01x09 - The b*ating

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*
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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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01x09 - The b*ating

Post by bunniefuu »

Thank you. Uh, leave it all here.
I'll put I'll put 'em in the truck.

Thank you.
You're handling that mare perfectly.

Good morning, Steven.
Good morning, Krystle.

Well, just what are you up to here?

I left you a note this morning...

um, about a few personal things
I wanted to fill you in on.

For one, I'm moving
out of the house.

Yes, I can see that.
Moving where?

A threeroom apartment,
uh, over on Kensington.

It's over some stores,
but it's roomy.

It has high ceilings
andandand tall windows. It's nice.

Not like your cramped
quarters here, huh?

Well, that's fact one.
How about fact two?

I chose Kensington because
it was close to the university.

Oh. So, you decided you
needed more schooling, huh?

Exactly how much Keats and Shelley
does a 24yearold man need anyway?

I'm going to take an extension course
in business administration,

the petroleum end especially.

Work for my master's.
You are?


And... I got a job yesterday.

I start work tomorrow.
Ajob, huh?

So, Matthew Blaisdel talked
you into going back to work.

He asked me.
Yes, and you agreed to it, didn't you?

Now, Krystle, stay out of this, please.

As a matter of fact, I said no.

This job's with a little outfit called...

oh, uh, Denver Carrington.

What, yyou mean that you're
going to work with us...

in, uh, inin public relations or

No. At the refinery.

Dad, look...

I want to do it
the way you did it.

I want to get my hands real dirty.
I want my muscles to ache.

I want to sweat and get dogtired
and then come falling into bed at night...

knowing that I'm learning,
really learning this business...

the way you did.

Well, Steven, I'm
I'm very pleased.

Very, very pleased.

Well, how about
a housewarming kiss?

School kiss?
Job kiss?

I guess I'd better get going.

He looks happy,
and so do you.

I told you, Blake just give him
a little time, a little room...

and he'll
he'll come through.

Yes. Yes, I hope so.

Well, you just gonna stand there
like a frog that's lost his croak?


I'm just wondering, uh...

who you borrowed it from. Borrowed it?
I didn't borrow it. I bought it. For you.

YYou bought it for me?

Uh. Well, Walter, uh...

do me a favor and take it back.

We only have one well so far.

The money isn't exactly pouring in yet.

And we still have
a few outside problems...

like Blake Carrington trying to
knock us out of business if he can.

I just think it's a good idea
that you take it back.

Yeah? Well, I think
it's a dumb idea.

And this shiny,
new vehicle isn't?

No. And I'll tell you why it isn't.

'Cause the people you're gonna be doing
business with from here on out, boy...

they're gonna have already
looked out the window of their offices...

to see what kind of car you drove up in
long before you get inside.

And once you get in there, you'd better
look, act and talk like a success...

because there ain't nobody
who wants to do business with a failure.

But I guess you don't learn
things like that up there in college.

They don't teach you that, do they?


No, they never
got around to that.

Walter, uh, it's

But we
we can't afford this car.

Oh! The hell we can't.

Now, let me tell you something else.

I've never known of a billionaire that
ever went to school. You know why?

If he had, they'd have taught him how to
figure that something couldn't work.

Now, all he knows is
he's got a dream.

And if he works harder than anybody else,
he'll make that dream come true.

And when he does,
that's when he hires college boys.

Yes, sir, they come in there,
and they want their fringe benefits...

they want them a
vacation every year,

and then they want to build
up a savings account.

When they get enough in it,
they go out and buy 'em an automobile.

Well, that's not me, boy.

Walter, you have made and lost more money
than most men ever read about.

Tell 'em.
Well, if you realize that...

well, uh...

I just don't want to see you
wind up losing it again.


Matthew, you got more to learn
than I figured.

A man don't ever lose
till he quits or gives up.

The thought of quitting or giving up,
either one, never occurred to me.

And what else hasn't occurred to you
is that you're an old man...

who should be thinking about settling down
now that you've hit it again.

Boy, boy, boy.

Walter. Walter, look, I

You know I didn't mean that.


Well, you know how much you mean to me.
You've been more than a father.

I appreciate that.

You've taught me more than
all of those schools put together.

I don't know.
Hell, maybe, it's just me.

I got a lot of things
in my head right now.

You know family stuff.

I can understand that.

