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01x06 - The Party

Posted: 03/29/22 09:59
by bunniefuu
Like, right here?

Mmm, no. Move, move.

[IKE] Everything you always
wanted to know about the party

but were afraid to ask.

Question: Ike, you never write.
Why are you writing to me?

Answer: To save the date.

Question: What date?

Answer: Saturday, July 6, 1991.


Question: What am I saving it for?

- Answer: A summer party.

Question: What should I wear?

Answer: The party is safari themed,

so dress like the wild
exotic animal that you are.

Question: But how will I get there?

Answer: Meet on the southwest
corner of 40th and 8th Avenue.

Don't worry about the ride home.

You'll be dropped off at the
very same spot at 10:00 p.m.,

tanned, tired and tipsy.

- This is the bus to Ike's party?
- It sure is.

Okay, yeah. [CHUCKLES]

[IKE] Question: What are
we gonna do at the party?

Answer: What aren't we going to do?

There'll be swimming, chicken fights,

Ping-Pong, lawn darts, croquet, limbo

and so much more.

- See you soon.


Marty, what is that odor
that smells like shit

by the lounge chairs?

Well, i-it is what it smells like.

I think the septic t*nk is backed up.

[SIGHS] Can you do something
about it, please?

I know it's a safari party,

but I don't want it to
smell like elephant dung.

- [MARTY] Okay.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not so fast.

Seriously, Bonnie? Two-pieces?

They're children. This isn't Cambodia.

- Can you go change, please?
- Come on, girls. Come on.

Hold on. Wait.

Is that what you're wearing?

Yeah. [STAMMERS] Is it too much?

It's fine. It's fine.
Just put them in dresses.

Okay. Okay.

Dr. Ike, everything okay?

Yeah, I'm just... [SIGHS]

What if this party isn't as
fun as Stephen Baldwin's?

Stephen Baldwin put on a party

that people are gonna talk
about for a long time.

That's a given.

However, look at this
attention to detail.

This is gonna be a great party.

[IKE] I don't know.

What if no one shows

and it's just you and me and a
hundred pounds of chopped meat?

Still sounds fun to me.


Let the good times roll! Welcome!

- You are the man.
- No, you. Stop it. Stop it.

- How are you?
- Hey, Ike.

- What's up, David?
- Ike.

- Hi, Miriam.

So happy you made it. I love your hat.

Yeah. Oh. I have something for you.

- [WOMAN] Whoo-hoo! Party time.
- Thank you so much. Hey!

You know, this is the same strength
as my mother's reading glasses.

- Do you have them in a bifocal?
- [LAUGHING] Yeah.

- Get in there, Miriam. Have fun.
- Okay. [GIGGLES]

Hi, Iz. How are you?

By the way, we're putting in
a hot tub right over here.

We have porcelain tile
flying in from Murano.

The Italians, they do it so
much better. Am I right?

We bought the place next door too.

- Ooh.
- We're totally refurbishing.

Putting in a golf course, a tennis court

and a sundial.

- You and Bonnie have real vision.
- You know Bonnie.

She loves a project.

- Mmm.
- It's why she married me.


Thank you for coming.
It's great to see you.

Let's touch base on Monday.

There may be a spot opening
up on the synagogue board

that I think you'd be perfect for.

- [CHUCKLES] All right.


- [GASPS] Marty.
- Huh?

- We're a hit.

I think people are having a great time.

- Mm-hmm.
- What a team we make, huh?

I was thinking I should put some
dip out. I forgot all about dip.

Who doesn't love dip?

But I don't want you cooking all day.

You know, I want you to
relax and enjoy yourself.

I like cooking. Cooking is good.

Whatever you say, chief. [CHUCKLES]

Oh, by the way.

I was thinking.

Maybe I can put the,
uh, barbecue back a bit

and give you a little more room.

I don't want people
breathing down your neck.

They can't be disturbing
the genius at work.

[CHUCKLES] No. It's a good idea.

Yeah. Yeah, a little space.

Okay. I'm gonna make sure everyone's
good on drinks. [CLICKS TONGUE]

And I said, "I don't care
if it is before Labor Day.

You'll never see these
legs in white pants."


- [MARTY] There you go.
- [WOMAN] Thanks.

[IKE] That was way out.

- Hey!
- Hi, Ike!

- What?
- Nothing.

- Do you need me?
- No.




If you let them walk all over you,
you know what they're gonna do.

