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02x02 - The City's Not for Burning

Posted: 03/31/22 09:49
by bunniefuu

[SIGHS] You don't have something
a little less flashy?

Not in the size you need, bro.








It's gonna be okay. You'll be okay.

Anyone see what happened?

Call 911!



- Extracted from retail.
- Colored HI and improvements by GoldBerg_44

- Extracted from retail.
- Colored HI and improvements by GoldBerg_44


Oh, hi! Hi.

Twice in two days. Fancy that.

Yeah, I was just walking by
and I saw you.

Sorry it took a second to place you.
I get really focused when I draw.

DANNY: Wow. What is this?

MARY: Oh, it's a work in progress.
I could show you a finished one.

- Here we go.
- DANNY: Wow.

- You're really good.
- Thank you.

Tell that to the agencies
where I dropped my résumé.

If I don't land a gig soon,

I'm gonna be couch-surfing
into my golden years.

Agencies, huh?
So, like, uh, commercial art?

I would draw for anyone
who'd float a paycheck.

My only offer so far
has been from an Uber driver.

- DANNY: Well, that's a start.
- [CHUCKLES] I thought so, too,

until he invited me up to his place
'cause his cat craves female attention.

- Yikes.
- This city's intoxicating,

every corner of it,

but... it's hard to know
where in the puzzle I fit in.

Hmm. New York can be
a lonely place sometimes.

Some days, I get hit
by this self-doubt tidal wave.

That internal monologue, like,

"Did you think you could just show up
with a sketchbook

and people would start
throwing money at you?"

Well, you're not the first
or the last person to think that.

Hopes and dreams are seeded
into the sidewalk here, and...

sometimes they blossom.

- You're a ray of light, aren't you?
- [SCOFFS] Hardly.

Just someone who's sat
where you're sitting.

Literally. I love this view.

Everyone on their way to something.
Lives crisscrossing...

- And sometimes they collide.

Hey, you know the area.

I'm looking for a park
where people practice tai chi,

'cause I like to try
and capture that motion.

Yeah, you want Columbus Park.

But you probably wanna avoid
wandering around Chinatown today.


- You draw flowers?
- Yeah, I've been known to dabble.

I mean... [CHUCKLES]
file under "beautiful but fleeting."

Well, there's a flower market on 28th.
My place is near the train you need.

- Oh, great. So we could walk together?
- Yeah, sure.

MARY: All right.

Earth to Danny.

Sorry. There's been some bad stuff
in the neighborhood today.

My boss called off work.

Oh. Bummer. But on the bright side,

I get a tour of Chinatown
from a born and bred New Yorker.

It's a very brief tour.
My place is around the corner.

You can take the A train
a couple blocks up.

Thank you. Well, I hope our paths
crisscross again sometime.

I'm staying up in Murray Hill, so...


I'm sorry. I just got all caught up
in that church spire.

The way the light is hitting it
right now is just...

It's lovely.

I hope I didn't give you the wrong idea,
but I live with my girlfriend.

Oh, God. I'm sorry.
I did not mean to offend.

Oh, I should go. I'm sorry.

Are you okay?

[EXHALES] That was just...


- Hey, hey, hey. Whoa. Easy. Easy.
- I'm fine.

It's just, sometimes, I get a little...

I get a little overwhelmed, and...

Why... Why don't you come up to my place?
Come on.

Get you a glass of water.


- DANNY: Hey.
- Hey.

Mary, this is my girlfriend, Colleen.

Uh, hi.

Colleen, this is Mary.

- Nice to meet you.
- Yeah.

Mary had a bit of a spell outside.

- Dehydrated, I think.

Might be a caffeine overload.
I did drink a lot of matcha tea.

- I'm sorry to intrude.
- No, don't even worry.

I love your place.
It's so eclectic and full of life.

I saw a sign outside, "Chikara Dojo."
So, was this a karate school?

It was. Now it's just home.


- Oh.
- There you go.

MARY: Mmm-hmm. [GULPING]

Mmm-hmm. Thank you. I feel so much better.

How do you two know each other?

Oh, we... we just ran into each other
the other day.

Mary's new in town, so...

- Uh-huh.
- ...I gave her directions.

Yeah, I was all turned around.

That's twice now
he's gone out of his way to be sweet.

Yeah, he's good like that.

No, you're both so kind.

Let me thank you with a, you know...

- For your... wall or your trashcan.
- Oh.

MARY: Whatever you prefer.

Thank you. It's really not necessary.
Wow. You are really talented.

Thank you.