Well, let's keep the car.

We'll call it a company car
for the both of us.

Well, I just didn't want my Cherokee to

think I was dumping her
for a prettier model.

Matthew, phone call for you.
Some lady.

You've got a good family, boy.
Don't blow it.

I moved into my apartment today.

And I want you to be there tonight.

Claudia, I want you.

I need you.

I don't think I can go through the day
until I find out when I'm going to see you.

I want to be there...

but I have another life, Steven.

I don't think I can make it through
the rest of the week without you.

Tell me you don't feel the same way.

Tell me that.
Can you?

No, I can't.
Maybe Friday.

That's a thousand years away.

Steven, please get out of here.


Not unless you promise me that
we'll see each other Friday.

I promise. Now go.

Promise me that
you will promise me.

I promise. Go.

What are you doing out of school?

Don't get mad yet.
I told them that I went home for lunch.

And I told them
that you said it was okay.

But what I'd really like is if
we could go out to lunch together...

someplace at a restaurant,
just the two of us.

Well, I'm not sure I like you
telling them I said it was okay.

All right.
Just this once.

Just give me a minute.

Wasn't that Steve Carrington
who was just in here?

Yes. Um, he's taking a course
at the university.

You know, when he has
time off from work.

He came in here to just see if I had
some books that he could use.

I'll just be a minute.

Why'd you want to meet, Krystle?

Well, something's been bothering me.

Something I thought
I should talk to you about.

It's about Claudia.

What about her?

She knows about us.

How'd she find out?

I don't know.
I ran into her about two weeks ago.

She was upset.

What did you say?

I told her I thought
she ought to talk to you.

You did right.

Krystle, I don't want you to think
that you did anything wrong.

Because nothing is wrong.

Everything between Claudia
and me is good now, real good.

I'm pleased.

You look real pretty.

You look even prettier
when you smile like that.

Can I let you in on something?


I dreamed about you the other night.

Was I smiling?
You were smiling.

Was I with you?


Alone, in a field.

Just standing there.

The wind blowing your hair.

You looked content.

I am.
I guess we both are.


It's getting late.

Aren't you going to stay around for...

just a while?

I have to go.

I know.

I will not tolerate embezzlement.

You better have a damn
good explanation for this.

Three hundred twentyfive dollars?

The amount is not important.
It's the principle!

I'll pay it, Mr. Carrington.
I'll give you a check right now.

Is that what you intended to do when
you charged this to me? Pay me a check?

No. No way.

Now, this woman,
this this friend of yours...

she rams her car fender, you pay for the
repairs on the car with my credit card...

and you simply were going to
let it go at that, huh?

This woman, Mr. Carrington...

is the private secretary to
a certain business associate of yours.

And I considered fixing her car for her
a legitimate business expense.

I mean, she does report to me
from time to time on, uh...

matters that seem to interest you.

You seem to be enjoying all this.

I know something else
I think is going to please you.

Yes, about another business associate?

No, sir.

About your son.

From the same source, huh?

Go on. Go on. Steven's been seeing
a woman the past couple of weeks.

And what exactly does that mean,
"Seeing a woman''? Sleeping with.

Who is it? A woman you know slightly,
who was here at the house once.

Claudia Blaisdel.

Are you sure about that?

It cost us $325.

My son and Matthew Blaisdel's wife?

Imagine that.

Oh, uh, come in, darling, come in.

Well, that's very interesting, Michael.

And money well spent too.
Thank you very much.

Mrs. Carrington.

Well, darling, how was the new exhibit?

Very good. Darling, Jeff's back.
He just got home.

Good, good. That's nice.

Have we done anything yet about
that, uh, that gift for Steven?

You know, the, uh,
the housewarming present?

I didn't think you were that happy about it.
Of course I am.

Ayoung man shouldn't be confined,
umbilically, to the place where he was born.

He should be on his own, should get out,
have a place to entertain his friends.

So, buy something for him, will you?
From the both of us.

Something kind of romantic, will you?

Why, Jeff.

What a nice surprise.

Well, I got away a few days early
from Europe's rain and Europe's inflation...

uh, but not in that particular order.

Why, Fallon, you must have known
he was coming home.

I'm sorry.
I thought I told you.

Well, the fact is you're home.

Say, why don't you
take a couple of days off...

and you and your bride
just be together?

