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02x01 - The Fury of Iron Fist

Posted: 03/31/22 09:45
by bunniefuu
- Come on.

- [MUFFLED g*nsh*t]

GUARD: Open up.








- [g*nsh*t]







[g*ns COCK]




I'll make you eat that blade.

you saw what this can do.

So, apologize, before I break your face.

[IN MANDARIN] I'm sorry.

See? That's better.

You're a Golden Tiger, yes?



- Extracted from retail.
- Colored HI and improvements by GoldBerg_44

- Extracted from retail.
- Colored HI and improvements by GoldBerg_44


[SNIFFS] Is that garlic shrimp I smell?

And moo shu.

Mmm. You spoil me.

Fuel to keep the midnight oil burning.

You missed midnight by a couple hours.

- What are you working on?
- The... [SIGHS] USCIS I-485.

Can't make the first step
in permanent citizenship easy?

- Or everyone would apply.

I'm helping Diana Tsai put hers together.

Oh, she works at that little anime store
on Forsyth, right?

- Mmm-hmm.
- Huh.

I should swing by and see her.

So you can bring more junk up in here?

Hey, it's not junk. It's research.

I missed the last 15 years of culture.
I need to catch up.

[SIGHS] I kind of like that you don't know
who SpongeBob is.

He's a sponge named Bob.


- [SIGHS] All right.

Oh, shit. You really did some damage.

DANNY: They k*lled three security guards.

I couldn't take the chance
on letting them get away, so...

I stopped them.

Looks like a w*r zone.

They didn't respond well to "please."


You know that's what you said
the other night, right?

When you knocked the wall
out of the back of that nightclub.

I'm just trying to keep the peace.

Situations... they happen.

Maybe if you started coming out with me...

COLLEEN: Mmm-mmm.

Let's not have
this discussion again, okay?

Oh, come on, let me.

I like what I do at the center.

You know, I... I help people.
I'm a part of the community.


last time I got involved...

things went sideways.


You saved Misty.

And Claire.

Hmm. That's the glass-half-full version.

It's the truth.


Come on.


How about one last heroic mission
before we get some shut-eye?

- I thought you wanted me to rest.
- Hmm...

You did bring me takeout
all the way from Hester Street.



Good afternoon.

I got your message about the shipment.

I trust it's still on its way.

YANG: It is.
The issue is the price of passage,

which has gone up.

We had a deal, Mr. Yang.

I control these docks.

But others want what I have.

If I lose control,
your shipment will fail to clear customs.

That is not an option.

The new price is four million.

Where I'm from, Mr. Yang,

those who go back on their word
are tossed to the bottom of a ravine.

As a child,
I would walk among their corpses

and break their bones for extra measure.

I will discuss the terms with my partner.

YANG: My wife likes to tell me
this place is a cautionary tale.

All the little fish that thought
they were headed upstream...

now someone else's meal.



No more stories.

You raise the price again...

you, your wife
and your business will suffer.

MAN: Colleen will come around.

I'm just saying
your lady doesn't know what she's missing.

You're looking at the full package here.
I own my own business. I dance mad good.

And you should hear me karaoke.
I absolutely crush it.

Yeah, well, Colleen hates karaoke.

- What? Then I quit right now. Forget it.

- You two seem to be doing good, huh?
- Yeah. We're in a solid place right now.

You know, this is the first time
I've, uh, moved in with someone.

It's an adjustment, you know?
I gotta share my personal space.

My private thoughts.

Last week,
I put one of her dresses in the dryer.

- Cardinal sin.
- Yep.

Second only to drinking milk
out of the container.

- That's just freaking disgusting, bro.
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah. So I'm told.



All these challenges, my brother,
it's good practice.

You gotta make hay while the sun shines.

'Cause you never know when rain may come.

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

And you keep your eyes peeled
in case your future wife walks by.

[CHUCKLES] Your girlfriend
is my future wife.

Yeah, go on. Just get in there.

MAN: Hey!
You just gonna leave your car here?

MAN: Closed down Mott Street.
Gonna be a cluster out there today.

I saw it all over the news.
It was the armored car thing.

Golden Tigers in Hatchet g*ng territory.

Not good.

Not good, I tell you. All the old truces
are being thrown to the wind.

