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20x10 - In Performance of Duty

Posted: 03/30/22 10:18
by bunniefuu
(theme music)


With Milburn Stone as Doc...

Ken Curtis as Festus...

Buck Taylor as Newly...

And starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

(slow instrumental music)


(Festus) Let me give you a hand.

Well, bless my soul.

There's a reception committee.

- Matt.
- Hello, Judge.

- Festus.
- Good to see you, Judge.

Oh, it's a pleasure
to see you too.

Same here, how was the trip?

Always the same.

Hot and dusty.

But it's worth it to
see old friends again.

How's Doc Adams?

Oh, that old scutter,
same as always,

stubborner than
my mule. (laughs)

He said to tell you he
wished he could be here

to meet you but
he's got a patient.

He wants you to come up and
see him when you get ready.

I'll just do that.

Well, Matt the town seems
quiet, but I wager the cases

waiting are just same, huh?

Well, we've been
pretty lucky lately, Judge.

All except for Judge
Brooker being sick.

Judge, I'll take your grips
on over to the Dodge House.

Thanks, Festus.

Judge, why don't you and Doc
stop over at the Long Branch

when you get settled.

We'll just do that.

How's Mrs. Kendall?


Mrs. Kendall passed away
several months ago, Matt.

Sorry to hear it, Judge.

Yes, thank you.

It was a great loss to me.

Well, I'll just settle
in and meet you later.

Good, Judge.

(somber instrumental music)

(men chattering)

- (man) How bout a beer, young fella?
- (man) Yeah, why not.

Judge on the stage?

Yeah, they just got here.

He and Doc are
coming over for a drink.

Beer, Marshal?

All right, Floyd.

There she is!

Just look at this.

Thirty-five hundred dollars.

Frank, where'd you get that?

I just sold all my
cattle, that's all.

Just wait till next year. I'm
gonna have twice the count.

Round for the
house and I'm buying.

- Sure thing, Frank.
- (man 1) Thanks, Frank.

(man 2) I sure do fancy a drink.

You know, I can
hardly believe this.

Lots of times me and
Agnes almost quit.

But it looks like
this is gonna put us

on the black side of
the ledger for a change.

You know Frank,
there's a lot of folks

got a lot less problems
than you and Agnes.

They moved out of here.

Well, without her
I'd a lit out long ago.

She's got more
steel than a train.

- Give her our best, Frank.
- I'll do that.

If I was you, though,
I'd stop by the bank.

That's a lot of cash.

Well, bank's closed. (laughs)

You know how them bankers is.

But don't you worry, I don't
carry this g*n for balance.

Well, best be going.

I got cattle to load.

Be and sure and
say hello to Agnes.

- Take her easy, Frank.
- Yes sir.

That's the kinda man I like.

More dollars than sense.

Is that Emmet
Cassinger and his sons?

It sure is.

They're a long way
from home, aren't they?

Yeah, last I heard of them
they were in the Dakotas.

You want me to stick around?

Yeah, maybe you better.

Pa, we got us a badge coming.

Badge makes a fine target.

I don't want none of that.

There's one of him,
I can take care...

Sit down, sit down!

Put your hands
on the table, boys.

Hello, Marshal.

Dillon, ain't it?

Get 'em on the table.


I gotta tell ya, marshal,

I don't quite understand this.

We're just poor honest
folks passing through.

You're gonna keep
right on passin'.

Feisty, ain't he?

Like a fresh broke
pony. (laughs)

We just thought this
was a peaceful little town,

thought we'd rest a spell.

They didn't want you in Dakota
and we don't want you here.

We ain't done nothing.

Ain't no writs out on us.

If there was, you'd
be over in jail.

Right now, you got five
minutes to get outta Dodge.

Now, that sounds like
the invitation to the dance,

don't it?

You want to be first, sonny?

Hold up, hold
it, hold it, hold it!

Now look here, we... like
I said, we ain't nothing but

poor, honest folks.