Well, I'd like that, very much, Blake.

Unfortunately, I have some work to do,
reports to file and

Well, don't you worry about that.
I've already talked to Cecil.

I told him that as soon as you got back,
I wanted you to have a couple of days off.

Oh, well, thank you, sir.


For you, Krystle.
Bal a Versailles.

Which happens to be my favorite.

And all these are for you, Fallon.

Well, thank you.

Along with a little good news, uh,
a nice surprise. Oh, yeah? Like what?

Well, uh, I think
I'll tell it to you later.

Maybe you'd like to take
a drive with me?

Why don't we leave you alone?
We'll see you in a little while.

Thanks, Jeff.

Would you like to take that drive?

Uh... well, not really.

Hey, I missed you.
I missed you so much.

Pick a card.

What are these?

Well, I think if you look real hard...

you'll see that they're,
uh, hotels, resorts.

And if you look even harder,
you'll see that, uh...

this one is the one that
you talk about from time to time.

I just said that
I heard it was beautiful, that's all.

Is that what you said?

I always thought you said that, uh...

that you'd like to go back there someday
for our honeymoon, which we never had.

That is unless, of course,
you figure the backseat of a...

'58 Impala is your idea of a wedding trip.

It's a bit late to talk about
honeymoons, Matthew.

I don't think so.

And maybe, just maybe...

I still have a little
sayso in this house.

Matthew, that place is really expensive.
So what?

I just took a new job.
I can't ask for time off right now.

It'll only be for the weekend.

I can't exactly get off that easy either.

What about Lindsay?

We'll let her stay at my mother's
for a couple of nights.

Do them both good.

We'll leave on Friday,
come back on Sunday night.

What do you say?

I don't have anything to
wear in a place like that.

It's a ski resort.

I don't have to wear any black ties.

You don't have to change
four or five times a day.


I mean, if you want to forget it...

if if you have other plans

Why are you doing this, Matthew?

BBecause I owe it to you.


Because you deserve it.

And I've made some mistakes.

Probably hurt you from time to time.

And I don't want to
see you hurt, Claudia.

And I love you.

You do?


I want to.


we don't have a
a picture of that Impala.

I figure that when we're old and gray...

and we haul out that, uh,
album on a cold winter's night...

we'd have something to look at.



Why? Can you give me
one good reason why?

I can give you plenty.

We have everything we want
right here in this house.

Well, Steven got out.
He had his reasons.

And so do I.
Can't you understand that?

No, I can't.

Look, I don't feel
comfortable living here...

living under your father's roof.

I did it as a sort of
a wedding present at first...

because I knew you needed it, and because
I knew that's what you wanted.

And now, suddenly,
you want to move to New Orleans.

That's really a terrific surprise.

Look, that's where there's a chance for me
to take over one of the offices...

to be my own boss.

That's where I want to be with you.

And we could find a house on the lake
or wherever you want...

and live there together,
just the two of us.

I hate those swamps.

Well, what do you like?

What? I mean, look, I'm not stupid.

I'm not as stupid
as you think I am.

I mean, did I think you were
madly in love with me?

Jeff, will you please
keep your voice down?

I mean, I didn't come into this thing
with my eyes closed.

I knew there were other people
in your life before me.

And there were other people in mine.

I convinced myself
it wasn't important.

I just felt that, for now,
I loved you enough for both of us.

That, somehow, I could make you care for me
the way I care for you.

Are you even listening to me?

Jeff, do we have to
talk about it now? Here?

That's just the point!

How can we go on
living in a place...

where you want me to whisper about the
things inside me, the things I'm feeling?

So they won't hear!
So he won't hear!

What are you talking about?

Oh, you know what I'm talking about.

Anybody who knows you
knows what I'm talking about.

You don't want to upset your father.
You want only to please your father.

Because more than anything on this planet,
you love your father.

And sometimes I wonder why the hell did you
marry me? Why didn't you marry him?





Was that Fallon?

Is, uh, everything all right?

She just wanted some air.

Enjoy your stay with us,
Mr. Blaisdel, Mrs. Blaisdel.

You'll find your luggage in your room.

Thank you very much.

Top floor. Not bad.

Matthew? Matthew.

Jake.Jake. How are you?

All right, I snuck away from Denver
and the kids for a few days.

Uh, you remember,
uh, Claudia, my wife.