- Walk all over me. Yeah.
- That's right.

This "buy a cake for
their birthday" tradition

has gotten out of hand.

Did you hear Cathy?

"Red velvet for me. Red velvet."

Please, you know.

You're not running a bakery,
Marty. It's a business.

No, I know, I know. Cathy can get
outta control with that stuff.


That was pretty epic, huh?


- What was epic?
- The party, Marty.

- Oh. Yeah.
- Yeah?

Right, I mean, it was a lot of work.

- But yeah.
- We should fix the lighting by the pool.

Man, by eight o'clock,
it was pitch black.

I feel like I tore my rotator cuff

schlepping all those wet
towels to and from the dryer.

People loved the pool. They loved it.

I opened so many bottles of soda pop,

I... I haven't been able
to make a solid fist.

We... You know, we could hang
string lights the next time.

Next time?


- There's gonna be a next time?
- Of course.

Ma... We're just getting started.


Wha... Marty. [STAMMERS]

- These parties are great for us.
- Uh-huh.

They're great for business.
They're great for networking.

- Mmm?

Why? You didn't enjoy it?

No, I... I liked it. Yeah.

It was good. Yeah, I guess.

What is it? What's bothering you?

- I'm not much of a party guy.
- Oh.

I... I didn't know anyone there.

I-I-I didn't know what to say to anyone.

I think this is a narrative
you tell yourself, hmm?

I've seen you party, Marty.

And I don't know how to tell
you this, but you're pretty fun.


No. No, I'm not fun.

All right, well, I have an idea.

Why don't we run it back?

We'll have a second party,

and we can use it as an opportunity
for you to make some connections.


There were some fantastic
people there, Marty. Fantastic.

I'm just too shy.

- Oh, stop it already with the "shy."
- And... No.

I'm going to help you
learn to enjoy yourself.

Okay? How's that sound?

- Uh, what is that shake?

- All right.
- Yeah?

- Yes. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
- All right. Okay. Good.

By the way,

I got you a little something.



- A fish.
- A koi to be exact.

- Well, thank you.
- You're welcome.

- What do I do with it?
- I'm sure you'll figure it out.

I guess we could build a pond.

You know, in the Hamptons.

That's a great idea.
That is a great idea.

- That might be a good project for you.

- Thank you.
- Don't mention it.

Well, okay.

- He's looking right at me. [CHUCKLES]
- He is. I think he likes you.

- Yeah. I hope so.

Okay, play nice, guys.

Adam, behave yourself.


- Take it easy with the cervezas.

Sorry. [LAUGHS] I'm kidding.
Enjoy the fiesta, amigos.

- [LAUGHS] Aw, gracias. Gracias.
- [WOMAN LAUGHING] Oh, yeah. Whoo.

- So was I.
- Oh, Miriam. I see you've met Noreen.

Yes. Yes.

Terrific. Well, as they say in Oaxaca...

- Lehayim.



I see our, uh, chef is hard at work.

Oh, yeah.

He seems nice. [CHUCKLES]

Oh, Marty.

He's a little shy, but...


Well, don't let me hold you back.
If you, you know, would like to...

- Yeah, I'll go. I'll go talk to him.
- Hmm.


- [MIRIAM] The grill master himself.

Who? Me?

- Oh. Miriam.
- Oh, right. Of course.

- Yeah. From, uh, shiva.
- Yes.

- And, uh, Ike's waiting room, right?
- [LAUGHS] That too.

Well, Ike said that
you are the best cook.

I'm gonna need that, uh,
kebab recipe one of these days.

Well, the trick is to
oil the skewers first.

Then the meat cooks from the inside out.


I'm boring myself now.

No! No, no. No.

Interesting. [CHUCKLES]

So, uh, did you tell your
mother no about Florida?

Wow, you have, um... You have
a great memory. [CHUCKLES]

I'm so sorry. I-I-I shouldn't have...

No! No, no, no. No, it's fine.

There's a few of us here, right?

- Have you met Jennifer?
- No.

She's some kind of heiress.

On the board of the New York
City Ballet. That kind of thing.

- Anyway, she's been with Ike forever.
- Huh.

You must also know about one of
Ike's, uh, movie-star patients?

Uh, I don't think so.

- Okay, I shouldn't say. [CHUCKLES]
- Okay.

Her name rhymes with "Myneth Maltrow."

He did mention that, yes. Uh-huh.