We don't tarry where
we ain't wanted, so...

we'll, we'll just
mosey on out of town.

Come on, boys.

(doors clattering)

What in the Sam Hill's going...?

Move it.

Matthew, ain't that Emmet
Cassinger and his boys?


How long they been in town?

I don't know, but
they're on their way out.

I don't think so.

Marshal, maybe we'll have
the good luck to meet again.

You know who the
Cassinger's are?

Been accused of just
about everything in the book.

- And they always have alibis.
- Yeah.

Oh Newly, I almost
forgot, I've got that medicine

for Mrs. Rinager
and I know it's late,

but I'd like her
to get it tonight.

On my way, Doc.

We're gonna have to keep a
sharp look out for a few days.

Those Cassinger's may
decide to double back.

Judge, let's have a drink.

(Emmet) That man
Dillon turns my belly sour.

He ain't got an ounce
of decency in him.

(man) I'd sure like to
close his eyes for him, Pa.

(Emmet) I'd like to give
him a third eye myself,

but we got other
stuff to tend to now.

Come on!

(crickets chirping)



Come on honey, it's ready!

You have gone and
outdid yourself, Agnes,

and that's saying something.

You haven't even tasted
it yet, come on, sit down.

I can't.

- My hands is full.
- What?

With this, it's for you.

Oh Frank.

Oh you shouldn't buy me frivols.

What I buy you ain't frivols.

Besides, I ain't been able
to buy nothing for a long time

and it's different now.

It's such a pretty package.

Go on, open it.

Ain't nothing but a new
nutmeg grinder, anyhow.


(soft music plays)


Oh, that's beautiful!

Oh, my goodness!

But I didn't need this.

If you needed it, it
wouldn't be a proper gift.

You remembered.

Couldn't forget your
favorite now, could I?

Not when they played
it on our wedding night.

Oh Frank...

I'll treasure this
till the day I die.

Just like I do you.

Things been awful hard
on you out here, Agnes.

But they're gonna be
brighter from here on out.

I believe we got her licked now!


(dramatic music)

Well, now.

(dramatic music)

What do you want?

We want that money
you left town with.

That plain enough?

You get outta here!

Everywhere we go,
people tell us to get out.

I can't understand why they
don't want us to stay. (laughs)

We'll get out when we got
what we come for and not until.

Now where is it?

Left it in town with a friend.

You're lying.

Boys get to lookin' for it
while I guard these two heroes!

What's in there?

(Agnes screams)

(music box clatters)

Mr. Benton, you seem like
an easy man to get along with.

But I'm beginning
to lose my patience.

- Buddy, it's not here.
- Sure it is!

You left with it, didn't ya?

Please, it's all we have.

Don't you say
another word, lady.

Well now Cory, let's see
which one he values most,

his money or his wife.

Just take the tip of
her ear off to begin with.

Which ear you want
Daddy, the left or the right?

(dramatic music)

No, I'll tell you where it is.

You've got to
promise not to hurt her.

Leave us be.

Well now, I'm a reasonable man.

I promise.

I want you to swear it on
a Bible, Bible over yonder.

Well, my momma raised
a good Christian boy.

I'll do it, get it.

(ominous music)

I swear before God
that I'll not harm ya.

Now where is it?

Down in the well,
tied on a long string.

Duffy, Cory go get it!

(ominous music)

Best fishin' I ever done.

Now, ain't that pretty.

(thunder rumbling)

Sure is good, Pa.

You make a fine biscuit, ma'am.

We got it, Pa.

Now leave us alone, please.

That ain't a very
neighborly thing to say.

We got to be gettin' on our way

as soon as we finish up here.

(g*n fires)

(dramatic music)

Frank! (cries)


You've k*lled him!

That wasn't bad sh**t', Pa.

You swore you wouldn't hurt him!

Well, see, see
swearin's for honest folks.

As you can see, we ain't
that by a mile and a half.

