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Strawberry Shortcake Puttin On The Glitz (2011)

Posted: 03/28/22 16:59
by bunniefuu
(SINGING) Strawberry Shortcake

She's a berry bitty girl
With berry big possibilities

And fruit-filled fun
Is the secret to her recipes

She may be small
No task is too tall

She 'll be your best bud
Just give her a call

Strawberry, strawberry, strawberry

She’s a berry bitty girl
With big possibilities

Strawberry Shortcake

She may be small but
No task is too tall for

Strawberry Shortcake!

RASPBERRY: Do you guys like this on me?

Did you try that new berry shake
at the café?

ORANGE: Oh, yeah!
PLUM: It's so good!

RASPBERRY: Hey! By the way,
where is Strawberry?

Hi, everybody!

-Strawberry! Hiya!

Am I early?

Right on time. I'm just running a bit behind.

Let's see.

Sorry, Blueberry, can I put you over here?

Let me put you over here. Tea?

-Thank you.
-And let's get those pinkies soaking.

How much time do we have?

We're running out of time.

I wish there was a way to
do hair and nails faster.

I don't want to be late for the special event.

Lemon, you're not just the fastest,
you're the best.

ALL: Yeah!

Thank you, thank you. Just doing my job.

And a berry excellent job.

Thanks to you, we're all going to
look gorgeous for the opening day

of Mr. Longface's Croquet Country Club.

I've never played croquet.

Well, it's kind of like golf,
but with wire hoops instead of holes.

It's fun!






This could be a new look for us.


Oh, I am so sorry.

Here, let me... I got it, I got it.

Oh, dear, look at that.

Okay, hold still.

There! Got it.

-No, it's great!
-Looks great!

-Never looked better!
-I love it!

Sure does.

Wait, wait, wait!



Oh, I think it's stuck.

It isn't stuck. It's locked.

Oh, goodness! I made us late,
and now Mr. Longface has locked us out.

I don't think he'd do that to us
just for being late. Hmm...

Plum, Raspberry,
could you please give me a leg up?

Sure thing. Here you go.

That one. No, this won't do at all.

A little longer there.

Oh, that's wrong.

Well, he's in there.

What's he doing?

Excuse me? Mr. Longface?


Okay. Down, please.

I have to apologize, Mr. Longface,
it's my fault we were late to your opening.

The apology is mine, Miss Meringue.

The opening of my Croquet Country Club
is in fact, well, not opening.

-Not opening?

Oh, it has been postponed, due,

I am ashamed to say,
to an unsatisfactorily trimmed lawn.

Shameful, perfectly shameful, isn't it?

STRAWBERRY: Looks berry nice to me.

-It's really good.

-How do you play?
-This looks like fun.

-Can I be blue?
-How do we start?

We each take turns hitting our balls
through those wires, called "wickets."

But it's not level.

Why, if one was to send a ball rolling
across something as rough as that,

there's no telling where it would end up.

I'm sorry, my friends,

but I'm ashamed to say that
I won't be ready to open until later.

We'd be happy to help you trim the grass.

Yeah, I'm pretty good
with a pair of scissors.


Thank you, everyone,
but help is on the way.

Oh, hello, friend Berrykins!
And thank you for coming to my rescue.

-Hey, no problem.
-BERRYKIN : At your service.

BERRYKIN : Let's get to work.

Well, Lemon, we weren't late after all.

Only because the opening is postponed.

-It would've been okay.

Yeah, it's okay, Lemon.

Hey! How about we all go
for a picnic at the pond?

-I love picnics. Great idea!
-What a beautiful day.



Thanks, Strawberry, but I think I have
some work to do in my salon.

But all your customers
are going on a picnic.

There isn't anyone who needs a makeover.

My salon needs a makeover.

I want to fix it up so that
everything runs a little smoother,

so I can do everyone's hair faster.

Okay. I'll save a sandwich for you.

Thanks, Strawberry.


"The new Salon-O-Matic
manicures like magic,

"pedicures perfectly, styles hair
faster than you've ever seen before.

"Your customers will love you! "

But what kind of surprise?

I don't know, Raspberry.

Lemon just called
and said to bring everyone over

for a re-opening of her beauty salon.


What does she mean?


Welcome to Lemon's New Salon,
where you're in and out

faster than you can say "hi" and "goodbye."

Wow! What is it?

