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01x01 - Two on a Raft

Posted: 03/30/22 07:52
by bunniefuu
♪ Just sit right back ♪

♪ and you'll hear a tale ♪

♪ a tale of a fateful trip ♪

♪ that started
from this tropic port ♪

♪ aboard this tiny ship ♪

♪ the mate was
a mighty sailin' man ♪

♪ the skipper
brave and sure ♪

♪ passengers
set sail that day ♪

♪ for a -hour tour ♪

♪ a -hour tour ♪


♪ The weather
started getting rough ♪

♪ the tiny ship
was tossed ♪

♪ if not for the courage
of the fearless crew ♪

♪ the minnow
would be lost ♪

♪ the minnow
would be lost ♪

♪ the ship set ground
on the shore ♪

♪ of this uncharted
desert isle ♪

♪ with gilligan ♪

♪ the skipper, too ♪

♪ the millionaire ♪

♪ and his wife ♪

♪ the movie star ♪

♪ and the rest ♪

♪ are here
on gilligan's isle ♪

hey, gilligan!


Oh, my gosh.

Man overboard.

I'll save you, skipper!


Gilligan, the minnow's
been beached.


When the storm was over
and it was calm,

you said we'd be home
in no time.

It may take longer.

But when the passengers
wake up and want to get off
at the Marina,

what are you
gonna tell them?

I'll think of something.

How are we gonna get home?

Look at those holes.

You know, skipper.
I'm very happy to be here.

I'm so happy,
i could kiss the ground.


This island tastes terrible.

News reporter:
And there still is no word

on the fate of
the passengers and crew

who were aboard
the small sightseeing boat,
the s.S. Minnow

when she sailed last Tuesday
from Honolulu harbor

for a -hour island cruise.

The crew consisted
of a young first mate
named gilligan,

his skipper, Jonas grumby,
is an old salt in these waters.

The passenger list included
one of the world's
wealthiest men,

thurston howell III

and his socially prominent
wife, the international
hostess, lovey howell.

Also aboard the missing boat
were miss Mary Ann summers
of winfield, Kansas,

and miss ginger Grant
of Hollywood.

Mary Ann summers,
an attractive young brunette,

is employed at the winfield
general store.

Glamorous ginger Grant,
according to friends,

boarded the boat
after a nightclub
singing engagement

still wearing the evening dress
from her last performance.

The final member of the missing
group was professor Roy Hinkley,

research scientist
and well-known scoutmaster.

Hope for their survival
grows dim.

And now the latest
from wall street.

Today the dow Jones
industrial average--

don't shut that off.

That's the best part.

I mean, really.

Skipper, hey, skipper!

I finished it.
I finished it.

Oh, that's great.
I knew you could
do it, gilligan.

I'm real proud
of my little buddy.

Wait a minute.
You call that finished?

Not the raft,

the sign.

It's a beauty,
isn't it?

Yes, gilligan,
but we can't sail a sign.

Now start lashing
those poles together
with that vine.

Aye, aye, sir.


Skipper, you and gilligan
have got to give up
this crazy scheme.

there is nothing crazy

about trying to reach
civilization in order
to bring back help.

On the type of raft
you're building, it's
scientifically impossible.

You haven't
got a chance.

We haven't?

Absolutely not.

Skipper: Gilligan.

Without the proper

you can't possibly survive
the wind, the waves,
the coral reefs,

not to mention
the sharks.

Skipper: Gilligan.

The entire venture
is suicidal.

Skipper, maybe
the professor's

Maybe he's got
something there.

I mean,
it's a nice
little island.

Why don't we
stick around for
a little while?

Start tying.

It's the most wonderful thing
i ever heard of, ginger.

Gilligan and the skipper
risking everything,

braving those stormy seas
and fighting off the attack
of savages.

Reminds me of a trip
i once took to Catalina

on a movie
producer's yacht.

Hi, girls. How you coming
along with the sail?

Oh, it's almost

Hey, those look like
my socks in there.

They are.


Thanks for
the contribution.

It's just what we needed
to finish the sail.

Well, that does it.

Okay, I'll take it
down to the raft.

Wait. Don't you want
to read the sail?

Read the sail?

It's ginger's idea.

Look what she wrote
on the front.



Oh, yeah. I read it
upside down.

On the other side
we wanted to write
"please hurry,"

but we ran
out of socks.

Before you put
that shellac on,

make sure that mast
is secure.

Oh, the mast
is strong enough
to hold the sail.

Gilligan, it might
have to hold us

if we run into
a storm out there.

Oh, never mind.
I'll check it myself.