I regret we don't
have more time to stay

and get better acquainted.

You're a fine, comely woman.

It's a pure waste.

(Agnes cries)


(g*n fires)

(dramatic music)

Boys, ain't nobody gonna
never know this was nothing

but one big fire tragedy.

Burn it.

(dramatic music)

(glass shatters)

(fire crackles)

(man) Pa, I forgot my hat.

(dramatic music)

Hold it!

(man) Come on, Alf!

- (dramatic music)
- (fire crackles)

(thunder rumbles)

(Emmet) How bad is it, boy?

(man) Feels like he hit
me with a cannon ball.

You and that damn hat of
yours almost got us all k*lled.

I paid $12.00 for that
hat back in Amarillo.

We shoulda rolled in and gunned
down whoever was back there, Pa.

Sure, except whoever he was,

he knowed something
about night sh**t'

and he had cover.

He'd a cut us down
like shacklings.

We best keep riding, huh Pa?


Not with a 44 slug in
your brother's shoulder.

What, then?

Every badge in the state'll
be looking for four running men

with one wounded
and $3,500.00 cash.

Pa, let's split up the money

and ride in
different directions.

No, don't you see a
running man is a guilty man.

They ain't never saw
none of our faces.

We'll stay right here and
play like we been here

ever since Dillon
run us out of town.

They can't prove we was
within 20 miles of that ranch.

The law'll track us, Pa!

It can't with this raining!

They ain't got no tracks,
they ain't got no money,

they can't prove nothing!

You take this money
outside and bury it.

It's raining out, Pa.

I'll do the figurin'.

You do what I tell ya!

That goes for all of ya.

Now get!

(rain pattering)

You couldn't see who they were?

No sir, by the
fire light, though,

it sort of looked like the
one I shot was Alf Cassinger

and there was four of 'em.

Sure sounds like
their doings, don't it?

I'm sorry I didn't
go after the others,

but I figured it was more
important getting Mrs. Benton

on back here to see Doc.

- You did the right thing, Newly, thanks.
- All right, Marshal, Festus.

(Matt) Mrs.
Benton's still alive.

How is she, Doc?

Critical, Matt.

Anything we can do to help?

No Judge, afraid not.

It's a terrible thing.

Newly thinks it mighta
been the Cassingers.

Bunch of vultures.

When are you leaving?

Right now.

We're gonna head out to Bentons',
see if we can pick up their trail

if this rain hasn't
washed out their tracks.

Matt, I prefer you
bring them in alive.

We will if we can, Judge.


There she is Alf. (laughs)

I oughta been a doctor.

- You want that for a keepsake?
- No.

I just want to put it back
in the man who put it in me.

Well, now...

now we're gonna see if
that hat was worth this hole.

Quit jabbering, Pa,
and have done with it.


There you are, good as new.

(exhaling) Phew!

Alf, you stink worse
than a gut wagon.

Pa, soon as Alf's fit to ride,

we best light on outta here.

We ain't going nowhere
without the money.

We ain't going nowhere
with it until it's safe.

I can't stand this
waitin' around, Pa!

Beats hangin', don't it?

Pa, listen to me.

Listen to me one time, boy.

We done everything
there is to do,

and we ain't never been caught

because I been the one
that does all the figurin'

and that's the
way it's gonna stay.

Now, have you got that?

- Yeah, I got it.
- Good.

- Pa?
- Eh?

You reckon the laws
are lookin' out now for us?

You can bet a
silver saddle on that.

But just remember one thing...

we ain't done nothing.


(foreboding music)

(Matt) They're there all
right, that's their horses.

It's kinda strange they'd
hole up so close to Dodge City.

What do you want
us to do, Matthew?

Festus, you head
around that way.

Newly and I'll go straight in.

We'll call 'em out
when we're ready.

(foreboding music)

All right, you Cassingers!

Come out with your
hands up, U.S. Marshals!