This is the all-new Salon-O-Matic!

"Manicures like magic, pedicures perfectly,

"styles hair faster than
you've ever seen before."

So, who'll be first?

Well, I guess... Sure, I'll give it a try.

Okay, just... That's right, sit down here.

-What do I do?
-Not a thing.

The Salon-O-Matic does it all.



"Welcome to the Salon-O-Matic.

"In just a few short seconds,
a new 'do for a new you."


Wow! Lemon, that's incredible!

-Exactly the way you do it.
-Thank you.

This new invention thing is great!
Where'd you get it?

I just called this number. Who's next?

-ALL: Me!


-Even the syrup drips are the same!

They're all identical.

All thanks to the Wonder Waffler,
the cook's fastest friend.

Wow. Where'd you get it?

Same place Lemon got her Salon-O-Matic.

Guess what I'm doing right now?

-Oh, hi, Blueberry.

What are you doing right now?


Spending quality time with
your talented and charming friends?

Having a waffle?

Thank you. Yes, I'm doing all those things,

as well as...

I'm cleaning my bookstore.

Oh, like this afternoon?

No. Right now.

My new a*t*matic Clean-O-Matic
does it while I'm away.

Keeps my book store nice and shiny.
I don't have to do a thing.

Which gives me time to catch up
on writing all my book reviews.

-When can I borrow it?
-Any time.


Excuse me, girls. Hello?

Hi, Lemon.

We're all over here at Blueberry's
watching her new Clean-O-Matic.

Hey, does anybody need a, you know, trim?
Manicure? Anything?

Trim? Manicure?

-Hi, Lemon.
-No, we're good.

-Thanks, Lemon.
-Nope, we're good.



Okay. Well, then, bye, I guess.

Hi, Strawberry! What can I do for you?

New hairstyle? Manicure?

Oh, no. I just wanted to see
how you are enjoying your time off.

Well, it's nice, but actually, I feel like
there isn't a lot to do here,

and I'd like to be useful.

Is there anything I could do
at the café to help you?

Of course!

ORANGE: Guess what I'm doing right now?

-Drinking a smoothie?

-Don't tell me.
-I'm cleaning my store.


Can I borrow the Clean-O-Matic next?

Of course.

Well, how are the smoothies?



-What do you think?

Alive with fruit flavor.

Lemon's a natural.

I think I like the way you make them
better, Strawberry.

Well, with practice, I'm sure you'll
make them the same way I do, in no time.

That's really sweet, but I don't want
to make you spend time teaching me

to do something you can do yourself.

I'm not sure café work is for me.

-The Bitty City Bop is all about... Your feet?

-The beat!
-Oh, yeah.

The beat.

And step to the left, and forward,
and three steps...

I mean, to the right. Oops. I meant left.


-You were great, Lemon.
-Let's take five?


I'm sorry, Plum. You're so nice to
hire me to teach, but honestly,

you do this better than anyone,

and we don't really need
two dance teachers.

-Are you sure?
-I'm sure.


-Fun, huh?

But I don't think you really need my help.

What do you mean?

Well, Orange, I mean, how many times
can we re-alphabetize these cans?

-I just want to make a special contribution,

Like I used to.

Doing something that I have fun at,
the way I did with hairstyling.


Well, you've had so many great ideas
about how to reorganize my store.

-I was thinking...

Why not come up with an idea
for a fun, new business?

Start a new business? I can't do that.

Sure you can.


Lemon Meringue's Ferry Boat
is open for business!


Step right aboard. There you go.
Watch your step, please.

All ashore!

There you go. Watch your step, please.

-Delightful trip.

-Thanks, Lemon.
-Thank you, Lemon.

-That was wonderful.
-We'll be back.

-Wow! Another picnic?

We've decided to have picnics
across the lake every day.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Great! But three days in a row?

Sure! Why not?

You're all doing this just for me, aren't you?

Us? We? Oh.

We wanted to support your new ferry.

It's such a great idea, such a great service.

Thank you.
But not a very much-needed service.


Now remember, it's not a picnic,
it's bird-watching today.

Got it.

Closed for the season?

Oh, no.

ORANGE: But, Lemon, we all want you here.

We need you here!

What's Big Bitty City got
that we don't have?

Something for me to do
where I can have fun and be useful.


Thanks for caring.

Don't look so sad! I'll come back and visit.

A lot! Promise.