- It's quite a tribe, I guess.
- Yeah, yeah.

[SIGHS] I-I should
get, uh, another tray.

- Um...
- Oh.

- Now I know how Julia Childs feels.

Minus the funny accent and the, uh...

th-the... the fulsome breasts.



Who would have known that the lamb
kebabs are the number one hit?


I think it's the, uh,
cilantro I... I put on it.


So-Sorry. Do you know where
the bathroom is? [CHUCKLES]

Uh... Yes, absolutely.

It's, uh... It's down the hall,
second door on your left.

It's a slow flush.

Thank you for the heads-up.

- Mm-hmm.

Oh. Is that Farrah Fawcett?

It is. Cool, right?

He met her on a flight to Tampa.

- Oh, wow.
- Yeah, she's very lovely.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, my gosh.

Ike was such a sweet little boy.

Uh, actually, that's me.

With my parents and sister.

- Really?
- Uh-huh.

Huh. S-So, you knew Ike as a kid.


So you two are related.

N-Not exactly.


Y-You live here with Ike and Bonnie?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

- [CHUCKLES] It is such a great home.
- Mmm.

How long have the Herschkopfs
had it? Do you know?

Um... Well, truth be told,

it's... it's my family's home

since... since the '50s, I guess. Yeah.

A lot of happy memories.

- Oh. Your family.
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Wait. This is your home?

Well, I... I mean, it's our home.

Uh, yeah, there's a name on the paper.

But you know, it still takes
that special someone

to figure out what it could be,

and th-that's Ike... and Bonnie.

I'm just good at executing ideas.

So it's... it's... It's
a real team effort.

- Yeah.

But that's interesting.

- [CHUCKLES] Um, the left, second door?
- Yeah, left, second door.

- Okay. You got it.
- Keep your hand on the... the lever.



can I ask you a question?



Why... [SIGHS]

... did you go out of
your way to tell Noreen

that the Hampton property was yours?


No, I... I don't know...

- I don't know who Noreen is.
- She was at the party.

The zaftig redhead.

I don't remember saying that to anyone.


Well, you did. She told me.

But what I'm interested
in is why you said it.

Honestly, I-I don't recall
saying that to anyone.

I'm a little disappointed to hear that,

Marty, because I now
know that you're lying.

Noreen recorded the conversation.

She did?


- Of course she didn't.

What's going on with your
self-esteem, Marty? Hmm?

Why the need to claim things?

It's, uh... It's unbecoming.

What you think you need

to make you look big is in
fact making you look small.

Now, Noreen, she doesn't
know what to think.

And she's... she's worried.

She's worried that you're confused.

So are Bonnie and I.

I'm not, and I... and I didn't
mean to confuse anyone.

I'm just... I'm so... [SIGHS, STAMMERS]

... baffled.

It's baffling to me,
Mar... [STAMMERS] Marty.

I... Wh... I mean, why on earth
would you say something like that?


It's my idea to host
these parties, right?


I come up with the... the themes.
I write the invitations.

- I am the host.
- You are.

People come to enjoy themselves.

To have fun and relax.

Not be confronted by your...

- pathologies.
- I'm sorry.

I mean, what's the big deal if
they think it's my place, huh?

I mean, who cares whose place it is?

I agree. Totally.

In fact, I-I said to
Noreen afterwards that...

Do you want people to come to
our parties and enjoy themselves,

or do you want them
to feel uncomfortable?

No, I want... I want them
to enjoy themselves.

Do you want to invite people
to take advantage of you?

Hmm? Like Debbie did?

Like Phyllis did?

Cathy, to a certain extent?

No. Of course not.

I didn't think so.

You know I'm doing this for you.

To protect you.

We don't care.

But... we're looking out for you.

I know. I know.

So just try not to say those
kinds of things, okay?


Again, I'm... I'm so sorry.

And please, tell Bonnie I'm sorry too.

Ah, Marty, I would. I would.

But I'm afraid if I bring
it up to, uh, Bonnie,

she's just going to get
upset all over again.



you know what I'm thinking
for our next theme?


Who's ready to walk the plank?

- Aye!
- Amazing.

- Ahoy, Captain.
- [IKE] Right this way, mate.

- You get stage fright now?

"Shiver me timbers."

- You wanna say it?
- [MAN] You got something to say?

- [WOMEN] Aw.

No, he was saying it all morning.

- No...
- [MAN] I think he's gonna do it this time.

