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01x10 - Waiting for Watubi

Posted: 03/30/22 08:00
by bunniefuu
♪ Just sit right back ♪

♪ and you'll hear a tale ♪

♪ a tale of a fateful trip ♪

♪ that started
from this tropic port ♪

♪ aboard this tiny ship ♪

♪ the mate was
a mighty sailin' man ♪

♪ the skipper
brave and sure ♪

♪ passengers
set sail that day ♪

♪ for a -hour tour ♪

♪ a -hour tour ♪


♪ The weather
started getting rough ♪

♪ the tiny ship was tossed ♪

♪ if not for the courage
of the fearless crew ♪

♪ the minnow
would be lost ♪

♪ the minnow
would be lost ♪

♪ the ship set ground
on the shore ♪

♪ of this uncharted
desert isle ♪

♪ with gilligan ♪

♪ the skipper, too ♪

♪ the millionaire ♪

♪ and his wife ♪

♪ a movie star ♪

♪ and the rest ♪

♪ are here
on gilligan's isle ♪

give me a hand
here, will you?

Yeah, sure, professor.

This is
a wonderful way

to protect our
food supply.

It'll be cool
down there.

Yeah, gilligan

a steamer trunk
from the howells.

Figures he'll put
all the food in it

and drop the whole thing
in the pit.

Ah, it's
a wonderful idea.

You two men deserve
a lot of credit.

Oh, I can't take any bows
this time, professor.

These are all
gilligan's decisions.

All except one.

What was that?

He decided I could
do the digging.

Okay, gilligan,
I'll relieve you.

Come on.


Oh, my back! My back!

Well, what's
the matter, can't
you straighten up?

No, I'm stuck.
I'm stuck.

Gilligan, you've
just got a cramp.
I'll fix that.


Don't worry, professor,
I've done this before.

[Loud crack]

Gosh, little buddy,
did I hurt you?

No, skipper.
I had some seashells
in my back pockets.

Oh, I'll dig awhile.

Professor, get
gilligan to help you.

Yeah. Get me
one of those,
uh, bamboo rods,

will you,

No, no, no.
A short one.
A short one.


Like that.



Look what
i just dug up.

Professor: Why,
it's one of those
ancient tiki gods.

It's kona.

The god of evil.

This must be
his ancient burial place.

Whoever disturbs his rest
is cursed forever.

Thanks for taking over
the digging, skipper.

Now, look, you
don't believe

these native
do you?

He sure does,

He's always telling me
terrible stories about
these islands,

sacred gods
and curses.

Surely you don't
believe in that
nonsense, gilligan.

Surely I don't,
but I do.

Professor, you'd
believe it, too

if you'd seen some
of the strange things
I've seen.

Well, if you're
both afraid,

I'll take over
the digging.

You're welcome to it.


Superstitions, eh?
It's the curse of kona,

and it's just
the beginning.

little earthquakes

are not
uncommon on these
volcanic islands.

The underground
gases exert pressure

on the substrata

causing shifts
in the geological

Skipper, I agree.

Gilligan, how could you agree?
Did you understand what he said?

No, but it's
the way he says it.

we've got to ward off
these evil spirits.

I've got some charms
in the hut that may--

now, look,
skipper, this is the
twentieth century,

and there is
absolutely no
scientific evidence

to support any of
this superstitious

Now, let's
forget all about
the curse of kona

and get back
to digging that pit
for our food.

Well, but i--

alright, alright,
I'll do the digging.

You and gilligan
go get some more
logs for supports.

Come on, skipper.
Maybe he's right, huh?

Okay, but--


are you alright?

It's another warning
from kona.

That's not a warning,
skipper, it's an accident,

the kind of accident
that occurs

with predictable
regularity and
statistical frequency.


It's the way
he says it.

Let's go get
some logs.

Boy, you sure
got a mouth full
of big words.

Well, I sure hope this
makes you feel better.

Gilligan, I'll
feel a lot better

when kona's
in his original
burial place.

Isn't that
deep enough yet?

