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01x04 - Eight Diagram Dragon Palm

Posted: 03/31/22 09:35
by bunniefuu
I dedicate myself to the service
of all beings of K'un-Lun...

Ah, you're awake.

What is this place?

What happened to me?

Last I remember, I was climbing up...

Yeah, like g*dd*mn Daredevil.

Why'd you follow me?

- You kicked me off the building?
- Of course I did.

It's what you do
when you see someone trying to break in.

You are really pushing the limits
of karma.

Now, boys.

You see him, too?


You died.

- I saw pictures.
- Yeah.

I did die.

You look the same age
as when I last saw you.

Your visit...

- it wasn't a hallucination.
- No.

No, I had to see for myself.

We had to protect ourselves, protect Rand.

You know, it's not every day
that someone comes back from the dead.

Is it?

But here we are.

So... are we good?


You're all I've got.

You're home now.

You have no idea how long
I've been waiting to hear that.

So, wait.

How are you still alive?

I was diagnosed with cancer.

Uh, lung, pancreatic.
It att*cked my whole body.

I fought the good fight for three years,

but, you know,
I kept getting worse and worse.

Toward the end...

I barely hit a hundred pounds.

- Jesus.
- Yeah, tried him, too.

Dad, are you sure you should
be saying this?

It's okay. Danny needs to know this.

So... there I was.

Hadn't even gotten over losing
my best friend,

not to mention you and Heather.

I've got two kids to take care of.

Their mom gone
and in the middle of this... this misery,

some people approach me with a cure,

and it placed me in their debt.

And they cured you?

- Just like that?
- No.

No, what they failed to tell me
was that I had to die first.

Yeah, I still remember my last breath.

Scariest shit I've ever experienced.

And three days later...

I'm breathing again.

So, who saved you?

Well, you mentioned these people
during your stay at the hospital.

- You called them the Hand.
- The Hand? Here?

Yeah, they're...
they're like the Illuminati, only real.

They've infested Rand.

That can't be.

All of my years in training.

All of it, just in case the Hand
ever showed its face in K'un-Lun.

Yet you've never seen them?


The story of the Hand was... like a fable.

More like Satan and his demons
than anything real.

Nothing I thought
I'd actually have to fight.

Oh, they are very real.

And yet, here you are.
How did you put it?

- Sworn enemy of the Hand?
- Yeah.

It's what the Iron Fist is supposed to do.

Is it something you're supposed to do?

This Iron Fist,

is that how you punched through
that steel door at the hospital?


Danny, help me get out
from under this evil.

They won't let me
reveal myself to the world.

They won't let me
hold my own daughter in my arms.

- So, Joy doesn't know you're alive?
- No.

No, I had to beg to let Ward
and my assistant know.

Anyone else who discovered I was alive
was... was eliminated.

Please don't tell Joy.

I'll keep your secret.

I wouldn't let anything happen to Joy.

My shifu would've called this destiny.

Then embrace your destiny.

Well, I can't.

Not if I'm stuck in the courts trying
to get back in Rand.

Drop all litigation
against our friend here.

No more roadblocks.

Offer everything he's owed
as the rightful heir of Wendell Rand.

Are you kidding me?

Uh, no offense to Danny, but he's been
living in a monastery studying kung fu.

This isn't a negotiation.


Maybe we should give him
his dad's old office, while we're at it.

Yeah, great idea.
Make it happen, Ward.

I've got big plans for you, Danny.

Where should I start?

What's the Hand doing in Rand?

Well, that's unclear.
I've only...

ever met a couple representatives
of the... of the Hand.

You know, they show up in my home
whenever they want with their demands.

- What about now?
- Well, only recently they...

they demanded we purchase a local pier
out near, uh, where... where was it?

Red Hook.

Yeah, Joy closed the deal on the pier.
Talk with her.

We've needed a fighter like you
back in the family.

Hey, maybe I could teach you
kung fu some time.

- Hey, that'd be great.
- Yeah.

Feel free to call or come by any time.

You need to watch yourself, Danny.

I'm not afraid of the Hand.