Come on. I have an idea.

-You want us to put honey...
-In our hair?

But how's that gonna
keep Lemon from leaving?



-ORANGE: Lemon, you can't leave!

Why not?

ORANGE: Look what the Salon-O-Matic
did to us!

Oh, no! Quick, back to the salon.

I'm not sure what Strawberry
will think of this plan.


Wow. Now it won't even do anything!

What a bust.

Boy, it sure is a good thing
we caught you in time.

Can you help us?

At your service!

STRAWBERRY: But are you sure
you can't join us?

Just for lunch?
Everyone misses you berry, berry much!

Thank you, Miss Shortcake,
but every hour I'm not preparing the lawn

is another hour
my grand opening is delayed.


Oh, that looks wonderful.

What would we have done without you?

Thank you, Lemon.

You're our hero.


Oh, how did these get here?

How did what get where?


We just wanted you to stay.

But it's important the lawn is level.

Isn't the important thing
that we all have fun together

and enjoy each other's company?

A nice boat ride. Oh, a nice picnic lunch.

I'm sure it would mean a lot to Lemon.

Well, I didn't think of it that way.

I wouldn't want to let Miss Meringue down.
But my lawn!

Mr. Longface, we want you back!

You are so much more important
to Berry Bitty City than this lawn.

-Am l?
-Of course. Don't you know that?

Can you excuse me?
There is something I need to tell someone.


I'm more important
to Berry Bitty City than you.

LEMON: I know, and I appreciate
what you're trying to do.

Please, girls. I'm going to miss the bus.

-What's happening?

-She's moving!

-Please stop her, Strawberry!
-Don't let her leave!

Lemon! You're leaving?

Oh, Strawberry, I just feel there's no need
for me to stay in Berry Bitty City.

Not unless I can do something useful.

Something that everyone needs.

I'll tell you what we need.

Someone to take care of
the complaints about this machine.

What complaints?

Oh! Where do I begin?

One, the machine is lousy at conversation,

and, boy, is it useless at giving advice.

Two, it doesn't tell you how nice
you look or offer any fashion hints.

Three, it won't laugh at any of our jokes.

Four, it doesn't fit in a sleeping bag
for sleep-overs,

and it won't even respond
when you send it an invitation.

How rude.

Five, it doesn't have a shoulder to cry on.

And six, and this is by far the worst,
it never hugs.

Yeah! That's right.

We love you for who you are
as a person and friend, Lemon,

and that machine can never be
any of those things.

I sent back my Wonder Waffler.

Too perfect.

There just wasn't
the individual touch of the cook.

Does this mean I have to send back
my Clean-O-Matic?

It hasn't cleaned the dance studio yet.

We don't have to send
the Clean-O-Matic back.

What I'm trying to say is...

Oh, Lemon. Will you please stay with us?


Miss Shortcake. You're right.
I've been neglecting you all.

Miss Meringue?
I'm sorry I never visited your ferry.

How can I make it up to you?

Well, could you help us push
the Salon-O-Matic over to the post office?

I'm sending it back.

At your service!

Oh, no!


Oh, I'm so sorry, Mr. Longface.

Not at all, Miss Meringue.

Your machine has trimmed
the grass to perfection!

I hereby declare Mr. Longface's
Croquet Club open for business!


Miss Meringue,
would it be too much to ask?

It's all yours, Mr. Longface.

Splendid. Would you do the honor
of hitting the first official ball?

My pleasure.



(SINGING) Strawberry Shortcake

She's a berry bitty girl
With berry big possibilities

And fruit-filled fun
Is the secret to her recipes

She may be small
No task is too tall

She 'll be your best bud
Just give her a call

Strawberry, strawberry, strawberry

She’s a berry bitty girl
With big possibilities

Strawberry Shortcake

She may be small but
No task is too tall for

Strawberry Shortcake!


(SINGING) We're going on a picnic

We're going on a picnic

-What's going on?

-Where's the boat?
-I don't know.

-There it is!

-Come on!
-Let's get it back.

-We gotta go on our picnic!
-Pull it in!

Heave-ho! Heave-ho!

Heave-ho! Heave!





BERRYKIN : Let's go!
BERRYKIN : Yeah! Come on!







Come on, Pupcake.
I want to catch the Berrykins

before they cross the lake
to the picnic grounds.

What's a picnic without dessert?

ALL: Help!

ALL: Help!