Can I use your bathroom?

Of course. Yeah, it's just, uh...
it's just past the...

I thought you were supposed to be at work.

I was.

And then a Golden Tiger died
right in front of me.

att*cked by the Hatchets.

In broad daylight?

Open w*r.

- I called Albert.

He told me not to come in.

It's a bad day to be moving boxes
around Golden Tiger territory.

So when I saw Mary, new in town,
wandering around Chinatown...

Mmm. You were "sweet."

What's that supposed to mean?

she's obviously crushing on you.

Yeah, well, she's only human.





- I gotta go. I'm running late.
- I thought you said you were sketching?

I forgot about an appointment.
Thank you both for everything.

- COLLEEN: Yeah, uh, okay.

Well, she's an odd one.

Yeah. But I think she means well.

- You at Bayard today?
- Yeah, I'm meeting Sam at noon.

He's helping me track down
this furniture store owner, Frank Choi.

that belonged to your mother.

I'm sorry. I've been so caught up
with all this Triad stuff...

Do not even worry about it.

You're dealing with a lot.

Yeah. But that's no excuse.
I know how much this means to you.

So, you got a lead?


If Choi owed someone
like his cousin thought,

he may have come to Bayard
looking for help. So...

there could be a file or something on him.

Well, let me know if there's anything
I can do to help.

I will, thank you.

What are you gonna do with your day off?

Try and find a way
to get ahead of all this Triad v*olence.

You think what you saw today
on the street

was Hatchet payback
for the robbery the other night?

My head went there.


You know the leader of the Hatchets.
Why not ask him the details?

- Mr. Yang?
- Yeah.

Well, we went after the Hand together,

but now they're gone,
it's not like we have much common ground.

Then find some.

Speaking of common ground...

you never said
what Davos wanted the other night.


Some kind of apology, I think.

For what?

Winning the Iron Fist.

Coming back to New York.

Losing K'un-Lun.

You make it sound
like you did those things to him.


That fight we had,
to see who would face Shou-Lao? [SCOFFS]

It feels like it never ended.

Except you won.

I did.


Only two warriors remain unbeaten.

Only one shall be victorious.

Only one shall win the right
to face the dragon known as Shou-Lao.


Daniel Rand-K'ai...

neither of you may leave this place
or this combat

until one of you yields... or dies.





SAM: What's up, Wing?

Uh, okay, no one calls me that.

Uh, I do. It sounds cool.

Like Kanye, Madonna, Keesha.

You mean Ke$ha?

- Her too.

Okay, I'll take it.

So, I have some bad news
about the Frank Choi thing.

Julie, the bookkeeper,

remembers him coming for help with a loan
when he first signed his commercial lease.

- Uh-huh.
- But there's no file, and you know Julie.

She keeps track of pencil shavings. Hmm.

Well, maybe there was a file
and someone tossed it?

Why would anyone do that?

So Choi couldn't be found.

Wherever he left,
he went in a hurry, and...

his shop is still full of furniture.

It could be. Or, you know,
maybe it just got lost in the shuffle.

And this place? All shuffle,

- all the time.
- All the time.


Well, I appreciate you digging for me.
What are we doing? [CHUCKLES]

It's a charity casino thing.

Oh. Gambling. Sounds fun.

[CHUCKLES] Honestly,
it makes me a little uncomfortable.


[SMACKS LIPS] Mrs. Yang's throwing it.

I know we count on her support
to keep the lights on

so we look the other way,

but everyone knows
her husband has connections.

Mrs. Yang, as in Sherry Yang on the board?

She's Hai-Qing Yang's wife?

She does a ton for the community.
So, who am I to judge, right?

[CHUCKLES] "Forget it, Jake.
It's Chinatown."

Oh, come on! Chinatown?
Jack Nicholson, no?

Danny has a stack of movies
he never watched growing up,

- so we're making our way through the '70s.
- It's cool.

Uh-huh. [CHUCKLES]

I guess I should go back to Choi's.
Maybe there's some detail I overlooked.

Okay, cool. Good luck.

Thank you. Have fun with this.


Don't lose all your money.

MAN 1: Hey! Leave me alone.

MAN 2: Shut up. Shut up!

WOMAN: Give me your wallet.

- MAN 1: I don't have any money.
- WOMAN: Hey! Stop!

- MAN 1: Get off!
- WOMAN: Shut up!


- MAN 1: I said get off me.
- COLLEEN: Hey! Stop!


Okay, what's this about?

For the restaurant the other night.