Last time there was a Triad w*r,
it wasn't pretty.

Everybody was approached for recruitment.

You, uh... You say it
like you experienced it.

When I was 12 years old,
I almost joined the Hatchets.

My best friend was recruited.

Seeing him in a casket
kept me on the straight and narrow.

The bad old days.
Let's hope they're not coming back, yeah?

Good news. All done.

All that's left is that filing fee.

No way I can get $750 together
on my salary any time soon.

Bayard has a fund.

We may be able
to at least partially cover the cost.

Thank you, Colleen.

- We're so grateful.
- COLLEEN: Please.

Raising Lana on your own can't be easy.

She's growin' up so quick.

Too quickly.
I can barely keep her in clothes.

We just got a bunch of donations
for that charity drive.

Why don't I see if I can find
some kids' winter stuff.

- Hey, Lana?
- Uh-huh?

- Let's look for treasure.
- All right.

Okay. Too small.

[GASPS] What do you think about that?
Let's try that on.

Perfect. Let's see if we can find
a scarf or something.

LANA: Pretty.

COLLEEN: What've you got there?

LANA: Toys!


[STAMMERS] Do we have
a donation list or...

- You know where this is from?
- ETHAN: Mmm-mmm.

MAN: See, what you want to do
is head uptown until you hit Prince.

- Oh.
- That's Nolita proper. [CHUCKLES]

[CHUCKLES] Oh, I thought
I was headed that way. Ah!

The streets down here are so confusing.

- MAN: You get used to it.
- You can't get lost.

The sun rises on the East River,
sets on the Hudson. Uptown is due north.

Wow. And people say
New Yorkers don't care. How gallant.

You new in town? Where are you from?

Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

Home of stifled dreams, lost hope
and... mediocre pie.

Hey, you're a... you're a photographer.

Oh, no. I borrowed it from a friend.
But can I take your picture?

Uh, yeah. Sure. Yeah.

- I draw and use the camera

to narrow my field of vision.

I find that anywhere I point the lens
on the street,

I just find someone or something, like...

DANNY: Huh. This one's interesting.

Yeah, like, the light on the buildings,
it's just so magical.

Mao dou! You still on the clock, man?

Huh. You don't look like a Mao dou.

[SCOFFS] Trust me, I've said as much.
My name's Danny.

Oh. Mary.

Well, thanks for the new-in-town primer.

Pleasure to meet you, Danny. Andrew.

Albert. But you can call me Andrew.
I like it better.

[CHUCKLES SOFTLY] Okay. I better head out.

I swear, some men feast
while others starve.

Look, I was just being nice.

- Oh, no. "Gallant."

ALBERT: That's what you were being.



Uh, yeah.

Okay. All right,
thanks for the heads-up. Yeah.


Hey, excuse me. Sorry. Uh...

That furniture shop. Been closed long?

- A few weeks.
- You know how I can reach him or...

His cousin's got a restaurant
around the corner. Silver Lotus.

Name's Yip. Henry Yip.

Okay. Thank you.

You have no business coming here.

Give us the bread,
and we'll leave.

- I already paid...
- That's your problem, not ours.

- Hey! Get away from him.
- Yo, back up. Back up!

- You want me to call the cops?
- Do it.

What are you, 15? Go home.

Get out of here!

Come on. Come on.

Oh, my God. Mr. Yip, right?

- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you.

- What did they want?
- [SIGHS] Protection money.

I'm sorry,
I know this is really bad timing,

but I actually have a few questions
about your cousin, Choi.

I have no cousin by that name.

I just heard different.

Thank you again.

DANNY: Hey, Ward. Hold up.

A moving company?

When will this "value of a dollar" thing
be over?

You have a corner office at Rand
with your name on it.

It's been good for me
to step away from Rand...

learn to be self-sufficient.
It's given me a new perspective.

Because lifting other people's furniture
is a crucial learning experience.

I enjoy it. It's a hard day's work.

Ever since I got back to New York,

all anyone has been focused on
is how lucky I am.

"The barefoot billionaire.
Never had to work a day in his life."

That's not a false assessment.

I didn't ask for that privilege, Ward.

It's not me.

But... I can't deny
it's a part of who I am.