Good for you.
I'm talking about Harold.

Be careful.

He's not a replacement for your dad.

The only person
Harold cares about is Harold.

Now, watch this.


- Sensei Wing knocked the shit out of him!
- Right.

You know the rules
about cell phones in my dojo.

Line up. Make seiza.


I'm sorry, Sensei,
but they never get to see you go all out.

No, it's me that needs to be sorry.

I'm a hypocrite,
and I shouldn't have gone there.

I don't need an apology.

What you did was awesome.
I posted it online.

You what?

People gotta see what a badass you are
and come for lessons.

More students means more green.
It's a win-win.

No, it's not.

By fighting for money, I've stepped
way outside the code of Bushido.

- It was a one-time mistake.
- That's bullshit.

- Why else are we learning to fight?
- The scholarship.

Like I'm ever gonna
get picked for that.

Don't sell yourself short, Darryl.

Line up.

Push down your ego...

and let's begin.

Why did you change your mind?

I channeled my inner Dad.

- Figured he'd want it this way.
- That's nice and all, but...

have you put any serious thought
into what he's gonna do here?

Hell if I know.

You're the one that opened the door
for Monastery Boy with the bowl.

I know it was you.

Danny's always been your soft spot.

You clean up pretty good.

The tie might be a touch effeminate.

I like it. Come on.

Thank you all for coming out
on this momentous occasion

as Rand Enterprises welcomes Danny Rand
to his rightful place in the company

that bears his name.

Danny will continue the legacy
of his father, Wendell,

and join us in guiding this great company
into the future.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I present to you, Danny Rand.

That was great.

Step up, stick to the page and leave.



It's, uh...

it's been a long road to get back home.

And that's what Rand is to me.

My father, Wendell Rand,

instilled in me a love and respect
for this company that has never faded.

I left here, ten years old,
on a jet with my parents.

We never reached our destination.

I lost my family in that crash,

and I became the lone survivor.

I then was rescued by monks
and raised in a monastery,

a much different life
to what I had here in New York.


it taught me the value of life...

of hard work...

of never giving up on the things
that matter to me.

And Rand matters.

Mr. Rand?

- Mr. Rand!
- Uh, yes.

Uh, Jennifer Many, New York Bulletin.

Is it true you were recently committed
to Birch Psychiatric Hospital

and placed under the care
of Dr. Paul Edmonds?

Uh, yes.

- That's true.
- Oh, Danny.

I, um...

Coming back here...
I don't know...

Even though everything was familiar...

it felt so... overwhelming.

I felt out of control.

But thankfully, Joy and Ward guided me
to Dr. Paul Edmonds

to get the help I needed.

I couldn't have come back strong
without them.

Mr. Rand, how long was
your stay at Birch Psychiatric Hospital?

Is it true you had violent outbursts?

Thank you for coming out.

- Thank you.
- Danny.

That answer was much kinder
than we deserved.

As Yu-Ti,
the August Personage in Jade, says,

"Kindness is the eternal law."

Hey, look, have you got time to go through
that pier deal you put through?

The pier? Why?

I'm just, uh...
just trying to get my bearings.


Yeah, just check with our assistant Megan.

She'll set something up.

Hey, morning, Megan.

Um, I just wanted to, uh,
set up a meeting with Joy.

I'll check her schedule.

We should be able to squeeze you in
sometime in the next two or three days.

Three days?

In the meanwhile,
your first appointment of the day is here.

Oh, cool. Who?

- Hey, J-Money!
- Ooh, we don't do that.

Oh, okay.


Your father's office.
Even found his old desk.

Now, don't get all weepy on me.

I'm not. It's just, uh...

It's been a while.

- Is everything okay down there?
- Oh, man.

This is crazy.


Danny, what are you doing?

Oh, I, uh... I used to stick stickers
under my dad's desk.

They're still there.

Of course you did.

Now, we can continue
this walk down memory lane,

but since it is all billable hours,
what do you say we get to work?

For the record, I have never seen
a deal come together so fast.

What did you do?