We were just trying to get paid.
And you disrespected us.

I was trying to get you to leave
before the Tigers showed up.

You mess with Ryhno, he hits back.

Who's Ryhno?

- Someone put you up to this?
- Don't.






RYHNO: You find her?

Uh, yeah, we did.

You didn't do what I told you to do,
did you?

Nah, it got messed up.


If you have a problem with me,
I'm right here.

I just wanna talk.

We got beef, right? So let's settle it.

Works for me.

All I was trying to do the other night
was stop...

All I was trying to do
was stop a fight from happening.

Way I remember it, you came at us.
You and your friend.

'Cause you were trying
to shake people down.

Muscling in on Tigers' turf
is asking for trouble.


Living in it is worse.

I sent my boy out to pop you,

and now you're trying
to look out for us or some shit?

Yeah. I'm trying to do what's right.
The Tigers, the restaurant...

The Tigers say this is their turf.

But we grew up here. It's all we know.

COLLEEN: It's cold in here.
It must get colder at night.

Any of you get sick, get hungry,
you come by Bayard.

We'll give you a meal,
clothes, whatever you need.

No charity. We don't owe.

Not our parents. Not the Tigers.
Not the Hatchets. Not you.

If you have to stay here, lay low.
Quit it with the pasting and the tagging.

Don't listen to her, Ryhno, man.
She don't belong here.

Get out of my kitchen, lady.
Before you get burned.

Are we good? Because I can't have
your boy there coming after me.

We good... for now.


The people there will help you,
no questions asked.

It wasn't right.
Me about to pop off at you.

I'm new to this scene.
If I wanna stay, I have to pull my weight.

You're a smart kid.

Smarter than you let on.

[SCOFFS] Smart or dumb, I gotta eat.

[SCOFFS] Got a lot of free food in prison.

Unless the Tigers find you
squatting here first.

The Tigers aren't gonna be
a problem anymore.

We're parked in their turf because
the Hatchets are gonna crush them.

Then we're gonna get our own turf.
Be for real players.

The Hatchets are gonna try
and take out the Tigers?

That's the word.

The big dogs.

And you know this how?

[SCOFFS] 'Cause there ain't nothing
we don't know.

"Anything." [WINCES]
Don't you go to school?

Nah. I just stop in for lunch.

Your boy, Ryhno?
There's a lot he doesn't know.

Like, v*olence begets v*olence.

"Begets" means "makes,"
which you would know

if you went to school
for more than the shitty pizza.

Colleen, by the way.

BB. Like them little b*ll*ts.


Danny Rand.

Could we talk for a moment?


What can I do for you?

You're on a path to w*r with the Tigers.
I'd like to help find a way to stop it.

That could prove difficult.

The docks...

We have them. They want them.

Control of the docks isn't worth a w*r
that will upend a whole neighborhood.

Meet with the leaders, with the Tigers.

If you can share access and profits,
everybody wins.

Chinatown thrives.

I might have considered
such a compromise...

until the Tigers
tried to rob an armored car

moving our funds a few nights ago.

And that's why you had one of their men
k*lled this morning.

My nephew was the driver
of that armored car.

I'm sorry for your loss,
but that doesn't change the situation.

I have no choice in this matter.
Blood for blood.

That's not justice. That's escalation.

It's my right.

Don't walk away from this.


If you won't put this w*r to rest...

then I'll find a way.













Why won't you yield?

It's over, Danny. Why won't you yield?



Where's the car?

It's on the way.

Did you call Acquisitions?

Yes, Mr. Meachum.
They can't make sense of it, either.

Who else did you call?

You said "either."

Oh. No, I just meant it
as in "them and me."

And I asked for your opinion?

These assholes have no clue
what she's up to,

and they've done Joy's taxes
the last seven years?

Acquisitions did say that the patents
in her divestment package

were patents
that Rand acquired defensively.

Most of which are defunct.
Which makes no sense.

Again with the peanut gallery.

Where did you go
to business school again, Katie?


That must have cost
a good chunk of change.

You would think they would teach you

that when someone divests from
your company, they are your competition.



I'm sorry.

I'm not an assh*le boss. I promise.

Just preoccupied.

Been a bad day and a bad week.

All I was saying is
I didn't have to graduate from Wharton

to know that the operative word
in junk patents is "junk."

My guess is they're not all junk.

She doesn't want me to know which ones.
So we have to know.

Yes, Mr. Meachum.

You find out where she's gonna be tonight?

All I was able to get out of her assistant
is that she is attending an event at...

Bailey's Auction House.