Money can make
as many problems as it solves.

Or Broadway.

Have you considered Broadway?

- [SIGHS] I don't expect you to understand.
- Good, 'cause I don't.

While you go on Rumspringa
on the Lower East Side,

I'm the one in the hot seat.

This edict memo you hobbled me with
doesn't make things easier.

Is that why you called this meeting?

Ward, there has to be a way to balance
profitability and social responsibility.

And that's my problem to solve?

I didn't call this meeting.
I thought you did.

No. Where are we?


Hello, Danny. Hello, Ward.


It's been a while.

WARD: When did you get back?

Come inside.

What is this about?

[SCOFFS] I don't know.

Wow. I knew you sold the townhouse,
but this is...

This is quite something.

So, you live here?

JOY: I just moved in.

You know, live, work.

Although, technically, I guess
this is my first official meeting.

[CHUCKLES SOFTLY] Please, sit.

I, uh... [CLICKS TONGUE] I...

[EXHALES] I didn't expect to see you.

God. It's good to see you.

[CHUCKLES SOFTLY] Are you coming back?
Is that what this is?

I knew you'd be back.

No. Ward, I'm not coming back.

In fact, I hired an outside firm
to prepare this.

My divestment package.


I'd like to be bought out
of my Rand contract for a lump sum.

You can find the payment schedule,
the particulars, everything in there.

You don't return my calls for months,
and you show up with this.

It wasn't so long ago
that you wanted out of Rand.

- And who told me I was being childish?
- Hey. Go easy, Ward.

JOY: No, let him bark.

I do miss it a little.

It was a way of life for so very long.

You're sure this is what you want?

Packed with extra stock options,
expired patents.

You expect we're gonna let you
walk away with all of this?

JOY: Mmm-hmm.

Yeah, I was very specific. Um, anything
you called "shit for the shit pile."


This is just a ploy for Danny's benefit.
You want my job.

[SCOFFS] Because it's always about you,
isn't it?

All I want
is what I've worked my entire life for.

- And a chance to make something of my own.
- And to punish me.

It's not about you.

Didn't we put all this nonsense behind us?

All the years that you lied to me
about our father?

That doesn't qualify as nonsense, Ward.

Look, Joy, I think
what Ward's trying to say is that...

all of this, it's... it's unexpected.

- So, no counter?
- WARD: Screw counters.

We reject your proposal.

- [CHUCKLES] Oh, you don't wanna do that.
- WARD: Try me.

DANNY: Ward...

if Joy wants this,
then we need to take it seriously.

Where do you want me to sign?

What? How can you
even consider signing this?

To put the past behind us.

Harold, the Hand... All of it.

If Joy wants to start something new,
then she has that right.

Well, it at least needs to be vetted.

This isn't a value judgment.
It's an ethical one.

WARD: Danny, you can't do this.

Well, his 51% of Rand says he can.


You've lost your mind.
She's lost her mind.

This is a mistake.



Wow. He's changed.

Come on, I'll walk you out.

I'm proud of you, Joy.

Whatever you set out to do next,
I know you'll succeed.

You have no idea how much that means
coming from you.

Thank you, Danny.

All right.

When you get some time,
Colleen and I would love to catch up.

What a lovely idea.

All right.

- You take care.
- You, too.













DANNY: Whoo. Boy.

You would not believe what just went down.

Joy called this crazy meeting,
pulled out of the company...

Any info you have. Please.
A forwarding address, a...

MAN: He didn't leave
a forwarding address.

COLLEEN: I can give you my number
in case he tries to contact you.



This is beautiful.

What is it?

It's called a mon.

Or kamon.

It means crest.

My family's crest.

I found it at the center this morning.

[SCOFFS] Yeah. Someone donated it.

It's a family heirloom?

Yeah, I guess. Is that crazy?

When I first saw it,

this childhood memory came rushing back.

From Hokkaido.

I must have been four or five.

And I would sit at the kitchen table,

and my mother would brush out my hair.

I can't see her. It's just this...
this feeling, you know?


Ooh. I have not thought about her
in a really long time.

You hardly talk about her.

She is the only one in my family
who didn't push me away.

Give me away.

How did it show up here, in New York?

Beats me.

There's this guy who owns this restaurant.

