nice.

My brother was a halfway-decent artist
when he was younger.

Our father told him drawing pictures
was a waste of time,

and then that was pretty much it.

So your dad's an assh*le.

Brother is a p*ssy.

[chuckles] That's actually
not a bad assessment.

That's what I get paid for.

[Joy] I used to get tied up in knots
about my brother.

I mean, I'd know he was lying,

or at least he was hopped up
on some opioid cocktail.

I'd just look the other way.

I guess I always figured that...
being there for him

was better than...
not being there for him.

I need you to stop touching my things.

See, the thing is, I wasn't helping him.
I was his crutch.

And I definitely wasn't helping myself.

What I didn't realize was...
you have to take care of yourself.

It's the only thing that you can do.
Do you know what I mean?

No matter how much you love someone,
no matter how much wanna help,

you can't let them control you.

Is this real?

You have multiple personalities?

It's "dissociative identity disorder."

Right. I...

That's what I meant.


"Worsening episodes of dissociation,
apparent development of alters..."

- How many of these things...
- I need you to stop touching my stuff.

[chuckles nervously]

So, when you said you were hanging up
the vigilante stuff, you meant literally?

- You always did say my katana was weird.
- It is.

[Colleen chuckles]

But sometimes,
a little weird can go a long way.

[Colleen] Hmm.

This about what went down
in Midland Circle?

You know, in Bushido,

you're not meant to draw your blade
unless you intend to use it?

If I carry that around, I'll use it.

I just can't do that anymore.

Telephoto lens. Obscured foreground.

This is probably not
next year's Christmas card.

Someone's following us.

So for someone who is trying
to stay out of the fray...

- Oh, okay, I have been trying.
- Mmm.

I got a job at a community center.
I've been keeping my head down.

Danny asked me to come out with him
a couple of times. I said no. I...

But then... [sighs]


I found something from my past,
and I was digging into it.

My path crossed his.

I know what it's like
to get pulled into something,

so I'm not gonna pretend
like I haven't been there, but...

drawing a line in the sand
only works if you don't cross it.

Yeah, I know. I know. But I can't ignore
what's happening in my neighborhood.

Neither can he.

Speaking of...
how long is your boy gonna be out there?


Oh, shit.

- This was never part of the deal.
- You should have listened to me.

- You should have said something.
- Stop talking.

I need to understand how you...

- You can't understand.
- [grunts] Stop.

Know what it's like to wake up
and not know where you are

or where you've been
or what you said to whom?

Do you know what it's like
to wake up hungry

because some other part of you
didn't bother to eat

because she wanted to paint
pretty pictures instead?


Or what it's like to worry that
all your plans will be turned upside down

because some asinine part of you

is fighting for some pipe dream
that she's never...



[breathing heavily] Ooh.

Listen to me. [panting]

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Your pity I do not want.

Because you know these things about me
does not mean you know me.

No, I don't. [panting]

I don't know you,
and I didn't mean to offend you.

You didn't give Danny the photos.

But you did.

And Danny's met you...

but he hasn't met... you.

In a manner of speaking.

- I have so many questions.
- Do not ask them.

[softly] I need the job.

Can you manage your condition?

I usually do.

Can you manage it today?



I can take the necessary precautions.

I need you to look me in the eye...

and tell me that you can pull this off.

If you can do that, then I will leave.

And I will take it on faith.

[softly] I can do it.

Good. Then get to work.

[door opens]

[door closes]

[grunting and straining]


[men conversing in Mandarin]

- [breathing heavily]
- [indistinct chatter continues]

Hey! You can't be here.

I've come for what is mine.

Everything in here
belongs to the Golden Tigers.


[exhales deeply]


What the hell?

[Colleen] Danny?

- [footsteps approaching]
- Shh... Stop.

[Colleen] Danny!

Hey! Easy! Easy.

- What happened?
- They were dead when I got here.