No, I'm gonna
make it just
a little deeper.

I don't want to take
any chances.

Seems like
an awful lot of trouble
for a little statue.

It's a lot
of trouble, but
it's worth it.

Did you hear
that, lovey?

That statue
must be worth
a fortune.

That's probably why
they're burying it.

There's only
one thing to do.

Tell the professor?

No. Take it

Rest quietly, kona.

Ahh. There.

That's a load
off my mind.

We'll put the food locker
right on top.

Exactly, gilligan.

Let's get going before
the professor gets back.

Yes. He'll
never understand.

please hurry.

Good heavens, lovey,
how do you work
one of these?

to worry about now.

It's--it's hidden.

Yes, but, thurston,
what happens

when gilligan
and the skipper
find it missing?

Simple. We just accuse
the professor.

Oh, thurston.
Just joking, my dear.

I wonder if
they're home?

Anybody there?

Anybody there?

I just said that,

Well, they should
be back soon.

It's getting dark.
Maybe we should wait.

Why should we wait?

All we did
was come over to get
the steamer trunk,

and they said we
could pick that up

Ha ha ha.

There it is,

Let's get it
out of here.

Well, I guess the howells
haven't unpacked it yet.

Well, let's empty it out.

Oh, look,
it's locked.

Well, there's gotta
be a key around here

Let's start
looking for it.


I don't believe it.

Uhh. I do believe it.

What is it, skipper?

look in there.

How'd it get
back here?

I knew it.
I knew it.

It's the curse of kona.

Maybe you're right.

Oh, of course I'm right.
It's following me.

Gilligan, you've
got to bury it.

Why me?

Well, I'm the one
that has the curse
of kona upon him.

Maybe if you bury it,
it'll go away.

Do I have to?

Please, gilligan,
little buddy.

Okay, skipper.

What's the matter?

I don't like
the way he looks at me
with those big eyes.




Stop it, will you?
I'm not afraid of you.

I don't believe
in your curse.

Look, I didn't dig you up

and I'm putting you
back where you belong.

Stop staring at me,
will you?

I got a good mind
to throw you in the ocean.


But I won't, I won't.

I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid.

I'm afraid!

I'm afraid--afraid!

Did you do it?
Yeah, yeah.

Well, did you bury him
in the right place?

Well, kind of.
What do you mean, "kind of"?

Well, it's close enough.
Well, next to the pit?

Well, it's
sort of kind of
next to the pit.

did you bury kona,
or did you not?

Well, he's better
than buried. He's lost.

Lost? You mean
you didn't bury him?

Gilligan, how could you
let me down like this?

I'm sorry, skipper,
but I was scared.

Well, where is he?
He's out there somewhere.

I just threw him and ran.
Just threw him and ran?

you've got to show me
where you threw him.

Come on, gilligan.
Show me!

We'd better take this.

Oh, never mind that,

Which way did you say,
gilligan? Ooh!

Sorry, skipper.
I'm sorry.

I was just tying
my shoelace.

My shoe was untied,
skipper, so--


Alright, gilligan.

I know your shoe
was untied.

Now, which way
did you say?

The left, skipper. Here. I'll
lead. I'll show you.

No. I shall lead.

You've done enough
for today.

Thank you, gilligan.


Help! Gilligan!

Skipper, what are you
doin' in there?

Stay back, gilligan!
It's quicksand!

Here. Can you reach me?

Ugh! Argh! No,
i can't reach you!

Gilligan, you know
what's happening?

Yeah. You're sinking.

It's the will of kona.
I'm doomed!

I'll go find the statue
and bury it. You'll be okay.

come back here!

By the time you bury it, I'll
be buried!

Do something.
Don't just stand there!

I'll get some vines.
Stay where you are.

Yeah. Just--gilligan!

Save me! Hurry up!

Stay right where
you are, skipper.

Don't panic.

I'm almost under. Help me!

I'll get you out,

Hold your breath,

I'll be right there,

Don't worry, skipper.
I'm comin'!