Good work, Katie. And my schedule?

- Wide open.
- Okay.

One more thing. Anyone asks
about my schedule, even me,

from now on you say, "Jam-packed" or,
"Packed to the gills, as usual..."

I'm glad to throw in a "batshit crazy"
if you'd like.


I do like that.

Not a bad turnout, actually.

I guess a double major in fine art
and comparative religion

is good for something.

You've come a long way
since those mixers at Pierson.


You always liked them better
after a fifth of cheap vodka.

[CHUCKLES] Said the devil on my shoulder.

- Said the angel on mine.

You seem more you
than you've been... maybe ever.

Thank you.


I'm reaching for things
that I was afraid to before.

And is, uh, Davis part of that equation?


We're not a thing.

But we've been
working on a thing together.

He's a little overly intense,
but I like it.

[CHUCKLES] No. Intense
doesn't even begin to do it justice.

- He's all kinds of wound up.
- Hmm.

MIKA: You wouldn't mind?

Knock yourself out.

- But word to the wise...
- Uh-huh.

He doesn't drink, eat meat, party,
or make small talk.



So this is what you wanted
all that cash for.

To blow it on home decor.


Yeah, I recognize some of them
from the Rand board.

- Isn't that Mika Prada?

Don't you hate her with a passion?

She screwed, like...
three of your college boyfriends.

And your favorite professor.

Or was the professor
one of the boyfriends?

What are you doing here, Ward?

Bidding on the Tibetan thang-ka
of my dreams.

- You won't return my calls.
- So take a hint.

I just wanna talk to my sister.

How did you even know
I was gonna be here?

My new assistant's been badgering
your new assistant for a week.

I guess yours has a heart.

Well, I hope it pays her rent
as well as the job she used to have.


- Enjoy the auction.
- Hey.

The junk patent thing?
Don't think you're tricking anybody.

Well, I already got them out.

So, yeah, past tense
would work better for you there.

Look. Whatever you're playing at here,
it's not gonna work.

Let me help you.

I might be a terrible brother, but I do
know how to write a business plan.


Wait a minute.

Is this the "making amends" step?

Yeah. It's just you're not doing
the very best job.

Who told you I was in NA?

Not you.

'Cause telling me the truth would take
more balls than you have ever had.

- Joy.
- Ward.

Seriously. I was going to tell you that.

JOY: Mmm-hmm.

Is everything okay?

It's just my brother, Ward.

So you can't call me back,
but, what, you have me followed?

Be nice, Ward. Say hello to Davos.

Hello, Davos.

I give it a week.

Your friend Mika
will show us the item now.

Unless you are busy here.

No, no. My brother and I have exhausted
all our topics of conversation.

Him, him and him.

MIKA: The Erskine collection
is a treasure trove.

Most of the items are one of a kind.

Many of historical
and sociological interest.

JOY: And pricey. Don't forget about that.

[MIKA CHUCKLES] Of course.
Mama has to pay the rent.

We have more questions
about this one than answers.

It's quite remarkable.

As if Bronze Age techniques
were used in a modern setting.

No. Whoa! You can't touch it.

We haven't even begun
the restoration process.

The oils on your skin
could damage the glaze.

I want no restoration. I need it as it is.

It hasn't been priced yet. But trust me,
it's outside your price range.

Well, how about mine?

Since when did you
become a collector?

I'm not. No, it's just this one piece.

It speaks to me.

If you're serious,
I can talk to my partners

about holding off
on the restoration process.

- It comes up for auction in three months.
- But we need it now. Tonight.

And I want world peace
and marijuana legal in all 50 states.

- Excuse me.
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah.

[WHISPERING] Don't even think about it.

Our plan doesn't work without it.

Noted. Handled.

What can I show you next?

Mmm. Well, another glass of champagne
would be nice. [CHUCKLES]

You saw Yang?

Let me guess. It didn't go well.

No, it didn't.

The bad blood between the Tigers
and the Hatchets runs deep.


And now, the Tigers have thrown
gasoline on the fire,

and Yang's not gonna lose face
by backing down.

I think he's about to make a very,
very big move against the Tigers.

Bigger than hacking a man to death
on the streets?

I saw those kids from the restaurant.
They said as much.

They didn't try anything, did they?

No, no. It wasn't like that.

Well, I mean, yeah, it was. But...
they have no skin in the game, okay?

They're just trying to get by
on a day-to-day basis.

You should see the way they live, Danny.
They just...

This city... lets people
fall through the cracks.

They mention anything specific?