-We're stuck in the mud!


No, Pupcake,
you'll get stuck in the mud, too!


-Thanks, Strawberry!
-Thank you, Strawberry!

It's a berry good thing
I forgot to pack the dessert for your picnic.

What happened to the boat?

Whoever used it last didn't tie it up.
How can we get it back?




Here you go. Have a berry good picnic.

-Thanks, Strawberry!
-Thank you!


Good bye!

Somebody forgot their phone,
Strawberry. Here!

I know who this belongs to.

"Once upon a time, there was a princess

"who lived in a far, far, far away land,
and she was..."


-Oh, excuse me. Here.
-Let me help you up.




"And the prince married the princess
and they lived happily ever after."


There. Finished it.
Just in time for Blueberry's book club.

Oh, here, Plum.

Huh? Oh, thanks. I forgot where I left that.

-In the boat.
-Oh, yeah!

That was it! I've been so busy
practicing for my dance recital,

I'd forget my hair if it wasn't attached.

It is attached, isn't it?


No problem. The boat drifted away, though.
Maybe you forgot to tie it up?

No, I tied it up.

Maybe you forgot to use two knots?

One knot, two knots, not that it matters.

STRAWBERRY: Well, it mattered
to the Berrykins.

They had to get the boat back
from the middle of the lake.

Just saying, you know,
two knots is the rule.

Whose rule? I do not recall.


Well, Lemon's. It's her boat.

Well, maybe it's a silly rule,
but don't tell her I said so.

I do not want to get in trouble!




Hi, Plum. What you mailing?

Invitations to my dance recital.

-Great! Hey, I'm getting one, aren't l?
-Oh, yeah.




Got them!


Thanks, Jadeybug!

Wow, there must be
enough letters here for...

For everyone who lives in Berry Bitty City
and every last Berrykin in Berry Grove.


-They all need to go out right away.

Could you please stamp them

"Extra-Special Super-Urgent
Ultra-Fast Delivery"?

(GASPING) I get to use my "Extra-Special
Super-Urgent Ultra-Fast Delivery" stamp?


They'll be delivered faster
than you can say...

Extra-Special Super-Urgent
Ultra-Fast Delivery!


An invitation to Plum's dance recital! Wow!








Is something wrong, Miss Shortcake?

The date of Plum's dance recital.

She's holding it here
at the Café Cabaret stage, which is fine,

except that I think
the date she invited us for

is already taken.

Oh, no! Blueberry signed up
for that very date.

Wait a minute. Plum didn't sign up at all!

Oh, must be some mistake.

She knows the rule about signing up.
Everybody does.


-Oh, hello, Mr. Longface.
-Hello, Miss Muffin.

Strawberry, did you give Plum
my Café Cabaret night?

The baby Berrykins are going to be
so disappointed.

I'm supposed to read
their favorite story to them.

I did not give her your night.

Plum must have forgotten to sign up,
or to check if the date was taken, or...


It's all right.
She'll have to reschedule her dance recital.

But she already sent all the invitations.
Oh, poor Plum!

I know. I feel badly, but fair is fair,

and you followed the rules and she didn't.

Don't worry, I'll explain it to her.

(SIGHING) Well, okay.

Thank you, Strawberry.
I don't envy you having to tell Plum.

I don't envy me either.

Somebody's going to be
berry disappointed.


Plum? Do you have a minute?

Sure. Oh, did you get my invitation?

Yes. That's just it.

The day you invited everyone?
The Cabaret stage is taken already.

-Well, you never signed up for it.

But, okay, so I'll sign up now.

It's too late.
Blueberry reserved it weeks ago

to read to the baby Berrykins.

Oh, no! Could she switch it
to another date?

It's not her, it's the rules for the café.
It's my rules.

Can't we just change the rules this time?

She could read to the baby Berrykins
any night.

That's not the point.

She followed the rule, so it wouldn't be fair
for her to have to move her night.

But all those invitations,
I made them myself! By hand!

I'm sorry, Plum.

I'll help you redo your invitations
if you'd like.

No. That's all right. I'll do them myself.

Well, I'm really sorry, Plum.
I'm here to help if you need me.

Did you see
Plum's new dance recital invitation?


I think it's the best joke she's ever played!

Oh, boy! I haven't checked my mail yet.
What does it say?

She moved the date of the recital
and the place.