Oh, I, uh, pretty much had
to raise the dead.

Well, anyway, let's get you signing
these before anybody changes their minds.


So, uh...

what is my job?

Well, you don't actually hold
a position here.

- But I thought...
- Oh, let me... let me explain.

As 51% shareholder, you hold the most
dominant position on the board.

So as much as you don't have a say

in the day-to-day business...

- My voice will still be heard.
- Exactly.


Do you think we can get access
to the Rand business accounts and records?

Well, with your name and your holdings...
shouldn't be much you can't access.

Word to the wise?

Ease into things.

For most of these people,
you are a hostile takeover.

Okay. Yeah, sure.

No problem.

I'm gonna send a courier to pick up
these contracts once you're done.


you have
an extraordinary opportunity here.

Don't foul it up.

So, um...

Once I'm done signing all this...

then what?

Door open, door closed?



Twelve million people are
currently infected with leishmaniasis

in roughly 98 countries.



Keep going.

Hey, can I, uh...
just sit next to Joy?



Like I was saying, this anti-parasitic
antimonial will have far-reaching effects.

- There are approximately two million...
- Hey, what is this?

Pricing strategy
for a new drug we patented.

This will hit market in Asia, Africa,

South and Central America,
even Eastern Europe.

These are all possible customers.

Which means we can make this in bulk,

making the production price
less than $5 a pill.

So, we can sell for $50 per dosage.

It'll fund new research and give
a nice boost to our profit margin

in the pharmaceutical division.

Excuse me, but, um,
how many people die from, uh...

What is it?


If left untreated,
latest numbers show roughly 50,000 a year.

And we have the cure?

We can save lives at five bucks a pill,

but you wanna raise the price?

I know how this looks,

but this is how business is done.

We should sell at cost.

Hey, that's... that's not how it works.

This is normal business.

Then normal is not the best path to take.

We can make our profits elsewhere.

Please, Mr. Rand.
We know how to do this.

The World Health Organization
will make most of the purchases

and subsidize it
for Third World countries.

No one who needs this
will be left untreated.

No one should make a profit
off of the misery of others.

It's wrong.

We need to sell the drug at cost.

To be clear, Danny,

are you, as majority shareholder,

drawing a line in the sand
on your first day?


This is ridiculous.

That may very well be,

but if Mr. Rand wants to put
his foot down on this, we'll do it.

We'll go to market at cost.

Thank you.

Hey, um, my schedule cleared up.
Do you wanna go talk about that pier deal?

- Yeah, sure.
- Yeah?



- Hey.
- Hey, yourself.

Good job today.

You handled Danny's introduction
to the world with real class.

I couldn't have done it better.


What are you gonna do about that reporter?

If you don't control the story, she will.

- I didn't put him in there.
- Oh, now, son.

This isn't the time to point fingers.

It's the time for solutions.

Can I count on you
to handle this reporter?

I'll handle it.


Well, taking care of this
will more than make up

for that drug pricing screw-up
this afternoon.

Joy is keeping Danny busy.
It won't happen again.

That's what I like to hear.

Love you, son.



Contact that reporter, Jennifer Many.

Tell her I will answer
all of her questions tonight in my office.

These monks you hung with.

They were, like, real deal, robe-wearing

Shaolin-type bald monks?


- Huh.
- Pretty old school.

So you were running around
the mountains wearing robes.

Hey, you'd be pretty surprised
at how comfortable a good robe can be.

Hmm, yeah. Just try not to come to work
wearing one of those robes, yeah?

So I'm guessing, after this afternoon,

you're regretting giving me that bowl,


Certainly was quite the entrance.

- While you weren't necessarily wrong...
- Yeah?

...there was probably a better way for you
to win those people over

than swinging
your 51%-shareholder d*ck around.

Well, when you put it like that.

So... why did you give Jeri that bowl?

Dredged up so many old memories...

these feelings that I've,
I don't know, pushed down.

Locked away.

- That make any sense?
- Yeah.

Yeah, it does.

You coming back has...

made me think
about all the people I've lost.