Sure. It's wonderful
to see you again.

Hi. I used to watch you play all the time.
That's right.

You know, I always
thought you were a very

bright young woman. Why
did you marry this person?

Just lucky, I guess.

Well, uh, what's this?
In case you get lost?

I'm here on a convention. Deputy D.A.s
of the Rocky Mountain states.

A little conversation
about law and order.

Actually, it's just an excuse to
do some skiing. What about you two?

Oh, well, we're just here
for a weekend.

A friend and I had an oil well
that came in. We're celebrating.

Hey, that's terrific news,
Matthew. Congratulations.

Listen, we got to get together, huh,
us and Louise...

if I can ever track down the roving
Mrs. Dunham and her credit cards.

Well, um, how about dinner?

Ah, we've got to do this banquet.
What about afterwards, huh?

About 10:00, 10:30,
the club whateveryoucallit.

Look, I'll call you later
and tell you where it is.

We'll have a few drinks, do a
little dancing. What do you say?

How about that, Mrs. Blaisdel?
Yeah, sounds good.

That's great. Listen, it's great
to see you again, cowboy.

Good seeing you too.

Look, honey, I hope you don't
mind us having dinner and all?

No. No. It should be good.

Yeah, that was some combination
Blaisdel to Dunham, six points.

Well, I always figured that,
um, I had the rubber arm...

and you were the tight end
with the good hands.

Oh, listen to this.
Some rubber arm.

Five seconds to go
in the Nebraska game...

he hits me with a 35yard pass
right on the numbers.

Boom! Blaisdel to Dunham.

Hey, before you two go on
with your instant replays...

how about that waltz you promised me?

I'm lucky if I can get him off the
bunny hill and onto the dance floor.

Now is my big chance.
Okay. Let's get it over with.

Hey, I got to go shake my booty.

You want to shake your booty?
You want to try?

Come on, old man.

So, we pick these guys up.
We bring them in, right?

We build a case, we get a conviction.
And then, guess what happened?

I think I know what.

You're right. Some liberal judge gives them
a sixmonth suspended sentence...

puts them back out on the street
we got to start all over again.

Well, I imagine there are all kinds
of miscarriages of justice, Jake...

uh, depending on your point of view.

Oh, Matthew, you're a nice man.

I don't know why I askJake
to dance at these things.

I mean, he is really the worst,
the clumsiest.

But we can't complain, can we?

I mean, you kind of become
content with what you've got.

The cars, the clothes,
the spending money.

Still, sometimes what I think
I really need is an affair...

a real terrific affair.

Oh, but I guess
I'm just too lazy.

Mm, an affair.

Can't say it's not an interesting idea.

But we don't do that, do we,
women like us?

You want me to hold that for you?

No. Thanks.

That'll teach you to get the plate
with the quarter under it.

Me, I'd rather have the quarter.

Stay in the car.


Excuse me, ma'am,
but you better stay out of this.

Michael. Oh, are you all right?

I'm okay.

Let's get him to a hospital.

No! No.

Why did they do this to you?

It was just a gambling debt.
Forget it.

Just some friends I know.

You know who did it!
Why are you trying to protect him?

You know why he did it!
Look, Fallon.

You know the rules. I broke the rules.
I had it coming, okay?

No, it's not okay!

What are you two talking about?

Don't say anything dumb, Fallon.

Yeah, you probably had it coming...

some of the guys you hang around with.

Come on, help me get him to the car.

Don't try to deny it,
Blake Carrington.

You had him b*at up.
And I know it!

If I did or I didn't,
that's no concern of yours.

Well, why not?
I was as much a part of it as he was.

It wasn't even his idea. It was mine.
I know that.

So, why don't you have me beaten up?

I probably should have,
but I know that won't stop you.

You think this will? You are my
daughter, and you're a Carrington.

And you will not shame this family,
nor will you shame me.

You just can't go around b*ating up
every man in Colorado I sleep with.

Try me, Fallon.
Try me.

You're married toJeff. You'll make
that marriage work, do you understand?

I'd like to speak
to Steven Carrington, please.

I'll wait.

Steven, I'm sorry about Friday night.

Matthew took me away
for the weekend.

We left that afternoon.

I really had no way to let you know.


Me too.

Will you?
I don't know.

You promised me, Claudia.

Steven, I think

Look, I've been thinking about this.