Now it's in her dance studio,
not Strawberry's café.

And she says there are new rules
for entering the studio.

Listen! "To gain admission to dance studio,
please, one, wear a yellow hat,

"two, knock three times,
and three, guess the secret password."


Oh, no! That Plum, what a jokester!

STRAWBERRY: I don't think she's joking.

LEMON: Course she is.

Isn't she?

She's mad about my sign-up sheet rule
at the café.

But that's a rule that makes sense.
Wear a hat?

Knock three times? That's just nonsense.


Miss Pudding?

The door is locked.
We're here for our dance lessons.

PLUM: I hear knocking, but not three times.

Strawberry was right, she wasn't kidding!

I thought maybe she was being silly.

She's definitely being silly.


-PLUM: Password, please.
-Bet you it's a ballet dance step.

-PLUM: Nay, nay. Sorry.

It's her favorite pie.


-Is it "gooseberry"?
-PLUM: My favorite pie!

But not the password.

How about "ridiculous"?


-"Ridiculous" it is!
-I'll say.


-Yellow hats?
-But we don't have any yellow hats.

Then I'm afraid...

Are you serious?

You're not going to let us in
'cause we're not wearing hats?

Yellow hats.

But, Miss Pudding,
I've been practicing my foxtrot for a week.

I almost have all my feet together.


Fair is fair. Rules are rules.

I've never heard of anything so silly!

Hmm. Me, neither. But it gives me an idea.


ORANGE: Where's Plum?

She's never late for book club.

Maybe I'll give her a call.

Hi, Plum. It's Strawberry.

We're all waiting for you
over at Blueberry's for book club.


Okay. I understand.

She says she needs to practice
for the recital.

She should have had plenty of time
to practice today,

given that she wouldn't
let anyone in for class.

I know.
I don't know what has gotten into her.

PLUM: Password please.




Well, I'll have to come by
another time then.

I can't guess.

-That's it. You got it.

The password. It's "guess."

Pretty clever, huh?


But you're not wearing a yellow hat.

Plum, I think we need to talk.

I know you're upset with me,

but it seems like
you're taking this grudge too far.

I don't know what you mean.

All these nonsense rules?

If you think my rules are nonsense,
what about Raspberry's rules?

Raspberry has rules?


but don't forget,
you may only stand on the dots.

-Oh, Strawberry!

It's you!
You don't have to stand on the dots.

May I ask who does?

Well, when Plum comes here
for her fittings of her dance costume,

she has to.


Fair's fair.

If Plum's going to make me obey silly rules
for her dance studio,

then she's going to have to
obey my silly rules, too.

And besides, I'm not the only one
who feels this way.

Lemon and Mr. Longface
have silly rules for Plum, too.

What kind of rules?

Well, Lemon makes Plum wear
a green hat to come to the salon,

then whistle while she's getting
her hair and nails done.

Oh! And she has to recite a poem
called "Ode to a Caterpillar"

and call Mr. Longface
"Sir Highness Longface"

before she can even enter
his Mini-Bitty golf course.

I know, I know,
I think Plum's rules are silly, too.

Holding a grudge
does not do anyone any good.

But I think you're making things worse
by holding a grudge, too.

Besides, rules should be for everybody.

It's not fair that
you just make Plum follow your rules.

Oh! That is a good point, Miss Shortcake.

Excellent point.

Okay, Strawberry. I understand.

Me, too.

(SIGHS) I'm glad. More tea?


-Hi, Strawberry!
-Good morning.


Why are you wearing green hats?

We gotta. Lemon's new rules.

Oh, really?

Wonderful shot, Sir Highness Longface.

(IN NORMAL VOICE) Why, thank you.

Oh! Too bad.

(IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE) Guess it's your
turn again, Sir Highness Longface.

That's my ball, Sir Highness Longface.

My mistake, Sir Highness. I mean...


This doesn't work, playing miniature golf
against oneself.

RASPBERRY: Hi? Orange?

Are you going to come try on
your new shirt? It's ready.

I don't think so.
It's too hard hopping from dot to dot.


Okay. Goodbye, then.

Hi, Blueberry? Are you coming
for your manicure this week?

You haven't rescheduled.

Sorry, Lemon. My lips are still sore
from whistling at my pedicure.

Think I better wait till next week.

Okay, no problem.

Strawberry? Hi, it's Lemon. I'm having
a special on facial scrubs today, and...