You know, my parents...

my mom, dad.

You know, your dad...

he really cared for you.

You're lucky you didn't have
to see him at the end.

It was horrible.


your return made me take a hard look
at the person that I've become,

and I didn't like it.

I just didn't think
that Dad would like it either, so...

I had to do the right thing.

You know, if it helps any,

I think Harold would have been
crazy proud of you.

That's the best you've got?

This guy's twice your weight.

How about you add another fighter?

And when I win, you double my payday.

You are one crazy chick, you know that?

But I like you.

You ready for the fight of your life?

You better be! Hey!

You better be!

Because the Daughter of the Dragon
has returned!


she doesn't think the Duke here...

is enough of a challenge.

So, on her request,

she wants a little two-on-one action.

And I got just the guy for her.

Jimmy Pierce, you still here?

Jimmy! Jimmy!


This little girl thinks she can fight me?


What can I tell ya?
Bring it in.

Look, you guys know all the rules, huh?

Tap out or knock out's
your only ways out of this cage.

Otherwise, whatever works. Hmm?

You sure you wanna do this?


Go! Go! Go!

Stuck, little girl?
Let's go.

Get up!

Why would
Rand wanna buy this pier?

I don't really know.

Ward said to buy it.
I facilitated its purchase.

Is that normal, for chief counsel to...

buy things without knowing why?

I don't really need to know the "why."

Ward's leadership has led Rand
to success after success and...

Why are you so interested in this?

When I got to the...

- the monastery, post-crash...
- Mmm-hmm.

...I learned of a certain position.

A powerful, important job,

and I wanted it.

Your dad always said
to set your goals high.


Everyone there, and I mean everyone,

said there was no way
a xiaoguilao like me could do it.

- A xiaogui... what?
- Yeah, it's, uh...

It sort of means, like, uh, an outsider.

- That's what they called me.
- Sounds kind of mean.

Sort of cool, too.

Besides, it...
it just made me want the job more.

Yeah. Sure.
I get that.

So, problem was, I...

I never thought through
why I wanted this job.

I mistook my stubborn will
for a sense of... destiny or something.

I never counted the cost of what
it would actually mean for my life.

- And you got the job?
- Yeah.

I fought the whole way for it.

I earned it.

Was it worth it?

Uh, I don't know.

We'll see.


how long you planning on staying here?

I don't know.

I've been pretty busy since I got here.

After living in a monastery
for 15 years...

It's a big step up.


You have no idea.

- First off, my room?
- Yeah?

It was nothing like this.

Six by six, a dirty mat on the floor.

A blanket, you know.

A literal pot to piss in.

Every morning, I'd walk a mile uphill
with jugs the size of my torso,

just to get mine
and my shifu's daily ration of water.

- Every morning?
- Every morning.

That was the easy part.

Then it was training.

All day, every day.

When we weren't training, it was...

fighting, sparring.

Every moment was a struggle.


...led to a beating.


led to the next fighting style,

the next lesson.

Sounds like abuse.

it made me what I am today.

Which is what?

I don't know.

Another guy living in a deluxe apartment?

- You want a drink?
- Yes.

You know how to make a vodka tonic?

Well... if it's just
vodka and tonic, then, yeah.

I think I can handle it.

I'll get it.

Um, light on the tonic.



Back to the Golden Sands.


Hey. Hey.

- You okay? Yeah?
- Yeah. Yeah.

- Okay.
- We have to call the police.

- I know where they're going.
- What?

You have no idea how bad it is.

It's like we have g*dd*mn Tarzan

walking around the place,
fresh from the jungle.

How so?

I shouldn't be telling you this,

but we have this drug
that we've spent years working on.

We get it tested, patented...
Now, I can't go into specifics,

but know this.

This is a game changer.

This drug will save millions of lives.

- Wow.
- Right?

So we're in our pricing-strategy meeting,
getting ready to boost the price,

make a huge profit, and be able to fund
years' worth of new lab research.

- Sure.
- In walks Danny, and he uses

the full weight
of his majority shareholdings

to force us to sell the drug at cost.