You need to change your batteries.

Yeah, you need to change your batteries.

"Shiver me timbers."

[MAN] I don't think it's happening.


- More food. [SIGHS]
- [BONNIE] I've had enough.

- No, I meant for the guests.
- I know what you meant. [SNIFFLES]

You okay?

- You... You want some water or seltzer?

I miss my husband.

Let me get you a seltzer.

- Remind me. Uh, Perrier or Pellegrino?
- I'm okay.

I... I got both. I'll just
get you a Perrier. Yeah.

Think I read somewhere
that it has less sodium.

And this may sound crazy,
but when I drink Pellegrino,

I think it sometimes makes me
thirstier, if you can believe that.

- There you go.
- Thank you. [SNIFFLES]

Do you remember the first time
we all came here together?

Just us? It was so nice.

It was peaceful.

I do.

- Yeah, it was.


It's okay.

[SNIFFLES] I'm sorry.

No. It's okay. It's all right. Yeah.


Okay, I jus... I probably... I think
I should, you know, go back

and bring out the extra kebabs.

- Yeah. Okay.
- People are waiting.

- Sorry, Marty.
- No, no, no.

There's also soft drinks in here.

[CRYING] Okay.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

- Uh-huh.



- Pool volleyball?
- Ike, it's too cold.

You don't happen to have
another towel, do you?

Or, maybe, I don't know,
like, a light blanket?

You... Uh, no, uh...
I'll... I'll ask Bonnie.

Hey, Ike. What time's
the bus leaving tonight?

[SIGHS] I'm... I'm kinda done.

- Arthur, have a drink. It's a party.

Ah, what the hell. [CHUCKLES]

I'll take an English breakfast tea.


Anything in it?

Little steamed milk would be nice.

pH level is good.

Here we are.

Here we go.

All right. Yes. Enough for everyone.

Oh, come on, bud. You gotta share.

Stop that. [SIGHS]

There you are.

Looks like your Ichthyophthirius
multifiliis is finally clearing up.

Those formula drops
are working. Attaboy.

Look at you. Your scales are so lush.

[IKE] Who are you talking to?

Oh, you scared me.

Y... You're talking to the fish?

Yeah, I guess.

Hey, guess who, uh...

Guess who's nominated to be
vice president of the temple.

Wow, congratulations.

Why don't you come back to the party?

Michael's friend from Los
Angeles is gonna tell us

about the time he went hiking with
Craig T. Nelson from Coach.

Oh, yeah, from Coach. Yeah.

No, yeah, I-I'll be back soon.
I gotta flip the kebabs anyway.


You know, Marty,

these parties are... are for us.

For both of us.

I... I can't have fun if
you're not right by my side.

Not that this is much of a party anyway.


[GROANS] No, thanks.

My... My reflux is acting up.

Oh, come on. It's one beer.

To us.


- Refreshing.
- Come on. Drink it.

- Give it a real sip.
- [STAMMERS] That was a real sip.

No, come on. We need to see Party Marty.

The crowd wants it.

Party Marty has a migraine, okay?
I think it's from the sun.

You know this is part
of our work, Marty.

I... I want you to be free.

I want you to fly.

There we go. Oh, yes.

[CHANTING] Party Marty. Party Marty!

Yes! Yes! There he is!

- There we go.
- Whoa. Whew!

Oh, my God.

- That is fantastic. Here.
- What? Oh.

Now you can enjoy yourself.
Now you can loosen up, be free.


[SIGHS] Look at this place, oy.

You know what I think would
get this party really started?

- What?
- If everyone started jumping in the pool

with their clothes on.

- Could you imagine? [CHUCKLES]

- That would be... Yeah. [LAUGHS]
- You should start it.

- Me?
- Yeah!

- I don't know. No.
- I do! I do.

- Come here. Look at Miriam.
- Hmm?

You know, you should
just go nudge her in.

- Why... Into the pool?
- She would love it.

- She's such a prankster.
- Really? I-I didn't know that.

Oh, if you only knew
some of the high jinks

she's been a part of, oy...

She likes high jinks, huh?

She will think it's hilarious.
She loves you.

Party Marty. Party Marty.

Party Marty. Party Mar... [CHUCKLES]

[MARTY] Hey, Miriam.

Oh, hey, Marty. [LAUGHS]

Wow, where have you been? [SCREAMS]



What the f*ck are you doing?

I... I'm sorry.