Wait a minute, skipper.
Here I come, skipper.

Here I come.

Thank goodness you
finally touched bottom!
I'll get you out!

Can you hold your breath
a little longer?

Okay, gilligan.

These vines
got all tangled.

I'm alright,

I'll get you out
in a second.


Look, not now. I'm busy.

I gotta get the skipper
out of the quicksand.

look, I told you

I'm busy. My friend
is down--


Oh. Hi, skipper.
You got out, huh?

It won't make any difference.

Kona's gonna get me
sooner or later.

And we looked for kona
all day and all night
and couldn't find him.

Skipper sure is depressed.

Yeah. I wish
we could find a way
to cheer him up.

I know. Let's give him
a surprise birthday party.

Hey, that's a great idea.
When's his birthday?

Last month.
Last month?

Yeah. It'll be
a big surprise.

You know, you may have
something, gilligan.

Look at this.

Ginger, look
what I found.

What is it?

Ooh, it's some kind
of native carving.

Let's show it
to the skipper.

I'll bet he'll know
what it is.

Wait a minute.

This'll be our present.

What a great idea.
Boy, will he be surprised.

♪ For he's
a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ for he's
a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ for he's
a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ which nobody can deny ♪


Feel better, skipper?

Thanks to all of you,
i feel just fine.

I salute every one
of you.

Did you like the cake?
Oh, it was wonderful.

Well, it must have been.
He ate half of it.

Alright, skipper.
Time to open your presents.

That's from me.

Gee, professor.

Oh...Thanks a lot.
I can't thank you enough.

Oh, something
I've always wanted:

"The history
of tree surgery."

One of my favorites.

Well, I'll let everybody
read it after I'm
through with it.

But don't
tell us the ending.
I love suspense.

This one's from me.
I hope you like it.

Oh, gilligan.

You shouldn't have.

Ha ha!

You shouldn't have,

That's your favorite
pocket knife.

You've been
carrying it for years.

How come you're
giving it to me?

It's broken.

Here you are, skipper. A little
gift for your birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. howell.

Looks like a gold earring.
Lovey: It is.

I think every sea captain
should look like a pirate.

Be sure and wear it
with basic black.

Why, certainly, Mr. howell.

Gee, I think this
is the nicest birthday party
i ever had.

You forgot
our present, skipper.

You'll love it.

Thanks, girls.
Thanks, gilligan.

I just want to say
thanks very much.

I know I was kind of feeling
very sorry for myself
and pretty low

but, well, it was silly
of me to take that stuff
so seriously, and i--

well, thanks to all of you,
i--i think everything's
gonna be just fine.


Kona! Kona!

Aah! Kona!


Here you are.

I've been looking
all over for you.

Why don't you
just ask kona?

He knows where I am
all the time.

Oh, stop it. You should
be ashamed of yourself.

You can't quit now.

I'm not quitting now,
i quit hours ago.

Oh, the way you talk.

It's the way I feel.

You know what I think?

I think that
you're forgetting

about the people
on this island
who really love you.

If I could just forget
about that one little guy
on this island that hates me.

Thanks for helping me
bury the statue,

There. I guess
that's deep enough.

A little bit deeper,

I want him
down there so deep
he'll get the bends.

that statue can't possibly
get out of this pit.

I don't know, professor.

Every time I throw him
away, he comes back.

I think
the little devil's
got boomerang blood.

Gilligan, put it
in the pit.

A little bit deeper,


Oh, why, you're
the kind of man

that any young,
attractive girl

would love
to spend the rest
of her life with.

Why, you're--you're
lots of things, skipper.

Yes, and I'm doomed,
I'm scared, and I'm through.

Let's cover up that statue
so no one will ever find it.



Aah! Aah! Oh!

Skipper, look out
for that...




My head.



Well, his pulse
seems to be normal.

It's no use, professor.

There's nothing
you can do for me.

I'm a doomed man.

Skipper, you just hit
your head on a tree.

You'll be alright.

Oh, gilligan,
i keep telling you
it's the will of kona.