At cost.

- You're kidding me.
- Mmm-mmm.

That is a loss
of hundreds of millions of dollars.

He is worse than these

bleeding-heart-liberal-trust-fund hipsters
wandering around Williamsburg.

Uh, thanks for the interview.

What, you're leaving so soon?
We've got bourbon to finish.

Tempting, but, uh,
I have an early morning deadline.

Ellison? Listen,
don't give the front page to Karen.

I've got a hell of a story for tomorrow.

- What happened to you?
- What happened to you?

That's why I'm here.

Hey, can you, uh...
Can you keep an eye on Joy for me?

Wasn't he stalking you?

- It was a misunderstanding.
- Right.

I guess being a millionaire
covers a multitude of sins.


What do you know about the Golden Sands?

I don't know.

There's a bunch of Chinese restaurants
with that name.

Any of them attached
to hatchet-wielding criminals?

You know 'em?


- Dangerous.
- Sounds right.

This is the Golden Sands
you're looking for.

It's a front for the Yangshi Gongsi,
the Yang Clan Company.

- I need to have a word with them.
- Are you kidding me?

Why do you wanna
mess around with Triads?

Hello, can I help you?

I'm sorry, we're closed.

I need to speak to the head
of the Yangshi Gongsi.

I don't want any trouble.

Then you should not
come looking for it.

He's the one.


This one bested all of you?

I am Yang Hai-Qing...

head of the Yangshi Gongsi.

And you are?

- Danny Rand.
- Of Rand Enterprises?

One and the same.

Why did you send your men
after Joy Meachum?

Why did your company
steal our pier away from us?


We had a deal with the previous tenant.

Joy Meachum broke that deal.
We wanted words with her.


You wanted to kidnap Joy
to broker a new deal.

Maybe we should use you
to broker a new deal.

Is this why you walk into my place?

I'm here to let you know
it's not within your best interests

to come near Joy ever again.

Why is Rand so determined
to keep the pier all to itself?

Look, another group of people
forced us to purchase it.

Who could force a giant business like Rand
to do anything?

The Hand.

I had no idea.

Please extend our deepest apologies
to Miss Meachum.

Do you have any idea
what the Hand are doing with the pier?

Why are they in New York?

I want them out of Rand!


Put it on.

Where are we going?

For a ride.

Okay, exhale.

- Better.
- Yeah.

- Feel good?
- Yeah.

- I heard you and Danny grew up together.
- Yeah.

Parents were best friends.

Joke around the house was
Danny and I were pledged to be married.

That's pretty close.

He was a good kid.

He was kind.

If you would've told me that one day
he would fight off men with axes...


They won't be a problem anymore.

- And how did you do that?
- We just had a talk.

This talk happen with your fists?

Uh, it's... more of a sharing of ideas.

We, um...
we came to an agreement.

What... what are you doing?

How did you put it, Joy?
This ain't my first rodeo?

Look, I can pop it back into place.

So... back in K'un-Lun,

my shifu would make me count to three
in Mandarin before he would fix it.




Look, if this is about
fighting for cash...

- What?
- Hey, I'm not judging.

I used to fight
in a few illegal fight clubs

on my way back from K'un-Lun.

But just so you know...

I'm more than willing to pay up
on our previous deal.

I still owe you rent for six months.

Answer is the same.

Thank you, though.

All right, let's make a move.

- See you around.
- Yeah. Thanks.

So how are we gonna tell Ward?

He finds out men with hatchets
att*cked his sister?

I thought you said
you didn't want the cops involved.

Hmm, good point.

That doesn't mean I don't wanna know
what the hell was going on tonight.

You and me both.

See you.

You have been a good
and faithful servant to the Hand.

The pier was secured.

Now, receive your reward.

I haven't seen her
in person since she was a child.

Someone hit my daughter?

My people said
she had a run-in with some criminals.

She's lucky
she has such a talented bodyguard.

She's fine now.

Could this good and faithful servant
ask for one more favor?

What do you want?

Which one of you hit Joy Meachum?


I'm ready to go home now.