I think he might know
who last owned the box, but...

He said he didn't. I don't know.
I could push it, but...

I should just toss it in the trash.

You said it was a restaurant. Yeah?

Well, why don't we stop by there,
get some dinner?

If the opportunity presents itself,
then you can talk to this guy.

[EXHALES] Okay, yeah. Thank you, Danny.

This is the one place I've felt safe
in I don't know how long.

I want you to feel the same.

Come here.



Okay, so who'd like to start?


- CARLOS: My name is Carlos.
- GROUP MEMBERS: Hi, Carlos.

You didn't even make it
through the serenity prayer.

Next time.

Come on, Ward.

You show up for the meetings,
every night for two months.

The next step is sharing.

I share.

I bought Cronuts.

I could have kept them all to myself.

[SIGHS] Okay.

I sent an intern to buy them for me.
Does that negate the goodwill?

Why not just... tell me...

what is going on in that head of yours?

'Cause I don't want to share.

I don't want to eat pastries.

What do you want?

I want to change the things I can't.


- Hello again.
- Hi.


[BREATHING HEAVILY] Whatever it is
you're dealing with, you can tell me.

Believe me when I say
this isn't the right moment

to talk about this particular issue.


I'm a shitty sponsor.

The best I've ever had.

Come, sit. I'm celebrating.

I don't drink.

And I regulate my diet
to maximize my physical well-being.

Right. That's right.

Yeah, you don't do anything fun.

But you can watch me.

So, tell me how it went with Yang.

He changed the price we agreed on.

He has no honor. No moral center.

I debase myself by association with him.

It's not just Yang. It's this city.

Every breath I take of its fetid air
is like poison in my lungs.

Like everything else in it,
Yang can be bought, traded, sold.

For what?

To wear a crown in a kingdom of iniquity.

Don't forget about the traffic
on the way to Jersey. It's...

It's a k*ller.


This is a sorry celebration.

- What's wrong?

I had to look Danny in the eye,
and my brother...

[SMACKS LIPS] and act like you and I
aren't planning what we're planning.

I thought you would have enjoyed that.

At first, I did.

And then after it was over...

Danny stuck around and...

I don't know.


I don't know.

What did that fool say to you?


Nothing much.

He was kind.


are you wavering?


I'm drinking.


Dibs on that crab.



No. Sometimes Lei Kung
would make us eat insects for the protein.

Beetles. Crickets. Mealworms.

They wriggle in your mouth,
and they pop like they're oozing pus.

Danny, you suck.

Thank you.

Bakuto was worse. Obviously.

I had to eat spiders,
to develop an immunity to the venom.

Tarantula, actually.
As big as a baseball, and hairy.

And the hairs would just get caught...

[IMITATES CHOKING] in the back of...
in the back of your throat.

And I had to wash it down
with the blood of a lamb.

That's a lie.

But you get points for creativity.


We should do this more often.
Dinner out, a movie. Date night.

Mmm. A term I will never use.

I know you well enough to know while
you'd never admit it, you like the idea.


All right, so...

earlier today, why would the owner lie?

He was scared. Of the kids, the Tigers.

Maybe both.

They've been trying to muscle in
on Tigers territory.

And the Tigers att*cked the armored car
in Hatchet territory last night.

Albert said old truces
were being thrown to the wind.

There's something coming, Colleen.

Something bad.

And I think I know why.

The Hand are gone.

Yeah, but when they left,
they left a power vacuum.

They kept everyone at bay through fear.

- And now...
- These gangs are making big moves.

They're seeking to fill the void.

And where they collide,
a w*r is brewing in Chinatown.

A w*r between the Triads.



Don't look. It's the kids from earlier.

Damn it.

- This is Silver Lotus. We have trouble.

That can't be good.

You made this happen. This is you.

- Get over here. Stay down.

Where's the money, huh?
Where is it? Give us the money.

- Last chance.

I told you. I've got nothing left to give.

Not my problem. You pay us.

- Oh.
- Whoa.

- This bitch again?
- COLLEEN: Yeah.

It's your lucky day.

You are in way over your heads.

What do you think the Tigers will do
when they see you, huh?

We'll deal with them.
Like we're gonna deal with this.