Appears like we got
a little company, boys.

Put your g*n away.

Just remember...
we ain't done nothing.

- What do you want?
- You're under arrest!

What are you arresting us for?

Suspicion of
robbery, arson, m*rder

and a few other things!

Who we supposed to k*ll?

Frank Benton.

You made a mistake
this time, Cassinger.

You left a witness alive.

Don't try it, youngun'.

Ain't no more than
a step and a half

from a hole in the
ground right now.

Get their g*ns.

We ain't done nothing, Dillon.

We've been right here since
your kind invite to leave town.

You saw Benton with the money.

Last night he was
robbed and k*lled.

That deputy here, shot
one of them that did it.

Looks like it mighta been him.

You know something, I must
be gettin' old and careless.

Last night I was
cleaning my g*n,

it went off and
shot poor Alf here.

That's right, Dillon.

- You're lying.
- Prove it.

Cuff him.

Why didn't you get a
doctor if you shot your son?

We ain't got no money.

Besides, I took the
b*llet out myself.

I can do stuff like that.

Yeah, I'll bet you do.

You just can't abide leavin'
poor honest folks alone,

can ya Dillon?

We'd a done what you said,
we'd a been running like deers.

Let's go.

(dramatic music)

Dillon, you ain't
much of a marshal.

You were doin' your job right,

you'd be out lookin'
for the real k*ller.


That woman...

she'll hang us.

You're a fool.

He just said that to scare us.

Make us say something.

You know, I don't sh**t
nobody unless I k*ll 'em.

Yeah, if she ain't dead...

we are.

How is she, Doc?

Not good, not good at all.


From what you've told
me, if she can't identify them

we don't have much
to hold them on.

Especially since Newly
can't positively identify Alf

and the money hasn't been found.

Judge, there's a million
places out there where

they coulda hidden it.

John, if she can't identify
'em, what are you gonna do?

Can't bring men to
trial just on the strength

of slovenly reputations.

A law student could
win the case for them.

I'd have to free them.

Doc, let me ask you something,

if I brought the Cassingers
here and she saw 'em,

do you think that
might make her talk?

If she recognized them.

I know you're not
gonna like this,

but I'm gonna ask you
to let me bring them here.

Galen, it may be
our only chance.

Bring 'em over.

John, coffee?



Yeah, she's quite a fine woman.

Strange, but it reminds me
somewhat of how Mary died.

She was so alive one moment

and in a coma and
never came out of it.

I wish you had written me.

I should have, but I couldn't.

It was so hard for me to accept.

Perhaps I still haven't.

Forty years with a
woman and then...

almost like
overnight, she's gone.

Still difficult for me.

Mary and the law were my life.

Now... it's just the law.

Sometimes I think
I hear her voice...

or her footsteps.

Or late at night I reach over,
thinking she's beside me.

So, I shouldered as
much work as I can

and it helps... some.

John, here, here.

Sit down, sit down.

Just sit down.

I've had a long trip.

Here, here, let me have that.

It's something to
settle me down.

Well, let me see.

Settle you down?

I never heard anything
so ridiculous in my life.

Oil of foxglove, digitalis?

Well, now that's a stimulant
for your heart, you know that.

It's almost gone,
as you can see.

Will you oblige an old friend?

I certainly can.

What are you gonna do with that?

- Examine you.
- No you're not.

John, I'm not in the
habit of dispensing dr*gs

without knowing the reason why

and that goes for old friends.

There's no need to waste
your time examining me.

I insist on it.

All right.

But I want your word
not to speak of this.

Law is all I have left.

I don't want to be
removed from the bench.

John, you know better than
to say a thing like that to me.

You know that anything I
discover in examining you

is privileged information.

I know Galen, I just
wanted to be sure you did.

Now we're gonna
start all over again.

Tell me all about it,

right from the beginning.

Since Mary's death I
haven't been feeling well.

A few months
ago I... in St. Louis,

I went to a doctor.