The address is
the Kensington Apartments, 127 Ardmore.

I want you to be there, Claudia.
Tonight. Please.

All right, Steven, I'll be there.

Remember, Kensington Apartments.

Christopher, do you feel
like going out tonight?

Sure. A movie?

Well, movies kind
of bore me these days.

I was thinking more of maybe
you could borrow your father's car...

and we could go out
for a drive and park.

I think I should be able to get a car,
especially tonight.

I'll sure work on it.

You sure you want to park here?

Oh, yeah. Here's fine.


Can we listen to the radio?


Christopher, can I have a cigarette?

Well, you have one, don't you?

Come on.
You know I don't smoke.

Well, I do.

Christopher, if we're going to be here...

I want a cigarette.

Next spring, up at the lake...

when this tree I planted...

begins to show off her leaves prettier and
greener than any single leaf in England...

I want you to be there.

What's the matter?

I've been thinking.

This has to be the last time
we see each other.

Don't you love me?

How could I not?

Well, then, why?



I thought you smoked?

Oh, I do.
The mentholated kind.

Well, look, if you've got any bright ideas
about me getting you another pack...

you cough up the 60 cents this time.

Oh, you can kiss me now, Christopher.

Let's get out of here.

Let's get out of here!

Listen, Officer,

I want you to start looking for her before
I come down there and sign a request.

Like hell you're sorry!

Where have you been?

Lindsay's still out there somewhere.
She's with Christopher.

Not with Christopher.
I just phoned Christopher's house.

He said he'd just gotten
home. He said Lindsay

wanted to be dropped
off at Tania's house.

I just phoned Tania,
and she said Lindsay hasn't shown.

You're not going to talk, huh?

You come in here, and you wake me up
in the near middle of the night...

tell me you've run away from home,
but you're not telling me why.

You're not drinking that chocolate
I fixed for you either.

You want a
want a cr*cker with it?

Maybe a little butter on it?

What I'd really like,
Uncle Walter...

is if I could live here with you, please?

I'd love that, honey.
I really would.

But it can't be.

I mean, your problem's not here.

Your problem's back there
with your mom and dad somewhere.

And you can't ever solve a problem
by running away from it.

I love you almost
as much as they do, but...

you've got to go back there.

I don't want to
go back with them.

You told me once that I should
go to them and talk with them...

and if they didn't understand,
then I could come back to you...

and you'd understand.

And I do understand.

But I also said that...

you may not agree
with what I have to say...

but I'd understand.

I love you almost
as much as they do, but...

but you have to go
back there with them.

That's the way life is.

You know, Claudia...

maybe if you'd have been here,
none of this would have happened.

What are you saying?
What I'm saying is where the hell were you?

I was at the bookstore.
We had inventory.

You know, Claudia, you sure as hell spend
a lot of time at that bookstore.

You have a daughter here at home
or don't you care about her?

I care about her. I've cared about her since
the moment she was inside of me.

Have you?
Yes, I have.

Even after what she did to you?
What did she do to me?

Took away your childhood.
Isn't that what you tell your shrink?

That it was both our faults? That we helped
take away the best years of your life?

That's not true.

Well, what is?
What is?

That I didn't suffer enough?
That the boy the boy doesn't suffer?

Doesn't get pregnant and have to go off
for a while and hide and have a baby...

and then one night he gets a phone call,

"Please, Matthew. Please,
come to me, Matthew.''

What did you want me to do?
I was frightened.

And I came to you, didn't I? I drove up
that night, we got married two days later...

and we took our baby home
together, didn't we? Didn't we?

And I went to school, and I finished school!

I went to college, and I finished college!
And that ate at you, didn't it?

I mean, you resented that right
down to the bottom of your soul!

Matthew It's still eating
at you, and it always will!



Thank God.

Yeah, we'll be right over.

She took a bus out to Walter's.
She's She's all right.

I'll get her sweater.

Lindsay, we were worried.

Well, aren't you
going to say anything?

Baby, are you ready
to go home? Come on.

Lindsay, come here.


Lindsay, come here!

Lindsay, come back here!

Lindsay, come here.!

Hold it a minute.
All right.

Lindsay. Lindsay.

Now, you listen to me.
You listen to me.

Oh, baby, I told you once that
you were born out of love. Out of love.

And somehow, somehow...
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