Not bad.
Not bad at all.

you're doing a good job.

What are you
doing with that?

Oh, the professor
made the shellac

out of coconut
sap and sugar.
You want some?

No. Now finish up
that job.

And stop eating
that shellac.

Watch the rope, skipper.

Thanks a lot, gilligan.



This would be great
frozen. A shellac-cicle.

Where is the putty
the professor made?

Oh, the putty
is delicious, skipper.

He made it out
of crushed mangoes
and Berry seeds. Mmm.

Gilligan, can I make you
understand this?

We are not going
out there for a joyride.

It might get pretty
rough out there.

Professor: Skipper.

What is it, professor?

Skipper, look at these.
I found them in one
of the caves.

Uh-oh. Gilligan,
do you know
what these are?

No, but if they taste
as good as the putty,

I'll have them
for dessert.

Looks like a native
arrowhead to me.

Look at this
ceremonial mask.

It looks very much like
the work of the savage
marubi tribe.

Oh, professor,
we have been all
over this island.

There are no natives on it.

What is it
you're driving at?

First, the marubi
still exist as a tribe.

Second, they may
very well be on one
of the nearby islands.

Third, you and your raft
might land on one
of those islands.

Fourth, maybe
we shouldn't go.

it is our duty.

When this raft is ready,
we are going to shove off.

Aye, aye, sir.

Professor, those
savage marubis,
what do they do?

They're collectors,

Oh, that doesn't
sound too bad.

What do they



Oh, skipper, here's
a list of things
i want you to do

the moment that
your raft docks.

I'll get to them
just as soon as
i can, Mr. howell.

Yes, I think
you'll find the list

These are the names
of the stocks, you see.

The letter "s" opposite
means sell.

"B" means buy, "m" means
merge, and "h" means...

I wonder what "h" means.

"H" is for
howell, dear.

It's your
note paper.

Yes, yes, of course.
"H," that's me.

You, too.

You folks don't understand.

We'll be kept busy
when we land just
arranging a rescue party.

Oh, captain,
speaking of parties,

would you please
get in touch with
Mrs. Van Hampton?

You see, Mr. howell
and I promised
to attend her party,

and we weren't
able to,

what with
getting shipwrecked
and everything.

Well, I'm sorry, folks,

but I can't worry
about the stock market
and parties.

We've got a lot
of things to do first.

Lovey, there's only one way
to protect our interests.

I will have to go
along on the raft.

bring my luggage.

Yes, sir.

Never mind, gilligan.

Just keep loading
the supplies on board.

Yes, sir.

Mr. howell, you don't
know what it's like
out there on the ocean.

You may be bitten
by a shark.

A shark
bite a howell?

He wouldn't dare.

Well, besides,
we haven't got room
enough for your luggage.

Oh, well, that's different.

If I can't go first class,
i won't go at all.
Come along, lovey.

Even tourist is crowded.

Well, folks, looks like
gilligan and I are ready
to shove off.

Wait a minute. Wait.
These are for you.

They'll bring
you luck.

Well, how very nice, ladies.

Just wonderful.

Just about all I can
say is aloha nui oe.

That's Hawaiian for
"till we meet again."

I learned
a little Hawaiian

when I was singing
in a club in waikiki.

Wahine wiki
hooki looki nu,

and every word of it
comes from the bottom
of my heart.

Gee, that's
real nice, ginger.
What does it mean?

"This bar is off limits
to all military personnel."

Skipper: Come on, gilligan,
it looks like we're ready
to shove off.

Hoist the anchor.

Let go of the stern line.

Bon voyage.

Good-bye, folks.

Row, gilligan, row.

Good-bye. Aloha.





Did you pull in
the anchor?

That would make us go
a lot faster.

Well, go get it.

Well, bye.

Call my agent.

Be careful.




Ginger: Bye, gilligan.


Mr. howell: Bye-bye.

Thurston, I do believe
gilligan's gone underwater.



Good. He's up again.

Take care.

I'm flipping my lid,
i tell you.

Everywhere I look,
it's water,
water, water!

You stop that,

That's an order.

Well, I'm sick
of orders, and I'm
sick of the sun

and the wind
and the spray
and the salt.

What are you
talking about?

We've only been gone

Gee, is that all?

Now sit down there
and start paddling!

Dig in!

How do you think
they're doing, professor?

Oh, it's hard to tell,

but at least
they've had calm seas
for the past days.

Oh, I hope
they'll get through.

They've got a good raft,
and the skipper's
a fine sailor,

and, well, gilligan is...