He called in a
battery of consultants.



And what was their prognosis?

At best a few months.

That was then.

Now I suppose it's a matter
of weeks or even days.

Can we see her, Doc?

Well, hold on a minute
here, just hold on.

(Emmet) And who might this
gentlemen be in the fine cloth?

That's the man who's
fixin' to hang you.

A judge?

Judge, this marshal's
been pestering us poor folks.

You're lucky it's Matt Dillon.

Some officers I know would
do more than pester you,

considering all the
things you've done.

Ain't none of it
ever been proved.

They're just after us then
like they're after us now.

k*lled all the witnesses,
more nearly the truth.

We never done no such a thing.

Matt, all right now, come in.

Let's go.

(somber instrumental music)

Mrs. Benton, Mrs. Benton...

Marshal's here.

He'd like to ask you a question.

Mrs. Benton?

(dramatic music)

I want you to take a
look at these men here.

Tell me if you
recognize any of them.

Did they do this to you?


No, Matt, no,
that's all, that's all.

See, that proves it, she
didn't recognize none of us,

hide nor hair. (laughs)

Let's go.

(somber instrumental music)

Well I, suppose that means
you're gonna release 'em?

If Mrs. Benton doesn't
live to identify them,

we won't have enough evidence
to hold them for an inquest

much less a trial.

Not very just, is it?

No. But it's the law.

I'd best get back to the jail.

Oh, would you get
that digitalis for me?

Oh yeah, sure.

(somber music)

Here you are, John.

Now if you need
more, just let me know.

Thanks, Galen.

Let's hope this
will be sufficient.

Goodnight, John.

(dramatic music)


- What is it, Burke?
- Take a look, look at this.

Look at that last line.

"Horse stolen from the
Elsworth way station."

That's right and that
horse is right here,

right in Hank's
stables, big as life.

Are you certain?

Of course I am, look a here.

A gray with a flying
seven on the right flank.

Not to mention the
Adam's Express brand.

You know who's
riding that horse?

Sure do. Hank told me
it was Cory Cassinger.

Well Matt, it looks
like you've got yourself

a horse thief already locked up.

Thanks, Burke.

Well, come to cut us loose?

Where'd you get that gray
horse you been riding, Cory?

- Got him in Lincoln.
- How long ago?

I don't know, five,
six weeks maybe.

You got a bill of sale for it?

I lost it.

I'm charging you
with horse theft.

That's a lie!

I paid $50.00 for
that horse, Pa.

You'll have a chance
to prove that in court.

What are they talking about?

Did you steal that horse?

How'd I know I'd get caught?

Ain't I taught you
better than that?

You don't never
steal nobody's horse

unless you k*ll 'em first!

Ain't there nothing
we can do, Pa?

He's such a jackass,
he don't deserve it!

I'll try to get you off light,

I'll talk to the judge personal.

You mean like that
time down to Laredo

when you told the judge
iffin he didn't set me free

you'd see to it that his
woman and his little girl

ended up in a box?


Just like that.

Kinda friendly like.

- Morning.
- Hello, Doc.

- Galen.
- Judge.

Mrs. Benton just died.

Did she say anything, Doc?

Not a word.

Matt, I hate this,
but without any proof,

you'll have to free
the Cassingers.

I understand, Judge.

You know, that's the
hardest part of this job.

Can't stand the thought of
lettin' a man like Cassinger go

when you know he's guilty.

Makes a joke out of the law.

Thanks, Ray.

They won't all walk away.

But Cory.

A few years in prison.

Small payment for
what he did here.

You'll have to turn
that other trash loose.

You know, I've had to do a lot
of things in my life I didn't like,

but this really goes
against my grain.

I know how you feel Matt, but...

if good men can bend the law for
what they believe to be just reasons,

bad men can bend
it for unjust reasons.

Come on.

All right, we'll see you later.

We'll be having our
g*ns back, Dillon.