You just won't believe me.
Oh! My head!

Isn't there anything
we can do?

He'll just have
a bad headache,
that's all.

My grandmother
always used to say,

"starve a cold
and feed a fever."

Gilligan, he's got
a bump on the head.

He doesn't have a cold,
and he doesn't
have a fever.

I know,
but if he gets them,
we'll be ready.

Let's let him
rest a while.

You watch him,

Come on,
Mary Ann.

Mind if we come in?

We've been out in
the waiting room
for quite a while.

Alright, but
don't stay too long.

Well, old fella,
you look pretty chipper

for someone who's
cracked his little head
wide open.

Oh! Ah!

Thurston, you'll
frighten him.

You shouldn't
talk like that

to someone
who's so
desperately ill.

Come on, folks.
Let the skipper

Well, alright.
But he'll never recover
if you Molly-coddle him.

Mr. howell, have you
seen the bruise on
the skipper's head?

Have you seen the bruise
on that tree? It's horrifying.

You ought to notify
smokey the bear.

Come along.

Don't worry, skipper.
You'll be alright.

It's useless. It's useless.

The only one
who can save me
is watubi.

Only watubi!

Watubi? Who's he?
The ancient witch doctor.

He's the only one
who can lift the curse
of kona off me.

Watubi! Watubi!

watubi is just more
native superstition.

doesn't exist.

Watubi! Watubi!

Is he alright?

It's his mental
attitude, gilligan.
He's giving up.

He hasn't got
the will to go on.

Just because
he's so superstitious?

I'm afraid so.

It's plain fear, gilligan,
just plain fear.

Why, if he doesn't
snap out of it,

he can talk himself
into anything.





You want something,

No, but I want to
do something for you.

Get me my sea chest.

Yeah, skipper?

It's on my fingers.

Gilligan, I don't know
how much longer
i can hang on

but I want you
to have some of my
valuable possessions.

Aw, come on, skipper.
Don't be silly.

You're gonna
need all your things.

You'll be up and around
by tomorrow.

Gilligan, no, I won't.
The watubi didn't come.

Skipper, you've been
through worse than this.

Gilligan, the watubi
didn't come.

Now, please don't argue.
I'm too weak.

Do you know what this is?
Yeah, your hat.

It means more than that.
It means leadership,

and after I'm gone,
you'll be skipper.

Oh, no.
Put it on.

Oh, no, skipper, you're
still the skipper.

Put it on.

But there's only
one skipper, skipper.

I can never be skipper.

You're right.
Take it off.

We do need you.

Gilligan, you've
got to be brave,
face the facts.

I want you to open
my sea chest.

Some of my most valuable
possessions are in there.

Boy, look
at all that junk.

Sorry, skipper.


My life is
in that chest.

That stuff is priceless.

A bottle cap?

Singapore, .

From the first bottle
of beer I ever opened
with my teeth.

What did you
want to do that for?

Well, I didn't want to,

but some guy hit me
in the mouth with a bottle.

You can have that, too.

Well, if you want me
to have it.

Hey, I'll bet
this has got a lot
of memories, huh?

[Loud rattling]

I'm sorry, skipper.
I forgot. Your head.

What difference
does it make?
Take it anyway.

Skipper, what does this
remind you of?

Nothing. It must have
just crawled in there.

There's just one more thing:

I want you
to have this ring.

Oh, no. I couldn't
take that.

Please take it.
No, I can't.

Don't argue.
Help me get it off.

Skipper, I really don't
think I should take
that ring, skipper.

Take it!

Okay, but i
don't want to.

It's been in the family
for over years.

It won't budge.
Well, keep at it.

It's most important
that you have it.

You sure you want me
to have it?

Yes, gilligan!

Could you move over
a little bit?

Never mind. Maybe
we better forget it.

Oh, no, skipper,
I'll get it.

Never mind, gilligan.

No, no, skipper.
I'll get it.

Gilligan, never mind!

what are you doing?

Oh, I, uh..

Skipper wanted to
give me his ring.