- Is there anybody else?
- I don't know. Check.


[Misty] What the hell were you thinking
coming down here by yourself?

Look, I told you,

if my brother's involved,
I'm not gonna sit this out.

- And I told you, you should!
- You should have talked to us.

I tried. You wouldn't listen to me.

I found Davos's shipment.

It's a coffin
with a very old dead body in it.

Someone's cut a piece out of it.

Why is it that every time
I'm with you two,

some weird shit happens?

Believe me, this is just as strange for me
as it is for you.

What could he want with a corpse?

I don't know.
We gotta track him down and find out.

Hey, wait a minute. Hey!
Look, this is an active crime scene.

You can't just walk out of here.

Try me.

Danny, look...

I'm trying to be your friend here.

But you are making this
extremely difficult.

Well, if you wanna help, help.
Otherwise, get out of my way.

- Hey, hey, hey. Okay. Okay.
- Excuse me?

Okay, step back.

You need to listen to her.

He is not entirely wrong, okay?

If this was Davos, then maybe...
maybe Danny could have... stopped him.

If he was here earlier.

Misty, please.

Misty's just doing her job. I get it.
But she doesn't understand...

I don't understand, Danny.

You're carrying a lot.
More than you should have to.

But you keep running headfirst
without even stopping to think.

When I stop, people die.

And last night,
you put a police officer in the hospital.

I thought you of all people
would understand.

When someone you care about,
you've known your whole life,

turns out to be capable
of something like this...


Hey, sis.

What are you doin' here, Ward?

It's cold outside,
so I bribed the super to let me up.

You need a new super.

Are you gonna invite me in?

That's the way it works
with vampires, right?


Pictures on the wall.

Flowers in the vase.

Starting to look lived-in.

That's because I live here.
What do you want, Ward?

[Ward clears throat]

I know you're doing business
with Sofia Rios.

Organic photovoltaics.

Earlier this afternoon, I reached out
to a small company in Jersey.

[Joy] Hmm.

What did you do, Ward?

I made them an offer that they rightly saw
as too good to pass up.

- Son of a bitch.
- I'm not blocking you.

I'm doing you a favor.

Otherwise, you would have to dump
a ton of capital into this.

This way, you get your business
off the ground without falling into debt.

That's exactly the kind of shit
Dad would pull. Well done.

Don't do that. This is a win-win.

You... trying to strong-arm me
back to Rand?

Oh, the opposite.
You want independence. I hear that.

No strings. No Rand.

It's yours. It's a gift.

And... you wouldn't be involved at all?


Think of me like a...
like a silent partner.

- [scoffs]
- A resource.

Joy, imagine what
we could accomplish together.

I don't know how to make this
any clearer for you, Ward.

I don't want you involved.


This is supposed to be an olive branch.

A peace offering.

Whose peace? I mean, this...

this need for codependency is pathetic.

What are you doing?

I mean, isn't it about time you stop
making me a surrogate for Mom?

Jesus, Joy.

That was cruel.

I am never coming back to Rand...

or you.

I'm making my own way.

You really ought to do the same.

- I bought you a company.
- I hope you kept the receipt.

Good night, Ward.

[door opens and closes]

- [breathes shakily]
- [cell phone vibrates]


Joy, it's Danny.

You gotta get as far away
from Davos as you can.

Believe me when I say this.
He's dangerous.

Meet me at the dojo.
I'll explain everything.

[announcer on PA] This is
a Brooklyn-bound C local train.


Hey! Mary? What are you doing?

Wait. Hold on!



Mary, stop!

Look, whatever this is about,
let's just talk about it, okay?


I don't want to hurt you.

Back off!

[cell phone ringing]


It's Mary. She's...

[Colleen on cell phone] Danny?

Danny? Hello?

Danny, can you hear me? Danny!

[Danny grunts]


Now you'll give me
what has always been mine, brother.

[dramatic music playing]