You get your g*ns
back after the trial,

just before you leave town.

Now, get outta here.

Come on, boys.

You can't run them out, Matt.

Why not?

Well, legally they
haven't done anything.

You can't force them to leave.

Judge, if I let them stay,

they're gonna cause a lot
more trouble, you know that.

Matt, if I have to, I'll issue a
restraining order against you.

Don't make me do that.

If you need me,
I'll be at the hotel.

(foreboding instrumental music)

(dramatic music)

Take a good look around boys.

You see a whole town
that's gonna be powerful sorry

they treated us
Cassingers like dirt.

Pa, why don't we get
us a packet of poison

and throw it in the
town drinking water?

(all laugh)

That's a fine idea.

See 'em all just rollin'
around on the ground,

screamin' and hollerin',
twistin' this way and that,

holding their bellies
and kickin' in the dust.

There he is, Pa.

I got me some talking to do.

See a badge
coming, just whistle.

(ominous instrumental music)

Could I have a little
friendly talk with you?

We have nothing to talk about.

I think different.

Let me tell you something,

if you don't take it easy

with my boy Cory tomorrow,
and I mean real easy,

you're gonna have sore regrets.

Threatening me is
a criminal offense.

Oh no, no, no, I'm
not threatening you.

I'm promising you.

I'll make it a personal chore

to sh**t out your
liver and your lights.


I see you're gettin'
the message.

I'll see you tomorrow.

(ominous music)

(gavel bangs)

Sir, have you reached a verdict?

Yes we have, Your Honor.

We find the defendant guilty
of horse stealin' as charged.

That don't sound good to me, Pa.

Don't worry about it,
they gotta go through this.

I told you, it's all fixed,
Cory's gonna get off light.

(gavel bangs)

Mr. Snood, will you and the
defendant approach the bench?

(Snood) Yes, sir.

Cory Cassinger, you've been
duly represented by attorney,

tried and found
guilty by a jury.

He's probably
fixin' it up right now.

I bet you he don't
get more than a year.

Now before I pass sentence,

I should like to ask
your cooperation.

What is that?

Mr. Snood, if your
client will agree to testify

at the inquest into
the Benton murders,

I will reduce the
severity of this sentence

and grant immunity in
the matter of the Bentons.

- Cory what he means is...
- I know what he means.

He wants me to help hang
my Pa and my brothers

so I don't go to
jail for a long time.

I don't think you
quite understand.

If you do not agree to
cooperate with this court,

I do not intend to
merely sentence you

to a long prison term.

I intend to hang you.

(dramatic music)

With respect, Your Honor,

that is a most harsh
penalty for horse theft.

Nevertheless Mr. Snood,
Kansas law is explicit.

The penalty of hanging
is available in this crime.

You should be aware of that.

Yes, sir, I know, but...

Mr. Cassinger I shall
give you time to think on it.

I don't need no time to wait.

These my family.

Then, what is your answer?

You get on a fast horse and
ride straight to hell, Your Honor.

So be it.

Counsel, you may
leave the bench.

I shall pass sentence.

(gavel bangs)

Cory Cassinger, it is
the decision of this court

that you shall be removed
to the city of Hays, Kansas,

where upon the third
day of August, 1873,

you shall be hanged
by the neck until dead.

(man) Judge boys!

May Lord have
mercy on your soul.

Remember me Kendall, remember!

(dramatic music)

All right, we've
gone far enough.

What we gonna do about Cory, Pa?

Well, I ain't sure yet.

But that boy ain't gonna hang.

They gotta get him out of Dodge

and up to Hays
some way or another.

Could be on a stage,
could be on a train,

could be on a horse
with a heavy guard.

However it is, we'll be
there waiting for 'em.

Pa, if we don't know
what they're gonna do,

how we gonna know
they're taking him?

I'll sneak back
into town tonight.

They won't see just
one of us if we're careful.

Anything pops, I'll
come get you boys.