Skipper, is your
head alright?

I don't know,
but my finger's k*lling me!

You'd better
get some sleep.

Gilligan, you
come on outside.

Now, gilligan, what
was that all about?

He thinks he's done for.

He wanted to give me
all his possessions.

Oh, I was afraid of that.
That means he's sinking lower.

Yeah. He seemed
real disappointed
that watubi didn't come.

Ah, the skipper
and his silly

Well, silly or not,
i wish watubi would come,
whoever he is.


I think I know
who watubi is.

Who? Who?




Fire! Fire!



Watubi. Watubi.


Watubi, I didn't think
you were gonna make it.

Neither did i--

I mean, watubi here
to lift curse of kona!


You will?

Magic powder, please.

Obee doobee ahh-lah!


Thank you!

I forgot the chant.
Oh, gee, so did I.

Do you remember it?
You were supposed to.

I'm sorry.
I only had an hour
to learn my lines.

Watubi, what is it?
What's the matter?

We forgot our lines.

Nothing, my son.

♪ whoa ho ♪

♪ ho ho aye ♪

♪ whoa aye ♪

[whap whap]
Oh! Oh!

[Whap whap]
Oh! Oh!

♪ Way aye oh oh ♪


The curse is lifted!
You are well again!

I am? I don't
feel any better.

More magic powder.

♪ Ooh laga lah pooh ♪


♪ Ah ooh ah-lah phoo ♪

♪ yee ah ah-ah ♪

♪ yee-ahh ♪

♪ ho ho hey ♪

♪ hey oh uhh ♪

Ole! Ole!

Curse is lifted.
Get out of bed.

I--i can't. I can't!

Listen to me.
I am great wa-tun-bi.


Watubi. Get out of bed!
You are cured! Arise!

I command it!



Aah! Aah!

[Rumbling stops]

How did you
do that?

I don't know. I guess
somebody up there likes me.

Watubi, I was wrong!

Your powers are greater
than kona!

Arise! I command it!


[Rumbling stops]

You will walk now,

or watubi will
make earth tremble again!

Oh, gilligan,
don't press your luck.

I am the great watubi!

Walk! Walk! Walk!

I'm doing it.
It's working!

watubi never fails.

I'm cured!

Professor, everyone!

I'm cured!

Everyone, I'm cured!
I'm cured!

Look, I can walk again.
I can walk. Ha ha ha!

I did it! I did it!
Oh, look, how happy.

skipper, look out
for that--


Feeling any better,

Oh, this awful heat.
I wish we could do something.

I guess
I'm still weak.

I think I'll go in
and lie down awhile.

Here. Let me
help you, skipper.



Yes, you'd better
get some rest, skipper.

Thanks, professor.

you were wonderful.

If he's
so wonderful,

why doesn't he
do something
about this heat?

Maybe I will.

Oh, don't get
carried away, gilligan.

Those earthquakes
were just a coincidence.

Coincidence? What do you mean?
I've got the power.

Alright, watubi.

Let's have a nice,
cool breeze.

Okay, a nice, cool breeze.

I am the great gilligan!

Stop that,

Okay, one nice,
cool breeze.

I am the great gilligan!
I command it!

I don't feel
any breeze.

Neither do I.

The kid is a faker.
Blood will tell.

Ah! Aah!

I guess I overdid it...

A little.

♪ Now this is the tale
of our castaways ♪

♪ they're here
for a long, long time ♪

♪ they'll have to make
the best of things ♪

♪ it's an uphill climb ♪

♪ the first mate
and his skipper, too ♪

♪ will do their very best ♪

♪ to make the others
comfortable ♪

♪ in their tropic
island nest ♪

♪ no phones, no lights
no motorcars ♪

♪ not a single luxury ♪

♪ like Robinson crusoe ♪

♪ it's primitive as can be ♪

♪ so join us here
each week, my friends ♪

♪ you're sure
to get a smile ♪

♪ for stranded
castaways ♪

♪ here on
gilligan's isle ♪