Only that the Hatchets are gonna
wipe the Tigers off the map.

Any clue as to where, when?

No. And I'm guessing going
back to Yang is a nonstarter?


I burned that bridge.

He may not be the only Yang
we can appeal to.


I thought you said this was
a charity event.

Yeah, it is.

Sam mentioned it might not be
on the up-and-up.

Okay, over at the pai gow table
with the Aunties, that's Sherry Yang.

I've seen her at the center,
but never spoken to her.

No time like the present.

Mrs. Yang? Sorry to interrupt.

My name is Colleen Wing.
This is Danny Rand.

This is a high-stakes table, dear.
I saw some room over at fan-tan.


Hi. We need to talk. In private or not,
that's up to you. But it's important.

I'm on a bit of a hot streak.
Perhaps another time.

COLLEEN: It's about the Golden Tigers.

I'm not sure what that is.
Some sort of breakfast cereal?


I met with your husband today.
Maybe he mentioned our meeting?

Hai-Qing and I don't clutter our marriage
with talk of work.

But you have his ear.

All we're asking is that you listen to us.

You volunteer here, Ms. Wing, yes?

Is that a position you'd like to keep?

[CHUCKLES SOFTLY] I do volunteer here.

Which means I know how much you do
for the people of this community.

And that I worked very hard
to organize an event

that you are in danger of spoiling.

Your husband is organizing a big move
against the Golden Tigers.

We'd like you to convince him to consider
negotiation instead of w*r.

A parley. Each side sitting
across the same table.

It's too late.

There is a memorial service this evening

for the Golden Tigers' fallen soldier.


"Blood for blood."

It wasn't a hit this morning, was it?
It was a way to draw out leadership.

You have to make him call it off.

"Make him"?

I don't pretend to understand
the intricacies of your life.

But whatever responsibility
you think you have to your husband,

you have an equal one to this place
and the people in it.

We all do good in different ways,
Mrs. Yang.

I volunteer here.

You invite your moneyed friends
to come and bet a fortune,

knowing most will lose that money
to the house.

[CHUCKLES SOFTLY] You know your pai gow.

I know that at one point in time,
your husband stood with us

against a common enemy and did good.

Which means there is good in him.

If anyone can remind him of that,
it's you.

Whatever he's done,
make him call it off. Insist.

Negotiation instead of w*r. It's on you.

Leave me.

Nicely done.

[SIGHS] It isn't done yet.

I said I wanted to walk another path.
Here it is.

What if it doesn't work?

Then we do what we have to.

Stop them by force.


Come on, Davis.

- [JOY CHUCKLES] You're terrible.
- I know.

Don't sit so far away.

I think he likes the attention.

In spite of himself.

- I'm dry...
- I'm not.



[JOY QUIETLY] Mika's married.

Her husband is a congressman
running for reelection.

I think she would do just about anything
to prevent a scandal.

But in order for that to work,
we need something scandalous.

[QUIETLY] This tactic, it's distasteful.

But it's a tactic nonetheless.

You want this bowl,
you gotta ask yourself...

is your code of honor
more important than your purpose?


it's not t*rture we're talking about here.

It's sex.


Aw. He really hates this, doesn't he?

I think there are parts of him
that might disagree.

I'm gonna get some air.



All alone.


You really can't stand me, can you?



- Come on, now.

Come on.

Do it.



Oh, man.

I'm gonna throw a record on
and cook some noodles.

You want some?

No, no. I just... I want a shower.
And sleep. Lots of sleep.

We did good tonight.

Yeah, we did.

Hopefully now we can just
get back to some semblance of normalcy.

Well, if there is a parley,
Chinatown can sleep easy again.

But for now, we prevented a slaughter.

I'll take that victory.




- DAVOS: It's over, Danny.




Danny, it's over. You can't run forever.


[PANTING] I'm not running. I'm leading.



- Will you yield?



THUNDERER: Daniel Rand-K'ai...

will face the dragon.



YANG: Thank you for coming
on such short notice.

Tell me the shipment arrived early.

YANG: I'm returning your money.

I don't understand.

I can no longer guarantee delivery.

I am renegotiating my hold on this port
and shipments that come through it.

Today is not the day to test me, Mr. Yang.

I have made sacrifices.

I am doing this to prevent
an open w*r with my rivals.


This is about making peace?


Then I am honored to know you.

You have a good day, Mr. Yang.




Hello? Who is this?

Is Danny there?

Uh, no, he's out.

Mary, is that you?

Um, I shouldn't have called.