What about that old judge, Pa?

We get Cory back, Judge
Kendall ain't gonna be nothing

but stinkin' meat.

John, I just want
you to know that

I'm aware of the
fact that that was

a very, very tough decision
you had to make today.

The law can be a
disagreeable thing.

One day the Cassingers
will make a mistake,

a fatal one.

Well, let's hope that not
too many innocent people

have to die before that.

Only God can answer that, Galen.

Let's hope none.

Well, do you have to
leave so soon, John?

I've got some
papers to attend to,

some letters to write.

You haven't touched your brandy.

Later perhaps.

Well, now hold on just
a minute, hold on now.

Take care of yourself.

It's more important you
take care of yourself.

A judge can leave
or retire or pass away

and they'll soon
have another one.

But a doctor...

no one sends out another doctor.

Out here they're
hard to come by.

John, you're taking the
noon stage tomorrow?

Let's have breakfast
in the morning.

In the morning.


I want you to know how
good it's been to see you again.

(slow sad instrumental music)

(dramatic music)


- Good morning, Judge.
- Good morning, Festus.

You're up kinda early, ain't ya?

Oh, I didn't sleep
very well, Festus,

so I thought I might as well
come over and work on my papers.

Can I get you a cup of coffee?

No, thank you.

May I use the desk?

Of course, go ahead on,
I ain’t been doing nothing

but resting my feet
on it all night. (laughs)

Where's Matt and Newly?

Well, they went over to
Delmonico's to eat breakfast.

Why don't you go
over and join 'em?

Oh, I reckon I better stay here

and keep an eyeball
peeled on Cory.

Well, I can do that.

I'll be here anyway. Go ahead.

Well, much obliged
to you, Judge.

Reckon I could stand a little
biscuit and red eye gravy,

little grits and
some eggs and ham.


(Cory) What do you want?


What's them for?

I'm taking you up to Hays.

You're crazy.

I ain't going nowhere.

Put on those handcuffs.

Why don't you go
and jump off a cliff.

(dramatic music)

Now, hold it Judge, hold it.

I'll do it.

Just be careful with
that g*n, it might go off.

I assure it can and will.


We've got a long ride.

You ain't gonna
get away with this.

This ain't legal.

Understand me, you make
one sound as we leave here,

and it'll be your last.

(dramatic music)

You're gonna get yours, Kendall.

- My Pa'll see to that.
- We'll see.

Go on, move!

(ominous music)

Well now, ain't you smart?

(man) Biscuit's pretty good.

Yeah, much obliged
for them vittles, Matthew.

(dramatic music)

Hey, where you...
(dramatic music)

Told you you wouldn't
get away with this, Judge.

(horse whinnies)

My Pa and my brothers
ain't about to see me hang.

One more word outta you
and you won't need a rope.


Let us have Cory and
we won't do you no harm!

I swear it!

I know you got a lick of
sense left in ya, Judge.

You better do as he says.

It's the only chance
you've got, come on.

Well, maybe you're right.

Looks like you've
got me up a tree.


(horse whinnies)

I got him, I got him!


Let's go get Cory and
get that money and ride.

What about doing for Dodge?

We'll come back in
a couple of months

and burn it to the ground.

- (chortles)
- (g*nsh*t)

My boys.

They'll live, Cassinger.

They'll live long enough
to hang, just like you.


It was that judge,
he done it all.

He set us up.

I reckon that's
just what he done.

You're all the same, the law.

I never did understand
why it means so much to ya!

That there's just the
pity of it, Cassinger.

Men like you never do.

(somber instrumental music)


This time you saw
them sh**t me, Matt.

Will you testify?


I'll testify.

It was my duty.

Why, Judge?

Why let 'em k*ll ya?

Ask Galen...


(somber instrumental music)

(upbeat orchestra music)

(announcer) Stay
tuned for exciting scenes

from our next Gunsmoke.

(theme music)