I-I thought it would be funny!

Why would this be funny, Marty?

- [WOMAN] That was crazy.
- The f*ck is wrong with you?

- [MARTY] Are you all right?
- No.

[GROANS] Are you insane? You... [SOBS]

Guess I-I just got carried away.

Ike gave me a bunch of beers.

Well... Wait, Marty, no.

What I said was it would be fun
if everyone went swimming.

I didn't say to body check her.

Look, I-I-I'm very sorry.
He misread the situation.

I-I normally don't drink,
you know? All that alcohol.

Well, guess what, Marty.
I got news for you.

You're okay. That beer was nonalcoholic.

- What?
- Yeah.

Why would you? Wh... Why...
Why would... Why would you...

Because Party Marty is in here.

You just need to let go.

Now, admittedly, this was
a little over-the-top.

Yeah, it's a work in progress.
Why don't you take care of her?

It's a party. [LAUGHS] Pool's open.

Miriam, look, I-I'm
sorry. Le-Let's get...

Just go away, Marty. I don't
need your f*cking help.

Oh, no, you're crying.

- It's fine. It isn't your fault, okay?
- Well, it is.

No, it isn't. It's f*cking Ike, okay?

He put you up to this. I don't know
why you listened to him, but...


... it isn't your fault.

Oh, God. You know, I didn't even
want to come to this stupid thing.

I shouldn't have.
I should have known better.

You didn't know I was gonna
push you in the pool.

No, I did not know that.

But I know Ike's an assh*le. [SOBBING]

And I know that I am done
with him. I am done!

Did you know that my mother died?

I'm so sorry.

[SNIFFLES] It's okay.
It happened years ago.

But my mother died, and
Ike f*cking convinced me

to stop talking to her.

Just to stop talking to her.

Just completely cut her off.

So I never got to say goodbye to her.

My own mother, I just...

Who f*cking does that? Who does that?

- Let's get you into some dry clothes.

- Okay.
- Okay. [SOBS]

It was a new dress!

- [MARTY] I'm sorry. I just...

Miriam, you doing all right in there?

- I don't think I need the hat.
- You may.

It really helps, you know,
keep the sun out of your eyes.

- You should try it.


I felt bad I got water all over
the floor. Is there a mop?

I don't... I don't wanna leave
the housekeeper's room a mess.

Oh, this isn't the
housekeeper's room. It's mine.



This is where you sleep?

This is where I sleep.

This is my bed. These are my shells.

My sandpiper painting.
I got my fridge over there.


- D-Do you wanna go back to the party?
- Not particularly, no.

[SIGHS] What is it
about that man, right?

Well, he's, um... He's complicated.

But he cares.

I used to think that.

I used to think that he cared about me.


He was my everything. Do you
know that I actually loved him?

But he broke my heart.

Because he doesn't...
care about me at all.

He doesn't care about any of us.

I don't know the specifics of
what you two have going on,

but with us, it's different, okay?

He cares about me, I can assure you.

He loves me. He changed my life.

- He's my best friend.
- Do you hear yourself right now?

A journey of self-discovery
isn't easy, Miriam.

But don't blame Ike for your own shit.

Ike saved me. Do you understand?

I owe my life to him.
I would be dead without Ike.

100% dead.

I owe him everything.


You're in real deep, huh?

[IKE] Everything okay in here?

- Uh... Oh, yeah.
- Uh, yeah.

Just, uh, helping Miriam, you know,
find some... some dry clothes.


You look good in green, Miriam.


So sorry to barge in. Honey,
Carl wants to duet with you.

Oh, no. Don't tell me you
broke out the karaoke machine.

I'm guilty as charged.

It's out, it's on,

and it is primed with "Fight
for Your Right to Party."

[IKE] Oh, do I have to?

He's taking us to the opening night

of the New York City Ballet, okay?

- Nothing comes for free. [LAUGHS]
- No, you've got a point.

Okay, come here. Mmm.
Oh, do you two want to sing?

Actually, you know what, Marty?

I need you to grab me something, okay?

We're out of limes, and
the people need margaritas.

- Can you handle?
- I... I'm on it.

Thanks, Marty. Come
on, come on, come on.

Marty? Marty Markowitz?

Yes. Mrs. Zicherman.

I-I thought you moved.

No... [SIGHS] No. No.

Oh. Well, I-I...

The, um, mailbox had a different name,

and I thought you left
without saying goodbye.