What I'm trying to say is,
you don't have to whistle.


You were right. Our acting like Plum
doesn't solve anything.

Thanks, Lemon. I'm glad to hear you say so.
I'll see you soon.

Those smell heavenly!

Thank you.

That was Lemon. She's decided
to get rid of her silly new rules.

So have l, Miss Shortcake.
Too much trouble for everyone.

No one comes to
play Mini-Bitty golf anymore.

Now, if only Plum would get rid of hers.

(LAUGHING) Oh, Plum,
you don't have to stand on the dots.

I don't?

No. I decided it was a silly rule.

People got so tired of it that no one wanted
to come to the boutique anymore.

-Here you are.
-It's beautiful, Raspberry!

Thank you!

You RSVP'd "no" to my invitation.

Oh, uh...

Well, you see...

The only people who are coming
are Blueberry and Strawberry.

It's my new rules, isn't it?

Well, to be honest, yes.

I've been too busy to make a yellow hat.

Well, guess what?

For my recital,
I'm waiving all the rules at my studio.

Now will you come?

No hats? No knocking? No password?
I'm in!

Hello, everyone!

I wanted to let you know that I'm waiving
all my dance studio rules tonight,

so please come to my recital.


Hi, Orange. Hi, Jadeybug. Need some help?

Almost there. We're going to
break this up into bags of nut mix.

Aren't they cute? Raspberry made them.

She made my dress for my recital tonight.



I wanted to let you know that for one night
and one night only,

I'm waiving my dance studio rules.

So, I'm hoping you'll both
change your minds

and come to my show tonight.

-Okay, I'll be there.
-Me, too.





Thank you all for coming, and please enjoy
some refreshments outside.

You were wonderful, Plum!
And what a beautiful costume.

Thank you! Raspberry did a great...


What's wrong?

My dance floor!

There are little holes in it! It's ruined!


-Yes, Plum?

Stop! Don't move!

Your shoes!

(GASPING) What is it?

I'm afraid your heels
made little puncture marks

in Plum's dance floor.

Oh, goodness. I feel terrible!

But everyone knows my rule
about footwear in my studio!

No heels.

It was my first and oldest rule.

But you told us you were waiving
all your studio rules tonight.

I... Well, I thought that meant
the shoe rule, too.

I'm so very sorry.

I just didn't think about
why you had that rule,

but now I see why it was needed.

Oh, Plum, what can I do?

-I'll help you refinish your floor, Plum.
-You will?

-Me, too, Plum.

Thank you, Jadeybug.

Don't feel bad. It's my own fault.
I didn't make it clear about the rules.

Strawberry, you'd help me?

After I've been acting so foolish
and holding a grudge and everything?

Of course, Plum. I'd be berry glad to help.

You were right, Strawberry.
Your sign-up rule was a good one,

and I should have respected it,

even if I didn't understand
why it was important at the time.

If you don't understand
why a rule is important, next time, just ask.

I will.

Don't forget to use two knots.


We would not want the boat to get loose,
and it is Lemon's rule.

-And it's a good one.
-It sure is.

It won't drift away again now.

Most certainly not.


Strawberry Shortcake

She's a berry bitty girl
With berry big possibilities

And fruit-filled fun
Is the secret to her recipes

She may be small
No task is too tall

She 'll be your best bud
Just give her a call

Strawberry, strawberry, strawberry

She’s a berry bitty girl
With big possibilities

Strawberry Shortcake

She may be small but
No task is too tall for

Strawberry Shortcake!


I did it! I did it!

I did it!

I did it!

-Oh, no!

Plum, come on! You have to see! I did it!

Orange, hurry!
You have to see what I made!

Blueberry! Blueberry! Come on!

Raspberry! You've got to come see!
You've just got to!

Strawberry! Come see!

See what?


That's the most incredible manicure ever.

But there's more!


-They're musical!
-ALL: Wow!

I call them "Glamicures."

-They're the greatest!
-The berry best!

Most creative salon beautification!


Thank you!

-Great, thanks!

Oh! Thank you!




Thank you berry, berry much!

This is the greatest thing
since raspberry lip gloss.

I'm so glad you like them.









Oh, my goodness.
This is the greatest thing ever.

It is the greatest thing I've ever seen!

And here you go, Lemon.

And thank you
for the wonderful Glamicure!


This is the greatest beautification success
I've ever had!