Oh, I hope
they'll get through.

No sign of land,
no sign of ships,

no wind, nothing.

Hey, skipper,
let's have breakfast.

We had breakfast.

Let's have lunch.

We had lunch.

Let's have dinner.

We had dinner, too.

By the way, where are
those tropical leis
the girls made for us?

I had a snack.

Gilligan, will you stop
talking about food?

Okay, skipper.

I wish I had
something to drink,

like a hamburger
or French fries.

Hey, I wished for
something to drink,

and there's a bottle.
Maybe it's soda.

Maybe it's
a bottle of beer.

There's something in it.

Yeah, a note.

What is it?

"Help. We are marooned
on a desert island."

They spelled
maroon wrong.

Let me see that.

Gilligan, this is the note
that you wrote.

Oh, yeah. I don't know
how to spell maroon.

Give me that bottle.

We've got company.

I sure hope they had
meals today.

Where's that
shark repellent?

Didn't the professor say
he was gonna make some?

Yeah. It was delicious.

Gilligan, get over there
and start paddling!


Keep paddling.

Oh, skipper, look.


Don't just stand there,
keep paddling!




I thought we'd never
get away from those sharks.

Thank goodness
bamboo is filling.

We haven't got
much raft left,

but we'll get
where we're going.

We've got a good
current behind us.

Yup, skipper.

From here on,
it looks like
smooth sailing.


Skipper, do you think
we should abandon ship?

It's too late.

It's already abandoned us.

You alright,

Oh, I'm fine, skipper.

What's that?

Oh, I saved the raft.

Good work, gilligan.

I wonder where we are.

I don't know.

We must have traveled
hundreds of miles.

First thing we gotta do
is build a fire.

Oh, yeah, right, skipper,

and I got the matches
right here.

Alright, gilligan.
I'm all set here.

Bring the fire,
and don't let it go out.

Aye, aye, skipper.

Whoo, ooh,
take it, take it.

Take it, take it.

Don't give it to--ooh!

The fire.

What did you do that for?

It was hot.

Of course it was hot.

This is certainly
better than that
open beach out there.

Well, don't
just stand there.

Bring some wood
for the fire.

Professor, ginger,

oh, look.

There's smoke
on the other side
of the island.

Girls, I'm afraid we may
be in for some trouble.

There's a chance
the marubi may have
returned to this island.

Those headhunters?

Oh, golly, professor.
What'll we do?

The first thing
we ought to do
is hide our heads.

I want you girls
to gather up some
of these conch shells

and meet me
at the clearing.

at the clearing.
I'm gonna warn
the howells about this.

Skipper: Gilligan, look.

Hey, that's pretty
good, skipper.

How did you make
all the footprints?

Those aren't mine.

Well, they sure aren't mine.
I don't have that many feet.

There are other people
on this island.

Oh, great.
Let's go find them.

No, wait.

Remember what
the professor said about
the marubi headhunters?


Suppose they live
on this island.


Oh, dash it all, lovey.

I've -putted again.

Well, I think you're
doing very well, dear,

considering you're using
a clam shell on a bamboo
stick for a putter.

Not to mention
an avocado pit for a ball.

Here, I'll try it again.

Mr. howell.

Quiet, please!

But, Mr. howell--

shh, professor,
Mr. howell
is putting.

I know, but I've got
important news.

Not while I'm putting.

Mr. howell, I believe
the marubi may be here.

I don't care who's here.
They are not playing through.

i believe
the marubi

are those nasty

the professor
told us about.

I think it's advisable
we prepare a defense.

Well, as I always
say, a good defense
is a strong offense.

Wipe the buzzards out
before they can attack us.

Yes, but how?

Simple. First we
blow up their bridge.

Mr. howell,
i don't even know
if they have a bridge.

Those crafty devils.
They've outsmarted us

Alright, stand back.
Quiet, please.

Professor, professor,
we've got the conch shells.

Oh, good, good. Now,
these shells will be
our warning system.

If you run into danger,
you just blow into them
like this.

what's that?

Now let's all try it,
just to make sure.


must be the wail
of the marubis.

Oh, no.

Oh, yes. We'd better
camouflage ourselves.


Stop that, gilligan.
This is
no laughing matter.

Now this is the cave
where I found the marubi

Might be safe in there.

My, it looks dark
in here.

It is. Pitch dark.

It'll make a wonderful
hiding place,

and with those rocks,

I think I can rig
a pretty interesting trap
for our marubi friends.

Hold still,

I sure hope
this island doesn't
have any termites.