I-I-I'm still there. Yeah.

Oh, okay. Well... [CHUCKLES]
What are you up to?

- [CHUCKLES] How's Phyllis?
- Um...

Oh, I heard Nancy had a little girl.

- You must be over the moon.
- Really?

Yeah, I got a, um...
a birth announcement.

- Ah, what a cute name.
- Uh-huh.

And how's Joel?


- Are you okay?
- Yeah. No, I'm fine.

I'm just, uh, here to, you know,
pick up some essentials.

Some limes.

Uh, you look a little pale.

Uh, just tired, I think. Yeah.

[CHUCKLES] Well, it's
really good to see you.

- Yeah, likewise. Yeah. Uh-huh.
- Yeah.

I-I-I-I mean, I've been
thinking about you a lot.

- Oh?
- Um, so I'm glad you're okay.


Hey, um, why don't you bring Phyllis

and the kids over next time they're out?

We'll all catch up. It'll be wonderful.

I haven't seen them in years,

so there's a lot to catch
up on. [CHUCKLES]

- Okay, well, um...
- Okay.

- Well, good to see you. I'll see you.
- Yeah. Oh.

- All right.

- Bye-bye. Yeah.
- Bye-bye.





- Please, stop! I...

- I'm sorry. Stop.
- [MAN] What the hell?

- Just hold on.
- Watch where you're going.



f*ck! [SIGHS]


- [MAN] assh*le!


Where are you going, Marty?

Come back, sweetheart.

One more spoon for Mama.

[ECHOING] Come on.

That's it. That's my good boy.

Well done.






How you doing, pal?

You... Are you okay?

You want some Tylenol?
Some... Some water or some...

You know, I've been looking
for you for ages. It...

People have been asking for you.


Hi, friend.

Tell me their names.

- Really?
- Mmm.


That's Stu. And he's Ethan.

Sass is the one eating all
the... the plants over there.

- And that's Catheryn.

She's kind of demure. [CHUCKLES]

Don't... Don't look at her too long.

And, uh... And that's Adam.
He is not doing so well recently.

They're lucky they have you.

You think?

I know.

So, what are you planning next?
What's your next big project?

I don't know. I was thinking...
maybe some bees.

That would be wonderful.



I'm... I'm thinking I might
go back into the city tonight.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm not feeling so great.

Okay. Seems a shame, but...

No, I... Of course.


Oh, hey, Marty,

if you're going back
to the city tonight,

could you do me a favor?

Yeah, sure.


[PARTY GUESTS] ♪ I want you to show me ♪

♪ I wanna feel what love is ♪

♪ I know you can show me ♪

♪ Oh ♪


- [ARTHUR] What just happened?
- [DRIVER] It's overheated.

- [WOMAN 1] Are we stranded?
- [WOMAN 2] Call for help.

- [WOMAN 3] We're stranded? What?

- I, uh... I got no cell service.
- [WOMAN 3] Does anyone have service?

- Um...
- [WOMAN 4] You don't have any?

All right, everyone.
Relax. It's gonna be okay.

Th-There's a gas station down the road.

I-I'll go ahead and walk down there

and make a call for help, all right?

- [WOMAN 5] Can you see anything?

- Uh... Miriam?
- What?

Would you, uh... Would
you mind walking with me?

I feel like I owe you an apology.

You're lucky I have to pee.



Watch... Watch out for this mud here.

- Thanks.
- There we go.


You know, I ju... I just wanted
to say that, uh... [SIGHS]

I'm... I'm sorry for earlier
when I... I lost my temper.

[SIGHS] It's okay. I understand.

No, i-it's not okay.

I mean, you must've
struck a chord, I guess,

but, uh, I shouldn't
have shouted like that.

It's fine. Really.

It's hard to hear a truth like that.

I mean, I'm... [SIGHS] still
struggling with it myself.

Just keep thinking what my
life would be like if...

I just never met him, you know?



I'm just gonna go use the restroom.

- Yeah, sure.
- Okay.









- Marty?

- Hello?
- [IKE] Hello, Miriam.

I'm afraid to say I won't be able
to be your therapist anymore.

I no longer think this
is a healthy arrangement.

I think you're a very toxic person,

and I don't wanna hear from you again.

- Ike!
- Goodbye.

- Ike, what's going on?








Thanks, Mike.

I know that was, uh, unusual.

Don't ever ask me to do that shit again.