ALL: Ooh!




I'm sorry, Mr. Longface.




I'm so sorry, everyone.

I'd better go do something (LAUGHS)
somewhere else.


(IN TUNE) One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven and eight,

, , and ...


What am I doing?


I'm not sure how this is going to work out.

Maybe a little quiet
will help me think of an answer.





-Hi, Plum!


Hi there. Just having a little swim.
The weather's so nice.



Well, it was nice weather.

So, how do you like your Glamicure?

It's just wonderful!

Yeah, wonderful and waterproof.


(GASPING) Waterproof?


That so?

Yeah. Won't wash off,
no matter how hard you scrub.


How lucky for us.


-I can't stand them anymore!
-I can't stand them anymore!


Music is nice here and there,
but all day and all night?

I can't think straight!

Try dancing to two tunes at the same time.

The one you're supposed to dance to
and the one coming from your Glamicure.

I think people aren't coming
to the store as much

because they're getting tired
of the Glamicure music.

What are we going to do?

I don't know.

Maybe Raspberry and Blueberry
can think of something.


Good idea.
In the meantime, let's get out of here.

PLUM: (SHOUTING) So, what do we do now?

ORANGE: (SHOUTING) I don't know.

What can we do?

You say you want a pan of stew?

(SHOUTING) No, I said, what can we do?

Well, the first thing we can do
is get rid of these earmuffs.

They're almost as bad as the Glamicures.

So, what do we do?

Okay, everybody hold your hands very still.



Look, we have to tell Lemon
that these things just aren't working out.

But how could we do that?
She's so proud of them.

I know. I've never seen her
so thrilled about something.

It would hurt her feelings to learn the truth.

I'm not going to be the one to tell her.

If she found out that we don't like
her Glamicures, well, she...


She might stop
giving manicures altogether!

Why, she might even stop
giving hairstylings!

And she might not speak to us ever again!

She might close the salon and move away!

And it'd be our fault for being so cruel.

You're right.
Strawberry'd never do something like that.

She's too considerate.

-Yeah, that's true.
-Yeah, you're right.

She's really nice about things like this.

I take back what I said about telling Lemon.

I would go to the ends of the Earth
rather than hurt her feelings.

I would go beyond the ends of the Earth!

Well, I would... I would...

I would put up with my Glamicure forever!

ALL: Us, too!

Then it's decided. We'll never tell Lemon
her Glamicures are driving us crazy.



It's a really simple step, Orange.
Just do exactly what I do.



One, two, three. One, two, three.


One, two, three, one, two, three, four...

Three, one, two, three, four,
one, three, two, seven, eight...




If that isn't the signal for nap time,
nothing is.


Huh? What?


-Where could they be?
-Who are you looking for, Lemon?

Raspberry and Orange.

They were supposed to meet me
for a picnic, but they haven't shown.

That's odd. I wonder what happened.

It seems as if Blueberry and Plum
have been avoiding me, too.

-I wonder if they are mad at me.
-Mad at you?

Maybe I did something wrong?
Or maybe they just don't like me anymore?

I don't see how anyone couldn't like you.

I know. How about if I do my pruning later
and I'll picnic with you.

Oh, Strawberry, thank you.

And then, when we're done,
you could go by the other girls' places

and ask them if everything's okay.

Ask them? Oh, my! No, I couldn't do that.


I know it's scary sometimes
to ask difficult questions,

but wouldn't you rather know the truth
than imagine bad things?


But what if the truth is
something just terrible?

Could it be more terrible
than what you are already afraid of?

"Maybe they don't like me anymore"?

Well, I guess you have a point.

What if you ask them for me?

I think it's better coming from you.
More direct, you know?

But I'll be happy to go with you,
if you'd like.

-I'll think about it after our picnic.
-Sounds good.

Look, Strawberry had the same idea.
Gardening gloves, that's good.

But isn't she afraid Lemon will catch on?

Looks like she's taking them off.
Oh, poor Strawberry.

Such a kind soul to picnic with Lemon
and endure that music.

Oh, I feel so bad avoiding Lemon's invitation
for a picnic.

Me, too, but I just couldn't bear
to listen to my Glamicure.

Be strong. We made a vow to live with
our Glamicures and not tell Lemon.

No matter how tired we are, no matter
how many picnics we have to miss. Deal?



You're right, Strawberry.
I have to talk to my friends.