At least we'll be
safe like this,

so we can scout around
and see what's what.

Skipper, I think
you made my roots
too long.

Never mind. Just take
short steps like this.

How do I look?

Like a fat bush.

Gilligan, when i
want your opinion,
I'll ask for it.

You just
asked for it.

Oh, shut up!


Remember, now.
If there's any danger,

just stand still,
and you're a tree.

[Bird squawks]

come back here!

Here's some more.

Good. Start spreading
these around,

but be careful.
It's all set.

Now, the vine
is the trigger.

It goes over here,
around the tree stump,

up here,

over to here,

and is attached
to these small rocks.

And if anyone tries
to get into the cave--

the minute
they touch that vine,
it creates a tension,

out come these rocks,
and the whole thing comes
tumbling down on them.

It's a wonderful
trap, professor.

Be careful, now.

It's all set to go.


Over here, skipper.

Watch the rock, skipper.

Thanks a lot,

Are you alright?

I'm fine, just fine.

I gotta rest
a second.

Will you stop
going so fast?

Okay, skipper.

From now on,
we'll stick
closer together.

Did you see




I'm being att*cked.


Yeah, by a woodpecker.




Are you gonna keep
pecking my head?



That tree
over there moved.

The tree ran away,

and there goes
a fat bush.

It is the marubi.

They often
disguise themselves.

We'd better
warn the others.

skipper, they're gonna
attack any minute.

I'm getting
out of this tree.

Now is no time
to panic, gilligan.

It's as good
a time as any.

would you watch
where you're going?

What did you stop
for, skipper?

Look, gilligan, a cave.

We can hide in the cave.

Well, what are you
waiting for?

The skipper always
leads his crew.

get in the cave.

Wait, wait,
i got a great idea.

Why don't we fix a trap
with these rocks?

Fix 'em so they fall
down on the marubi,

and we can use a vine
just like this one, see.

Good idea?

What a ridiculous scheme.

Do you really think
that you can take a vine,

run it along
the ground here,

over this tree stump,

up alongside the cave,

and tie it
into these rocks

so that all these
rocks fall down?

It is a trap.

It must have been set
by the marubi.

Gilligan, now I know
we'll be safe in that cave.

When the marubi come back,
see that their trap
isn't sprung,

they'll go away.

[Leaves rustling]

Watch the vine.

Skipper: What
are you stopping for?


never mind.
I'll go ahead.

[Thump] Oops.

There's a low
rock there.

Thanks a lot,

Cut that out.

Yes, sir.

Quit it--ooh!

Another one.

Here we go.

Be careful
of this vine.

This is the trap
i told you about.

Careful. Right
into the cave.

You'll be perfectly
safe in there.

Good heavens.


I beg your pardon!

Hey, don't go
in there, mister.

There's marubi in there.


Professor, what are you
doing on this island?

I've always been
on this island.

Oh, then that must be
us in there.

I better go tell 'em.

Be careful
of that vine.
That's a trap.

I know.


They threw me out.

Well, I'll tell them.
You stay here.

Be careful of the vine.
It's a trap.

I know.


All clear, gilligan!

Oh, boy. It's great
to be home again.

Let me give you
a hand.

Oh, that gilligan.

It's all his fault.

I warned him
about that vine.

Watch yourself
now, Mary Ann.

Don't scrape
your back.

Careful, careful.

Are you alright?

I think so.


Watch your ankle.

Are you hurt,

No, I'm alright.


But look at my dress.
It's the only dress I have.

It's ruined.

Oh, that gilligan.

Mrs. howell.

Thank you, captain.

Are you well?

Not very.


Watch yourself.

Tremendous. I thought
that we had been--


Mr. howell.

Reminds me
of the back .

Careful with him.

Watch your step.

That's it.

Where's gilligan?

I'm gonna count to .

If you don't come out,
I'm gonna come in
and get you.








Skipper gone.
Gilligan one smart marubi.

♪ Now this is the tale
of our castaways ♪

♪ they're here
for a long, long time ♪

♪ they'll have to make
the best of things ♪

♪ it's an uphill climb ♪

♪ the first mate
and his skipper, too ♪

♪ will do their very best ♪

♪ to make the others
comfortable ♪

♪ in their tropic
island nest ♪

♪ no phones, no lights ♪

♪ no motorcars ♪

♪ not a single luxury ♪

♪ like Robinson crusoe ♪

♪ it's primitive as can be ♪

♪ so join us here
each week, my friends ♪

♪ you're sure
to get a smile ♪

♪ for stranded
castaways ♪

♪ here on
gilligan's isle ♪