As I was saying,
you can walk away right now.

BOY: Same for you.


We have a problem. Tigers.

- Time to go.
- Make us.

Hey. What can I do for you?

We got a call. Where's Mr. Yip?


Oh, you mean the owner.

He, uh...
He went outside to feed his meter.

I can tell him you came by
when he gets back.




- What was that?

[STAMMERING] Okay. It was my girlfriend.

She went back in there
to complain to the chef.

- Her pork bao, it was too chewy.
- You better move.

I'm telling you. You don't wanna go
in there. She has a terrible temper.


- Move.
- [CHUCKLES SOFTLY] All right, okay.

Let's just step outside,
and we can talk about this.

No more talk.


Go. Now.


[SCOFFS] I asked you to leave.




These gentlemen seem to think
there was a problem, Mr. Yip.

No problem. No problem.

Everything's okay. You can go.

That's twice now that I owe you.

[SIGHS] I'm looking for Frank Choi.

I was told he was your cousin.
This afternoon you said different.

[SIGHS] He's hiding from the Tigers.
He owes them money.

Does he pay for their protection,
like you?

Everyone on this street does.

What's up?

So much for staying out of the fight.

The fight found you.

- [SIGHS] Hell of a date night, though.
- Yeah.

All right, so...

every Tuesday?


Where have you been?

I've been here, in New York.

Why didn't you reach out?

The time wasn't right, Danny.
For many reasons.

- There's a lot I need to tell you.
- About K'un-Lun?


If only you'd come home with me
when I asked.

DANNY: It's not that simple.

I couldn't. We've been through this.

DAVOS: Yeah.

You had your reasons.

One being, you'd chosen to ally yourself
with a warrior of the Hand.

I'm not Hand. Not anymore.

I'm not here to talk about the past.

Danny and I have family matters
to discuss.

Walk with me. Alone.

COLLEEN: You don't have to, Danny.

DANNY: So much has happened
since I last saw you.

DAVOS: But you remained here.

Which says much in itself.

Where else would I go? This is my home.

I hear you have your father's company.
You're a rich man, Danny.

The money, the business, that's...
that's not my concern right now.

All of my attention
is focused on protecting this city.

And where were you
when our city needed protecting, Danny?

The mission of the Iron Fist
was to destroy the Hand.

I succeeded in that.

While K'un-Lun paid the price.

There was a lot they didn't tell us.
I did what I thought was correct.

Did you, now?

Were you even listening
to anything Shifu said?

With practice...

- comes mastery.
- Don't do this.

With mastery comes knowledge.

I remember.

With knowledge comes strength.


But you have always been weak.

Without my father's help, you never
would have won that fight between us.

That's not true and you know it.

And then when you had it all, you left.

Ran to your money and your influence...

I came back for family.

Did you? Because when I tried
to get you to return,

all I saw was cowardice
and a Hand whore...


You talk about Colleen that way again,
I will break you.

If you could go back
and do it differently, would you?

There is no going back.

I fought for the right
to challenge the dragon.

I fought my friends.

I fought you, my brother.

I didn't like it. But I won.


Is this debatable?

Burned into me?

There is no changing what happened.

To either of us.

And what if there was a way?

For you to give me back my birthright?

I mean it.

Would you do that, little brother?

The Fist...

It gives me purpose.

You don't know what it is
or how to use it.

The fact is... it's my duty to carry it.

Now, you said you had questions.

You gonna ask 'em?

You already answered them.

- [SIGHS] I wasn't expecting you so late.
- I went to see Danny.

Oh, my God. You didn't...

Oh, I could have snapped his neck.
I had the opportunity.

But his words gave me pause.

- So, you talked to him. Why risk that?
- Mercy.

I went there tonight to offer him
a chance to make it right.

To just give up what is my due
of his own free will.

And which one of us was wavering?

You saw him. You looked him in the eye.

Maybe I needed to hear
that pompous, conciliatory tone.

Be reminded of the way
he has rewritten our shared history,

perverted all I hold dear.


Ward and... and Danny and my father.

And all the plotting
and the lying... manipulating.

He walked into my life, and he...
he turned it to ashes.

I think he deserves to know
what that feels like.

To have it all ripped apart.

He will learn.

I will teach him.