And now's as good a time as any.

-But you'll come along, right?



Got it!


Thanks, Lemon!


-Hi, Strawberry!

I just dropped by to see
if everything's, you know, okay?

Okay? Well, sure! What wouldn't be okay?

Everything's just great!

Sorry about the picnic,
just got so busy in the store.

Oh, I see. That's fine. Strawberry joined me.

So, is your Glamicure working okay?

Okay? Well, sure!

-Lights nice and bright?

So bright you almost need sunglasses.


Oh, good! Plenty of music?


Morning, noon, and night.

Well, thanks. I just wanted to see
if everything was okay.

As okay as an "O" and a "K" can be.




Fiction, adventure,


-Hi, Blueberry!

Oh, hi!


-Is this a bad time?
-Is everything okay, Blueberry?

Okay? Couldn't be better.

Why, I was just sorting books
to the tune of my Glamicure.


Oh, good. I was just...
Well, I haven't seen you in a couple of days.

I just wanted to make sure I didn't do
anything to, well, you know, bother you?

Bother me? Why, no! No!

Okay. That's good.
Well, I'll see you around then.

Nice to see you, Lemon, Strawberry.


That was close. Bosley!

Oh, dear! Oh, my!

LEMON: Hi, Raspberry!
What are you sewing?



Everything okay, Raspberry?
What are you making?


Just stuff. You know, stuff.

Just trying my new over-under-
through-and-back stitch.

Hey, did I mention
how much I love my Glamicure?


Thanks, Plum!

-See you later!
-You were right.

-Everything is fine, I think.
-You think?

Well, everyone said so,
but I had a teeny-tiny feeling

that maybe something wasn't right.

It must have just been me, I guess.

I'm just glad that you spoke to everyone.
That took courage, Lemon.

Thanks. Yeah, I do feel better, I guess.




Hmm. Poor things.

I'm sure you're wondering
why I asked you here.

I need your help with something.



-Where'd they go?
-What happened to your Glamicure?

It wasn't working out for me.
It was a little too bright and distracting.

I know!

I can't dance with it!

I can't stack my shelves!

I can't sleep!

And it clashes with everything I wear!

How did you get rid of it?

We tried everything!

Soap and water,
ketchup and peanut butter.

-How did you do it?
-ALL: How did you do it?

I just told Lemon how I felt,
and she removed it.

-You told her?
-But... But... But...

Is she all right?

Did it break her heart?

Oh, Strawberry, how could you?

I just figured
that part of being a good friend

is having the courage
to give constructive criticism.

You know, telling them
the truth about something

so they can do better the next time.

And the other part is taking that criticism
in a friendly way, which Lemon did.

She's fine.

It was driving me crazy!

I couldn't think straight!

I wanted to hide my head under a pillow!

I tried that. It didn't work.

But we've been putting up with it
because, well...

So we wouldn't have to tell Lemon.

We kind of...

Avoided it...


We even kind of avoided Lemon.

I know. She told me.

She was worried
you might be upset with her.

Oh, no! That's just awful!

Poor Lemon!

And she even dropped by today to make
sure everything was okay between us,

and I didn't tell her the truth.

Well, there's only one thing to do.
You'll just have to tell her.

Could we?

We won't make her feel bad?

You can't make her feel worse
than you did by hiding from her.

-I guess.
-Yes, we should.

We'd definitely better.

I agree. We really ought to.

-Tell Lemon the truth!
-ALL: Tell Lemon the truth!

So, what are you waiting for?

-You go.
-No, you go.

-After you.
-No, you.

Hi! Wow.
Do you all need appointments right now?

Come on. It's what friends do.

It's the... The Glamicures.

We kind of think...

-They sort of...
-Aren't right for us.

Not right?


Stop it! Stop it! Stop!


-You're laughing.
-But why?

I never realized how bothersome
these Glamicures could be.

We didn't hurt your feelings?

Well, I'm disappointed
they didn't work out,

but I really wish you'd told me sooner.

I mean, you're my friends.
I'd rather you were honest with me.

I'm sorry we weren't.

I've got a great idea!
New and improved Super Glamicures!

-Super Glamicures?

I don't know.

Don't worry,
I'll listen to any suggestions you have.


Controllable colors.

And a way to change the tune.

A way to change the beat.

A way to turn them off.


All great ideas.



Especially the "off" switch.